• Published 18th Mar 2023
  • 216 Views, 18 Comments

Taking the Case in Hand - IGIBAB

Years since it hadn't happened and suddenly, someone has decided to do it. This one will be tricky, especially since I'll probably have to work with... her.

  • ...

Chapter 11 - An Odd Day

It's crazy how much I had forgotten this feeling. To sit under a tree, under the shade of its leaves, brain focused on everything I know about the current case.

Essentially, not much. The killer is still roaming free, made two victims, maybe three, and I have no idea if it will continue or not.

My brain doesn't have much trouble getting used to that, weirdly enough. As if, deep down, I had been waiting for this for years. But that's impossible, right? I can't be this morbid, can I?

In any case, that story seems to bring back some older ones. What Berry told me is still running through my mind. I don't think she's the killer, but it confirms one thing: There exists people in Ponyville who could resent Mr. Cake, for more or less valid reasons. But in that case, is Open Skies truly a collateral victim, or the killer didn't like him either?

More than one brain are required to think about all this. I have to see Whooves. I stand up, take my bag, and start walking there.

On my way, I spot a rather peculiar scene. Daisy and Lily are accosting ponies going by. Judging by the posters they're holding, it's not hard to guess the topic of the conversation.

"Bonbon!" says Daisy, coming towards me, brandishing her poster. "Did you..."

"I know what Rose looks like, you know... And no, I didn't see her."

"Are you sure?"


"Really really sure!?" she insists, getting too close to my liking.

"Yes! If I knew anything, I would tell you, you know that!"

She moves back a little when confronted with my hint of aggressiveness, lowering her ears, putting on a sorry face.

"It's true, and you're investigating that as well... Sorry, it's just that..."

"She's dear to you, I know," I say while recovering a bit of my calm, sighing. "Keep on searching, indirectly you are helping us. But just be less... invasive."

"You... think something bad happened to her...?" then asks Daisy, rubbing one leg, worried. She's looking at me, fearing my answer.

"For now, I think she's just missing. Nothing points me towards something else."

Well, actually yes, judging by the situation, Rose is either locked up in a dark place or, at worst, already dead by now. But that's not the kind of thing I can say to Daisy like that.

"Really? Oh, what a relief then. Lily and I are worried sick."

"I get that. Now, if you allow me, I need to go..."

"Where?" suddenly says an amused voice right next to my ear.

Hiding a jump, I turn around even if I know who it is. Obviously, doing that, it can be only her. That unicorn.

"That's not your business, Sea."

She is standing in front of me with her usual slightly mischievous smile. Sea Swirl.

"That's not you to decide."

"Hello, Sea," says Daisy, once again brandishing her poster. "Did you see Rose?"

"Not recently, no, sorry," she apologises.

"Aren't you supposed to be on holiday?" I say after thinking. "On the beach or wherever?"

"I came back three days ago."

"Everything went fine?"

"Oh yes, the water was divine, and the ponies charming," she explains with a large hoof gesture.

I think a bit, looking at her. An idea just came to my mind. Meanwhile, she continues with enthusiasm:

"Not a single rain day, pegasus are really doing a good job."

She stops, losing a bit of her smile.

"Well, I would have preferred to come back at a better time."

"No, it's perfect, you came at the right time," I suddenly say. "I need to talk to you."

"Oh yeah?" she answers, looking distractedly at Daisy going away. "About what?"

"I'll tell you. Follow me."

I'd rather tell her that in a quiet place. Not that I don't trust Lily or Daisy, but they have very light tongues. So I lead her to the small street behind the flower shop.

Few ponies in Ponyville take the streets parallel to the main avenues. The place is quiet. I turn to her. She seems a little intrigued by the situation.

"Can I trust you?"

"Huh?" she says.

"Answer me."

I'm serious. I need to know. Sea Swirl is a mare who helped me a lot for a few years now, and I would say she's currently my best friend. But I must hear it from her mouth.

