• Published 12th Feb 2023
  • 431 Views, 8 Comments

Fun Time Valentine's Day - AmethystMajesty25

Love is in the air in Canterlot City. How will this day unfold for Fun Time Rush?

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Chapter 2 (Part 1)

The next morning, Fun Time Rush were at the studio at Golden Rock Records to record a new song while Shelly Shores and Golden Rock watched from the control room.

[Beryl Fury, Diamond Glow, and Mind Tempo (feeling gloomy)]

And right from the start

You had to break up my heart

Then Cloudburst suddenly stepped in to sing his part, but he's feeling cheerful.

[Cloudburst (snapping his fingers)]

And now I can't find all the pieces


“Cut! Cut!” Golden signaled angrily. “Cloudburst, this is a song about when a girl destroys your heart. So, why are you singing SO HAPPY?”

Cloudburst answered, ‘Uh… because I'm happy?”

“Cloudburst, just try to remember the first time a girl broke your heart.” Shelly told him.

Diamond informed her, “Uh, for that to happen, he'd have to get a girlfriend first. He tried to have one yesterday at thr movie theater, but he failed.”

The boys laughed until the mood changed for Cloudburst.

“That's it!” Cloudburst shoved Diamond in response.

Diamond fired back with a tackle and started fighting while Beryl and Tempo tried to break up the fight. FTR shouted indistinctly until Golden pressed a button labeled "Stop Fight" and the alarm buzzed. The boys covered their ears as it started hurting from the alarm.

Shelly was impressed, “The new "Stop Fight" button works.”

The boys fell down slowly until Golden stopped. He told them, “I'll make some changes to the breakup song and record you all later. Separately.” The boys agreed and nodded until Golden continued, “Until then…” Golden hit the "Eject" button and the boys were ejected out of the recording booth by a contraption Golden installed.

“And the new "Eject" button works too.” Shelly noted.


The FTR boys were at the community center to take a break. At the pool area, Diamond, Cloudburst, Tempo, and Watermelody were hanging out together in a table.

“Ooh, how about her?” Cloudburst pointed to the girl across the pool.

Limestone Pie? She has anger issues.”

The gang noticed Limestone putting on her hockey mask and brought out a chainsaw, making them scared.

“Okay, how about her?” Cloudburst pointed to the little palm tree plant on a pot, relaxing on a chair.

“That's a palm tree.” Tempo answered.

Diamond chuckled, “Heh, she's mine.”

“Well, I'm desperate.”

Watermelody told him, “Cloudburst, love isn't just going to run up with a corn dog in one hand and a hockey stick in the other and throw itself at you.”

“Well, I can't wait anymore. I'm going to talk to Limestone.” Cloudburst used his mouth freshener spray and left the table to talk to Limestone. Seconds later, Cloudburst ran away from Limestone with her hockey mask and a chainsaw in her hand.

After that, Watermelody stood up and asked her boyfriend, “Hey, want to help me with my audition?”

Tempo answered, “I can't. I'm going to the Solar Winds of Venus exhibit at the planetarium with Twilight and Donnie. You want to join us?”

Watermelody rebuffed, “It's a really big audition. I play a princess bot who falls for this super handsome hair model spy prince.”

Diamond suddenly popped up with his prince costume and said, “I am in! Give me an hour to absorb the script and get into character.” He exited the pool area and entered the main lobby where Beryl was located and read the script. He got into character and spoke the lines from the script to Beryl, “I don't care if she's a robot, but I am in love with her.”

“Good for you,” Beryl said as Diamond exited the main lobby.

Shining Star entered the main lobby and apologized, “Sorry, my scene ran late.”

“But, now that we're together, I just want to say that I am sorry about what happened yesterday. So, I got us some smoothies as a sign of forgiveness.” Beryl held up the blue and pink smoothies on each hand.

“I feel bad leaving you at the movie theater alone. So, I am sorry about that. And thank you for the smoothie.” Shining Star reached for the blue one but Beryl pulled his arm back.

“The blue one's mine,” Beryl reminded her.

While Shining Star was going to get the pink smoothie, she stopped as her phone rang. She picked it up and looked at the text. Star groaned, “Ugh. They just moved up my next scene. I have to go. But, this means I'm free for lunch.”

“Picnic at the park.”

“It's a date,” Star smiled and took the pink smoothie with her and exited the main lobby to shoot her scene for her TV show.

Unbeknownst to Beryl was Quibble Pants and Virtue watching from the reception desk.

Quibble reacted, “Ooh, somebody better jump in the pool, because they just got burned.”

Beryl turned to see the two and Virtue replied, “What are you talking about? She just made another date for lunch?”

“Don't you guys have anything better to do?” Beryl questioned them.

“Cable's down till tomorrow,” Virtue answered.

