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Den of the Beast

Once they were geared and healed up, the Rainbooms made their way across the docks with Applejack carrying the well-concealed dragon egg in her arms, where they saw Belthyn waiting near a simple keelboat moored at a dock. “Prompt. I like that.”

“Well, we kinda wanna get this over with as quick as we can.” Sunset shrugged.

“I can appreciate that.” Belthyn nodded as she climbed aboard her boat. “So do tell; what exactly is it we’re ferrying to such a desolate place as the Leviathan’s Maw?”

The Rainbooms boarded the boat and carefully looked around to make sure they were alone (Full party Perception Roll – Sunset Shimmer Dirty 20, Twilight Sparkle Nat 20, Spike 16, Rainbow Dash 12, Applejack 15, Pinkie Pie 11, Fluttershy 21, Rarity 14), and the first thing Twilight and Sunset both saw was a small group of people in black cloaks a few yards nearby. Twilight and Fluttershy could distinctly see familiar white rings on a few of their fingers, so they narrowed their eyes. “Maybe we should discuss that out at sea,” Twilight suggested.

“If you insist.” Belthyn shrugged as she jumped back onto the dock and tossed the lines onto the boat, casting the boat off from the dock. Then with a firm wave of her hand (Belthyn Jenodath casts Gust of Wind), a powerful gust of wind blew from her hand into the sail and forced the ship onward, out of the docks and toward the small number of islands in the bay as the storm grew. As soon as the boat was clear, Belthyn jumped into the water and swam to quickly catch up with the ship, leaping back aboard and looking firmly at Sunset. “Well?”

Sunset glanced across at Applejack and nodded, signaling for her to set the bronze dragon egg down on the deck, revealing it to the triton’s surprise… (Applejack Constitution roll 6) before stepping away to puke over the side of the boat, her seasickness taking hold. “This egg was stolen, painted blue, and hidden near the Ebony Hall in Elesmont,” Sunset explained. “By the Dead Eyes.”

“We’ve determined there may be a bronze dragon in the Leviathan’s Maw.” Twilight continued. “If we can return it and explain the situation, we think we can prevent the kind of bloodshed that might result.”

Belthyn appeared more than a bit surprised by this news, especially as she looked between the egg and the girls. “Do you make a habit of horning in on matters such as this without being asked?” she asked.

“I beg your pardon?” Rarity asked in return.

“Saving Achtia before they even know they need to be saved, reuniting a dragon with its egg, leaping into battle with the sahuagin alone… what’s in it for you?” Belthyn asked as the boat creaked.

The girls were a bit confused, (Applejack Insight roll 11) but Applejack understood what she was saying. “Ye’re thinkin’ we’re workin’ some angle.”

Belthyn smirked and raised an eyebrow at the barbarian. “Are you?”

“We’re just a group of girls trying to do what’s right,” Sunset argued. “I figure that’s something you would respect.”

“Oh, surely it is,” Belthyn remarked arrogantly. “But you must understand, my people the noble tritons have been the vanguard of this grand plane against monsters the likes of which you have never seen.”

(Rainbow Dash Insight roll [Adv] 9 or 13) Rainbow just raised an eyebrow at the triton; she knew bragging when she saw it. “Pfft. Sure,” she remarked as she examined her swords.

“Excuse me?” Belthyn asked, clearly insulted by the wordless insinuation.

“Ah-ah-ah. Uh, don’t mind her; she just… finds boasting distasteful.” Rarity assured. “As do we all.”

“I suppose I can appreciate that. But it’s hardly boasting if it’s accurate,” Belthyn remarked almost bitterly as she pushed the tiller, turning the boat around a few of the smaller islands. “Then those fellows on the docks?”

“More of the Dead Eyes, yes.” Twilight nodded. “Do you know anything about them?”

“Can’t say as I do.” Belthyn shrugged. “I’ve not been on the surface long, and I don’t go about fraternizing with criminals.”

Applejack stumbled back over, more than a bit green at the gills. “Had to ask.” she groaned.

“Not much for seafaring, that one, eh?” Belthyn remarked.

“No, she’s a lady of the land.” Rarity remarked as she leaned against the mast, working on her sewing project. “Even so, how much further? The humidity is doing a number on my hair.”

“Not far. The Shuddering Isles are a quite difficult reef to traverse, even for one with experience.” Belthyn noted as the boat weaved treacherously around the islands… which only aggravated Applejack’s seasickness.

“Long as we’ve got some time, I gotta say; those swords are pretty awesome,” Rainbow remarked, pointing to the blades on Belthyn’s back. “Where’d you get ‘em?”

“They’re called tapals; they’re traditional triton weapons,” Belthyn explained. “These ones have been passed down through my family for many generations.”

“Well, I must agree; they’re very nice.” Rarity nodded.

Belthyn was about to respond when she stopped and looked ahead. “There it is.” she pointed, directing the girls’ attention to a large rocky island with a cave that looked like the mouth of a monstrous beast.

