• Published 16th Oct 2022
  • 1,617 Views, 54 Comments

The Royal Three - Kingstar008

This story is mainly about three brothers name Atlas, Apollo, and Artemis they were sucked through a portal while on vacation at first they have lost all hope of having a normal life that’s when there new friends prove them wrong.

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Vacation in the clouds part 1

July 18 1009 (2009)

When Atlas saw the sun rise over the horizon and illuminated the capital city of Canterlot. He knew that it was going to be a great day for him and his girlfriend Celestia.

Why you may ask?

Well, that’s because it was the start of the weekend, and the end of the most hectic week Atlas has ever experienced in his entire life.

It was also the day when they were leaving to go to Cloudsdale for vacation. While Atlas made sure that all of their bags were accounted for, Celestia was making the final arrangements for Cadence to watch over the kingdom for a few days since Luna and Apollo have plans to go on vacation in the tropical twin cities of Dockside and Surfside. Located on Equestria’s west Coast.

And since Artemis got a week off, since the Senate was not in session. He decided to have a staycation with Twilight, by booking a penthouse suite in a luxury hotel in the middle of downtown Canterlot.

Luckily for Cadence, her time as temporary leader of Equestria won’t be too hard since there are no major events going on and the weekends are usually very easy days. Pretty much all she has to worry about is the sun and the moon.

For Blueblood thought things are not looking up at all. Not only was he arrested and forced to move out of the castle. But thanks to Artemis pressing charges on him, his past victims decided to break their silence and publicly accuse Blueblood of harassment and blackmail. And these accusers were ponies from the castle staff and the Royal guard. Even some prominent politicians were accusing him of corruption.

Thanks to these new accusations, the C.P.D launched a major investigation into the allegations. Causing his trial to be postpone and placing him under house arrest with police officers patrolling the outside of his house, not to protect him from the growing angry mob but to make sure that he doesn’t try to escape his own house.

(10:00 AM)
Atlas, and Celestia’s P.O.V

After they arrived at the Canterlot Air Station and having their bags checked, Celestia and Atlas had to wait 30 minutes to board the blimp. And the reason why they were in this situation is because Atlas wanted to leave early since he thought going through security in the station would take a long time like the TSA in American airports.

Much to his surprise, he was proven wrong.

But thanks to bunch of gossip magazines nearby, time passes by quickly for the couple. Before they knew it was time for them to board.

10:40 AM
Cloudsdale Air Station

“Atlas, it’s time to wake up now.” Celestia said in a singsong voice.

“Mmm…No, 5 more minutes.” Atlas said in his sleep.

“Come on sleepyhead. The blimp is beginning its dissent. If you don’t wake up now, you’re going to miss the wonderful view.” Celestia said.

When she got no response, the solar monarch decided to shake Atlas until he woke up.

“Wake up wake up wake up.”

“OK, ok you silly goose I’m up. Let’s see what this cloud city looks……. like.”

Atlas looked out of the window and was shocked at the view in front of him.

He knew that Cloudsdale was known for a beauty, but he never thought it would be this gorgeous. with its rainbow rivers leading off the edge of the clouds to form rainbow waterfalls to the wholesome neighborhoods dotting all over the cloudscape, Iconic landmarks like the rainbow factory, and the city center in the distance.

Atlas only thinks of one word that could describe this place perfectly.


“Holy crap man. (sniff) I never thought something this gorgeous can exist.”

“Told you the view would be spectacular. Do you need some tissues?” Celestia ask while levitating a box of tissues right next to him.

“Yes, thanks. Now I know why Artemis was tearing up when he was describing this place. Heck, this place looks so damn peaceful.”

Intercom: “Filly and Gentlecolts this is your captain speaking. we will be landing at Cloudsdale Air Station in a few minutes. After the blimp touchdown at the terminal, you all will be able to depart. Thank you for flying Equestrian airlines. I hope you will fly with us very soon.”

After the announcement was made, Atlas got up from his seat to head to the restroom to fix himself up. While he was gone Celestia gathered their belongings from the overhead bins, as blimp finally landed and all Celestia could hear was the faint sound of the propeller engines shutting down.

Two minutes later Atlas came back to the first-class area where Celestia was waiting for him.

“Before we leave, there’s something I need to give you before we get off this blimp, but first can I see your arm real quick.”

“OK, so what do you want to give me?”

“Something you should never take off while you’re in Cloudsdale. Well, you can take it off inside of buildings, but never outside.”

“Let me guess, since I’m not a Pegasus, I have to wear this wristband, so I don’t fall through the clouds.”

“That is correct.” Celestia responded while putting on the wristband on Atlas’ wrist.

“But you’re an alicorn, so don’t you need one as well?”

“I appreciate your concern, but don’t worry I don’t need one since alicorns are unicorns, earth ponies, and pegasi combined. I can walk on clouds like any other Pegasus.”

