> Dragon Ball Z: Equestrian Saiyan > by Kamen rider accel 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Episode 1: Down goes Planet Vegeta, The lone survivor escape > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Space. To the average person, it seemed to just be a giant void of nothing but stars and space rocks such as asteroids. Yeah, other planets were known, but due to the lack of atmospheres, there wasn't any life. They were pretty much just giant rocks floating in space. Nothing really noteworthy. At least, that's what people usually thought. But far beyond what anyone could see, there laid hundreds, no, thousands of planets that had intelligent life. And the planet of the subject right now was Planet Vegeta. Planet Vegeta was home to a race known as the Saiyans. The Saiyans are a warrior race. They were born and bred for one thing and one thing only. Fighting. All Saiyans had the job of going to other planets and eliminate all the life to make the planet…ready for sale. One of the Saiyans most defining features were their monkey-like tails. And these tails did more than just wag around. Whenever a Saiyan looks at the full moon, the blitz waves the moon produces transforms a Saiyan into the Great Ape Oozaru, making them bigger, more monkey-like, and increasing their power levels. But despite their fearsome nature, the entire Saiyan race, even the king and prince who shared the name of the planet, worked under one man. A tyrant, known as Lord Frieza. It happened a long time ago, but that was how things were for some time. Frieza assigning groups of warriors to conquer planets under his name. However, that all changed today. Because currently on Planet Vegeta…all Hell was breaking loose. "Bardock was right! Bardock was right! Bardock was right!" A female Saiyan said as she ran through the halls of what appeared to be some sort of facility, as fast as she could while holding something close to her tight. Much like all Saiyans she had black hair and a tail. Her hair was spiky and went a little past her shoulders. She had basic Saiyan armor which consisted of a skin-tight jumpsuit which was red in color for her and a chest piece which was primarily black with white highlights. This was Fennel, a mid-class Saiyan warrior and a part of King Vegeta's royal guard. In her hands, the thing she was holding onto for her life, was a baby. A Saiyan baby boy that had hair almost exactly like a Fennel's and a tail but his hair was blue. Why was Fennel running? Because currently, in her planet's atmosphere, was a large battalion of Frieza's soldiers. And even Frieza himself and his two right hands, Zarbon and Dedoria, were there, attacking the planet. They should have listened to him. He warned them. But none of them, not even Fennel listened. Listen to who? Bardock. A low-class warrior. Almost every Saiyan knew Bardock. He was the Saiyan known for coming back from perilous missions half dead. But he always recovered completely and was able to exploit the Saiyan only trait known as the Zenkai boost. An event where when a Saiyan gets beaten to near death and recovers, their power levels increases drastically. There were even rumors going around that Bardock was gonna be stronger than King Vegeta himself. But ever since Bardock and his team came back from Kanassa, Bardock has been acting strangely. Earlier at the bar, he comes in with his body injured and bleeding all over saying things like "Frieza is coming for us." And "Frieza is scared of us, and he wants us dead." At first, everyone just laughed at him and mocked him, including her. Lord Frieza being scared of them? There was no way. And why would he destroy them? The Saiyan race was some of, if not the best, part of Frieza's army. But then the things he shouted started coming true. Out of nowhere, two Frieza ships went to the planet, one of them containing a large group of soldiers that began attacking the planet. And the other carrying more soldiers but also…Frieza himself. Once the attack started, King Vegeta almost immediately ordered his whole guard to join him on an attack on Frieza's ship and demand the tyrant for an explanation. While the rest of his guard joined him in the attack…she didn't. After seeing what happened before King Vegeta's orders, Fennel started thinking 'What if Bardock was right?' What if Frieza really did fear them? What if he really was going to destroy them? It couldn't be a coincidence that almost right after Bardock told everyone about Frieza, that this started happening. So as King Vegeta and his guard were about to head out to Frieza's spaceship, Fennel slipped away with thankfully no one seeing her. Despite her Saiyan blood telling her to go fight, her Saiyan pride telling her to go stand up for her people against the tyrant that has ordered them around for so long…there was another part of her telling her to do something else. To make sure that something…that someone was safe. Her husband wasn't with her. He too was part of King Vegeta's guard. But unlike her, he went with his King to what would probably be a march into death. "Come on where the hell are those pods?!" Fennel asked herself as she ran down the hallway while clenching the baby tight and looking in every room she passed. She feared there wasn't much time. As she was running, she got an awful feeling in her spine. She wasn't sure how she knew…but something was telling her that…that… King Vegeta had been killed. She speeds up and searches as soon as she got that feeling. With their King down, her husband was soon to follow, she knew there was only a small amount of time before Frieza came down and do away with the rest of them. And then finally, Fennel found them. The Saiyan pods. Spacecraft that are made for high-speed space travel over long distances and even long periods thanks to its stasis mode. But there was only one problem, the size. The only pods that were still available were the smaller ones. One made for babies that get sent to backwater planets with creatures that couldn't put up a fight. When a Saiyan baby is born, their power level is measured shortly after birth. Babies with low power levels get sent off the planet to destroy life when they get older on worlds that couldn't possibly have strong enough people to defend against even the weakest of low-class warriors. But Saiyan babies with high power levels are kept on the planet to grow up to become warriors to take on higher level jobs. The baby in Fennel's arms was born with a rather average power level of 50, so he was to stay. At least, until all this happened. Staring at the pod, Fennel shook a little. There's no way she could fit in this or any of the other remaining pods. That means there was only one option...let the baby go while she stays and most likely dies with the rest of her race. She just spent a minute contemplating the option while staring at the pod. She had to do it. There wasn't much of choice. What would be the point if both of them died? At least this way, one member of the Saiyan Warrior Race would survive. Finally coming to terms with it, Fennel took a deep breath and slowly placed the baby in the pod. "Goodbye Zen. Make the Saiyans…make me proud." And with that, Fennel closed the pod containing the baby…her son. Fennel then went to the central computer that launched the pods and type in some coordinates. She didn't know where he would end up, but she made sure it was far, far away from any planet that was under Frieza's control. Once she finished typing in the random location, she watched as the pod got ready for takeoff. And then, Fennel saw the pod take off at high speeds. And so, Fennel lowered her head…and her and her race's fate. But at least she'd be sent to the afterlife knowing her son would make it out alive. "FRIEZAAAAAAAA!" Currently, in the planet's atmosphere, it was absolute chaos. Explosions and the battle cries of many soldiers could be heard from the events transpiring. Frieza soldier after Frieza soldier was trying to blast and take down the single rebelling warrior. However, it was no use. The warrior kept charging and screaming at the top of his lungs, taking down every soldier in his path one by one without stopping, and making his way to Frieza's ship. This warrior was none other than the low-class Saiyan Bardock. Bardock was an adult Saiyan with black unkempt spiky hair that was standing on end, and his monkey tail was wrapped around his waist. He had slightly dark skin, fully outlined sharp eyes and a scar on his left cheek. He wore dark blue and green armor that had sustained severe damage and dark blue pants with black and green boots. He also had a red headband wrapped around his head. Bardock had seen this coming, but no one listened to him. Ever since Kanassa, he's been having these visions of what he could only assume was the future. At first, he saw his son Kakarot as a boy on the planet he had been sent out to many hours ago, apparently training and becoming a warrior. Not a life-destroying conqueror. But, he also saw visions of Frieza. Visions of Freiza destroying them all. Wiping the Saiyan race. Heck, before this, his own team had been killed by a group of Frieza's men, all lead by Dodoria, one of Frieza's right-hand men. In fact, the headband he was wearing now used to be an armband wore by one of his closest friends, and the red coloring was from the blood he had shed. Bardock tried to warn his people, but they all laughed at him and called him crazy. Despite the seriousness and truth in his voice, not a single fellow Saiyan believed him. But, he wasn't going to let that stop him. He was going to protect his fate with his own two hands. He was going to kill Frieza. As Bardock was charging, a large group of soldiers tried to grab and restrain him. But Bardock managed to get them all of them off of him by releasing a blast of energy from his hands, sending the group crashing to his planet. But just as Bardock got that group off, even more, soldiers came to try and restrain him. But it was at this point that Bardock was right in front of Frieza's ship. "FRIEZA!" Bardock shouted for what must have been the 15th time. "COME OUT AND FIGHT ME!" "YOU COWARD! COME OUT!" Bardock shouted as he tried to force the soldiers off him again. If Frieza was not going to come out to fight, then he would just have to blow a hole in the ship and go to him instead. But just then, some doors in the ship opened up slowly. Every single soldier started shaking and sweating nervously at the event as they knew full well who was preparing to come out. Bardock seemed to know as well and watched the doors in focus for who was to come out. Right as the doors opened, an alien in a hover chair rose up from inside the ship. An unamused expression was on the alien's face. The alien was wearing basic armor, this version having shoulder guards, with a purple coloring. He had two sideways horns on his head, and his body had white and purple patterns all over it with his arms being pink and his tail being pink with a purple tail. All the soldiers present could just watch nervously as they stared at the alien. However, Bardock could be seen smirking. So, the person he's been calling out to finally decide to come out. "Frieza," Bardock said, confirming this alien's identity as none other than the evil space tyrant, Lord Frieza. "L-lord Frieza." One of the soldiers stuttered as the group holding Bardock let the low-class warrior go. "We salute you, sir!" "Y-yeah. Long live Lord Frieza!" Most of the soldiers started saying this or things similar to try and please the tyrant. The last thing they wanted was to make Frieza mad at them. Because Kami knows that making him made was pretty much asking to be sent to Hell. However, Bardock quietly laughed as he started at the tyrant. "No way!" the Saiyan said as Freiza's expression remained unchanged. "You've lived long enough!" "Actually it's been too long for my taste." As Bardock kept talking, Frieza directly lifted up his hand and pointed his index finger up and created a small ball of red energy above it. "Frieza, listen up! We quit! All of us! We don't work for you anymore!" Bardock shouted as Frieza continued to hold the small energy ball above his finger. "You can find someone else to do your dirty work for you!" "Oh yeah, there is one last thing." Bardock then started to create a blue ball of energy in his right palm. "This is for all the people we killed in your name! I wish we were never foolish enough to obey you!" "HERE! HAVE IT!" Bardock then threw the ball of energy in the direction of Frieza while all of the tyrant's soldiers gasp at what they were watching. Frieza's expression reminded the same, but as soon as he saw the ball of energy heading toward him…he smiled. The smile then turned to maniacal laughter as the ball of energy Frieza made started to grow and grow to insane proportions, mostly resembling a mini sun. Once Bardock's