“I see the name of the place is well-earned if nothing else.” Rarity remarked as Belthyn reefed the boat’s sail.

“Indeed.” Belthyn nodded as the boat slowed, drifting toward a small rocky coastline deeper in the cave. “Set the lines.”

Applejack didn’t hesitate to quickly hop off the boat to the coast and grab the lines, pulling the boat into a moored position. “Think we’ll be okay?” she asked as she tied the lines off on a small rock.

“Should be. Low tide isn’t for a while.” Belthyn shrugged as she and the others disembarked from the boat.

“That should give us just enough time to find the dragon and return the egg.” Twilight nodded. Applejack quickly got the message and picked up the egg from the boat, lugging it into the cave as the group followed nervously.

“Um… I think I’ll just… stay with the boat. And make sure we can leave once we’re done.” Fluttershy stammered in fear.

Rainbow just rolled her eyes as she looked back at Fluttershy. “Fluttershy, this is only gonna take a few minutes. We give the dragon the egg, explain what happened, and then we leave.”

That was right when they heard a loud, seemingly annoyed snarling echo from deeper within the cave, alarming everyone and prompting Belthyn to draw her tapals to the ready. “Somehow I doubt the dragon is in the mood for guests right now,” she remarked.

(Rarity Insight roll 11) “Perhaps the dragon is simply grieving the absence of its egg.” Rarity suggested though she wasn’t sure about that herself.

“Whatever’s going on, it sounds like we walked in on it in a bad mood. Think we can just leave the egg here and go so we don’t have to worry too much?” Rainbow asked.

“I second that.” Fluttershy stuttered in fear.

“Ah wouldn’t risk it. Beast sounds a might ornery down there.” Applejack remarked as he tied the egg to her back. “Might just get more ticked if we leave the egg out here without any explanation.”

“Shh!” Sunset said quickly, straining to listen down the cave (Sunset Shimmer Perception roll Dirty 20), her keen ears easily picking up what sounded like a second voice further down the cave. “There’s someone down there. And I think they’re in trouble.”

“The dragon’s caught some prey, it would seem,” Beltheyn remarked.

“That doesn’t sound right,” Twilight remembered from her research of the game (Twilight Sparkle Intelligence roll). “I don’t think I’ve ever heard of bronze dragons hurting people except in self-defense, much less eating them.”

“Doesn’t really matter either way. We’ve gotta give the dragon its egg back. Hopefully we can figure out whatever’s going on in there while we’re doing that.” Sunset instructed.

“Alrighty then, ladies. What are we waiting for?” Pinkie smiled as she started bouncing down the tunnel happily.

Belthyn raised an eyebrow at the gnome’s behavior. “She’s certainly… earnest.”

“Eh, that’s one word for it.” Applejack shrugged as she and the others followed Pinkie down the cave.

“I can certainly think of a lot of others.” Sunset agreed with a grin.

“Let’s try and save them for after we’ve finished things with the dragon, shall we?” Rarity recommended.

“Think we’ll be in for a fight?” Rainbow asked, reaching for her swords almost preemptively.

“For the moment, let’s assume not. We don’t actually know what we’re getting into and I’d prefer to keep this civil.” Twilight advised.

That was when a particularly irate male voice echoed from a chamber around the corner. “It’s not a ‘phase’, MOM!” The entire group froze in their steps when they heard that.

“Well, you’re certainly right about one thing, Darling.” Rarity noted in surprise. “We don’t know what we’re getting into.”

“And I’m almost afraid to find out what it is,” Sunset remarked as the group carefully rounded the corner… and looked up at the massive bronze-scaled dragon with green sails on its back and leathery wings that looked like rusted bronze, snarling down at a young man in similarly-colored clothes and hair with green eyes and bronze rust-colored hair in front of a massive pile of treasure and what looked like coral and things like that.

“Come to your senses, child!” the dragon snarled in a rumbly but clearly female voice. “You spend nearly all your time polymorphed as a human! You waste the horde carousing day and night at the tavern in Hartben, and… and…! You bed all the humanoid women you can find! Where is your dignity as a noble bronze dragon?!”

“Well, maybe I want to enjoy my life before some bastard of Tiamat ends it like they did Father’s!” the young man barked angrily.

“Do not bring up your father so lightly!” the dragon snarled.

“Uh… anyone else feeling way underprepared for this?” Rainbow asked in surprise.

“Yeah, I did not know family therapy would be a requirement for this job,” Sunset remarked.

(Twilight Sparkle Insight roll [Adv.] 13 or 22) Twilight just groaned and rolled her eyes. “I think I know what this is,” she remarked, glad Belthyn was clearly distracted by the sight of the dragon and her son arguing.

“What?” asked Sunset.

“My brother,” Twilight answered simply. “He always enjoys writing plot twists like this into his campaigns.”

“Wait, does that mean he’s writing this right now?” Rainbow asked.

“Maybe. I don’t know.” Twilight shrugged. “Until we can find some way to contact him – which frankly, I doubt that’ll happen – I think our best bet is just going to be fighting our way through the campaign until we find the main villain and beat them to get home.”

