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Princess Spike/ Corrupted Roots/ Firebolt Celebrations

*Natsu’s POV*

My little bro seemed worried about Twilight.

Even Nyx, Akari, Strawberry and Cherry were worried about their mother.

Lucy asks "Had Twi been sleeping at all?"

I spoke "Both her and Spottedleaf have been up for three days straight planning out the summit."

Wendy spoke "I think they need to take a nap with Flash and Frostleaf."

Hitch spoke "Still Sunny, it’s pretty low."

Sunny spoke "I haven't sensed any alicorns lately... Not since Flintfur's ascension."

Spike spoke "This is gonna be tough."

Danyelle flew into the room with an excited look on her face.

Danyelle spoke "We got THREE more alicorns!"

“Who?” Spike and I asked.

Danyelle spoke "Emerald, Seiko and Miran!"

“What?! How?!” I gasped at the last two alicorns mentioned.

Danyelle spoke "Remember back on Nightmare Night there? Rainbow said that she had sensed a change in Seiko and Miran."

“Thought she had a gut feeling.” Spike quipped.

Danyelle spoke "I saw it happen though."

Lucy spoke "How? Those two were somewhere else in Neighpon."

Danyelle spoke "Baka dragon, I'm far more sensitive than the other alicorns are."

Lucy growls "*Butting heads with Danyelle* What did you just call me, Dimwit cat?"

Danyelle growls "*butting heads with Lucy* You heard me baka dragon."

Danyelle and Lucy were now in a fight cloud as we heard yowling and growling.

“Should we do something?” Spike asked.

I spoke "Lucy may be tough but I heard rumors that Danyelle's as tough as six Behemoths."

Wendy snickered. “They’re like you and Ice Chill, Natsu.”

I laugh "I could beat him any time!"

Spike snickers "Oh really? Then how come Erza beats you both?"

I spoke "Sh-shut up bro!"

I soon have Spike in a headlock while giving him a noogie.

Spike chuckles "Cut it out, Natsu!"

“Wouldn’t be funny if you had a Gray of your own, huh?” I chuckled back.

Wendy spoke "Garble's a jerk though."

Spike spoke "Don’t remind me."

Wendy spoke "But I have heard rumors that Garble's secretly a beat poet."

Spike asks "…Say what now?"

I snicker "We could use that bit of info as blackmail if Garble tries to pick on you again Spike."

But then Lucy stopped, causing Danyelle to stop as well.

Lucy spoke "I just remembered hearing about something."

Aphmau spoke "I heard rumors of an Abyssinian-dragon hybrid male though."

Lucy spoke "Yeah, that’s what I’ve been hearing."

A sleep deprived Spottedleaf spoke "Hey guys..."

Yikes! Twilight and Spottedleaf looked like total zombies!

Mel was on Danyelle's back.

Danyelle spoke "Oh hello Luna."

Luna showed up.

Strawberry pounces on Alien Wind, tussling with him.

Danyelle giggles "That is adorable."

Luna spoke "*Smile* Indeed. And I see two princesses are sleep-deprived."

Danyelle spoke "They've been up all night planning out the summit since it will be doubling as a way to find more nascent alicorns."

Luna spoke "True enough."

Danyelle spoke "And given that my brothers and I are more sensitive to raw magic bursts, we can tell if somepony's ascended."

Luna asks "And have you sensed any new ones yet?"

Danyelle spoke "Yeah, three of them this time. Emerald, Seiko and Miran. I happened to be in Ineighba talking to Icy River when I felt a magic surge similar to the one that caused me to become immortal."

Luna spoke "It could have happened when Izanami was defeated."

Danyelle spoke "We were lucky we had backup from the OC-verse and Redux-verse that time or it would've ended in disaster."

Danyelle's fur bristled up since she had a vision of the future.

Danyelle spoke "Ugh... That was the worst vision I had yet..."

Lucy asks "What?"

Danyelle spoke "A rather huge war will happen in the OC-verse later on... Roundabout the time the Celestia and Luna of that universe are about to retire... I saw about 5000 other Twilights fighting a nasty monster called Singularity... Our Twilight was one of the many Twilights fighting it."

Twilight's eyes twitched at that amount before she fainted from info overload. The same was with Spottedleaf.

Danyelle drenches the two females with ice cold water magic, causing them to jolt awake.

