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Danyelle VS Roll!

*Grandeeny’s POV*

*Blissful sigh* It’s been so long since Torchy and I have been together like this.

Wendy was chasing Spike about since the two were playing tag.

“Heehee, I’m getting hungry for you again, Torchy.” I smiled as my mate chuckled.

A loud explosion was heard since Runo had been pranked by Ingot.

Wendy asks "Again?"

Spike spoke "This is why we never let him near dynamite..."

Torch asks "Deena, should we?"

Dan had dropkicked Ingot through a wall.

Spike spoke "Jeeze... I didn't expect that to happen."

Dan spoke "I don't like it when others pick on Runo."

“No. That’s already taken care of.” I responded to Torch.

Torch chuckles "Then shall we head there once more?"

“Yes.” I smiled as Torch and I went to the Chuddle Hotel, only to see Igneel and Amethyst with here as well, and they arrived the same time that we did.

A male feathered dragon was flirting with Lucy but was sent careening through a wall by Natsu.


Lucy spoke "*blushing* Natsu..."

Igneel spoke "Hehe, that son of mine."

Torch chuckles "You were the same way when you were his age Igneel, you wouldn't let anyone near Amethyst."

Igneel retorts "Oh yeah? Well you were a complete toughscale and totally embarrassed when it came to Grandeeny at Ember’s age!"

Torch counters "Least I'm not a bonehead!"

Igneel spoke "At least I ain’t a loudspeaker!"

Our mates started butting heads as Amethyst and I sighed at that. They never changed.

Wendy spoke "Dad...."

Torch spoke "*Notices buffet table at the dining area of the Chuddle Hotel* I’ll eat more food than you can at the All-You-Can-Eat Buffet in the dining room!"

Igneel spoke "You’re on!"

Torch and Igneel dashed off to the dining room. They’re definitely still rivals, as us dragonesses were on our own.

Amethyst asks "So, how are you doing, Grandeeny?"

I spoke "It took some time for Ember to forgive me."

Amethyst asks "I see, but bygones are bygones, right?"

“Indeed.” I smiled as I noticed some females heading somewhere. “You thinking what I’m thinking?”

Amethyst spoke "Why not."

Amethyst and I followed the females to what seemed like stands in a stadium. We looked around and saw that the audience was all female with some hermaphrodites here. Had to admit, Amethyst and I were curious as we encountered Kaminari.

Honeystar spoke "Oh hi there."

Kaminari asks "How’s it goin’?"

“Kaminari? Honeystar? What’re you doing here?” I asked.

Honeystar spoke "Well, us females and hermaphrodites heard about the Challenge between Danyelle and Roll, so we decided to see what was going on."

Shadowfang was among the group with Gryph-Dash.

Shadowfang spoke "From the looks of things, only females and hermaphrodites can be here. Must be because of the competitors only being female and one-on-one."

Gryph-Dash had a slight bump on her stomach due to the egg inside.

“So, how’re you and Dashie, huh?” I asked with a smirk.

Gryph-Dash spoke "Well, it's a rather large egg since the kid's a gryphkat hybrid."

Gryph-Dash waddles off to try to get the egg out since it was bigger than a normal gryphon egg.

Vera then appeared. “Alright, ladies! Are you ready? I said, ARE YOU READY?!”

The audience cheered in agreement as a yes.

Foxsong and the other female sirens roar loud.

Vera spoke "On the right blue side, is the female Abyssinian with quite the ability to fly, Danyelle Hikari!"

Danyelle showed up in an outfit that definitely suited her perfectly as cheers erupted from the audience.

Roll was exercising her muscles as she waited.

Vera spoke "And on the pink side, is the female Abyssinian who is quite the ace of hearts, Roll Sakurai!"

Roll showed up also in an outfit perfectly suited for her with cheers erupting from the audience.

Roll mutters "My last name is Hikari now...."

Vera asks "Oops! My bad, sorry about that. Roll Hikari! And the First Challenge is an Eating Contest! You will have two hours and three parts to eat as much as you can! Are both contestants ready?"

Danyelle slips a rubber body spell onto herself discreetly so that she'd have the advantage.

Danyelle spoke "Ready!"

But unknown to anyone, Vera noticed and slid the same spell even more discreetly onto Roll so that things would be fair and square as Danyelle didn’t notice or sense it at all.

Roll spoke "Ready!"

Vera spoke "Then let the First Challenge, BEGIN!!! First part and course, oh French Fry!

A gray twister blew in before it stopped, revealing a large table with multitudes of pizza and a very big and fat French Fry, much to Danyelle and Roll’s surprise.

Vera spoke "Pizza! Mama mia!"

Danyelle growls "VERA!"

Vera spoke "Calm down, I helped him with it."

Roll taunts "What’s wrong, Danyelle? Scared?"

Danyelle spoke "Bite me."

Vera asks "Okay, contestants ready to feast?"

Danyelle had slipped into her nine-tailed form yet again.

Danyelle spoke "Ready!"

I felt some kind of magic within Roll.

Roll spoke "Ready!"

Vera spoke "Then let the first forty minutes, START!!!"