“But watching relationships succumb to the pressures of Canterlot or Applewood is pretty good,” Quibble explained.

“Wow. Something we actually agree on.” Virtue agreed as the two gave each other fist bumps while Beryl shook his head and walked away in annoyance. “Plus, I got some friends of mine who can join us. They know a thing or two about these types of situations in a romantic relationship.”

“Hmm, sounds interesting. Who do you have in mind?” Quibble asked as Virtue started thinking.

Meanwhile, Cloudburst was alone at the park feeling sorry for himself.

Cloudburst reciprocated Watermelody’s words, “"Love isn't just going to run up with a corn dog and a hockey stick."” He sipped his drink from a straw and was actually sitting in a table with a palm tree plant. He told the plant, “What do they know?” He facepalmed on his helmet, “I need a girlfriend bad.”

Suddenly, a roller skating girl accidentally bumped into Cloudburst without warning.

“Dude. Why don't you…” Cloudburst turned around to see a beautiful girl with a corn dog and a hockey stick in each hand. He dropped his jaw in awe and was infatuated by her appearance.

The girl apologized, “I am so sorry. I should have known not to try to play roller hockey while eating a corn dog.”

“I'm Cloudburst. I like summer breezes, winter snowstorms, and seeing cats get what's coming to them.”

“I'm Minty, and I love all these things too.”

The two were completely falling in love with each other after that.

Meanwhile, Watermelody and Diamond Glow were dressed up in their costumes while rehearsing a scene for the audition at Tempo’s house.

Watermelody said, “We mustn't! You're a hair model prince who's spying on my country. And I'm... a robot!”

“If it's so wrong, why were you programmed to love?” Diamond took off his shades while Watermelody turned around.

“But what about the bomb?” Watermelody gasped and they both saw a pillow attached to an alarm clock (portraying as a bomb)

The clock was ticking and Diamond picked it up and threw it away.

Watermelody read the script, “Then the explosion throws us into each other's arms.”

They nodded and held each other’s arms.

“BOOM!” Watermelody signaled. “Then we uh…”

The two read the script and knew exactly what they're suppose to do. They tossed the script aside and kissed quickly. However, they kiss again in the heat of the moment until they screamed, realizing it was wrong.

“What was that?!” Watermelody questioned Diamond.

“It was in the script!” Diamond panicked.

“But not that second one!”

The two freaked out in unison, “Then why did you kiss me? No, you kissed me. NO! YOU…”

In the middle of that moment, Tempo entered his house after going to the planetarium and greeted them, “Hey, guys.”

Diamond and Watermelody screamed.

“How's rehearsal going?”

Watermelody panicked, “Uh, a bomb just went off and then my character runs away. BYE!”

“Mine too. BYE!” Diamond also panicked and exited the house along immediately with Watermelody.

Tempo was confused and shrugged it off until he still had a souvenir in his hand. “Ooh, Venus.”

Back at the park, Beryl set up a spot on the grass for his picnic with Star and waited. Then, he got a phone call from Shining Star and picked it up.

“Hey, I'm at the Canterlot Park.”

“I'm still at the studio,” Star replied, still working at production for her TV show. “The show is doing really great, and they want me to go do some interviews. I'm sorry.”

Beryl replied, “But I set up a really girly picnic and everything.”

However, Star saw the limo driver holding up a sign that has her name on it at the studio. Star informed her boyfriend, “I'll be back as soon as I can. Bye.”

The call ended and Beryl was all alone again until he saw Rainbow and Scootaloo sitting on their chairs watching.

Rarity explained, “Now, the scorned teen wonders if this relationship will survive.”

Sweetie Belle continued, “And rejection causes him to lose his appetite, and now his picnic will go to waste unless…”

The two girls looked at the food on the picnic area. Beryl was annoyed by it and said, “Just sit down and eat.”

Sweetie Belle and Rarity joined Beryl for a picnic and started eating the food for lunch. During that moment, Beryl saw Cloudburst at a distance, “Is that Cloudburst? In slow motion?”

The Belle Sisters looked ahead to see Cloudburst and Minty running towards each other and held their arms out in slow motion. After that, they met each other and hugged. Together, they had fun playing hockey at Tempo’s house before going to the dentist, splashing water by the fountain, buying T-shirts, and eating corn dogs near Golden Rock Records. During that moment, Golden Rock was spying on Cloudburst with his binoculars.

“Yes. Operation "Break Cloudburst's Heart" is going exactly as planned.”

As Shelly entered the room, she heard what Golden just said. “Operation what?”

Golden lied, “Operation nothing.”

Shelly marched towards the window and saw Cloudburst with his date, Minty. She then realized what was going on and asked, “Don't tell me that you hired an actress to make Cloudburst fall in love with her so she would break his heart so thst he could perform better on the breakup song?”

