• Published 31st Oct 2022
  • 255 Views, 6 Comments

LUCKY CHAINS - discordjediknight

when discord the draconequus cop vanishes, a year latter a mystrious pony by the name of lucky chains with a interisting past comes to town. could he be the one who killed discord?

  • ...

chapter 9 im still here

A few days later, it was finally time for the big concert. It was a massive turnout, with royalty and tons of species out. Fluttershy stood behind the stage and breathed in and out. She didn't notice the tall figure walking up behind her.

"Nervous?" Lucky Chains asked, making Fluttershy jump a bit, not expecting her.

"Oh, lucky it's you." She breathed. "Yeah, I am a bit nervous. I used to have such..."

"Stage fright." He said, finishing her sentence. "You used to be so much more shy. You changed."

Fluttershy smiled, a bit weary. "I've grown." She turned his back to him. "I have to. For him."

Lucky chains crossed his arms and leaned against a pole. "Well, I think he'd be proud of you then."

Flutershys eyes widen.

"Discord right? Rumor has it he was the first to be reformed. And he was your friend, right?"

She turned back to him and nodded with confidence. She opened her mouth to say something but was called on stage by apple jack. "Fluttershy your next come-on."

"Good luck." LC said as AJ took her hoof and pulled Fluttershy to the edge of the curtains.

"Good luck". LC said under his breath with a longing look.

Fluttershy just before she went on stage brought out her songbook. She was going to turn to the page of her song when she stopped on another and looked at its lyrics. It was the last thing Discord ever left her. And it was half burnt. The only thing that could be read was the words, And what do you think you'd ever say? I won't listen anyway, you don't know me And I'll never be what you want me to be...

A tinge of pain crept over her heart, but she closed the book. She knew what song she wanted to sing. And it was the one she wrote for him.

"Now folks, if it isn't one of ponyvills finest. The hero of harmony. The element of kindness her self Fluttershy and her new original song, a chaotic heart."She walked out a bit nervous but confident that she knew what she was doing.She breathed in and out as she walked over to the mike and closed her eyes.

She then gripped her songbook a bit tighter as she thought of him…
"Please be with me." She whispered to him from beyond. She opened up her eyes, but she saw no one. She saw no one but her friends. Not a pony in the crowd, except maybe an animal or two. In the middle, she pictured a happy draconiquis. The draconisquis waved his lion paw as if to say, get on with it. Being impatient, as she always remembered him.
She helped a little giggle at the thought. As she began to sing.

Chaos comes, chaos goes, but a friend never leaves you.

I once knew you. I once saw you. Only for who you were. Please stay with me, don't go and leave. Please stay with me and stay with me Chaos comes and chaos goes, but I still stand here your friend, please don't go. I know you have a question. I know you wanted answers. If you stay with me, I can answer the can answer the. Come and have a cup of tea, come stay with me. I know you felt free. When you were with me chaos comes and goes, but I will always be right here. And what do you think you'd ever say? I will listen every day. I do know you, and I only want you to see. What you are to me. What you are to me. Chaos comes and goes, but ill always be right here. If you need me. Come stay with me.
The crowd all cheered as the song came to an end.
Fluttershy took a short and small bow as she said thank you in the mic. She waved at them as she left the stage.

As she walked backstage a voice called out to her, making her heart skip a beat for a minute. "Good work." She turned around to her disappointment it wasn't who she thought she heard. Lucky Chains stood in the same spot before she left to sing. Chances were he never even moved during her song.

"You did great out there."

"Thanks." She said, trying to hide her own sadness. She really was hoping it would be Discord standing there cheering her on. "You and your singers did great tonight."

"Yeah. Crystal was a really great. But Cherry had the most fun out there tonight, I think we all can agree." He said as he gestured his head over in her direction.

Cherry was jumping up and down along with pinky pie and ra ra. She looked extremely happy and excited.

Fluttershy smiled at that. "Wow, I've never seen her like that."

"She hasn't been like that in a long time. I only ever seen her that happy once. It's nice to see that one more time." LC said as he watched her.