“For now though, we’ve got to deal with dragon family drama.” Spike pointed out quietly. “Any ideas?”

Pinkie just stepped forward with a smile. “Excuse me?!” she called up to the dragon, alarming her friends. “Excuse me; hi! Can we talk to you for a second?”

The young man looked over and smiled. “Oh! Yes, please. By all means, distract us from this madness.”

“This conversation is not over, Othan.” the dragon snarled.

“Isn’t it?” Othan asked seriously before turning back to Pinkie and her friends as they all came out from behind the corner. “You’ve come at a rather awkward time.”

“Yes, we gathered that,” Belthyn noted as she strode out, suddenly freezing as she locked eyes with Othan. (Belthyn Jenodath Sleight of Hand roll 5 vs Othan Perception roll 17) She tried her hardest to hide her blush, but Othan clearly saw it. “Uh… first meetings typically warrant introductions.”

“Of course.” Othan nodded. “I am Othan.” He pointed up to the dragon behind him. “My mother, Nathairyn. And you are?”

“Belthyn Jenodath of Natathis.” the triton answered. “And my companions for the moment.”

“We call ourselves the Warriors of Harmony,” Sunset added as she stepped forward. “I hope you’ll forgive our eavesdropping, but… well… we seem to have walked into some family drama.”

“So it would seem,” Nathairyn remarked, clearly irritated. “Forgive our conduct, but we were just discussing my son’s… evening antics.”

“Must you call it such, Mother?” Othan asked in annoyance. “I’m almost certain more than a few other dragons have done the same in their younger years.”

“Perhaps a handful, but none quite so frequently as you.” Nathairyn snarled.

“Yeah, we overheard. You’ve been sleeping around?” Rainbow asked.

Othan gave a quiet snarl, his mouth giving a faint electrical crackle. “Not that it’s any of your business, but yes; I have been seeking a mate. With admittedly limited success.”

“That’s rather difficult to believe,” Belthyn muttered (Belthyn Jenodath Deception roll 14 vs. Othan Perception roll 18), earning a confused and somewhat offended look from Othan.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” he asked bitterly.

Belthyn blushed a bit as she stepped back. “Oh, great Melora. Was that out loud? M- My apologies; I merely meant-”

“Uh, maybe clam up before you dig yourself any deeper,” Rainbow remarked… earning an elbow in the ribs from Rarity. “Ow. What?” It didn’t take a genius to figure out what Rarity’s glare meant. “Oh shoot; was that racist?”

“Only a tad. But it was apropos. And good advice.” Belthyn nodded.

“I can’t but agree,” Nathairyn noted as she tromped slowly forward, her massive claws impacting the ground and causing the treasure in the horde to clatter about. “Things are tense enough around here as is.”

“Mother, please,” Othan remarked in irritation. “You’ve never truly been concerned about my antics before. Why now?”

(Applejack Insight roll 17) “Ah think Ah know,” Applejack remarked as she stepped forward. “Guessin’ the trouble started a couple days ago? Maybe a week?”

Othan and Nathairyn looked at her in surprise. “How do know that?”

“Because I’m guessin’ that was around the time this was stolen.” Applejack removed the egg from her back and set it on the ground in front of her.

Nathairyn was astounded at the sight of her egg returned. “Where did you find this?” she asked breathlessly.

“In Elesmont,” Sunset explained. “It was painted blue after it was stolen by the Dead Eyes.”

(Twilight Sparkle Insight roll 14) “If I had to guess, they probably wanted to set up an attack and force Achtia to hire dragon hunters for payback.” Twilight surmised.

Nathairyn snarled in anger at this suggestion, her muzzle crackling with electricity. “I know of the Dead Eyes. They are no friends to metallic dragons,” she growled lowly. “But now that they have dared to steal my child before they hatch, they shall face the true wrath of Nathairyn the Storm Queen.”

Sunset tried hard not to think about the Storm King she’d heard about from Princess Twilight that one time, and simply smiled up at the dragon as Othan walked over. “You have our deepest thanks, Warriors of Harmony.” he nodded. “Perhaps there would be some way we can repay you for this grand deed.”

“Oh, think nothing of it, Darling.” Rarity smiled. “We’ll cash our favor in at some point in the future.”

“If you truly wish to do so, that is your right.” Nathairyn relented as she looked the girls over. (Nathairyn Perception roll 30) Suddenly she stopped as her sharp draconic eyes locked onto Fluttershy and Rainbow’s Geodes. “Those stones… where did you get them?”

The two were a bit surprised by this sudden line of questioning, but Rainbow quickly looked up at the dragon. “Mine was given to me by the king of Achtia. We found Fluttershy’s in an old druid barrow,” she explained. “Why?”

Twilight put it together almost instantly. “You’ve seen more like them, haven’t you?” she asked.

