• Published 4th Jan 2024
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Twilight the Saiyan - Xalok

Twilight Sparkle a Saiyan with God Ki and magic how will she fair in the world of Dragon ball as the Daughter of Vomi of the Red Ribbon Army

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Chapter 21: Bait

The hunt for Cell had not been going well, for he had evaded, Gevo, Lapis, and Lazuli, every time they nearly got close, and it made no senses to them, for there was no energy to track when it came to them, only way one would find them easy was if they had one of the special scouters that Twilight had made, for only close family and friends, and if he had one of those they would have been able to track that, so it just had to be luck when it came to getting away. And they knew they had been close each time, for all they found was clothes left behind everywhere in the streets, if it was not for them liking Horror movies, they would probably not have kept the hunt going after finding a town where nothing but empty clothes was behind, they had even tried to make themselves look like easy targets the first time they found a city like that, by splitting up and behaving like teens, with Lazuli walking into a ice cream store and made herself a sundae, while Lapis went for candy himself, while Gevo had gone to the Zoo and feed the animals for with the people gone someone else had to feed them, and after 4 hours of nothing happening, Lapis and Lazuli had put money down for what they had taken and went to Gevo, who was just finishing up, and they went back on the road, now knowing that would not work they did not stop at the other city's.

And they knew he had been getting away far to much by now, do to them having been told that Goku was up again. and when it had turn to midnight, Gevo had gotten a idea, and stopped mid flight which the others notice.

"What's up big guy?" asked Lapis as he turn to Gevo.

"I have been thinking about why it is we keep missing Cell, and I do not think it's do to him fearing us, for we have found places where he has been fighting the others, I think it's do to him not being able to find us, for he seem to take chances with the others, but being against 4 he probably does not have a chance to do what he wants, and with how strong Tempest is she probably is the reason he runs away. So I think that the best thing we can do is seek out one of the others, and then have them be bait by having a spar, for if Cell feels a high power level fighting he might take a chance to see what it is." said Gevo.

"You know that is not a bad idea Gevo, and I think I know who might be the best one to talk to about this," said Lazuli, as she use her scouter to pin point where their bait is, "Ah there he is, and he is even alone, lets go and talk to him" finished Lazuli, as she took of towards where she spotted her target, with the other two following, not even asking who she had picked.

Somewhere, near Central city.

It was early morning around seven, when Piccolo had waken up after having hunted Cell the whole day before, and this day he was going to be doing the same, for after having had a close encounter with Cell, Piccolo had realize just how bad he can be, and also understood full who Twilight had to keep away, for did Cell gain anything from her that would be really bad, for there might not be anything stopping him then.

Piccolo was pulled out of his thoughts, when he hear a voice, "HEY THERE!" this made Piccolo look up, and spotted the three
androids? or was it cyborgs, it was confusing to him, but he flew up to them.

"So what do the three of you want?" asked Piccolo, a little curious, why they had taken time out of their hunt to meet him.

"Right to business I see, that is why I chose you," said Lazuli, before she explain their plan to Piccolo, which surprise him at first, but it made senses, "So that is the idea what do you think Piccolo?" she finished.

"I think it can work, for Cell did talk about looking for the two of you," said Piccolo as he pointed at both Lazuli and Lapis, which came as a surprise to them," I can see on your looks that you did not know this, but yeah he talked about how he needed the two of you to become complete, which I thought you guys already knew, I should probably let Twilight know about this then." and just as he was moving his arm towards the scouter to call her he was stopped, by Lapis.

"Now hold on there big guy, we don't want you to call Twilight about this, for she would fear for our safety, and we really want to do something for her, so if she feels like we are in danger she will do what she can to pull us back, or even come out here and stay with us, and if she does that, we can't be sure he will not get the jump on her, and well you know what that might do, from what we hear. So I say if we are what he wants, then let him try, for as things are now we will never catch him if we do not force him to stay in one place, for if he wants us he got three and with you four of us to try and get past, to get his goal." said Lapis

Piccolo took a moment to think about it, and agree with what Lapis said, and so they made their plan and chose a place near by where they would be able to set up their little trap.

It was a hour later, when the four had found a good place for their battleground, leaving Piccolo and Lapis to face one another while Lazuli had found herself a rock to sit on while keeping her eyes on the field, while pretending not to care about anything, while Gevo was standing near by pretending to just watch the birds, but really was scanning the whole area, for movement, Ki, or anything there might give away that they had gotten their prey.

