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2. A Recipe For Disaster

It was another day in Canterlot and the two good friends Pinkie Pie and Sonata Dusk were prepared to start their project. The two were currently at Pinkie's house in the kitchen getting the ingredients and cooking utensils out of the cabinets to use. After having gathered all the cooking equipment needed the two then started to brainstorm what to make for their project. However, coming up with something both Pinkie and Sonata wanted to make was a problem.

Turning off the faucet after washing her hands, Sonata sighed. "I still don't see why we can't make gigantic-sized tacos. I mean, who doesn't like tacos!? Tacos are the best! They're delicious! The hot meat, the gooey cheese, the crunchy taco shell, not to mention the lettuce, and the taco sauce! Tacos are a food that many things can be put in it, like our friendship! And did I forget to add, THAT THEIR GIGANTIC SIZED!!" Sonata waved her hands in the air while screaming to emphasize her point.

Pinkie looked over at Sonata and sighed. "But sweets are so tasty! They make you feel good when you're feeling down. There are so many different kinds of sweets out there, like friendships too! Plus! You always talk about tacos and eat tacos at least once a day, it's time for a chan-"

"WE AREN'T CHANGING ANYTHING!" Sonata cut Pinkie off. Sonata then crossed her arms. "Besides it's like you can talk, every day it's sweets this and sweets that. For crying out loud you have sweets in your hair." Sonata looked over at Pinkie who was staring at Sonata while licking a lollipop. "YOU'RE EATING SWEETS RIGHT NOW!"

Pinkie looked down at the lollipop and quickly put it back in her hair nonchalantly. "I don't know what you're talking about." Pinkie then went over to the counter and started taking out some sugar and started pouring it into a bowl. "Now come on, let's make some tasty sweets. It'll be a lot of fun, just give it a try!" Pinkie then started to do what she did best and started making some sweets. Sonata, however, wasn't so spot on with Pinkie's plan.

Sonata walked over to Pinkie and grabbed her by the wrist stopping her. She then turned Pinkie around so that the two were face to face as Sonata then got up close. "We're making tacos!" Sonata then let go of Pinkie's wrist and then went over and grabbed some cheese and meat as she then started to turn on the oven. "Now c'mon let's make some tacos! You'll love my special taco recipe."

Pinkie glared over at Sonata who was now happily humming a song as she started cooking the taco meat. "No, we're making sweets."

Sonata stopped what she was doing and turned around to face Pinkie Pie. "Pink, I love you, but we're making tacos."

Sighing, Pinkie began. "Nata, I love you too, but we're going to make sweets." The two then started to glare at one another, a battle taking place between the two's eyes.

Maud Pie who had walked into the kitchen to get some food for Boulder just so happened to walk into the deadly staring contest. Not caring, she got into one of the cabinets and pulled out some crackers, and poured them on Boulder which then hit the ground. Maud then started to walk back to her room. "Just don't make a mess in the kitchen, we still need to make dinner for later." Maud then turned the corner and walked back into her room.

The two friends continued staring at one another until they both turned their heads away from one another and started working on their own thing. Sounds of cooking, baking, and mixing could be heard throughout the Pie's kitchen. All throughout the cooking process Sonata and Pinkie kept their distance away from one another. Whenever they got close they would look away or move somewhere else in the kitchen.

After nearly an hour of cooking both the tacos and the sweets were finished. Pinkie Pie and Sonata looked at their creations, happy with what they had made. Sonata smiled, "Now that the tacos are done, we can present them as our project."

Pinkie looked over at Sonata and her tacos. "Those things? They're just plain tacos, what happened to them being gigantic? We're going to show the class my sweets as our project."

Sonata looked at the sweets with disgust. "Those sweets probably aren't even sweet if anything they're probably sour."

Pinkie scoffed at Sonata's words. "Yeah well, at least I made what I said I would make. You made small tacos, just like your brain!"

Sonata gasped at Pinkie's harsh words. "Don't talk about my brain like that! I'll make the biggest tacos you've ever seen!"

