• Published 11th Jul 2023
  • 119 Views, 0 Comments

Uniquivity With The Faithful Doctor Whooves - Mr Mlp

A story that strives to be unique when it can and does not want to spoil too much from a simple description. Blind experiences are more interesting. :)

  • ...

Doctor Whooves and The Swirling Beast

The Doc dreamed peacefully through his sleep, snoring rhythmically in tempo. He dreamed about waffles, blaring ear deafening music, a very important figure in his life, and most of all... bombs? He awoke explosively with the sleep still in his eye, looking up to the sky seeing the glaring morning sun, then glanced forward. "Seems that Ditzy is steering the boat. That's nice," He pondered.


"What?! You were asleep and I was awake and we don't know where we're going."

"I know where I'm going Ditzy-"

"I don't knooowwww, it didn't really seem like it," Ditzy gave out a silly smile.

"Do you even know where we are, oh please don't tell me we're lost in some sort of sea."

"We're not lost Doc! We're in the South Luna Ocean! I know exactly where we are!"

"How do we get back?"

"We you- uh. oh."


"Calm down! Everything is fine! We have food, water, and hope in our hearts. We can just sail through the ocean and find a way back towards Equestria or something. Let's just pick a direction. Hmmm, I choooseeeee-"

"I'm really trapped on a boat, with a stupid mare, in the middle of the ROTTEN CHICKEN NUGGET SEA!" His voice echoed across the mighty sea.

"Alright give me the wheel."

"Awww, but I've only gotten half the night to play around with it. Just be careful with it. The wheel has sensitive feelings."

The Doc chuckled just a tiny bit, but didn't show it, due to his still lingering anger. "You're joking right?"

"Of course silly! You gotta lighten up!"

"How in the wide world of Equestria, did you manage this?"

"Usually I mess up things, so I wanted to do something nice for you, before that happens. I was going to get you to a destination before you woke up, like a taxi driver! I think I messed up though."

"Right... well, you go back to sitting down over there in the banana boat and I'll look through these inventions in my bag and see if I can find a way to get out of here."

The Doc searched through his bag, thoughtfully playing out any situation with the gadgets he could muster to think of too find a way out of the predicament. Unfortunate for him, he came up short and with no map he truly had no other choice but to follow Ditzy's advice. Pick a random direction and go.

Sighing deeply he sucked up courage and sped the boat in this random direction he chose and for the next 30 minutes neither one of them would speak another word. I'm genuinely surprised on how well they were able to handle that situation. Emotionally I mean.

"Hey, Doc. Do you want a muffin?"

"A muffin?"

"Yeah, I got it from a place on dreary lane and had it stuffed in my wing, since last night. They're soooo delicious, you gotta try one!"

"What is it made of?"


"Eh, to heck with it."

Ditzy handed the Doc the Muffin.

"Ditzy..." He spoke with tears weld up in his eyes.

"You like it don't you-"

"This is the worst piece of garbage I've ever tasted," The Doc said chucking the muffin into the great sea.

The cliche dance of silence appeared between the two of them once again. The Doc was okay with this, returning back to steering the boat. He however had no idea of the fate awaiting him, standing right behind him with fury in her eyes. This was no laughing matter. Well, for me it is.


The Doc with great speed twisted his body around straight into the furious smack handed out by Ditzy, causing him to be flung into the freezing waters. Ditzy in an instance went in to go grab him after realizing what she had just done.

"Oh jeez! I'm so sorry! Oh gosh," She stated placing him gently back onto the boat.

"Are you okay-"


And so silence returned back to the two of them.

A delicate wheeze was heard in the face of the un-breaking wind from the sea.

"Doc? Did you hear that?"

"The wheeze? Yeah, that was me. I've been parched to no end."

"Huh?" Ditzy mouthed out in confusion.


"Oh! No problem, we packed water in the boat-"

"Nope! That water's too disgusting... and before you say that water came from my own humble abode, I never even drank that water. Some of those bottles on the boat are probably years old!"

"Oh. Uh, there's water all around us?" DItzy gave out a reassuring smile.

"Ditzy do you know what sea water tastes like?"

"Not really. Should I try it?"

"OHHH HO HO ABSOLUTELY! I can't drink, because I'm allergic, but it's delicious! You do that and I'll go check if any of my inventions can help me with my water problem."

