• Published 27th Apr 2023
  • 443 Views, 2 Comments

Even if death separates us... - BroSparkle

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"Even if death do us part..."

Author's Note:

It was my baptism of fire (or ink considering the circumstances...) in the matter at the time. I hope you liked ;)

Night had recently fallen on the crystal city, but the light of day was long gone. The fine rain that Pegasus ponies had made fall, to give more solemnity to this event, began to stop, slowly.

Residents and distinguished guests were leaving, after the last respects were paid to the deceased, and were returning home or to their hotel. Some passed by the crystal heart, which seemed to have taken on a gray color, filled with the sadness of people who had deep sorrow, especially for the one who had just lost the one she loved with all her heart.

Only a mare dressed in a black dress remained on the spot. But that color couldn't reflect the pain of his now sorrowful heart. At her hooves rested a bunch of flowers, with black roses, in front of the crystal statue of a stallion, her husband.

Despite her veil and the rain, you could clearly see tears running down her cheeks. She kept her head down, her eyes fixed on the memorial plaque of the deceased located on the base of the statue. This represented a stallion in armour, standing with one hoof in the air, his chest raised, as if ready to face a danger that would threaten his city and his wife. On the crystal plate was written "Shining Armor, protector of the Crystal Empire and husband of Princess Cadence, rest in peace".

Thus, says the widowed princess, here comes "the moment" that each couple, when making their union sacred, believes impossible to come. They do not think during their common existence of his arrival. On the contrary, they joke about the day after. Like... getting a new lease on life for the one still living in between. Yet here it is... an irresistible moment. Heartbreaking...but here it is. Love is perhaps a phenomenal power, capable of repelling an entire army or a demon from darkness. But this power cannot make one immortal.

She and Shining had a long and happy life together, but one that couldn't stand the test of time. Their powerful love may well have given her husband a reprieve of several years, but what had to happen. After so much joy, happiness, even with childish arguments as is common among couples and which ends in a sincere kiss, now she is alone. Alone with his pain and the question that comes immediately after this event for every widow or widower : how am I going to live without him now ?

As she continued to sob, she suddenly felt a soft feathery coat caress her back.

"Cadence, how are you feeling ?" asked the Princess of Friendship in a small voice, also dressed in black, not in doubt about the answer that will follow, and feeling guilty started the conversation by asking this question.

''Oh, very well'' replied this one after a moment, her words interspersed with silent sobs, ''I am the princess... of Love... now without her love... ruler of an Empire that has... lost its protector''. She paused for a moment before continuing, the sound of her voice betraying her pain, "But most of all, I am… a wife… without her husband !" she continued, weeping bitterly.

"I'm sorry Cadence," Twilight replied, ignoring that natural anger and trying to make up for it. "Shining wasn't just your husband, he was also my brother, my BBBFF, and I get what you feel.''

''Forgive me Twilight'', addressed the one who had known her since childhood, understanding that she had lost her temper, ''I imagine that you are as affected as me that he is gone, but I can't see me living without him now. We've had too many moments together to leave each other." With these words she couldn't hold back a long sigh as she touched the crystal hoof of her tender husband, her head raised towards his. "This moment should never happen, for any couple. It's too hard to tell ourselves that when we get up the next day, we will never see the face or hear the voice of the one for whom our heart beats... No, no one should experience this... Why do alicorns have to live longer than other races ? Everyponies envy our longevity, but it's more of a curse than anything else...''

“You know... Celestia always told me that our pain over the loss of loved ones is the price we pay for our longevity, for those who have to protect the inhabitants of this world. Our mission, as alicorn, is to ensure their safety and fulfillment, so that they too can live happily ever after, while we see our loved ones leaving, without being able to do anything about it, without being able to join them. All we can do is keep moving forward, never forgetting them, because that's what they want us to do. They would not want us to give in to despair, but on the contrary, to continue to have a good life.

