• Published 9th Feb 2023
  • 518 Views, 25 Comments

Dragon Ball Z: Equestrian Saiyan - Kamen rider accel 2

The planet earth is a peaceful place. But the peace is soon to be disturbed by an alien race seeking to destroy it but there is a hero who will rise who has skills and a...Tail?

  • ...

Episode 3: Living in The Big City/ The Quest for the Dragon balls begin

Twilight woke up as her alarm clock start to beap. She moodley went reached her hand out and hit snooze. She mumbled softly as she got out of bed. She went to the bathroom and went to freshen up a bit. She soon took a shower and got out with a towel over her body. As she looked in the mirror she then thought of something.

'Am I forgetting something important right now.... Something important... Something important... Is it the meeting with the CEO of Heavy teach, or is it my invention on the new cars..' She mentally though as she went out.'I can thi k of that later then.. I mean it will come to-'

She stopped in her tracks as she soon develop a look. Standing infront of her was the monkey boy from before who saved her and her family from death. He just had a simple smile on his face as he waited for her.

"Good morning Twilight-san, Your kaa-san asked me to bring you to breakfast or else it will get cold. So ready to go." Flash asked completely unaware of the position he is in right now.

Twilight blinked one or two times seeing him hear and she only had a towel over her.

Back at the Kitchen Velvet was making breakfast for the family. She had to make extra for Flash cause for some reason the boy can eat a lot of things and still can't be full. Last night when they got back. Velvet ordered the Maid to make a big meal for him. The maid was confused at that but nodded and soon made a meal that could feed an entire army.

Flash chow down the meal and ate all of it. He didn't even leave any of the vegetables or Broccoli... which was kinda good for the health. He soon shocked the family when he asked for more. The maid completely fell unconscious and is now at bed rest. How much can one human eat. If he's even is a human being? That boys a mystery to be exact and a very strange one.

"How much longer will it take mom. I'm starving" she heard her Young son."Seriously I'm dying over hear~"

"Stop being so dramatic, You just had strawberries a minute ago." Her eldest son spoke.

"But that was an hour ago~!" Spike wined

"That was 1 minute ago" Shining deadpanned "By the way why are you so much complaining for food today. You don't eat much."

"I was hoping to eat much so I could do the same things Flash can do!"

"....You do know Flash doesn't get his powers from food right. He's a complete mystery." Shining told his little brother. Ever since Flash came spike had been looking at him as some sort of fan boy. When he saved them and the things he displayed Spike wasn't letting him go. Shining didn't know about the kid and he couldn't find anything about him aswell. He is thankful that He saved him and his Family from death and being killed but that doesn't mean he will easily trust him.

"Yeah, But his an awesome mystery. Which I want to find out. He can do all those cool things and he said that he trained him self to do those things like Flying and that super strength!" Spike argued,"He's even bullet proof remember. So I think he can teach me to do those awesome things he does. Then I can show my friends how cool I look."

Shining deadpanned at his brother words."Spike I don't think-"


Both brothers jumped from the scream aswell and Velvet. She accidentally lost the pancake as it fell right on top on shinings head as he didn't pay attention to it.

"That was Twilights Scream!" Shining said getting up."What happened that caused it?" His question was answered soon..

"GET OUT OF MY ROOM!!!!" They heard and soon a smack was heard to the kitchen.

"I think we already know what happened.." Velvet muttered now remembering that she send the monkey boy to go get her daughter. She didn't know this would happen.

At The city of Equestria. Many buildings and high-tech vehicles were scene. One car was driving through the streets as the driver was looking at the road. Back at the seat a man in suite was sitting there waiting for his destination. He by looks was an Asian man as he wore a simple business leather suite. His phone rang as he took it out of his pocket and answered.

"Yes.... Oh Hello There Sombra. What can I do for you in this troubling day old Friend"He said the last word with a bit of Gruff voice.

=Oh, I'm just cashing in a favour on this nothing less of course.=

Now the man eyes narrowed. When he ment cashing in a favour he means business and it isn't good for his business when he does." What is it you want this time Sombra, Didn't you have enough of my work taken from my company. Now you want more." He angrily said as his toon changed from calm to aggressive.