Danyelle spoke "If you two are gonna sleep, do that with Flash Sentry and Frostleaf."

Marie giggles "Don't tempt them Danyelle."

Danyelle asks "*Giggle* C'mon Marie, it'll make them sleep easier-How'd you get here?"

Lune spoke "She came with me, Yuki and Haru. Something about needing time off from looking after Milo and Lydia. Those two landed Oliver in the hospital recently."

Danyelle spoke "Ouch."

Haru spoke "Yeah..."

To Danyelle's surprise, Honeystar and the Dagonian leader were among the visitors.

Parasoul and her little sister, Umbrella showed up too.

Parasoul spoke "I see the River King has attended as well."

Danyelle spoke "Fluttershy was the one who united ForestClan though."

Honeystar chuckles "True there."

Pinkie showed up with a big smile. “Anyone thinking the map might upgrade itself?”

Danyelle spoke "StarClan's sake Pinkie, you nearly gave me a heart attack!"

Lucy giggles "Pinkie, you are so random."

Danyelle spoke "No matter what universe it is, Pinkie Pie is an airhead."

Wendy spoke "Total party animal too."

Danyelle spoke "As is Cheese Sandwich AND Bubble Berry.... You think two party ponies is bad enough? The multiverse would explode if there was 5000 versions of Pinkie in the same universe."

Lucy snickers "Unless there was some kind of Pinkie-Verse."


Lucy spoke "It was only a joke."

Danyelle asks "Say Luna, have you found Alien Wind's parents yet?"

Luna spoke "I’m still searching."

Danyelle spoke "Worst case scenario, they could be dead."

Luna spoke "Let’s hope it isn’t that."

Micah pops up suddenly since he had recently ascended.

Micah spoke "I have good news and bad news though."

Danyelle gasps "Micah?!"

Micah asks "What?"

Danyelle asks "You ascended?! But how?!"

Micah spoke "You should ask Leafstar that one. She sensed that I was an unascended alicorn and next thing I knew, I was half alicorn yet 100% immortal."

Danyelle’s jaw dropped at that.

Micah asks "So uh, what do you want first? The good news or bad news?"

Danyelle spoke "Good news."

Micah spoke "Good news is, Alien Wind’s parents are still alive. Bad news is, where they are is completely unknown.

Danyelle asks "What about Zakuro's parents? Or Little Wolf's parents?"

Micah winced at the mention of Zakuro's parents.

Danyelle spoke "Touchy subject huh? I won't pry further."

Micah spoke "Well, Little Wolf’s parents are alive too, but there’s no clue as to where they are either."

Danyelle spoke "I got a message from Bluestar last night, saying that both of Zakuro's parents are in StarClan now."

Micah spoke "I figured Bluestar would send that."

Danyelle spoke "The biggest problem is finding potential alicorns in the other Clans since there aren't any Abyssinian-Pegasus hybrids in ThunderClan, RiverClan, ShadowClan, WindClan and ForestClan than there would be in SkyClan and MeadowClan. I haven't sensed any in TundraClan."

Micah spoke "Yeah…"

Spike spoke "Guys, Wendy and I gonna be filling in for Twilight and Spottedleaf."

Danyelle throws Lightning Dust with magic at Lamorak, causing the two to lock lips and beak.

Danyelle teleported off to avoid Cadence's rage.

The two then broke the kiss.

Lightning Dust spoke "I am SO gonna get Danyelle back for this…"

Lamorak was a stammering mess.

Stormcloud chuckles "Bout time you made a move Lamo, even though the yellow fuzzball had to intervene."

Lightning Dust was definitely a blushing mess.

Jackie spoke "Uh oh... Seems Cadence is mad..."

Flurry and Spirit both cuff their mom on the back of the head.

Lightning Dust spoke "I’m… gonna clear my head."

Lamorak spoke "Y-Yeah. Same here.

Lightning Dust flew off as Lamorak then got angry at Danyelle for pulling that prank.

Lamorak spoke "I can’t believe that cat just did this!"

Vince growls "If you lay a claw on my sister, I'll roast your sorry tail faster than a Rainboom. Got it Lamorak?"

Lamorak growls "Oh yeah?"

Stormcloud spoke "Guys, stop."

Vince grabs Lamorak with magic before throwing the green gryphon at Lightning Dust as Lan opened a portal to the Chuddle Hotel, causing the two to tumble through.

