• Member Since 10th Dec, 2011
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I left for eight years. Now I've returned, a changed beast.

Comments ( 198 )

I am looking the story so far, I wonder what is Cadance's plant to turn shining Gay or Bi in this one, and how is going to be the lucky stallion who is going to pop his cherry. I am hopping for some twink transformation from him too. Good luck dude.

Oh, I hope you keep reading until the end. There's fun stuff coming, and I think you'll enjoy the ride.

Fun chapter, looking like Luna is helping out with 'adjusting' Shining's perception on stallions along with whatever the 'medication' is doing to him. I wonder if Flash Sentry and Sunburst will join in on the fun too. Keep it up.

Already loving the little suggestions that are starting to pop into his thoughts.

Well this is an interesting way to get Shining to be comfortable with being touched by a stallion in a sensual way. I wonder what will be the next step, getting more fantasies of stallions or maybe buy beefed stallion magazines and trying to hide it, or maybe peeping in a sex scene between two gay stallions?

if I was shining, the drugging would be a one way ticket to divorce. I hope she suffers the consequences for her actions.

If Luna is in on this, she should feel shame. Excellent writing. You characterize shining well.

I appreciate the representation of a healthy relationship and representation of healthy homosexuality. Because right now cadence is failing the sniff test on the relationship side. I think the more you fill out these characters the more people will appreciate your nuanced writing.

Not quite, but loving the enthusiasm.

Fun read, glade to see that Shining as a crotch sweat fetish now. I did like the points the guard made for Shining to go along with Cadance's desires.

I'm thinking those pills Cadence put in Shining's potatoes are turning him gay. Or at least more open to a relationship.

Strange how Cadance said she wanted to have sex with two stallions simultaneously, and based on that Shining is looking to have gay experience. It would be hilarious if he ultimately agreed to bring another stallion to their bedroom, and only at the last moment Cadance learned the stallion was gay, and the stallion learned he was expected to have sex with Cadance, too.

It would be the highest pinnacle of irony in cadences drug turned him hardcore gay. Thus making him uninterested in his own wife. It would be hilarious karma.

I wonder if Cadance knew in advance where they were going and also managed to order the waitress to put the 'medication' in Shining's meal or that she is actually part of the castle staff. I am sure this experience will keep making the prince with come up with even bigger questions about his sexuality now.

Nice, looks like he is starting to settle down into the role now.

I pray to God that cadence didn't do this intentionally. She isn't a dream goddess after all. Great character writing though. Shining is well crafted in this one.

I very doubt the message oil and tea had enough of the stuff to even affect him and he would know. Always fun seeing Shining panicking and worrying about his stallionness. Looking forward to see how he will turn out.

The realization of betrayal by cadence is going to be CRUSHING.the woman is going to ruin the single best thing in her life, all just because she wants to get her rocks off.

That's really a red herring for the character. The readers should have known since chapter three.

The elevated estrogen levels are actually just a side effect, and also still within normal levels. The tests performed are not going to show any other signs of what's happening, unless his saliva is tested while he's eating. He can keep drinking tea and having massages with no ill effects on his health, as most ponies would.

I don't agree with this. Cadence can't claim to love him if she's willing to drug him. A nice, original concept, but I understand the downvotes.

What redeems it (so far. It could easily fall of the incredibly thin tightrope it's walking.) Is that maturity that it's being handled by the author and the great execution of shiny himself. He's not some toy on cadences strings unlike most of fetish content of it's ilk. He is retroactively recognizing the abuse, even if he doesn't know that is what it is yet, and effectively resisting it in a logical manner. Most content have the victim of this abuse weak willed and seeming to have no self agency. If the author continues this to it natural logical conclusion (emphasis on logical and not fetish driven) then cadence bill of karma will come due.
I'm betting on reconciliation and a lot of bisexual sex. Divorce would probably be more fitting, but shining is a very forgiving person.

Nice chapter, looks like Shining won't escape to the estrogen yet, can't wait to see the adverse effect. I hope the alcohol will loosen him up around those two. I wonder this is could be part of Sombra's plan in actuality.

Actually, most of the downvotes come from people who didn't read the story. They saw the "non-con" tag and immediately assumed that the story was written in malice, when really, it's as a response to the question "Why is it that everyone just assumes that Shining Armor is fine with the idea of having sex with other stallions?" coupled with the comment "If it were me, there's no way I'd let another guy near my butt." No malice involved, but I'm pretty sure most of the downvotes came from people who never saw chapter four.

I really want to pick this apart and respond to every bit, but i'd be revealing SOOO many spoilers... Just know, I was actually very excited by reading this comment.

Because this story was sitting on my shelf for a long time, It went through quite a few iterations, two of which involved Sombra very heavily.

Thanks! I'm looking forward to seeing how you handle this. Honestly you are very skilled to have gotten this far without turning me off. the concept similar to it often fall into absolute character degradation and horrid abuse disguised as a loving relationship by the authors. I appreciate the shining example of a gay couple shining is consulting.