= Now now, No need to be hostile right now mister chang. I assure you um not hear to take anything from you today.= He still didn't change his anger.= What I want is something else. I want you to retrieve something for me. An item.=

This got his attention. Sombra usually wants something from him and he doesn't take no for an answer. Even if he had to bankrupt one company to dust. He gets what he wants and won't stop till he gets it. Now he's asking him to retrieve something and bring it to him. What ever it is. It had got Sombra attention and now he wants his 'Help'.

"What is it that you want to retrieve." He asked.

= Glade your on board.=

Flash was sitting on the sofa with his legs crossed. He was also sporting a red mark shaped as a hand. He didn't seem much fazed by it as he looked at the TV Infront of him. He didn't know what it was as he first got hear. He had accidentally smashed it thinking it had people trapped in it. The Sparkle family had to replace the TV because of this. Spike was sitting beside him as he watched TV with Flash so he won't destroy it again.

"Sugoi~... The spider guy stopped the train from crashing!" Flash cheered watching a movie with spike.

"Yeah, Spiderman is so cool. He had the awesome spider powers and he can Fight bad guys aswell. He's a cool hero." Spike said.

"But why does the mean news man try to say his a bad guy. He's helping others isn't it right."

"Well.. some people don't seem to agree to that."

"But why?"

"Um... Well...The thing is..." Spike try to come up with an excuse.

"Cause he's breaking the law that's why." Shining came in hearing there talk."The law is made for the citizens to fallow so they won't cause any harm or anything. Those who do this tend to want to hurt others. That's why they are bad people." He explained.

"But what about helping others. He is helping them but he is called bad. Why's that? He broke the law but he did it to help others. What about that?" Flash argued back.

"Well. That is a good thing. But you can't just break the law and just get away with it. I know there are those who do it and that's why the police helps to stop them."Shining told."But I agree with you. If he has the right intention and wants to help others then it's a good thing."

Flash heard that and smiled. He soon saw Twilight come in the room with her usual get up."Morning Twilight-san. Are you up well."

Twilight gave him a glare but she soon signed. He is just naive to know not to see a girl naked.She then signed,"I'm doing fine. But next time just knock before you enter. Its rude to enter without telling."

"But..I did knock. You didn't answer."

"That because I was at the bathroom ok. But any way I have a new topic to discuss now." She quickly changed the topic. She went towards the drawer and pulled out a map."Were gonna go find the next dragon ball now."

Spike heard this and was excited."So were going on an adventure again. Then count me in."

"No way little guy. Its dangerous out there."Shining said."You remember we were ambushed before by those mask man. Who's to say they won't attack again."

"But were ok because of Flash. He beat those guys away." He argued."Beside I want to go travelling with you guys aswell you know. I don't want to be locked up at home and wait while you guys are off going to adventure on your own."

"Spike, Shining is right you know. Its dangerous out there and we won't be there if those man attack."Twilight said in worried toon."I know you want to go on an adventure but it's just to much dangerous. Who may know where the other dragon Ball be. It may be in a volcano or cave. And that will be dangerous for you. So please just listen to us."

Spike looked down in sadness. Its not fair why can't he go on traveling like the others. Why is he always left alone in the back as a precious Child. He then felt a hand in his head and liked to see Flash giving him a smile.

"Don't worry spike. I know you want to but it's dangerous. So how about if we go on to the next hunt. I will train you in martial arts and my skills to help you in self defence. How's that." Flash asked.

"REALLY?" Spike shouted in excitement.

"REALLY?!" Both siblings said in dread.

"Really, when we get back we can start the Training to improve you physical health and skills. Then we could start your ki training. So how about it." He soon received a hug from the green hair boy in delight.

"Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!" He excitedly told the Monkey boy. Flash simply laughed and patted his head.

Both siblings looked at one another and thought of the same thing,'This is gonna be torture.'

The sky was scene with beauty as birds flew in flak. Suddenly something flew past them in high speed making them stumble around.

