• Published 19th Apr 2023
  • 4,206 Views, 371 Comments

Spike's Kingdom - Guardian Dragon

Spike decides to start anew with the Dragons with all that he learnt about Friendship.

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Tea Time

Fluttershy is in her cottage, humming a soft melody while preparing the tea and teacakes. It's 7:30 in the evening; Angel Bunny helps decorate the table for Fluttershy and Discord. Fluttershy wonders how her friends are doing since hearing the news about Spike's glow and participation in the Gauntlet of Fire; she's worried that her friends are in grave danger but believes Twilight will whisk her and her friends away from trouble. Discord arrives in front of Fluttershy's cottage feeling happy and excited about the great news as he'll deliver some heartbreaking news to Fluttershy about Spike; he wonders if the two have a strong bond as friends or not.

Discord knocks on the front door, expecting to hear his friends say: "I'm coming." On cue, Discord heard Fluttershy say those exact words and open the door.

"Come inside, Discord," Fluttershy smiles and stands aside, allowing Discord to enter her home. "Please, sit and get comfy."

"Sure thing, Fluttershy," Discord hovers by the couch, bringing it closer to the table. "Need any help, my dear, Fluttershy?"

"No, thank you, Discord," Fluttershy happily responds while going to the kitchen; she brings the teapot as Angel Bunny brings the plate of teacakes, sandwiches, and cookies. As a reward, Fluttershy gives Angel Bunny two chocolate chip cookies and a slight pat on the head. Fluttershy pushes a chair for her to sit and fellowship with Discord.

"How have you been, Fluttershy? It felt like eons since I last saw you," Discord chuckles while grabbing a teacake; his lion's paw reveals its' shark-like jaws, consuming the delectable. Then it blushes with a satisfying smile and purrs like a cat.

Fluttershy giggles at the spectacle. "Such a cutie," Fluttershy strokes Discord's lion paw; it coos, causing Discord to chuckle since it's tickling him slightly. "I've been good, Discord. I'm worried about Twilight and Rarity since they went with Spike to the Dragon Lands. Being surrounded by those awful.., scary.., firebreathing.., Dragons!" Fluttershy scares herself by mentioning the terrors of Dragons.

Discord's demeanor changes when Fluttershy refers to Dragons as scary and awful. "Do you honestly believe Dragons are horrifying?"

"YES!" Fluttershy quivers at the thought of Dragons rampaging and destroying everything with their strength and firepower. She murmurs frightfully at the images of huge-scaly Dragons burning the landscape, bringing ruin and misery.

"Is that how you view Spike?" Discord wants to know about Fluttershy's reaction to Spike's appearance.

"WHAT?!" Fluttershy shrieks at the bold question coming from her friend in sadness and horror. "NO! SPIKE IS MY FRIEND! I DON'T FIND HIM TERRIFYING AT ALL! HE'S A CUTE AND ADORABLE!" Fluttershy exclaims, proclaiming that Spike is far different from the other Dragons.

"Spike is a Dragon who will someday grow up and become a full-size Dragon. Will he still be your friend; would you find him terrifying and stay away from him?"

Fluttershy's heart sinks with that question; the idea of Spike as a full-grown Dragon does frighten her, but she knows that Spike is a good Dragon and wouldn't harm his friends. "Spike is not a monster. He's my friend."

"So? Spike gets a bypass because he's the only friendly Dragon while you're assuming all others are threatening?" Discord is learning something new about Fluttershy's perspective on Dragons. Also, it'll help him enable the experience to comfort other Dragons based on their viewpoints.

Fluttershy tears up a bit; the statement now sounds like an accusation of being a racist against other species. "Why are you asking me these questions, Discord?" Fluttershy sniffs as tears stream down her face.

"Spike won the Gauntlet of Fire and is now the new Dragon Lord; he decided to stay with the Dragons."

"Why would Spike stay and not return home?" Fluttershy wants to know why her friend decided to stay with the Dragons rather than come back home to Ponyville.

"Quick question before I reply; do you see Spike as a Dragon or Pony?" Discord wants to understand where Fluttershy stands concerning Spike.

"Well..," Fluttershy thought about Spike's personality and understanding; in her eyes, Dragons are vicious, cruel monsters that wreak havoc, especially that one Dragon who slept in a cave that nearly put Equestria in smog. However, Spike is a gentlecolt who cares about his friends, always lending a helping claw, happy, and friendly- "Ooooooooooooooooooooooooh," Fluttershy understands Discord's perspective about the difference between a Pony and a Dragon.

"Do you get it?"

"Loud and clear..," Fluttershy sadly sighs and shields her face in shame by covering them with her hooves and wings.

"Princess Twilight Sparkle, her family, and her friends raised Spike as a Pony, not a Dragon. A major difference among species."

Fluttershy nods, agreeing with Discord's comment about raising a youngling. "You're right..."

"Your definition of Dragons would include Spike since he's among them; The way you've expressed them sounds discriminating. Accusing all of them because of some experiences is wrong, Fluttershy. Never judge any creature based on its appearance and history; some are friendly; however, they never got a chance; since their reputation as a species is discomforting and untrustworthy by those who give them a bad name."

"Wow.., I've never thought of it that way before..." Fluttershy is appalled at her behavior for convincing herself about the terrible Dragons that roam on the planet.

"Do you believe all Dragons are as evil as you named them to be?"

"No!" Fluttershy shakes her head after learning a life lesson from Discord; she doesn't want to discriminate against any species and starts believing they are good creatures among them. "I have to see it for myself before I make a claim!"

"That's better," Discord said in relief; he's glad Fluttershy is turning a new leaf about Dragons.