energy attack collided with Frieza's ball of energy, it merely was absorbed into it. Bardock's expression changed to one of shock as he watched the events transpire. "NO WAY!" He shouted. He put everything he had into that attack, and it didn't even make a dent in Frieza's own attack. Frieza just continued his evil laughter as he pointed he flicked his index finger. What resulted was the Death Ball launching in the direction of not only Bardock, not only many of his own soldiers that would be caught in the crossover but the Planet Vegeta as a whole. All Bardock could do was scream as the attack collided with him and eventually Planet Vegeta. But, as the tyrant's attack was vaporizing him, he had one last vision. He had a vision of a Saiyan that looked almost exactly like him with the exact same hair wearing an orange gi facing off against Frieza. And so, despite the inevitability of death in just a few seconds, Bardock smiled and screamed one last thing… "KAKAROT!" And then, once the Death Ball reached the planet… BOOOOOOOOM! In a matter of seconds, the entire planet was blown to bits. All the inhabitants on the Planet Vegeta, Saiyan or not, were killed. Many of Frieza's soldiers were also caught in the crossfire and were destroyed themselves. But Frieza didn't even care. All the space tyrant was doing was laughing. Laughing at the show of the planet blowing up by his hands, but more importantly, smiling at the destruction of every single one of those Monkeys. There were some survivors though. Prince Vegeta was very recently sent off on a mission of great difficulty, and some were already on tasks such as General Nappa and a low-class warrior named Raditz. But, what the tyrant didn't know was that two Saiyan babies had made it away before the destruction of the planet. One pod containing the Saiyan Kakarot, Bardock's recently born son who would go on to adopt the name Son Goku and ultimately become the Saiyan that defeats Frieza. And the other pod, which made a much closer call then the pod Kakarot was in, contained Fennel's son Zen. And this Saiyan…was about to go on a journey involving things and abilities you could only see in the world he was about to end up in. Currently on a planet far, far, far away from where Planet Vegeta was, or any planet under Frieza's name, was a planet known by its inhabitants as Earthland. Earthland may seem simple on the surface. A rather beautiful planet with lots of land covered with life as shown by the continents having a green color to them as well as other features and clear blue oceans covering most of the planet. There was an atmosphere that could support life as shown by the uncountable amount of white clouds covering the upper skies of the planet. There going through a road was an old man who looked in the age of 40 was on his way home, He was coming back from a karate teaching class. Yes this person isn't any regular old man but a black belt master who has his own school and teaches young kids to learn to fight. The old man grumbled as he walked through the woods. "Those bums of parents they do nothing but complain. If kids don't learn fighting they will always become a pray." He grumbled as he looked up at the clear night sky. There wasn't a single cloud in the sky so the stars could be seen clearly. "Well, at least it's a nice night." He said as he examined the night sky. He just couldn't help but smile at the sight of a night sky full of stars with a beautiful Moon to go along with it. It truly seemed like a perfect night. And just then, the old man saw something fly through the night sky. "A shooting star?" He asked himself as he watched it go by. But then, something started happening that didn't seem to right. The 'shooting star' started to… "It's getting closer!" He said with widened eyes as the 'star' started to come closer and closer into view. He watched as it got closer…and closer…and suddenly it seemed like it was coming right at him. The old man quickly jumped and duck to try and avoid the falling object. He peeked an eye out to see if it had landed but saw as it went straight over where he was. And then in only a few moments… BOOM! The ground shook and a large explosion was created nearby. The old man got up and looked to see smoke coming from nearby, presumably where that object landed. Deciding to investigate, the old man picked up his cane and headed to the crash site, preparing to face whatever the heck just crashed down. After just a few minutes of walking, the old man found the crash site and was rather stunned at what he saw. There was a very large crater with a few trees knocked down. Looking inside the crater, the old man saw what had crashed. It was a rather small pod-like object, perfectly spherical with some glass in the front that he couldn't see through from here. Humming to himself, he went in the crater and slide down to investigate the stranger foreign object. Once he was down in the center, he walked up to the pod. "What in blazes is this thing?" He asked. It was nothing he had ever seen before. It looked to be made of some kind of metal but he couldn't determine what kind exactly. Deciding to get a little closer, the Oldman got right in front of the pod and tap it a little bit with his fist. And the pod reacted. The door opened up and crack and released some steam. On instinct, the old man backed up and got in a fighting pose. Just in case there was something hostile inside. He watched and prepared himself as the door opened all the way and released even more steam. The old man stayed in position and watched as the steam continued to exit the pod and into the air. And once all the steam was gone, the old man gasp what he saw. Inside the pod was a baby boy that looked a few weeks old at most. He had a rather blue spiky hair for his age as it went just a little bit past his shoulders. "A baby?" The old man said as he walked up to the pod, right in front of the infant. The old man just watched for a moment as the baby slept soundly inside the pod. The old man then slowly moved his hands toward the child and, without waking him up, picked him up and cradled him. And doing this gave the old man a clear view of the child monkey-like tail. 'How bizarre.' He thought to himself as he watched it waggle around aimlessly. As the old man held the child, he looked up to the pod that held the child origin. The sky. Or more specifically…space. "Did you come from…up there?" He asked despite knowing he would get no answer. "But that's impossible…right? After a moment of thinking it over, the old man decided he would dwell on it later. Whether this child was truly an alien or not didn't matter. It was still just a small baby out alone in the woods without even any clothes on. Humming a bit, the old man smiled at the sleeping baby and said this. "Why don't you come with me?" Why not? He already had the baby in his hands and he didn't trust enough to just leave the baby on someone's doorstep. For all, he knew he could have handed it to a criminal. Plus, where he planned on taking the child might just be the perfect future home for it. Just then the baby shook a little bit. The old man looked to see that the baby had opened its eyes a tiny bit. Seeing this, the old man flashed a kind smile. "Hello, there little one. My name is Master Den." "How would you like to come with me to my dojo but what will I call you?" He thought then remember." I know I always wanted my son to have this name but couldn't...your name is Flash, Flash sentry." He told the baby welcoming Flash sentry to become his new student And thus there was the start of this young boy adventure as he will soon grow up to face challenges and meet new friends and enemies and learn to become stronger and faster to fight. This is the start of his journey to become the Saiyan of the earth. > Episode 2: The Monkey Tail boy meet The Curious Girl/ The People in the black Mask > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was morning at a jungle as the mountains were seen showing the beauty of the place. The jungle was scene were many animals were at. The birds flew and chirped happily. The deer and her kit was scene drinking water at the river. The jungle showed quite beauty to look at.Suddenly a figure was scene jumping from one tree branch to another. The figure was moving faster then the eye could tell. Soon the figure stopped to reveal a boy. The boy had blue hair and eyes as he was wearing a blue gi outfit with a (勇敢) symbol meaning brave written on the right side. He was wearing black boots and red wrist bands. He also had a weird furry belt wrapped around his waist. This boy is Flash sentry. "Ha~, Traveling around is shore kinda fun."Flash said as he stretch a bit."So now back to continue on going." He said in determination as he start to run again."Hm, I wonder where I'm heading to there be strong fighters."Flash thought as he continued. He suddenly stopped as his stomach growled much."Oh looks like I'm hungry." He muttered putting a hand on his stomach."But... Where will I find food na." He looked around. He suddenly heard growling coming from the woods."Huh? That wasn't my stomach"Flash said as he heard the growl again. Suddenly a wild Bear came in from the bushes. The bear growled at Flash as Flash only looked at him.He then developed a smirk"Ok, looks like I found my self food." The bear growled and soon ran to attack flash. Flash got in to battle position as the bear came in for the kill. Flash quickly dogged the strike and another he then got an opening as Flash delivered a heavy punch right on the bear face with enough force that the bear was send Flying back and hit the tree. Soon Falling dead now as Flash went easy. "Awesome. I got fresh meat to eat." Flash cheered happily. Meanwhile at a mountain site a car was parked there as a family was at a mountain site. They were to be know as the sparkle family as they were checking out the mountain area. A girl in purple skin and and lavender black hair wearing glasses was seen typing on the computer. She was so focused on the task on hand that she didn't hear her family call out. "Twilight. Please use the computer later. You know we came hear for a fun family time."Her mother told."I know it's important but get a bit off time from screen Now and then." "I know mom. But it's a bit important." Twilight said not taking her eyes off the screen. "What can be that important that you don't want to hang out with us." A young boy with purple skin and green hair told. "If you must know. It's about the Dragon Balls." Twilight told making the others take back. "The old fairy tail?" The other man asked who had white skin and blue dark hair and we'll fit body."You mean to tell me about those dragon balls that can grant you any wish you want."He asked."Twilight that's just a simple story that uncle chuck told us when we were young." "Yes honey. Your uncle was a bit, you know over the top on adventure and all so he used to tell about his adventures." Night light told while eating his food."There no such thing as The dragon Balls." "That's were your all wrong." Twilight said making them looked at her."I know there real. Cause That day before uncle chuck went away he told me he saw a dragon ball him self. But it belonged to a man name den. He told that it was know that if all seven Dragon Balls were to be found. The ancient dragon will rise and will grant two wishes. After that the dragon balls will be lost and will be hard to get." She explained. "Ok, that sounds like a tale of a sci Fi fantasy series." Spike muttered."But how will you even find them. Even if you may now know this Den person. How will you find the other dragon Balls. They could be any where." "Spike got a point. Even if they do exist. How will we find them." Velvet asked. "That's were this baby comes in." Twilight told proudly pulling out a stopwatch type device with a green screen. "Um, what's that?" Shining armor asked. "This my family is the dragon raider." Twilight told."See when I heard about the dragon balls. I figured that the dragon balls may be having an unknown power source or energy. It may not mach with the same positive energy with the world meaning of I could be able to see where the main stronger energy of the dragon ball is leaking. I could be able to find the exact location of where they are. Each dragon ball grows stronger and stronger when they are close and weak when not so it may give me time to find them easily." Twilight finish explaining to her family. The two adults got it but the other two boys clearly were trying to process what she told. "Twilight, this is amazing." Night light exclaimed."So with this we could find the balls then." He asked. "Oh so now you believe me." Twilight said. "Well.. we did needed answers first before seeing or deciding if it real or not." Night light sheepishly told. "But other than that will it work twilight." Velvet asked. "Only one way to find out." She said as she activated the device. After a few seconds the device suddenly blinked making twilight surprise."It... It's working." She muttered. She quickly got up and looked around to see where the signal is coming from. "Twilight what's the matter." Shining armor asked. "The dragon raider is working and it's showing where the signal is coming from." She excitedly told. The others were surprised hearing this. "So wait. The story of the dragon balls are true." Spike asked surprised. "It could be or it's something else." Shining armor answers."But other then that of the signal is correct then." "We may discover something ground braking." Nightlight muttered. "Guys pack this up. Where going on another road trip." Twilight cheered. Soon the family were driving the car on the mountain forest side area as the other side had a cliff down to the forest. The car was driving unaware to them there were two figure on the upper part of the mountain watching them go. They both were clad in military outfit design for stealth. They had a symbol of a an eclipse on there shoulders. "Sir, the targets are on the move. It looks like they found a way to track down the dragon balls." One ma told on his com =Good, I want the device there using to track down the dragon balls.