• Published 11th Jul 2023
  • 119 Views, 0 Comments

Uniquivity With The Faithful Doctor Whooves - Mr Mlp

A story that strives to be unique when it can and does not want to spoil too much from a simple description. Blind experiences are more interesting. :)

  • ...

Doctor Whooves and The Torturous Beginning

Hello there! Hm, I don't think I was supposed to say that...

I'll just go with the rhythm. I'm not exactly sure if I should be introducing myself. This is my first day on the job, after all. My name is Micheal and probably over the course of this story, you'll come to realize that I really enjoy music. I'll be your lovely narrator for this tale.

...This narration already sounds horrible, doesn't it? I'm sure some of you left already. Doesn't matter, I'm just here to narrate.

This story isn't about me, which I'm grateful for. This story contains a bit of music things, which I love and other things that aren't about music. I think it's the decent start I need for a side hustle. I don't have much money, but I do have a nice little hotel room. Now that that's out of the way, I really shouldn't be rambling about me... Let's just move on with the story.

Tick Tock Tick Tock Tick Tock

The rhythmic flow of the clock ticked at a steady beat. The room occupying the machine sat in silence. The ticking was predictable, leading to the same boring outcome the Doctor came to expect every day. It wasn't a part of the day he particularly minded, but years ago, this part of the morning became conjoined with his unique sense of style.

The clock vibrated, causing it to fall down from the nightstand and roll into a glowing button. Soon after an ear piercing sound, which I would not want to hear in the morning. I like my ears. And purple lights began to activate ever so wildly across the bedroom. It makes me wonder if he listens to music at max volume.

"Ahhhh What a fantastic sleep! I remember I had a dream about racing with a hockey puck that was a doughnut. Good times." The Doctor stepped down from his bed turned off the raging alarm, that could probably be heard a couple blocks down, after sloshing through the hundreds of broken pieces that would either stay broken or hopefully be turned into the inventions he had churning in the back of his mind.

The doctor opened up the drawer from his nightstand and took out a pen and upon pressing the top of the pen, the closed windows on his dome shaped bedroom thrusted open, leaving a heavy punch of sound from the collision. Pushing a different button a trapdoor made itself known, giving the signal to the Doctor to grab a paper airplane and glide through the trap door and find a water slide greeting him on the other side...

It was a big paper airplane.

Swirling fast in motion, upon reaching the sharp incline at the end of the water slide he was launched into the air right towards a vine, which he swung from landing directly into his breakfast chair. A chair specifically made for his breakfast. It even had a sticker stuck onto the back that read "Breakfast Chair. I swear if you eat lunch on this chair, you will be turned into a cup of joe. Poor Joe never made it out alive."

The Doctor scooped up his spoon and began to chow down furiously on the food that was presented in front of him, by his automatic food dispenser that looked like a automatic napkin dispenser. "Shall I play your greatest music playlist, sir?" Sharen, the talking Ai, already built inside of the house said.

"Absolutely! Just skip to song number 71. There's nothing like a cup of coffee and a great song to wake up in the morning to," He said being handed hot tea. Oh! And would you look at that, he DOES listen to music at max volume.

"Do you also want to hear a voice impression I've been working on, sir?"

"Of course! Hit me," The Doctor responded with.

The robotic voice coming from the house took a fake breath and said "Honey! Where are my paaaaannntts?"

"Oh, Sharen you never fail to crack me up."

"Got any big plans for today, sir?"

"Quite so!"

"Sounds lovely, sir."

The Doctor let out a burstful laugh. "Always love your jokes Sharen. No I don't have any big plans! What am I, someone who achieves their goals?" An awkward silence immediately after fell upon the two... wow, even I felt the awkward silence.

With that said, let's put the music to 2x speed in this story and skip the rest of the Doctor's morning.

-> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> ->

He stood right in front of the door to the outside of the house he lived in, with his bag tucked tightly in his arm. He swung the door open, exclaiming out one final thing before he left the comforts of the inside. "Make sure to take care of the wife and baby, that I don't have while I'm gone Sharen Maren! I got a Rainbow Dragon Fruit to find for my new invention idea!"

"Sure thing, sir." Sharen spoke.

The Doctor stuffed his bag filled with some of his other inventions onto his arm and stepped outside into the fiery pits of the quaint little town of Ponyville.