“Indeed I have.” Nathairyn nodded, stomping over to her horde. “I found one aboard a wrecked pirate ship stranded beneath the waves off my island’s coast some time ago. I could sense its magic easily, so I claimed it for my horde. I’ve never personally been very adept at magic, but since you have two just like it, I feel it will serve you well.” Then with dainty dexterity – made all the more impressive by her vast size – the great dragon picked up a bright purple gem between two of her massive claws, carefully handing it to Twilight.

Twilight graciously accepted the geode from the beast and immediately felt its energy flowing through her body. Eager to test it, she grasped her geode hard (Twilight Sparkle activates Geode of Magic) and thrust her free hand forward, surrounding a large rock with her usual pink aura and effortlessly hoisted it into the air before setting it down with a smirk as she looked at the geode. “Thank you, Nathairyn. This is a great boon to all of us.” she smiled, looking over at the others. “Enough of one, I think, for us to be considered even.”

“I absolutely agree.” Rarity nodded and gave a flourish of her hat. “We are most grateful, great dragon. And now, we take our leave.”

“I’ll ready the boat.” Belthyn offered.

“I don’t think we need to worry too much about that.” Rainbow smiled as she looked at Twilight. “We can make our own way. If you want to stay and negotiate something yourself, that’s your business.”

“Negotiate?” Othan asked.

“Uh… well, frankly yes, I suppose.” Belthyn nodded and started explaining about the sahuagin as the girls made their way back out toward the entrance to the cave.

“Should we really just leave her here like that?” Fluttershy asked.

“It’s not like we’re stranding her.” Rainbow pointed out. “She’s a triton with a boat and now she’s friends with a couple of dragons; she’ll be fine.”

“Then perhaps, Darling, you’d be so kind as to inform us of the plan to get us back to shore?” Rarity’s question was quickly answered as Twilight hoisted the group with her magic, while Rainbow simply clicked her heels to trigger her winged boots and grasped her medal (Rainbow Dash activates Geode of Loyalty), quickly shooting across the water’s surface leaving a rainbow-colored contrail.

“You were saying?” Sunset smirked at Rarity as the group floated across the water.

Rarity just rolled her eyes as she looked over at Twilight, who was still clutching her geode as they flew. “You know, I’d be pleased to see if I can arrange a pendant or bracelet for that if you like, Darling,” she noted.

“Thanks Rarity, but I think it would be better if we find a professional jeweler to do this.” Twilight pointed out.

“Oh, I suppose.” Rarity shrugged as they set down at the docks of Hartben (Twilight Sparkle deactivates Geode of Magic). “Well, I suppose that’s our business concluded in Hartben. Where to now?”

“I don’t know. I kinda want to head out to Olncarut.” Rainbow shrugged as they walked to the tavern. “Just to, y’know, get a little closer to this god I ended up pledging to.” She looked at her Pelor amulet, feeling a strange longing as she looked at it.

“Certainly does sound fun. Might be a chance to learn some new magic on the way.” Twilight nodded.

“And maybe I can figure out what’s happening with this bidding war for my soul.” Sunset agreed.

“Well, I s’pose we’d best find our way there then.” Applejack smiled and adjusted her hat. “I’ll get our ride.” She turned toward the stables as the group stopped outside the tavern.

“Okay, let’s see…” Rainbow noted as she looked at the map, reading it over (Rainbow Dash Wisdom roll 9). The map was difficult to understand at first, but Rainbow eventually figured it out. “Okay, I think I’ve got it.” She quickly searched her bag and found a small set of cartographer’s tools, which she used to draw out their route on the map.

“Long way away,” Sunset remarked as she looked at the map – it indeed looked like a long ride from Hartben to the Holy City.

“Well, it looks like there’s gonna be a few towns on the way there,” Sunset remarked, pointing to the villages along the route Rainbow marked up. “Who knows? We can probably get some good work done for the people before we reach Olncarut.”

A sailor nearby appeared to have overheard that as he turned to look at the girls. “You’re going to Olncarut?” he asked.

“Yeah, why?” Sunset asked as Applejack rolled the wagon forward from the stables.

“Just a friendly suggestion – change your plans.” the sailor remarked simply.

This confused the girls as they looked at the sailor. “Why do you say that?” asked Rarity.

“Word is one of the villages on the road there – Vaemore, I think it was – has been amassing blades and bows.” the sailor answered. Rainbow looked back at the map and saw that passing through the village of Vaemore was the only way to the city from Hartben.

“What for?” asked Applejack.

“No one knows. Just steer clear of the place if you don’t want trouble.” the sailor remarked as he strode away.

“Think we can manage a detour?” asked Spike.

“Doesn’t look like it,” Rainbow remarked as she looked at the map. “The only passage that doesn’t take us through Vaemore is miles away from here.”

“Guess we’ll just have to keep our heads down on the way through town,” Applejack remarked.

“Maybe we can figure out what’s going on up there while we’re at it.” Twilight shrugged as the girls all climbed into the wagon. With nothing more to say, Applejack cracked the reins and sent the wagon rattling along the route to Olncarut.