= "What should we do about the others. Should we capture them." He asked. =No need, of they have the device to locate the dragon balls. Then I only want that. So for the others kill them. But make it look like an accident. Remember no evidence on how we were involved.= "Yes sir." He agreed as the line went out. He looked at his partner."We got orders to retrieve the device. But leave the others dead. But we gotta make it look like we weren't involved." "So it's like old times hah." The other said casually." But dam you think we should kill the two women's there busty as hell."He said in a pervert toon. "Just do the job. If the boss is happy he may give us a raise." The first one told. "Ok, ok spoil sport." He muttered the last part. The sparkle family were in the car as Night light ad Velvet were at front and the others were at back. Twilight looked at her raider to see the signal. "Huh, that's odd," she muttered. "What is it sweetie." Velvet asked. "The signal from before. It showing that it's coming closer." She told. Before the others could continue listing. The car tyre suddenly popped causing the car to lose balance. The others were horrified seeing this as nightlight desperately try to stop the car. "Hold on everyone!" He shouted trying to stop the car. The other braced them self for what's what gonna come. The car then droved off the cliff side as it was falling down to the forest. The sparkle family braced them self. Twilight thought this was the end. She didn't even achieve much and didn't even come close to finding the dragon balls. Did luck really hate him this much. She soon prayed her life to be well in the after life. As the family prepared for there demise it never came. The hold family waited for a few sec and soon they slowly opened there eyes and we're surprised to see that yeh car was stopped in mid air. How was this possible?! Who was doing this. "Oi, Daijōbudesuka." They all heard as they slowly looked to the side to see a boy with blue hair in a blue gi suit was holding the car in mid air." I saw you all falling so I thought of helping out. You guys are ok right." He asked innocently not realizing on there reaction. The sparkle family blinked many times and we're shocked seeing a boy saving them from near death and was holding them in mid air. He only had a silly smile. In an office room. It was shown to have a big window showing the view from behind of a beautiful city. The interior of the office had well good supplies meaning it was of a rich man. The office desk was shown as a chair was spun around the city view. *RING* RING* RING* A hand came in to view as it belonged to a man. It had a ruby ring on it. He picked up the phone and brought it up to his chin."Hello." A voice answers as it was gruff. =Mister somber.=The voice on the other line spoke. "Ah. Mister Edward. I'm hoping that your calling for the mission to retrieve." He asked. =Um. About that, they may have been some miscalculations on it.= The other man spoke in a bit of fright. "What kind of miscalculations." He soon change to anger."I want the device which I told you about to retrieve. I don't care what happens or how it's done. Just get me that device. Or the next thing will be your last. So do I make my sled clear." Somber told as he spin around to show his full view of a man with black skin long hair and red blood eyes. = Y-Yes Mister somber sir. Then we gotta need back up for this.= "Fine, But don't disappoint me next time mister Edward. I'm paying top dollars for this and I don't like any freeloader getting it for no work done." He said as he ended the call. He put the phone back as he stood up from his chair and went towards the window to see the view. He looked at the city with a hard gaze."No matter what I will get the dragon balls and I will get my wish. No matter what obstical will come I will drive it down to reach my goal." He muttered in cold toon. Unnoticed to him that his plans were gonna be foiled by a certain blue hair boy. The sparkle family were getting out of the car and were still shocked and surprised as they were saved by a mysterious boy. "You guys are ok na. You were falling down from the mountain side area." Flash said pointing up. "We're Fine thanks to you boy." Night Light told. "Hey how the hay were you able to catch us mid air?!" Shining armor asked him. "There's no way you could have had a jetpack, also you were carrying the car like it was nothing!" He demanded. "Yeah, how were you able to do that." Spike asked as he had stars in his eyes."Your were like superman back there." "Who?" Flash said in confusion. "Also I saw you all falling down so I just flew and caught you." He simply told. "That doesn't answer our question." Twilight told coming in. "A human can't do that. Not even like simple flying." She told him. "But I just did. Flying is also kind of easy you know. I did that when I was a kid." Flash said with a smile as he suddenly start to float up making them surprise again. "See it's really easy. You just gotta let loose." He said while sitting in mid air. Twilight blinked several time trying to process this. "If it was then humans would have it easy way. Not counting on planes then!" She told back. "Planes? What's that?" Flash asked in confusion. "How can you not know what a plane is?" Velvet ask in confusion seeing the boy stupidity. "Wait, what's that behind you?" Velvet then notice something on the back of the boy and was completely baffled. "Is that a tail on you?" Velvet asked the boy when all four of them noticed the till moving around like it was real. "Yeah. It is, so where's yours then." Flash asked in confusion not realizing there shock looks. "Okay, a kid with a monkey tail is new." Shining armor muttered."Okay, who are you?" He demanded. "Boku wa Sentry. Flash Sentry nice to meet you all." He said before he came down and bowed infront of them. "You speak Nighpon." Nigh light asked. "Where are you from kid?" "Oh. I lived my Grandpa since I was little." Flash explained crossing his arms. "I was living with him and trained with him. He thought me all I know." "That involves the... flying thing you can do." Twilight asked trying to get the answer on how this is possible. "Hm, yeah he thought me crane style so I could fly easily. He also thought me many martial arts and many more moves." Flash explained. "So where is this grandpa of yours?" Velvet couldn't help but ask. "Oh. Grandpa passed away a few days ago." Flash replied. "Oh dear. Sorry for your loss then." Velvet told in sad toon. "It's ok actually. Grandpa told me that I should travel the world to accomplish my desire." Flash told with a smile. "What's that then?" Spike said. "My desire is to become stronger and fight stronger people." Flash said in determination. The others blinked at that. That's one goal he had to battle the strongest and win. "Hm, that's a.. quiet good goal." Night light muttered. The sparkle family only could think alot as they meet a new boy with incredible feet's. Back at the mountain side heavily armed man were standing on the cliff side watching the sparkle family and the mysterious boy. "All right people, we got a big assignment in our hands."The one in charge spoke up."The people down are know to be our targets. We need to capture them and get answers from them. Our client wants something from them and he paid us big money to get the answers." He told them. "What about the boy with the tail." One asked. "His not with them and he doesn't have what we want. So kill him." He told sinister toon. The men soon gathered there gun and then out on black masks with x markings on them. The sparkle family were still in shock of the boy but decided to dewel on it later. Shining was fixing the car tyre and nightlight was helping.Spike was busy talking with Flash. "So wait you trained since child hood."Spike asked in bewilderment."You learned all that when you were 4?!" "Hai. My grandpa told me that I was a fighter when I was young. So he trained me to fight and protect my self." Flash told as he sat down to talk." He told me that my skills were needed to be trained. He trained me on not just fighting but also on different aspects aswell." "Like, the Flying technique you did back there." "Yup. But also more." "Like what?" Spike asked. "I could loft up very heavy objects and am able to control and harness ki energy."Flash told. Spike was confused."Ki? What's that?" "Ki is known as "latent energy" or "fighting power," which translates as "life force." This force is a tangible energy inside every living being, with its major focus being in the center of the body. By drawing it out, an individual is able to manipulate it and use it outside the body. It can be used in many ways in fighting and helps in healing ones mind and system." Flash explained as spike was surprised hearing about this. He never knew about power with in. Meanwhile twilight and her mom were sitting a bit far and we're working on the dragon raider as they couldn't help but listen to what Flash said. Twilight couldn't believe it as she never heard of this."Ki? Is it possible to manipulate an unknown energy particle like this." She asked her mother. "Actually. Yes it's possible." She confirmed her words. "What it is?!" Twilight asked in bewilderment."How do you know?" "My brother actually told me about this a few years back,"Velvet explained." when Chuck was traveling out. He told me that he met an ancient monk back at a temple. There he learned about ki and spiritual energy. when he told me I first thought it was a simple jock of matter as science could prove better. But when I learned about on the books and all. There I start to see it and science in different ways." "But can a person really heal others wounds by it?" Twilight asked still in that thought. ".."Velvet thought about it."I... I actually don't know." She admitted making twilight slump." He told me but I couldn't actually believe it fully." She said sheepishly. Twilight then looked back at Flash. This kid came in and saved them in an impossible feat. His an unknown element she wants to understand. How can a simple human do this. She then thought about her dragon raider. She quickly took it out and on it. Soon the raider. *BEEP* BEEP* She quickly got up seeing the signal beep again. The others looked at her as she looked where the signal was coming from and saw it was coming from non other then flash as he looked confused. She checked the device then him. She did that three to four times. The she ran towards him. "How is my raider picking you up." Twilight said as she checked him."It was spouse to find the dragon balls." "Dragon....Balls?" Flash ask in confusion as he tilted his head in confusion. "Um, don't you have something that is making my Dragon raider showing you."Twilight said. "Something on me?" He said thinking that he had something. The it suddenly clicked."Oh yeah I do!" He said hitting his fist in his palm gently. Twilight waited so did the others as he took out a small bag from behind and soon opened it showing something that made twilight gasp. He had a small orange crystal ball with 3 stars on it in the middle. "It.. it's can't be." Twilight muttered as her glasses shined seeing this. "Twilight, what is it." Nightlight came in seeing what Flash had in his hands. Flash was confused as them. "It's the dragon ball." She muttered as the others heard her and they were shocked hearing this. "Wait, that's a Dragon ball!" Shining armor shouted in surprise. "Dragon Ball?" Flash spoke up in confusion." You mean my lucky charm." He held up the ball."My grandpa gave me this before he passed away. Saying this is very important." "Wait, who