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3. Dance Of Friendliness

It was a bright and sunny day in Canterlot and Fluttershy and Aria were currently at Canterlot Park. The two of them were working on their project in which Fluttershy wanted to do an animal choreography with the animals at the animal shelter and Aria being Aria, she could've cared less what they did. So now, here they were at the park and Fluttershy was teaching the animals the motions of the dance as Aria sat on a bench and was messing around with her phone.

"Um... A-Aria?" Aria looked up from her phone and looked at Fluttershy who seemed a bit, well... shy. "Since this is a p-partner project maybe you can... h-help out a bit?"

Aria sighed. This was exactly was she was hoping not to happen. For Fluttershy to ask for her help with the project. "Look, Buttershy. As much as I'll love to help you with these pests, you seem to be doing a reasonably good job by yourself. You're the animal lover in the Raingoons group anyways. You're good with animals, I'm not. So this is a you thing."

"Um, m-my name is Fluttershy actually..." Aria then glared at Fluttershy who got scared and hid behind her hair. "And t-these animals aren't p-pests they're very nice and friendly." Angel hopped over to Fluttershy in which the girl smiled and then petted Angel. "Anyone can be good with animals, you just have to give it a try."

Aria rolled her eyes. "Yeah, well I don't want to help out with these pes-" Before Aria could finish she looked up to see Fluttershy staring at her. Aria looked back at Fluttershy, the stare the shy girl was given was horrifying. It was as if the girl was piercing into her soul, and it frightened Aria. "Ugh, fine I'll help. Just stop looking at me like that."

Immediately, Fluttershy stopped giving Aria the stare and gave a bright smile. "Thank you, Aria. Now let me show you the routine for the choreography." Aria groaned and walked with Fluttershy over to where all the animals were at. Fluttershy clapped her hands getting all the animal's attention as they walked over to Fluttershy. "Now little ones why don't we show Aria your moves."

The animals cheered as they then got into place. Fluttershy then went over to a little radio and turned on some music. Just like that the animals started doing their little dance with some spins and jumps, Aria watched the scene and even though she wouldn't say it, she was impressed. The animals then did their big finish which was the animals climbing on each other and making a triangle.

Aria did a little clap and Fluttershy smiled. "I knew you would like it." Fluttershy then turned to the animals who were panting from all the dancing they had done. "Good job everyone, take a nice break." The animals cheered as they then either took a nap or got some food or water. Fluttershy smiled and turned over to Aria. "What did you think of our dance?"

Aria shrugged her shoulders. "It was cool and whatnot, probably good enough to get an A on the project. Good job, Buttershy."

"It's... F-Fluttershy." Fluttershy shook her head and then smiled hugely at Aria. "Would you like to meet all the animals?"

Aria was about to say no but then she saw Fluttershy who was giving her the doggy eyes. The more Aria looked at the eyes the more she couldn't just say no so without having any other choice she submitted to Fluttershy. "Fine, but I've already told you I'm not good with animals."

The two of them walked over to the animals, with Fluttershy pulling Aria along. When they got close Fluttershy whistled and got the animal's attention. "Now everyone this is my friend Aria, she's my partner for the project. I want all of you to say hello."

The animals got up and went over to Aria but when they took a look at Aria they froze in fear as they felt the malevolent aura surrounding Aria as Aria continued to stare down at the animals with a stare that could kill. The animals got scared and ran into some bushes leaving all but one animal who was still frozen in fear and couldn't run away. "Oh no, please come back! Aria won't hurt you."

Aria sighed. "I told you I'm not good with animals, they're all scared of me."

Fluttershy picked up the animal that was still frozen in fear. It was a little brown bunny but after being picked up by Fluttershy it snapped out of its frozen state as Fluttershy petted it. "You just need to be more friendly and maybe look a bit nicer."

Aria crossed her arms. "And what's that supposed to mean? I'm perfectly kind and friendly."

Fluttershy just looked at Aria and sat down, Aria deciding to follow her move sat down as well. "Look I'll show you." Fluttershy put the bunny down between the two of them as it faced Fluttershy. Giving the bunny a smile she put her hands out. "Now come here Buttercup." The bunny who was named Buttercup hopped into Fluttershy's lap as the girl then started petting the bunny. She then looked up at Aria. "See it's not so hard, give it a try."