The object in question was a Flying ship to be perhaps. It front interior looked like a helicopter part but the back of it looked liked a chopper area. With wings on its back. Its colour was designed as purple and had blue design on the back. There was also a logo on its upper wing and front part of the plane 'S.C.C' in style.

Inside Twilight was controlling the wings plane as Shining and Flash were sitting in the back of the plane which had quite enough room with a bed and fridge and even some gym equipment.

"You two ok back there." Twilight asked while staring.

"Hai, There's a lot of room back hear then I thought. And how come it's floating in the air." Flash asked from back as he was using the dumbbells.

Twilight giggles a bit."That's cause it's know as a plane Flash. And this is the brand knew model that our company had made for safe traveling. This is know as the Scouter Drone. Its design to help travel to other places or continents in minutes. It also has back up supplies and gears for traveling in."

"This baby can go up 9 per hours and has also a weapon supply if needed." Shining told."Twilight was the one who thought of this and had made a the company go sky high." He complimented his sister.

"Oh shuks. Don't go flattering me this much."

"But I could have flawn there and got the ball already then. Wouldn't that be easy."

"Well.. it's a good idea but you gotta save your energy for a while you know. And we wanted to come aswell. If we all work together we could get the dragon Balls in no time. Beside you may use your energy to much if you fly around to find the dragon ball."

"But I wont. I flawn before and can't get tired."

"Well once you got the hang of it. You know finding the dragon balls then we won't have to worry then." Shining said.

Flash thought about it then nodded."Wakata. I just have to get good in it then. But I wanna ask. If we find all the dragon balls. What kind of wish do you want then." He suddenly asked.

The two siblings looked at one another and thought to tell or not.

"Well. If we do find it all I wish for is helping others in need and making the world a better place." Shining Armor told. As a police man he always waited to do the right thing so this gives him a chance if he got to make a wish.

"That's a good dream Shining-san. What about you Twilight-san."

Twilight was quite for a moment and thinking whether to give an answer or not."I... I tell you when we get them.. don't want to ruin tge surprise." She told and chuckled quickly so they won't ask. And surpassingly it worked as both boys accepted it. She signed in relief as she get to keep her wish a secret.

Suddenly the raider on the control panel start to beap making them look to see as it picked up something. Twilight smiled as they found the next location of the dragon ball. She then accelerated the Drone in getting there quick.

The Scouter Drone flew fast to the location but as the Drone went away another plane was fallowing them. It looked like a spy drone as it went after them.

At a base the workers were monitoring the Scouter Drone. The business man from before was Looking at the Screen with a hard expression. One worker suddenly came up to him.

"Mister chang. We have figured out the location of the Plane. Its going towards the African mountain area sir." The worker told.

Chang looked at the screen not taking his eyes off it."Send in the task force and tell them to retrieve the items my business partner has requested to get."

"Yes sir." The worker nodded but was soon stopped

"Also, Send in the gift my partner send me. He told that it would be needed for a certain person. So make sure they use it." Chang ordered.

The worker nodded and left leaning Chang to look at the screen.

The Scouter Drone was parked at a field. The three had exited the drone and we're off to search the Dragon balls location. Flash and Shining were following Twilight as she held on to the Raider and was scanning the place. They soon came to stop as they tge raider start to beep faster.

"Looks like we're close," Shining said."So any idea on where's it hidden?"

"By seeing the signals length and the energy readings it giving off I could say... Its... There!" She pointed upwards as the boys looked up to see a big mountain. Both blinked as they see it's hight.

Shining looked back at his sister."You really think it's up there on top of that place. It could be a flaw." He said as suddenly Twilight ran up right to his face with a mad expression.

"My invention isn't flawed ok! Its up there and the raider has got its location. So quiet complaining!" She shouted back scarring him."Beside we won't need to go up there." She then looked at Flash as the monkey boy looked at her in confusion as he blinked.

Flash flew up the mountain as he had the dragon Raider in his hand. He looked at it as the signal start to get stronger.

