• Published 2nd Apr 2023
  • 351 Views, 7 Comments

Fate grand order: Equestria Apocrypha: In search of Harmony. - Chaldea Stories

He had ended the chaos caused by "Cozy Glow" after trying to erase all the magic, but unfortunately that ritual had left an opening in the multiverse.

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Prologue Part 2

Chapter 2: The union of 2 worlds.

Sunset Shimmer is surprised to see that a human has appeared from the map of the castle, she stood on guard pulling out the crystal sword that Zecora gave her, she will not have much time to return but she knew that the sword she had right now had made rezoned the castle and the map in some way.

As everyone was getting ready to see who would say the first word. It was then that she was shaken a little when her servant stood in front of Fujimaru and his servant. Saber was the first to speak:

"Who are you, did she send you?!"

Raising her golden sword towards Fujimaru and in the middle was Dante.

"Put the sword down, Saber. That we are not your enemies... Yet."

As Dante was about to start a battle, a wooden spear with obsidian to separate the 2. A woman with zebra-like features comes out to calm things down.

"Stop everything, we are not the enemies and that everyone is confused."

"Zecora, we don't know if they are enemy masters or if they are..."

At that moment, Sunset felt something on her back as if telling her that she will die if she makes a move. Serenity had come out of nowhere, and was about to touch her lightly but at this moment a Kunai comes out from the left to separate in the same way Zecora did with the servants. It was Kotarou who made that move.

"You better stop miss, we don't want to start a battle where we all might die especially the children."

Saying that, she started to see some children with some horse-like features. Some with a unicorn horn, another with pegasus wings but all had big horse ears. Even the ones without wings or horns.

Seeing the situation Fujimaru stands up to try to be a mediator.

"Please stop, we are not enemies. We were brought by a purple winged unicorn. She was the one who called us."

"Princess Twilight?! Did she break free?!"

"Sunset, you must calm down. Our guest may know something that we don't because there is no seeming unsettling."

Sunset was so desperate for answers that she lowered the arm in which she wielded the crystal sword in a way of telling her servants to calm down and Fujimaru's as well.

"I am very sorry for the trouble, my name is Sunset Shimmer and I am the leader of the resistance. I am also a Master on behalf of the resistance masters, but... From what I see you are also one, so we can say you are an ally aren't you?"

"My name is Fujimaru Ritsuka, the last master of Humanity. Well of PanHuman history. It's nice to meet you Sunset Shimmer."

"What do you mean the last master of humanity? That doesn't make sense, I've only been off earth for a month, however... Humanity can't be completely destroyed."

Fujimaru was in doubt about what he said, and more because if this was a "LOSTBELT", he would be the cause of destroying another humanity to save the "right" humanity it would be better to ask than this place, if this is "Equestria" the name that would be given to this Lostbelt. At that moment, Zecora approaches to talk to Sunset.

"Sunset, we must exchange information whether we like it or not. If the princess is to call him to help us, we must take it as a sign."

"All right, I will. First of all, I would like to apologize on behalf of the resistance and on behalf of Equestria. Well, let me tell you about the situation we are living in."

2 months ago.

Sunset had been accidentally summoned to Equestria, so she knew something or someone had altered the portal or there could have been something that altered the spell, which is why she ended up arriving in Equestria. Seeing Anthropomorphic beings in Equestria gives her an idea that they don't even know how to use their hands, seeing how the person is just holding the spear gives her an idea of what is going on, but; she doesn't understand what is the cause so she will have to gather information and more so if they are Twilight's friends. They will need help in order to solve the problem he has right now, he gives his servants a look and conveys his thoughts and plans to them so they understand.

"Let me introduce myself again, my name is Sunset Shimmer and although I may not look like it, I am a unicorn living through this mirror. This form is of an inhabitant of that world and from what I see, something or someone has transformed them into some Anthropomorphic beings. And from what I see, they have not been in that form for long. I am also a former student of Princess Celestia and a student of Princess Twilight, I have a journal here that shows it."

Sunset had no other way to prove her identity with Zecora, she by showing the matching journal they used to open the mirror and seek help. She lowers the spear from Sunset's neck so she can talk in a good way.

"I understand. I'm very sorry for the trouble, my name is Zecora. You can say that I am one of the guardians of the children of this place, a lot has happened in this week that started with the disappearance of magic in Equestria."

"Magic disappeared, HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE!!!"

"Calm down Sunset, that problem was solved by the princess's students. From her school of friendship, the cause was a kind and pure student who hid a despot personality eager to take all the power in the world, all in the name of friendship. She thought that the more friends she had the more power she would have, she understood the power of friendship but; her young mind transcended the true meaning of friendship."

"What did you say?"