The Doctor stuffed his head into his bag rummaging through the few inventions and supplies he had placed in there. Ditzy stepped forward to the front of the boat staring intently at the wavering water. She cautiously leaned her head lower towards the water giving it a gentle sniff, then shortly backing away from it's stench.

Meanwhile the Doctor pondered potential solutions to his problems from the 4 inventions he was able to nab, before the house had blown to smithereens. Inside laid a wooden stick, with what looked like an opening on the bottom. Another was a silver cube, sturdy like a strong singer. Third was a weird looking combination of metal and cloth with the shape of a curved cylindrical pipe and finally... a camera. As the narrator I am just as confused as you are. A camera?

"Why did he never show me what this did?" The Doctor questioned to himself. See even he's confused. The Doctor's train of thought then turned to Ditzy wondering if she had drank any of the sea water.

"Nah, there's no way-"


"Did you actually just drink sea water?!"




"Oh my Luna." The Doctor reached into his bag pulling out the curved cylindrical shaped invention and held it up to Ditzy.

"Here, sniff the majesty of this."

Ditzy took in a great sniff of the scent and within short moments her hacking and coughing ceased.

"Wow! I feel like I didn't just drink 5 intense gulps of sea water!"

"Yep, the cloth and metal infused invention here is also fused with a bit of magic. The magic is pretty old, as the unicorn who provided the magic died many years ago... but it still works! For some reason the cloth and metal help the magic to reach its full effects. Cool right?"


"Yeah I thought so. Anyway, it's called the Cylinceal."

"Can I keep it? Also, what do you're other inventions do? Also also, why does sea water taste so bad?"

The Doc became excited with the fact that the mare had shown interest in the inventions in his bag, so he kept going.

"I'm not answering any of those, but I will show you this!" He said slipping his hoof into the bag once more pulling out a small microchip.

"This here is Sharen."

"Who's Sharen?"

"Sharen was my faithful assistant back at my house. This is her microchip for her voice, memories, and personality. OOO! If you press the button here the microchip meows!"

The Doc pressed the button and out came one of the most adorable meows anyone would ever hear in their existence, that we unfortunately don't get to hear, because I'm the narrator and you're the reader. Ditzy and the Doc continued to marvel at the beautiful sound of a cute cat meowing in constant ostanato. Ostanato means repetition, by the way. It wasn't until the sound of something else barely touched the side of Ditzy's ears when they finally stopped.

"Hey, wait. Do you hear some sort of sound? Like something is running in circles?"

"That's my belly. WHERE DA FOOD AT?!"

Ditzy scanned around her surroundings looking every which way attempting to pin point the peculiarity of where this noise was coming from. Her eyes had caught onto something moving, something no one would ever want to encounter in the ocean. Something to the likes of death consuming your innocent clothes when they spin inside the washer machine. Those poor clothes... and soon they would be those clothes... you know what I mean. A whirlpool spun faster and closer towards their location in the sea.

Ditzy gave a gentle tap on the shoulder to the Doc, who was now eating a granola bar and a cheese block.

"Um, Doc?"

"You want some?"


...I'm not exactly sure how to make the sound of a boat stopping in water. I may have experience in beat boxing, but not sound design.

The boat came to a screeching halt, beginning to swirl into the great sucking force that was the whirlpool.

"Um, Doc?!"

"It seems we have encountered a whirlpool. Don't panic."

The boat rattled intensely making a rough bumping sound.


The Doc leaped into the contents of his bag spilling out the four inventions he had onto the boat. Quickly the two of them pondered how they would use these to escape their situation.

"What are these?! A stick, a camera, and a silver block?! Doc, what are we going to do?!"

"Don't worry, uh, surely one of these inventions can do something to help us... probably."

"One of these is a wooden stick! Shouldn't you know what these do?! You did invent them! Oh jeez. I never even made one real fr-"

The boat rocked again causing the boat to spin slowly as it got closer to the center of the swirling circle of death. The Doc speedily examined the contents of the wooden stick noticing one of the branches to be weirdly discolored to the rest of the stick and noticing what seemed to be a place for an opening on the bottom, he aimed the bottom of the stick towards the whirlpool and pulled the discolored branch like a lever. The bottom open letting out a speeding missile... made out of sprinkles and unfortunately it had no effect on the dangerous obstacle.