"Great shimmy dimmy on my chimney!" The doctor stared in astonishment at the fantastical sight that laid before his eyes. Close to the home he lived in he found... A toaster. His eyes were practically feasting on the majestic sight, since he need a replacement-



That sound effect was me...

I specialize in a bit of beatboxing as well.

In a quick flash the Doctor's eyes went from being above the ground... right into the hard dirt, due to a collision with a unique kind of pony coming his way. He stood up and was greeted by another pair of eyes... ones not so perfect compared to his.

"Ugh... what in Equestria was that?" The Doctor let out in pain. The grey mare promptly got up and began to speak sentences in quick succession.

"Oh my gosh, I am so sorry! I was just flying around like I usually do and was thinking about things, like how clouds are able to float and why Fluttershy gives Discord the lovey eyes and how... wait no. Lemme start over. I was going to the market. Yes! And..."

The Doctor simply just stood there hearing the terribly fast tempo the mare was slinging, but not at all to the lyrics she was singing...

She wasn't actually singing, just thought I would make that clear.

"...Then there was this guy's COUSIN!"

"Ok. First. BREATHE! Second, I don't really have quite the time to chit chat right now, as I have a very important invention to work on. Three, I'm also not much for social interaction. 1 hate to say this, but uh... can you go away now..." The Doctor spat out. (edited)

"Social interaction? You don't like social interaction? Doesn't everypony in Ponyville like social interaction?" The mare claimed.

"You are correct! but that's besides the point-"

"I don't get much social interaction..."

"...Well uh- hm. Peculiar I would say."

"It's not because of the eyes, if that's what you think."

The Doctor looked straight into the yellow eyes of the mare and saw that her eyes were crooked in almost a derpy kind of way.

"Oh. Uh, I see. Well I mean I guess it makes you look unique then-"

"It's because I'm not very smart." The mare claimed again.

"You have bad eyes, because you have the brain the size of one of those really small circular legos?"

"Nope!" The mare smiled sweetly.

"...You- uh. I'm going to go now."

And just like that the Doctor put one hoof in front of the other and walked away from the situation.

"I like him," The derpy eyed mare said as the Doctor ran away from afar.

Hm, I have an idea. Bear with me guys.

The Doctor arrived at the market place, home to the specific item he was searching for to create his newest invention. Examining the environment he found what you would expect to find at a market place. Fruits, vegetables, wacky things being sold, ... "Is that a purse being stolen by a masked individual?" Said the Doctor aloud, spotting a masked pony in the crowd.

You see what I'm going for here? It's rhyming time.

The masked pony bolted away from the scene laughing like a broken trumpet, staring the Doctor straight in the eyes like a burnt crumpet. Confused on who this mysterious pony was and feeling bad for the poor white mare, with purple curly hair, and gemstones for a cutie mark, he was determined to spring into action...

Too bad his cardio wasn't exactly capable of attraction.

He ran and ran as fast as he could, finding it strange that nobody would, dare indeed to help him fight against a blight that admittedly wasn't to heavy in their might.

Running low on breath he did, feeling like a burnt out kid, the Doctor knew he wasn't going to stop him without a sudden change that he would arrange. In the corner of his eye, a wheeled cart he admired so fine coming up to a steep hill soon. "This'll be interesting." The Doctor thought as he flew, with an odd looking invention from his bag, propelling him upward into the cart that really smelled like an old dirty rag.

"Applying extra sticky bamboo sap." He accomplished, by smearing it onto the back, while letting it's drippy contents meld into the forward propelling invention- and smack! Pressing a simple button caused him to zoom... I'm getting tired of rhyming so here's a little break and room- shoot.

The tempo increased and increased as the cart went faster and faster. Swaying left and right with the inventive long bamboo sticks possessed by the Doctor controlling the wheels, barely dodging the civilians walking their normal day to day. Using the bubble gun he shot anyone who came close to crashing into him or her, lessening the blow of possible pain or hurt... "Hey! This is my cart!" The Doctor said giving a random mare that appeared suddenly on top of the cart a kick and a kick to the curb.

Even though he was extremely attentive with his driving making sure not to hit a single soul, that could not be said for the souls of the generic everyday objects that he hit. From fruit stands, to flower shops, to art showcases, all of their souls went bye bye.