was your grandfather." Nightlight asked. "Oh, it was grandpa Den." Flash told with a smile confirming there thoughts. "So, Chucks story were true then." Velvet said."He was telling the truth." "Hm?" Flash blinked hearing that. *BANG* Before he could have asked he was suddenly shot on the head as he fall down on the ground. The dragon ball fell down as it roll and stopped towards twilight feet as she and her family had a shocked looks on there faces. They couldn't speak as they all saw a boy get shot on the head. Soon they heard laughing as they turn there heads to see 7 men in Black x masks coming out of the forest area as they were holding guns. One man's was smoking meaning he was the one who shot Flash. "Look at that. The guy went off in one bullet. Didn't even see it coming and the boss told he was dangerous." The man said as he laughed. Shining quickly pulled out his gun but was stoped a bullets hit the ground where he was."Don't even think about it bub. If you want to live you better stop or else you'll be joining this guy." The other one ordered as he pointed his gun at them. Shining grunted his teeth as he had no there choice so he step back. The sparkle family were now in danger as the men in the black mask were aiming there guns at them. "What do you want from us." Shining demanded. "Well be asking the questions hear, so shut up till the boss gets hear. Or else!" The grunts said in hostile toon. Soon a military black car came in driving as it stopped. The door opened as a man came out as he had black skin and shady red hair. He was fairly built as he was wearing shades. He came out and looked at the sparkle family. He went towards them as Velvet pulled spike in a hug to comfort him. The others held back as the man came to them. He soon looked at them as he was examining them. "W-wh-what do.. you want from us?" Twilight Shakely ask as the man was seeing them. "The dragon raider." He spoke thus shocking her. "How do you know about that?!" She demanded from him.. "Our client hired us to find an item of his.He told that you had a way to find them. So we monitored you and found out you do know a way." He told her. "Client?" Twilight said as she thought that someone knew her. "No one you should worry about. Now be a good girl and hand over the dragon raider." He demanded harshly. "Boss, I think this is one of the balls the client told us about." One grunt came in as he gave him the dragon ball. The man looked at the ball and soon smirked. "Huh, guess we will be getting a bonus with this." He said with a smirk. He looked at Twilight and saw she was holding the raider. He quickly snatch the raider from her."Looks like you won't be needing this if you want to live." The sparkle family got back as the man and the grunts aimed there guns at her. "What are you doing?!" Shining armor demanded. "We don't want to leave any evidence that you were hear now do we." He told with a smirk. The grunts aimed there guns at them. As the sparkle family closed there eyes not wanting to see there fait. Suddenly the same grunt who shot Flash before felt a tap on his shoulder. He shrugged it off. But soon the he was tapped again. He start to get angry as he was tapped once more. "WHAT IS IT CAN'T YOU SEE I'M -" He stopped as he saw Flash standing there as he was holding the bullet. "Excuse me, but is this yours." Flash asked as the man was shocked. How was he alive and uninjured. He couldn't think further as he was hit on the face and was knocked back hitting the tree. The sparkle family opened there eyes hearing the noise as they saw Flash and we're shocked to see him fine. The others also were shocked seeing the kid was ok. "What the, shouldn't you be dead?!" The man demanded seeing that Flash was ok."There's no way your fine after the shot!" "Oh you mean this." Flash said holding up the bullet as it was twisted."Yeah, it hurt a bit but I'm fine. Didn't hurt much still." He told as he dropped the bullet and then looked at them serious."But now you won't be fine. You were gonna hurt them na. So you better prepare cause im not showing any mercy." The man grunt his teeth."Fire at him." He ordered. The grunts opened fire at him. Flash disappeared in a blur as the bullet went through where he was. He appeared right Infront of them and kicked them on the face knocking them back. The others went for the shot but Flash went in high speed and hit the two grunts on the stomach hard knocking them back. The other were left as they were ready. While the grunts were fighting him. There boss sneaked in to his car not want to get in the fight. He knew that the boy was dangerous and he needed to get out. Flash finished knocking down the last grunt. He looked back at the Sparkle family."Daijōbudesuka." He asked them. "We fine. But that guys getting away with your dragon Ball and sis raider." Spike told. Before they could see the car was soon driven away in high speed. The man was driving away as he had a smirk on his face. He looked at the dragon ball and the dragon raider. He had a smirk on his face as he soon put on the speed. But he felt something off. He looked around to see that he wasn't moving at all. He was shocked by this. "What the?!" He yelled. "You shouldn't take stuff that's not yours."He heard as he opened the door to see Flash holding the car with one arm."So you gonna give them back or do you want to do this the hard way." He asked. The man could only look in pure defeat. The grunts and there boss were tied up to a tree beaten and bruised and there masks were off. The sparkle family meanwhile had fixed the car and took some things from the grunts. "I called the near by police station at the mountain area. They said they will come and check it." Shining armor told as he got off the phone. "Ok, so now that there taken care off. We should get back home." Night light said. "Agreed on that." Velvet said. "So it looks like I'll be off then." Flash told he was then ready to leave. "Actually we had another thing in mind." Night light said making Flash stop."You saved our Family lives and you also have a dragon ball that was said to be a mith." "Dad where are you getting at." Twilight asked reading her dad thought. "Well it's simple. Would you like to come with us." He asked surprising the family. "Honey, is that a good idea." Velvet asked not in concern but a surprise toon. "Dad, is that good thing to do. We don't know what he's capable off." Shining armor asked. While his glade he saved them but he's still a mystery. "I think that's a good idea. We can hang out more." Spike cheered."Maybe he will even help me in his training." "It's a good idea." Twilight spoke up. He has a dragon ball and he can also help out in the family on finding them. The ball belongs to him so he will keep it with him. In easy terms he will be with us till we find the seven dragon balls and once our wishes are done we can give it back to him." She explained. "Right, so how about it Flash will you join us." Nigh light asked. The others looked at him waiting for an answer. "..." Flash looked at them and saw there expression so he decided."Will I get something to eat there." He simply asked. Sombra just received the image and video feed from a drone he send to look at the result. There now he see a unknown monkey boy stopping his plan. "So he took out my men and ruined my plan." Sombra said as he looked closely and zoned in on Flash."Who ever you are. You won't be coming in and ruin my plans." He stopped at the image of the dragon ball." But looks like my work is cut out from finding the third dragon ball." He smirked and soon laughed. On his table side were five of the dragon balls. They were put in a bowl and we're showing each star. > Episode 3: Living in The Big City/ The Quest for the Dragon balls begin > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight woke up as her alarm clock start to beap. She moodley went reached her hand out and hit snooze. She mumbled softly as she got out of bed. She went to the bathroom and went to freshen up a bit. She soon took a shower and got out with a towel over her body. As she looked in the mirror she then thought of something. 'Am I forgetting something important right now.... Something important... Something important... Is it the meeting with the CEO of Heavy teach, or is it my invention on the new cars..' She mentally though as she went out.'I can thi k of that later then.. I mean it will come to-' She stopped in her tracks as she soon develop a look. Standing infront of her was the monkey boy from before who saved her and her family from death. He just had a simple smile on his face as he waited for her. "Good morning Twilight-san, Your kaa-san asked me to bring you to breakfast or else it will get cold. So ready to go." Flash asked completely unaware of the position he is in right now. Twilight blinked one or two times seeing him hear and she only had a towel over her. Back at the Kitchen Velvet was making breakfast for the family. She had to make extra for Flash cause for some reason the boy can eat a lot of things and still can't be full. Last night when they got back. Velvet ordered the Maid to make a big meal for him. The maid was confused at that but nodded and soon made a meal that could feed an entire army. Flash chow down the meal and ate all of it. He didn't even leave any of the vegetables or Broccoli... which was kinda good for the health. He soon shocked the family when he asked for more. The maid completely fell unconscious and is now at bed rest. How much can one human eat. If he's even is a human being? That boys a mystery to be exact and a very strange one. "How much longer will it take mom. I'm starving" she heard her Young son."Seriously I'm dying over hear~" "Stop being so dramatic, You just had strawberries a minute ago." Her eldest son spoke. "But that was an hour ago~!" Spike wined "That was 1 minute ago" Shining deadpanned "By the way why are you so much complaining for food today. You don't eat much." "I was hoping to eat much so I could do the same things Flash can do!" "....You do know Flash doesn't get his powers from food right. He's a complete mystery." Shining told his little brother. Ever since Flash came spike had been looking at him as some sort of fan boy. When he saved them and the things he displayed Spike wasn't letting him go. Shining didn't know about the kid and he couldn't find anything about him aswell. He is thankful that He saved him and his Family from death and being killed but that doesn't mean he will easily trust him. "Yeah, But his an awesome mystery. Which I want to find out. He can do all those cool things and he said that he trained him self to do those things like Flying and that super strength!" Spike argued,"He's even bullet proof remember. So I think he can teach me to do those awesome things he does. Then I can show my friends how cool I look." Shining deadpanned at his brother words."Spike I don't think-" "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" Both brothers jumped from the scream aswell and Velvet. She accidentally lost the pancake as it fell right on top on shinings head as he didn't pay attention to it. "That was Twilights Scream!" Shining said getting up."What happened that caused it?" His question was answered soon.. "GET OUT OF MY ROOM!!!!" They heard and soon a smack was heard to the kitchen. "I think we already know what happened.." Velvet muttered now remembering that she send the monkey boy to go get her daughter. She didn't know this would happen. At The city of Equestria. Many buildings and high-tech vehicles were scene. One car was driving through the streets as the driver was looking at the road. Back at the seat a man in suite was sitting there waiting for his destination. He by looks was an Asian man as he wore a simple business leather suite. His phone rang as he took it out of his pocket and answered. "Yes.... Oh Hello There Sombra. What can I do for you in this troubling day old Friend"He said the last word with a bit of Gruff voice. =Oh, I'm just cashing in a favour on this nothing less of course.= Now the man eyes narrowed. When he ment cashing in a favour he means business and it isn't good for his business when he does." What is it you want this time Sombra, Didn't you have enough of my work taken from my company. Now you want more." He angrily said as his toon changed from calm to aggressive. = Now now, No need to be hostile right now mister chang. I assure you um not hear to take anything from you today.= He still didn't change his anger.= What I want is something else. I want you to retrieve something for me. An item.= This got his attention. Sombra usually wants something from him and he doesn't take no for an answer. Even if he had to bankrupt one company to dust. He gets what he wants and won't stop till he gets it. Now he's asking him to retrieve something and bring it to him. What ever it is. It had got Sombra attention and now he wants his 'Help'. "What is it that you want to retrieve." He asked. = Glade your on board.