"Sprinkles?!" The Doc hollered.

"Oooo, sprinkles."

The Doc picked up the silver cube, while Ditzy tripped over him to reach the camera, hoping if the stick can shoot sprinkles that the camera could hold some sort of secret that could help them.

"Hey don't touch my camera!"

The Doc leaned over to DItzy grabbing hold onto the camera pulling with great force in order to steal away the invention. DItzy's grip was stronger than his strength, just how the swirling spot of doom spun the boat faster and faster leading them to their death.

"Let go! I wanna use the camera!"

"The camera isn't going to do anything! It's a CAMERA! It takes PICTURES!" At this moment clouds began to form above the two, as lighting began to strike around them accompanied by thunderous sounds.

"We don't know that!"

"Ditzy this isn't the time for this! Gimmie the camera! It's my invention, I get to play with it!"

"It's my turn!" Ditzy bellowed out with an expression similar to an upset kid drinking terrible apple juice.

"Well! Uh... NO!" The Doc retorted continuing to pull finally gaining enough hold of the camera to return it back to him, with help of the boat suddenly and forcefully tilting up on Ditzy's side of the boat, making her lose her balance. Rain poured cliche-ically down from the skies highlighting the intensity of Ditzy's anger, where her now seemingly fire red eyes locked with the Doc's.

"Wait, hold on I didn't mean it-"

Ditzy wacked the Doc straight in the noggin pushing him off the boat and into the scary and dangerous washing machine in the ocean. Luckily he was able to swim, but still struggled under the oceans unforgiving currents.

"hElP!" He screamed trying not to let too much water enter his lungs.

Ditzy now even more panicked and snapped out of her anger desperately attempted to think of a solution, but the cold hard rain and chaos of the event left her thoughtless. She nabbed the camera, twisting it round and round, but couldn't find anyway to activate the device.

Surely she couldn't just grab onto the Doc's hoof and pull him out or she would be sucked in too. The boat spun even faster now making Ditzy dizzier and dizzier, as food flung outward from the boat. Quickly she hugged on tightly to the Doctor's inventions, so they would not fly away. A branch from the sprinkle shooting stick poked her in the eye and she had found part of her solution. She flew fast to where the Doctor found himself at, reaching out to her hoof with the wooden stick mere moments from his demise.

She pulled and pulled to slow their decent into the monstrous waters. Lighting struck, motivating another booming sound of thunder to linger, infusing Ditzy with a scare, which then motivated her slippery hoofs from the rain to accidentally let go of the stick.


Let me try something. I have another idea.

The rain strangely ceased in that moment and the dark clouds cleared.

I think that works. There we go, that's a little more unique. There are a lot of stories that use rain to create more tense situations in water. Ditzy paid no attention to the stopping of the rain staring in despair watching as he got closer to the center of the swirling water.

This despair turned into confusion, when she started to wonder why the whirlpool had taken so long to pull them as close to the center of it as they were. "Aren't whirlpools a lot faster?" Ditzy thought to herself.


Well heck man, I don't know.

She flew over the center of the swirling beast, looking straight down finding what looked to be like a huge pipe sucking in water creating the whirlpool.

Ditzy had a idea. A crazy idea, but a potentially brilliant one. The Doc, while struggling had her eyes on the mare seeing her go through her thought process. His expression laid in disappointment realizing he was about to die. Then his expression change to a garbled mess of surprise when he saw Ditzy dive directly at him at blazing speeds.


It was too late. Both of them became submerged in the water, being snatched up by the suck-age of the pipe. Both became unconscious as they traveled inside to a place no pony from Equestria had ever seen before.

...Oh, I must've accidentally hit the start narration button. I was getting a drink and putting a burrito in my microwave oven. Hm. Slurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrp

Ah, there we go.

The Doctor awoke to the sound of soothing melodies playing in his ears. Once awoken he twisted his head every which way surveying his surroundings. He picked himself up from the sandy ground, still not noticing the music that played in his ears. It had looked like he washed up onto a beach, with beach towels, umbrellas, and a broken banana boat.

As for the environment, thick palm trees and bamboo were laid across the land.

"GREAT NUTTERS!" The Doctor hollered having his eyes finally laid on the destruction of the prized banana boat. He raced towards his baby. "MY BABY!" He hollered again.

