• Published 17th Mar 2023
  • 937 Views, 37 Comments

G5 Adventures in Wakko's Wish 2 - ponydog127

After a shocking turn of events involving Opaline, the ponies return to Acme Falls for a new mission with the Animaniacs cast... and this mission is crucial, for Opaline is a huge threat in Warnerstock, and secrets must be released to stop her plans.

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The Royal Allegiance Conference

Night had fallen upon Acme Falls quickly, but back in Equestria, Opaline had just finished her siren song that she sang onto Maretime Bay in order for them to fear her, and was now busy brewing something in her mirror pool.

She had no idea where the ponies might have gotten sent to this time, but she knew that wherever they was, she was going to find them… and Misty would pay dearly for leaving her for the ponies she had grown to hate.

It wouldn't be ready until the next morning though, so she would have to lie in wait until then.


The next morning, the ponies woke up to a sweet-smelling breakfast of pancakes, soup, toast, fruit and milk that wafered through the castle to the upstairs suite. They trotted downstairs to find Pinky hard at work in the kitchen, while Brain made sure everything was ready for that day’s conference. “Morning, Brain and Pinky!” Pipp greeted. “Okay, I don’t know about you guys, but I had the best sleep of my entire life! That bed was soooooooo soft.”

“Oh, that’s the sheep’s wool and owl feathers in the mattress,” Pinky said as he stirred something in a large pot. “Sunny, try this-- see if it’s well-blended enough.”

Sunny put the liquid in her mouth, but while the flavor was good, it was SPICY! So spicy she had to grab a water jug and gulped it all down.

Of course, she didn't want to hurt the sweet mouse's feelings, so she decided to put on a brave face. “Uh… it’s amazing, Pinky, but um… what’s the spice that… kinda overtakes the dish?” she asked hesitantly. “Oh, just Warnerstock Fire Sauce-- made from the spiciest things ever!” Pinky said. “Brain said it would make people go head over their heels in pain so he could--”

“Have people far and wide try out this new blend of ice cream I have created to soothe the pain,” Brain interrupted, clenching Pinky’s muzzle and smiling nervously, which the ponies seemed to buy after a moment. “Ooh, I love ice cream! Let me know if you need anymore flavor combos-- Sunny can whip it up for you in no time!” Izzy chirped as they left the kitchen, and when they were gone, Brain turned to Pinky furiously. “Pinky, you foolish flop! You almost spoiled my world-domination scheme! Now I have to create ice cream before the conference begins, and you need to help me before they get suspicious!”

“So there was never any ice cream to begin with? Aw, zort!” Pinky frowned, but Brain dragged him away before anything else could be said. As for the ponies, they saw the Warners coming out from their rooms, each dressed in their individual best:

  • Yakko was dressed in a green jacket with his signature pants, a white frilly collar around his neck with a white shirt.
  • Wakko wore his signature blue turtleneck with a brown leather vest over it, along with his signature hat.
  • Dot wore a light pink dress with white and light pink cuffs on the shoulders.

“Oooh… you guys look amazing! And so dapper!” Pipp elbowed Yakko playfully. “Heh, thanks,” Yakko brushed himself off with a chuckle. “The royal tailors really outdid themselves with our royal attire… even though we probably don’t need ‘em-- we go everywhere in our normal outfits.”

“But you wearing just your pants is… well… not very prince-like, Yakko. As co-rulers of Warnerstock, you have to set an example for your subjects-- the rulers from these visiting kingdoms will see that you’re on your best behavior, or your relationship with them will blow out of proportion,” Zipp said with a worried expression. “Trust me-- Mom pressures me with these princess lessons every chance she gets, so I know.”

“So, who are all these people anyway?” Hitch asked, and Dot pulled out a short scroll with names on it. “Apparently it’s Queen Nora Norita and Princess Cora from Kobevell, Princess Gigi from Popstaria and King Niels Niedhart from Musclinen,” Dot read off, throwing the scroll aside. “So basically, new friends and foes from our new reboot series on Hulu with new titles and attitudes the size of a mountain.”

“Hulu…? Ah, never mind. Hey, what if we stay with you during the conference?” Sunny suggested. “Zipp and Pipp are royalty, so they can show you the ropes that they learned from Queen Haven, and they can help you make a solid impression on the visitors!”