After the two of them grabbed their belongings, Celestia and Atlas disembarked the aircraft and enter the main terminal of the station heading towards the station’s exit, where ponies of all races began noticing the two.

“Before I forget, there’s something I need to tell you.” Celestia said, ignoring the growing number of ponies looking at their direction.

“I’m listening.”

“If you tap the wristband, something magical happens.”

“Are you sure you’re not pulling my leg?”

“If you don’t believe me, just see for yourself.”

Atlas looks down at his baby blue wristband. After he tapped it, a magical clock face appeared on its surface.

“Wow.” Atlas said in disbelief.

“I am assuming that you like it.”

“Of course I like it. It’s not every day when you receive a magical watch like this.“

“Do you think that impressive, you will not believe the hotel room I booked.”

“Are you trying to spoil me?”

“No comment”
Four Clouds Hotel
10:50 AM

Atlas was expecting a lot of things to happen on this trip, but one thing he was not expecting at all was Celestia picking him up in her aura and fly to the hotel.

At first Atlas was holding onto his suitcase for dear life, but eventually he started to enjoy the flight, watching the cloud city, and the Earth below him. But eventually, the short 10-minute flight had to end, when Celestia made a smooth landing at the front of the hotel.

“I’m not going to lie that was a fun flight, but you didn’t have to fly all way over here. We could have just waited for a carriage or something to pick us up” Atlas said while he was being released from Celestia’s magical grasp.

“I know, but what’s the fun in that? And it’s always feels nice to fly and spread your wings every once in a while.” Celestia responded while she was stretching both of her wings out.

“While you do that, I will just bring our suitcases inside of the lobby.”

“No, no you don’t have to do it. I got it, just give me a sec. I have one more- “


“Oh yeah, that’s the stuff.”
Celestia said, while folding her wings back into place.

After she was done, stretching her wings, Celestia then lit horn back up and pick up all three of their suitcases in her magic.

“Are you sure you don’t want me to take at least one of them?”

Celestia stopped in her tracks and looked back at the human.

“I love that you try to be a gentlecolt right now, but don’t worry I got it besides the suitcases are only carry-ons so they’re pretty easy to handle.”

“OK if you say so.”

As the couple entered the hotel’s lobby. Atlas couldn’t help but look at the beautiful interior of the building.

‘This place looks like it cost a fortune to stay here. Then again, this is four seasons look like.’ Atlas thought to himself.

At first, the Pegasus mare that was behind the reception desk didn’t notice Celestia and Atlas was approaching the counter, since she was too busy writing something down.

But when she heard the bell, she looked up and saw Celestia right in front of her.

She immediately stopped what she was doing and bow.

“Apologies princess I didn’t see you there. What brings you to the Four Clouds Hotel today?”
The nervous receptionist said.

‘One damn morning. I can’t have that without one pony being nervous around me?’ The sun princess thought to herself.

“Oh, don’t worry about it. Apology accepted. I booked a hotel room for the weekend and checking out on Monday. It should be under the name Celestia Platinum Faust.”

“All right let’s see here. There we go, you booked the deluxe suite, room number 8104 on the eighth floor.
The receptionist said, with a kind and professional tone.

‘Hmm maybe I caught her off guard. Wouldn’t be the first time that happened.’ Celestia thought to herself.

“Here’s your room key, and since you are staying in the deluxe suite you will be able to order anything from our restaurant and have it delivered to your room. With no added cost.”

“Is that so. Thanks for letting me know.”

“You’re welcome princess and I hope you enjoy your stay.”

As Celestia made her way towards the elevator the receptionist took this opportunity to get a
Atlas’ attention.

“You’re one of the Yukon triplets, right?”

This made Atlas stopped in his tracks and turn around to look at the gray Pegasus mare.

“Yes I am. May I help you?”

“I was just wondering if I can get your autograph?”

She then handed him a pencil and an index card.

“Of course.”

Atlas proceeds to write his name down and handle the young Pegasus the index card.

“Thank you and enjoy your stay Mr. Atlas.”

“You’re welcome Ms. And have a nice day.”

When Atlas handed the card back to her, the receptionist couldn’t contain her glee.

‘My friends are going to be so jealous!’

While the gray Pegasus was celebrating that she got a new priceless autograph, the human made his way towards the elevators.

“So, are you ready to go, Mr. famous?”
Celestia said with a playful tone.

“Yes, yes I am.”

(11:00 AM)

After getting off the elevator on the eighth floor of the massive 12 story hotel, Celestia and Atlas followed the directions that they were given until they found a room with the number 8104.

“Well, this is it. Our home for the next three days.”
Said Celestia.

It was at this moment when Atlas was getting a bit curious about what the hotel room look like, and since he saw how nice the hotel atrium look, he was wondering what surprise Celestia had in store for him.