"Yeah, so you have the last of the songs tonight. Everyone is excited to hear your new single."
Lucky Chains shrugged. "Yeah, well." He smirked, but it quickly faded away."Thank you, Fluttershy. It was nice seeing you and the others aging."

That statement with his tone of voice sounded strange to her. It was almost as if he was about to say goodbye or something. But before she could answer him, lucky chains were already heading to the curtains.
Lucky Chains walked out on stage and looked at the crowd of people. Everyone shouted his name. He chuckled at it and spoke into his mic.

"How's everyone doing tonight? You all having fun?" The crowd went wild with whistles and cheers.
"Yeah, yeah, it's a fun night, right? Yeah. Now I know everyone has been super excited to hear the new song, am I right?" He paused, letting the crowd cheer. He waved his hoof to quiet them down.
"Yeah, well, before I go on with this last song I want to explain just a few things." The crowd still smiled but fell quitter to let him speak.

"Every song you hear. Is not solely mine. I've co-worked on these songs with everyone I work with. And not just the songs but the dances as well, really… we're all like a family over at LC corporation. And while I don't do it very often, I want you to know that each of us puts our heart and soul into each piece you hear each dance you see. Each Lyerick that is song is drawn from either me or a member of my team. So if you can give it up for them."

LC then clapped, and the crowd joined him. "Now that's all true except." The crowd fell silent, aging.
Except for this new song. Really, it's not new. It's a revised version of my first song. The first song I ever wrote. Long before I became LC. Long before we stood here.
The crowd cheered louder.

"I wrote this song which no one heard. I wrote it for a friend. Kinda a joke. You may ask, is it a love song." He took a few steps and with his smile, you could tell he was being sarcastic. "You may ask if I was going to make her my special, some pony. Well no. No, all I wanted was just tell her I'm still here." Silence fell over the crowd.

L.c. turned back around and pulled out a chair and sat on it, grabbing not his usual rock guitar but a simple one. "So it may not be your cup of tea. But I hope you'll listen because I mean every word of what I'm about to tell you."
Fluttershy grew curious about what this song was gonna be. He started playing the guitar as background music also flowed in from the band.

I have a question to the world, Not an answer to be heard Or a moment that's not held in your arms, And what do you think you'd ever say? I won't listen anyway, you don't know me And I'll never be what you want me to be

Fluttershy froze as she heard those words. She knew them well. Discord wrote them in her music jernole a year ago.
And what do you think you'd understand I'm a boy, no, I'm a stallion they can't take me and throw me away, And how can I learn what's never shown? Yeah, I stand here on your own They don't know me 'cause I'm not here

She never got to read past the first few lines, let alone ever believed she'd be able to hear them sound. She could feel her mouth drop open as a silent gasp of air struck her lungs.

And I want a moment to be real, Wanna feel things I don't feel, wanna hold on and feel I belong, And how can the world want me to change? They're the ones that stay the same, They don't know me 'cause I'm not here
Fluttershy couldn't hold in the tears as her heart began to ache.
And you see the things they never see All you wanted I could be Now you know me, and I'm not afraid And I wanna tell you who I am, Can you help me be a stallion? They can't break me as long as I know who I am
She set a hoof to her chess. Rainbowdahs noticed it and patted her on the back, making her jump.
You alright flutters. She asked confused.
And I want a moment to be real Wanna feel things I don't feel Wanna hold on and feel I belong, And how can the world want me to change? They're the ones that stay the same They can't see me, but I'm still here they can't tell me who to be 'cause I'm not what they see Yeah, the world is still sleeping while I keep on dreaming for me And their words are just whispers and lies that I'll never believe
A smile crept over Fluttershys tear-filled face. As she turned to Rainbow and nodded. Rainbow set an arm around her friend. Yeah, its, an interesting song. Kinda heavy if you ask me. Rainbow shrugged and nudged her arm.
And I want a moment to be real Wanna feel things I don't feel, Wanna hold on and feel I belong And how can they say I never change? They're the ones that stay the same I'm the one now 'cause I'm still here I'm the one 'cause I'm still here I'm still here,

He held the last note as long and as loud as he could. I'm still here!!!,
As the song ended he got up, a small tear could be seen in his eye. He wiped it away and waved goodbye to the crowd as they all cheered. T"hank you... Thank you all, have a good night." He waved by. He then went behind the curtains and met the others backstage.