"So, with what you told me, why did Spike choose to stay with the Dragons?" Fluttershy still hasn't received a proper explanation about Spike's circumstances.

"Throughout Spike's life, he has little knowledge of his race; Spike wants to learn what it means to be a Dragon. The Dragon Migration didn't help much, considering he was with Teenage Dragons, who gave him bad influences. Now, with his title as Dragon Lord, he can embrace the life lessons of becoming a Dragon. Also, since he's in charge of the Dragon Nation, Spike believes he can teach them the qualities of Friendship, leading his people into everlasting prosperity."

"He found his purpose!" Fluttershy smiles in delight; she's proud of Spike for finding a life worth living, considering staying in a castle is no good for a youngling.

"He did. Spike winning the Gauntlet of Fire means he's free of being in some pony's shadow. Spike can become his person, one to go on adventures, explore new regions, and be one of the greatest leaders in the history books."

"I'm so happy for him!" Fluttershy couldn't help and clap her hooves in astonishment. "How did Twilight and Rarity take the great news!?"

Discord groans a little, spoiling the cheerful mood. Fluttershy frowns and suspects that Twilight and Rarity did something wrong.

"Twilight and Rarity weren't thrilled that Spike won the Gauntlet of Fire; they expected him to give up his reign to the Princess of Dragons, Ember."

"Why?" Fluttershy feels disheartened that her friends want Spike to give up a purpose in life.

"According to them, Twilight and Rarity feel that Spike is too young to handle kingship; also, they believe Spike may wind up corrupted with power due to his inexperience. They claim that Spike chose power over his Friends."

"That's absurd of them to think of the worst!" Fluttershy blows a fuse; Discord licks the index finger and thumb of his eagle's claw and puts out the flame before it blows over. A sizzling sounds off on Fluttershy's head. "Thanks, Discord."

"Don't mention it. Anyway, back to the explanation. Twilight and Rarity told the Princesses about what happened; Spike sent a stone tablet letter, addressing his resignation of being Twilight's Number One Assistant and confirming a conference meeting tomorrow."

"A conference meeting? To discuss what?"

"A peace treaty and alliance with the Dragon Nation; Spike had some demands he wanted the Princesses to obliged too."

"What time tomorrow?" Fluttershy wants to know if the bearers of the elements of harmony would be present since the meeting is about alliances and Friendship.

"It would have been tomorrow morning, but Spike postponed the meeting," Discord confirms; He pours himself a cup of jasmine tea to drink after talking for so long.

"Why did Spike postpone the meeting?" Fluttershy is curious about Spike's sudden decision-making.

"I talked with Spike; made him realize that his doings were from a Pony's perspective. I woke him up, reminding him he was a Pony inside of a Dragon's body. Spike envisioned bringing luxury from Equestria to the Dragon Lands. After proclaiming them to be in the stone age, last to revolutionize in anything compared to Ponies of Equestria."

"Wow.., you're maturing into becoming a great friend, Discord. I'm proud of you," Fluttershy smiles, seeing the goodness bloom in Discord.

"Thank you," Discord nods, concurring with Fluttershy's statement about being a caring friend.

"What else happened?" Fluttershy pours a cup of jasmine tea and relaxes on her chair, wanting to know more about Spike's progress.

"I read Spike's body language, and he had second thoughts until he saw his reflection in the Bloodstone Scepter; then his attitude changed, beaming with pride. He announced to learn more about his kind and become a Dragon to lead, not a Pony. He asked Ember to train him the ways of being a Dragon. Also, since I'm the first friend who wanted to help and support him, Spike made me Ambassador of Dragon!"

Fluttershy's jaw drops at that turn of events. She's stunned that Spike dubbed Discord Ambassador of Dragons in goodwill. "That's fantastic, Discord. Also, does that mean I'll see you.., less..?" Fluttershy hopes that isn't the case.

"Well, being Ambassador of Dragons also meant being a citizen of the Dragon Lands. Also, Spike gave me citizenship since I told him about my outcome in Equestria. Princess Celestia only uses my power for her purposes, while Spike allows me to be myself, using my Chaos whenever as long as other Dragons don't mind my business. He's even giving me a piece of land to spread my majestic magic, undisturbed unless I invite friends. Spike is already a good leader for allowing me to be myself and not someone else!"

"Wait? Princess Celestia only uses you for what exactly?" Fluttershy wants to know her friend's situation through the hooves of the Princess.

"Princess Celestia wants me to control my Chaos, exploiting it to clean up messes caused by villains or mishaps. She doesn't want me to handle a crisis, only you and the girls to solve whenever she calls. Even though I made the mistake of trusting Lord Tirek, Princess Celestia hasn't forgiven me; she doesn't trust me to help. Just sit back and do nothing except clean."

"That's horrible..," Fluttershy looks down.

"Spike is giving me purpose, either than my title as the Lord of Chaos. Princess Celestia limits my usage, and I have unprecedented timing in using my power; every pony backlashes me, demanding things back to normal. The only other times I can be myself without facing any problems are with you and at my home. With Spike being the Dragon Lord, I'm free to do as I please without receiving headaches. It's like a burden is off my chest. And Fluttershy."

"Yes, Discord?" Fluttershy stares into the eyes of the Draqonecuus.

"I will always make time for you. You are my best friend," Discord lifts Fluttershy and hugs her tenderly. "Never forget that."

Fluttershy giggles. "I won't. Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye," Fluttershy recites and performs the Pinkie Promise ritual. "So, right before you left, what was Spike doing?"

Discord chuckles. "Ember initiated Spike's training with his first lesson on how to be like a Dragon. Ember and Spike are hunting for food!"

"WHAT?!" Fluttershy shrieks in horror, scaring the daylights of birds, causing them to fly away by the sudden noise of terror.