• Published 17th Apr 2023
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Stella the Anguana - Kawat3ngusan

This is the Prologue of my main stories (The Chronicles of the Dragonheart Pegasi

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The Chronicles of the Dragonheart pegasi


Among the white and beautiful mountains of the Ithaylian Alps, one of the most beautiful landscapes of Europone, a particular figure wanders who carries a sack. The figure in question is a young unicorn, it is not known who she is, we only know that the mare walks around wearing a long black cloak with a hood. It would seem that the mare goes around the mountains hiding her presence in the snow and trees, and whenever she meets any pony she hides.

The mare climbs towards a very high mountain, but here she is frightened by a noise, a pony has followed her?

The mare hides near a rock and tries to see what that noise was, she thinks in her head that if some pony finds her then she is in trouble. But luckily she has nothing to fear, because the noise she heard was nothing more than a poor baby ibex that had fallen into a crack in the rocks. It is not a pony then, but the mare cannot stand there and watch the poor animal in pain. So with the help of a pick that she takes from her sack she widens the crack; and with her magic she raises the poor puppy.

The unicorn looks at the little ibex and takes him by the leg

-“Are you hurt?” -She asks, then checking, she discovers that it has an injured paw,

-“Come with me, I'll take you to my house, I'll heal you and then later I'll look for your family”-,
with these words the unicorn comforts the puppy.

With the help of magic, the mare carries the little ibex, in this way she can carry him with her without hurting him and without encumbering her, since the sack she carries is already quite heavy.

After a short walk between rocks and snow, the unicorn finds in front of her a strange creature that resembles a Windigo, but it is not a Windigo.

The creature's features are those of a stallion made of air, but totally different from a Windigo, the unicorn places the sack and the puppy on the snow, and then stands in front of the monster.

The monster begins to charge the mare, but she manages to dodge the attack, then the monster growls and rises into the air, and with a couple of blasts tries to hit the unicorn.

The mare manages to dodge the first two winds, but the third blow takes her, making her fall into the snow.

The unicorn does not get up, so the wind monster descends from above and goes to see the fallen mare.

The monster approaches slowly sniffing the mare’s corpse, and just as he is about to give her a hoof punch, the mare immediately stands up and with a magical beam of her horn pierces the monster's head, and with his head burned the body of the monster begins to dissolve in the air.

The unicorn clears herself of the snow, with her magic she takes back the puppy and her sack and resumes her journey.

Arriving at a rocky wall, the mare places her horn in a cavity in the rock, and here a door opens that leads to the inside of the mountain, the mare enters with the puppy and the sack and then closes the stone door behind of herself.

Inside what looks like a den, we find a small alcove carved into the stone, with a small bonfire and some wood to keep it burning, in a corner of the room there is a small bed made of straw, and also a table made of stone.

The unicorn places the ibex on the straw and then puts the sack on the stone table. The mare positions herself on the stone table and takes tools, pestles and a large stone cup to grind.

The mare takes some herbs, moss, lichen and alpine flowers and places them in the stone bowl.

Here at that moment we can see the true identity of the unicorn that is not a unicorn, her coat is yellow, and her mane is white, but her eyes are different from other ponies, the eyes are those of a reptile, and once the hood is removed we discover that the upper part of the body is that of a pony, but the second half of the mare's body is that of a lizard, with scales, legs and tail included, the mare in question is actually an Anguana.

The latter checks the paw of the poor ibex, and checks for other wounds.

-“Poor little one, does it really hurt”? -,

the cub responds with a bleat, then the mare consoles him by talking to him,

-“You don't have to be afraid of me, I'm an Anguana, I'm a witch who lives in the mountains of the Alps, my name is Stella”-,

the ibex looked at the mare's eyes and was not frightened, but heartened, "I don't want to hurt you, I just want to heal your paw."

Stella sat at the table to mix the ingredients in the stone cup, while she stirred with her hooves, with magic she put a spell on the leg of the ibex.

After a couple of minutes she took the cup and poured the contents on the puppy's injured paw, then took some leaves and bandaged the paw with a bandage. The ibex felt better, but he still couldn't put his paw on, so Stella told him to rest until he felt better.

