• Published 20th Apr 2023
  • 321 Views, 5 Comments

Taxes? - GurbangulyBerdimuhamedow

She can save the world but can she do taxes?

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Chapter 4: The silly suited shootout

Pinkie Pie stepped out of the Sugarcube Corner, feeling the hot sun beating down on her as she strolled through the dusty streets of Dodge Junction. She was on a mission to deliver a huge batch of cupcakes to a nearby town, but little did she know that trouble was brewing.

As she walked past the local bank, she noticed a group of ponies gathered around a stern-looking stallion in a suit. They were all murmuring and shaking their heads in frustration.

Curiosity getting the best of her, Pinkie approached the group and overheard the stallion saying, "I'm sorry, folks, but the bank is in default. You owe the IRS a large sum of money, and I'm here to collect."

Pinkie didn't know what the IRS was, but she knew one thing for sure - she didn't like the sound of it. She had always believed that making ponies happy was more important than anything else, and the idea of some pony in a suit coming in and ruining that happiness made her blood boil.

Before she could think twice, Pinkie stepped forward and said, "Hey! What do you think you're doing, Mr. Suit? These ponies don't owe you anything!"

The stallion turned to her, his expression hardening. "I'm afraid it's not that simple, miss. These ponies owe a debt, and it's my job to collect it."

Pinkie narrowed her eyes. "Well, I don't think it's fair that you get to ruin their happiness just because they owe some money. And I'm not gonna let you do it."

The stallion chuckled. "You? What can you do, miss? You're just a baker."

Pinkie grinned mischievously. "Oh, you'd be surprised what a baker can do when her friends are in trouble."

With that, she turned on her heel and sprinted towards the outskirts of town. She knew what she had to do.

A few minutes later, Pinkie emerged from an old abandoned mine with a bandolier of cupcakes strapped across her chest and a cowboy hat on her head. She had transformed into Pinkie the Kid, a notorious outlaw who had made a name for herself throughout the west with her quick wit and even quicker hooves.

As she strode back into town, the IRS enforcer and his gang of stallions were waiting for her. They had their guns drawn, but Pinkie didn't flinch. She had faced danger before, and she wasn't afraid to face it again.

"Alright, Mr. Suit," she said, drawing her own pistol. "Let's see who's really in charge around here."

The enforcer sneered. "You're making a mistake, miss. The law is on my side."

Pinkie just laughed. "The law might be on your side, but I've got something even better - the power of friendship!"

With that, Pinkie started firing cupcakes in every direction. The enforcer and his gang were taken by surprise, their guns jamming with sprinkles and frosting. Pinkie dodged and weaved, firing her own cupcakes with deadly accuracy.

After a few intense minutes of flying cupcakes and dodging bullets, Pinkie emerged victorious. The enforcer and his gang had retreated, their hats and suits covered in frosting and their spirits broken.

As Pinkie helped the ponies of Dodge Junction pick themselves up and dust themselves off, she couldn't help but feel proud of herself. She had stood up for what she believed in, and she had won. The power of friendship had triumphed once again.

And as she rode off into the sunset on a wave of frosting and sprinkles, Pinkie knew that she would always be there to defend her friends,