• Published 9th Feb 2023
  • 567 Views, 3 Comments

A Foxglove incident. - PinkV5

Zecora sneezes on spike and now everyone is thirsting for him.

  • ...

Chapter 2

Rarity was sitting at home enjoying one of her rare days off. No worrying about any deadlines to fulfill or order to complete. And most certainly, no evil dictator or magical disaster to ruin it. All was at peace.

"Ahhh, now this is relaxing. No stress, no weirdness, no monsters. Just me, my finest tea, my new A/C set on full blast, and my favorite movie, "Beauty and the Beast," Rarity said to herself. She took a sip of her tea, reaching for her remote when a slight boom sound scared her, spilling her tea on her all-red couch. She looked over, A/C producing smoke. She sighed heavily before pausing her movie and unplugging it.

"This is the last time I buy anything on sale." She said. Rarity pulled out her phone to call a repair mare, but the line placed her on hold. She waited patiently for over an hour before hanging up and cursing herself for ever buying the A/C. Suddenly she remembered Spike knew a thing or two about fixing things, so she decided to call him.

(Who is it?)
Hi Spikey. It's Rarity
(Rarity! Hi!)
I'm not bothering you, am I?
(I was taking a nap.)
Oh, I'm sorry.
(No, no. I'm wide awake.)
Ok. Well, I wanted to ask if you could help me fix something.
(Is it for an order or something?)
No, no. It's just that my A/C blew a fuze, and I thought you could help.
(Ok. I'll be over there shortly.)
Oh, thank you, Spikey. See you soon.
(ends call)

40 minutes later

(Knock, Knock, Knock)

"Coming," Rarity said as she walked to the door and peeked through the hole. Spike waited outside patiently. As soon as she opened the door, she gave him a small yet warm hug. Spike returned the gesture and embarrassed her with his look as she backed off to give him room to walk in. She wore a simple outfit consisting of blue jeans and a purple sweater with a heart-shaped cut in the middle, which gave her ample bust air. She motioned for him to come in, snapping him back to reality.

"Hey, Rarity. I'm sorry it took so long to get here," he said. Rarity thought nothing of it and offered him something to drink.

"No thanks. I'm kinda full for now," he said.

"Well, alright then, Now. For the reason why I called you over here," She said, turning over to her A/C unit. Spike took a quick look at it while talking to Rarity. A few minutes pass as they engage in playful banter before Rarity asks something that catches his attention.

"So, if you don't mind me asking, how was the lunch?" She inquired. He opened his mouth, but nothing came out. He refocused his attention on the A/C and discovered the problem. Rarity noted his silence.

"I found out what the problem was. Your condenser coil is broken. They're cracks on the side of it. I can go out again and buy you a new one," he said.

"Oh, don't worry about that. I can order one online. Just put everything back together and place it somewhere upstairs for me, please." she said. Rarity walked to the kitchen and poured herself another cup of tea as Spike moved her A/C upstairs. She sat on the edge of the couch and set her tea on the table. Right before unpausing her movie, she remembered her ceiling fan would work as a substitute. Spike placed the broken A/C unit in her closet before walking downstairs. He saw Rarity standing at the bottom, flicking a switch on the wall. Distracted, he slipped on the steps and fell. Rarity noticed him at the last second and tried to catch him but was too slow. Spike crashed into her, knocking both of them down.

"Uh, my head is spinning." Rarity rubbed her head. She could feel a heavy weight pressing against her chest, slightly warm and large. She opened her eyes, and Spike had his head boated into her breasts. Her face was red. She shoved him off her, breathing deeply. She glanced over to the drake, inching closer to his head. She turned him over and found him unconscious. Worried, she dragged him onto her couch and laid him across it.

"Spike, deary. Can you hear me," She said. She tapped his face, waking him with slight pain throbbing in his head. He opens his eyes to her sapphire pair staring right back at him. Blushing immediately, he tried to sit up, but his head denied him, forcing his still. She placed her hand on his cheek, leaning in closely. Just inches away from his face. He could feel himself shaking in his scales. He closed his eyes, tensing up before feeling her hand leave his face.

"That was a nasty fall just now. You don't have any visible bruises, thank goodness," she said. Spike opened his eyes to see her smiling with a slight blush filling her cheeks. He then realized that she was holding his head in her lap. She combed her hand down his head, massaging his green scales as she did. Spike couldn't help but hum out of pleasure as she did.

"Are-are you...Purring right now?" Chuckling as she spoke. Spike's face ignited red, embarrassed he could only mutter out the words, "It's a dragon thing."

