• Published 16th Oct 2022
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The Royal Three - Kingstar008

This story is mainly about three brothers name Atlas, Apollo, and Artemis they were sucked through a portal while on vacation at first they have lost all hope of having a normal life that’s when there new friends prove them wrong.

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A holiday performance

December 5 1009 A.G
Canterlot Castle

December, one of the most popular months in Equestria. From the good food to the fun events, to families coming together in harmony. Even the moodiest of ponies can’t help but feel a little bit of positivity in their hearts when the holiday season comes around.

Speaking of events, something exciting was happening in the city of Canterlot.

Once a year, Canterlot Castle hosts a play called “A heartwarming tale.” The play is about how the six pony tribes united as one to create the United Kingdom of Equestria. And the main character of the story is Gallaxia.

Usually, a white unicorn or Pegasus actress would play the role.

But this year is different.

Since the former empress was back in her beloved kingdom, the royal sisters and the play director thought why not have Gallaxia play as herself.

After all, she is the main character in the play.

So, the royal sisters asked their mother if she wants to be a part of the stage show.

She said yes.

So, the former empress took some acting lessons for a few days while the royal ballroom was getting ready for today’s performance.

11:30 AM
Backstage changing rooms

As the main six was getting their costumes ready, Gallaxia was looking at the mirror, making sure that nothing was out of place.

Gray trenchcoat, check.
Gray wool scarf, check.
Snow boots, triple check.

Now all she has to do is use the spell.

If she wants this performance to be historically accurate as possible, she has to look at the part.

Closing her eyes in concentration, she lit her horn and her body started to change.

A few minutes later.

After she completed the spell and looked herself over in the mirror again, Gallaxia exited her changing room and started walking towards the make up station.

As she made her way through backstage, she was amazed how different everything looked from her point of view. Since she was no longer towering over everything.

When she arrived at the station, she saw that Applejack and Rainbow Dash were arguing over something stupid while the window was open.

Before Rainbow Dash could get a chance to get close to the window, the galactic alicorn used her magic to close the window shut.

“I hope you two are practicing for the show and not arguing with each other.”

She didn’t get a response because every pony except for Twilight, was staring at her.


It’s because Gallaxia was no longer the galactic warrior alicorn everyone knew and loved.

She was the same height as Pinkie pie, and she looked really young. To the point where some pony might mistake her for a high school student. Even her voice sounds younger.

“Oh, empress Gallaxia, you’re finally here. Sorry you had to witness that.” An embarrassed Twilight said.

“That’s Gallaxia?!” Every pony said in disbelief and confusion.

“The one and only.”

“There’s no way. Rainbow Dash said in disbelief. “You look so-“

“Adorable!!” Fluttershy yelled as she hugged Gallaxia tightly.

“I knew this was going to happen.” She said, excepting her fate.

“Your majesty, if you don’t mind me asking. Why did you make yourself look like a teenager?” Applejack ask.

“It’s because this is what I look like when I founded Equestria. I was a 18 year old with a baby face.” She said as Fluttershy started to pinch her cheeks.

“Baby face or not you look absolutely stunning! Rarity complemented “you have to model for my winter line this year.”

“Like how I look right now, or my adult form?”

“Either way is fine.”

“I’ll think about it.”

“Ms Fluttershy, can you please stop pinching my cheeks. I already have to deal with my mom doing that.”

“Oh, sorry.”

“A minute later, the director of the play entered the room.

He is a white unicorn stallion in his early 40s with a blue, white and red mane and tail. And he has small tuffs of fur on tops of both of his ears because he is half thestral.

His name is Vasily shukshin.

“The show is about to start in two minutes. So does every pony remember their lines?”

Everyone in the room nodded.

“Good, now places every pony, we have a show to start.”

2992 years ago
Today’s date: Oct 6, 1983, B.G (Before Gallaxia)

Long ago, before the reign of Celestia and Luna, lived six pony tribes in the land that would soon be called a Equestria. These six tribes are the unicorns, the pegasi, the earth ponies, the thestral, the kirins, and last, but not least the sea ponies. Back then, the six tribes didn’t look out for each other, but they only look out for their own welfare.

