• Published 4th Jan 2024
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Twilight the Saiyan - Xalok

Twilight Sparkle a Saiyan with God Ki and magic how will she fair in the world of Dragon ball as the Daughter of Vomi of the Red Ribbon Army

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Chapter 22: The Problem Prince!

"I thank you for the party invitation Piccolo, I have been trying to find these two for a few days now, for with no more people around to feed on, so I want to go to the main course, and thanks to you I now can." said Cell as he licked his beak, while being fully ready for anything, still hiding his Ki. which Piccolo did not like, for the last time he had been stronger, but now he was not so sure.

"You said that before as well, that you needed 17 and 18, but you never said why you need them." said Piccolo in a serious tone, hoping to get Cell to over Share.

"Well excuse us, but we are not call 17 and 18, we got names you know!" said Lapis a little pissed that he and his sister was talked about just like they were only numbers.

"Oh really? I do not have any data about you two carrying names, do to me, so I know what to call you as I absorbed the two of you." said Cell in a deadly but playful tone.

While this was going on, Gevo had notice he had been ignore and as a test wanted to see if he was able to get out of sight, which he had done far to easily, which showed just how focused Cell was on the Twins and Piccolo, so he started to look for a hole in Cells defends to do a sneak attack for when things got moving again.

Lazuli notice what Gavo was doing, and decided to speak before her brother might make Cell realize there had really been 4 of them, "Well my name is Lazuli, and my brother up there with you is Lapis. Now back to Piccolo's question, why are you after me and my brother?" finished Lazuli.

This made Cell laugh, "My what fire in you, Lazuli I'm going to enjoy absorbing you. And do to that, I'm going to give you a little info on why I'm here, for you see the two of you holds what I need to truly gain my full power." said Cell.

"So we know just about as much as we did before," said Lapis, while facepalming, "Well no matter what, we were going to meet, for you see Cell we have been hunting you as well." he finished with a smile.

Now this surprised Cell, he knew this timeline was something else, for where in his the Earthlings had been nothing, while here, they had forced him to run away a few times, and then there was the Saiyan woman there had been with them, she had nearly kill him the first time they meet, she was far to powerful, and he was sure he had seen people who had been part of Frieza's elite, but they always stay far away, and kept moving making them hard to catch, and when he had been close one time the Saiyan woman had showed up, the second he was with in a 100 meters, that had scared him, for he had already had his near death by her, and the worst thing about her, he was not able to feel her power, though he had learn why that was, and it made him wonder even more about what was going on in this timeline. And now the people he needed to gain his full power said they had been hunting him? Something was fully wrong here, and he wanted to know why.

"Oh? And why is it that you are hunting me?" asked Cell, wanting to know more.

Looking at each other Lapis and Lazuli decided that telling him would not hurt, and it would give time for Gevo to find where to attack from. "Well you see we got a good friend we want to help, and she really wants you dead." said Lazuli sounding a bit bored.

"And it's not like you came here in a way there kept you hide, for using a time machine, leaves one odd wave of energy to track, so we learned that you were around, the second it was confirmed what that wave of energy was." said Lapis with a cocky smile.

"And a having a creature like you around is not something we really want to deal with. So we made ready to deal with you, we just needed you to come out of hiding, and here you are." finished Lazuli, for there was no way she was going to tell him anything about Tempest or Twilight, so she had kept the two of them out of the story.

This gave Cell less then he wanted, but they had answered what he asked, so he only had himself to blame, but he notice one thing about what they said, "And who is this friend of yours? For it's not everyday you come across someone who would understand what such energy would be from time travel... Well more Time Line travel. And while we are talking about it, who is the woman with the humans?" said Cell, which the Twins were not happy about, which Cell notice, which made him realize that he was right to focus on this.

"That you do not need to know..." said Lazuli, who had been waiting for the right time, and noticing where Gevo was and knew it was time, which made her smile, "Well I guess our time for talk is over... After all you have pissed off our friends Big Brother." she finish, and when the word Brother left her mouth, Gevo left his hiding place, and took Cell by surprise letting him letting Gevo grab the tail of Cell, which he instantly used to slam him into the ground, swing him around at such speed that Cell did not have the chance to get away, and Gevo wanted to make sure Cell knew how pissed he was, so he used the bug man to clear the field they were going to fight fighting, for giving Cell anywhere to hide would not be a good idea, and just as he used Cell to remove the last bit of rocks from the field, his Tail snapped, sending Cell flying into the ground.