"Don't be embarrassed Spikey-Wikey. It's cute. Well, I think so anyway." She said. She unpaused her movie, and the two stayed like this for a while as it continued.

"I'm happy you called me today," he said.

"I am too-

"No, I mean, like really, really, happy that you did. Lately, everyone's been acting very strange. It's nice to know that you're not acting any differently," he said, thou part of him wouldn't mind if she did. He might even love it.

"Strange? Strange how? Are we talking Applejack wearing heels or

"Crystal Empire," was all Spike said. Rarity winced before nodding, still rubbing his head. Spike took a minute to explain what he's been through all day. From the time he was walking to running into Cherry and how everyone was looking at him.

"Sweet Celestia. I'm so sorry about that. Wait, so was Cherry acting strange when you were talking to her?" she asked.

"Yeah. The most notable was when she...uhm. Never mind." he ended.

"Spike. What happened?" She asked. "It's ok. If it's something displeasing, you don't have to tell me. I would never force anything on you." She said.

"Just give me a sec," he said, moving his hand to his chest. He took a few breaths before telling Rarity how Cherry had tried to cop a feel on his butt. He explained how unsettled it made him feel as tears began to form in his eyes. He hated crying, especially in front of someone he knew. He hated it even more in front of Rarity. He didn't know why, but he couldn't stop them from approaching. A similar "incident" happened in the Crystal Empire that always left him feeling wounded when he thought of it. Rarity knew how much it affected him and leaned the dragon upwards, gently hugging him from behind. She rested her head on his shoulder. "How could she? That is highly inappropriate, not to mention underhanded and sleazy. Next time I see her, she's getting a large piece of my heel up her-" she stopped, feeling his body tense for a moment. Spike pulled away from her hug as he wiped his face. He turned around to face her but was stopped by Rarity's finger on his lips.

"Please, take all the time you need, Spikey. There's no rush or pressure for you to speak right now," she whispered. At that moment, a wave of intense warmth washed over Spike's entire body. His knees weakened, and his heart thumped wildly in his chest. His whole being was fixated solely on her, blurring out everything else in the room as a white haze. Her last words reverberated sharply within his mind, playing on a loop at a rapid pace until finally -

"I love you."

Back at friendship castle, Twilight and Starlight were reading books in Spike's room.

"Did you find anything yet," Starlight asked, wearing one of Spike's T-shirts.

"Nothing so far. There's got to be something in these that can help us," she replied, popping out of Spike's blanket.

"Maybe we should, Hey! What gives you the right to lay on his bed?" she shouted. Twilight stuck her tongue out quickly before covering her face with her book. Starlight scolded her before continuing her book. She skimmed the paragraph and discovered something.

"Hold on. I think I found something!" She said, catching Twilight's attention. "Ok, listen to this. This book says that "theirs a flower called foxglove that was originally poisonous to anyone who came in contact with it. However, a young Zebrian of unknown origin discovered that it could be used to suppress a mares heat cycle. It's noted here that they only grow in places where magic is abundant in nature."

"Zebrian. Maybe Zecora knows more about this stuff," Twilight said.

"Right, but we should dress for the occasion, right? I think Spike has some clothes we can borrow. He wouldn't mind. Right?" she said.

"I know you're playing me, but your right. Let's look," she said. The two looked through his closet and found pairs that they liked. As they walked throughout Ponyville, they reviled in the smells of the jackets. When they arrived at Zecora's, they wore their pleased faces as masks. Twilight knocked on the door.

"Twilight. What a plesant suprise. And, Starlight is a sight for sore eyes. To what do I owe this pleasure, perhaps in need of my work for an adventure?" She rhymed. She looked at the two and noticed their attire but didn't question it.

"We were hoping you had something to help with heat," Twilight said. Zecora welcomed the two inside to take a seat.

"So your heat cycles are becoming unbearable, I see. Luckily, Spike and I made a remedy," She said. She grabbed two glasses and walked over to her cauldron, filling up the cups. She passed them and placed a re-sealed her the cauldron.

"I'm surprised both of your heats are active simultaneously. Did something happen that caused this so spontaneously?" she questioned.

"That's the weird thing. We think Spike might be the cause of this." Starlight said. She was about to take a sip, but Zecora stopped her.

"I must finally be aging, I see. Could you please repeat what you just said to me?" She rhymed.

"Zecora, listen. When Spike came home today, I could feel myself becoming flustered and nervous around him," Twilight said.