“Is that wrong?”

Shelly crossed her arms, “What do you think, jerk?”

Back at the community center, Diamond and Watermelody were looking through the window to see Tempo reading a book about Venus.

Watermelody suggested, “We have to tell Tempo.”

“See, that would be wrong, because then he'd know about it.”

“Diamond, relationships are nothing without honesty. Tempo needs to know that his best friend and his girlfriend kissed. Now go.”

Diamond looked dumbfounded, “Why me? Your lips weren't exactly innocent bystanders.”

Watermelody weeped, “Please don't make me tell him, Diamond. I can't! I can't take the heartache!”

Diamond spoke up, “Okay. Fine. I'll do it.”

“Great,” Watermelody stopped acting. “I don't know why I don't book more acting parts. Let's go.”

The two went outside while Quibble popped out of his desk as Virtue, Rarity and Sweetie Belle swung by.

“Hey, anything new on the Beryl and Star front?” Sweetie asked Quibble.

“Forget that. Wait until you hear what's going on with Diamond and Watermelody.”

The girls reacted in excitement, “Get out!”

Diamond walked naturally towards Tempo while Watermelody spied on him by the beverage table.

“Hey,” Tempo saw his best friend.

“Hey, buddy. What's up?”

“Did you know that Venus is considered Earth's brother planet because of its similar size and shape? Kind of like galactic best buds who never let each other down.”

While Watermelody listened, Diamond frowned, “Yeah, listen. There's something I have to tell you, uh, something that I am really, really sorry about.”

“Then, dude, come on. You can tell me anything. We're best friends.”

“Okay, good, Good. Then here it goes. I…” Diamond stopped and cleared his throat. “I…”

Tempo was confused until Diamond said, “I… used your toothbrush.”

“Oh, what?” Tempo stood up and reacted in disgust while Watermelody panicked and ran away.

Back at Golden Rock Records, Shelly placed one of Golden’s music awards on the table in front of her manager with her baseball bat in hand.

“If that girl you hired breaks sweet Cloudburst's heart, I'll break every one of your music awards.” Shelly threatened to use her bat on the other three awards at the back.

Golden warned her, “You wouldn't dare!”

Shelly uses a baseball bat and swings at one of Golden's awards as a demonstration.

“Ah!” Golden screamed and one of his awards was broken.

Then, Cloudburst and Minty entered the building. “Hey, guys.” Cloudburst greeted them while they hid their stuff. “I want you to meet my new girlfriend, Minty.”

“Hi,” The two adults greeted his girlfriend.

Minty replied, “Yeah, actually, Cloudburst, there's something I need to tell you.”

With Shelly threatening to use her bat on his music trophy again, Golden immediately said, “You're thirsty, right? Cloudburst, be a gentleman and get your lady friend a beverage from the pantry.”

“Anything for my sweetums,” Cloudburst smiled and ran off to the pantry while Minty held her arms up, telling him "What now?"

“New plan. Do not break up with him,” Golden told Minty and then he told Shelly before grabbing his trophy back. “And do not break this.”

“Well if you don't want me to break up with him, then what do I do?” Minty asked.

Golden turned to his assistant manager and she answered, “Don't look at me.”

Later, Beryl and Shining Star were back seeing each other at the pool until her phone rang.

Beryl’s smile diminished and Star apologized, “Sorry?”

Her boyfriend dropped the pool stuff and the two walked away from each other, blowing their date off again. With Quibble and Virtue watching with popcorn in their hands, Watermelody approached Tempo.

“Hey,” Watermelody greeted him.


“Are you mad about what Diamond told you?”

Tempo honestly answered, “We're cool. I mean, I was a little upset at first, but he was honest with me.”

“You were only a little upset?”

“Hey, if he wants to put his mouth on something worn-out and gross, that's his problem.”

“Excuse me?!” Watermelody exclaimed.

Tempo blew a raspberry and continued, “I was about to dump it anyway.”

Watermelody vented, “Oh, well, if you were going to dump me anyway, maybe I'm glad Diamond and I kissed.”

“You and Diamond kissed?!” Tempo gasped, slamming his hands on the table.

Diamond rushed in to calm him down, “Look on the bright side, now you don't need a new toothbrush.”

The moment froze when Tempo balled up his fist and was ready to punch him with Diamond covering his face while Watermelody looked on in horror.

“Ooh, this is getting good,” Quibble smiled and Virtue agreed as they were ready to throw a piece of popcorn in their mouths in a freeze-frame.

Author's Note:
  • Minty is a redesigned MLP G3 character.
  • Minty was voiced by Tabitha St. Germain in the MLP G3 series.
  • Minty’s appearance is based on the EQG version of Applejack.
  • Applewood is a parody of Hollywood.