-“As soon as you get better we will look for your family”-, said Stella

– “To tell the truth, it’s better for me that there is someone with me, I'm a young Anguana, I'm here because I had to go and live far from my sisters, today unfortunately I had the misfortune to meet a Mephit of the air, luckily I am quite good with magic, otherwise these mountains would have had one less guardian”-,

the monster she had defeated before was in fact a Mephit, a mystical elemental creature, usually there are several elements, and they are wild and dangerous creatures, much more than Changelings, the Mephits of the air are horses made of wind and live among the high peaks of Europone, the only way to defeat them is to hit their heart and the magic gland they have in place of the brain, in fact Stella had also been trained by the other Anguanas to defeat the various Mephits, so she didn't have much fear when she first encountered the monster; but she knew that if you hit the Mephit only in the brain leaving its heart intact, it would reform, therefore Stella would only have a short time before the monster would regenerate, but she also knew that if made of wind the Mephits of the air would not they pass through the cracks in the rock, so she wasn't afraid of being attacked if she was in her lair, and luckily she had plenty of water and food, and she could also sense with her magical hearing if there were dangers outside her lair.

After a few lines, Stella was completely concentrated on her writing, and in her mind she herself was repeating what she was writing.

What you read in this book is a story about simple mares who did a lot for the pony species, unfortunately they were often considered witches, or their stories were meaningless to the most ignorant ponies, but that's not the case. The book of the Dragonheart Pegasi tells the story of the most famous mare pegasi who were friends of dragons, their destiny had already been written in the stars, they were simple mare pegasi but they did a lot for the ponies and it is right that their stories are known . The Dragonheart pegasi are divided into two groups: the Dragonheart pegasi and the dragon sisters, both are animal lovers and can understand their language, however the first ones can command the dragons and make them carry out any order they want. There is little documentation on Dragonheart pegasi and dragon sisters, it is said that two dragon sisters and one Dragonheart are born every 150 years, but this is not an exact information.

However, we Anguanas have collected several documents about the life of the most important dragonheart pegasi in the history of ponies. Many ignorant ponies, cattle and griffins dared to take advantage of their powers, sometimes instead they were killed and compared to witches, or even worse sometimes a Dragonheart mare lived a life without even knowing of her gift, often sisters and Dragonhearts.

Dragonheart pegasi hid in places far from civilization in order to survive. Many Dragonheart or dragon sisters have helped many famous ponies in their life, sometimes they were muses, simple assistants, wives, lovers, friends, but they have often influenced the life of many famous and historical ponies such as Leonardo Da Whiinci, Giuseppony Garibaldi, Lorenzo the Magnificent, Cristrotforo Colombo, Enricolt the Navigator, Ferdineighndo Magellano, Haylessandro Magno, Julius Caesar, Francis Drake and Vasco de Gama just to name a few ones.

Unfortunately, the documentation of the sisters of the dragons has never been clear and the stories about them are few, on the contrary the stories of the Dragonheart pegasi although they are not as numerous as those of the sisters are more detailed, as they were written by themselves or from Anguanas that they knew. It would take several books to collect the stories and information of the sisters and the Dragon Hearts, but in this book the stories of the most important Dragon Hearts in the history of ponies are collected, pegasi who have given a lot both for themselves and for ponies and especially for dragons.

The presence of the Dragonheart is given by the constellation of the Dragonheart Pegasus, so called because it represents a pegasus with dragon wings, and composed of eight stars; if the constellation is clearly visible, then it means that the chosen pegasus has not yet been born, on the contrary if the constellation is not there, at that time there is a dragonheart pegasus.

There are many interesting aspects about the Dragonheart pegasi and the dragon sisters and recognizing them is both easy and difficult.

1) They are always pegasus mares, and they spend a lot of time together with dragons, from once a day up to a lifetime,

2) Dragons of any race, element and size blindly obey any of their orders, but only Dragonhearts

3) They have a keen interest in any culture, science, language, music and art, sometimes they are themselves discoverers, inventors and musicians.

4) They protect dragons as if they were their own brothers and sisters, sometimes they regard dragons as their parents.