"Huh? Twilight-san told me to get the dragon ball. So to find it fallow where the beeping gets louder and louder. Hmmmm" he searched around as the signal start to get stronger."Looks like it's coming from over there." He looked to the left to see a crack part in the mountain area. He peeked in to see and soon smiled as the dragon ball was there. It had Seven stars on it.

"Yousha! Found it!"

Back at the bottom the two were waiting for Flash.

"Uh," Shining grunted."What's taking him so long. He just needs to find the dam ball so what's taking him so long."

"Its gonna take time for him to retrieve it you know. Flash isn't the most brightest. He may take some time." Twilight told her brother as he lay down."Beside, What I want to know is how he had the Dragon ball in the first place and how does he have a tail."

"Maybe he's from the outer country you know." Shining chimed in his thoughts."I mean I went to the other countries before and there were some weird people. They had animal parts aswell and some even liked like the Animals who evolved in to humans. Maybe he's from there."

"But that doesn't explain the abilities he has and what he can do. The way he saved us and the way he survived the bullet to the head."

"Well, I don't know. He maybe some sort of alien then from another planet or something or he's a martial artist who had the abilities to do so." He gave his thoughts.

"Maybe, Maybe not. But we may think about that later when we're done hear."

"Well ok but I gotta go and get some-" He stopped as he was suddenly hit on the head."Gah!"

Twilight got alarmed as she turned towards his direction to see four arm men in the same black suits and masks who first tried to harm them were.She got back but was caught by another man as Seven more were behind her. He hold her arms as she struggled to get free.

"Twilight!" Shining shouted but was pinned down by one of the man as he aimed the gun at his head."What the? What do you people want?!"

"Our client wants to have the items which you possess. So he hired us to retrieve them." One of the man in mask told.

"Your after the raider and the dragon balls aswell."Twilight muttered.'This is bad Flash is gone to get them but these guys have us. If he gets down hear they will use us to get the dragon ball and the raider.' She mentally panicked.

"You got that right. So we'll be getting them from you."

"Well good luck cause the guy who has them is getting the dragon ball and once he comes down hear. Your all are gonna get your butts kick-" He was kicked in the face.

"Oh don't worry about that. Our client gave us one thing to deal with that pest of yours. He'll be getting there soon." The man told sinisterly.

Both siblings were now alarmed. This is getting to dangerous.

Flash reached in the gap as he try to grab the dragon ball. His finder were inches away from it as he soon grabbed it and pulled it out.

"Yes got it!" He cheered as he looked at the ball."Let's go get you down now." He grinned.


Suddenly he was hit in the face as he was flung back and hit the wall leaving a giant crack as a web. Flash grunted as he looked at his attacker to find out it's some sort of giant human size robot.

Its upper and lower body was sporting silver red Armor and the legs had had rocket boots to help it Fly up. Its head had a only one eye and and fins on the side and upper head.

"Nanda.. Hey who are you?!" Flash shouted at the robot."You better had a good reason to attack me. If you don't then your in trouble!"

But still no answer. The robot shoulders suddenly opened up as it launched tiny missiles at Flash. The missiles impacted on Flash and caused an explosion.

Down below the others saw the explosion. The siblings start to worry for Flash as they all are in danger.

"Well looks like his dealing with the nuisance above. It would then take a bit of time before it retrieve the items. In the meanwhile." The man looked back at them."What do we do with you all."

The man smiled evily at the siblings. Just then he was hit hard on the head as he felt pain. He looked back to see the attacker to reveal Spike standing there.

"SPIKE?!" Both shouted seeing there younger brother there. How did he get there?

"You brat! You'll pay for that!" The man shouted angrily."Get him!"

"Catch me if you can then." Spike start to run as the other men chased after him. He ran fast as he could and soon ran in the drone. He closed the hach as he got in.

"His in there shoot him!" The men fired bullets at the drone but it wasn't effected.

"Good thing this is bullet proof." Spike muttered. He looked the controls as he had to find out how to start it."Gotta find out how to start this thing. Gotta hurry."

Meanwhile up at the mountain the robot looked at the explosion as there was black dust there. It scanned the area to see the person. Then suddenly a beam came in hitting the robot on the arm as it got back. The fog went out reveal the Flash standing there as no damage was fine to him. He had a serious look on his face.

