• Published 31st Oct 2022
  • 255 Views, 6 Comments

LUCKY CHAINS - discordjediknight

when discord the draconequus cop vanishes, a year latter a mystrious pony by the name of lucky chains with a interisting past comes to town. could he be the one who killed discord?

  • ...

Chapter 3 WHAT I WANT

The next day went as well as Discord expected. He stood in the throne room of princess twilight who was pacing back and forth in front of him. Spike sat in his chair next to the throne just up a few steps. The five other heroes of harmony and ambassadors of the other lands sat on the steps behind Twilight. As well as several other ambassadors of other lands. A kirin male, a hippogriff male, and a buffalo girl also stood by their side.

"And you said it was an earth pony that got away from you?" Twilight asked after several paces.
"She had very unique potions but yes she was an earth pony. I saw no wings or a horn of any kind."
"That's not much of a subscription," AJ said.

"Yeah, I only know she was pink. She kept under the gray cloak. If she was a Pegasus surely she would have at least tried to fly away but didn't."

twilight continued her pacing. "And yet her code of threat level is still placed as 11."
Discord slowly blinked before he responded. "She serves no major threat. Not one of those potions she had looked dangerous. I looked through that entire book she had with my own magic. There was nothing in there that could hurt any pony. She's just a crafty thief. As such my job's done." He flung his arms in the air.

"Still, tho to be able to escape discord." Rarity said in with a worried tone to her voice.

"Yeah, I know. Even I would have trouble catching her." Rainbow replied.
"Well while she's not a danger, she's still a major criminal and needs to be caught and brought to justice. I am treating this as a level 3 threat. We don't know what her plans are, and she must be stopped"

This statement made Discord take a step forward toward the alicorn.
"Now hold on your highness," he spoke with a tone of mockery.

"She poses no major threat.

Twilight turned to him. "I must keep all I can safe, Discord." she turned her gaze to the ambassadors in the room. "If someone can escape you then they pose a great nuisance to the alliance."

"You can't she…" Discord tried but stopped when Twilight turned her attention to him.
"And why are you in such concerned about this?"

Discord stopped realizing he's been caught. He opened his mouth to say something but found no words.
Applejack smiled and stood up from the step she sat on, Pinky along with her. She had a scroll in her hoofs. The two of them approached twilight. Applejack said something in Twilights ear. Twilight and Pinky giggled in response. Twilight grew a smile and a slight chuckle escaped her throat.

Discord shook his head knowing what this was about. Fluttershy tilted hers in curiosity. Twilight took the paper from Pinky.

"Care to explain this Discord?"
Knowing what it was he shrugged. "Not really."

"What is it?" Dash asked excitedly.

"Oh, just a long list of several reformation requests made by an anonymous police officer for several highly dangerous criminals, all of which have been denied. Let's see. Their's about 4 of them for Tirek, cozy glow. Three for Crysalis. 4 for Daser a changeling who stood against the king and almost killed are good friend Thorax. And the list goes on and on and on. "

Twilight let the scroll fold out. It rolled across the floor.
"Most recent one was for a Donny Dandy to be put in the reformation program all of which have one thing in common. All are threats above code five which can't be placed under reformation." Twilight handed the paper back to Pinky who rolled it back up.

Pinky Spoak mid-giggle. "There was also a request for Donny Dandy's home address in order to question his family."

"A request that wasn't made" Applejack responded with a smile.
Discord's eyes flew up in annoyance.

"However." Applejack continued. "It seems that she did require money from an anonymous source with a note that said sorry for the trouble."

discord remained silent as ever.

"When the handwriting was of course analyzed a faint trace of magic was in the air, they all lead back to the same source who wrote the formation request."

Discord crossed his arms. "Are you done?"

Fluttershy grew a large smile upon hearing about the good deeds her friend was trying to do.

"Nope." twilight said with a serious tone.

"You do realize that all reformed creatures are placed with a tracking spell."

Discord nodded. "Yes, they're all under a watchful eye to make sure they don't mess up aging. Specifically me." He moaned. "You know I can snap my fingers and turn that off right."

Twilight rolled her eyes. "You know lying about your whereabouts, gaining access to private information with no permission granted to you. Things like this, done by someone in your position Discord, could round you up in prison. I mean lying on your last report as well for darn sake."

"Laying? How did I lie?"

"You said that after escorting Fluttershy home you're left to your own but magic reports say you stayed with her that night."

Discord tilted his head in defeat. "She was scared and asked if I'd stay over. Happy," he growled.

"I have a heart." He complained threw greet teeth.