And Cell got up just as fast as he went down, "Well I can now say that hurts like Hell, but lucky for me, I can regrow it, thanks to Namekien DNA," said Cell in a tone there made it clear he was mad. And as he finished talking he used how regrowth ability making himself a new tail. And after regrowing the tail, he notice what he had let happen, for he was now surrounded, "What happen to honor of combat?" asked Cell a little worried.

"Well you have made it clear, that if you get what you want, you will grow far more powerful." said Lapis with a smile to his left.

"And we are not really interested in that happening." said Lazuli from his right with a tone of amusement.

"So we all kind of agree on, that we really do not want you arounded." Piccolo joined in, enjoying the fact that he knew they had Cell just where they wanted him.

"So the chance of Honorable combat, is not one we will give you. So prepare yourself, for we are about to bring you, your end!" said Gevo as he got into his combat stance, before lunching at Cell throwing a punch right at his face, which Cell tried to block, but his arm broke on the impact with Gevo's glowing fist which he was followed up by a kick, which send Cell flying,

With Piccolo blocking his path away and meet Cell with a attack he had been preparing, "Light Grenade!!!" Piccolo Yell, which blew Cell right back to Gevo.

Who did not wasted any time, and punch to the side of Cells face which send him flying towards Lapis who had gotten his own attack ready, with crossed arms which was filed with green energy there looked like Lightning, "Super Electric Strike!" said Lapis as he fired of his attack at Cell which he got caught up in, sending him right back to Gevo.

Were Cell went right into a fist punched deep into his stomach, which Gevo followed up by grabbing Cell by the leg and started to punch him in the face, though thanks to not being send flying again Cell had a chance to try and fight back, swing his tail at Gevo, which turn out to be a mistake, for this made Gevo Kick Cell over to Lazuli.

Who had put up a electric barrier which Cell crashed into, and after a bit She Kicked him back to Gevo, who had been waiting for this and grab Cell by the neck and slammed him into the ground, and do to the abuse Cell had been hit with, was not able to fight back, when Gevo point both his hands towards Cell, while they gathered energy, "THIS IS IT CELL PREPARE TO DIE!!! HELL FLA..." and before he was able to finish the job, for just before he was able to finish his move he was sucker punched in the face, sending him flying away from Cell, and just before he was about to crash into the ground Gevo flip over and land on his feet, before he saw who hit him, and he was not surprised by who it was, for his sister had already made it clear she did not trust him, and he had just been proven to be right.

At the Lookout as Vegeta and Trunk got out of the Time Chamber.

Vegeta and Trunks look at the orb and study how Cell looked, and Vegeta was not impressed, "It sickness me that something like that, got my Elite DNA in it. Tch I'm disappoint that I train to take on something like that," said Vegeta, before he smile, "Well at least it has given me power enough to finally surpass you, and make me Vegeta! The strongest Saiyan in the universe!" finished the prince who was on a power high, enough to make Goku realize just how right Twilight had been, while all Gohan did was roll his eyes, for he had hear this speech far to many times, while Trunks was just looking away like he was hiding something.

They all were interrupted, when a plane came up and landed on the look out just for Bulma to jump out, "Hallo everyone!" yell Bulma happily, as she waved at the people there.

"Hey Bulma! What are you doing here?" asked Goku as he was followed by a annoyed Vegeta, while Trunk and Gohan just seem happy to see her.

"Well I wanted to see how you all are doing, while also bring you all something..." said Bulma while she stop talking before she looked at Trunks and notice the changes, "What the Heck... Trunks? Is that really you?"

This worried Trunks a bit before he answered. "Uhh, yes..." he said while looking at Goku for help, who just laugh.

Bulma was now putting both her hands on Trunks looking him his head, do to how much his hair had grown in the short two days there had gone, from when they meet last, "Why did you cgange your hairstyle? Is that a wig? Oh, it seems you're a bit taller too!" said Bulma as she was getting more confused.

So trunks decided to tell her what was going on, "Mom take it easy. There's a mystical room here where a whole year can pass in a single day. I trained with my father there for that time." explain Trunks.

This made Bulma raise a eye and then look at Vegeta, "But Vegeta's hair hasn't changed on bit!" said Bulma back.

"Once a pureblooded Saiyan's hair is fully grown it will not changes from there, even if cut it will just grow back to where it was." explain Vegeta a little annoyed by having to explain this.

This made Bulma think for a second, before she looked at Goku, and then back to Vegeta, "Well that explains a lot, for I do not think I have hear of Goku getting a hair cut ever." said Bulma, making Goku laugh a bit.

At this point Vegeta had gotten annoyed, "We should not be jabbering around about pointless things! Why the Hell did you come here for, woman!" said Vegeta clearly getting mad at this point.

