• Published 20th Apr 2023
  • 322 Views, 5 Comments

Taxes? - GurbangulyBerdimuhamedow

She can save the world but can she do taxes?

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Chapter 2: A dash of tax evasion

Rainbow Dash was having a fantastic day. She had just completed an impressive Sonic Rainboom and was feeling on top of the world. However, her mood quickly changed when she received a letter from the IRS.

The letter stated that Rainbow Dash had been audited and owed a large sum of money in back taxes. Rainbow Dash was shocked and confused. She had always been diligent about filing her taxes on time and had never missed a payment.

She immediately contacted her accountant, who began looking into the matter. It turned out that there had been a mistake in the previous year's tax return, which resulted in an underpayment of taxes. The mistake had gone unnoticed until now, and the IRS was demanding payment in full.

Rainbow Dash was distraught. She didn't have the money to pay the full amount, and she had no idea how she was going to come up with it. She tried to appeal the decision, but it was too late. The IRS had already seized her bank accounts and put a lien on her property.

To make matters worse, the news of Rainbow Dash's financial trouble had leaked to the press. Suddenly, she was being hounded by reporters and fans, all wanting to know why she was in such dire straits. Rainbow Dash was humiliated and didn't know how to handle the attention.

In the end, Rainbow Dash was forced to sell some of her prized possessions to pay off the debt. It was a painful experience, but it taught her a valuable lesson about the importance of staying on top of her finances and making sure her tax returns were always accurate.

From that day forward, Rainbow Dash made sure to triple-check her tax returns and keep meticulous records of all her finances. She never wanted to go through the stress and embarrassment of an IRS audit again. Though it was a tough experience, it ultimately made her a wiser and more responsible pony.