"Careful it doesn't wind you up in jail" Twilight replied with a chuckle.

"I'll keep that in mind, what's your point princess? He said the word princess with as much emphasis as possible to show how over the conversation he was. It only made the girls who knew him laugh. Spike even cracked a smirk at him.

"Do they not deserve a second chance?"

Twilight blinked and open her eyes wider at him. "That's sweet Discord but there…"

"they're just like me" he demanded. "Why was I different? Why am I forgiven but not them?
Twilight turned back and walked slowly over her friends towards her throne.
"You were under special circumstances. When we let you go we had the elements of harmony now they're gone. All we can rely on now is trust. Trust that must be earned. None of which they show any signs of being trustworthy unlike you."
"But that's just it. You still have a major power at your disposal. It's standing right here!" Discord pointed his thumb at himself.

She sat down on her throne looking as regale as can be. Her hair begging to sparkle and wave.
"And what of starlight? You trusted her with no access to the stones. What makes her different ?!" Discord demanded.
They all turned to her highness curious of what she would say next.
Twilight slowly blinked before she spoke aging." in a motherly tone she began. Altho her tone did not match her expression. She kept it stern and regal.

"The fact is, I lent a hoof to her and she took it. That's what makes her different. We've tried to lend our hoofs to those in friendship, but some hearts can not be changed." Twilight said with a mellow soft but powerful tone to her voice.
"We tried to lend a hoof to Crystalis. She refused, same with Cozy Glow. And do you really think Tirek, after betraying you twice is worth of such a gift?

"I betrayed you once as well." Discord replied.
"Like I said. Special circumstances. You are more than just another, we have to watch carefully. You have become a friend to us Discord. You have our trust. They do not." twilight gave a slight shook of her head with the last statement.
"If I have your trust then let them in the reformed program. Trust me that I can stop them if things get out of hand. "He said holding his lion paw in a fist.

The princes put her hooves together as she leaned back in her throne a little further.

"I shall think it over. For now, keep an eye out for our mystery girl. Treat her as a code 3. You are dismissed."

Discord stepped back and bowed with his claw over his chest. As he came back up he snapped his fingers and vanished. As soon as they were sure he was gone, the room erupted in laughter.

"He's such a softy." Spike called out, they all agreed with nodes and laughter.

Later that same day Fluttershy set up a picnic with some tea in the canterlot guardians. It was Tuesday and if it wasn't for the events of yesterday she would be having tea at home with Discord. But she didn't mind just since the guardians of canterlot were kept as nice as ever.

With a white flash of magic discord appeared with a plate of cucumber sandwiches and cookies. She smiled at him which he returned. But she could tell something was bothering him. He sat down as she poured him a cup of tea.
"Sorry, you got called up so suddenly because of me."

"Oh, no discord it's fine. I can't believe an Earth pony has such abilities. No wonder Twilight held an emergency meeting with the hero six and ambassadors. I just don't know what to tell my students tomorrow. I mean I don't want them to think we're in danger. But being called away so quickly surely will scare a few of them. "

Discord chuckled"Eh just tell them it was a surprise party for Twilight or something." He told her.

"Discord I'm not gonna lie. She replied with a slight chuckle."

" Ok fine if you want to scare them tell them the truth. You know a little lie here, and it isn't that bad."
She raised an eye at him with a slight glare.

"Ok, ok, I get it. Jeez." He ate a cookie with a grin.

"So that was nice of you to give that family your paycheck." She added.

"I don't need the money. I can literally poof anything into existence if I want to."

"You don't have to hide discord." She continued. "You're a hero."

Discord rolled his eyes aging.

"Hay strength doesn't make a hero. A true hero stands up for what they believe in. Haha or at least that's what I believe."

Discord tilted his head. Towards her. Tho he smiled His expression showed he didn't want to talk about it.

"I think if we could get all the bad guys to be reformed. Especially the big three...."

"Can we change the subject already?" He groans.

Discord smiled big and bright and fake. It was not fooling her.

"Discord tells me what's wrong,"

He dropped the fake smile and turned his gaze away from her.

"It's nothing. After all, I am a monster. He said irritated."

"DISCORD!!" she yelled

He sighed. "It's just." He showed his teeth. "Do you know why I hate gravity?

"Hmm. oh uh." She tried to but couldn't give an answer.

"I asked do you know why I hate gravity?" he lowered his face towards hers. She shook her head in response.

