• Published 26th Nov 2022
  • 146 Views, 5 Comments

In Too Deep - Zom-B

An oceanographer travels deep into the ocean and makes a estounding dicovery that will change the world forever.

  • ...

The Call

Author's Note:

Heyoo, this is my first story i'm posting here so sorry if it isn't that good. I'm not a super experienced writer so if any of you have any critiques or suggestions on it i'm open to hearing them and thank you for reading.

My whole body felt stiff as stone, as I just sat there staring straight into the trench below me. Fearing the thought some kind of creature would shoot out from somewhere in the dark and pull me into the depths with it. I shook my head a bit to get the thought out of my mind.

I slowly brought my hoof up to look at my wrist monitor to check my oxygen levels. It read '89%'. lowering my hoof back down I took in a few shaky breaths and managed to regain some of my composure and moved my gaze back down to the trench.

"Well, I made it this far.." I thought to myself as I slowly started swimming down into the abyss.

The light on the top of my helmet helped illuminate my path as I descended avoiding any plants and the jagged edges of the cramped trench walls. It probably goes without saying that I was starting feeling to feel very claustrophobic in the enclosed area but somehow I managed to convince myself to keep going. During the first few minutes of swimming straight down I couldn't really see anything of interest say for the walls of the trench which was nearly completely covered with plant life and a few odd looking fish swimming about.

So I kept my descent going until eventually I caught sight of something out of the corner of my eye. It was illuminating a bright green light from one of corners of the wall. As you would expect, curiousity got the better of me and I went to go see what it was. What I saw left me very intrigued to say the least. It was some kind of strange symbols engraved into the rock.

I examined it more closely for a few moments in hopes that I might be able to figure out what it mean't, I couldn't but for some odd reason it seemed so familar to me. I quickly moved my hoof down to pull off the camera strapped to my scuba saddle and aimed it at the symbols then snapped a shot of them.

When I pulled the camera away from my face another green light caught my attention, another symbol. It looked similar to the other. Then I turned myself over and realized there were more of them. They were lined up nearly perfectly and moved all the way down and trench almost like a trail. I strapped my camera back on and began following them.

I finally got to the last one which lead me to a more open area out of the enclosed space. I slowly and hesitently reached a hoof out, it had a very strange heat to it. It startled me a bit so I pulled my hoof back. I'm not an expert on magic but anypony could see that this probably wasn't something to mess with. I stared at it for a more moments then I noticed the stone here seemed strangly smooth and straight than the rest of the walls. I moved head up and felt my eyes widen as I realized what the symbol was carved into. From what I could see, it looked like some kind old dilapidated building made completely of stone with what seemed to be hieroglyphics and more symbols carved all over the front. It was almost completely covered with plant life and it looked like it was on the verge of collapsing into itself.

I felt a rush of exicitment come over me as I looked over it, examing of the engravings closely. I couldn't make sense of any of it, so I opted instead to check out of this mysterious building.

I quickly made my way in and looked around the interior of the whole building looked to be made up of only one very large room. There was more strange symbols all over the walls as well as some kind of hieroglyphics illustrating what looked like space as well as some bizarre looking creatures. But what I found even more intriguing was the large statues in the middle of the room standing side by side around a stone table with some kind of pentagram carved onto the floor around it.

I swam up to get a look at the statues first there were about four in all. The first one I recognized to be some kind of dragon though what struck me is that it head several different heads, three to be exact. The second similar to the first also had an appearance but it's body resembled a serpent. The third, simply put looked like a giant squid only the bottom looks to have a large gaping maw with several layers of sharp teeth it looked big enough to swallow a ship whole. The fourth and final one was the one I found the most interesting, it stood on two legs with arms drapped at it's sides it's head looked an octopus and attached to it's shoulders was a pair large webbed wings a lot like a dragon.

I continued to examine them for a little while longer then moved my gaze back to the table in the middle of them. It had chains attached to each corner with cuffs on the ends of each chain. If i had to guess it must've been some kind of sacrificial table the kind you'd a cult using. It seems whoever was here before must've conducted some sort of rituals that required sacrifices. I would lying if I said the thought of that didn't make my stomach churn a bit.

From the statues and the illystraions on the walls I could assume that they were most likely to who or whatever these strange statues were. But, Who were they? What were they? Where did they come from?

I kept pondering these questions for moments then I turned back around and started observing the statues again more closely, until my gaze fell on the one in the middle again and I froze completely as I stared it in the eyes. I could've sworn it was staring forward before. It was glaring down right at me. I jumped and stood there staring right back at it. Before I knew it it's eyes shot open, glowing the same bright green it felt it was pericing my very soul. I jumped back in horror and it started speaking to me.

"Mgah'n'ghft ya" it said in a deep crackly voice as I moved back.

"L' nog ya!" It stepped forward reaching it's stone clawed right for me.

"Na'ah'ehye ya!

I screamed and put my hooves up in front of me and closed my eyes then everything went black.

I ripped my eyes and I quickly shot up from my bed panting and sweating profusely. I wipped my head around to take in my surroundings, no statues, no symbols, no old buildings. Just the familar sight of my room back in the submarine. I slowly took in a few deep shaky breaths to compose myself and gently laid myself back down.

"Another nightmare Dr. Zoom?" I heard the female voice of my Ai speak.

"Y-Yeah...it was a little bit worse this time.." I replied. I've been having them for a months ever since me and my partner, Sky Drop came down here. At first I just shrugged them off some as some kind of bizzare dreams my mind was giving me caused by the fears of being miles deep into the ocean. But as time went on they happened more frequently and were always the same. I woulf find some scary trench, follow some strange symbols, find some old building, then i'd wake up and that was it. I began thinking there was something more to them because, as I said they came frequently and were extrenely similar to each other. It all just seemed to surreal to be a coincidence.

"Shall I get Dr. Drop?" The A.I. asked

"That won't be necessary Doris, But thank you." I said slowly rubbing my eyes with a groan and stretching a bit.

"Very well, Dr. Zoom. Dr. Drop is in the kitchen making breakfast."

I gave a small nod and muttered a simple "thank you" in response before I pushed myself out of my bed.

I grogilly walked to my closet, opened it, and pulled out my grey company issued jump suit with my name imbroded into the top left side as well my lanyard that held my blue access card. I turned around and made my way to the door putting the card to the scanner and it slid opened.

Comments ( 5 )

Well, this is a pretty decent start! Kinda fast paced, but good!

Don't you mean oceanographer?

Ooh yeah whoops lol :p

Thank you! ^^ i'll try fixing up the pacing

You’re welcome! I look forward to the next chapter!

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