• Published 9th Feb 2023
  • 571 Views, 3 Comments

A Foxglove incident. - PinkV5

Zecora sneezes on spike and now everyone is thirsting for him.

  • ...

Chapter 1

Deep within the Everfree forest, our favorite friendly drake was out gathering items for Zecora for a special potion for herself to help mitigate her heat. Zecora's people's heat cycle is far more robust than regular ponies, and even though she lives away from everyone in a secluded area, she didn't want to leave anything to chance.

"Hey, Zecora. I'm back with that root you asked for." He said, entering her enormous hut. Every time he enters her home, he's always amazed by the number of items and ingredients she has. He walks over to her, next to the cauldron she commonly uses for potion-making.

"I thank you again, young drake. Now the potion we shall make," she says in her rhythmic speech. Spike always wanted to ask her why she speaks like that but never bothered, thinking it might come off as insulting.

"Ahh, it was no problem. But why did you ask me specifically? Not that I mind or anything, but uhh... you know. Just curious." He says, fumbling his words some.

"I am not a "pony" as you can tell. That's why you're needed, to help with this spell. I can feel my heat approach, my sanity hanging by a thread. If a pony were to help me in your steed, the outcome I would dread", She finishes. Spike manages to make the best of her rhymes and couldn't agree more with her. Zecora throughs the root he collected into her cauldron after breaking it into pieces. This causes it to boil and stem out a brownish smoke cloud.

"The last we need is a dash of smashed foxglove seed." She says. Spike walked to her bartop, where she displayed her spices and homegrown herbs. He grabs the jar and hands it to Zecora. She opened it and used a teaspoon to measure the mashed-up seeds, bringing it close to her face, making sure it was just right. However, she reared it too close and caught a whiff of the pungent odor the mashed-up seed made. She lets out a violent sneeze. Spike stood on the opposite side of her cauldron. He was splashed with the mashed-up powder and the incomplete potion itself. Zecora, quick to recover, covered her embarrassed/blushing face. He whipped his face with his hands and patted away the liquid on his legs.

"Bless you." He said. Zecora offered him a handkerchief and re-did her measurements without any sneezes. The potion becomes clear as water, and the steam goes from brown to white. Without hesitation, much to Spike's surprise, she plunges her head into the water and drinks. She flicks her head back up and swallows the remaining potion in her mouth, with a loud gulping noise following.

"So...did it work?" he asked. She looks over to the drake and pauses for a moment before returning her gaze. A grin plagued her face.

"The potion has worked. I feel lighter below my core. Thank you for all your help & sorry about before." She said, giving him a small hug. He hugs her back and bids her farewell.

On his way back to the Crystal castle, Spike found himself at the center of attention. In the beginning, he was oblivious to the attention he was receiving. Just some simple waves and glances from bypasses as he walked by. But, as he got closer to home the people grew in boldness. The mares were winking at him and staring him down. He felt like he could feel them touching his body as he walked. And, from the stallions, he received whistles and waves. Sure, he's received many a dozen of these similar actions by the people in the Crystal empire. He's always chalked them as fan-based actions over anything else. But, to receive this kind of affection from the people of his hometown was weird. Feeling overwhelmed, he started walking faster. Just enough to get him home quicker without drawing even more attention. The moment he met the doors, he slammed them shut behind him.

"Is it me or is everyone acting weird...er than normal in Ponyville?" he said aloud.

"Spike? That you?" said a voice in the distance.

"Yeah. I just got back from Zecora's. Where are you? I need to ask you something." he said.

"In the kitchen," she replied. Spike walked to the kitchen. There he saw Twilight eating a vegan sandwich while reading what looked like a heavy Chapter book. Spike pulled up a seat next to her after making himself a cup of water. Upon Twilight seeing him, however, she felt an indescribable feeling of nervousness and passion for the drake. Almost as if she was-

"So, what did y-you w-wanna ask me?" she said. Spike noticed she sounded a little different but left it alone.

"Have you noticed anything strange with anypony lately?" he asked, taking a sip of his water.

Raising an eyebrow, she asked, "W-What do you mean by strange? Like Pinkie pie strange or sudden High School Musical strange?