What use is there even for a bubble gun? It only shoots bubbles. Apparently, the Doctor was able to figure it out, because surprisingly he used that bubble gun to trap that masked pony inside a prison he would never forget. What kind a prison you ask? A bubble prison. Listen. I'm a chill guy, but you really should've known the answer to that question.

Wow. You know I kinda surprised myself with that narration there.

Go me.

"LET ME OUT OF HERE" The masked individual bellowed from inside the bubble. The Doctor chose not to respond and simply reached into the bubble, taking the mask off of the pony. It's not anyone you would know, trust me. Oh, I almost forgot to mention that they ended up in a back alley. It was dark, cold, damped, and just imagine those back alleys that you see in a cartoon in the middle of a huge city.

"Jimmy Jetsworth?! Chimney Crackers!" The Doctor pulled him out from the bubble causing it to pop.

Jimmy, who fell face first into the floor, got up and gave him an unimpressed stare. "You really didn't know it was me."

"Well... As a pony of science I just needed proof and here you are! So, yeah... Proof."

"Dude. Come on."

"Why would you steal a purse, I mean seems rather impractical considering the usual things you like to do."

"I like to mess with you, what can I say?"

At that moment the white mare with a purple curly mane and tail caught up to the two, decked Jimmy in the face, and got her purse filled with art supplies giving a final "B*** you darling!" to Jimmy.

Jimmy began to speak again this time out of breath. "Dang... she can hit dude." GAAAASSSSPP "Listen, the Doctor, as you already know I've been torturing- I MEAN MESSING with you since kindergarten, back in the good old days. This was just one of those times. I mean you remember what happened back in our school years. Anyway, I saw that you were in the neighborhood, so I stole that lady's purse to get your attention."

"That lady probably would have destroyed you if she had caught up to you. Also, what if I just ended up ignoring you?"

"Doesn't matter and shut up! That hurts dude."

"Get to the point, you glorified cephalopod."

"OK, ok, wow. You can really see through a pony, you know that? I want to have just a small competition with you. That's all I want. You see this little mouse contraption that I just placed by my leg. I call it Mimmie QXwFe. He's pretty cute, plus he can move around in a circle!"(edited)

Jimmy then proceeded to demonstrate by making the "cute" contraption spin round and round in a hypnotic circle.

"LOOK AT HIM GOOOO! I want you to try and make a better invention out of materials from this back alley, which I know for a fact you can't do," Jimmy plainly stated.


"You heard me."

"Can I not simply just go home you wanker?"

"I'll give you 50 bits if you do it."


Piece by piece the Doctor scrounged around in the trash of the back alley bringing them one by one together to create another mysterious invention in- 5 MINUTES?! Ok, now who wrote this part?!

"There," The Doctor stated.

"What's it called?" Jimmy wondered.

"Does it matter?"

"No duh, of course it does."

"The name is irrelevant."

Sigh "Fine, what does it do? If it actually works. Ha! As if!"

"Well you simply press this butto-"




"Sucks to suck I guess."

Jimmy then demonstrated his superior skills, by creating a second invention to call his own only using the materials from the back alley. It was incredibly simple and boring. All it did was spin around in a square when placed onto the ground.

"I call it Scrimmie 4VWm! Sucks to really suck doesn't it?"(edited)

"Now listen here!"

A crowd inevitably began to gather, just like how musicals are inevitably going to have music. I mean if you heard an explosion near you, wouldn't you go check it out? I would, if my ears weren't permanently damaged.

"Ah great... first my apple cart was taken and now this! A random explosion blowing up the side of my house!" A random pony from the crowd yelled.

The Doctor looked to the right side of him noticing the massive chunk of house missing from the cart owner's home. He decided to ignore this fact.

"What happened to your cart fine sir?" The Doctor questioned.

"Aren't you the sucker who stole my cart not too long ago."

The Doctor immediately backed up.

Soon more and more ponies filled the area beginning to fester over what caused the explosion, but after more and more laid eyes upon the Doctor, the ponies were pretty sure who was the cause of it.

"Another typical Tuesday, huh?" A pony from the crowd uttered to the Doctor.

"How would you know it was me? You need proof!" The Doctor defended.

"Ummmm, isn't that what you always say?" Another pony mentioned.

"Yeah, he did it. I was here," Jimmy bluntly claimed.