= Flash was sitting on the sofa with his legs crossed. He was also sporting a red mark shaped as a hand. He didn't seem much fazed by it as he looked at the TV Infront of him. He didn't know what it was as he first got hear. He had accidentally smashed it thinking it had people trapped in it. The Sparkle family had to replace the TV because of this. Spike was sitting beside him as he watched TV with Flash so he won't destroy it again. "Sugoi~... The spider guy stopped the train from crashing!" Flash cheered watching a movie with spike. "Yeah, Spiderman is so cool. He had the awesome spider powers and he can Fight bad guys aswell. He's a cool hero." Spike said. "But why does the mean news man try to say his a bad guy. He's helping others isn't it right." "Well.. some people don't seem to agree to that." "But why?" "Um... Well...The thing is..." Spike try to come up with an excuse. "Cause he's breaking the law that's why." Shining came in hearing there talk."The law is made for the citizens to fallow so they won't cause any harm or anything. Those who do this tend to want to hurt others. That's why they are bad people." He explained. "But what about helping others. He is helping them but he is called bad. Why's that? He broke the law but he did it to help others. What about that?" Flash argued back. "Well. That is a good thing. But you can't just break the law and just get away with it. I know there are those who do it and that's why the police helps to stop them."Shining told."But I agree with you. If he has the right intention and wants to help others then it's a good thing." Flash heard that and smiled. He soon saw Twilight come in the room with her usual get up."Morning Twilight-san. Are you up well." Twilight gave him a glare but she soon signed. He is just naive to know not to see a girl naked.She then signed,"I'm doing fine. But next time just knock before you enter. Its rude to enter without telling." "But..I did knock. You didn't answer." "That because I was at the bathroom ok. But any way I have a new topic to discuss now." She quickly changed the topic. She went towards the drawer and pulled out a map."Were gonna go find the next dragon ball now." Spike heard this and was excited."So were going on an adventure again. Then count me in." "No way little guy. Its dangerous out there."Shining said."You remember we were ambushed before by those mask man. Who's to say they won't attack again." "But were ok because of Flash. He beat those guys away." He argued."Beside I want to go travelling with you guys aswell you know. I don't want to be locked up at home and wait while you guys are off going to adventure on your own." "Spike, Shining is right you know. Its dangerous out there and we won't be there if those man attack."Twilight said in worried toon."I know you want to go on an adventure but it's just to much dangerous. Who may know where the other dragon Ball be. It may be in a volcano or cave. And that will be dangerous for you. So please just listen to us." Spike looked down in sadness. Its not fair why can't he go on traveling like the others. Why is he always left alone in the back as a precious Child. He then felt a hand in his head and liked to see Flash giving him a smile. "Don't worry spike. I know you want to but it's dangerous. So how about if we go on to the next hunt. I will train you in martial arts and my skills to help you in self defence. How's that." Flash asked. "REALLY?" Spike shouted in excitement. "REALLY?!" Both siblings said in dread. "Really, when we get back we can start the Training to improve you physical health and skills. Then we could start your ki training. So how about it." He soon received a hug from the green hair boy in delight. "Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!" He excitedly told the Monkey boy. Flash simply laughed and patted his head. Both siblings looked at one another and thought of the same thing,'This is gonna be torture.' The sky was scene with beauty as birds flew in flak. Suddenly something flew past them in high speed making them stumble around. The object in question was a Flying ship to be perhaps. It front interior looked like a helicopter part but the back of it looked liked a chopper area. With wings on its back. Its colour was designed as purple and had blue design on the back. There was also a logo on its upper wing and front part of the plane 'S.C.C' in style. Inside Twilight was controlling the wings plane as Shining and Flash were sitting in the back of the plane which had quite enough room with a bed and fridge and even some gym equipment. "You two ok back there." Twilight asked while staring. "Hai, There's a lot of room back hear then I thought. And how come it's floating in the air." Flash asked from back as he was using the dumbbells. Twilight giggles a bit."That's cause it's know as a plane Flash. And this is the brand knew model that our company had made for safe traveling. This is know as the Scouter Drone. Its design to help travel to other places or continents in minutes. It also has back up supplies and gears for traveling in." "This baby can go up 9 per hours and has also a weapon supply if needed." Shining told."Twilight was the one who thought of this and had made a the company go sky high." He complimented his sister. "Oh shuks. Don't go flattering me this much." "But I could have flawn there and got the ball already then. Wouldn't that be easy." "Well.. it's a good idea but you gotta save your energy for a while you know. And we wanted to come aswell. If we all work together we could get the dragon Balls in no time. Beside you may use your energy to much if you fly around to find the dragon ball." "But I wont. I flawn before and can't get tired." "Well once you got the hang of it. You know finding the dragon balls then we won't have to worry then." Shining said. Flash thought about it then nodded."Wakata. I just have to get good in it then. But I wanna ask. If we find all the dragon balls. What kind of wish do you want then." He suddenly asked. The two siblings looked at one another and thought to tell or not. "Well. If we do find it all I wish for is helping others in need and making the world a better place." Shining Armor told. As a police man he always waited to do the right thing so this gives him a chance if he got to make a wish. "That's a good dream Shining-san. What about you Twilight-san." Twilight was quite for a moment and thinking whether to give an answer or not."I... I tell you when we get them.. don't want to ruin tge surprise." She told and chuckled quickly so they won't ask. And surpassingly it worked as both boys accepted it. She signed in relief as she get to keep her wish a secret. Suddenly the raider on the control panel start to beap making them look to see as it picked up something. Twilight smiled as they found the next location of the dragon ball. She then accelerated the Drone in getting there quick. The Scouter Drone flew fast to the location but as the Drone went away another plane was fallowing them. It looked like a spy drone as it went after them. At a base the workers were monitoring the Scouter Drone. The business man from before was Looking at the Screen with a hard expression. One worker suddenly came up to him. "Mister chang. We have figured out the location of the Plane. Its going towards the African mountain area sir." The worker told. Chang looked at the screen not taking his eyes off it."Send in the task force and tell them to retrieve the items my business partner has requested to get." "Yes sir." The worker nodded but was soon stopped "Also, Send in the gift my partner send me. He told that it would be needed for a certain person. So make sure they use it." Chang ordered. The worker nodded and left leaning Chang to look at the screen. The Scouter Drone was parked at a field. The three had exited the drone and we're off to search the Dragon balls location. Flash and Shining were following Twilight as she held on to the Raider and was scanning the place. They soon came to stop as they tge raider start to beep faster. "Looks like we're close," Shining said."So any idea on where's it hidden?" "By seeing the signals length and the energy readings it giving off I could say... Its... There!" She pointed upwards as the boys looked up to see a big mountain. Both blinked as they see it's hight. Shining looked back at his sister."You really think it's up there on top of that place. It could be a flaw." He said as suddenly Twilight ran up right to his face with a mad expression. "My invention isn't flawed ok! Its up there and the raider has got its location. So quiet complaining!" She shouted back scarring him."Beside we won't need to go up there." She then looked at Flash as the monkey boy looked at her in confusion as he blinked. Flash flew up the mountain as he had the dragon Raider in his hand. He looked at it as the signal start to get stronger. "Huh? Twilight-san told me to get the dragon ball. So to find it fallow where the beeping gets louder and louder. Hmmmm" he searched around as the signal start to get stronger."Looks like it's coming from over there." He looked to the left to see a crack part in the mountain area. He peeked in to see and soon smiled as the dragon ball was there. It had Seven stars on it. "Yousha! Found it!" Back at the bottom the two were waiting for Flash. "Uh," Shining grunted."What's taking him so long. He just needs to find the dam ball so what's taking him so long." "Its gonna take time for him to retrieve it you know. Flash isn't the most brightest. He may take some time." Twilight told her brother as he lay down."Beside, What I want to know is how he had the Dragon ball in the first place and how does he have a tail." "Maybe he's from the outer country you know." Shining chimed in his thoughts."I mean I went to the other countries before and there were some weird people. They had animal parts aswell and some even liked like the Animals who evolved in to humans. Maybe he's from there." "But that doesn't explain the abilities he has and what he can do. The way he saved us and the way he survived the bullet to the head." "Well, I don't know. He maybe some sort of alien then from another planet or something or he's a martial artist who had the abilities to do so." He gave his thoughts. "Maybe, Maybe not. But we may think about that later when we're done hear." "Well ok but I gotta go and get some-" He stopped as he was suddenly hit on the head."Gah!" Twilight got alarmed as she turned towards his direction to see four arm men in the same black suits and masks who first tried to harm them were.She got back but was caught by another man as Seven more were behind her. He hold her arms as she struggled to get free. "Twilight!" Shining shouted but was pinned down by one of the man as he aimed the gun at his head."What the? What do you people want?!" "Our client wants to have the items which you possess. So he hired us to retrieve them." One of the man in mask told. "Your after the raider and the dragon balls aswell."Twilight muttered.'This is bad Flash is gone to get them but these guys have us. If he gets down hear they will use us to get the dragon ball and the raider.' She mentally panicked. "You got that right. So we'll be getting them from you." "Well good luck cause the guy who has them is getting the dragon ball and once he comes down hear. Your all are gonna get your butts kick-" He was kicked in the face. "Oh don't worry about that. Our client gave us one thing to deal with that pest of yours. He'll be getting there soon." The man told sinisterly. Both siblings were now alarmed. This is getting to dangerous. Flash reached in the gap as he try to grab the dragon ball. His finder were inches away from it as he soon grabbed it and pulled it out. "Yes got it!" He cheered as he looked at the ball."Let's go get you down now." He grinned. *Pow* Suddenly he was hit in the face as he was flung back and hit the wall leaving a giant crack as a web. Flash grunted as he looked at his attacker to find out it's some sort of giant human size robot. Its upper and lower body was sporting silver red Armor and the legs had had rocket boots to help it Fly up. Its head had a only one eye and and fins on the side and upper head. "Nanda.. Hey who are you?!" Flash shouted at the robot."You better had a good reason to attack me. If you don't then your in trouble!" But still no answer. The robot shoulders suddenly opened up as it launched tiny missiles at Flash. The missiles impacted on Flash and caused an explosion. Down below the others saw the explosion. The siblings start to worry for Flash as they all are in danger. "Well looks like his dealing with the nuisance above. It would then take a bit of time before it retrieve the items. In the meanwhile." The man looked back at