• Published 2nd Jan 2023
  • 278 Views, 33 Comments

Save My Life 2: Legends Never Die - Microsoft_2016

An alliance between the Predecessors and Successors of Equestria coming together to defeat a common enemy that is threatening their home.

Comments ( 4 )

Yeah, things have gotten complicated and they will only continue to get complicated as we get closer to the climax of the story. But don't worry, there will eventually be a resolution to all this. I guarantee you that.

I still don't like how Starswirl and the Pillars are still badmouthing the others for "trusting" Knuckles!?

How the hell are they even "heroes" for saying that crap, is beyond me!?

So, Knuckles is part Spider-Man now?

And was it really necessary to involve the US Government to be hostile against our heroes now!!??

Due to a stupid misunderstanding and slight xenophobic/specist from a certain a**hole that deserves to not only be fired, but also be sent to the Sun!!!! :twilightangry2:

Seriously, it's bad enough with the two main villains, and the internal issue between Knuckles and the Pillars.

And speaking about this Jeremy jerk. This guy should be fired, get kicked in the balls, and banished to the Sun!!!!

I have a good feeling that if Celestia, Luna, Candace, and Shining get involved with this. Jeremy is going to be in big trouble with the foreign power of Equestria. :pinkiecrazy:

And does this idiot also realize that Santa Claus/North, Jack Frost, Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy, and Sandman were right there!? Not to mention a ice queen, her sister, and friends from another different kingdom?

You don't just detain frickin ROYALTY!!!! They should be consequences.

I bet Jeremy is definitely going to stay in the naughty list and be in trouble with the failed diplomatic situation, after what happened here.

P.S. I thought that by this point either Elsa or Twilight apologize to Knuckles for what they did in the previous chapters by now? I mean come on, now is a good time?

Oh believe me. There will be a lot of apologizing going on in this story. I know it seems ridiculous for Twilight to be slapping Knuckles like that, but she is naive. She does not know what the full story is. She is trying to, but as you may tell, trying to get Knuckles to talk about it is like trying to move a mountain. Twilight will apologize to him at a later point. I guarantee that.

The only reason why the Pillars are bad mouthing the Mane Six for trusting Knuckles is because they are still prideful in their thinking. They come from a time period where if you were wrong about something, it was an insult to your intelligence and most would see you as stupid. Obviously, that is not the case anymore, but with how time works in Limbo, the time jump happened in the blink of an eye. They are still considered heroes by the masses of Equestria because they know about their legacy and the legends they were. They've only heard the stories about them, they don't know them on a personal level like our main characters of this story do. Remember, like Celestia said, Starswirl never understood friendship the way Twilight did, and with his current behavior, you can see why that was the case. The same could be said for the other pillars.

As for Jeremy, I agree he is a jerk. But he was Knuckles' childhood bully for a long time, so he's taking his problems out on him. Also, it was necessary to get the federal government involved because we are dealing with plane travel, which automatically makes it a federal issue. After 9/11, they took this issue a lot more seriously. Obviously, we know it's just a misunderstanding, but we live in a polarized world these days where everything gets blown out of proportion and certain people get unnecessarily targeted. It's happening now and it was happening in 2019 too. I can't say that Equestria's federal government will get involved and do diplomatic talks with the United States, but Jeremy will get in trouble for this mess later on.

As for trying to detain royalty, Jeremy was simply following what the law says about illegal immigration. I know it's ridiculous, but he does have a case here. They did come here unaccounted for and didn't tell anyone that they were here. Knuckles is the only one that is an American citizen and he could have told someone that the group was traveling with him. They could have bought that excuse. But he had a lot on his mind and he was doing his best to keep the situation on the down low because he didn't want to create a world wide panic. Plus, there are a lot of movies out there where the authorities have been against the heroes for a long time because it's only the heroes they see. The criminals usually disappear and there's nothing left behind, so I'm just going along with that example.

Knuckles did become part Spider-Man, but that's paving the way for something much bigger in the future way down the line. You'll just have to wait on that.

I know a lot of this doesn't seem to make any sense, but I can promise that it will all get resolved at the end of the story. Any loose ends that might still be there will get tied up in a nice little bow. It will all make sense in time, so just trust and wait, my dear friend.

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