And while she tried to hide it – especially because she didn’t want to ruin the good vibes the group was feeling right now – Sunset was still more than a bit worried about the bidding war for her soul.

Author's Note:

All characters now Level 4

Sunset Shimmer – Sun Elf – Level 4 – Sorcerer 4 – Phoenix Sorcery – Sage (Wizard’s Apprentice)

Inspiration 1 – Proficiency Bonus +2 – HP 36 (Max 36) [Temporary HP 0] – Hit Dice 4d6 – AC 11 – Initiative +1 – Speed 30 – Passive Perception 11

STATS: STR 10 (+0) – DEX 11 (+1) – CON 17 (+3) – INT 17 (+3) – WIS 11 (+1) – CHA 17 (+3)

SAVING THROWS: STR +0 – DEX +1 – CON +5 – INT +3 – WIS +1 – CHA +5

SKILLS: Acrobatics +1 – Animal Handling +1 – Arcana +5 – Athletics +1 – Deception +3 – History +5 – Insight +1 – Intimidation +5 – Investigation +3 – Medicine +1 – Nature +3 – Perception +3 – Performance +3 – Persuasion +5 – Religion +3 – Sleight of Hand +1 – Stealth +1 – Survival +1

PROFICIENCIES & LANGUAGES: Common, Elvish, Infernal, Dwarvish, Sylvan, Swords & Bows, Daggers, Darts, Slings, Quarterstaffs, Light Crossbows

FEATURES & TRAITS: Darkvision 60ft, Keen Senses, Fey Ancestry, Trance, Researcher, Ignite, Mantle of Flames (ready), Font of Magic (3 Sorcery Points), Metamagic, War Caster

CHARACTERISTICS: Personality Trait: I’m willing to listen to every side of an argument before I make my own judgment. Ideal: The goal of a life of study should be the betterment of oneself. Bond: I sold my soul for power. I hope to do good deeds and win it back. Flaw: I can’t keep a secret to save my life, or anyone else’s.

EQUIPMENT: Ink bottle, quill, penknife, letter, common clothes, Quarterstaff (ATK BONUS: +2 DAMAGE: 1d6/1d8+0), Arcane Focus (Crystal), Explorer’s Pack, Dagger (ATK BONUS: +2/+3 DAMAGE: 1d4+0/+1) (2), Fine Clothes

MONEY: 1 CP, 3 SP, 0 EP, 31 GP, 0 PP

Spell Casting Ability: Charisma Spell Save DC: 13 Spell Attack Modifier: +5

SPELLS: Cantrips: Friends, Mending, Mage Hand, Thunderclap, Prestidigitation 1st Level: (4 total Spell Slots; 4 available) Burning Hands, Witch Bolt, Ice Knife, Feather Fall 2nd Level: (3 total Spell Slots; 3 available) Earthbind, Aganazzar’s Scorcher

Twilight Sparkle – Half-Elf – Level 4 – Wizard 4 – Arcane Tradition: School of Lore Mastery – Cloistered Scholar

Inspiration 1 – Proficiency Bonus +2 – HP 21 (Max 21) [Temporary HP 0] – Hit Dice 4d6 – AC 11 – Initiative +1 – Speed 30 – Passive Perception 15

STATS: STR 10 (+0) – DEX 13 (+1) – CON 12 (+1) – INT 16 (+3) – WIS 15 (+2) – CHA 10 (+0)

SAVING THROWS: STR +0 – DEX +1 – CON +1 – INT +5 – WIS +4 – CHA +0

SKILLS: Acrobatics +1 – Animal Handling +2 – Arcana +5 – Athletics +0 – Deception +0 – History +5 – Insight +4 – Intimidation +0 – Investigation +5 – Medicine +2 – Nature +3 – Perception +4 – Performance +0 – Persuasion +0 – Religion +5 – Sleight of Hand +0 – Stealth +0 – Survival +2

PROFICIENCIES & LANGUAGES: Common, Elvish, Celestial, Dwarvish, Sylvan, Daggers, Darts, Slings, Quarterstaffs, Light Crossbows

FEATURES & TRAITS: Darkvision 60 ft, Fey Ancestry, Library Access, Arcane Recovery, Lore Mastery, Spell Secrets, Ritual Caster

CHARACTERISTICS: Personality Trait: I'm obsessed with things from a prior age, collecting many relics from that time / I'm willing to listen to every side of an argument before I make my own judgment. Ideal: I want to make the world a better place with my inventions or research. Bond: I work to preserve a library. Flaw: Grammatical correctness and syntactic precision are the keys to effective communication. I shall correct errors wherever I perceive them.