Just like modern times, the pegasi control the weather. While the unicorns control the sun and the moon. In return they demanded food that was only provided by the earth ponies and the sea ponies. Meanwhile, the thestrals and the Kirins were unique compared to the rest of the tribes. The kirins for example, took care of woodland areas, while the thestrals were skilled merchants often trading valuable stones to the other tribes.

For a long time, it was believed that the pony tribes that inhabited continent of Equus would be like this forever.

That was until the inhabitants of a town named Hollow shades and the surrounding villages united to fight against the vicious Wendigos.

After their decisive victory, their leader created a free and fair society.

News of this new society, spread like wildfire and ponies from all over the continent came to Hollow shades for a new life.

Unfortunately, not every pony liked what Hollow shades has become, especially two warlords named Lord Wallace and Bradford the mercenary leader of the mercenary state. Bradford controlled a large amount of territory in the south. While Wallace controlled territory in the east.

Bradford an earth pony and Wallace a unicorn, disliked each other, but one thing they can both agree on is that Hollow shades was a major threat.

So, they both sent their troops to harass the ponies of Hollow shades. Wallace ordered his troops to intimidate their counterparts, while Bradford used his army of mercenary to attack border villages often with deadly consequences.

So when rumors of an invasion from the south and east started to spread, the ponies of Hollow shades knew they had to do something.

So they agreed to have a conference in town hall to figure out how to defeat the new threats.

Each of the six tribes sent a representative to speak on their behalf since only members of the military was allowed to attend.

Representing the unicorns was Princess Platinum.

Representing Pegasi was the legendary war hero, Commander Hurricane.

For the earth ponies, chancellor Puddingham.

For the kirins, they sent Chief Reno.

And the seaponys decided to send admiral Sophia to represent them.

And last, but not least, the Thestrals decided to send Captain Peter.

Despite the six tribes in Hollow shades no longer considered each other enemies, they still didn’t agree with each other from time to time. It often ending in massive arguments that got nothing done.

But this time things were different. Because there was one pony that the six tribes rally behind was present.

At first glance, you would’ve thought that the habitants of this town was crazy to allow a pony that was barely even an adult to be in charge.

But this pony is no ordinary pony. Heck, she doesn’t even belong to any of the six tribes.

A few weeks ago, she helped inhabitants of the town to fight off the vicious Wendigo‘s. Ever since she became their leader and the living standards have been getting better and better and ponies of different tribal origins were becoming friends with each other.

Her name is Gallaxia Star Faust.

11:40 AM

“Before we start, I would like to thank every pony for attending this conference. We’re here today to figure out how we’re going to deal with Bradford and Wallace.”
Gallaxia said, waiting for the murmurs from the crowd to die down before continuing. “ Before we can discuss which tactics and strategies to defeat our enemies we have to decide which one to go after first. Princess platinum you can go first.”

“I think we should go after Wallace first. That pathetic stallion was ok with us freezing to death a month ago. Not only is he a stain on my family’s name, but he’s also a stain to pony kind itself.” Princess Platinum said.

“Platinum calm down, I understand you hate your little brother, but I think we should go after Bradford first. Wallace would be a walk in the park. While that earth pony has skilled mercenary that’s waiting to loot this this entire town.” Commander Hurricane said.

“How about we go after both of them?”
Said the black batpony.

“Both of them?” Everyone at the conference table said.

“Yeah, if we go after Bradford, Wallace might take advantage of the situation and come after us. Plus, with our army being larger than both of theirs and with the terrain in our territory, we might be able to defeat them.”

“That is the craziest plan I have ever heard. I like it.” Said Sophia.

“I have something to suggest!” Puddingham yelled.

“Speak your mind.” Gallaxia said.

“How about we attack them at night? Why fight them when most of them are going to be in their beds anyway.”

“Dammit, I was gonna say that.” Hurricane said under her breath.

“All right, will do that.” Said Gallaxia. “Now before we plan for the battles ahead, we need to choose which strategy we’re going to use. Raise your hand if you think going after Wallace first is a good strategy.”

Only princess platinum raised her hand.

“Raise your hand if we should go after both of them at the same time.”

Only Sophia and Peter raise their hands.

“And last but not least the Bradford plan. Raise your hands if you like this strategy.”