Vince chuckles "We make quite a dynamic duo, Lan."

Lan laughs "I know bro! And you yeeted that gryphon!"

*A few days after the summit*

*Rainbow's POV*

Racing was sparring with Hawksong when I was called to Wonderbolt HQ by Spitfire.

“I wonder what’s up.” I said.

Lightning spoke "Same."

Lightning Dust and I soon got to Spitfire, meeting up with her and Fleetfoot.

Lamorak and Azure followed, as did Bold and Mint.

Soarin spoke "Oh good, you're here."

Spitfire spoke "I wanted to let you guys know about something."

Lamorak asks "Is it about the Firebolt thing?"

Spitfire spoke "Yep. As of today, the Firebolts are OFFICIALLY formed."

That made all of us smile.

Lamorak spoke "But I'm nowhere near as fast as Azure is though."

Azure taunts "*Smirk* What's wrong, Lame-o? Too chicken to race me?"

I wingslap my husband upside the head hard.

I spoke "Cool it Speedy! you should know by now that as an alicorn, you're a LOT faster than you were as a Pegasus!"

Lamorak spoke "...You know what? I'll train to be as fast as you, blue boy."

I laugh "So says the gryphon that's now dating Lightning Dust!"

Lamorak spoke "I WILL be as fast as the wind!"

Mint chirps "I not as fast as my bwother though but I twy."

Azure spoke "Keep dreaming featherduster, I'll still be faster than you."

Lamorak spoke "I WILL get as fast as you!"

Spitfire spoke "Well, can't say you can't try."

Danyelle pops up with Irene on her head.

Danyelle spoke "StarClan's sake Lamorak, you're just as bad as your Mobian counterparts in the OC-verse and Redux-verse... They can never outrun OC-verse Sonic or Redux-verse Sonic."

Spitfire spoke "Again, doesn't mean they can't try."

Danyelle spoke "I heard a sad rumor about my Redux-verse counterpart though. Her real parents are dead..."

A slight kick was felt from in Danyelle's stomach.

Spitfire spoke "Anywho, I have plans for myself, Rainbow Dash, Fleetfoot and Lightning Dust."

Danyelle spoke "The Firebolt thing was my idea though."

Spitfire asks "Wanna join in?"

Danyelle spoke "I would but I have another kitten on the way plus Ben and Vince would pluck my wings if I pushed myself too much."

Spitfire asks "So you respectfully decline?"

Danyelle spoke "I'll still join but I'll be on maternity leave until I have my kitten."

At that moment, Danyelle's cutie mark as well as my cutie mark was glowing.

Danyelle groans "Oh great... That map has the worst timing..."

"At least take it easy on your mission." I advised.

Danyelle spoke "Your cutie mark's glowing as well Skittles."

A loud crash was heard since Ashley had lost a fight with Shiromori.

“Whoa, this’ll be quick.” I noticed.

Ashley groans "N-no Rainbow-hime.... Shiromori is too dangerous for you to fight..."

Mystery and Gareth were snarling at the dark cerulean alicorn.

Gareth growls "Damn it all to Taratarus! That monster hurt my cousin!"

Danyelle asks "Wait a minute… Is that a dryad pony?!"

Gareth growls "Yeah but she's been corrupted by something yet none of us can figure it out."

Danyelle spoke "We have to call in OC-verse Danyelle, she's our only option to stop Shiromori."

Danyelle brought out her compact.

A rather soaked OC-verse Danyelle soon answered.

OC-verse Danyelle asks "What is it?"

Danyelle spoke "Got a corruption problem."

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "Let me guess, corrupted dryad."

Danyelle asks "You saw it with your Dimensional Scream?"

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "Pibby was spazzing out not long ago since she sensed corruption remnants in your universe. I'm on my way to help you out soon. After I calm Pibby down of course."

Danyelle spoke "Okay. But we’ll have to find out where that corruption is in the meantime."

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "Try asking one of those foxes, they might know."

“I got this.” I smiled as I summoned Nike before she used Rend, slamming the ground three times while sending out fissures that attacked Shiromori. The second hit tore opened her left side, revealing her heart as the third hit disarmed Shiromori. As Shiromori regenerated, I noticed her heart glowing darkly.

A few Blood Chains restrain Shiromori, stopping her from moving about.