"You know I notice that your power seems to have changes a bit when we were looking for you, I take it you have gotten more powerful then Piccolo?" said Lapis with a smile, and he hope he was right, for sure they were there to catch Cell and end him, but having a good warm up fight would not be against anything he wants, for he enjoy a good battle, something he had pick up when he had watch Twilight and Tempest training.

"Oh so you notice it? Yeah I have gotten more powerful... You can say that I'm no longer just Piccolo, I'm reborn as the Namekian, but to make it easier for everyone else, I guess you can still call me Piccolo." said Piccolo as he powered up to full but taking his time, for they needed to draw in Cell.

And as Piccolo was powering up, Lapis realize that the Namekian was not lying, he had gotten far more powerful then before, powerful enough to be on their level, though, with their Eternal Energy Reactors, Gevo, Lapis and Lazuli still held more power in the long run, for a foe with more power, but less stamina has a good chance of losing to one who fights smart, and with their endless energy, they just need to out last most foes, so Lapis was not worried.

"Got to said that your power is far more impressive then before, though you are still below our other friends, but with how crazy their training is, that should not be a surprise." said Lapis in tone there made it clear he was still looking forward to this.

And with that both Piccolo and Lapis flew at each other and starting their fight.

With Tempest and the three earthlings

"Do you guys feel that?" said Krillin as he stop his flying and looked towards where he was feeling Piccolo power up.

"Yeah I think we are all feeling that." responded Tien, as he looked the same way.

"Should we go and help?" asked Yamcha, who was looking at Tempest, which made the others look towards her as well.

It took a moment before she said anything, and checking her scouter after she had done that she talked, "For the time being I think we should stay away, and keep looking for Cell, for it's Gevo, Lapis and Lazuli who are with him, I think they are planning on luring Cell to them, so if we go there, we will ruin what they are trying," said Tempest, which nearly made the others start to disagree, but she stop them when she kept talking, "But if Cell shows up there, then we will lower our Ki and sneak up on him, and then attack, for if we can get a chance of a surprise attack on him, we will take it, for Cell is not something to play around with." She finished, this made the others happy, and so they kept looking for Cell away from the others.

On the look out.

Piccolo seem to be powering up down there." said Goku as he was waiting outside the door to the time chamber, for it would be any time now that Vegeta and Trunks would come out, and Goku Knew he needed to go in the second they were out.

"Do you think Piccolo is fighting Cell?" asked Gohan, now in a bit of a panic.

"No... I don't think so, for I can't senses his opponent's Ki... So it's probably Twilight's Friends, but why would they fight Piccolo?" said Goku now a bit confused.

This made Gohan realize something, and he started to run to away from his dad, but was stopped by his dad, "Going there won't do any good Gohan!" Yell Goku.

Just for Gohan to turn around and look at his dad like he was crazy, "I'm not going there, I just need a book from the room Mom is in, for I think I know how to see what is going on down there," said Gohan, as he again turn around and ran for the magic book, making his dad confused, for he did not know anything about what Gohan was talking about, for Gohan had not had time to tell his dad he got magic now.

And when Gohan returned, he started to flip pages in the book making Goku look even more confused, before Gohan found what he was looking for, and when he did Goku look at the page Gohan was reading from and saw what it was called, "Far Sight? What is that?" asked Goku now very curious what it was Gohan was doing.

Standing up, Gohan started to mold his magic mold after what the book told him, while explaining to his dad, "Well you see dad, Twilight gave me a gift, and that gift is the ability to use magic, and this book, is Twilight's own notes on spells she made and how to control normal magic, and the Far Sight spell, allows one to view somewhere they are not, and do to being able to feel Piccolo's Ki, I can make a way so we can view what is happening there, if I can cast the spell right," said Gohan, and just as he finished talking he got it right, making Ball of magic there showed what was going on down with Piccolo, "I did it!" cheer Gohan, and start to watch.

Goku was surprise by what his son had done, but also proud off him, and put his hand down on Gohan's head, and started to look at what the ball was showing, "Good job Gohan," said Goku as he smile at Gohan, before looking back at the ball and started to study what was going on, "This is interesting, it does not seem like a serious fight, more like a spar... Maybe..." explain Goku making Gohan look up at his dad.

"Maybe what dad?" said Gohan.