Commander Hurricane, Chief Reno, and Chancellor Puddingham, raise their hands.

“It’s official will go with the Bradford plan.” Gallaxia said before she slammed the gavel.

“Sorry, Platinum.” Hurricane said.

“It’s all right.”

“Chief Reno, do you have the maps I request yesterday?” Gallaxia ask.

“Yes, I do, I got them this morning.” The cream colored kirin said as he levitated the box on the table.

Gallaxia grabbed one of the maps from the box and unraveled it on the table. Maps this detailed were a luxury in this time period.

“All right every pony, let’s get to work.”

Bradford’s compound. 30 miles south of the border with Hollow shades.

Living in area control by mercenary’s is hard to say the least. Citizens have to be careful not to piss off the wrong pony or else they’ll get beaten up or worse.

Any territory the mercenary state conquered, they will take as much material wealth they can get their hands on, or demand payment from civilians for their “protection.”

Not only that, but they will also treat the towns or villages they acquired like their own personal playgrounds.

But at least the earth ponies living here have a roof over their head and food on their plate.
Unlike their unicorn and seapony counterparts living in Wallace’s territory.

The leader of this mercenary state was a brown earth pony stallion in his early forties.

He is now in his office doing nothing but carving a piece of wood to pass the time. That’s when he heard a knock on his door.

“Come in.” He said in his rough voice.

The door open to reveal a gray earth pony with a sword on his back.

“Boss, some pony wants to see you. And it’s a fucking unicorn.”

“A unicorn you say. Bring him here.”

“Yes, boss.”

The gray earth pony left to retrieve the guest. A minute later he came back with a white unicorn stallion wearing a purple royal robe and a crown on his head.

After the unicorn enter the office, the earth pony left the room.

“Lord Wallace. I’m surprise that you’re in my territory, let alone in my compound.” Bradford said.

“I never thought, I would be here either.” Wallace said, in a smug accent. “ The journey was treacherous. But I’m guessing you’re not here to hear me complain.”

“Correct, now why are you here?”

“I have a proposal for you that will benefit you and me. We are going to invade Hollow shades” Wallace said, with a devious smile on his face.

“OK, I’m listening.” Bradford said, interested of what the unicorn noble has to say.

“First, we need to take down the glue that holds the territory together, that’s where you come in.
You are going to assassinate their leader.”

Before continuing the white unicorn, pull the map from his pocket and placed it on Bradford‘s desk.

“After you get the job done, you send a letter to me with proof and we both send our troops to invade the town and split it between ourselves. You’ll get the south and the west, while I get the north and the east.”

“I have to give it to ya, that is one heck of a plan. There’s just one problem.” Bradford said.

“What is it?” Wallace ask.

“I don’t know what this pony looks like.”

“Oh, silly me. I forgot to show you a photo of her.” Wallace pulled a photograph from his pocket, and hand it to the mercenary.

Before he looked at the photo, Bradford thought this would be another easy job. Then his eyes widened when he noticed that the pony in the photo had had wings and a horn.

He rubbed his eyes, hoping that he wasn’t seeing things.

He wasn’t.

“Wallace, this mare is a Faust damn alicorn! I thought she was some stupid Pegasus or a retarded batpony!”

“Well, you never ask.”

The mercenary calm himself down. “Do you know anything about her?”

“Well, all I know is that she appeared month ago. She helped my big sister and riffraff friends to fight the Windygo’s. After that she started teaching ponies about radical ideas like friendship and tolerance, and the towns people ate it all up like a starving dog. She’s the reason why half of the ponies that used to live in my lands have fled and joined her ranks. Somehow, in four weeks she became nothing but an insect to one of the most powerful warlords in the region and I don’t want my land to be taken over by her and her degenerate band of misfits!” The white unicorn yelled, slamming his fist onto the desk.

‘Damn and I thought my subordinates had anger issues.’ Bradford thought.

“So, I hate to say this, but I need to raise my price since she’s an alicorn and last time I checked alicorns were really strong.”

“Fine,” he said with irritation in his voice. “There’s this seapony community I recently conquered name Silver Shoals. They make these pearls so beautiful; diamonds look like worthless rocks compared to them. If this invasion plan goes well, I can get some of those pearls and you can do whatever you want with them.”