"Well, it depends, if you announce to me that you're the murderer and you don't want me to denounce you, no, you cannot trust me."

I stay quiet, a little thrown off by her answer. She looks at me with a little step back, seemingly afraid.

"What, it's true? It's you?"

"I... No! Absolutely not!"

"Oh, phew, you scared me," she says, relieved, wiping her forehead with a hoof. "Then what do you want to tell me?"

"I just want to know if I can count on you to help me."

"If you tell me what to do, yes," she answers with a shrug.

"Follow ponies. Collect informations. All while staying low."

She suddenly seems a lot less certain. Especially confronted with my determined face.

"Like... a spy...?" she ends up saying, seeing the term very negatively by the look of it.

"Like an assistant," I say to nuance. "A detective's help."

It doesn't seem to reassure her. Her gaze is fleeting. Something else is bothering her, but it's a topic she doesn't want to bring up...?

"What's wrong?"

She stammers, looking at me.

"It... Well, isn't it the kind of thing you would ask Lyra to do, normally...?"

My hooves clench a bit. She doesn't notice and hastens to follow:

"I know you're not on very good terms. But it's still something you've done together for years. I probably won't be as efficient as her and..."

Sea looks away, uneasy, adding at half-voice:

"... she might get jealous..."

I breathe in calmly, looking for a way to justify myself. I need to find a better reason than simply "I don't want to". And thankfully, I have one.

"Lyra is too involved in that case for now. Open Skies was her ex. It has shaken her emotionally. But consider yourself as my second assistant now. If I deem it necessary, I'll ask Lyra too..."

Which is to say, never for the life of me.

My words seem to have reassured her. Especially the "second assistant" part.

"Oh, in that case that's awesome! You want me to collect information on who or what?"

"For now, no one. But I need you to keep it a secret, alright?"

She nods.

"You'll have to be discreet as well if you gather indications... Don't be too direct, too clumsy."

"Er... How do you do that?"

"By acting like you're not."

That's very poorly explained, and I don't need to see her head tilting on the side to understand that. After a bit of reflection, I rephrase:

"Act natural. Look to steer conversation in the direction that you want."

"Ah, like I do to learn the latest gossip then."

I bob my head a little.

"Yeah, let's say that. But I really need someone I can trust for that."

"You can count on me!" she assures me with some confidence. In the end, she seems rather motivated.

I never thought in my life I'd come back to Ponyville's police station so often. But here I am. And it's more agitated than usual: There's Rarity next to the desk that serves as a reception. Facing a Junebug who seems very embarrassed.

"I'm sorry, Rarity. But I can't do anything else."

"But someone robbed my place!" replies the unicorn, revolted.

"I know, and I carefully noted that in your deposition, but we're lacking ponies to send investigating on that."

"Robbed?" I say, stepping up to Rarity. "Your boutique?"

"Oh, hello Bonbon. Yes, it's awful, someone broke into my house!"

"When was that?"

She makes a bothered face.

"I don't know exactly, but this morning. When I was absent."

"And what was taken from you?"

"I don't know, I didn't do all the inventory. But there was an unspeakable mess in my outfits. I decided to come here first."

"Everyone is busy looking for Rose or guarding Open Skies' house," intervenes Junebug. "I'm sorry, Rarity, but we don't have anyone to send. Really. There's more concerning matter than a robbery."

"More concerning!?" she throws, getting carried away. "And what if Sweetie had been there!? What would have happened to her!?"

"Calm down, Rarity," I say, putting a hoof on her shoulder. "Junebug can't do anything about it. We're in a one of a kind situation. Sweetie Belle and you are safe, and just that fact makes the robbery less concerning than a murder."

Rarity lowers her eyes on the side a bit, sorry and a little ashamed.

"You're right, Bonbon. I'm sorry. It's just that it never happened before... And I apologise, Junebug, of course it's not your fault."

"Apologies accepted, Rarity," she kindly reassures her, before looking at me. "You came for something in particular?"