"Try Crystal Empire strange. I passed Mayor mare on the way home. She winked at me right before blowing me a kiss. I didn't know how to respond, so I just waved and smiled," he said, taking a big gulp of water. All the while, Twilight watched him as he drank.

"Wow. T-That's ugh,...new. Did...did anything else happen." she asked, hiding her face with her book.

"Yeah. All the mares were winking at me, and the stallions were cat-calling me. Did I do something to hurt Discord's feelings or something?" he said. He let out a heavy sigh of disdain and stood up.

"I'ma go take a nap. Wake me up in an hour, please?" he asked, taking one more sip from his cup before walking out.

As he left the room, Twilight instantly found herself stuck asking questions. She took a sip from her cup of water "Why was I feeling nervous? Why did I jumble my words? Why was I blushing?...... Wait a sec,...I didn't fix myself a cup of- ...AHH! WHY THE HELL DID I DRINK THAT?...and why am I regretting spitting it out?

Twilight sat in her office space, still reading her book from earlier. However, she found herself constantly re-reading the same page over and over again.

(Whining/ noises) "Ugghh, I can't stop thinking about him. What is wrong with me right now?" she said. While Twilight tried to focus on her book, Starlight knocked on her door.

"Huh. She must be nose deep in one of her new books," the unicorn thought. Starlight has been staying inside the Friendship castle for quite some time. She has been learning what friendship truly is and a lot of magic from Twilight.

"Well, I'll leave her be. I wanted to see if she wanted something from the store. I'll go see if Spike wants something," she said. The magic apprentice made her way up the stairs and dawned near the drakes room. She lightly knocked on the door, pushing it open, leaving a rather large crack open. She stepped inside slightly.

"Hey, Spike. I'm heading to the...t-t-the......Sweet Celestia!" she manages to get out. Before her eyes, the dragon was sprawled across his bed, with his rear plated in the air. Starlight let her eyes wander all over his body, ranging from his "cute" face to his "cute" rear.

"How come I've never noticed how cute he is?" She whispered. Starlight could feel her mouth salivating.

"What are you doing?" asked a voice. Starlight felt herself jump in her skin and quickly turned around.

"Twilight! Ohh, sweet Celestia, you scared me," she said, smiling. Twilight just blankly stared with her arms crossed. She cleared her throat.

"Well, I was about to ask if he wanted something from the store. I tried asking you earlier," she said.

"I was reading earlier but couldn't get into it," she replied.

"Pfft, figures you were...wait. WHAT," she shouted.

"You could get into reading. YOU. Yeah, ok. And I'm Celestia. Nice to meet you," she said, holding out her hand. she smacked her hand away.

"Yes. That's right. It happens to people sometimes.

"Normal people, maybe. I've caught you reading a book about the history of paint. Twice!" she exclaimed.

"Well, it happened. Now step aside, please. I need to wake up Spike. He Personally asked me to wake him after an hour has passed." she said, a small amount of sass left around that word. Upon hearing those words, Starlight felt a cold bitterness in her mouth.

"Oh, you don't have to do that. I can wake him up. I was about to ask him a question anyway. Why don't you Try reading again? Maybe you can get half of the book finished this time!" she wittily replied. Before either of them could say anything else, however-


Both girls jumped and hid behind the door, peeking through the crack. Spike woke up and stretched his arms before grabbing his phone.

Who is it?
Rarity! Hi!

Both girls rolled their eyes in annoyance, " Course it's Rarity."

I was taking a nap.
No, no. I'm wide awake.
Is it for an order or something?
Ok. I'll be over there shortly.
(ends call)

Spike hops out of his bed and rushes out of his room. Practically swinging open his door, he races downstairs and leaves the castle. To avoid getting caught, Twilight flew above the height of the door while Starlight used her magic to do the same. They land after seeing him leave.

"What do you think rarity wants him for?" Starlight asks.

"Three guesses. Either gem hunting, something involving fashion, or they're going out shopping together," she said.

"Rarity's lucky to always have Spike at her beck and call, don't you think," Starlight said.

"Yeah. I know what you mean. She is...
(tire screeching noise)
Hold on. Time the Hell out," she shouted, startling Starlight.