The two immediately dug in, feasting and feasting on the pizza nonstop as their appetites and hunger became absolutely insatiable while neither of them cared about how round their stomachs were getting. Danyelle was eating a bit faster as she was slowly getting in the lead.

Vera spoke "Wow! Only a few seconds and their tummies are already huge!"

Ember spoke "Pizza lover alert."

The two kept eating as they were getting bigger and fatter and their suits looked really snug, but didn’t have any tears in them.

Vera spoke "40 minutes have past, so the First Course is done! Time for the Second Course!"

French Fry whisked by, replacing the pizza with curry, much to the competitor’s delight as their mouths watered.

Vera spoke "Curry! SponsoredbyYahootandMagic’sNumberOneCurry."

Danyelle asks "What was that Vera?"

Vera spoke "Sorry. That was me doing a sponsor/ad/commercial impression. Yahoot and Magic sends their regards by the way."

Roll's ears flatten since she didn't trust Yahoot or even Albert for that matter.

Vera spoke "Oops! Uh, sorry about that. Their curry was delicious though."

Danyelle spoke "I guess."

Roll spoke "Sorry but I don't trust them that much, they tried to kill Vince on several occasions."

Vera spoke "Well they did say that they and their team were still rivals with him and Lan, but they ain’t working for that quack scientist anymore since he betrayed their trust."

Danyelle spoke "If Albert comes near my brothers again, I'll tear his throat out."

Vera spoke "I don’t know about that. I think they’ve changed for the better."

Danyelle and Roll’s stomachs roared in hunger.

Vera asks "Sounds like your stomachs are tired of waiting. Both competitors ready?"

Sam's left ear twitches suddenly.

Sam asks "Aside from Blue Flame, did you call any other ghosts here Vera?"

Vera spoke "No. I don’t think so. And I definitely didn’t call the Lunch Mare."

A crackle of electricity flows out from Danyelle's mouth.

Danyelle spoke "I know you're hiding somewhere Lunch Mare, you might as well show yourself!"

Vera groans "*Facepalm!* Why did I say that?"

Danyelle spoke "We can't call in Phantom to help since he's busy with finding other alicorns."

A giant meatloaf monster appeared before Vera’s head became as big as a skyscraper and ate all of it in one bite then swallowing it before spitting out the Lunch Mare. “How about that?”

Several mares had thrown up since they were queasy.

Danyelle spoke "Good freaking grief.. You went and made several mares throw up..."

Vera spoke "Sorry, I really didn’t mean to."

Danyelle spoke "It's a dietary reaction... Plant eaters can't digest meat that well."

Vera spoke "Oh. Right."

Vera tossed a box underneath the Lunch Mare before she was sucked up into it.

Roll spoke "You better not use that on Phantom though... He's only half ghost."

Vera asks "Don’t worry, I won’t. Besides, when you travel to a lot of worlds, you learn a few things. Now then, both competitors ready to begin the second course?"

Both she-cats spoke "YEAH!"

Vera spoke "Then ready, set… FEAST!!!"

The two she-cats dug in immediately as they were getting bigger and fatter once more, getting more tears on their suits, but neither of them could care less about it. Danyelle and Roll we enjoying the curry to the fullest as they were neck-and-neck!

Blue spoke "I hate not having a cutie mark..."

“Is it because of you being a ghost?” I asked.

Blue spoke "I had one before I died in a fire but not now..."

“I think your talent is more than a cutie mark, Blue Flame.” I responded to the female ghost.

Amethyst spoke "Dragons can't get cutie marks though."

“Just because we don’t have cutie marks doesn’t mean we can’t have talents.” I said.

A random Abyssinian she-cat asks "What about zebras?"

“I do remember Zecora as it seemed that she had a cutie mark, which I did find rather odd.” I noted.

Squirrelstar spoke "I find it odd too."

Amethyst spoke "Maybe we should find her homeland soon."

Dovewing spoke "We should ask her first."

A loud crash was heard since a zebra lamia with wings and horn of an alicorn crashed head first into a wall.

Zecora groans "Note to self... Alicorn wings can't support lamia body..."

“As strong as they are now, probably not.” I noted.

Blizzardstar spoke "Lamia bodies are bulky but not as bulky as taur bodies yet Flowerstep can fly no problem."

“That’s because shi was used to flying, as was hir body.” I informed.

Flowerstep spoke "My sire was half owltaur though."

Vera spoke "Another forty minutes done! Second course over!"

Danyelle and Roll were ginormous! They were as big as mountains now as their suits were shredded to pieces as the two let out a huge simultaneous belch.

Vera asks "Whoo! You both must’ve enjoyed the curry a ton, huh?"

Squirrelstar spoke "*facepaw* Abyssinians wear little to no clothing though..."

Vera spoke "*Bead of sweat* Oh."

Danyelle spoke "Don’t worry, Vera, it’s okay."

Roll spoke "Yeah. Now bring us the last course!"

Vera spoke "Okay, here it is! The third/final course! Hope you’re both ready to drink, because here comes an endless stream! It’s spicy tropical strawberry milk!"

Audience gasps "*Intrigued* Ooh!"

