• Published 17th Mar 2023
  • 936 Views, 37 Comments

G5 Adventures in Wakko's Wish 2 - ponydog127

After a shocking turn of events involving Opaline, the ponies return to Acme Falls for a new mission with the Animaniacs cast... and this mission is crucial, for Opaline is a huge threat in Warnerstock, and secrets must be released to stop her plans.

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The Final Fight in Warnerstock

Opaline cackled in terror as she watched the monsters she created, both fire and shadow, chase the citizens of Warnerstock while the buildings of the village burst into flames.

It may not be Equestria… but it was everything she imagined her reign of terror to include.

Meanwhile, Brain was busy fidgeting with the lock on his and Pinky’s cage.

If the Warners and ponies couldn’t find their way back in time, they’d have to try to form a resistance to fight Opaline’s monsters on their own. “Brain… can you please hurry it up?” Pinky asked, fidgeting slightly. “Not only do we have to hold off Opaline before the Warners get back... I’ve got to use the toilet! I haven’t used it all day!”

“Be quiet, you blundering oaf! I’ve almost got it, but if Opaline hears of our plans, you’ll be the one she smothers, giving YOU gave the plan away!” Brain demanded, still fidgeting his tail into the lock. And he did so for the longest moment until… he finally got the lock open! “Got it! Now, come, Pinky-- we have to find something to put out Opaline’s dragon fire magic before it gets out of hand!”

They swung the cage to the closest tapestry, and proceeded to slide down it until the taller mouse saw something. “Um… Brain?” Pinky asked. “Yes, Pinky?” his partner called. “When do you think the ponies and Warners will be getting back?”

“Oh, I suppose any day now if Princess Pipp got my text message. Why do you ask?”

“Is that them right there?”

Brain’s eyes widened as he looked out the window. And low and behold, Pinky was right-- here came the Warners, riding on the ponies’ backs as they galloped toward the village. And as they arrived, the villagers cheered repeatedly for their princes and princess.

“It’s them! The Warners are back!”

“They’ve come to save us!”

“Along with the saviors from Equestria!”

“Our prayers have been answered!”

Once the ponies had come to a stop, their first line of business was to help the townsfolk. “Yakko, you and Zipp keep a close eye on things from the air!” Sunny commanded. “Dot, Hitch, Pipp! Use your powers to help the townsfolk escape! Wakko, Izzy and Misty! Put out the fires!”

“What are you gonna do, Sunny?” Wakko asked. “I’m gonna go confront Opaline, and try to get her to turn things around while trying to rescue Brain and Pinky,” Sunny said. “It may be our only chance to do it!”

“Sunny, are you crazy?!” Misty blurt out. “It’s way to risky to go alone! She could kill you! You can’t go…”

“But Misty,” Sunny began to say, “I have--”

“...without me,” Misty finished, and the group looked surprised at this. “Misty, are you sure about that?” Zipp asked in concern. “She’s right,” Dot agreed. “If she had the chance, Opaline would fry you more than David Hasselhoff when he gets a tan!”

“I don’t care… whatever saves Warnerstock, right?” Misty asked. “Besides, if she had the humanity to take me in when I was a filly, that means she cares on some level… right? So, maybe she’ll listen to me!”

Sunny pondered about this for a few moments… sure, taking Misty along might help, but it might wind up both of them being hurt.

But, the way Misty was looking at her with such a pleading glance, Sunny couldn’t tell her no. “Okay, Misty… but follow my lead! Izzy, Wakko, can you two handle the fire without her?”

“You can bet that we can belizzle the fire! Just go save Warnerstock!” Izzy told her friends. To this, the two ponies nodded and charged toward the castle, dodging the flames as they galloped. “All right, guys!” Zipp shouted. “Let’s go put out some flames and monsters!”

“Oh-ho, Zipp, baby...” Dot cracked her knuckles together at this. “Now you're speaking my language!”



But just then, she heard the slightest sound coming from behind her… something that sounded like…


The alicorn whipped her head around to see Pinky and Brain scurrying across the floor, hoping to get to the throne, and seeing them made Opaline start to see red.

She charged at them, blasting them with her magic, causing them to groan in pain. “You fools!!” she screamed in a distorted voice. “I will reign supreme over any world I come across! JUST YOU WAIT!!! AND YOU WILL BE THE FIRST TO DIE!!!


Opaline paused when she heard this, allowing Pinky and Brain a chance to slowly get up and run.

She knew that voice. She raised the pony with that voice.

Opaline slowly turned her head to see Misty standing near the door with Sunny, and the blue unicorn looked like she was on the edge of tears. “Misty…” she said in a surprisingly soft voice. “I assume you’ve come back to the pony who raised you? Who helped you when you had nopony else?

“No… I’m here to ask you to stop,” Misty said calmly. “This isn’t the way to get power, Opaline-- magic is powerful, and the most important magic of all is friendship. Sunny and her friends gave that gift to me… and I can give it to you, Opaline. If you just… trust me.”

...trust you? TRUST YOU?!!” Opaline let out a cackle. “Oh, Misty, that’s a laugh.

“But, Opaline! They’ll accept you!” Misty said, determined to get through to her somehow. “You can have a place in Equestria again!”

I will have a place in Equestria again, my dear… once I get all the dragon fire I need, and your little home will be MINE!!

Opaline fired a blast at Misty, to which Sunny delected with a golden shield from her horn. “WHAT?!