them."What do we do with you all." The man smiled evily at the siblings. Just then he was hit hard on the head as he felt pain. He looked back to see the attacker to reveal Spike standing there. "SPIKE?!" Both shouted seeing there younger brother there. How did he get there? "You brat! You'll pay for that!" The man shouted angrily."Get him!" "Catch me if you can then." Spike start to run as the other men chased after him. He ran fast as he could and soon ran in the drone. He closed the hach as he got in. "His in there shoot him!" The men fired bullets at the drone but it wasn't effected. "Good thing this is bullet proof." Spike muttered. He looked the controls as he had to find out how to start it."Gotta find out how to start this thing. Gotta hurry." Meanwhile up at the mountain the robot looked at the explosion as there was black dust there. It scanned the area to see the person. Then suddenly a beam came in hitting the robot on the arm as it got back. The fog went out reveal the Flash standing there as no damage was fine to him. He had a serious look on his face. "I don't know what you are. But you just made me angry. So get ready for a beating." Flash said. The robot pulled his hand Infront as it then opened to reveal a machine gun in it. It fired off bullets at Flash who crossed his arms as the bullets hit him. He wasn't affected by them as he looked at the machine. He suddenly transported right Infront of him. He launched a punch at the machines chest. The punch went right through it as the robot start to spasm around. He got out off the reach as Flash went back leaving a hole in its chest. He soon came in hitting any punches on the machine face damaging it and then soon gave a final hit destroying the machine face. It then soon fell down towards the ground as Flash looked. "Hah. What a weird thing?" He shrugged as he went to get the dragon ball. Down Below the men were still firing at ten drone as Spike thought desperately to see how to start the drone. "Come on which button is it!" Spike said."Ok that's it. Hope it works." He closed his eyes as he pressed one button. The drone upper part opened a hach to reveal a missile. The grunts were taken back as the missile soon took targets at them. Spike looked to see the target system in it and smirked deviously. He took aim and pressed the button launching the missile right at them. The men ran as fast as they could. The missile was hit behind them as the men were send flying back as it exploded. Meanwhile the 3 others who were back looked shocked. "Dang it get the kid now!" The leader ordered. Just as they were about to they felt a shadow coming towards them from the top. They looked up but we're late as the robots body landed right on them. The leader was baffled to see his men down as well as the robot. He didn't notice he had let go of Shining as he took a step back. He felt someone was behind him as he looked back but was soon meet with a fist on the face. *Pow* He grunted back holding his mask."Gah why you!" He lied up and glared at Shining through his mask."You'll pay for that you hear me." He wiped out his gun and aimed at him. Shining took a step back in fright as he was afraid. Just as he was about to pull the trigger... "Hey!" He looked to the side and was meet with two boots that were planted right on his face. The man was flung back and fell down unconscious. The attacker was Twilight as she gleed at him."No one hurts my BBBFF or my little brother got that!" The men were down as the siblings signed in relief. They were ok now. "Daigoubna." They looked back to see Flash coming down landing on the ground."Your all ok. I heard shouting and then an explosion. Are you all alright." "Yeah. We were attacked by these mask men again." Shining told as Flash looked at the unconscious people. "Oh, So they were the one who send that thing at me then" He pointed at the robot body as it laid on the grunts. "Wait, You fought a robot and you won!" Shining yelled. "Robot? You mean one from that film which spike shoed me last time about the one coming to kill a man." He asked in confusion. "Yea.. yeah like that." Twilight muttered not wanting to get in to another argument with him. "By the way, I found the dragon ball" he cheered showing them the dragon ball as the teens looked at it in awe. "No way it was there." Twilight gave him a smug look."Told you so. My invention are never flaw." As they all talked the small drone was looking at them back from the mountain. Sombra looked at the computer as he watched there interaction. They have found the seventh dragon ball. He felt a bit easy now as he knew where to get the them. He soon looked at the video of Flash as he battled his Robot. His phone rang as he picked it up. "Yes Chang.... Yes I got what I needed.... Not quite yet my friend... They still have my item with them. So to get it back I need another favour from you... Don't worry this one is full proof. They won't suspect a thing.... Alright I call you then." He cut the call as he liked back at the computer. He looked at Flash with bitter eyes."what are you? No man can deny my machine that easily and can brush this off as nothing. To punch solid platinum and break it with ease. Your no normal man." He said with a hard gaze."But no matter what you won't get in my way on achieving my dream." He then pressed the button on the desk."Dr. Techno, I believe you got what you needed." =Yes Sir Sombra. I received the data on my computer. To think some one could take down my baby with ease would be no ordinary man.= "So you are making them right." He asked. =They are being made so no worry sir. They be done in a weak.= "Good then." > Episode 4: Having a Normal Day?/ An Alien first encounter > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the city of Canterlot town. People were minding there own business as usual. The streets were filled with many voices as they talked and gossip around. But there however, Something got there attention or to be precise, Someone. The people looked to see a boy carrying large amounts of supplies and stuff as it reveals to be Flash who was carrying them. He walked with ease as he had no problem with the luggage. Twilight and Velvet were walking Infront of him as they only carry some baggs. "What are we doing hear again any way, Velvet-san?" Flash asked the two women while they were walking. "You honestly forgot again. We told you that we needed someone to help us with the shopping supplies." Twilight reminded the young Saiyan."We also need new cloths for you aswell. You've been wearing those old Gi outfit since.. I don't know. Since we first meet you. We thought you could use a change." "Hah?... But I like my old outfit. It suites me better when I'm Fighting and Training. My Ji-chan gave me that on my 15th birthday, as a gift." Flash told as he is protective over his outfit . "Were not saying we should get rid of it. No, Were just buying you other clothes so you could have a bit more dress code and fashion. Other then the simple outfit you wear. We'll get it fixed and give it back to you soon." Velvet assured the teen boy. She could tell about family things and they should be kept with, Rather then throw away. "Hmmm????" Flash thought about it as he didn't notice that the two women took a turn on the street and he walked right on the main street. *HONK* HONK* He didn't hear the car horns as he was lost in his own thoughts. He then finally took notice and look to see it was about to hit him. He simply raise his arm and stopped it in its tracks with no effort or so. The people around him were left in awe and shock as they saw this. Flash simply hold the car from one arm and the other hand held the supplies and things."Mister, You should really way h were your going. You could hurt someone like this you know." Flash told the shocked driver who was trying to understand what happened. He nodded quickly on this as he saw the teens strength. "FLASH?!" He looked to see Twilight and Velvet calling him out."What the hay happened?!" The both shouted. Flash just scratch his cheek as he smiled slightly."Gomen, I got carried away on my thoughts that I didn't see where I was heading. Gomen na" He bowed but kept the supplies up in his hand. Both women signed at this. This is gonna be a longer run then they thought. Night light was checking the monitor as he was typing fast. On the side of the table was the bot that Flash fought a while back. When his daughter came back with it and told them what happened. Both parents were shocked at this. Someone was still coming for them and wanted the dragon ball and raider from them. He searched through the bots memory and found the data had been erased from there. Meaning who ever made this knows to keep there track clean. But this doesn't add up. Why are they coming after the Dragon balls. If what Twilight story on what they told is true. The that means that there wish can be granted on anything they want. Meaning that they would do anything aswell. Just then Shining cake in the room. He wore a gym outfit and was sweating a lot as he just came back from a work out. "Anything on our mysterious attacker there dad?" Shining asked while examining the bot. Night light signed tiredly."None what so ever. I checked through its memory and system to find any leads but couldn't. Who ever had mad this didn't wanted to be tracked back at them. I'll be impressed if it wasn't out to kill us, who wer that is?" "I can say the same for the assassins aswell. They didn't budge or told anything in,either there loyal to there dealer. Or someone is making them shut up." Shining theorized. He had a tuff time trying to brake them but when ever he did that, They had a look of fear on them."It's also this that the one who send them knows about business then. Cause the men I captured were all mercenaries and for hire. Meaning the person would be someone with high money to get them on there side." "That may be true. We still can't tell who thought?" Night light said."But that aside, Why isn't the satellite picking up any signal so far. I try to search for the other dragon balls but it can't be found. Its not working what so ever." Now Shining develop an uneasy look."About that,..." He slowly told getting his dad attention."Since Flash started to train us both, me and spike. Well he gave us a work out regiment on what to do. But while he was Training us...." "What do he do?" Night light couldn't help but ask. "He... Thought the Dish was a giant Frisbee and threw it to see if it would return or not." Shining explained. Night light jaws dropped on the floor."Newsflash, It didn't return. But I think it may have hit a mountain or plan and hopefully not the last one." Night light took a deep breath as he rubbed his eyes."You mean to tell me.. the weather and geographical dish we installed to monitor the worlds climate change and help us locate things. Was destroyed because it looked like a frisbee!" He shouted in anger. "Yes..." Shining answers as Night light signs in defeat."Hey, On the bright side. We could now fix the dish to improve better and more not easily breakable." He tried to ease his dad tension. "Hah.... That boy is gonna be the death of me or he'll make our company better. I don't know which still." He muttered."But that aside. I managed to make the robot over hear checked. I couldn't find on who made this machinery but I did manage to find one thing about it... It was made to combat Flash." Shining paid close attention."What do you mean 'Made to Combat Flash?' wasn't it send to deal with all of us?" "No actually. I checked it's system and there was only one command given to him 'DESTROY THE MONKEY TAIL BOY' that got me to see it was after Flash and was there to eliminate him. But it got its role switched as Flash destroyed him. That kid is stronger then I thought. He managed to destroy this robot who is made up of Pure Titanium and is the hardest metal on earth!" "Yeah, I could see that actually. The way he trained shows he's no push over. Its like he went through hell to train to get to that level of power." Shining said as he is going through the same way Flash trained to get better. Its only been two days and his body was gonna rip apart with all that work out. "I didn't ask but where is he now?" "Oh, He went with mom and sis to the mall for some new clothes. They wanted him to grab there errands and all." Shining told. "Let's just hope nothing bad happens there." Nigh light said but he didn't know that he just Jinxed it. "I'm almost complete my search master." A figure said standing in a alley. The figure was in a cloak as it hid it's features but his down body could be scene as he wore metallic type boots and white pants. His hands were covered in white Armor as his face was hidden in the cloak. He was talking to someone on the screen that was shown in his hand as the one he was talking to was a fat bear type man with furr over his hole body except his face as he wore shades and a hat. = But what's taking so long for you to get what I ordered you to do! How long would I have to wait for you to bring me the women from this planet!