"What?! It was you're fault!" The Doctor refuted.


"You ding dang whipper snappers and your old dangled new technology! Back in my day-"


"We're talking about the Doctor right?" A pony from the crowd questioned, causing the majority of the crowd to move their heads in disappointment towards the grey mare.


"Alright enough! Listen guys, I'll just go ahead and talk with our boy the Doctor over here and you guys do your own thing alright," Jimmy told the crowd.

"Oh, what a savior!" "He always makes the best inventions, he'll set the doctor straight!" "He invented the couch!" "He's sooooooooooo handsome!" A few girls called out from the crowd swooning.

Jimmy led the Doctor further into the back alley for privacy.

"Listen dude, you've been trying to create these random wacky inventions of yours since kindergarten. Every time you try to make an invention it terrorizes someone and I'm left in the glory. I'm starting to legitimately feel sorry for you, like just stop creating inventions. I'm the mastermind here, so stop giving me glory... wait, now that I put it that way keep making inventions so I can have glory. I've never even seen you once actually create a working invention! It was especially sad that one time, when you thought you did create a functioning invention and well... you know what happened. Plus, what use does these gadgets even have?"

"I was able to catch you with these gadgets wasn't I?"

"Pffft. Details. Details. Go home now, I'm bored. YOU HEAR THAT GO HOME NOW OR I'll... I'LL KICK YOU OUT!" Jimmy bellowed, making sure the crowd heard him.

The crowd cheered furiously at the thought of the Doctor being kicked out of the town.

"You know what? Maybe I'll just move out!"

The crowd began to fan girl squeal. They were really loving this idea. The Doctor frowned, not in disappointment, but of understanding and expectancy. Not wanting to be apart of this for much longer the Doctor simply left, pushing himself through the tough waters of the ponies blocking his exit. Along the way he bumped into many ponies. A red angry one, a bubbly grey one, and a jumpy yellow one.

The crowd roared with laughter watching the sad excuse for a pony head home.

Soon the Doctor disappeared farther away, unable to hear whatever the ponies in the crowd were screaming about him next.


"Dude. When did you turn into a pirate?"


"Woah, woah, woah. Isn't that a bit too far?" Asked a curious pony in the crowd.


Soon one pony joined in. Then another and another, letting a chain reaction reach like a sonic wave all around the crowd, turning them from just a group of ponies, to a furious mob of determined ponies emanating supernatural excitement to rid the town of the Doctor.

This is a sad moment. Let me get my tuba.

The door slowly creeped open into the bright home, letting the light slither inside, and blending with the orange sunset in the background. The Doctor stepped inside.


"Is everything alright, Sir?" Sharen, who you might have forgotten about, asked.

"Of course! I had my usual rounds around the town and didn't get the item I needed for my invention idea. Everything is quite fine," The Doctor said with a smile hard to fake.

"Alright then sir. Would you like me to prepare your bed, sir?"

"Nah that's quite alright Sharen. I'm going to stay up for a bit."

"Cool... sir. Do I have permission to enter sleep mode?"

"Absolutely, Sharen. Do what you need to do."



A noisily exasperated sound crept out of the Doctor's lips and out into the quiet home, which left him with nothing but the repetitive melody in his head telling him over and over again about the things said in the events that transpired. Even tinkering with his latest project, which he was still missing a material to complete couldn't keep him from the harsh dialogue coming from the crowd.

"Heh, that one red angry guy was bald." The Doctor said to himself.

Knock... Knock

The Doctor got up from his chair, where he had been tinkering with his invention, and went to his front door. To his surprise it was the grey mare he had stumbled upon in the market earlier that day.

"Uh, hell-"


"So I know it's the middle of the night Doctor, your name is Doctor right? Anyway so I saw you leave from that crowd and I followed you home, but I didn't speak to you and well later on I just left, because I didn't have the courage to speak to you, but later on during the night I was doing my usual midnight flying and I saw this biggggg scary red pony coming towards your home. I thought that wasn't so bad, until I saw him with a big stick of dynamite and a whole crowd of ponies, and now I'm here!"

"Hold on... what?!"

"Lots of ponies want to blow up your house."

"Heh, for a second there I thought you were trying to tell me something serious. I mean a whole crowd of ponies wanting to blow my house up? HA! You are a funny weird eyed mare... Why are you at my house right now?"