The two she-cats smirked at the drink as Vera brought out two mountain-sized containers filled with spicy tropical strawberry milk as the containers each had an inserted drinking hose to chug from.

Vera asks "Both competitors ready?"

Adagio spoke "My money's on Danyelle!"

Yellowfang spoke "Mine's on the pink cat!"

Bits and bets had been exchanged yet Pinkie had a hat full of the bits that had been bet.

Danyelle and Roll spoke "READY!!!"

Vera spoke "Then SWILL!!!"

The two she-cats started sucking in the milk and swallowing it down from the hoses extremely fast as they were getting bigger and fatter.

Vera gasps "Ooh! How much longer with they last?"

The ribbon that Roll always wore on her tail had snapped off.

Roll didn’t care about that at all as she was too busy indulging herself in milk as she was drinking a bit faster.

Danyelle and Roll soon tore off the hoses and started drinking the milk straight from the containers, getting bigger and faster even quicker.

Vera spoke "Wow! They’re pulling out all the stops and going all in! This is gonna be a close one!"

All of us in the audience were cheering!

Cadence spoke "YOU GOT THIS DANY!!!!"

Rainbow Dash spoke "COME ON, ROLL!! YOU CAN DO IT!!!!"

The two triple their drinking speed as their growth tripled as well with them guzzling waterfalls of milk down their throats.

Soon, there was 10 seconds left as their clothes looked like they were about to fall apart.

Vera spoke "10! 9! 8! 7! 6!"

Audience spoke 5! 4! 3!"

Me and my friends spoke "2! 1!"

Excluding Danyelle and Roll, everyone in the stadium spoke "ZERO!!!"

Vera spoke "FINISH!"

The containers vanished as the two she-cats were as huge as a country right now, before they let out ginormous burps that rattled all of us. We were anxious for the results as the two looked exactly the same before two weight scales appeared as a giant screen board revealed itself.

Vera spoke "Alright, you two. Step onto the scales and measure out your BMI."

The two competitors were anxious to find out as well.

The other girls and herms waited with baited breath.

Danyelle and Roll stepped onto the scales as the scores were cracking the numbers.

Vera spoke "It’s a close finish, the winner of the First Challenge could be either one!"

Danyelle’s score read 3 trillion pounds, while Roll’s score read 3 trillion and 3 pounds.

Vera spoke "The winner of the First Challenge is Roll Hikari!"

Danyelle spoke "Uh, you forgot to factor in base weight... My base weight is 169 pounds, Roll's bas weight is 90 pounds."

Roll asks "Excuse me, Dany?"

Danyelle spoke "Oh bite me, my base weight is almost twice your base weight."

Roll growls "You trying to-"

Vera spoke "Okay, slight error. But now that we know, let’s move onto the Second Challenge, the challenge of battle!"

A wheel appeared.

Vera spoke "Time to spin the Wheel of Combat!"

Vera spun the wheel as it slowed down to a stop soon, and the arrow pointed to the face of a quite big female blonde terrier diamond dog with long, blonde fur with bangs that are tied in two geometrical pigtails on her head and blue eyes while wearing an azure wrestling mask.

Vera spoke "And the Second Challenge will be… Pro Wrestling!"

A wrestling ring emerged as a barrier formed.

Vera spoke "Start on the ring, but anywhere on this floor is also fair. Just don’t go onto the audience, so I put up a barrier just in case."

Roll spoke "Uh Vera, neither Danyelle or I know how to wrestle..."

Vera asks "Well, the basics of it is you try to strike, grab and throw your opponents to daze them long enough to pin them down. If you pin your opponent down for 3 slaps on the ground, you win. Both wrestlers ready?"

Uncertainty in her voice, Danyelle spoke "Ready as I'll ever be...."

Roll, who slapped her face to help herself focus. “Good to go!”

Vera spoke "Then it is time… TO WRESTLE!!!"

The bell rang as the match started.

Danyelle pulls a fast one, pulling a Germane Suplex on Roll thus knocking the pink Abyssinian out.

But Roll got back up instantly as she drop kicked Danyelle, sending her flying back before the pink Abyssinian got onto her, pinning Danyelle.

Vera spoke "*One slap* One! *Another slap* Two!"

Danyelle grabs Roll, pinning the pink Abyssinian down in a lotus lock thus stopping Roll from trying to break free.

Vera spoke "*One slap* One! *Another slap* Two! *About to slap the floor a third time* Thr-"

But then as if her instinct took action, full of energy, Roll suddenly jumped into the air from the ground, with the air force making Danyelle face the floor before Roll pinned Danyelle down, turning her hold to her advantage.

Vera spoke "*One slap* One! *Another slap* Two! *Final slap* Three!"

The bell rang as Roll had won.

Danyelle hisses "CHEATER!!! I HAD IT IN THE BAG!!!"

Danyelle bodyslams Roll, pinning the pink Abyssinian down.

Vera separated the two Abyssinians.

Vera spoke "Calm down, Danyelle. I kept my eye on the match the whole time and Roll managed to turn the tables fair and square."

Danyelle was in nine tailed mode due to anger.


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