Sunset was in shock, not only by the news of the student but the path she took and what it almost provoked. Almost destroying a child the world in the name of something as good and pure as friendship, seeing this brought to her mind two cases that also unfolds in the pursuit of friendship, Midnight Sparkle and Wallflower Blush. Wallflower was a quiet, introverted girl who is usually ignored and quickly forgotten by the rest of the student body, infusing her with a sense of complete invisibility. Without a single friend or person to help her she slowly began to feel like a ghost. She initially resents Sunset Shimmer for being so popular, both for being mean and for her path in search of redemption. Sunset's attitude and constant ignorance of the student body made her think that if Sunset wasn't there, she could replace her in her activities. And all of that led to the memory stone case that nearly destroyed not only a few friendships, but almost everything Sunset and Princess Twilight did.

The Midnight Sparkle case, is the result of a forced transformation of the human Twilight. the human Twilight is socially similar to how she appears in the first episode . She is a bit shy, acting very awkward and timid with others, especially the aloof Crystal Prep students. Despite her problems with socializing, Twilight is eager to connect with people on a personal level, so even though she was forced to participate in "the friendship games," she thought that if she helped win it all the students at her school would like her as a person. So while the events of the competition were going on, she had created an artifact that was originally for detecting the energy that she would soon discover would be equestrian magic. To everyone's surprise, not only had she created a detector, but she had also created a container of magic. In the final round of the Games, Cinch and the Shadowbolts pressure Twilight to release the magic in her amulet and use it against the Wondercolts, justifying it as fighting fire with fire. Twilight thought that if she won by using the same magic as that of the "Canterlot High School". Her arrogance results in the creation of Twilight's evil alter ego, Midnight Sparkle. As Midnight slowly destroys the world around her.

It is thanks to Sunset Shimmer and the magic of friendship that they were able to save Twilight Sparkle's soul. Leaving the topic for another time, she focused on Zecora's story. Now the problem is that she must understand what caused this problem.

"Cozy had come to Friendship School was an orphan filly who had no home, so no one realized at first her intentions. Cozy would visit the school's academic counselor, to see Starlight Glimmer to learn about the new system at this school. So she gradually gained everyone's trust with her act. When the magic started to wear off, it was because she started to put her plan into action. First she started manipulating Twilight and her friends to go to Tartarus to see Tirek for clues, second she captured Starlight Glimmer steals the school's artifacts to use her magic to take over Equestria."

Sunset was amazed at what a filly had caused, it took years for her to take control of her own school... You can see why she was able to take control of Twilight's school. He continued to listen to Zecora's story.

"After Rector Neighsay took control of the school, Cozy orchestrates a student uprising to regain her position as headmistress of the school. Cozy's plans eventually came to fruition, so that almost no one could do anything to stop him except for 6 young students..."

Sandbarns gets a little flushed, because he knows he's talking about him and his classmates. Zecora returns to his story before pointing to the young hero.

"Cozy's plans are eventually foiled by the intervention of the 6 brave young students with the help of the friendship tree."

Sunset is amazed that 6 young equestrians of different species could use the elements of friendship, she always thought only ponies were the only ones worthy of using it. Back to the present, Zecora returns to tell her what happened after the defeat of "Cozy Glow".

"I don't know what exactly happened, but; from what we know and from student testimony is that suddenly a dome of magic came out of the school. More specifically from where the Cozy Glow ritual was taking place. So an interference that has transcended the barriers of reality and altered the very nature of Equestria."

Sunset was shocked by what she had just been told, more so by the term magical singularity. No one besides the princesses could do something like that is what Sunset Shimmer thought, but she was uninformed of the villains her friends' counterparts had dealt with so her knowledge was very limited.

"A magical singularity? I've never heard of such a thing, how did it happen, who's responsible?

Sunset threw herself towards Zecora's shoulders, seeking understanding. Zecora answers her truthfully.

"The exact details are still unknown, but I know that this magical anomaly has its origin in a dimensional crossover. Something or someone has triggered an event that has merged different realities, creating this new version of Equestria."

Sunset Shimmer was worried so all she could do was ask, "But what does this mean for all the residents? Many of them were ponies, and now they are trapped in anthropomorphic bodies. From what I see, you barely know how to hold your spear."

Zecora sad, more so because that spear he had brought from his home country to defend himself and now he could barely do anything right. So he was not used to this new form, he replies to Sunset.

"That's right, Sunset Shimmer. Adapting to this new form can be confusing and disorienting for them. Some may feel lost and hopeless. But we have not been able to learn how to handle things well, we hardly understand things well and how to use the easiest things."

Zecora was very depressed so Sunset reached out to her to give her a hand, literally.

"You're right, Zecora. Instead of fearing the unknown, we should work together to understand it and find a solution."

Zecora nods approvingly.

"You are wise in your words, Sunset Shimmer. Cooperation and understanding are the keys to overcoming this challenge. We must seek answers, thoroughly investigate this singularity, and hopefully restore normalcy to Equestria."

Sunset Shimmer and Zecora look at each other determined, knowing they have a road ahead of them to unravel the mystery of the singularity and restore harmony to their beloved home.

Sunset had several things to do, including teaching them how to use their bodies. Since she had more experience as a human and her servants would help them.