And when Celestia opened the door, he couldn’t believe his eyes.

The room has a four-cushion couch with two armchairs surrounding a black coffee table with a fireplace right in front of the living room set.

Atlas looks to his left and saw a nice dining table with four comfortable chairs surrounding it. With an added bonus of a kitchen with marble countertops and dark wood cabinets.

But the thing that surprised him the most was the fact that the room had a second floor.

Atlas proceeded to walk up the stairs and saw a massive queen size bed with a nightstand on each side. On the other side of the bedroom was a black couch with a small circular table right in front of it.

After exploring the entire bedroom floor, Atlas ended his tour by placing his hands on the banister and admiring the beautiful chandelier in the middle of the hotel room with a massive window showing a wonderful view of Cloudsdale.

“I’m glad that you like your surprise.”

Atlas turned around and saw Celestia sitting on the queen size bed.

“I do not like it, Tia. I love it! This is the most beautiful hotel I have ever been to. You planned all of this, just for me?”

“Of course, I did. I want your first trip outside of Canterlot to be special. Especially for my favorite human.” Celestia said as she walked over to Atlas’ side.

“I knew It, you’re trying spoil me.”

Celestia chuckled.

“How did you know?” Celestia said with a dramatic gasp.

“You’re easy to read sunbutt that why. And I can tell you want to get back to the mystery novel you’ve been reading for the past two days.”

Before Celestia responded to Atlas, she lit her horn and teleported herself back on the comfy queen size bed. With her book right next to her.

“And that’s what I’m going to do. Do you want to read it with me?”

“Maybe later, first thing I have to do is see what features this room has.” Atlas said, while walking down the stairs.

Atlas was about to explore his new surroundings even further, but then he remembered that he forgot to put his satchel bag away, and it was located on top of the armchair that was nearby the window.

But when he was about to pick up his bag to put it upstairs, he noticed a small object on the left armrest.

He then picked it up and examined it and realize that it was a small remote and proceeds to press the red on button. The wall that was directly above the fireplace turned out to be a Hidden sliding door and it reveal the one thing Atlas thought he would never see again.

A flat screen TV.

And the best part about it was the fact that the screen showed a massive library of movies and shows.

Atlas was filled to the brim with absolute joy and excitement. He was also wondering where was this TV the entire time he was in this pony kingdom. But that didn’t matter anymore all that matters was the fact that he can now enjoy some entertainment without going to a movie theater.



“Do you want to watch a movie?”

(1:30 PM)


“Yeah Tia?”

“Since we watch two movies already do you want to see what activities this hotel has?” Celestia asked.

“Sure, why not. what do you want to check out first?”

“I don’t know I’m torn between the indoor waterpark or the sports complex.”

“How about we go to the waterpark today and tomorrow we would go to the sports complex and the spa after we get back from the Wonderbolts arena.” Atlas suggested.

“Now that’s a plan I would get behind. Just give me a few minutes, I want your opinion on this swimsuit I bought recently.”

Celestia then got up and walk up the stairs to change.

(5 minutes later)

“Atlas, before I come downstairs, I want you to cover your eyes.” Celestia said.

“And why?” Atlas said, confused.

“Because I want to see your reaction when you see me.”

Atlas decided to play along, closed eyes and put both his hands over them.

“OK I got my eyes covered.”

Atlas is heard no response from the solar princess. But he does hear the sound of footsteps coming closer until they stopped right next to him.

“OK, you can open your eyes now.”

The human uncovered his eyes to see that Celestia was a black one-piece swimsuit that complemented her body really well.

“So, what do you think?” Celestia asked.

“You look really good in it. Black is definitely your color.”

“Even better than my old gold colored swimsuit?”


“I’m glad I decided to bring this one for the trip.”

‘You’re not the only one thinking that.’ Atlas thought.

“Well, it looks like it’s mine turn to get ready. I will be down in a few min- “

Celestia cut Atlas off

“Oh, don’t worry about that. I brought our stuff down.” Celestia said wow levitating a white beach bag and her magic.

“Well in that case are you ready to go, my lady?”
Atlas said, while holding the door open for her like a gentleman.

“Ready when you are.”
1:40 PM
The Four Clouds Aquadome.

While she waited for Atlas to finish changing into his swimming trunks. Celestia decided to pass the time by looking at the map to see which waterslide they should go on first.

While ignoring the many stairs and whispers from other tourists passing by her.

Celestia look at the map for a good 2 minutes when Atlas came out of the changing rooms wearing sky blue swimming trunks.

“Did I take too long?”

“No, you didn’t take long at all. So, what do you want to do first?” Celestia ask.

“The wave pool looks interesting. Then again, the rainbow river looks like a nice place to start.”
Atlas said, while analyzing the map in front of him.

“How about the red dragon?”