"Haha, way to go. Yeah, great song." Said the dancers. He nodded at them.
But slightly coughed. "Have you guys seen my assistant anywhere?"

"Oh, Cherry, I'm pretty sure she went to party with that pink pony and a couple of her friends.

"Oh, good um." He coughed aging. This time harder.

"You alright," they asked him. "Yeah, sometimes the high notes get the throat, you know." He coughed aging. "Cherry usually has my cough syrup, but there's more at my trailer you guys go on ahead and enjoy the night alright, ill catch up." He told them, and before they could respond he took off towards his trailer.

Fluttershy walked back behind the stage. She congratulates all that were there. "Hay flutters coming to the after-party?" Pinky cheered out towards her. "I'll be there, I just want to thank Lucky first. After all, if it wasn't for him, we wouldn't have raised so much."

"Ok, but I can't promise your cake will be left over, so hurry back."

Fluttershy smiled at her friend and walked over to the base player. "Any idea where lucky chains is?" She asked. "Uhh yeah, he's just heading back to get his cough syrup. Must be hard singing all those high notes. You can find him at his trailer, tell him to come join us. We even talked Cherry into it, and she hates parties." Fluttershy chuckled and nodded before she headed out.

As she approached the trailer, she felt her heart skip a beat. She couldn't contain her smile as his words from the other day rang in her head.

"Yeah, sorry about that. I know the feeling. Truth is, I once had someone I cared deeply about too. Heh. I ended up hurting them, and when I did, I decided to become someone else. Someone they'd be proud of."

"I am proud of you." She whispered to herself as a tear ran down her face. She didn't even realize that, she began running to the trailer. Felling extremely happy. She approached grinning with the full intent of tossing opening the door and giving her best friend a hug. She was right at the door. She put her hoof to it's about to swing it open when she noticed an odd liquid sensation on her hoof from the door.

She paused in confusion and looked down. Her hoof was still on the bloody door handle. Blood all over her hoof. She gasped loudly, almost shrieking as a loud thump followed by some banging of medal come from inside the trailer followed by the sound of coughing and hacking.

Fluttershy tore open the trailer door and jumped inside. The banging meddle was from several pots and pans that fell from the stove. The thump tho. Fluttershy mouth dropped as she ran over to the body on the floor. A small pool of blood flowed from his mouth as l.C. continued to cough.
Fluttershy lifted his head onto her lap. He rolled over slightly. As he took another, coughed some more.
"Flu.. flutter,"

"Shush, I'm here. I'll uh. I'll get you help. Ill," she looked away.

L.C. set his hoof on her chin and drew her attention back.

"It's good to see ya." He smiled.

Fluttershy eyes watered slightly. As tilted her head closer to his. Dis… Dis. She tried to speak, but choked on a whimper.
"Fluttershy," he softly spoke as he set his hoof on her cheek. Just before coughing, aging. "I'm dying of…"
She then ran her hoof threw his hair, catching him off guard. Now inches away from his face. As she began to close her eyes. She was closing the distance between them.LC closed his eyes, preparing for the contact. When they were centimeters from his face, he flung back in laughter.
"Hahahahahahah. What is this, a romance novel?" He coughed. And pushed himself off her lap. He couldn't contain his laughter.

Fluttershy stopped mid-blush, confused and embarrassed.

"Hahah. You deserve an Oscar for the acting, my dear." He said as he coughed.

"Huh… but, but. Your. You were dying. I was gonna."

"Gonna what give me the kiss of life. Ha. I'm dying of laughter, that's what I'm doing. That's what I was about to say when. Hahahahahaha." He tried to get up but stumbled back down.He then coughed more blood while laughing.
"You're coughing up blood!" She screamed in concern.

"Uh-huh? So I am. Look, all I need is some medicine from the pot." He said, pointing at a cauldron on the stove.

"I fell trying to measure it out. Can you just give me a Viles worth?" Fluttershy shook her head clear of the shock annoyance and flustered expression. She got up and measured out a vile of the purple liquid. She then thought about what Cherry said the first time she met her.