= He demanded "There's just a bit of difficulty on what you said. While I agreed on getting the females of this strange planet which is know as earth. The problem is that some of them... How do you say. Lack of beauty." The figure told as he looked at the women going on there way. They were dam beautiful in the human eyes but to him they were like children. =I don't give a fucking care on what you think on them. I paid good money on you to retrieve this planet female for my collection and I don't want you stopping just cause you don't see eye to eye on beauty.= The near man yelled at his employe.= Just pick some of these female and get it over with. I don't have all day to go with!= He soon ended the call as the Figure signed. Looks like he gotta start with this some how. But doesn't know where to start. He quickly spotted two women walking and talking."It isn't much but they will be a start for now." "Wow, These are a lot of clothes for one person to wear." Flash said seeing all the clothes on the stands."How can one person wear them and move around without an problem." Both girls laughed a bit on his silliness."No Flash. You don't have to wear all of them, You just need to pick one or two on which you like and try them on one by one to see if there good and if not yo lu could return it." Twilight clarified to her Monkey friend as she was looking at the girls ayle."But, Let's get you to the men's ayle, Cause.. the costumers are getting weird feelings on you around hear." Various female customers were looking at them. Mostly at Flash since the things he wore attract attention to him. Mostly the muscles as many whisper and blushed on seeing his body strength. Flash was just confused on why there looking at him like that? Do they want to talk to him or Fight. "Let's go quickly before things around hear tend to go a bit, Chaotic," Velvet told as she grabbed Flash and dragged him making the other women pout. After going out from there they reached the Men's ayle and we're now checking clothes that could Mach him. After finding some they gave it to him as he went to the changing room. He accidentally went in the girls one as they didn't mind but Twilight pulled him out quickly and send him to the boys changing room. So first one were simple blue green pants and a plane yellow shirt as it didn't soothe him. So he went and changed again. Now he cam out wearing a blue geans pants with a plan white shirt over a red sleeveless coat and a red cap with a fist symbol on him. He didn't know why but he felt a bit off on this outfit as he was wanted to fight badly then usual. Then he came back in a red pants and a button up yellow shirt with pocket and wore glasses on for some reason as no one know where he got them from. This one made him look like Twilight as she looked at him with a bit of edginess and shook her head telling no. The third time he came out wearing a black tuxedo outfit with his hair done back and wore black shoes and a bow tie. This one was a bit, Cool type. Like he was a secret agent or something. And he wanted to say 'Sentry, Flash Sentry.' For some reason. The two girls were waiting for him as he to try out the other outfits. Twilight was really loosing her patients. She wanted to hurry this up and go out to search for the other dragon balls. They could be anywhere right about now and someone would get them before her and make it harder for her mission. "HAHHHHH!" She groaned as she was loosing it."What is taking him so long to get ready. Its getting late right now." She wined a bit. "Patient Twilight, You know about men and there choices of fashion. They always take time to get the right thing to wear." Velvet said to her daughter as they sat on the chairs."It could take us a while to fully get out of hear and then we need to go to hospital you know for making Flash a medical record." "Ugh! That would take us way more time then that." She groaned again."Can't we take him on there tomorrow or something. We clearly need to get going on our quest." "That again, Twilight, While I know you were able to get the two dragon balls from your previous encounter but you gotta have to take it slow. If you rush like this then you may not succeed in this." "Mom, While I know about taking things slow. I'm just not in the right mood to do so. While we're talking and shopping some one is out there clearly going after the remaining dragon balls. The men in black masks had attacked us before to get the dragon raider, Thanks to Flash we got lucky on escaping them. But..." She stopped "But what?" Twilight didn't say anything as she saw someone standing behind her mother. Velvet felt that aswell. She looked behind to see a Cloaked figure standing behind her. The figure looked at them like he was scanning them or something. He finally stopped and nodded his head like they are ok. "You two would do just fine right now." He cold calculatedly told them. "Um, can we help you, Mister?" Velvet questioned as Twilight quickly pulled her phone and was ready to call for help. The figure raised his hand towards them as they see a bracelet on his hand with a triangle red gem on it."You two are perfect for my client so I'll be taking you with me." Before they could do anything his gem glowed and made the two girls disappear in to light leaving Twilight phone as it dropped down on the ground. He then toon his leave as Flash just came out wearing his normal Gi outfit."Sorry about that Velvet and Twilight-san, the clothes hear don't- Huh?" He stopped seeing them not there."Ara? Where did they go so suddenly? Did they went to the bathroom or something?" He thought about that but his eyes landed on the phone on the floor as it had a cartoon owl on the back. He picked it up to inspect it as he seen this before."This is Twilight-san walke talke. But what's it doing hear? She Usually keeps it with her all the time." He questioned on this. His sense kicked in as he thought 'Some thing isn't right, I can't feel there Ki hear or anything. Its like there ki just up and vanished all of a sudden.' Not just him but Shining and Sole were at the living room as Spike played a game on his the phone and Shining was busy with doing pushup, when they suddenly stopped as they also felt there Mom and Sister ki go out. "Shining, Did you felt that?" Spike asked looking away from his game as he felt dread. "Yeah," Shining nodded getting up as he had a serious look." Twilight and Mom's ki just vanished in to thin air. Something isn't right." "We gotta check it out then. I'm feeling that there gon a be in trouble then."Spike told as he got up. "Normally, I won't allow you to even go with us."Shining reminded him making him pout."But since Flash has been training you for self defense and Ki manipulation, I think your ready for a bit of outside world mission." He told making spike eyes widen as he developed stars in his eyes. "Yes Finally!" "But you gotta do as I say, ok" he clarified as spike nodded in excitement."Ok then. Let's go." The clocked figure was now standing on the top of a sky scraper as he was checking his communication device on the pad. He just gotten enough women from this city as they all were transported to the ship. He dile in the coordinates to his ship. He was done with this town girls. Now it's time for the other cities of this planet. 'This is kinda easy, But the women hear are not quite attractive yet the male species see them as attractive. What are they blind or something? But, I guess that it's there way of being attractive.' The cloak figure thought as he finished on what he was doing.'Now to find on who's next to-' "Oi You!" He stopped as he looked to see Flash landed on where he was.This caught him a bit surprised as he didn't know about the human being able to do this. But he had to think about that later."What is it you want human?" "I'm looking for My friends hear. I was sensing there Ki signature but I couldn't find there traces. But I did find a ki signature and it was yours." Flash said in serious toon as he wasn't in the mood to chat long."So, I'm gonna ask you on why your ki was there and if you had something to do with Twilight-san and Velvet-san disappearence." "I don't have time for your petty talk human. My client had hired me for a job and I'm gonna finish that. So I'm gonna have to simply tell you to leave or else." He warned him dead serious. Flash eyes widen as he now know on what happened."So you are the one that had made Twilight-san and Velvet-san disappear! Were are they and what have you done to them." He got in to position. 'I don't have time for this.' The cloaked figure grunted in annoyance as he wanted to end this quickly and get back on his job. In a blink of an eye he launched an energy shuriken towards flash as he went for the quick kill. But to his surprise Flash doged the shuriken.'What the? My light shuriken is faster then the eye could see. How can a mere human see it coming?!' While he was in that thought, Flash was in his thoughts.'This guy....He's ki energy is very different then a normal human I have seen so far. He's aura around him is twice the amount of mine. What ever he is. This guy ain't normal' Both were now ready for attack as they stood on there ground. They waited for a few seconds then launched there assaults. Flash came in quick speed and gave an axe kick to him but the figure side steeped as he doged in the last second but didn't see the fist coming as it hit him on the chest taking him by surprise. Flash didn't stopped as he delivered fast punches to the opponent who doged some in quick second but was hit with few but he grabbed his fist on the next stoke and twisted it but Flash used this and gave him a kick to the face. The figure blocked the strike and grabbed his foot and then start to spun him around fast. Flash was getting a bit dizzy which was quite a surprise as he didn't get this much dizzy before but he had to think later. The Figure then threw him towards the wall as to ram him but flash used this by flipping in mid air and using the wall to boost him self forward towards him. Before he could make a move he was rammed right in the stomach by a powerful fist by Flash as he skid back. The figure grunted in pain as he put a hand on where he was hit. He flared at the teen."You... You managed to dent me a bit. I'm surprised that a earthling like you could manage to do this." "I train a lot so I'm that good. But don't cut your self short as your not a half bad fighter your self." Flash complemented."But, That's gotta stop as I want my friends back. So I'm in a hurry." "I can agree to this. This has to stop." He said as he took of his cloak to show his face as it had mint green skin and two large fangs sticking out of his mouth and had green spiky hair upwards."As you managed to push me a bit back it's wise to tell my opponent his executors name. My name is Blade Kamakari." "Bokwa, Sentry, Flash Sentry." Flash introduced."Your a weird guy with a bug face. Is it some disease or something?" Kamakari grunted at that as he had an annoyed look."It's my actual face. I was born with it!" He said angrily. "Oh, Gomen." Flash scratched his cheek in embarrassment as he mistook his face." I didn't know there were people like you on earth." He told not seeing the annoyed face he made as he mistook him fjr an earthling."But anyway let's get this over with." Both then got in a stance. Soon they went for the attack as they delivered punches and kicks. They were moving so fast that it was quite hard to see there movement. They both then flew in the air as they as they fought on the sky. They flew fast around town as Flash chased after Kamakari. The mantis man hands glowed green as he launched an attack. "WIND STYLE: SHURIKENS CUTTERS!" He laughed green shurikens at Flash who doged them in quick speed as they exploded behind him. The teen still gave chase after him as he doged more shurikens. Flash then teleported right Infront of Kamakari taking him by surprise a she delivers a kick on the face sending him inside a building as few office workers were at. They all cried in shock as Kamakari landed in there crashing through. They looked at him in shock as one aht he was."Sorry about that people. I was fighting him on air didn't mean to drag him to you." Flash called out apologizing as they now looked at him shock."Haha.. Yeah you guys-" He was cut off as Kamakari went in super speed and delivered straight punches right at him as flash was caught off guard. But he in the next punch grabbed his hand and twisted it to give him a direct kick on the side rib and the other. Kamakari didn't back down as his body was covered in a green aura as he slipped right out of Flash grip and went behind him before he could do anything and