The inventions, such as the stick, camera, silver block, and Sharen's microchip still seemed intact, as they sat near the destroyed boat, but the cylinceal was nowhere to be found. He was grateful for the inventions that survived the trip through the pipe, but still mourned the death of the banana boat. He curled up laying his face on the side of it, beginning to let soft sobs leave his eyes.

"Hi Doc!"

"WACHAW!" The Doctor screamed in the process of smacking Ditzy straight across the face, still not noticing the blatantly obvious music playing in his ears.

"Ow... what was that for?"

"Well you scared me- actually ESPERA!"


"YOU ALMOST CAUSED ME TO DROWN TO DEATH! I could've died! All because of a simple camera too."

"Well, it wasn't like you were helping the situation!"

"Still, you smacked me out of the boat and quite literally pushed me into the center of the whirlpool in a LITERAL DIVEBOMB, after you gave up trying to save me! I never even wanted you here in the first place!"

"Well- What happened is that I saw there was this giant pipe in the ocean causing the whirlpool and surely pipes go places, so I decided to push both of us in. There was an absolute guarantee we would've ended up somewhere."

"Well yeah, I would've ended up somewhere... DEAD!"

"But you're alive..."

"How do you know?! This could be heaven! ETERNAL HEARD! HEY! CAN YOU HEAR ME?!"

"I don't think they hear you Doc."

"Hold on. I think I hear something else. Hm. I'm hearing soothing music."

Ditzy stopped for a second to perk up her ears, now hearing the really really extremely obvious music playing in both of their ears.

"Can you hear that too?" The Doc asked.

"Yeah... I kinda like it." Ditzy said giving out a warm smile.

Ditzy's head started to bop in time with the tranquil music. It appeared that the island itself was giving out the tunes the mare liked so much. Her head bopping eventually lead her to locking her eyes at the ocean and locating the massive pipe that had led them here. She went towards it to investigate.

"Hey! Where are you going?!" The Doctor exclaimed.

Ditzy flew away to where the pipe was located, her eyes pointed directly down, examining its features. The pipe was a noticeable blue, which was surprising considering how blue the ocean was. The pipe was also rusted giving evidence on the age of it. Other than its size and the fact that its opening was now closed, no other features stood out. Dizty, then attempted to go further out from the shore and past the location of the pipe. To her surprise she physically couldn't go past it, like there was some sort of forcefield preventing her from progressing further. She shrugged it off and returned back to the shore.

"You know I wasn't done talking."

"I found the big pipe again."

"Oh really?! I would like to see proof of that!"

"I could take a picture."


Mere moments later the Doc was hovering over his camera in a very protective and motherly position.

"You know what! I'm going to go storm off in a random direction, because I might be slightly angry with you!" Ditzy shouted.

"OH HO HO! You better! I'll take my thing and go!" The Doc seized the camera in his hoofs and began to waltz away from Ditzy into a different random direction, which happened to be further from the beach and closer to a seemingly infinite forest, ranting to himself all the way there.

"Honestly I can't believe her! First she comes onto my banana boat... well mostly mine, after I told her several times I'm leaving Ponyville alone, then steers the boat while I'm sleeping into the middle of South Luna Ocean! AND on top of that while I'm drowning decides to do a FULL DIVE BOMB straight for my water filled face! AND AND she could've broken my camera! Now that's the biggest offense of them all. I wonder what it does. I don't think I ever tested it."

"I'm sure it's as unique as the other inventions in my possession. Maybe once I get out of here and possibly visit another town I can use this camera to take a picture of their astonished faces when I create a properly functioning invention. Shame no one ever saw these inventions for what they were meant to be. Or what they mean to me."

A crinkly sound shot through the Doc's ears, replacing the non-ending music that sounded like the store Sears. One here, one there, and one next to the shiny microwave oven that- oh. That beep means my Burrito's done and I began to shed a tear... of happiness.

Fear was the name of the game. Mmph A slithery noise ruffling in the bushes of potential horror. Whatever this was, was not a tame creature, but crunch an unspeakable bother moving forward onto its prey. COUGH

Oh god! cough cough That burrito went down the wrong pipe! Cut to commercial, cut to commercial!

Ditzy took another look at the undeniably huge blue pipe that sat in the water. There was just something off about it...

"I don't know why, but I feel like there's nothing wrong with this pipe. Now how am I going to examine this thing underwaterrrrrrrrr..."