Bradford rubbed his chin in thought. After he thought it through, he smiled at the noble and said.


Hollow Shades
10:30 PM

Gallaxia was in her small house reading a book while enjoying a cup of hot chocolate, and the warmth coming from the fireplace.

After she came home from a work in an hour and a half ago, she was glad that she had this moment all to herself.

Few seconds later, her peaceful moment abruptly ended when she heard the sound of shattering glass.

Putting her book down on the small coffee table, Gallaxia used her magic to turn on the light crystals in her kitchen.

The lights revealed a tall brown earth pony standing in the middle of her kitchen, with a broken window right behind him.

As the intruder slowly walk towards Gallaxia, she took up a fighting stance.

This made the Earth pony start to laugh at her.

‘ This is the “alicorn” I was sent to kill? This is going to be the easiest job ever.’ Bradford thought.

“Bradford.” she said with disgust.

“Oh, the little filly knows my name.” he said, pretending to be shocked.

“Yeah, I know who you are. I have to say, not a big fan.” Gallaxia said not moving a single inch.

“So, you know why I am here?” Bradford asks.

“Yes, I do.”

“Good. Easier for the both of us.” He flashes a smile as he took his knife from his belt “I promise I’ll make this quick and painless as possible.”

“I’m only gonna tell you this once. Get out of here before you get hurt.”

This made the mercenary chuckle at the threat.

“You think I’m afraid of you? You’re nothing but another chance to get paid.” Then all of a sudden, he lunged at the alicorn and yelled. “NOW DIE BITCH!”

Gallaxia was able to dodge the attack.

“A fast one.” He said smiling from ear to ear. “This is going to be fun.”

He grabbed one of the small knives from his belt and threw it at Gallaxia. She was able to dodge the small projectile and it embedded itself in the wall.

But instead of using it to defend herself, she threw it in the fireplace.

This action confuse the mercenary so much that he was just standing there trying to process what the hell she just done.

He just fell right into Gallaxia’s trap.

The next thing Gallaxia did was to punch the guy in the stomach. Causing him to fall over. Holding his stomach with his left hand, while using the right one to prop himself up.

She punched him so hard, Bradford thought he was about to throw up from the pain.

Taking advantage of his weakened state, the young alicorn grabbed a metal cup from a nearby shelf and slammed it onto Bradford‘s right hand, causing him to scream out in pain and let go of the knife.

She grabbed the knife with her magic and threw it across the room. She also used her magic to grab his belt and threw that across the room as well.

Now he has no more weapons to defend himself from the angry alicorn.

She then grab his right arm and throw him over her shoulder and slam him down on the coffee table.

Somehow the coffee table didn’t break. Despite having a six foot three, muscular earth pony being slams on it.

She walked over to the disoriented earth pony and punched him four times in the face.

As a desperate last resort, Bradford tries to sit up to punch Gallaxia at least once. But those plans immediately died when she grabbed his face and slammed the right side of it into the coffee table and holding him in place.

“Had enough?” She said.

“FUCK YOU!” The mercenary said trying to break free.

It was at this moment, when Gallaxia finally noticed the sound of concerned ponies outside of her house.

“Gallaxia, are you all right in there?” Hurricane ask, yelling through the broken window.

“I am ok.” Gallaxia said she used her magic to open up the front door. “But bring in some reinforcements. We have a special guest.”

Hearing her friend’s warning, Hurricane brought in a few guard personnel and Captain Peter.

Peter and Hurricane were shocked to see Bradford right in front of them.

“Bradford!” Peter and Hurricane said in shock.

“The one and only.” The mercenary said, as he was being detained by the town guard.

After the guard escorted the mercenary out of the house, Clover the clever and Smart Cookie came inside to see if she was all right.

“Gallaxia are you all okay?” Clover ask.

“Yeah, I’m fine just a bit shaken up.”

The unicorn and the earth pony breath a collective sigh of relief.

“That’s a relief. Me and Clover witnessed the break in and we knew something was up.” Cookie said.

“Did he go near you or anything? Gallaxia ask

“No” Clover and Cookie said.

“Thank goodness.” She said with relief.