EQUIPMENT: Scholar’s robes, Writing Kit, Book, Quarterstaff (ATK BONUS: +2 DAMAGE: 1d6/1d8+0), Arcane Focus (Crystal), Scholar’s Pack, Spellbook, Fine Clothes, Potion of Healing (3), Stone of the Astral Hands [Geode of Magic] (Casts Telekinesis at will upon Activation)

Familiar: (Spike; Pseudodragon AC 13, HP 7, Speed 15 [Fly 60], SRT 6 (-2) DEX 15 (+2) CON 13 (+1) INT 10 (+0) WIS 12 (+1) CHA 10 (+0) Perception +3, Stealth +4 Blindsight 10ft, Darkvision 60ft, Passive Perception 13, Common, Draconic, Keen Senses, Magic Resistance, Limited Telepathy, Bite [+4 to hit, 1d4+2 piercing], Sting [+4 to hit, 1d4+2 piercing CON Save DC 11 or Poison for 1 hour – fail by 5 or more, target is unconscious], Breath Weapon [1x2ft line of fire – DEX Save DC 11; 2d6 fire damage on fail, half on success]

MONEY: 1 CP, 3 SP, 0 EP, 31 GP, 0 PP

Spell Casting Ability: Intelligence Spell Save DC: 13 Spell Attack Modifier: +5

SPELLS: Cantrips: Mage Hand, Blade Ward, Prestidigitation 1st Level: (4 total Spell Slots; 4 available) Feather Fall (prepared), Witch Bolt (prepared), Detect Magic (prepared), Mage Armor (prepared), Magic Missile (prepared), Shield (prepared), Identify (prepared), Unseen Servant 2nd Level: (3 total Spell Slots; 3 available) Hold Person (prepared), Misty Step (prepared), Darkness (prepared), Misty Step (prepared)

Rainbow Dash – Human – Level 4 – Paladin 4 – Oath of Glory – Folk Hero (Recruited into a lord’s army, I rose to leadership and was commended for my heroism.)

Inspiration 1 – Proficiency Bonus +2 – HP 39 (Max 39) [Temporary HP 0] – Hit Dice 4d10 – AC 17 – Initiative +3 – Speed 30 – Passive Perception 9

STATS: STR 13 (+1) – DEX 16 (+3) – CON 14 (+2) – INT 11 (+0) – WIS 9 (-1) – CHA 15 (+2)

SAVING THROWS: STR +1 – DEX +3 – CON +2 – INT +0 – WIS +1 – CHA +4

SKILLS: Acrobatics +3 – Animal Handling +1 – Arcana +0 – Athletics +3 – Deception +2 – History +0 – Insight -1 – Intimidation +4 – Investigation +0 – Medicine -1 – Nature +0 – Perception -1 – Performance +2 – Persuasion +2 – Religion +0 – Sleight of Hand +3 – Stealth +3 – Survival +1

PROFICIENCIES & LANGUAGES: Common, Elvish, Land Vehicles, Cartographer’s Tools, All Armor and Shields, Simple and Martial Weapons

FEATURES & TRAITS: Rustic Hospitality, Divine Sense (5/5 uses), Lay-on Hands (Healing Pool 15 Points), Fighting Style: Defense, Divine Smite, Divine Health, Channel Divinity (Peerless Athlete, Inspiring Smite), Dual Wielder

CHARACTERISTICS: Personality Trait: I’m confident in my own abilities and do what I can to instill confidence in others. / I get bored easily. When am I going to get on with my destiny? Ideal: People deserve to be treated with dignity and respect. Bond: I protect those who cannot protect themselves. Flaw: I’m convinced of the significance of my destiny, and blind to my shortcomings and the risk of failure.

EQUIPMENT: Chainmail, Holy Symbol (Pelor Amulet), Explorer’s Pack, Shortsword (ATK BONUS: +3/+5 DAMAGE: 1d6+1/+3) (2), Javelin (ATK BONUS: +3 DAMAGE: 1d6+1 RANGE: 30/120) (5), Cartographer’s Tools, shovel, iron pot, common clothes, Winged Boots (flight speed equal to walking for up to 4 hours), Fine Clothes, Achtian Medal of Valor and Loyalty [Geode of Loyalty] (Treat all movements as Dash actions and Advantage on all Acrobatics rolls upon activation – lasts until deactivation)

MONEY: 1 CP, 2 SP, 0 EP, 32 GP, 0 PP

Spell Casting Ability: Charisma Spell Save DC: 12 Spell Attack Modifier: +4

SPELLS: 1st Level: (3 total Spell Slots; 3 available) Thunderous Smite (prepared), Compelled Duel (prepared), Divine Favor (prepared), Heroism (prepared), Shield of Faith (prepared), Guiding Bolt (prepared), Heroism (prepared)

Rarity – Moon Elf – Level 4 – Fighter 4 – Archetype: Eldritch Knight – Guild Artisan: Weavers and Dyers

Inspiration 1 – Proficiency Bonus +2 – HP 33 (Max 33) [Temporary HP 0] – Hit Dice 4d10 – AC 14 – Initiative +3 – Speed 30 – Passive Perception 13

STATS: STR 11 (+1) – DEX 16 (+3) – CON 12 (+1) – INT 15 (+2) – WIS 13 (+1) – CHA 15 (+2)