“That’s a faboo idea!” Wakko said. “But… I don’t think you’ll be able to make a good impression when you’re naked.” The ponies looked at themselves and realized he was right-- they didn’t have any clothes... at least, not on them anyway. But instantly, Dot had an idea. “Wait right here!” She zipped into another room and brought out a rack of formal clothing for five of the ponies:

  • A long purple dress made of silk for Sunny
  • A long, short-sleeved teal dress for Izzy
  • A bright golden dress for Pipp that seemed to go incredibly well with her wheat tiara
  • A tuxedo for Hitch and a smaller version for Sparky
  • A blue dress for Zipp, but its streamlined enough for her to fly around in whenever she wanted to.

“Oh, Dot! They’re perfect!” Sunny looked at the clothes with sparkles in her eyes, before realizing a problem. “Wait-- there isn’t a dress for Misty!”

“That’s okay, Sunny,” Misty reassured before pulling out her starry-studed dress from Moonscar Island out from her saddlebag. “I kept the one from our adventure on Moonscar Island, and I kept it with me, just in case I needed a quick costume change.”

“Ooooh… great custom work, Misty-- love the moon and star design. You must have a top notch seamstress back in Equestria. Gimme her number when you get the chance,” Dot studied the dress, making Misty giggle-- if only Dot knew what they had gone through to get that dress. “We’ll wait for you in the throne room,” Yakko said, patting Sparky on the head before leading his siblings toward the throne room. “Better hurry,” Wakko called as the siblings headed out. “The other monarchs will be here in 30 minutes!”

As they rushed to get ready, they had no idea that Opaline was keeping an eye on them through her mirror pool as she worked. “Ugh… ponies and their pointless frivalities,” she rolled her eyes. “But, finally… my potion is ready-- and with it’s power, I will claim Warnerstock and Equestria before those ponies have a chance! Now… to wait for the right moment.”


Once Sunny and her friends had gotten all dolled up, they trotted to the throne room, where the Warners sat with their royal guards, Pinky and Brain and the royal trumpeter, who blew the trumpet to announce the first coming monarch. “Announcing, from the kingdom of Kobevell,” Brain announced, “Queen Nora Norita and Princess Cora!”

The royal flag of Kobevell (a griffon above a mountain) was pulled down by Wakko, and a few moments a later, a tall, slender Latina woman with brown hair, green eyes and a pointy nose entered the room with a daughter that looked exactly like her… both wearing firm expressions on their faces. “Queen Nora… enchanté,” Yakko said courteously, kissing her hand before she yanked it away. “Let’s make this a quick conference, Prince Yakko-- I’m due for a very important business meeting back in Kobevell.”

“And my friends and I, like, have plans to stare at unsuspecting civillians, correcting their every flaw,” Cora said snootily, flipping her hair. “Gee… self-centered, much?” Dot whispered to Pipp, who was hushed by the latter to avoid getting in trouble as the trumpets sounded again. “From the kingdom of Popstaria,” Pinky decreed through a megaphone, “please welcome… PRINCESS GIGI SODA!!!!!

“Wait… Gigi what-now?” Hitch blinked in surprise. Before anyone else could clarify, pop music began to fill the air, along with the flag of Popstaria (a unicorn horn and a microphone crossed together) and a display of backup dancers entering the room, along with a young girl not much older than Yakko, with a flower in her hair similar to Dot as she started singing:

GiGi Soda: When I wear my flower
I, I feel like a star!

Backup Singers: Whoa oh oh!
Whoa oh oh!

GiGi Soda: Steam my single, in
In your parents car!

Backup Singers: Whoa oh oh!
Hey! GiGi Soda!

Gigi Soda: I say yeah, yeah!

Backup Singers: GiGi Soda!

Gigi Soda: I say yeah, yeah!

Backup Singers: GiGi Soda!

Gigi Soda: I say yeah, yeah!

Backup Singers: GiGi Soda!

Gigi Soda: I say yeah, yeah!

All: GiGi Soda!

Izzy, Misty and Pinky cheered happily as GiGi took a flower from her hair and handed it to Dot. “Princess Dot… a flower as my welcome gift,” she said respectfully. “Not a bad entrance,” Dot took the flower with a smirk. “But next time, leave the pop to Pipp.”

