• Published 11th May 2023
  • 547 Views, 7 Comments

Rocket To Insanity : Healing - BenPictures1

Luna rescues Twilight and Rainbow at the last second.

  • ...


When Rainbow Dash could finally summon the strength to stand, Twilight stood by her side, doing her best to help guide her crippled friend through the dark cave. Rainbow Dash was limping, tilting from side to side, but Twilight helped her every step of the way. Rainbow's gory eyes were now covered with a bloody rag Twilight had made out of one of the straps from her saddle bag.

"You still there Twilight?"

"Yes Rainbow. I'm not going anywhere. .... Watch your step."


Twilight then noticed something in the distance, a little white light. Just then it disappeared, Twilight stopped, looking closer, thinking she has seen it somewhere before.

"Twilight? .... W-why have we stopped?"

Just then it hit her. How could she forget? The colour, the brightness, it was Princess Celestia's magic. Spike must have escaped the cave and told her what had happened.

"Oh no."

"What? W-what is it?"

"We gotta go Rainbow. We need to run now!"

"Twilight wh-"



The cave was rocked with an explosion, knocking both ponies off their feet. Twilight helped Rainbow Dash onto her hooves as fast as possible.

"What was that?!"

"We need to move! Nrgh! Come on! Run Rainbow!"


A bolt of lightning struck the ground in front of Twilight's hooves, making both her and Rainbow Fall to the ground. Twilight turned to see the princess of Equestria staring back with several royal guards behind her.


Rainbow knew what was going to happen, she clutched Twilight's arm and pulled her close. Sobbing into her chest. The princess panicked and used her magic to throw the pegasus into a wall.

"NO!! STOP!!"

Twilight shrieked as she was pulled away by one of the guards. The princess cornered the helpless pegasus.

"Twilight?! .... Twilight?!! Where are you?"

"RAINBOW!!" The princess roared. Twilight squirmed, trying everything to escape the guards and help the only friend she had left. Rainbow Dash began to panic, she had no idea where to run. She was so confused.

"As of now, for the safety of Cloudsdale, Ponyville and the world of Equestria, your sentence shall be carried out now."

"N-no! .... No!! Please!! Anyt-"

"You are being charged with the 1st degree murders of Pinkie Pie."

"No!! It wasn-"

"The brutal murders of Applejack, Big Macintosh."


"And finally the murders of Fluttershy and Rarity. .... How do you plead?"

"No! .... N--not guilty! I didn't! .... I-I. .... Twilight!! Where are you?!"



The princess stomped her hoof in rage, shaking the rocking the cave as the tall horn on her head began to glow.

"As of now I am sentencing you, Rainbow Dash, the element of loyalty, to death!"


The princess lowered her head, taking aim at the pegasus who was now backing away from the voice coming from in front of her. The princess followed, slowly walking closer but keeping her distance. Rainbow Dash obliviously backing up towards a deep dark pit, quivering in fear.

"You shall no longer bring terror to the land of Equestria, you shall never walk the grounds of a once peaceful world again. Do you have any last words?"

Rainbow's hoof slipped off the mouth of the dark cave, nearly making her fall. Rainbow began sobbing, unable to cry tears from her mangled, mutilated eyes. Her once colorful magenta eyes.

"P-p-please. .... I beg of you. .... I'll do anything. Just. .... P-please! Don’t t kill me! .... I don't want to die!!"

The princess scoffed in disgust, soon digging at the ground beneath her. Charging her horn, ready for the fatal blow. Twilight could only do one thing. A blinding light exploded from her horn, temporarily blinding the guard that held her. As the stallion covered his eyes with his hooves, Twilight kicked the guard away before running towards her helpless friend.



There was a bright flash of light, Celestia and the guards were knocked off their hooves.
Twilight looked up, standing in front of her was Princess Luna.
“Hurry, grab Rainbow and get on my back!” She said with an urgent tone.