5) Despite their gentle and graceful appearance they are excellent warriors and are suitable for various combat disciplines with any weapon

6) They can perceive the truth in any creature, be it pony, dragon, griffin or Changeling

7) They can feel the pain of an animal simply by touching it or looking it in the eye

8) Their main senses such as sight, hearing and smell are amplified and are at the level of those of a dragon if not superior, they are also able to see in the dark in the forests, to see from afar, hear distant noises and perceive distinct smells even in the midst of other fragrances

9) They love the contact with nature, even if they prefer to live under a stable roof

10) The voice of the Dragonhearts calms the sad souls, both of dragons and ponies, it is said that the song of a Dragonheart pegasus can put foals to sleep even if they do not belong to them

11) It is said that they are immune to some diseases, spells and curses and that they can perceive dark spells, they are also able to recognize various disguised creatures such as Changelings, witches, mermaids and foxes of the east

12) Although they have wings, they love to explore places without using them, such as forests and mountains, they are said to have a preference towards mountain habitat and forests

13) They live long and stay young longer than other mares

14) They can understand the language of dragons, fairies and elves regardless of whether they have ever learned it

15) They are born only in the Europone territory, even if some sisters have moved to the east or west

16) It is also said that they are immune to some poisons, that they have strong teeth like those of dragons, some even manage to eat foods that only dragons eat, such as gems, stone potatoes and fire berries.

17) It's not official, but it seems that some of them can breathe fire, earth or water, depending on the dragons they lived with

18) They have strong wings and strong muscles and are able to create strong air currents simply with their wings, they are also able to fly in the strongest and most raging blizzards without flinching

19) They have more than one origin, sometimes they even have roots from more than two countries

20) They possess instincts of both ponies and dragons, some perceive danger in the air, managing to avoid it, some are said to have abilities that neither dragons nor ponies can have.

After writing those lines, Stella magically took a stone cup with spring water inside and drank it, then went back to writing and smiled.

-“I would say this note is useless, but I like to write it because it is true after all”-,

Stella added a note concerning the Dragonheart pegasi, and it was a little less serious note than those written before.

21) It is also said that the Dragonheart pegasi are very greedy for cheese, it is said that they go crazy and eat it at will, without fear of gaining weight, and this is a funny fact since it is a strange factor that does not lead to no dragon habit.

Stella reread the introduction of the book and smiled, she thought of resting a little so that she could then help the baby ibex to find his family. The next morning, in fact, Stella saw that the ibex was better, and so after closing the cave they set off to look for ibexes, of course Stella checked every path in case there was any Mephit around.

Fortunately, their journey was peaceful, and when they arrived near a grove Stella finally found a family of ibexes.

Fortunately, the Anguanas know the language of alpine animals, so for Stella there was no problem in talking to the puppy's family, indeed, the older ibex thanked Stella by nodding his head, and so did Stella.

After that, even if with melancholy, Stella greeted the cub with the family, and then returned to her lair.

For nearly two weeks Stella came out of the cave only to collect pine cones, berries and some other supplies, because she wanted to complete the first chapter of the book as soon as possible.

And after another day Stella succeeded in her intent,

-“It's only the first part of the book, there is still a lot to do”-

she thought

-“But I still want to show it to the elderly mother”-.

Stella left with her sack and the book, she was determined to climb the highest mountain, where her tribe resided.

She was lucky as there were no wild beasts or bad weather to slow her down, and when she got close to the top she used magic to open a large door in the rock.

When she entered what looked like a large cave she was seized with a feeling of nostalgia

-"I'm home"- she said aloud, and at that moment two little Anguanas came to meet her and hugged her.

There were two fillies, one was blue and half fish (named Gaia) the other was all green and half lizard (named Serena), Stella hugged them.

-“Hello, little ones, have you been well in my absence?” - both of them answered happily in unison

-“You are back, Stella, you are back”-,

the two fillies were Stella's pupils, and she considered them as sisters, since most Anguanas are of a serious nature, Stella was happy to have two always happy fillies as pupils .

After greeting the two fillies, Stella went down a stone staircase, and looked around, it was a cave decorated like a house, just like in her den too there were stone furniture, but also wooden ones, and there were several Anguanas bathing in the springs, while others were preparing concoctions with a pestle or pots on a bonfire.

When she reached the end of the steps, Stella saw a half-goat brown Anguana, with a long, very white mane, and in her right hoof she had a wooden stick. Stella walked over to talk to her.

-“Hello elderly mother, I just finished the chapter of the first Dragonheart”-,

Stella attracted the attention of the big mare, she was in fact the oldest of the Anguanas of those mountains, the mother looked at Stella, and Stella gave her the book. The mother looked at a few pages, while Stella began to worry.

The mother turned to Stella

-“So you've only completed the first part of the book?” -,

Stella then replied

-“Yes, mother, but the fact is that I intend to continue the rest later, first I would like to stay here for a while with my sisters and my students”-,

the mother stared at Stella in disappointment.