"My father… Or at least father figure. He's very sick."

L.c. is very sick. And whatever this purple liquid was, it was helping him. She pored it into a vile and handed it to him. He struggled to stand up, leaning against the cabinet of the trailer. He drank it whole.

"I thought this was cough syrup." She said.

"Heh its, a little more than cough syrup." He then filled a few more viles. "Can you help me put on my jacket? I hate asking you any of this. But I'm afraid my body is in such a roughed-up state it's hard to even dress myself." She nodded as he wiped the blood from his mouth. She held the jacket up, and he pulled it onto his shoulders. He set the vials in his jacket pocket.

"So why are you here and not at the party?"

"Discord I uh..."

He laughed. "Discord?"

"It's you. Uh right." She bit her lip and looked down.

He smirked. "You can't be sure of that."

"But, but the song. Its."

"Discords dead. And I'm afraid l.c. isn't far from it."

She looked up at him. He began to clean the blood off the floor.

"Let's just say I have a magical disease and leave it that. This medicine is a powerful anti-magic potion."

Flutershyes eyes widen. "Antimagic. Like..?"

"Heh. Move on Fluttershy." His red eyes glared at her. "I told you every single person in my crew is a reformed criminal. Look too close into this, cause any trouble and I won't hesitate to protect my friends. Id rather die."

He said it so coldly and darkly, the dark shadows of the trailer made him look extra menacing.
Fluttershy eyes widen. Then a small smile set across her face. As another memory crossed her mind.

"What you did for me. I want to do for others. I want people to see me as a hero instead of… he trailed off.
You're doing it then.

L.c. expression didn't change.

"You're being the hero that you wanted to be. But I don't understand. Why do this and not work with the law?"
"The laws, exactly why." He turned his back to her and stepped away. Setting the bloody napkins in a trash can.

"Discord was a monster. And he's remembered as one."
"Not to me!" Fluttershy shouted. "Not to spike, not so Twilight or any of my friends."

"Doesn't matter. Discord ended up hurting you. His magic is too unpredictable. Plus being the lord of chaos, that's all he ever caused."He looked over his shoulder at her, his red eye in a death stare.

"I will be remembered as the guy who helped out hundreds of people. Reformed hundreds of criminals, the so-called law demes unreformable. The one thing I didn't tell you is that everyone here is level 4 and below." He smirked, "including me. Stay out of my way. For your own safety. I don't want you involved."

"But, but Discord I can help."

"No! Youl ruined everything I worked so hard to build. I'm about one step away from dying. I'm not gonna let my reputation be destroyed before I do. Cherry will continue my work along with all those I have higher. Never aging, will anyone ever be in prison forever. Everyone deserves a second chance. Right."He coughed aging no blood this time, but the force of it was enough for him to stumble over and fall on the couch.

"How long."

"What ?

"How long do you have?"

A long pause of silence fell between them. Only to be broken by Fluttershy's aging.

"How long do you have to live?"

"Who knows. A year. A month. Hell, maybe a few days." Discord leaned back against the couch, making himself more comfortable. "When you're mortal, you don't know when you go. You just live day to day to the best of your abilities. Happy as can be. Tho, I must omit. I'm probably closer to the grim reaper than most, huh?" He chuckled, a very recognizable laugh.

"Discord I." She said trying not to cry.

"Lucky. Discord, I lost you once. Please I." To her surprise, discord hugged her.He was so quick to get up, Fluttershy didn't even see him move.

"You know, I'm not really in the mood for a party. Until Cherry gets back, you mind just hanging out with me? There's some tea in the cabinet." She decided to just hug him back as she uttered the words "Yes."
LC smiled but didn't release his hug. The two stood there for a long time.

Little did they know someone was watching and listing. Chrystal stood grinding her teeth, her hoof shaking in anger.

Author's Note:

hilariously before I had this in chapter format this was the first thing I wrote for this story. no joke.
nice to finally have it written and done and out, for you all to see.
discord singing im still here to Fluttershy was one of the first ideas I had that led to this crazy fan fic.
almost done guys, almost done. I'm determined to have this story done by the end of the month. fingers crossed I get there.