"Woah, what's wrong?" she asked.

"This. Us. Right now." She said. Starlight just looked confused. "Think Starlight Think," she said.

"What are you going on about? I-

"Answer me this, when you think about him, does your heart start beating fast?" she asked.

"Ye-yeah. But-

"When you saw him sleeping, what did you feel?" she continued.

"I...I felt. I don't know. I felt a sense of-

"Passion! Maybe nervousness?

"Well, maybe not nervousness, but yes. I did feel myself getting excited being relatively near him. Is something wrong with me?" she questioned.

"Not you. Us. And if I'm right (which I usually am) so is everyone else," she finished. Starlight took a moment to breathe as she listened to Twilight retell what Spike told her after he got home.

"So, everyone in their mama wants to get down with Spike. Did I hear that all right?" Starlight said. Twilight nodded in kind.

"We should go after him then. Who knows what crazy might do to him?" Starlight insisted, rushing to the door before being intercepted by Twilight.

"Whoa, hold on. This is Ponyville we're talking about here. I'm sure My Spikey will be fine. This isn't the Crystal empire. You and I can figure out what's causing us to feel like we're stuck in heat in the meantime." She said. Starlight raised an eyebrow, almost questioning her reasoning. She was gonna ignore it, but then a realization hit her.

"Who the heck says he's your Spikey, ugh, I mean...your Spike. He could be mine too." She argued, closing the door to Twilights Study.

Spike walked through the streets of ponyville once again, off to see his hard-time crush, Rarity Belle. In Spike's eyes, she was the image of perfection and beauty. He felt like he was walking through the air when she came around him. So, to earn her affection, he responded to her every beck-an-call as often as possible. Sure, he knew others thought he was playing a losing game but, to him, even something as small as a glance was enough. And he'd be lying if he said that he wouldn't love it if Rarity ever acted as the crystal ponies do to him.

"Hey Spike!" shouted a voice from afar. He turned his head to see Cherry Berry walking up to him. Spike's known all of the people here in Ponyville for a long time, but he's only ever spoken with Cherry now and again. He thought it was weird that she was running up to him so suddenly, considering how everyone else was acting, but he ignored it cause she was his friend.

"Hey, Cherry. Nice to see you again," he said.

"Thanks. where you off to?" he questioned, swaying her hips as she walked next to him. Spike noticed this and shuffled away slightly. It didn't help as she immediately walked closer again.

"Uhm, Just heading to Rarity's," he finished. A loud scoffing noise could be heard right after he said that. He turned his head to her, and she looked down at him smiling. "Just clearing my throat," she said, making a fist next to her mouth and letting out some fake coughs. Spike ignored it, against his betterment, to question her. The two walked in silence for a moment as Cherry slowly wrapped her arm around Spike's shoulder. Finding it creepy, he moved her arm as politely as possible without trying to look mean. This
also didn't help as she countered by changing targets from his shoulder to his hips.

"Oh, I know. Let's get lunch. My treat," she said, now holding Spike by the waist.

"Sorry, but I told Rarity-

"Oh, pretty please. We've never really gotten the chance to talk you know. Besides, I'm sure she'll be fine waiting for you for a bit.

"I...I guess it'll be fine," he said. A big smile dawned on her as she jumped in place, hugging Spike.

"But, only for half an hour. Deal?" he said. He held his hand out to her, but she ignored it and wrapped her arm around his hip as fast as she could. "Deal," she finally said. She speed-walked with him attached to her to the closest cafe she could find, only slowing down as they got close. Upon getting closer to the entrance, Spike could feel the peering eyes around him. He recognized those eyes that gazed upon them, for he had the same eyes before. He had those eyes every time he saw Rarity going out with someone. Eyes's filled with anger and jealousy. Only this time, he was the subject of the starring. He thought,"I didn't realize that Cherry was so popular. Maybe they think we're on a date. Wait, does she think this is a date? I hope not.".

"Hey Cherry, maybe we should head somewhere else. Someplace with fewer people," he pleaded. Cherry glanced at him with a smile before saying, "Relax, they're just jealous I'm having lunch with the AMAZING PERSON YOU ARE," She said, practically screaming that last part. He then realized they weren't jealous or angry at him but at Cherry. He thought, I should hurry and finish this quickly. They entered and were greeted by a pink and yellow-haired mare with a green apron.