Upon reaching the end of his sentence a booming sound lingered throughout the town sending shivers down both of the ponies spines.

"Holy Luna!"

"That must be the scary ponies..."

The Doctor hurriedly rushed outside his home pushing the weird eyed mare out of the way, being greeted by a sight of astonishment. The crowd was slowly approaching, holding many sticks of dynamite ready to be thrown at their enemy right down the black dark dirt road, barely being illuminated from the moon. Far down the way on the dirt path one pony in the angry mob stated,

"Hey, guys. I don't think that was the Doctor's house..."

"Did we just blow up a random house then?"


It would be a matter of minutes before they arrived.

"Oh wow, never mind I guess. A crowd of ponies are coming towards my home ready to blow it up."

The Doctor let himself be consumed by thoughts, ready to come up with a way to dig himself out of his situation. Then he thought about the home and his heart rate began to quicken.

"Ok, here's what's going to happen."

"Yes? Do you want me to do something?"

"Can you please go grab as many things that look like tools or gadgets to you out of my home, before you know... i- it blows up?"

"On it!" The mare gave out a smile with her tongue stuck out.

The Doctor took in a deep breathe and let out a different sounding deep sigh. "Now let's see if I can reason with the aggressors."

The mare rushed into the home scurrying throughout the different rooms grabbing an assortment of things. "Ooooo what's this?" She would say numerous times during her search. The mare poured every item she found interesting outside the home.


"So I got news! Reasoning with the aggressors did not work. They maaaaaay have tried to blow me up. Do you have what I asked you to grab?"

"Yep!" The mare gave out another cute smile.

"Ok, now you distract them while I go grab a snack... and also a few more items out of my home."


The Doctor entered the home, and raced through the multitude of rooms gathering everything he could find, important or not. In his hurried state he scooped up a few inventions, one of them looking like a tiny yellow box, and another important item for him ripped straight out from one of the walls of the home.

On his way out his eye caught the sight of something. An invention he created many years ago. The first invention of his to fully work. He paused as he just continued to stare into the soul and heart of it, remembering the past events that occurred with it, finally he snapped out of it and spoke, "Burn in Tartarus."

"Hey, um. Is there anything else I can do?" The mare wondered aloud to the Doctor who just appeared out from the home.

"Shush! I'm trying to see what's been collected so far."


"I see you collected mostly food and water... I'm going to leave now. Thanks for the help."

"Wait you're not going to try and defend your home?"

"I don't want to get killed! They're about to blow up my home! Well, whenever they get to my home. What's been taking them so long?"

Taking a look back onto the angry mob... "Wait a second guys, can we stop for a second? I'm real tired."


The Doctor gathered up his things and placed as much of it into his bag, starting to walk away.

"But this is your home."

"Yes- my home. I can't protect it... I'm sorry."

"You're sorry? Where are we going now then?"


"Yes we! Now that we've completed our missions!"

"Our mission? Listen-"


The Doctor stared at her for a few brief seconds, letting the crowd get inches away from his home.

"I'm sorry, but uh. There's no-"

The sound resonated greatly in the ears of anyone close by. The sounds of wood crackling to the ground, fires aflame, and countless memories destroyed in an instance. All clashing greatly against the moonlight.

"Oh. They arrived faster than I thought- I- Hm."

"Wow," The grey mare stated in wonder.

I would describe the sight of the scene, if there was one to describe. The home had completely crumbled into ash, rubble, and dust, leaving the Doctor speechless and stunned.

"...It's gone..."

"Now that we've got his home, let's go get the real thing!" One pony from the crowd bellowed.


The crowd charged towards the undeserving Doctor, leaving the Doctor with no chance but to run with the mare flying closely behind him. The Doctor slipped in between the two different homes of two different ponies, still having the grey mare following him.

"Hey, where'd the Doctor go?" One pony mentioned.

The Doctor picked up a pebble and threw it attracting the idiotic ponies away from their hiding spot.

"Hey what was that small noise? Let's all go walk over to it."

"Phew... alright. I'm safe."

"So what's next?"

"Uh- you're still here?"

"Hmmmm... I don't understand the question."


The Doctor stealthily and smoothly crept away from where the crowd was stationed, bursting into a sprint when he got far enough away from them, with the mare still following him of course. He didn't really have time to stop in his tracks and conversate with the mare, so he had to deal with her following him. At least for the time being.