- "You should have finished it all now, not just one part"-,

Stella worried again

-“But ... mother… I don't ....”-

- “Didn't you want to finish it? Are you a lazy Anguana? “-,

-“No mother, I didn't want to disrespect her, it's just that I just wanted to see my students again and .....”-,

The mother tapped the stick on the rock and then told Stella to be in five minutes near her room. Stella was frightened by now, she didn't want to break any rules at all, she just wanted to see her two students again.

It was now more than five minutes and the elderly mother did not show up; however Stella received a visit from her two pupils who seeing her in this way asked her why she was sad. Stella certainly didn't want to talk about her problems to the two Anguanas fillies, but her little ones insisted so much that she finally said what the mother had told her. The two little Anguanas were saddened

-“But now the mother will throw you out?” - they asked, but Stella answered her

-“But no, maybe it won't be that bad, after all, I'm one of her best students”-.

The two little fillies hugged Stella, she was happy, because they had been entrusted to her as pupils for just two years, but exactly as said before she was as if she considered them her sisters.

Soon after the elderly mother called Stella, the young Anguana left her pupils and followed the mother.

Both the young and the old Anguana walked through the cave, their footsteps accompanied by the sound of water drops falling from the rocks.

The mother finally opened her mouth to talk to Stella, The young Anguana was expecting a lecture, but instead her mother spoke to her calmly

-“Stella, listen, you are the youngest and most promising of my students, and you should have understood this for a very long time”-,

Stella blushed and replied

-“Yes, I know, it's just that I don't feel ready to become like her, mother“-,

the mother consoled her

-“The fact that you are not ready, exactly as I was at your age, but I do not want to force you, nor yell at you”-,

at those words Stella was confused and curious

-“What do you mean mother? I thought I had disappointed her”-, the mother smiled at her and spoke to her closely

- “What I mean is that today's Anguanas are not attracted to language and culture, while you, on the other hand, excel in these subjects, just as you excel in medicine”-,

-“But with magic ....”-,

-“It's true, you're not good with magic, that's why I want you to stay here”-.

Stella was even more surprised, in fact she asked the mother another question

-“Why should I stay here?” -,

The mother clarified everything

- “Because you need to train more with magic, that's why I don't want you to go to the old lair, with all the beasts and monsters that are around”-,

Stella told the mother about the unpleasant encounter with a Mephit of the air, in fact the mother was right to worry.

Then the mother accompanied Stella to a room, it was a particular room, it looked like a school class, where there were several little Anguanas sitting on stones, and among the various little Anguanas there were also Stella's pupils.

Stella asked the mother why she had brought her there,

-“I want you to be the teacher of Anguanas history and literature from now on, dear Stella”-

Stella was amazed


-“Listen, Stella, I've always known that one day you would pass your passion for books to future generations, and now I think the time has come”-.

But Stella still had another question, in fact she still had to finish writing the book, and then the mother interrupted her again to feed her curiosity.

-“It is true, but the fact is that after me you are the only one who wanted to write the most precious book we have, what I now ask you is only to learn the magic better”-,

-“And ... would you also me to teach the other fillies?” -,

-“Yes, Stella, indeed, if you want you can finish the book you are rewriting, and what I ask you is to tell it to these same little ones”-.

Stella didn't believe it, did the mother really want her to read the Dragonheart Pegasi book to those fillies? The mother spoke to her to definitively dispel any doubts

- “The book of the Dragon Hearts is very important, I would dare to say that it is the most precious text that we Anguanas have, and each of us who wrote or rewrote it felt part of a special heritage, as well as you”- ,

Stella got a tear from one eye, but then she answered the mother

- “Then I'll do it, I'll continue the book, and I'll tell the legend of the Dragonhearts to these fillies, because that's what I want to do”-.

The mother was delighted to hear those words, so she hugged Stella and wished her good luck. Stella was relieved by the words of the mother.

All the little Anguanas were curious to hear young Stella as their new teacher. So Stella sat on a stone and took her book, all the fillies stood in a circle to listen to her story, Stella then with a sweet voice turned to them

-“So little fillies, what I'm about to tell you is the story of the Dragonheart pegasi, a breed of wise and courageous mares who fought for their ideals, their feelings, which protected both ponies and dragons, this is a magical tale, my dear ones”-.


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