"I don't know what you are. But you just made me angry. So get ready for a beating." Flash said.

The robot pulled his hand Infront as it then opened to reveal a machine gun in it. It fired off bullets at Flash who crossed his arms as the bullets hit him. He wasn't affected by them as he looked at the machine. He suddenly transported right Infront of him. He launched a punch at the machines chest. The punch went right through it as the robot start to spasm around. He got out off the reach as Flash went back leaving a hole in its chest. He soon came in hitting any punches on the machine face damaging it and then soon gave a final hit destroying the machine face. It then soon fell down towards the ground as Flash looked.

"Hah. What a weird thing?" He shrugged as he went to get the dragon ball.

Down Below the men were still firing at ten drone as Spike thought desperately to see how to start the drone.

"Come on which button is it!" Spike said."Ok that's it. Hope it works." He closed his eyes as he pressed one button. The drone upper part opened a hach to reveal a missile. The grunts were taken back as the missile soon took targets at them. Spike looked to see the target system in it and smirked deviously. He took aim and pressed the button launching the missile right at them.

The men ran as fast as they could. The missile was hit behind them as the men were send flying back as it exploded. Meanwhile the 3 others who were back looked shocked.

"Dang it get the kid now!" The leader ordered. Just as they were about to they felt a shadow coming towards them from the top. They looked up but we're late as the robots body landed right on them. The leader was baffled to see his men down as well as the robot. He didn't notice he had let go of Shining as he took a step back. He felt someone was behind him as he looked back but was soon meet with a fist on the face.


He grunted back holding his mask."Gah why you!" He lied up and glared at Shining through his mask."You'll pay for that you hear me." He wiped out his gun and aimed at him. Shining took a step back in fright as he was afraid. Just as he was about to pull the trigger...

"Hey!" He looked to the side and was meet with two boots that were planted right on his face. The man was flung back and fell down unconscious. The attacker was Twilight as she gleed at him."No one hurts my BBBFF or my little brother got that!"

The men were down as the siblings signed in relief. They were ok now.

"Daigoubna." They looked back to see Flash coming down landing on the ground."Your all ok. I heard shouting and then an explosion. Are you all alright."

"Yeah. We were attacked by these mask men again." Shining told as Flash looked at the unconscious people.

"Oh, So they were the one who send that thing at me then" He pointed at the robot body as it laid on the grunts.

"Wait, You fought a robot and you won!" Shining yelled.

"Robot? You mean one from that film which spike shoed me last time about the one coming to kill a man." He asked in confusion.

"Yea.. yeah like that." Twilight muttered not wanting to get in to another argument with him.

"By the way, I found the dragon ball" he cheered showing them the dragon ball as the teens looked at it in awe.

"No way it was there."

Twilight gave him a smug look."Told you so. My invention are never flaw."

As they all talked the small drone was looking at them back from the mountain.

Sombra looked at the computer as he watched there interaction. They have found the seventh dragon ball. He felt a bit easy now as he knew where to get the them. He soon looked at the video of Flash as he battled his Robot. His phone rang as he picked it up.

"Yes Chang.... Yes I got what I needed.... Not quite yet my friend... They still have my item with them. So to get it back I need another favour from you... Don't worry this one is full proof. They won't suspect a thing.... Alright I call you then." He cut the call as he liked back at the computer. He looked at Flash with bitter eyes."what are you? No man can deny my machine that easily and can brush this off as nothing. To punch solid platinum and break it with ease. Your no normal man." He said with a hard gaze."But no matter what you won't get in my way on achieving my dream."

He then pressed the button on the desk."Dr. Techno, I believe you got what you needed."

=Yes Sir Sombra. I received the data on my computer. To think some one could take down my baby with ease would be no ordinary man.=

"So you are making them right." He asked.

=They are being made so no worry sir. They be done in a weak.=

"Good then."

Author's Note:

I'm done with this chapter. Hope you like it.

Listen I'm trying to find a helper who could help in my other stories and these so it will be easy. So hope anyone wants to help..