"It's because I never understood it. Why? Why would anyone want to be tethered to the ground? Why would anyone want to be tethered to something? To someone. To be pulled down like… like." He shook his head. "Like chains.
He pulled his head back." And now." He stopped, he dug his eagle claw into the dirt, and pulled it up. "Now that I've been shown friendship… "He held the dirt in his claw as his eyes began to glow. "Now that I understand it, I hate it even more."
He clenched the dirt in his fist as some of it fell out. He tossed the dirt. And stood up raising to his full height, towering over her.

"I am the lord of chaos. I am the embodiment of chaos and disharmony itself." … he was starting to shout.

"I am a god. I have all the power to change all of reality and bend to my will with a snap of my fingers." He snapped his talons as a gesture. "I used to do just that. Only that. Change it to what I want to be. To be a perfect chaotic reality. And not just the space around me. I can change everyone's mind to whatever I want. I can have them bow to my every will if I want but the one thing I can't do is..." He sighed aging. "I can't change anyone's heart. Even if I make them do what I want I can never change how they truly feel. That power can only be achieved through the magic of friendship.

“Now that I understand it only makes things worse. They view me as a monster. And I understand why. And why wouldn't they? I'm the master of chaos. Isn't chaos generally a bad thing? I mean I, I'm not the lord of evil or anything but. He stepped away from her. Isn't chaos inherently evil? He turned his back to her. Fluttershy sat with her head tilted in confusion. Celistiah only freed me thinking my powers could be useful. But have they really? Have I not caused more trouble than I'm worth for the kingdom? For the country. Even when I have good intentions I mess things up. All I wanted was to try and give Twilight and you guys some encouragement. Since everyone was nervous about ruling the kingdom. And we all know how that went. “

He ran his eagle claw over his head. "Wasn't this whole friendship thing just a way to control me!?" He snapped at her and spun around.

Discord! She yelled.

“That's what I thought when I joined Tireck the first time”

“I walk around like gravity affects me he told her taking a few steps. I pretend like it does. Because I want it to but…"

Suddenly he floated midair. His feet hovered a foot off the ground.

"It doesn't. You all gave me 2ed chances, hell even thirds. But it is not because if you are not my friend's, then I could just snap my fingers and do what I want."
Discord! She shouted and stood up standing firmly.

He sighed shaking his head. Chaos is a force of nature. Isn't my nature than bad? He closed his eyes and fell backward onto his back but still hovered a foot over the ground.

"Discord, its in no one nature is to be bad. Fluttershy said mid-giggle."

"EXACTLY!!!" He chuckled at her. "What you did for me, I want to do for others. I want people to see me as a hero instead of…" he trailed off.

And I know how those who suffer my fate feel. Including the big three.

Fluttershy laughed.

"Gee thanks, friend. He said. Opening one eye at her.

"Oh, discord. It's normal not to understand everything. "

"Oh yeah, then you tell me, What the heck friendship and love and that mushy stuff is. I apparently still have much to learn" He said as he landed on the ground with a thud making her jump. She smiled and stood over his head. He looked up at her with one eye.

"Let me ask you. Do you like being around your friends? Do you cherish your time with your friends?"
He nodded.

"Do you want to protect them?"

He nodded aging.

"Well, then congratulations you're chained. "

He chuckled at that.

"And you know the magic of friendship. We've taught you the elements of harmony long ago. In a way, you were our first student. As for love well." Fluttershy looked away.

"One day you'll find somepony. Or in your case someone. In particular, you want to protect and cherish more than anything. And if you are lucky they will return the feeling. That is love... or at least what I think."
He smiled at that and dropped his gaze.

She sat down and continued the conversation."I've seen that happen to many creatures. Animals and ponies. You'll find it one day discord."

He smiled." Have you then."

At his question, she could feel her face grow red. Uhh no. no not me personally no." she said nervously.
He looked back up at her and grind. "Oh, now you gonna have to tell me." It was obvious from that response she had somepony.

"Uhh no don't know what you're talking about," she said nervously.
"Oh come on we're friends, I won't tell." He laughed. No, no. besides, I doubt he'd like me back anyway." she waved a hoof at him.

He sat up and turned around to her. "Don't sell yourself short. After all you're kind-hearted and a good person. Who…" He stopped when he noticed she was staring with Her head slightly tilted with a smile on her face.

"Never mind" He shrugged and rolled his head to one side.

"Come on let's finish the tea." She told him and got back up and sat next to him.

"Thanks, professor." He teased.

With a smile she spoak." Tho I do have a question for you."

He waited for her question as he took the cup of tea.

"What was it like to date the lord of chaos?" She giggled.