It helps ground the reader and remind the reader that this is what a relationship is supposed to look like, and not the twisted behavior cadence is currently pulling. Having a gay couple also helps remind us that homosexuality is not just a fetish just for morally loose degenerates like in other poorly written stories.(or how cadence is currently treating it for that matter.)

I suspect that the like to dislike ratio will tip into your favor once your story is finished. people will see the actual moral complexity you bring to the topic. and if this story is going where I think it's going, how a couple can effectively heal after misguided abuse by ones spouse.

While I appreciate the vote of confidence, I don't see that happening. It would require that people come back to change their votes, or for new people to show up to vote. It's possible, but I think it's unlikely.

Thank you for saying so, though.

That Estrogen is doing a number on Shining. I have to wonder if Shining is not telling Cadence everything because he's still trying to keep it a secret or if its because he's finally starting to suspect her involvement.

"Enough talk," groaned Gala, dropping down to his knees. "If there's anything I've learned growing up in the Apple family, it's that actions are way more important. Whip 'em out, boys!"

A nice strapping Apple stallion, Pyre has good tastes.

Nice chapter Shining is finally going to get some male on male action on himself, looking forward to see how he feels about the experience. Hope to see more of Gala Apple, can't wait to see Shining's dick growing smaller. you really do the extra mile to add a little more depth to the story then just the fetish stuff, keep it up.

It's not estrogen. According to the writers comment on a previous chapter, the estrogen levels are a side effect of the actual drugs effects.

Thanks, I must have missed that detail. But that also almost makes it worse. Estrogen in and of itself could be considered almost innocent. Some weird drug that causes raised Estrogen as a side effect isn't.

Honestly I fear the actual drugs effect is going to be horrific. We do know it pertains to mind control in some fashion based on the tags. How horrifying that mind control is a sliding scale that we won't know until it's revealed implicitly or explicitly.

I guess we will have to get you featured somehow.

I'm predicting that Shining confronts the chef first given that the odd mashed potatoes were the first time he tasted the odd off taste. And the chef will confess that Cadence told him to do it because it was supposed to be a secret that Shining was sick and needed his medication. And it's going to snowball from there.


He's going to find out somehow, but is it going to be before it's to late? Will whatever the drugs are doing to him be reversible by then? And will he be able to forgive her?

I hope cadence will suffer the consequences of her actions. Her actions realistically should effect her domain as the alicorn of love. Her actions are antithetical to love and should have some magical backlash for the abuse of her domain.

It's too much to ask for Celestia to get involved. Even though Shining Armor used to be a Captain in the Royal Gaurd, The Crystal Empire is technically a separate nation. I'm a little surprised that Luna is involved at all. As Celestia's niece, Cadence might could expect more than just magical backlash

I love how well you write his conflicting thoughts. How its quickly escalating out of his control. Your m/m scenes are super good too, love it.

Very nice at least there isn't any revulsion to him with the scene.

One untampered meal won't undo the damage but now he knows for sure that the other meals were tampered with because he can taste the difference.

good for him! It took a while, but he made it.

Nothing like some stallion cuddles.

Okay... so this chapter covers the 'Eventually Consent' hidden tag. Still unsure about the body transformation. I absolutely hate gender-swap stories.

Fun chapter, we finally get to see some sexy stuff now, happy to see Shining finally giving in to Cinnamon's twinky wilds. I wonder if he will start hanging out with those two more.

Come to think of it if Cinnamon is relatively new to the guard and works in the kitchen's, I wonder if he has something to do with with what is being slipped in his good, could it be Cadance's in disguise or one of her acolytes?

Cinnamon isn't a guard. He's a masseur in training. You're thinking of Gala. And no, Gala is just a pudgier, more tart version of Braeburn. Just like the real apples.

cadance... what did you do? if she desinged this , she needs therapy, ASAP. and so does shining for that matter. i imagine being raped nightly is doing him no favors.

im not fond of gender swap stories either. not because the idea is inherently bad, but its rife for poor execution. often writers will treat the gender wapped character as an entierly new character. bending their inherent personality to a twisted shadow of the original. they also often treat it as if gender swapping will instantly swich for sexual oriontaition and sexual desire. as if a hardcore straight person will automaitcly bat for the other team with minor protest. they also compleatly ignore the inhernent trauma and body disphoria that would come from such a change, potentially leading to depression or potentially suicide.

Agreed. I prefer to think of Shining Armor and Gleaming Shield as two separate ponies. I'm sure there are other examples out there but that one is the most common.

I'll also note that this is the first time he's seen his wife in these dreams. It should send a clear message,

I'll go ahead and let this slip now; the body transformation in this is not going to go so far as a gender swap. It's going to start soon, but at the end of the day, he'd just going to be Shining Armor, with a warped mind and a warped body. Still the same guy, with only one big aspect of his personality (and a few small ones that were dragged along by the change) and the contours of his body changed.

For example, he's not going to suddenly feel the need to paint his hooves or go shoe shopping, but he might take a bit better care of his mane. He'll still visit the gym, but he'll spend less time on the weights bench and more time on the treadmill. And in the showers. And of course, he'll be bringing more stallions to bed than he had at the beginning.

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