Eventually both came across a river. The Doctor reached into his bag and pulled out the small yellow box. He pushed the button from beneath and threw it into the river. In a matter of second the tiny box burst into a medium sized Banana Boat.

"Now... uh you. I'm going to leave this town in this boat. I appreciate the help, really, but I gotta leave this town on my own."

"Why are you leaving in a boat?"

"Well if I leave on foot they can obviously track me and find me."

"I don't think they would go that far."

"I'm not taking any chances."

"WAIT!" A pony now acting as a third party of the conversation piped in with desperation.

"Luna help me..."

"Hey, it's that one guy who was making fun of you earlier today!"

"Yes. I just ran... 2 BLOCKS... to get to you before you left... I... saw you from my... own house window... running."

"I'm getting inside the boat," The Doctor responded with.

"I... just wanted... TO SAY... without you... I wouldn't have... my..."


"I'm starting the boat."

"For real though, please don't leave I need you for my glory!"

"Jimmy Jetsworth, for years I've had to deal with your torturous shenanigans. Why would I even attempt to give you what you want?"

"Well, just answer me this. Are you going to come back?"

"I FOUND HIM!" A pony from the distance called out, causing the crowd of ponies to return, going at full speed towards the three.

"What makes you think, I know the answer to that question?" The Doctor hastily pulled the lever off to the left, causing the inner mechanics to start whirring in motion preparing for lift off into the breezy waters up ahead.

"HOLD UP, I GOT IT!" Jimmy screamed, followed by a short pause.

"What if I throw in an extra twenty bits?"

The boat zoomed across the waters leaving the town of Ponyville behind. Further and further the town disappeared from eyesight. Finally he was safe.

A moment of tranquility hit the Doctor like it had never quite hit before. He was free from everyone he had ever met inside of that wretched place. The life he once had of tinkering with mechanisms and gadgets in a small little town, was over. A life he had that wasn't the most loved from ponies, but a life where he kept going at his dream. A life filled with gradually building up music, ready to explode into a glorious climax, that now would not happen.

A life where he was just attempting to bring his ideas to life and do what he loved.

"Where are we going?" The derpy eyed mare inquired.


"I flew onto it," The mare claimed.

"Why do you keep following me?"

"I like you."

"...As a friend?"


"But... We barely know each other."

"I know isn't that exciting!"

"I... well perhaps yes, in some cases."


"You're going to be following me until we reach our new destination aren't you?"

"Of course!"

Sigh "I suppose you have proven yourself that you will probably honor that word, so I guess I should tell you where I'm going. I'm going down this river."

"I've always wanted to go there!"

"Well uh, sit down then. It might be a while before I stop this boat. At least a few hours, if I happen to come upon a rest stop of some sorts. Go ahead and gaze up at the stars if your bored. I'm... going to steer the boat."

The mare laid down gracefully on the Banana Boat and gazed upon the stars. Breathing slowly and calmly.

"Hm, hmm, hm, hm, hmmmm."

"Are you humming?"


The Doctor shrugged and said, "Alright."

"Hmmmm, Ohhh woo, mm hm aaaaaa."

The slow melodic tune clashed precisely in time with the serene waves on the river, which were refracting the beautiful moonlight and enhancing the almost shining hums spilling out the mare's mouth. There were no lyrics. Only listening between the two and the strange, but unique noises provided by the mare, until the moment was gently broken apart.

"Hey, what is your name? If you're going to be following me, I should at least know your name."

"Oh. My name is Ditzy."

"Ditzy huh. That's a good name Ditzy."

"Yes, Ditzy Derp. It's my favorite name!"

"You have Derp as your last name? Hm, would explain the eyes."

"What's your name?"

"Doctor. Doctor Whooves."

"No, your reaaaallll name silly!"

"Who's to say that's not my real name?"

"Hmph. I'll call you Doc then."

"And I'll call you crazy."

"Hehe, you silly!"

The Doc couldn't help but smile at that comment, as he steered the boat through the river. All the stresses of the day felt meaningless, as he trekked along the river. He truly didn't know where exactly they were heading, but indeed they were going to travel to a secret no pony had yet to discover...

That's not the end narration button, that's the color button. Well, it's not that either. IEgpNCCU. None of those keys work... what about- (edited)