"But, no offense Twilight..." the widow asked her now, her eyes still locked with those of her love, "How do you not seem more affected than me by his disappearance ?"

"I have sadly experienced enough similar events to know how to stop showing my grief in front of others every time." answered Twilight, remembering the painful moments lived with the loss of her parents, then of her friends, they too having finally yielded to the implacable effect of Time, one by one. Thinking of them, she felt a tear running down her cheeks and eventually falling to the ground forming a broken heart, which will not reform...

“Sorry to insist and ask you that Twilight, but how did you manage to continue living after these hard times ?”

"Very simple," Twilight replied, turning to Cadence and removing her veil just like her, "I was lucky to have people who were dear to me to come and console me and help overcome these tragedies. There were my friends, Spike, Celestia and Luna, then you Cadence. That's all. Today, it's up to me to come and help you, as it is up to you to help me overcome this moment. It will be hard, but by supporting each other, we will get there, together.’’ With these words, she gave a hug to her sister-in-law who returned it with as much affection.

Yes, thought the Princess of Love, they will help each other overcome this terrible ordeal, in memory of her husband and, concerning Twilight, in memory of her BBBFF. The death of the last person they both knew from childhood will not cause them to fall into despair and loneliness, that was not what The Shining would want for them.

"Do you remember the song you used to sing to me to sleep when I was a filly ?" Twilight asked her, looking back at her brother's statue.

''Which ? You took so long to close your eyes that I sang several in a row.'' replied the mare with light pink hair, a small smile slowly forming on her face still marked by her tears.

"Come on, you know very well which one I'm talking about." Twilight retorted while giving her a light hoof kick, also with a smile that was beginning to emerge.

"I don't know if it's the perfect time to sing it, and it's been so long..."

"On the contrary, it's the perfect moment, and I highly doubt you've forgotten about it, unless you're not really the Princess of Love."

"Very well..." finally yielded the princess after a light sigh. She then took a deep breath, closing her eyes. Love is an eternal song

"With countless powerful voices", Twilight continued.

Then in chorus, they continued while a soft warmth filled their hearts and the rain had stopped and the clouds were replaced by the soft light of the Moon. Lit by the night star, the statue of Shining sparkle and almost let believe that it came to life by making it look like a crystal pony.

"Life can be hard and short
But love is and will always be there
Sung night and day in choir
It helps to overcome all the difficulties
It softens pain and brings comfort
No matter what happens to us
As long as there is love there is hope
Love is eternal"

Carried away in their momentum and feeling supported by each other, each put her paw on the neck of her neighbor while continuing, tears on their face, but not only tears of sadness this time.

Love is eternal.

While finishing this melody, their horns touched and sent sparks that landed on the statue, reinforcing the soft glow that came out of it. It almost looked like a smile was forming on the crystal face. That smile also appeared the faces of the two mares as Cadence now felt comforted and ready to face the future that lay ahead of her.

"Thank you Twilight," Cadence finally said after a few minutes, feeling a lot better, because now she knew that Shining Armor would always be with her and that despite leaving this world, she wasn't alone. .

''It's nothing. After all, you were there during my painful moments with my parents and my friends, although losing the last member of his family is a deep pain.'', replied the purple mare, also relieved.

Then as they left the square, not without a last look at Shining which meant not “farewell” but more “see you soon”, Cadence asked her sister-in-law : "Do you remember the oath we take, when we declare our union? ''

''We promise to love and cherish each other, until death do us part.'' replied the interested party, in a voice that was beginning to regain its scholarly tone that she uses to answer a question.

“We should rather say, that we will always love each other. Even if death separates us, he will remain with us in our heart and we will continue to love him and have a happy life, because that is what he would want for us and he will be able to see it by being near us, even without being seen.

As she spoke these words, the crystal heart returned to its original color, now filled with brotherly love, but also love for a spouse, and a determination to face the future, in memory and for his love, Shining Armor.

Comments ( 2 )

That was a good story.

Thanks you very much. :)

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