A minute later Commander Hurricane came back to Gallaxia‘s house with some urgent news.

“Gallaxia can we speak privately?”

“Sure.” Gallaxia said as she lit her horn for a privacy bubble appeared around them.

“Before you tell me what you need to say, I have a question. Are the troops ready?”

“Yes they are. Peter is currently with them at the border right now. Waiting for your orders.”

“Good. So what do you need to tell me?”

“Bradford told us that Wallace hired him to assassinate you.”

“Wallace is the mastermind? He has to be lying.” Gallaxia said shock.

“We thought the same thing until he pulled his contract out of his pocket with Wallace’s signature on it.”

“Oh my stars.” Gallaxia said under her breath.
“Hurricane, we are going to invade the mercenary state. After that, we’ll go after Wallace. You go on ahead, I need to get my sword.”

“Yes ma’am.” The military commander said with a salute.

After Gallaxia got rid of the privacy bubble, Commander Hurricane took off like a rocket.

October 7 1983 B.G

After Gallaxia gave the green light, Hollow hades invaded the mercenary state.

Since Bradford wasn’t there and it was late at night, the mercenaries weren’t able to defend their lands against invading army.

It didn’t help that many of the civilians, tired of the mercenary’s rule, started to fight against them.

Heck some of the mercenary joined the revolt.

By the time the sun started to rise, half of the land Bradford controlled now belong to Hollow Shades.

After a day and a half of fighting, the mercenary state was no more.

Two days later.
Oct 9 1983 B.G
Lord Wallace’s castle.
12:30 PM

Wallace was in his private library, enjoying a cup of peppermint tea as he was reading a very interesting book.

It’s been two days since he had visited Bradford’s compound. He hasn’t heard anything from the mercenary ever since.

He hates to admit it, but it made him wonder what happened to Bradford.

Did he get captured? Did Gallaxia take him down with her?

Either way, he did not care in the slightest. All that matters now is that Bradford filled his side of the deal.

Then all the sudden.


A loud explosion rock the castle, knocking stuff to the ground, nearly causing one of his bookshelves to fall over.

“What in Faust name was that?!” He exclaimed.

You trying to stand up, but then another explosion rock castle again, throwing him to the ground and causing cracks to appear on walls.

Finally, he was able to make it to the window and open it.

He saw a horrifying sight.

Outside of his castle was a massive army invading his castle.

In the courtyard below, Wallace can see his elite Knights with their hands up.
They even have sailing ship in the distance shooting cannon balls at the castle. And the skies were filled with Pegasus and thestrals troops firing arrows at what little remained of Wallace’s knights who didn’t surrender.

But worst of all, he noticed that many of the “peasants” from the nearby villages were helping the invaders.

It was at this moment, he figured out where the army came from.

“Oh shit, it riffraff.”

After he closed his window, he immediately went to get his sword and shield that was hanging on the wall.

After that, he started to barricade the library with a heavy bookshelf. Just in time for him to hear a lot of chaos outside of the door.

‘Oh, goddess they’re here.’ He thought as he teleported behind an overturned couch.

A minute later, one of the invaders try to open the door. But was unable to thanks to the bookshelf.

The greedy Lord was relieved that they weren’t able to get in.

Then all of a sudden they decide to blow up the entrance of the library. Sending pieces of wood and paper everywhere.

And thanks to all the debris in the air, Wallace wasn’t able to see anything. But he was able to hear approaching footsteps.

Next thing he knew he felt some pony grabbing his left arm and dragging him into the open.

“Well, well well look who we have here.” Commander Hurricane said.

“Let go of me! You have no right to lay a finger on me you cloud loving bitch!” Wallace yelled in anger.

“Commander, do you want me to deal with him?”
A unicorn stallion ask.

“Nah, I got him.” Hurricane said as she pulled the stubborn noble to his feet.

With the help of her platoon, Hurricane escorted Wallace through the damaged hallways of the castle.

Every pony that laid eyes on the noble looked at him with anger, disgust, or both.

Some ponies even threw food at him.

Finally, after 25 minutes of walking, they finally arrived at the castle courtyard.

Well…. What remains of it.

Ignoring the boos and angry glares he was getting; Wallace couldn’t believe what the savages have done to his beautiful castle.