gave Flash a spin kick but Flash suddenly diapers again and then reappear Infront of him."HAAAAHHHH" Flash yelled a she delivers a fast punch right on his face. Kamakari was flung back as he crashed in the streets. He spin around and skids to halt as he glared at the teen."This Human. He has such skills that he's pushing me back towards the wall. I only saw the humans hear have no power to posses so far but this human right hear has immense power that is overflowing with in him." He examined the teen boy with critical eye."But then again. I also enjoy my time fighting him. With this I am pushing my skills to the other level." He grinned."HOPE YOUR PREPARED HUMAN! IM NOT HOLDING BACK NO MORE!" "HURRICANE SLASH!" Kamakari body glowed green as he fired a large air slash right at Flash."Uh oh!" Flash shouted as he then put his hands back and fired a Yellow beam at the attack. Both attacks collided and soon clashed with one another. Then suddenly they exploded in mid air causing a giant explosion. "Wow! Flying around hear is awesome!" Spike yelled as he flew in air. After getting taught the crane style he started to love the thrill to fly around."I never felt so alive like this before. It's amazing!" "Spike focus on that later. Fist we gotta go check on Twilight and Flash to see that if there alright." Shining Armor reminded as he flew behind him."Your forgetting our main mission hear." "Oh would you relax Bro. We find them in no time as Flash is also how hard could be to find them. It's not something bad is about to happen or anything." Spike assured. *Boom* Both stopped as they looked to see an explosion happened right at another area of the city as smoke could be scene coming from there. Shining gave spike a stoctick look as spike smiled sheepishly as he rubbed the back of his head. "Hahaha.... Maybe I made a mistake then." He muttered.. "Let's go and check it out. We can find flash there. Hopefully he wouldn't have cause to much trouble there or anything."Shining Armor told.’Oh who am I kidding. He definitely would have done much trouble, Just hope he doesn't cause more or else people are gonna mistake him for a terrorist.' They both went towards the smoke place but Shining soon felt another aura and it was stronger then he felt anything before."Hey. Who ever you are show your self!" Shining armor called out making his brother look at him. Before he could ask on what's happening they soon heard heavy laughter coming from some where. They look up to see a bulky figure flying over them. He wore the same suite as Kamakari and had two large gaunglet on his arms. He's face was whole pink with two screws on his ears."Well, Well, I didn't know that humans like your self could detect my presence hear. And hear I thought that you were all talk and no bite." He gruffly said as she looked at the two. "Who the heck are you? No scratch that, what are you?" Spike asked seeing the unknown person Infront of him."Wait, Are you some sorth of alien or something!" "If that's what your kind call us. Then yes I am an alien. Names Buck shoot. My partner over there was told to get some girls on this place and retrieve them to the ship. He was doing well when suddenly he was cut short when some random person decided to fight him." Buck told them making Shining eyes widen when he heard about what he said. "So your the one behind My sister and Mom sudden disappearence then!" Shining accused him."Where are they. What have you done with them?! If you hurt them, I'm gonna make sure you suffer hell!" Buck simply laughed at his attempt of threat."So a tuff guy eh. But let's see if you could keep your words for it. Beside I wanted to have a good fight in hear for a while." He said cracking his knuckles as he got ready. "Spike listen to me." He called out his little brother, Who looked at him."This guy is dangerous news. As of right now your not fully ready to take tuffer enemies on. So for right now your gonna have to sit this one out." "No way!" Spike argued."I know I'm not ready but I still wanna help." "Spike, This isn't a human were dealing with. It's an unknown Alien being and the aura around him is no joke! You have to-" He was cut off as they avoided a blast launched at them as they avoided it. They look to see him glaring at them. "In not hear for any family drama or anything else. What I want is you to fight me, So enough chit chat and start with this already." He said. "Looks like we have no other choice then." Spike said as they got ready. This is gonna be hard. Back at the fight between Flash and Kamakari. There was smoke around the alien as he looked to find where the Human was. Just then, Flash came in flying hitting him square on the face with a drop kick making him stagger back. Kamakari grunted as he checked his bruised cheek. "This guy... He was able to counter my moves and attacks with ease as he was also able to avoid my Stronger attacks without so much of difficulty." Kamakari thought as he glared at the Teen who was in position."Not only that but he was giving off a vibe of some sort that I can't help but feel familiarity with, But, Right now. I have a job to do instead of fighting him." Kamakari flew up as he glared at flash."This fight was quite good. I can complement that you have exceeded my attention that a human life you was able to push me back this far." "Thanks. I been training my self to the next level." Flash said. "But I have to end this hear now. My duty calls for me so while I enjoyed our fight. It ends hear." Kamakari dead seriously told. He suddenly start to power up as the green aura around him formed over his body as it started to expand more and more."HAAAAAHHHHH!" He started to yell as energy of his expanded more around him as he start to form an energy orb in his hands. "Yaiba, looks like this powering up for his final attack." Flash though but instead of fear it was replaced with excitement."Awesome, I want to fight him in his fullest. So I gotta go for my A game aswell!" Flash suddenly went in to a crouching position as he moved his arm back together in a holding position."Kaaaaaaaa......Meeeeeee." He started to chant as a small ball of ki energy start to form in his arm."Haaaaaaaa......Meeeeeeee." The energy in creases more and more as it glowed brighter and brighter. Kamakari didn't back down as energy formed in to his hands aswell as it was being formed into a large green ball as he held it up. "Prepare! Fir your end!" He then launched the attack right at him. Flash launched his attack aswell."HAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" He fired his blue energy orb as both attacks went in full force as they collided soon. They were pushing each other back to who will prevail and win. "Don't think you can push me back human! You may have gotten lucky back there but this is my ultimate attack!" Kamakari declared as he pushed his beam further making Flash attack loose power as it was being pushed back. "No... Way... I'm not gonna lose hear!" Flash shouted." I need to save Twilight and Velvet-san no matter what happens. I will, win!" He yelled as he used more force in his attack giving it more power."HHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!" The blue beam increased as it went through Kamakari attack making the mantis go wide eyes. Before he could even figure out what to do the attack collided with him taking him whole. He could only manage to scream out as his body was taken over by the beam. The attack then went up warda in the air as it soon exploded in a blue light. Causing the bystanders around to be amazed and shock as a force of wind blew making them all cover them self. Finally the force stop as the sky went back to normal but the people wanted to know what or who caused the attack. Back down below Flash was breathing heavily as he had pushed him sled further ahead of using his special attack."I, I did it. I pushed my self further ahead." He smiled but then he looked to see Kamakari still up in the air, as the smoke clears to reveal his whole body had burned marks over him as his eyes were all white. He finally called down to the ground making a thud on the impact. Flash can sense that his aura is low as it took most of the attack. But he'll love through it as he is only unconscious only and a bit beaten up. Flash started to walk towards the down alien when suddenly Buck appeared infront of his down partner."Nani?!" Flash jumped back as he took position."Another one. Your his comrade then!" Buck looked at him, then smirked."You could say that. I'm surprised that you managed to beat this guy. He always claimed that he was stronger then me. But guess what. He was all talk then since he was beaten by a human of all things." Buck told him."As much as I want to fight you. I have a job to do and that involves us getting paid from our client with big money." "What have you done to my friends then. Were are Twilight and Velvet-san!" Flash demanded as he wanted to find his friends. "Hell if I know. Maybe Mantis over hear had already got them or something." Buck lazily told with no care."But, As you did give me a show back there. I grant you an award. Our client wants to have this world women for his own collection of such. We haven't fully done with our mission so we're still hear before we transport them to him. So I'm the mean time.were still hear checking out this planet till were done. Which gives you the time to find us." Flash heard this and knew he had a chance."Ok then. So I have about and hour or two then right or more." He asked in confusion "Yeah. So hope you can find us or say good bye to your friends forever." Buck siad as he pressed the button on his bracelet as both were covered in a white light and soon disappeared from the palace. "Ok then! Time to go and find them before they take off. That won't be that hard right." He asked him sled as he didn't know he made a stupid mistake back there."I gotta find the other and tell them about this. Just need to know on where they are." He muttered then sensing there Ki energy as they were close by."Found them!" Flash disappeared from there as he got to the location on where Shining and spike was and found them unconscious on the ground and spike was using the wall as support as he laid back. Both had quite lot of injuries on there bodies as they had blood coming out of the wounds. The palace around them was broken down as cars were smashed and flipped around. "Shining-san! What happened to you!" Flash ran towards him and check to see if his ok. To his relief he was still breathing. But his injuries were quite heavy as were spies but his were a bit light. Shining groaned a bit showing he was still conscious."Looks like I need to hurry up and get them to the hospital quickly!" "Hah~." Violet pair of eyes opened. As Twilight groaned as she got up. She slowly opened her eyes to look around and found that she was in some sorth of chamber."Where the hey am I?" She looked around to see her surroundings when she spotted her mother unconscious on the side."MOM!" She quickly went towards her to see if she was alright or not. "Ugh, Twilight is that you?" Velvet groaned a bit as she opened her eyes to see her daughter panic look."Where am I? What happened?" Before she could answer her another voice spoke."You two have been kidnapped that's what happened." They looked to see another girl there with them as she was standing there using the back wall as support. They didn't notice her until now."Yes, if you hadn't heard right. We were kidnapped by some crazy alien guy who wanted us,cause his client wanted pretty girls." "What?!" Both said in shock. "That's right. The names Aria Blaze. Buckle up you two cause we're be hear for a long time. And I tell you this. No one is gonna come to rescue us at all." Aria told the two women dead serious as they try to process the news. At an unknown room, A figure was sitting on the chair as he was looking at the screen Infront of hm as he watched the fight between Flash and Kamakari a while back. He watched the movement of the two and the way they doged. He was fascinated by the display of the power they were giving off and the skills they had. But his most attention was on Flash as he zoomed in on the boy. He soon found something over his waist and he could swear that it's a tail"Marvelous. This is quite marvelous, To think that there was a remaining survivor of the Saiyan rase hear. I thought that they were all wiped out by Lord Frieza." He guessed as he sees the last Saiyan outcast. He then checked his energy level to see that there were quite a lot."The energy readings on this Saiyan child is very much a lot as it's up to 999. It went up when he used the attack as it was 1000. But it's still not enough. Lord Cooler will like to know about this very much as he wished to fight with a Saiyan." He said. "Count your days now earth as it won't last long." He told with a sinister toon as he looked at the screen.