"I'm here to talk to Whooves, don't worry, I know the way."

It's true that I didn't have to stop. But oh well, I couldn't leave her alone against a panicked dressmaker. I walk away while waving at them, passing in the hallways, looking for the captain.

And it doesn't take long to find him. In his office, reading what seems to be a letter. After knocking on the already opened door, to signal my presence, I come in.

"Some news?" I say while looking at him.

He mumbles when raising his eyes to me, answering:

"Canterlot's police are going to send reinforcements."

That's good news, partially. But of course, it annoys him.

"Already?" I say, still surprised by the quickness of it.

"When the princess asks, the administration follows."

He holds back a sigh. It's easy to see.

"At least you'll have more ponies to send after Rose."

"That's a way of seeing it..." he answers, wobbling his head left and right, a little grumpy. "Anything new on your side?"

"Open Skies was caught in a fight at Vinyl's last party. And Berry is alcoholic because of Mr. Cake."

I dumped that with quite the nonchalance. In fact, probably too much for Whooves, who's looking at me with big surprised eyes. It's true that this deserves an explanation, especially the last point.

"And you're sure that Berry isn't the culprit?"

Whooves is staring at me. I just explained to him what I learned and, visibly, it's this story that retained his attention the most. However, the fact that he's asking proves he didn't listen that much, and it gets a sigh out of me.

"She wouldn't have said all that if that was the case. She barely had the energy to walk, so assassinating two ponies, including one she had nothing against, that's unthinkable."

"So we didn't made any progress," he concludes. "At least, not thanks to her. On the other hoof, it could be interesting to know with whom Open Skies fought."

"We just have to hope that Vinyl will remember. If you want my opinion, we shouldn't base our hopes on that."

"That's why I examined the possibilities. I have a list of the next person to interrogate. Done by crossing Pinkie's testimony with Mr. Cake and Open Skies' relatives."

His tone implies something. His phrasing as well. I frown.

"What, you intend on giving me this job?"

"Listen," he says seriously, taking in a deep breath, joining his hooves in front of him. "There's three ponies still at their post in this police station: Bright, who is sleeping and still has an autopsy to perform, Junebug who must stay to take depositions, which, weirdly enough, haven't stopped coming since this morning, and myself, trying to coordinate everyone! Everypony left to look for Rose, and even with twenty of them, the only indication we have leaves a zone so large it'll probably take us weeks to comb! And that's supposing Colgate is reliable which, if you want my honest opinion, isn't clearly a certainty! So excuse me for asking for your help!"

Once his monologue over, he stares at me with resoluteness, waiting for my answer. I give him a moderately surprised look.

"Why don't you wait for the help from Canterlot? You don't like to work with me, usually."

He sighs, tired.

"The ribbon case, it dates back now. The situation is too serious for me to let that disagreement throw a spanner in the works. Those ponies from Canterlot, I don't know them, and they don't know anyone here. You, you know the people that need to be interrogated. You know where to dig with them."

I already knew he was going to say something like that. But it's always nice to hear it from his own voice. I'm not the "intrusive mare that gets under everyone's feet" anymore, now that you need me, am I?

I smile, internally.

"Fine. Who do I start with?"

"Rainbow Dash, Clear Skies and Applejack. By order of importance. Rainbow worked with Open Skies in the weather team, and she and Applejack spent yesterday morning at Sugarcube Corner. And Clear Skies, I don't think I need to explain myself."

I nod. I was already planning to see her sooner or later anyway. And it's been a while since I had the occasion to talk with Rainbow Dash as well.


Whooves giving me an important task, and trusting me. That's really an odd day.

Author's Note:

A little detail...

Sorry for the weeks of silence. Work got the best of me. I'll put this fiction on hold, at least fot the publishing part. Then I'll put everything up once I'm done. I think it's best for me to have a clear view of everything, rather than going in blindly with each chapter.
So, for now, translation wise, I'll do some other stuff.

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