• Published 19th Apr 2023
  • 4,189 Views, 371 Comments

Spike's Kingdom - Guardian Dragon

Spike decides to start anew with the Dragons with all that he learnt about Friendship.

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Ember is sitting on a rock, using her right claw to hold her head while waiting for Spike, Garble, and Smolder to wake up; she wonders if the trio awakens simultaneously as a family would. Ember starts reheating the Manticore meat since the trio has been out for two hours; she hopes Spike, Smolder, and Garble get up after smelling the aroma since they haven't eaten.

On cue, Spike, Smolder, and Garble wake up with their bellies grumbling, pleading for food since it's been hours since they last ate; for Spike, it's been the early morning when his body glowed; as for Garble and Smolder, the early afternoon before Garble departed for the Gauntlet of Fire.

"Good, you're awake. Here I thought you three would hibernate like all the other animals during the winter season," Ember said while recooking the Manticore meat.

"Dude!" Garble looks at Spike and regrets bullying him during the Dragon Migration; he tears up after missing many years of his life since Equestrian Ponies stole Spike away from his family.

Smolder burst into tears of happiness. "You're hooooome!" Smolder pulls Spike for a family hug with Garble; Smolder believes she'll never get to meet her long-lost sibling in her life; now, she gets to be his older sister to Spike.

"So, uh.., sorry for the times I gave you a headache, bro?" Within an instant, Garble changes his demeanor; he no longer resents Spike but welcomes him as his brother.

"Don't worry about it. I'm relieved to find my family; Honestly; I thought I'll never find them cause before accepting Twilight and her friends and family as my own, I thought my parents abandoned me or something."

"We'd never abandoned you, Spike. Never-ever," Smolder said, speaking on behalf of her brother, Garble.

"From this day forth, we're sticking together as a family," Garble said, smiling with pride and proclaiming to be the awesome brother Spike deserves.

"Hungry?" Ember uses her claws to cut a chunk of Manticore meat; the aroma made Spike, Smolder, and Garble drool.

"Yeeeeeees," The trio sticks their tongues out, wanting to devour their meal.

Ember rips the leg off of the Manticore for Spike to try first. "This is the drumstick, Spike."

Spike looks and holds a massive drumstick; his stomach growls louder, urging him to eat it. He bites into the delicious, tender meat of the Manticore and roars in satisfaction. "THIS IS AMAZING!!! WHERE WAS THIS IN MY LIFE?" Spike gorges on the drumstick while his siblings and Ember laugh.

Spike has tasted the vegetation lifestyle, always making sure to eat right, according to Twilight; however, unlike veggies that are wet or steaming, meat feels right and natural, so juicy, flavorful, and fatty; you can't go wrong. Some vegetables don't have flavor, but Spike learns that meat can hold different textures with tastes. Now, he wonders what chicken tastes like; the same applies to cows, pigs, rabbits, raccoons, fish, and much more.

After Spike finishes the drumstick, Spike Garble, Smolder, and Ember help themselves to gorge on the Manticore meat. Twenty minutes later, all that's left are the bones. Spike, Garble, Smolder, and Ember are lying on the ground with big bellies, staring at the night sky.

"That was good," Spike burps in satisfaction; he can't remember the last time he ate blissfully without any restrictions.

Garble and Smolder chuckle after hearing Spike burp after a good meal; the two wonder if they can bring Spike home and have them meet their mother. Ember is glad a family is reunited and hopes to find others in Equestria still alive from the raid. She doesn't want to believe that all the other eggs besides Spike's got wasted.

"Well, it's getting late; I say it's about time to return home," Ember said, getting up and stretching.

"Hey Spike, wanna meet your mother?" Smolder asks while flexing her wings to fly.

"I'll meet her sometime during the week; I have questions for former Dragon Lord Torch to answer about the duties of being the Dragon Lord."

"Sounds good, bro," Garble fist-bumped Spike's left claw with his right claw. "See you soon!" Garble and Smolder take off into the wild night yonder.

"Let's get going, Spike," Ember yawns. "I need some shut-eye after watching you snooze for so long."

"Alright then," Spike climbs onto Ember's back, and she takes off. While holding onto the Bloodstone Scepter, Spike views himself in the reflection and sees someone new, not a Dragon raised in Ponyville, but a Dragon reborn. Spike looks up at the night sky, gazing upon the stars; he wonders if Twilight is staring at the same stars in the sky, missing him dearly, or having selfish thoughts run amuck.

Rarity is asleep in the guest room; Unfortunately, she talks in her sleep, calling Ember names again while trying to fight for Spike's love. Judging from Twilight's perspective, Rarity is losing. Twilight couldn't sleep because of Spike's decision and her mentor's message; Twilight wrote in sticky notes to jot down crucial evidence between her and Spike.

Spike obtaining the Bloodstone Scepter, Twilight saw an act of selfishness when Spike could have transferred his authority to Princess Ember, a noble Dragon with royalty in her genes. She admits her emotions overwhelm her and override her decision to forcefully decree a horrid command, which in turn, causes Spike to issue a decree, to make her and Rarity leave the Dragon Lands.

"I thought Spike found a place among us after the Dragon Migration episode; Even the Crystal Empire adores Spike. How could he leave all of that behind..?" Twilight looks out the window and sighs sadly. "Why did you have to leave me? Don't you know I need you? How much I love you..? Why did you choose power over Friendship?"

Twilight watches her friend suffering in some nightmare and hopes Princess Luna can uplift the troubles in Rarity's dream after visiting Spike; She envisions Spike going through hardship for being the youngest ruler in the Dragon Lands amongst the ruthless, brutal, downright terrifying Dragons that lack the guidance of love and unity.

"You'll come back to me, Spike. You'll understand the regrets you made by choosing power over me, your friends, family, and everyone else in Equestria. I hope you contemplate your actions and realize that a young ruler with no experience shouldn't lead anything. Plans fail when you lack counsel; right now, only one Dragon supports you in the Dragon Lands; that isn't enough."

Discord is outside the guest room's window, hearing Twilight's proclamation. He's disgusted by Twilight's demeanor; she's showing no faith in her friend when she doesn't have any experience leading Equestria. "This is the Princess of Friendship? Friendship my behind! She should be ashamed for making those accusations about Spike! Especially when he supported, helped, and even cared for her! Some friend you are, Twilight." Discord had the intention of helping Twilight as he did for Fluttershy hours ago, but now, Discord will allow Princess Celestia to help with that regard. Discord leaves but will return later in the morning.