Aria looked at the girl and nodded her head. She put her hands out and gave the bunny a smile. "Come here little bunny." The bunny looked at Aria, the smile that Aria thought she was showing was something way different to the bunny. The bunny like earlier was frozen in fear and quickly ran over to Fluttershy. "Ugh, see this isn't working."

Fluttershy who was petting the scared bunny looked up at Aria. "You have to handle it more carefully, give them a genuine smile, not a forced one. Buttercup here is still a newborn, she's only five weeks old so she's still a baby. She can get scared easily so you have to approach her very cautiously." Fluttershy put the bunny down between the two of them once again. "Now go on and try again."

Aria decided to take Fluttershy's advice and nodded her head. Putting her hands out once again and giving the best genuine smile she could muster, she looked at the bunny. "Hi, little pes- Buttercup. C'mere I won't hurt you, I just want to be your friend."

The bunny at first looked at Aria and stared at her. Aria stayed still waiting to see what the bunny would do, silently hoping the bunny would jump into her hands as it did with Fluttershy. The more the bunny stared at Aria the more she was giving up. Right as Aria was about to give up the bunny hopped a step forward and then another and another until it then leaped into Aria's hands. Aria gasped as the bunny made contact with her hands, she then grabbed Buttercup and held it.

Aria looked at Buttercup and smiled as she started petting it. Fluttershy looked at the ex-siren and smiled at the scene. "Oh, I knew you could do it Aria."

Aria looked up at Fluttershy and smirked as she continued petting Buttercup. "Yeah, I guess I could do it."

Fluttershy nodded her head and smiled. She smiled as she heard the bushes near them shaking. Fluttershy turned her head to see all the animals getting out of their hiding spot as they looked at Aria who was happily petting Buttercup. The animals then walked over to the two girls no longer scared of Aria. Fluttershy smiled and turned her head to Aria who hadn't noticed the other animals coming toward them. "How would you feel to make some new animal friends?"

Aria looked up confused until she noticed all the other animals from earlier. She then looked at Fluttershy and smiled. "Let's just hope this isn't a big waste of time." The two girls smiled as they then began to hang out with the rest of the animals.

For the rest of the day, Aria and Fluttershy enjoyed their time together with all the animals. All of them enjoyed a nice lunch courtesy of Fluttershy and had fun playing and working more on their routine. The sun was starting to set and everyone was starting to get ready to leave. They first had to bring the animals back to the shelter so the two of them were walking with the animals, Aria still had Buttercup in her hand with a smile on her face.

When the girls got there Fluttershy started putting the animals away for the day, giving them their dinner as she started to close down the store. Aria not wanting to say goodbye to Buttercup however held the bunny with a frown on her face. She had grown to like Buttercup throughout the day, and she wasn't exactly looking forward to saying goodbye. Fluttershy noticed this and walked over to Aria. "You don't want to let go of Buttercup, do you?" Aria looked at Fluttershy, she knew there was no reason to even try lying so she shook her head.

"I knew it was bound to happen." Aria then handed Buttercup over to Fluttershy. "Here, have her back." Fluttershy looked down at Buttercup who seemed sad to leave Aria's hands. Buttercup then looked up at Fluttershy, Fluttershy knew what the face meant and smiled.

"Actually, Aria. How would you like to have Buttercup as a pet?" Fluttershy asked as she looked at Aria with a smile.

Aria looked bewildered. "You want me to have Buttercup? But- I don't have the money to buy her, I don't even know how to take care of an animal!"

Fluttershy smiled as she reached into her pocket took out some cash and put it in the register. "I'll buy Buttercup for you then and I'll help you whenever you need it." Fluttershy then gave Buttercup back to Aria who seemed happy to be back in her hands. "Besides, I think Buttercup will enjoy spending more time with you."

Aria looked down at Buttercup who smiled at her, and she smiled back. "Thank you, Fluttershy for everything today." Fluttershy smiled brightly as she waved goodbye to Aria and Buttercup.

Aria made her way home with her new pet friend. She petted Buttercup as they made their journey home together, now the only problem was, how were her sisters going to deal with their new family member? Aria shook her head, that wasn't a problem for now, for now, Aria continued petting Buttercup not having a care in the world as the stars above shined.