"Yeah. When I saw him, he was sleeping, and I felt like my body was flaring up. My mouth was watering. Yes, I know it sounds like Idiocy but-

"Now, you both crave the drake's intimacy?" she finished. They blush as she read them both like open books. They glanced at each other before looking up at Zecora. The blushes from their faces disappeared as they stared at her, her face filled with concern. They looked at each other once more.

"Zecora, do you know something," Twilight asked. She only muttered to herself, saying, "How could I have repeated my mistake......It must have been when I sneezed on the drake." Starlight raised an eyebrow, ready to say something but decided against it and waited until she was done.

"You two listen well to what I say. For ponyville will soon be in disarray," she said. The two listened in closely. She told them how the drake helped her make a potion to sedate her heat and how her sneeze splashed Spike with the potion. She then proceeded to tell them a story.

When I was a young zebra, I discovered a flower
Many thought it dangerous, but I foresaw its power.
Through many trials and tests, I discovered something beautiful,
But when I told my people, they believed it unimmutable.
I ignored their warnings and created a potion of suppression,
To aid thy fellow mares when their heat caused internal aggression.
One day, my griffin friend came to me whom I loved with my life,
Told me she was to be sold away and made someone's wife.
I gave her the potion so she could avoid producing kin.
Little did I know, however, what I created was my gravest sin.
The night of her marriage, she drank my creation,
With no children being produced, Her husband used his imagination.
He realized later on how all around her lusted for her body,
So he tied her up in town and gave her to everybody.

The two girls gasped at her story, rivers of tears falling down their faces. Twilight couldn't imagine the pain the poor griffin endured. Starlight looked up at the ceiling in an attempt to halt her tears.

"Zecora. That wasn't your fault. You only did what you could to help the person you loved," Twilight said. However, her words could not reach Zecora as she stormed into her quarters. "I think we struck a nerve," Starlight said. Zecora left her room after presumably splashing water on herself and resumed her talk with them. During that time, they both agreed that it was best to avoid the topic and talk about it with her when their current storm passes. They tried to refocus their attention on Spike, but Zecora intervened.

"When I first made that potion, I created it only for my kind in mind." She said.

"Since Spike's a dragon, the effect must have varied. That must be why everyone was acting so differently toward him. They're all lusting for him." Twilight said.

"Yea. Zecora, does the potion have a time limit?" Starlight asked.

"It stays as long as a mare's heat lasts. Unfortunately, the effects won't dissipate fast. As I stated before, I tested my potions many times over. It was only until 'she" drank it, however, did I discover what lay lower. The only one who is immune to this desire of lust is the one who he loves. All others will slowly fall victim, losing what makes them doves," she finished. Her words engraved themselves upon the two of them as a gruesome question bloomed in Twilight's mind.

"What would happen if people find out who he loves? Or know already, for that matter?" She asked, beads of sweat forming down her face.

"Then there are only two options one can make. One lesser and one greater, both will cause heartache,"she said. Twilight and Starlight listened carefully to her next few words and were baffled by how to react. She gave them a few potions before they took their leave. On their way back, the two conversed about how to move forward.

"I still can't believe it. Our only options are to lock both Spike and Rarity away for two weeks until Zecora's heat ends or make every person in ponyville believe Spike's in love with them so they don't try to off Rarity." Twilight said, chewing away at her thumb.

"Remember what Zecora said. If we do choose plan B, by the time her heat ends, everyone will realize that that love was fake. We don't have enough potions for everyone, either. It took her a month to make what she had already."

"I know, but I'm not worried about their hearts. I'm worried about Spike's. Rarity will know that Spike loves her, and he'll end up being the heartbroken one." Twilight said. Starlight could think of what to say. Then, an idea came to her head.

"What if they don't know?" She said. Twilight looked at her. "We'll tell them that you and I won tickets to a paid vacation in Canterlot or something. We can watch over them in secret, and nobody will be the wiser. And with how many ponies they are in Canterlot, the chance of them running into him again is the same as running into a stranger. We can even get the rest of the girls in on it, so nothing happens, either. It's foolproof." She said. Twilight ran it over in her mind. The idea sounded foolproof, but she needed it to be concrete. They talked it over until they returned to friendship castle.

"Ok, Deal. We can work out the details tonight. As soon as Spike gets home, we'll tell him-

"Tell me what?" said a familiar voice. They glanced over to Spike and Rarity sitting together in the living room, with Rarity sitting on Spike's lap as the TV played slow Jazz music. Rarity smiled at them before waving. They did the same with forced awkward smiles.

"What did you wanna tell me...and why are you two wearing my jackets?" he asked.