SAVING THROWS: STR +3 – DEX +5 – CON +1 – INT +2 – WIS +1 – CHA +2

SKILLS: Acrobatics +3 – Animal Handling +1 – Arcana +2 – Athletics +1 – Deception +2 – History +2 – Insight +3 – Intimidation +4 – Investigation +2 – Medicine +1 – Nature +2 – Perception +3 – Performance +2 – Persuasion +4 – Religion +1 – Sleight of Hand +2 – Stealth +3 – Survival +1

PROFICIENCIES & LANGUAGES: Common, Elvish, Sylvan, All Armor and Shields, All Weapons (especially swords and bows), Weaver’s Tools

FEATURES & TRAITS: Darkvision 60ft, Fey Ancestry, Trance, Guild Membership, Dueling Style (+2 to attacks with only one weapon), Second Wind, Action Surge (1 use max; 0 available), Weapon Bond: Rapier, Defensive Duelist

CHARACTERISTICS: Personality Trait: I like to talk at length about my profession / I believe that anything worth doing is worth doing right. I can't help it – I'm a perfectionist. Ideal: My talents were given to me so that I could use them to benefit the world. Bond: The workshop where I learned my trade is the most important place in the world to me. Flaw: I'll do anything to get my hands on something rare or priceless.

EQUIPMENT: Leather Armor, Longbow (ATK BONUS: +5 DAMAGE: 1d8+3), Arrow (20), Rapier (ATK BONUS: +3/+5 DAMAGE: 1d8+1/+3), Whip (ATK BONUS: +3/+5 DAMAGE: 1d4+1/+3), Dagger (ATK BONUS: +3/+5 DAMAGE: 1d4+1/+3) (2), Explorer’s Pack, Weaver’s Tools, Letter of Introduction, Traveler’s Clothes, Fine Clothes

MONEY: 2 CP, 3 SP, 0 EP, 281 GP, 0 PP

Spell Casting Ability: Intelligence Spell Save DC: 12 Spell Attack Modifier: +4

SPELLS: Cantrips: Blade Ward, Dancing Lights 1st Level (3 total Spell Slots; 3 available) Ice Knife (prepared), Fog Cloud (prepared), Identify (prepared), Feather Fall (prepared)

Applejack – Human (Variant) – Level 4 – Barbarian 4 – Path of the Ancestral Guardian – Clan Crafter

Inspiration 1 – Proficiency Bonus +2 – HP 45 (Max 45) [Temporary HP 0] – Hit Dice 4d12 – AC 12 – Initiative +2 – Speed 30 – Passive Perception 10

STATS: STR 16 (+3) – DEX 14 (+2) – CON 14 (+2) – INT 9 (-1) – WIS 10 (+0) – CHA 12 (+1)

SAVING THROWS: STR +5 – DEX +2 – CON +4 – INT -1 – WIS +0 – CHA +1

SKILLS: Acrobatics +4 – Animal Handling +0 – Arcana -1 – Athletics +3 – Deception +1 (always roll at Disadvantage) – History +1 – Insight +2 – Intimidation +1 – Investigation -1 – Medicine +0 – Nature +1 – Perception +0 – Performance +1 – Persuasion +1 – Religion -1 – Sleight of Hand +2 – Stealth +2 – Survival +2

PROFICIENCIES & LANGUAGES: Common, Elvish, Dwarvish, Gnomish, Light & Medium Armor, Shields, Simple & Martial Weapons, Cook’s Utensils

FEATURES & TRAITS: Charger, Respect of the Stout Folk, Unarmored Defense, Reckless Attack, Danger Sense, Ancestral Protectors, Charger

CHARACTERISTICS: Personality Trait: I'm always polite and respectful / My friends know they can rely on me, no matter what. Ideal: The ancient traditions of my craft must be preserved and upheld. Bond: Nothing is more important than the other members of my clan. Flaw: I hold to tradition at the expense of adaptability.

EQUIPMENT: Cook’s Utensils, Chisel, Traveler’s Clothes, Gem (worth 10 GP), Warhammer (ATK BONUS: +5 DAMAGE: 1d8/1d10+3), Spear (ATK BONUS: +5/+4 DAMAGE: 1d6+3/+2), Javelin (ATK BONUS: +5 DAMAGE: 1d6+3), Lasso (Net), Explorer’s Pack, Fine Clothes

MONEY: 1 CP, 2 SP, 0 EP, 32 GP, 0 PP

RAGES: 3 max, 2 available; +2 damage

Pinkie Pie – Rock Gnome – Level 4 – Bard 4 – College of Glamour – Entertainer (Jester/Singer)

Inspiration 1 – Proficiency Bonus +2 – HP 31 (Max 31) [Temporary HP 0] – Hit Dice 4d8 – AC 13 – Initiative +2 – Speed 40 – Passive Perception 8

STATS: STR 10 (+0) – DEX 14 (+2) – CON 13 (+1) – INT 15 (+2) – WIS 8 (-1) – CHA 15 (+2)