"Hi there, Welcome to StarBuck. What can I get you?" she asked, making eye contact with only Spike. She batted her eyelashes before Cherry snapped her finger in front of her face. The mare shook her face and shot a glare at her. Not wanting a fight, Spike spoke up.

"Whatever you recommend!" he managed to say. The clerk and Cherry stopped their staring contest and looked over at him.

"Of course sir. Someone as modest as you would love you, I mean, would love our Spyro Frappuccino." She said. Cherry took over and ordered two of those, along with some fruit hand sandwiches before walking back outside. The two sat down at a table with an umbrella, and Spike sent a quick message to Rarity explaining that he bumped into Cherry.

"So Spike, what been going on with you? Is anything exciting happening recently?" She said, clasping her hands and tilting her head. He set his phone down on the table.

"Oh, nothing. Taking a break from teaching at the school for a while. Helping out some friends here and there or just relaxing in general," he said. They talked for about 5 minutes before the mare came out with their drinks and sandwiches, Spike being noticeably larger than Cherry's. She was going to say something, but Spike stopped her.

"Why don't you have mine, Cherry? I'm not feeling all that thirsty anyway," he said. She gasped just loud enough for him and the mare to hear her before thanking him. Grabbing the cup, she glared at the mare before taking a sip. Spike ignored Cherry's behavior and pulled out a small ruby to give to the waitress as a tip.

This is a tip?! Not only is he hot, but he's loaded. She thought. In most parts of Equestria, the common currency is bits (aka coins), so someone paying in gems often symbolized that they were very wealthy. The mare saw this as a chance to get her get back at Cherry and dropped the metal tray she was holding to make a scene.

"Sir, I couldn't possibly take this tip. It's too much," she said, acting aloud enough for others to notice them.

"Please. I insist. I don't carry bits around with me anyway. Besides, you look like a hard worker. You deserve it." he said. Everyone was quiet after hearing the mare's sudden "fumble" and listened/watched. Spike could hear them whispering. He heard things like "that's so sweet," "he's cute and loaded," and "That mare he's with struck oil dating him." That last piece displeased him. Burying down his emotions, he smiled warmly at the mare. She felt like her heart could melt. All the while, Cherry could feel herself falling for the drake harder than she did before. Seeing such a generous side of him made her only want the drake even more than before. In her eyes, the sunlight couldn't be at a more perfect angle, highlighting his radiant smile, his scales glistening as if he jumped out of a hot spring. She crossed her legs in delight as she fumbled with her hair. The waitress bowed before taking the tip, picking up the tray, and walking away.

Spike and Cherry talked for about ten more minutes, all while Spike tried to find a window to address the oddball in the room. If she thought this was a date. He looked down at his phone before realizing it had almost been half an hour.

"Oh crap, look at the time. It's been fun, but I gotta get moving," he said. As he grabbed his phone, Cherry grabbed his hand.

"I have to get-" Spike found himself unable to say anything else as he felt something soft pressing against his face. His eyes widened as he realized Cherry was kissing his cheek.

"Thanks for the awesome lunch. Maybe, we could do this again sometime?" She said. She enveloped Spike in one last hug and tried to cup a feel of his soft yet plump-looking rump. Coming back to reality, he blocked off her hand with his tail and lightly hugged her back. He felt a cold shiver forming down his spine and his heart beating uncontrollably and uncomfortably fast, with a rather unpleasant memory forming in his head.

"Yeah, I'll uhh, think about it sometime. Bye," he quickly finishes before dashing in the direction of Rarity's Boutique. After Spike left, people that were watching gathered around Cherry as she tried to finish the drink Spike gave her.

"Was that your Boyfriend?" They all asked in different ways. She only gave them one reply.

"Not yet."

Author's Note:

Hello everyone. I'm happy to be back writing to you all. Lots of stuff has happened in my life since the last time I posted anything. I suffered a loss in my family, and I'm currently adjusting to college life. But I'm going to be making an effort to try and stay up to date. Pls, let me know what you guys might like from me and how I can improve these fun stories.