• Published 19th Jan 2023
  • 435 Views, 1 Comments

Sagittarius - The Unseen Island, Avalon - Netap

A Human wakes up as a Centaur on an island isolated from the rest of the world.

  • ...


You know those history lessons they told us, Smith?

Long Ago, The world was ravaged by a race of bloodthirsty warriors, Centaurs and Gargoyles, Lead by Lord Tirek, Prince of Centaurs.

Some say that Tirek's sheer brute strength could move entire mountains, Others say that he could take away an individuals magic, Some say he ate their magic instead.

But what all historians could agree on was the way he was defeated.

Betrayed by his brother, Lord Scorpan, Prince of Gargoyles.

Scorpan, who was disgusted with his brothers brutish and bloodthirsty ways hatched a plot.

With the assistance of an esteemed Unicorn named Starswirl, Scorpan lured his brother into an Ambush, were all of his magical power was then taken away and his armies were decimated.

Scorpan and Starswirl built a prison, one so secure and secret only select few know of its location, all just to imprison the now weakened and defeated Tirek.

The Prison was called Tartarus, where Starswirl, now a leading figure of the Three Pony Alliance, would put only the worst of the worst. Criminals so evil they will never again be allowed to see the light of day.

And after Tirek's Imprisonment is where the stories usually end.
The grand evil has been defeated, never to terrorize Equestria again.

But what about Tirek's armies? What about Prince Scorpan? Where did they go to?

History books simply tell us that Scorpan took the armies to a far-away location, where they would be safe from Tirek should he ever escape, But after nearly fifteen-hundred years you would expect to hear something about them.

Did they simply vanish from the world? Did they perhaps all go extinct like so many other ancient races seem to have? Or are they still out there somewhere? Hiding and Waiting for Tirek to escape his prison and take his vengeance.

These question haunt me, And I must find an answer to them.

By the time you're reading this note, I most likely would already be on the first train out of town.

I am deeply sorry Smith, But I can not stay here with you with these questions plaguing my mind. Tell Bright that his Papa loves him very much, and that when he next sees him, His Dad will have answers to one of histories greatest mysteries.

I Truly Love you Apple Smith,
Yours Truly~ Gold Delicious.

Deep inside a jungle, In the ruins of an ancient building, a black and blue body stirred as the rays of the sun entered from between the cracks in the ceiling.

The body was covered head to waste in Cobalt Blue skin, contrasting with the black horse that seemed to make up its lower body.

On the creatures head, were two, small, corkscrew shaped antelope horns.

Below the horns, was a head of short, white hair, going down until it reached it's shoulders, which were connected to two muscular blue arms, each ending with a hand of three fingers and a thumb.

Soon the suns rays entered through the small cracks in the ceiling of the ancient building, hitting the creature in its face, forcing it to wake up.

"Ugh, My head" I Groaned, as I felt myself lying on a cold stone surface.

"How much did I drink last night?" I stood up groggily, my body swaying from the vertigo of standing up when you're obviously drunk.

I squint my eyes open to see that I'm in some kind of cold, grey building, with its walls barely holding.

"I made it to a construction site? Ugh, The Dean is going to kill me." I Unsteadily walk towards a doorway leading outside.

The place is surrounded by trees, I close my eyes and rub them with my hand before Opening them again.

"Yep, Definitely off campus, I'm fucked" I unsteadily walk towards the tree line, intent on getting back to the dorms before somebody notices I'm missing.

As I get closer to the trees, I tripped.
Trying to catch myself before I hit the ground, I grab one of the tree branches with my strong blue arms...


I don't get any time to think as I quickly sober up in shock to the fact that the tree I was just grabbing seemed to have withered into a husk.

I quickly let go of the tree, ignoring the fact my skin is blue for the moment, and notice a small line of silver smoke exiting the tree and flowing into my hand.

After the silver smoke stops flowing, I take a look at myself, Lower body of a horse, okay, blue skin, manageable, four fingers, understandable.

"I seem to be dreaming" I say out loud, before taking another look at my fingers, and then at another nearby tree, before I slowly walk, (Or is it trot? Seeing as I'm some sort of Centaur now) Toward the tree.

I place my hand on it and I look at the process.