"Well if they are doing what I think, then they might be trying to bait Cell out of hiding, for Cell might see Piccolo's lowering Ki as a way to gain more power, and the best way they can do that is a spar, for if piccolo is weakened, it would not be hard to steal his power." explained Goku.

"But would Cell not be scared away when he sees Gevo, Lapis, and Lazuli?" asked Gohan

"I'm not sure, I think that is all about if Cell has seen them hunt him, for in his timeline they were on each others enemies from what we know, so he might see them as being on his side." replied Goku.

"But what about our friends? Why are they not going towards the fight?" asked Gohan confused.

"If I would have to guess, then I will say that they are waiting to see if Cell bites before they go in, for Tempest is with them, and would probably know what her friends are thinking." answer Goku.

This made Gohan a little annoyed, for he had gotten use to just being able to try and help, whenever something was happening when he had been to Namek, but now not being able to help, and only being able to watch, a part of him was angry about it, "God this sucks." said Gohan in a tone there made it clear, he was unhappy.

"I fully understand you Gohan, but do to me not seeing a problem before it was shown to me, we can't really leave right now," said Goku, as he was also still thinking about what he had been told, his thoughts however was interrupted, when he notice something in the ball of magic Gohan had made, "Well it seems they got a bite Gohan."

"Oh that is good to hear, that means I will not have to wait long before I can prove that I Prince Vegeta has one again, taken my right full place as the strongest!" said Vegeta as she walked out of the time chamber followed by Trunks who was looking anywhere but there

Back with Piccolo and Lapis just as their fight starts.

Piccolo do to being somewhat stronger landed the first hit on Lapis, landing a elbow on the back at the head of Lapis, which he followed up with a back to his back landing Lapis in the dirt.

"Not bad at all Piccolo, you seem to have gotten a lot stronger then you were" said Lazuli, no response was giving to her.

However Piccolo was not done yet, and his hand and putting his other hand on his arm and aim it towards where Lapis was laying down and fired off a big blast. But before it was able to hit Lapis had moved away from there, "Hey big boy we are sparing not trying to kill each other!" yell Lapis, to Piccolo.

Piccolo just gave a big smile, "Well we are trying to bait out Cell, so we better make it look good." he yell back, before he flew right at Lapis again crashing with fist.

With Lazuli and Gevo on the sideline.

"Well it's surprisingly just how much Piccolo has gain in power, in such a short time, but then again, he did do it another way then normal, and he can't do it again." said Lazuli, while she was pretending to keep her focus on the fight, when really she was looking every where but on the fight.

"Indeed, though with Piccolo and Kami having been one a long time ago, the power they give each other, is far bigger then a normal absorbing, for where the power is normally just absorbing what the other got, But do to them being the same person, it's far more then that, how much I'm not sure." replied Gevo while he did the same as Lazuli, but mainly focusing on his scouter to try and find when their prey would get near, and it was not to long before he spotted something, and he decided to tell Lazuli but quiet, "Don't do anything else but what you have been doing, but it seems our prey is here."

Piccolo with his ears were able to hear what Gevo said, and decided to check if he was able to spot him, while keeping the fight going, and it did not take him long before he found where he was, so he decided to make the first move, but how would he do it, was the question, before he got a idea. And then he kicked Lapis, sending him flying up in the air, and he started to fire blasts up at Lapis.

Lapis was just dodging the attacks for a bit before he realize that most of them were not even going near him, " Are you even trying to hit me right now?" asked Lapis, who had gotten very confused about what was going on.

"No!" Yell Piccolo, as he kept firing.

This confused Lapis even more, "What do you mean No?" ask Lapis as he start to look around, and notice that all the blasts were still up in the air all around him, "Oh Oooh, Now I get it."

And before Lapis was able to do much more Piccolo yell "Hellzone Grenade!!!" and where Lapis thought they were going to fly at him instead they went flying towards the rocks below him, and just before half of them impacted something green jumped out off the rock, with the rest of the blasts following the green thing and blew up on it.

And as the smoke clear there was a green bubble shield around the creature, and the creature was one they all knew.

"Welcome to the Battle... Cell" said Piccolo with a smug smile, for Piccolo was very happy with himself now, for last time they had meet, Cell had gotten away, but this time, he would make sure he did not get away.

And to this all Cell did was smile, for where they did not know it, they had just given him what he wants.