He rolled his eyes slightly. "God that guy. I'm telling ya, all he did was talk about himself. I asked him how his day was, and he only replied with what I already knew since I was there. Then he get mad when I brought it up and asked him to talk about something else."

She giggled at the absolute absurdity of Discord's story. Just then the princess walked out and joined them.

"Oh hi, Twi, care for a cup," Fluttershy asked offering her one.

She smiled at the Pegasus. "No but I have some good news for Discord."

Discord looked at her with curiosity

Discord sat ,sitting in a locked room at a table. laid out on the table were several files which he only smirked at and shook his head. Just then the door behind him opened up. 2 royal guards entered the room escorting three prisoners of Tartarus. As they walked in silence their chains shook and made noise. The two soldiers had the three sit across from Discord.

"Oh come on, not him again." An old centaur complained.

" Ugh, what now. Come to gloat" A tall skinny black pony-like creature with web-like hair complained.

"Oh come on guys we're all friends here." A little pink alicorn said.

"No, we're not cozy!" The other two yelled at her, but she only manically laughed in response.

Discord laughed alongside her. "No, no you should listen to cozy glow. She has the right idea here."
The three looked at Discord. "What is it this time discord?" chrysalis muttered annoyed. Discord snapped his fingers and their chains disappeared. The guard quickly reacted setting their spears to his neck.
"How do you think I'm gonna reform them in chains? Relax none of them have their magical abilities. I already took that away."

The two guards side-eyed one another and step back pulling their spears up.
"Wait what!!!" The three yelled.
"Yep welcome to day one of your reformations. I'm in charge."

Oh, this can't be happening. Shouted chrysalis. Tirek just slapped his own face while cozy glow tried to use her magic. She sighed frustrated when it wouldn't work.

"Oh, this is gonna be a long process" Discord muttered. He thought back. After he requested to reform the three villains twilight called up the friendship alliance, and while most were skeptical they agreed under the terms discord took their magic away. And now he was in charge of reforming the three worse villains known to Equestria.

.... And pause right there hay You know I could go over every little detail of how agonizingly slow the conversations were with these guys, or I can sum it up with three paragraphs.
1 Wednesday. Discord went and met with them. Tried to get on their good side with lunch and some fresh air. And Tiriek tried to punch him. Chrysalis ignored him. And the only one who would say anything was cozy glow who utterly just wanted to use friendship as power.
2 Thursday discord hung out with them one by one alone. Tirek, even as an old grump tried to work out. Discord played cards with Chrysalis who only grit her teeth and glared at him the whole game, and cozy glow. She wouldn't shut up enough for Discord to get a word in that day.
3 Friday. 3rd time's the charm right, Nope wrong. What went wrong with that
day? Discord thought as a team-building exercise, they'd play buck ball. , and let's just say buck ball was not the best idea. Tirek kicked the ball too hard, Cozy couldn't catch it leaving Discord's face cartoon flat against the grown as Chrysalis walked over him like a rug.

Now we get to the fun part. Saturday. You can thank me later trust me the rest of that week was boring anyway.

"And then the ball hit me so hard I was flat as a rug witch Chrysalis made sure to take every step she could over me. I still have her hoof prints stuck to my face." He said angrily. Discord turned and the left side of his cheek showed an imprint of the changeling's hoof. He put his thumb in his mouth and blew up the rest of his face like a balloon until the hoof print was gone.

Fluttershy took a few steps and handed some blueberries to a flamingo. Her rabbit jumped after her with a little basket of food himself. Angel stopped by a little squirrel and gave it an acorn to it from his basket.
"Fluttershy what am I doing wrong?" Discord asked as he tossed some meat to a wolf and a snake to feed them. Which they happily took as he continued.

"Literally I spent half a day with you, and I was already willing to at least try and be a good guy. But it's been three days and not one of them is any closer to being changed."
Fluttershy gave a hardy laugh at him. "Oh, discord you know you didn't change in a day. We only became friends is all. It took years for you to build up with the others. Give them time and be patient. Now go give this pale of water to the giraffe for me." She held up a pail of water. Discord took it and with a flap of his wings flew up to the giraffe he held it out to the animal, as it took a drink from the pail.

Discord helped when he could around the animal sanctuary. Usually only to feed them in the morning before Fluttershy had to go work as a teacher.

"I don't get it. What made me change so easily? You gotta teach me professor shy. He said with a toothy grin. "It was obvious he was teasing her.

she giggled sweetly. ok, ok. Let me show you some hints that I think will help you. Fluttershy grabbed him by the claw and pulled him over to a small tree just by the waterfall.
He looked at her puzzled. "Look carefully: she instructed. He looked through the leaves and found a small blue bird inside a nest.

