• Member Since 10th May, 2018
  • offline last seen Saturday


Comments ( 14 )

Does Thorax not exist in this story?

He does exist (But he's not relevant right now.)

Edit: forgot to mention Thorax is a pre-war character.


Edit: forgot to mention Thorax is a pre-war character.

That may be, but I'm still wondering what kept him and his friends from overthrowing Chrysalis.

Ahh, right so in Equestria at War if you play Changeling Lands there is one national focus called 'Thoraxian Betrayal' (Harmonic Route) where Thorax can launch a coup d'etat on Queen Chrysalis and take over, however, in the mod he never becomes the reformed changelings that we see in the show, but in the mod itself since I am loosely following the events that occur in my sessions of Equestria at War he never takes over because what ends up happening(In my sessions) is the AI always chooses the national focus called 'Destroy Thoraxian Resistance' and I've never seen Thorax in charge before 1010-1011 where The Great War starts (In my story I called it the Changeling War.)

Even with historical AI, I've never seen Thorax in charge before The Great War(Changeling War) starts. In fact, the only time I've seen Thorax in charge is when Celestia and the United Ponies Alliance as a whole completely wreck Queen Chrysalis and puppets the Changeling Lands. This is so because he's the leader of the Harmonic Party for Changeling Lands.

So in my headcanon, I've decided that ok Queen Chrysalis decided to imprison Thorax keeping him heavily guarded, only escaping his cell after an artillery shell destroyed the Vesalipolis dungeons, and in this story, Celestia never puppet the former Changeling Lands and decided to Balkanize it into 31 countries. By the time the Megaspells hit had 3 unifiers.

Does that answer your question? I know it's brief but I can go in-depth if you want.

I'm confused. Couldn't Aurelia fly out to these drones and talk them down? I mean, I know it says that they could be starved, but if they aren't, she might be able to stop the attacks altogether if she can negotiate with whatever queen this is.

She could definitely drop her unicorn disguise and fly out to the drones and try to talk them down. Which is something i’ll keep in mind in the next chapter.

As for the possibility of negotiating with a queen I won’t spoil anything.

Nice chapter, if a bit anticlimactic. I thought there would've been more tension between the Queen Drumedia's hive and Smalstad.

Glad you enjoyed the chapter, and yeah I agree the Drumedia vs Smalstad was definitely anticlimactic and a rewrite of pretty much everything before the negotiation is something I’ll hopefully get around to in the future.

Nice of you to mention me in the notes. There is improvement but not a whole lot. I think the way to have done it would have been to have done this chapter in two parts. One would be the meeting between Queen Aurelia and Queen Drumedia, and the second being the actual negotiations. You could just leave it like this too. It's your story to write. I'm just giving feedback on what I think would improve it.

No its okay your feedback helped me out a lot. Honestly speaking I’m okay with this as is, as I had planned the meeting between Queen Aurelia and Queen Drumedia to be a short brief encounter. Since the main crux of this chapter was the negotiation between Queen Drumedia and Smalstad.

And yeah I probably should’ve split this chapter into two parts, and that is something I’ll try to work on, when writing chapter 7.

I generally try to give constructive criticism. One of my other stories received some criticism I didn't respond the best to. It felt more like an attack on my idea instead of an actual critique. I don't like criticism of that sort and it makes me get defensive. That's why I try to give the sort I want to hear myself; not putting the work down but pointing out where it seems to be flawed and then making a suggestion on how it could be improved. It comes from a teaching practice I was shown in martial arts training called P.C.P., which means Praise, Correct, Praise.

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