She thought about it and-

"Oh! I got it!"

She left the scene only to return soon with 15 bamboo sticks stuck together.

Meanwhile back at the Doc's Office- dilemma.

"Who's there! I have a camera and ohhh you know how potentially blinding these things can be! Prepare yourself!"

Shuffles in the bushes soon replaced by hisses in a crisis. Louder the noises persisted. Bigger and nastier and feistier like lice in your hair. Then POP! A nice cute little bunny jumps into the Doc's hooves.

"Awww, it's a funny bunny! I shall name you Steven! Steven. I understand you were probably the one who was making those off putting noises in the forest, however there was also quite a bit of hissing that sounded rather peculiar. I know you couldn't have made those sounds, so perhaps you could tell me what was?"

Steven jumped out of his hooves leaving with his own fuzz.

"Of course."

Suddenly a large snake chased the funny bunny pushing forward with maximum force.


The Doc knew if he did not come in to save Steven, he would be eaten up like... My burrito.

Ditzy swam under the water, having the bamboo sticks placed in her mouth reaching all the way to the surface, allowing her to breathe. Closer she swam to the giant blue pipe sitting in the water she began to examine it closer even if the water did make her vision blurry.

She searched up above, to the sides and down below the pipe and did not find a single button, lever, or anything that may suggest forcing the pipe to do something. Ditzy, however did uncover something peculiar that was carved into the bottom of the metal pipe that read, "^3-5, 2-9, 1-7, 1-3, 1-6,, 1-2, 2-1, 2-2,, 2-6, 1-3, 1-4, 1-3."

Ditzy swam back up to the surface and onto the shore, thinking to herself for a second as to what that strange looking code was. She breathed in and said, "That was fun!"

Zooming and moving the Doc hurried with great intent to stop the snake and take back his new friend. He picked up a rock, so he could throw it at the right angle and mock the snake that had the shape of a sock. He hopped over the logs in his path, skipping around and calculating math, to get the jump on the snake and unleash his wrath.

Coming to a skidding halt however he was meant by a unforeseen scene. The funny bunny had run straight into a deep pond, where the snake could not reach him. The snake left like a well programmed sim. "Wow. That was a good move Steven."

The Doc began to approach Steven, only making him reach deeper into the depths of the pond. The Doc thought to perhaps leave him, only to realize that he wanted to make a bond. With the bunny.

"Hey, come here Steven. You remember me, right? I found you like two minutes ago... It's your good old uncle The Doctor." Steven leaped out from the water below and back into the hooves of his non foe.

"You know, you could've drowned if you went even two more feet farther into that pond. You're pretty brave for a bunny that has... huh. Weird eyes. You got eyes just like that mare. I wonder if you can do a flip. Steven. Do a flip."

Steven did a flip.

"Now that is impressive. Hm, you must be thirsty. Now Steven, I'm going to place you down and get you some water from the pond and I want you to take a sip."


Steven took a sip.

"Steven, at this point since you did not run away I can only assume you think I'm very attractive and I would agree. Here, I'll throw a rock over innnnn... that direction and I want to see if you will bring it back to me. Andddddd... go!"


Steven might have tripped.

"Ok, so you seem to have tripped over a rock that I did not throw, fall onto your face, and bring me back a flower. You are quite the unique one aren't you. Don't worry about that. Everyone messes up, including me. I mess up all the time. Most of which happens when I'm creating my very own inventions, but no matter! Well it does matter, if you messed up in a way that caused you and some guy you don't know to be stranded on an island, even if you were only trying to help. At least when I try to help, I may usually cause destruction, but the stuff I can create has use. I'm doing Equestria justice with these things!"

Steven literally just did nothing.

"I mess up a lot, but I got the right intentions. Besides who can deny a bit of flair and spice with the things I can create! They're extremely special! What I bring is different."

The Doc took a pause.

"Why can't they see that?"

"Oh, I'm sorry Steven. You probably don't want to hear this. I can tell you about my lovely assistant. Her name is Sharen and used to live in my humble little house. She now resides in the Banana Boat where she's safe. Her microchip even makes cute cat noises! Hey. What are you doing?"

Steven stared directly into his eyes with his own delicate, weird, and directionally shifted eyes.