"Go on try and touch it." She insisted.
He tried to touch it with his claw but immediately pulled it back when the bird snapped at him.

"Hay you little…" he grumbled.

He only turned his head in more puzzlement when he heard his friend laughing.

"And what's so funny? He tried to bite me. "

"That's just it Discord." She said as she tried to control her laughing. "Take a closer look at its wing."

Discord turned back to the bird and saw it was in bandages.

"This little guy tried to fly two soon and broke its wing. He's an eager beaver. One day he'll probably be one of the best flyers. But right now he's hurt and scared. And you just invaded his space. The way I approached you. I gave you space to be yourself. In the same way, I'm not gonna try to touch this bird." She said and held out her hoof. The bird then came to her.

"When I show the bird I mean no harm, it comes to me willingly. The same as you did. you ended up trusting me." She then brought the bird out of its nest and held it in her hoof.
"I promised I wouldn't use my element of harmony against you. That was the moment you started trusting me the most. Once I did that all had to do was find out what bothered you. And the answer. You do know what the answer was, don't you discord."

Discord tilted his head waiting for her to continue.

"You may not have wanted to emit at the time. But you said it yourself the other day. You didn't understand friendship. But I think you always wanted two but no one gave you a chance. And when push came to shove and I had to test our friendship you realized you didn't want to be without it. You were hurting discord much like this bird."
She gently patted the bird's head. The bird gave a few happy chips in response. It took time to get to the root of the problem, but after that trust was built, and you've gained more friends since then."

She held out the bird towards Discord. "Those three are no different. You got to give them a chance. A little trust. And find the root of their problem. But if you just keep on trying to force them to change they're only going to bite back. Since that's all they know how to do."

Discord set a claw out near the bird. It flinched at first, but he didn't try to touch it.
"You want to change their hearts. But in the end, it's their choice. But like any pony, they were not born evil…"
the bird at first eyed the claw and discord.

"They only made bad choices. Give them an opportunity to make the right choice. Only then."
The bird finally tipped toed on two discords claws. Still slightly nervous. "... Will they begin to reform themselves?"

Discord smiled at the bird and set it back into its nest.

Thanks, Fluttershy I think I know what to do now. "

He took a few seeds from her basket and set it in the nest. Fluttershy watched him with a smile, but it wavered as a thought occurred to her. He noticed it and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Discord ever since you became a cop you've seemed so stressed out." Discord gave a convincing fake luggage. Anyone except Fluttershy would buy it.

"you're worrying too much about me. I told you I'm fine."
She kept her head straight but looked away from him with a small frown. She looked over and saw her music notebook sticking out of her basket. She was going to practice with the animals for the fundraiser that was being held tomorrow night. Her eyes widened as an idea grew in her mind. She turned back to him.

"Hey, I know what I want for my birthday now." She smirked.
He turned to her. "Too late I already got you a gift. " He replied back to her.

"What is it?" he asked.

"Well, sometimes songwriting can help express yourself. It's a great outlet."

Discord rolled his head. But not his eyes.

"Oh, come on we literally sing songs all the time"

"That's in the show, not a book. And besides, I only sang once in the entire series."

"Doesn't matter." She said and flew off to her bag that was laying by a tree. She grabbed it. It had a feather sticking out of it.

"For my birthday I want you to write a song. Any song. Just let your soul do the talking. Say anything you want to say to the world. Something you want to get off your cheese. And for that matter maybe you should get the other three to do it as well. Even if they just play an instrument or something. Does Not have to be a song just has to be music."
He shrugged with his normal smile and bored expression. "Fine ill try it." "You pinky promise"

" Ok, ok. Cross my heart and hope to fly..." Discord snapped his fingers and a cupcake with pink frosting materialized. "Stick a cupcake in my eye." He finished as he stuck the desert in his left eye, "Happy" he said with a wide grin. Putting the cupcake side of his face closer to her.

She laughed at the smeared cupcake on his face. Her little laughing was interrupted by the sound of Discord's walky-talky. Calling free cop over. Discord pulled it off his belt that just now materialized out of nowhere.
"Free cop here over." He told the walky-talky.

"The three inmates are now ready for your arrival."

Author's Note:

I hoped you guys liked the chapter. I promise this is going somewhere. let me know what you think. feel free to leave a comment. this is my first story on fim fiction so I'm curious about any criticism
UPDATE 4/24/23 I now am finally going back and fixing as many spelling issues as I can. please let me know if any more show up. lol