“Well… maybe we could collab some time,” Pipp said to GiGi with a wink. Just then, the trumpets began to fanfare for a final time, and Brain handed the final scroll to Yakko. “Me? Well… all right…” Yakko took the scroll and cleared his throat. “And finally, from the kingdom of Musclinen, please welcome… dare I say his name… King Niels Niedhart!”

Fireworks began to explode, causing Misty to yelp and run behind Wakko as a buff man with blonde hair came striding into view on a muscular horse, kissing his muscles as the maids of the castle fainted dramatically. “Yeesh… where has he been working out?” Hitch asked with a shudder, covering Sparky’s eyes. “A fiery gym where they threaten to burn you if you quit your membership?”

“Ha ha! Good one, Hitch,” Yakko nudged him jokingly. “Well, now that we’re all gathered, why don’t we head to the dining hall for the banquet?” Brain suggested. “I hear the royal chefs have prepared a steaming hot bowl of chili with your names on it.”

“Ah! Wonderful!” Niels said after admiring his pecs. “Mein stomach is growling from the long travels I have endured.” Soon, the others began to follow the servants out of the room, but suddenly… a voice harmonized through the air, causing Wakko to pause and look around. It was quite a beautiful melody, but where was it coming from? It wasn’t his sister or the girl ponies… they couldn’t make a melody like that. It was almost… supernatural in a way. “Wakko?” Zipp called. “You comin’?”

Wakko shook his head to clear it… now wasn’t the time for this. “Uh… r-right. Coming!” he called, and rushed after his siblings and friends to start the conference.


The food wasn’t as spicy as Brain and Pinky originally made it, not wanting to arouse suspicion, and the group found the conference going smoothly. During the ice cream portion of the meal, Queen Nora decided to speak. “I hadn’t before now, for various reasons, but… I am sorry to hear about your parents,” she told the Warners. “How King Salazar brutally murdered them was indeed traumatic.”

Yakko, Wakko and Dot looked solemn at this and nodded… learning how their parents died all those years ago thanks to the Time Orbs was horrifying… but they had to know in order to defeat Salazar. “We miss them, but now we know that they’re in a better place,” Dot nodded, and Pipp wrapped a wing around her friend. “So… what about you ponies?” GiGi asked, slurping her soda. “Have you been here long?”

“Not long-- just got back into Acme Falls last night,” Sunny halfheartedly spoke. “We, uh… couldn’t wait to reconnect with the Warners and our other friends after our last adventure. Around the time that King Salazar was kicked out.”

“So, you were with them when the princes and princess found the Wishing Star, yes?” Nora asked them, causing the Warners to nod. The story of the Wishing Star had been spread from kingdom to kingdom ever since the ponies left, and they found no reason to hide the fact that they were the ones who made that wish that changed Warnerstock for the better. “And we’ve never been more proud of the rulers they’ve become,” Sunny said. “We know Warnerstock is safe with the Warner Brothers.”

“And the Warner Sister,” Dot nodded. “Come on-- we’ll give you the grand tour of the palace.” Dot got up and quickly led the group away, but Wakko paused again when he heard the singing voice again. This time, Yakko noticed his little brother lagging behind, and went back to join him. “Hey, Wakster… you okay?” he asked. “I don’t know…” Wakko looked around. “I’ve been hearing this singing ever since this morning, and I don’t--”

Suddenly, both brothers’ ears perked up and they gasped at the sound of the singing. “See? There it is again!” Wakko exclaimed. “It’s like Madonna and a ghost mixed together!”

“Huh… I don’t know what that is. But, we have to focus on our royal duties,” Yakko tried to steer his brother right. “Besides, maybe it’s just in our heads. Come on. We have company waiting for us.”

Wakko nodded and trusted his brother, so they ran off in search of the touring group… unaware that the singing voice would only be the start to a tale of craziness.

Author's Note:

The outfits that the Warners wear in this chapter are the same outfits that they wear in the original series' episode "Cutie and the Beast".

Niels Niedhart, Nora Norita, her daughter Cora and Gigi Soda make their appearances in this story from the reboot, set in their own individual kingdoms.