“Misty, get the others!” Sunny said. “I’ll hold her off and get Pinky and Brain to safety, but we need all the cutie marks to defeat her!”

“On it!” Misty bolted out of the throne room doors while Sunny faced Opaline in a bold manner. “All right, Opaline. You want my alicorn magic?” she asked. “Then let me show you what I’m made of.”


Coral, Aqua and Amethyst raised their hooves to the air and splashed the water down onto te buildings, while Hitch and Dot created plant-based barriers and Pipp helped carry the kids to a safe place. “I think we’ve almost got it covered, guys!” Yakko cried. “We just have to wait for Misty and Sunny to give us the signal to help ‘em stop Opaline for good!”

“GUYS!! HELP ME!!!” came a scream, and everyone saw Misty being chased by some of Opaline’s fire monsters. “Wakko, hop on!” Zipp urged Wakko. “We have to put out those monsters before Misty is toast!”

“On it!” Wakko leapt onto Zipp’s back before she flew off, until they were right behind the fire monsters. “All right, you heat infested bugs,” Zipp threatened. “Prepare to get a little steamed up!

At this cue, Wakko used his water powers to blast the monsters, resulting them in fading from existence and allowing Misty to reach them. “Phew… thanks, guys,” she smiled. “That was close.”

Sparky immediately bolted up and hugged her, causing Misty to smile. “Aww… I’m glad to see you too, little fella.”

“Misty, where’s Sunny? Did you defeat Opaline without us? Oh please say you did…” Hitch whimpered. “We didn’t,” Misty said. “She’s tangling with Opaline in the throne room! She sent me to get you guys so you could repel Opaline with your cutie mark magic!”

“All right then… let’s go!” Zipp told the crew as they raced toward the palace. “And let’s hope Sunny can keep up the fight until we get there!”


Sunny repeatedly dodged Opaline’s attack while carrying Pinky and Brain on her back, the two mice screaming in terror as she flipped, spun and whirled in every direction.

Finally, she reached a higher point where Opaline couldn’t reach with her magic, setting the two inside it. “There you go,” she said. “Just stay hidden until it’s over, okay?”

“We will, Sunny. Narf! And thank you!” Pinky said gratefully. “You’re welcome,” Sunny said. “Now… I gotta keep her distracted until help arrives.”

There’s no use in fighting anymore against me, Sunny Starscout!” Opaline shouted, her voice still distorted. “I am the only supreme alicorn, and it will always STAY that way!

“Not while we’re around!!” cried a voice, and Opaline snarled when she saw the rest of the ponies, along with the Warners, enter the throne room.

As they rushed to help Sunny, Hitch gave Sparky over to Misty. “Here-- I don’t want him to get hurt,” he said. “Make sure Opaline doesn’t get her grubby little hooves on him.”

“Got it, Hitch,” Misty said with a firm nod, and the group stood together in unison while the Warners tormented Opaline with their antics-- Wakko using his mallet, Dot using some karate moves she picked up from who knows where, and Yakko with his yammering.

Finally, they were ready for the final blow. “Everypony, formation!” Sunny cried. “Warners, move and get ready to protect Misty and Sparky!”

“Right!” the Warners nodded, and leapt over to their friends with their hands glowing. Soon, the Mane 5’s cutie marks began to glow brighter than ever, and then together, they blasted a strong surge of rainbow magic in Opaline’s direction, but the fire alicorn was able to make a shield to partially protect herself from the blast. “Sunny!” Pipp cried out. “I-It isn’t working all the way!”

“Pipp is right!” Zipp strained. “We need more power!”

“Then, lucky for you, we’ve got some!” Wakko cried as he, Yakko and Dot readied their blasts and blasted from the other side of the throne room. It was getting even harder for Opaline to keep up the shield, but she still somehow managed to maintain it. “It’s still not enough!” Sunny strained. “We need more magic to take down the shield completely!”

That’s when Misty got enough courage to do something she had wanted to do since the moment they got back to Warnerstock… since the moment Opaline didn’t give her a cutie mark.

Taking a deep breath, she closed her eyes and strained hard. She thought about the Warners, and Sparky, and the ponies she had now come to accept as her… friends?

Yeah… friends.

Suddenly, her horn lit up in pink, and from where she was standing with Sparky, let out a pink beam of magic that struck Opaline right on the side, causing her to yell out in pain and drop the shield. “Sunny, hurry!” Misty cried. “Now’s your chance!”

Sunny nodded and let her alicorn magic gather within her before she let it all out in the form of a savage blast, right in Opaline’s direction. And Opaline realized it too late that it was not a blast she could stop. “NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And when the blast of light was finally gone, there was a scorch in the carpet where Opaline once stood.

Everyone looked at it in shock, wondering what had become of the evil alicorn. “Did… did we…?” Pipp gulped. “No… we didn’t kill her,” Misty frowned. “Some part of me does wish she was gone for good… but we just sent her back to Equestria, only a fragment of her power left.”

“So that means the fight isn’t over… right?” Wakko asked. “Right,” Zipp sighed. “I guess we still have to protect Equestria from her… whenever she decides to strike next.”

“Indeed it does,” Brain said as he and Pinky approached. “But right now, we should be celebrating.”

“Brain’s right-- Warnerstock is safe again,” Sunny agreed. “Let’s get this party started!”

Author's Note:

I'm sorry if this isn't the final battle scene you imagined, but I like the way I wrote it, and I don't want any negative comments. Got it?