Flintfur spoke "Spottedleaf sensed something was off so she sent me to help you guys out."

A warp ring soon opens up as OC-verse Danyelle steps through it.

Good timing too, cause those chains stopped Shiromori’s regeneration.

OC-verse Danyelle blasts Shiromori's heart with a full-powered Chaos Heal, cleansing the corruption out of it.

Shiromori then fell unconscious.

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "You alicorns and foxes are lucky to have an Abyssinian that can use the Blood Chains skill. I can't use that sort of skill since my element is fire."

Flintfur asks "Should I let her go, Dany?"

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "Given that the corruption's gone for good, you might as well."

The blood chains vanished, letting Shiromori go before her body went underground, followed by a small pink flower growing out of the ground.

Mystery spoke "Must’ve fallen asleep."

Gareth spoke "She'd probably need time to recover after that ordeal. But once she wakes up, she'll be a whole new pony."

Then my cutie mark and Danyelle’s cutie mark glowed.

OC-verse Danyelle's cutie mark was glowing as well.

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "I should get back before Sardon blows up the kitchen again. I swear, that fox has NO common sense!"

OC-verse Danyelle went back to her universe.

I got back to base, meeting up with Spitfire, Fleetfoot and Lightning Dust.

Spitfire spoke "That’s fast."

Flintfur flew after me.

Flintfur spoke "You ain't seen nothing yet!"

I spoke "You should've seen it Spits, Flintfur here helped me stop that crazy mare!"

Spitfire spoke "Huh. Maybe we'll let you join the Firebolts when you're old enough, Flint."

Flintfur spoke "Maybe there could be an Abyssinian branch of the Firebolts."

Danyelle spoke "This little rascal snared Shiromori with Blood Chains which slowed the mare's regeneration to a near stop thus making it easier for my OC-verse counterpart to strike with Chaos Heal."

Spitfire giggles "Heh, not bad, Flint-kitty."

Despite his ink-black fur, Flintfur was blushing brightly.

"Don't worry, kitten. That might be your nickname when you become a Firebolt." I said.

Flintfur chuckles "But with my cutie mark, I can't balance being a Firebolt and a Knight of Harmony though."

"Hello? I'm the Princess of Loyalty. You can definitely balance being a Firebolt and being a Knight of Harmony." I assured the tomcat.

Danyelle spoke "I'm just a cat from Neighpon though, I don't have anything special."

"Whaddya mean? You're plenty special." I pointed out.

Danyelle spoke "StarClan's sake Rainbow, I don't have a legit Persona since Koa's my pet."

"That doesn't mean you're not a great friend." I responded.

Danyelle spoke "I do put the safety of my brothers first though since I fight to keep them safe."

"Which is totally awesome and just facts." I agreed.

Danyelle laughs "Immortal or not, I'll fight fang and claw to keep my family... No, my entire Clan safe."

Ben then showed up. "Hey Dany."

Irene spoke "Daddy!"

Ben hugged Irene before he and Danyelle hugged each other.

Danyelle spoke "Hey Benny-boo."

Ben chuckles "Calling me by my pet name already, Dany-kins?"

Danyelle spoke "I'm teasing you."

Danyelle's nose twitches suddenly.

Danyelle asks "Hey Rainbows, you smell something off?"

"Beats me." I shrugged.

Ben asks "I put on some perfume today, Dany. Wanna go on a date night?"

Danyelle spoke "I can't have any alcohol though."

Ben spoke "Don't worry, we'll go to a restaurant that doesn't have alcohol."

Danyelle spoke "Good, I don't want our new child to have any disabilities."

Ben was now shocked before he grabbed Danyelle as those two went into a dip pose.

Ben asks "Have I ever told how much I LOVE you, Dany-darling?"

Irene was hovering in mid-air since she had lost her grip on Danyelle's head.

Danyelle spoke "Many times."

Ben asks "*Lovingly with half-lidded eyes* Do you know how much, my cute little kitty-kins?"

Danyelle giggled before laying a hand on Ben's cheek with half-lidded eyes as well.

Danyelle spoke "Not to mention, Irene's flying now."

Ben spoke "And I can tell both of us are very proud of her."

Danyelle snickers "And something tells me that our Cadence had just challenged a different Cadence to a contest."

Ben chuckles "Hehe, then I know that'll be a lovely contest to watch."