Bulma being use to all of this at this point just ignore Vegeta's rage, and started to pull out a capsule, "I came here to bring the battle armor that you requested! Since it came out so well, I brought a pair for everyone here, though I had hope that Yamcha, Tien, and Krillin was here for theirs as well," said Bulma calmly, as she let the capsule go, letting out a big box there had both armors and suits, in the style that Vegeta had always used. "Also where is Twilight and Tempest? I thought that at least Twilight would be up here?"

This made Vegeta pay attention wanting to hear this. Goku was about to answer when Gohan beat him to it, "She was up here, but do to something stupid my dad did, she went away, do to her not wanting to deal with what is to come of it, she will probably come back soon, for it's a good time ago she left, so if you wait here then she will probably show up soon." said Gohan who was just finishing putting on his boots.

This annoyed Vegeta, for he had wanted to see if he was able to push her a bit now, but thanks to the idiot he would not get his chance, and now he would not get a chance for a time to see if he can make a God fear him.

Goku decided to not think about what Gohan said, for he had earned that one, and instead focus on the armor, "I didn't think that this would be so light!" said Goku as he was playing armor with the main armor piece before taking it on, "And it's easy to move around in!"

"It doesn't matter. You're not going to get a chance to fight Kakarrot." said Vegeta as he finish taking on his gloves.

"That'll be the ideal soution." said Goku, just for Vegeta to give him a smug smile, before he flew off.

"And off he goes again, said Bulma as she looked after Vegeta who was already gone from view.

This is when they hear someone else talk, "I hope you are planning on following him Trunks, for I do not trust Vegeta to not fuck this up!" said Twilight as she walked towards them.

Trunks look at her for a second before he nodded, "Yeah I wish I would be able to say you got nothing on that, but after a full year with him, I know it's true." said Trunks before he start to walk towards the edge of the Lookout. But before he got there he was stopped by Goku.

"Hold on for a sec..." said Goku as he check his items before bring out to beans, "Here's your share of Senzu just in case."

"Thank you Goku." said Trunks as he took them and put in a pocked on the inside of his suit.

"Do your best, but make sure you don't do anything reckless. If things get to dangerous for ya, it's best that you run away." said Goku with a smile.

And before he was able to say anything Twilight threw something at him, that he grab and saw was a scouter, "This scouter can track any kind of energy that you can think off, which might be helpful if things go fully bad. It is also able to call other scouters, so if you need anything use it to call either me or Tempest and we will see what we can do," finish Twilight who gave him a small smile before she talked again, "And make sure your dad does not fuck everything up."

This made Trunks smile, "Thanks for everything. And Good luck with your Training!" said Trunks.

"After whatever happens there, come back safely." said Bulma this made Trunks wave at them before he left at full speed to catch up to his dad.

When Trunks was far enough away, Twilight took a deep breath, and then talked, "By the end of today Cell is going to be at full power, and Vegeta is going to have had his ego shatter do to his own stupid mistake." she said as she just looked down over the edge.

"I will take that bet!" said Bulma with a smile as she was keeping a eye on Kid Trunks who was just looking around.

This made Twilight look at her, before she smile, "So are you betting against what I said?" asked Twilight.

"Not at all, I know he is going to fuck up... But by how much I'm not sure." said Bulma thinking, before she notice Annin coming running around one of the houses, followed by Chi-Chi who was trying to get control over her child.

"Well me and Gohan are going in, I promise that I would take care of Vegeta when all of this is done, so for that I need the training." said Goku who pull Gohan with him.

"That man will bring about his own death." said Twilight as she look at him walk in to the Chamber.

"I want to disagree with you on that, but I really can't, for Goku has always just jumped into the unknown, and never thought about if it is a good idea or not," said Bulma and it became quiet for a bit before, "Sooo do you know what is going on down there?"

"Well I got a idea, but I do not want to watch right now, for then I might just go down there, and do something stupid, for I got the feeling that Vegeta has already ruined things." said Twilight looking down with a bit of worry in her voice.

This just made Bulma realize what Twilight was dealing with, for she had the power to do something, but do to Cell's ability's going in for her, might make things worse. Meaning she is stuck, just watching, Bulma was pull out of her thoughts as as Twilight start to laugh, and it was not a small laugh, the made her nervous. "Are you ok Twilight?" asked Bulma.

And as Twilight hear this she start to stop, before she gained a sad smile, "I'm ok, just dealing with a lot of things right now. And it made me realize that I might have to deal with Cell myself in the future, and to do that I need to do something my friends are not going to be happy about," said Twilight before she sigh, before giving a more normal smile, "I think I'm going to get something to eat, just to get my mind of this." she said before she walked towards the middle of the Lookout, with Bulma following.