“W-What’s going on?!” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Don’t move Rainbow, I’m going to pick you up, don’t worry I won’t hurt you.” Twilight said as she gently scooped up the scared and blinded Pegasus and climbed on to Luna’s back.

Celestia glared angrily at Luna “What is the meaning of this, sister?!”

“You are supposed to consult with me before making a decision like this, thus I cannot and will not allow you to execute Rainbow Dash.”

“She’s too dangerous to live, she killed five ponies.”

“Would you have executed me instead of banishing me to the moon?”

Celestia struggled to come up with an answer “That’s different and you know it!”

“Nonetheless, we are not the judge, jury, and executioner.” She spread her wings out “Hold on Twilight.” she took off, flying as fast as she could, leaving Celestia behind.

“Where are we going?” Twilight asked.

“Somewhere outside of me and Celestia’s jurisdiction.”

“It’s okay,You can rest now.” Twilight gently patted Rainbow’s head.

“Thanks Twi, I love you” Rainbow said as she slowly fell asleep.

“Twilight, you should do the same, you look exhausted.” Luna noticed how beat up and injured Twilight was. “Do not worry I will be sure not to drop you or Rainbow.”

“I guess.” Twilight said while yawning, she rested her head against Luna’s back, wrapped her hooves around Rainbow Dash and fell asleep. “Night Rainbow…..”

Luna smiled seeing the two ponies asleep. The forest and trees below them gave way to valleys and rivers that stretched on for miles, before those too gave way to deserts and pyramids.

Luna noticed a town up ahead and started to descend slowly, landing in front of a sign that read WELCOME TO SONAMBULA. She walked through the town, which was mostly empty due to it still being nighttime.
She made her way to a motel and walked inside. She rang the bell at the desk.

“Coming!” The desk manager said walking to the desk “how may I help you-PRINCESS LUNA?!”

“Yes it is me. I would like to get a room for two, indefinite stay. I will pay the bill.” she placed Twilight and Rainbow Dash on the floor “and get these two to a hospital, Have the nurse give them the hotel key.”

“Right away!” The desk manager quickly called a medic.

Luna watched as Twilight and Rainbow were taken out of the lobby, she prepared to leave. “I have business to take care of, thank you for helping me.”


Twilight groaned as she woke up, she noticed she was in a hospital bed, looking next to her she saw Rainbow Dash, still asleep with bandages covering her eyes, She smiled and squeezed Rainbow’s hoof “We did it, Dashie.”


Comments ( 7 )

“Thanks Twi, I love you” Rainbow said as she slowly fell asleep.

rainbow calmed down real quick

Interesting plot change. 👍
I'm curious if you have plans to make a short or long story out of this.

I'm so confused. It's a sweet little yarn, but I have absolutely no idea what else could be going on between RtI and this.

So Rainbow Dash is accused of murdering the main 6 besides Twilight and herself and is saved by Luna, I have so many questions.

Did you read the other stories?

Not really, to dark for me, especially where the one Twilight attempts to kill Celestia and than Celestia just kills Twilight in the process while injuring her sister for also trying to stop Celestia.

But I got the jist of it, basically Rainbow Dash has nightmares of pinkie pie killing her over and over every night and than basically kills her friends after going crazy and than finds out what's she has done and gets blamed for everything she has done while Twilight defending her and the ending is unknown to me.

There's multiple endings for the story. There was one siry that I do like, basically Rainbow Dash attempted to kill Pinkie Pie but realize what she has done and instead gets severely injured instead so Pinkie Pie gets sent to the hospital, Rainbow Dash's friends are angry at him, than they find out what she has been through and her friends forgive her including Pinkie Pie and then afterwards Rainbow Dash's friends help her with her nightmares and than it's a happy ending.

I don't understand why people like making stories where where everyone gets tortured or dies and then it's a bad ending.

It's actually the biggest quastion I probably will ever have on this site. "Why are people fucked up".

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