“You uncivilized bastards. Why are you and your army of savages are here anyway?” He said, trying to act all innocent.

“It’s right in front of you.” Hurricane said.

Confused, Wallace looked away from his damage castle to see what the pegasus was talking about.

His heart nearly stopped, and his blood ran cold as he gaze at the pony in front of him.

“Ho.. How? How are you still alive?!”

“Simple, your partner in crime was easier to take down that I thought.” Gallaxia said.

Wallace just stared at the Alicorn for a few seconds. Then began to laugh.

“You got to be joking. You a of all ponies, took down one of the most feared mercenary‘s on the continent? I don’t believe you.”

“Luckily for you, you’re going to be sharing the same cell with him. So, you can ask him yourself.”

“Y… you can’t put me in jail. I am a noble and the leader of this territory.” Wallace said.

“Not anymore. From this day forward, the land you used to own and the mercenary state, now belongs to Hollow Shades. In Hollow Shades, everyone’s equal no matter who they are. So that means you will face consequences for all the crimes you have committed.”

“That’s still not going to happen my sister will make sure that will never happen.” He said.

“I will never do such a thing.”

Gallaxia, Wallace and Hurricane looked to their right to see a very livid Platinum.

“What why?” Wallace ask.

“Because you deserve every punishment you’re going to get. Not only did you neglect the locals, you left me at the mercy of the Windygo’s. If it wasn’t for Gallaxia, I wouldn’t be here today. That’s why i’m not going to help you out.”

“You can’t do that, I’m a little brother.”

“Not anymore, you’re nothing to me.”

That last sentence struck Wallace right in the heart. Tears roll down his cheeks as he realized, he wasn’t going to get out of this.

And he continue to cry, Hurricane brought him to a nearby wagon, and was on his way to Hollow Shades.

“Platinum are you ok?” Gallaxia ask.

“I’m fine galaxy. I’ve been prepared to say those words ever since the invasion started.”

“But if you need anything, all I need to do is just ask.” She said comforting the unicorn princess.

“Thank you, I’ll keep that in mind.”


After 3 and a half days of fighting, the ponies of the central region were finally free from Wallace and Bradford.

After a bit of celebration, the ponies of Hollow shades worked tirelessly to make sure that their new neighbors were taken care of. In the east, they build brand new houses for homeless locals while freeing the enslaved sea ponies in Silver Shoals.

Meanwhile, in the former mercenary state, the earth ponies were glad that they didn’t have to worry about a mercenary walking behind them.

As time went on the six tribes in these new lands started to see each other as friends instead of enemies. And for Gallaxia, her popularity grew as well.

Then one day they decided to ask her to become their new monarch. And she said yes.

So on December 25, 1983 D.G (During Gallaxia) she was crowned empress and the United kingdom of Equestria was born.

After her coronation, she promised to serve and protect her ponies, no matter the cost.

And the rest was history.

Back in the present day.
1:00 PM

After the applause ended and red curtains fell, the cast members went back to backstage and changed out of their costumes.

A few minutes later, the main six and spike exited the backstage where the Yukon triplets, the royal sisters, Shining armor and Cadence was waiting for them.

“All of you were great up there.” Cadence said.

“I agree with Cadence. This was one of the best Holiday plays I have ever watched.” Said Apollo.
“When display comes back next year, I’ll be first in line to get tickets.”

“I’m glad that every pony liked our performance. It was fun to be on stage.” Twilight said.

“I’m glad to hear that Twilight.” Celestia said. “If you want you and your friends could be a part of the play next year.”

“We would be honored, princess.”

“Does any pony know where mom is?”
Luna ask.

“She’s in them back stage. She should be in a few minutes.” Rainbow Dash answered.

It was at this moment, when Gallaxia appeared right in front of them. She was back to her normal size.

“There she is.” Said Celestia.

“Gallaxia you were great. There how come you never told us that you took down a pony twice your size.” Artemis asks.

“I thought you knew so I never bothered to tell you. Sorry.”

“It’s all right.”

Then Lauren appeared.

“Hey, every pony me and Nebula made hot chocolates for all the guests. Does any pony want a cup of hot chocolate?”

Everyone said yes.