At that moment a growl was heard from Zecora and Sandbarns stomachs, which makes them a little nervous. It was then that Zecora coughs and regains a little composure, and begins to talk about the current situation.

"We have been able to last for a while the food, since it is behind us the school of friendship and have the supplies that Pinkie pie had here in the kitchen for her cakes. The problem is we haven't been able to cook anything with these claw-like things."

Zecora holds up her hand to show her fingers to Sunset Shimmer, so Sunset more or less understands what their problems are. To which Zecora continues with her story.

"So we've had to eat leftovers, and pickles. It wouldn't be a problem for the adults and some of our people, but we have more than 30 students who are scared and don't know how to react with their bodies. Water is not a problem at the moment, because there is the river back here. So we are running out of food already prepared and not the magic of the unicorns has not stabilized yet, it seems that the magic wants to stabilize but there is something that does not allow it. Every day the magic is stabilizing but we don't know how long it will take and especially how to cook."

Sunset seeing how they were not only tired, hungry and without a guide on what to do. This may be the moment she has been waiting for to help her people.

"Don't worry, Thanks to the Pinkie my world and her parties, I have learned how to cook so I can help them, plus teach them how to use their bodies. And about the ingredients I can help organize it just fine."

Sandbarns and Zecora are glad for the help that came to her, and that she can help them. He begins to regain hope. Sunset seeing that they are cheerful, will start to give them some ideas to organize what is coming. Sunset continued her dialogue to get them to understand the plans she had in mind.

"I'm sure there will be people who also have the same problems. Even, we can go buy some things like food, some fabrics and get help with the inhabitants."

Hearing Sunset with the idea of going out, and going to buy things, that's when everyone but Sunset started to feel nervous... It was Zecora who stepped forward and started to speak.

"Sunset Shimmer, I regret to inform you that we cannot go out and do such things because since the magic dome created the singularity, the morality and ethics you knew no longer exist. Now everyone goes out dressed, and hardly anyone goes out naked anymore as they say. Referring to how we went out before the reality shift."

Hearing that, everyone but Sunset is left dejected by what they've all been through. The tension can be felt in the air. So Sunset begins to speak:

"Listen, I know the situation is difficult, but we can't just sit idly by. If we want to survive in this dystopia, we need to get food, money and clothes. And for that, we have to take risks. Zecora I'm going to need your help."

Zecora was nervous as not only was she not used to walking on 2 feet, but she has a hard time staying calm with so many lights and things she's not used to.

"But, Sunset, the casino guards are everywhere. If they see us trying to get anything without being properly dressed, we'll get caught and be punished."

The green pony joins in the chatter affirming what Zecora said.

"Also, the citizens of this Singularity are desperate and will do anything to get resources and money to keep playing. It won't be easy to find what we need."

Ocellus the most nervous of all also speaks up: "We are so afraid to go out and get food and clothes. We don't know what's waiting for us out there."

Sunset didn't know how to calm them down, but she had to be brave as she is the only pony with experience in human society so she had to be strong.

"I understand your fears, but we can't give up. I have a plan that will allow us to get what we need undetected. Listen to me carefully."

The three members present approach Sunset Shimmer, giving their full attention.

"If the human world has taught me anything, it is that this universe and the other are like 2 sides of the same coin. So we must approach 2 buildings in particular in order to get what we want. The Carousel Boutique and Sugarcube Corner, where we can find food, clothes and money. These places may be abandoned and the probability of finding the guards is lower.

Zecora somewhat nervously and hesitantly asks what the plan would be. "But how do you plan to enter these places without being seen?"

Calmly Sunset answers. "We have to take advantage of the river that runs on the other side of town. We'll build a makeshift raft and sail to the buildings. I'll go into The Carousel Boutique and you two go to Sugarcube Corner." Sandbar nervous, as it all seems to part that they will need to take several things with them. So he'll have to ask the method of transportation.

"So what will we do once we're inside, how will we get what we need moved Sunset?"

"We will focus on getting as much food as we can at Sugarcube Corner and fabrics at The Carousel Boutique to make our own clothes. In addition, we will collect money and anything of value that will help us get into the casinos."

Ocellus as a Changeling understands well what an "infiltration" is, but despite being a "changeling". He was never better in that area when they had to go around looking for love to feed on, so he nervously makes a case. "What if we get caught, what will we do Sunset?".

"If we get spotted, we'll scatter and I'll have Assassin create a diversion. We shouldn't take any more chances than necessary.2

The four members plus the servant exchange determined glances, showing a glimmer of hope in the midst of adversity. At that moment Sunset gives a small speech to give them confidence.

"This dystopia will not define us. Together we will overcome the challenges and find a way to survive - I'm sure of it!"

Author's Note:

This prologue was supposed to be only 2 parts long but I may make it longer.

Comments ( 2 )

Does Celenike and/or any of the loli characters of Fate appear in this story?

No, just serenity for the moment.

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