SAVING THROWS: STR +0 – DEX +4 – CON +1 – INT +2 – WIS -1 – CHA +4

SKILLS: Acrobatics +4 – Animal Handling -1 – Arcana +2 – Athletics +4 – Deception +2 – History +2 – Insight +1 – Intimidation +2 – Investigation +2 – Medicine -1 – Nature +2 – Perception -1 – Performance +6 – Persuasion +6 – Religion +2 – Sleight of Hand +2 – Stealth +2 – Survival -1

PROFICIENCIES & LANGUAGES: Common, Gnomish, Tinker’s Tools, Light Armor, Simple Weapons, Hand Crossbows, Swords, Drum, Lute, Horn, Shawm, Disguise Kit

FEATURES & TRAITS: Artificer’s Lore, Tinker, By Popular Demand, Bardic Inspiration (d6), Jack of All Trades, Song of Rest (d6), Mantle of Inspiration, Enthralling Performance, Mobile

CHARACTERISTICS: Personality Trait: I know a story relevant to almost every situation / I'll settle for nothing less than perfection. Ideal: I like seeing the smiles on people's faces when I perform. That's all that matters. Bond: My instrument is my most treasured possession, and it reminds me of someone I love. Flaw: I have trouble keeping my true feelings hidden. My sharp tongue lands me in trouble.

EQUIPMENT: Leather armor, Entertainer’s Pack, Horn, Light Hammer (ATK BONUS: +2 DAMAGE: 1d4+0), Drum, Amethyst Ring, Costume, Fine Clothes

MONEY: 1 CP, 2 SP, 0 EP, 32 GP, 0 PP

Spell Casting Ability: Charisma Spell Save DC: 12 Spell Attack Modifier: +4

SPELLS: Cantrips: Minor Illusion, Friends, Blade Ward, Message 1st Level Spells: (3 total Spell Slots; 3 available) Tasha’s Hideous Laughter, Charm Person, Feather Fall, Unseen Servant, Identify

Fluttershy – Wood Elf – Level 4 – Druid 4 – Circle of the Shepherd – Hermit (I needed to commune with nature, far from civilization.)

Inspiration 1 – Proficiency Bonus +2 – HP 32 (Max 32) [Temporary HP 0] – Hit Dice 4d8 – AC 15 – Initiative +2 – Speed 35 – Passive Perception 16

STATS: STR 14 (+2) – DEX 15 (+2) – CON 12 (+1) – INT 10 (+0) – WIS 16 (+3) – CHA 8 (-1)

SAVING THROWS: STR +2 – DEX +2 – CON +1 – INT +2 – WIS +5 – CHA -1

SKILLS: Acrobatics +2 – Animal Handling +5 – Arcana +0 – Athletics +2 – Deception -1 – History +0 – Insight +3 – Intimidation -1 – Investigation +0 – Medicine +5 – Nature +2 – Perception +5 – Performance -1 – Persuasion -1 – Religion +2 – Sleight of Hand +2 – Stealth +2 – Survival +3

PROFICIENCIES & LANGUAGES: Common, Elvish, Gnomish, Sylvan, Herbalism Kit, Swords, Bows, Light and Medium Armor, Shields, Clubs, Daggers, Darts, Javelins, Maces, Quarterstaffs, Scimitars, Sickles, Slings, Spears

FEATURES & TRAITS: Darkvision 60ft, Fey Ancestry, Trance, Mask of the Wild, Druidic, Wild Shape (2/2 uses – Max CR 1/2), Speech of the Woods, Spirit Totem (Spirit of the Unicorn; available), Shield Master

CHARACTERISTICS: Personality Trait: I feel tremendous empathy for all who suffer. Ideal: Emotions must not cloud our sense of what is right and true, or our logical thinking. Bond: I entered seclusion to hide from the ones who might still be hunting me. I must someday confront them. Flaw: I am dogmatic in my thoughts and philosophy.

EQUIPMENT: Wooden Shield, Quarterstaff (ATK BONUS: +4 DAMAGE: 1d6+2), Leather Armor, Explorer’s Pack, Druidic Focus (Holly Crown), Scroll Case, Winter Blanket, Common Clothes, Herbalism Kit, Butterfly Crystal Medallion [Geode of Kindness] (cast Animal Friendship and Speak with Animals at will and Advantage on all Animal Handling rolls upon activation – lasts until deactivated), Fine Clothes

MONEY: 1 CP, 2 SP, 0 EP, 32 GP, 0 PP

Spell Casting Ability: Wisdom Spell Save DC: 13 Spell Attack Bonus: +5

SPELLS: Cantrips: Frostbite, Mold Earth 1st Level: (4 total Spell Slots; 4 available) Spells Vary By Day 2nd Level: (2 total Spell Slots; 2 available) Spells Vary By Day

Comments ( 1 )

And with the Warriors of Harmony returning the dragon egg, they're gifted Twilight's Geode as thanks from the Storm Queen. Next up, they'll likely be seeing what that weapon gathering is for in that town before reaching that holy city.

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