"And I'll make the sweetest sweets you've ever tasted!" Pinkie yelled back.

Just like that the two girls then started competing with one another trying to outdo each other. When one would make something, the other would try to outdo it and make something better. Meat, sugar, candy pieces, cheese, and all kinds of other food flew around the kitchen. At the end of their little competition (which only ended because they ran out of ingredients), Sonata had one ginormous taco next to her, and Pinkie had a huge candy cane next to her. The two girls panted from exhaustion after all the cooking they had done.

"Now then... we're taking this taco... and we're going to make it our project." Sonata panted as she tried to regain her breath.

"No... we're taking this candy cane... and presenting it as our project." Pinkie spoke wiping the sweat off of her forehead.

In anger, Sonata slammed her hands against the counter and yelled at Pinkie. "Why can't we just do my idea you pink brat!"

Not like being called a pink brat, Pinkie slammed her own hands against the counter and yelled back. "Why can't we go with the sweets you siren!"

Too busy staring each other down both Sonata and Pinkie were unaware that both the taco and candy cane had come off balance and were starting to collapse. Using her Pinkie senses, Pinkie was able to detect that something dangerous was about to happen. When she turned her head to see the candy cane and taco falling over she quickly reacted and pulled Sonata away.

Before Sonata could yell as to why Pinkie did that, she heard the sound of a loud bang, along with the debris of food flying all over the kitchen. When she opened her eyes the whole kitchen had been covered full of food from top to bottom, not to mention both the girls as well. "Look at what you did Pinkie! Now my taco and the kitchen are ruined because of you!"

"Me?! This is all your fault! Now my perfectly good candy cane and the kitchen are destroyed thanks to you!" Moaning in sadness Pinkie looked at the kitchen and then at her and Sonata. "I better start cleaning up the kitchen, Maud is going to kill me." Pinkie then crouched down and started picking up pieces of food from the ground.

Sonata looked at Pinkie with sympathy and crouched down to help. "I'm sorry Pinkie, for everything. You only wanted to make sweets but I was too taco obsessed. You're not a pink brat, you're my best friend."

Pinkie looked at Sonata and smiled. "It's ok Nata, I forgive you. And I'm sorry too, you're not just a siren. You're my best friend, the greatest friend someone could ever have." The two looked at one another and hugged. Pinkie then stood up to start cleaning up the counter when she noticed a taco covered in sweets. "This still looks good. It would be a shame to waste food that's still good." Pinkie sniffed the taco and then took a bite out of it.

Sonata looked at her in disgust and gagged. "Pinkie! That's your sweets on the tacos!"

Pinkie giggled as she ate the taco. "It's really good! Try it!"

Sonata looked down at the taco and decided to give it a taste. She bit into the taco and was immediately hit with a variety of tastebuds. "It's delicious!" The two girls finished the taco and couldn't believe just how amazing it tasted. "Well Pink, I think we found our project."

"Yeah! A combination of sweets and tacos! Sweets Tacos!" Pinkie yelled happily.

"I love it!" Sonata yelled with a smile. "And it wouldn't have happened if we didn't get into that fight. Working together with you is the best Pinkie! We're going to ace that project for sure!"

Pinkie embraced Sonata in a hug. "I love working with you too Nata! There's not a better team than you and me! Ms. Cheerilee and the class are going to love the sweets tacos we make for them!"

Sonata smiled. "We better start working on making them then!" The two girls laughed and started to leave the house to get the necessary ingredients to make the newly found sweets tacos.

Coming out of her room, Maud Pie entered the kitchen to see it in a disaster. Maud kept a neutral expression on her face as then a small smile appeared on her face. "Who else but Pinkie Pie?" Maud then got to work cleaning the kitchen.

What was at first a disaster soon become the creation of something new. Pinkie and Sonata walked hand in hand to the grocery store with smiles on their faces. Every though they may have gotten into a little argument, at the end of the day they were still the best of friends.