Where My hand was placed, the tree started to crack, slowly losing color, turning from brown to grey, spreading across the tree until most of the trunk is grey and cracked, the leaves have already shriveled up, and when I let go of the tree.

Another line of silver smoke starts leaving the tree and heading towards my hands, doing a little circle around my palm before seemingly going inside my skin.

"Is this some kind of life-steal power? Am I a Lich? What kind of dream is this? Jack the Centaur Lich? That sounds dumb"

I take another look around myself before I start giggling like a kid in a candy store with a twenty dollar bill and no parental supervision.
Soon all the trees around the ancient Mayan looking temple I found myself in have turned into cracked grey husks.

And I finally notice a difference.

"Have I gotten buffer?" That's right, my muscles are bigger than they were before I absorbed the trees.

Now, I already had muscles, don't get me wrong, These guns are one-hundred percent pure, natural, beef.

But my already impressive muscles seem to have gotten more defined. Where previously I looked like I worked out, now I look like I Worked Out.

"Wait a minute" I stop and think to myself, "Does using Tree Eating Life Steal Touch count as using steroids?" I look at my four blue finger before I clench my hand into a fist.

"If it does, It doesn't matter since I'm dreaming, soon something magical will happen to showcase how fantastical dreaming can be." I say as I look at the trees I haven't husked out?

Dried up? Sucked?

What do you call taking away a plants life-force?

As I trot closer to the trees, I start to feel a rumbling in the ground, slowly getting stronger.

"An Earthquake?" I whisper as I try to keep my body stable.

The rumbling slowly gets stronger, And If I remember one rule of how to survive an Earthquake, It's to stop, drop and roll!

Or was that something else? I never really had to use the knowledge of how to survive an earthquake so it left my mind.

The hollowed trees started to flake apart, their dry grew bark turning to ash as the quaking grows louder and stronger.

The Quaking gets so strong I can barely stand, I grab another tree to hold myself before needing to soon let go as the tree hollowed away.

"What kind of dream is this?" I shout to myself out loud, trying to hear my own voice over the loud rumbling.

Before it all stops.

The Quaking, the rumbling, the noise.
All gone.

I try to stand up from the ground, I didn't even notice falling, before I finally stand at my full height once more.

I look around to see that most of the hollowed trees have turned to ash, and the small building I woke up in has collapsed into rubble.

"What the hell was with that earthquake? Let's change the dream" I try and think of a comfy mattress, hoping to will it into existence.

[ESCAPEE SPOTTED] A loud robotic voice suddenly sounds out from around me.

"Who's there?!" I try and call out, Maybe this dream has some plot I must follow in order to move on the next dream.

Soon heavy footsteps sound near me, And I turn to take a look

"Who are you-" I try and ask before I pause as I see it.

Towering over the tree-line in front of me, at a height of a four story building, is what seems to look like a giant stone-robot Elephant.

The stone making up its body is covered with glowing blue lines, similar to glowing lines of circuitry, all converging at a large brown gem in the middle of its forehead.

Its long trunk, easily the size of a bus, hovering menacingly above my head, casting a shadow.

"What ar-" I end my sentence short as I quickly roll out of the way of the trunk slamming into the ground in front of me.

[ENGAGING ESCAPEE] The robotic voice come out of the elephant's stone mouth.

I quickly scramble back on to my hooves just in time to move out of the way of another slam.

I turn away from the giant robot monster and start running, Galloping?

Away from the Stone Elephant, but also deeper into the forest.

Author's Note:

Okay, Hi there, Its Ya Boy, Netap, or Netapel if you wish to call me that.

So, This is a mostly original plot, following up on some unanswered questions from the show.

Most notably as you will learn, "What Happened to the Centaur and Gargoyle?"
And "What Happened to Scorpan?"

Hopefully The main character won't be too annoying for you guys, He's kind of a college jock.

He might seem like a dumbass, Which he is, but he will get more serious in the future chapters.

Mostly when he realizes he isn't dreaming.

But yeah, this story will take place on a deserted Island, Ark:Survival Evolved Style, But in the world of My Little Pony.

Please comment what you think so far,
Hope you all stay for the ride.
Thanks for reading :)

Comments ( 1 )

Interesting start.

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