"Ok, now you're really starting to act and be like Ditzy. Sigh Maybe I should just go ahead and talk to her, clear this whole mess up. Yeah. Let's go ahead and do that Steven."

Steven blinked. And that sounds like the end of this section. Finally I can stop narrating in rhymes, until I feel like doing it again.

"Oh my Luna! A code... that's kind of exciting actually! Now what could that code mean. Think Ditzy! Maybe the code could get me and the Doc out of here. Although he's mad at me and I'm mad at him. I'm sure we can both make it out of here. Even if I am mad at him. I think. He did throw my muffin into the ocean, which was super uncalled for!"

"Muffins are great, why would you ever want to throw one into the ocean! Especially my muffin... what was wrong with it? There was nothing wrong with it! Friends just don't know how to treat each other sometimes. I did so much and all I got was horrible treatment! What's wrong with the muffin? There was absolutely nothing wrong with it! What's wrong with me?!"

"DITZY!" The Doctor called out.


"Oh there you are Ditzy! I've been meaning to talk to you."

"Don't scare me like that- oh my Luna is that a BUNNY?!"

"Why yes it is. His name is Steven-"


The Doctor handed Steven over to Ditzy, allowing her to observe everything about the bunny.

"He must be so young. Look at his nails, teeth, coat, and feet. Oh! He's a she. And she's extremely healthy."

"How do you know that?"

"Common sense Doc, duh!"

"I would say that's a pretty smart observation."

"Smart?! Oh no no no! You- you must be wrong! I'm not that smart- Oops!"

Ditzy accidentally dropped Steven onto the ground. Thankfully she got up and ran away.

"Could've fooled me Ditzy Derp."

"Did Steven just run away?"

"She'll probably be back sometime if I know bunnies on deserted islands."

"Weren't you meaning to talk to me? Aren't you still mad at me? Am I still mad at you?"

"Um, yes. I am still somewhat mad at you for ALMOST KILLING ME AND STRANDING ME ON A ISLAND! But everyone makes mistakes, blah, blah, blah. It's not like you were trying to kill me, blah, blah, blah. And you at least tried to save me from that whirlpool, blah, blah, BLAH! Plus, I think it would be best if you could work not with me, but also not against me. Like you find food and share it with me and I do the same. It'll increase survival chances."

"Okey! Oh by the way, I went to go investigate the pipe some more and I found pretty much nothing!"

"Ah yes... the aforementioned pipe."

"It did have some sort of weird code on it. It went something like ^2-4, ^1-7, ^3-3, ^2-8 or FNoi or something like that. I don't really remember!"(edited)

"Well that's just brilliant Ditzy."

"No it's not!"

"I know. Whatever you say I'm not going to believe this whole pipe theory of yours. Listen, I'm going to go make a fire. You just go ahead and do your own thing. There's most likely some wood that was used to create the banana boat. I can use that."

"Okey! I already made a fire."

"That's- WHAT?!"

The Doc directed his eyes right behind the mare and sure enough not too far away was what looked to be a fire.

"Why Ditzy, great job!"

"Oh, I'm sure you could've made that yourself. I found out that the stick invention you made can also make fire. Wait... aren't I still mad at you? And heyyy stop calling me smart. Hmph."

She tossed the stick to the Doc.

"I didn't call you smart? You know Ditzy, there's nothing wrong with being smart."

"There isn't?"

"Absolutely not! Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going back to the broken down wreckage of my Banana Boat. Instead of wood, I'll just go see how my inventions are doing. My babies needs me."

The Doc stepped away from the mare, who looked to be deep in thought. Step by step he made his way back to where the banana boat laid and when he arrived he noticed something different about the scene. The amount of wreckage that was on the land had lessened from when they had first arrived on the island. The amount of wreckage in the water seemed to have also doubled. Not to mention the main part of the boat that was still intact was now floating in the water near the shore.

Weirded out and beginning to jump into his own thoughts he quickly the Doc gathered all the remaining materials from the boat and placed it in the bag that thankfully did not stray to far from the boat. He then came to a conclusion, but his thinking carried him farther.

"The water level is rising. Interesting."

And farther.

"The water raised pretty high in such a short amount of time..."

And farther.

"Ohhhhhhhh. Oh no."

It led him to a theory that wasn't perhaps the most ideal, like a bad current rap band.

But more ideal is the fact that I know where the end narration button is this time. Ha!