The two Abyssinians then kissed.

Ben spoke "*Blissful sigh* I love you so much."

Danyelle spoke "*Lovingly* Sure thing, my big bunny-Benny-boo. Let's have a date night."

Ben spoke "*Lovingly* Then it's settled, my sweet kitty-Dany-kins. It will be wonderful."

Danyelle spoke "Knowing OC-verse Cadence and Redux-verse Cadence, they'd want in on the contest too."

Ben spoke "Definitely. Now let's be off."

Danyelle spoke "Sure. After we drop our kid off at Twilight's."

Irene spoke "No wanna!"

Danyelle asks "You sure?"

Irene spoke "I wanna be with you!"

But then Mint showed up, looking like she wanted to play with Irene.

Irene pounces on the immortal Pegasus filly, tickling her.

Then Vera showed up. "Maybe your kids could play with Hana's kids while you two cats go on your date?"

Danyelle spoke "Irene's currently an only child since my other child isn't born yet. And I should warn Luna not to give Alien Wind any bananas... He's allergic to them..."

Danyelle uses the compact to contact Luna.

Danyelle spoke "Sorry to bother you but I should warn you, don't give anything banana related to Alien Wind. He's severely allergic to bananas and at his age, he could die if he had a banana."

Luna spoke "Thank you for telling me."

Danyelle spoke "Last thing we need is a pair of angry Pegasi after both our heads if that happened."

Luna spoke "*shudder* Agreed."

Mint and Irene were playing with each other good.

Suddenly, Strawberry pops up with Lettuce and Zakuro before ganging up on Mint as the five tumble about.

Twilight spoke "*Showing up* Don't worry, I'll look after them."

Danyelle spoke "I'm starting to see a pattern here.... We've got a half wolf half unicorn, a shy siren, a Pegasus that chirps like a bird and an alicorn that can meow like a cat... The only one missing is a hyper little kirin..."

Later, Twilight was looking after Mint, Strawberry, Irene, Lettuce and Zakuro while Danyelle and Ben went on their date. Meanwhile, myself, Spitfire, Fleetfoot and Lightning Dust were in a Suite in the Chuddle Hotel, ready to start out She-Firebolt Celebration for real.

"Alright, everymare ready?" I asked as there were tons of food on the table as all four of us mares were in anthro forms wearing clothes that were our style.

A small purple male siren was with his parents.

Vera asks "Hey Aria. You and your fam taking a tour around here?"

Aria spoke "Yeah and this little guy is Pie Crust. I wasn't thinking straight when I named him. Largo was a bit mad at me for it but it is what it is."

Vera asks "Wanna go the aquatic tour route?"

"Ready!" Spitfire, Fleetfoot and Lightning Dust responded to me.

Aria spoke "Sure."

Vera then lead Largo, Aria and Pie Crust on a tour of the hotel through the water route as Spitfire, Fleetfoot, Lightning Dust and I dug in, eating the food really fast and nonstop. An hour later, each of us were huge and weighed 4,000 pounds, being real fat before the four of us gave a huge belch.

"That was awesome." I smiled.

Lettuce was hiding from Irene and the other three when she crashed into Pie Crust.

Lettuce spoke "Sowwy."

Lettuce swam off as Pie Crust was a bit frozen at that with a blush before he went back to following Vera and his parents.

Spitfire asks "You said it. *Brings out belly dancer outfits big enough for all four of us* Since that eating contest was a four-way tie, shall we start the second half of the celebration?"

"Yeah!" Fleetfoot, Lightning Dust and I agreed as the four of us soon had our belly dancer outfits on with nothing else. Us She-Firebolts then bumped all four of our ginormous fat bellies together at once before we started belly-dancing away.

"Whaddya girls think about staying as 1,000 fat mares for a whole month after we leave here?" I asked.

Spitfire spoke "Eh, why not."

Fleetfoot spoke "Sure thing, RD."

Lightning Dust spoke "Alright, we will."

"Alright! Then let's keep belly-dancing until we drop!" I whooped as us mares in the suite cheered and kept belly-dancing while doing some dance moves that intentionally bumped us into each other. But little did the four of us know, Azure, Soarin and Lamorak were in a different suite, just as fat, big and heavy as we are, and they were wrestling each other while agreeing to stay 1,000 pounds for a whole month after checking out.


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