Celestia then put her finger on the map where the waterslide was located.

“I’m sorry, what?” Atlas said with shock.

“The red dragon, that’s the first waterslide we’re going on.” Celestia said with the determination.

Atlas didn’t believe Celestia for second thinking that she was joking around with him.

“Celestia I think you’re pointing at the wrong area because the ride you’re pointing at is the tallest and most terrifying ride in this park. I mean who’s crazy enough to go down that thing.”

“You’re standing right next to her.”

Atlas looked at Celestia and wish he didn’t do that since her magenta eyes were looking directly at his soul.

“You’re serious about this?” Atlas ask.

“Heck yeah.” Celestia said, as she looked back at the water slide was so much determination that Rainbow Dash would be jealous.

“Have you heard what I just said Tia? That slide is ranked as one of the most terrifying aqua attractions in Cloudsdale heck, maybe even the entire kingdom.”

“That’s why I want to go on it. Nothing is more fun than feeling the adrenaline pumping through your veins. You only live once after all.”

Atlas, was about to respond to her but then he realize one thing about his girlfriend.

“You’re a thrill seeker, aren’t you?”

“It took you long enough to figure that out.”

“OK, while you have an adrenaline rush on that slide, I am going to check out the wave pool.”

Atlas was about to walk away when the solar monarch grabbed his left shoulder.

Atlas looked over his shoulder to tell her no the word was caught in his throat when he saw that the alicorn was using the sad puppy dog eyes against him.

‘ Oh, God.’

“Pretty please, it’s just one ride. I promise.” She said in a very innocent voice.

‘ I have to resist I have to resist it come on you have to….. I give up, she’s too adorable.’ Atlas Thought.

“OK fine. I’ll join you.” Atlas conceded.

Satisfied with his response, Celestia gave Atlas a kiss on the cheek and said.

“I knew you would join me eventually.”

After that, she grabbed his hand, and started making the long walk towards the slide with Atlas being pulled behind her.

(15 minutes later)

When Celestia and Atlas arrived at the red dragon. The line for the attraction was pretty long, at first Atlas thought Celestia would give up and choose another ride. but unfortunately for him luck was not on his side when everyone noticed the sun princess in back of the line and they all offered to let skip the line.

It took a good five minutes to walk up the stairs towards the top, but the entire time Atlas could hear his heart pounding in his chest.

Unlike Apollo, who is also a thrill seeker. Atlas was the opposite. Sure he like going on roller coasters and waterslides like any other person. But there is one thing that prevents him from ever going on a attraction like the one he’s currently walking towards.

He has a slight fear of heights.

And since the majority of the water slide was a vertical drop, every cell in his body was telling him not to go on it.

But it was too late for him to turn back now since he’s already at the front of the line. And there was also a massive audience watching them.

Following the ride operator's instructions, he stepped into tube number one while Celestia stepped into tube number two.

“Ok, to make sure that you two have a blast going down this ride you need to cross your arms and legs for your own safety. Before I start the countdown, does any pony have any questions?”
The ride operator asked.

“How long does it take to get to the bottom of the initial drop?” Atlas ask.

“10 seconds, but don’t worry it will be over before you know it.” The operator said as he walked towards the control panel.

“10 seconds? 10 seconds! God dammit Celestia you’re going to owe me big time for this.”
Atlas said to himself.

Then the moment Atlas was fearing for the past 15 minutes happened when the ride operator press the red button and officially started the 10 second timer.

Timer display: 10 9 8

Atlas decided to look on his right to see Celestia was excited for the ride to start. She looked at Atlas and waved at him.

‘At least Tia is excited for this.’ Atlas thought as he waved back and trying his best not to look afraid.

Timer display: 7 6

To make things even worse, ponies on the line was started counting down the seconds.

Timer display: 5 4

After making the sign of the cross, Atlas embrace for the inevitable.

Timer display: 3 2 1

When the timer went down to one, the platform that was holding Celestia and Atlas up gave way, dropping them down a vertical drop going at a very high speed.

While Celestia was having the time of her life. Atlas on the other hand, was screaming every profanity known to mankind. And the best and worst thing about the entire situation was that the water slide amplified his voice making it possible for pretty much everyone in the park was able to hear his screams.

After 10 seconds of free falling the tube Atlas was in, curve to the right. While Celestia's tube curve to the left. Slowing both of them down.

Atlas was the first to the bottom as the water slowed him down drastically until he came to a stop. He just notices a finish line was right above him and a crowd of cheering ponies.

The first thing Atlas did was put his right hand on his chest. He felt his heart beating so hard that he thought a heart attack might happen any second.

A few seconds later the solar princess made it to the bottom screaming and laughing.

Her mood went from happy and excited to concern when she saw Atlas sitting in the water, looking pale as a ghost.

"Oh no. Atlas are you all right?!" Celestia ask as she made her way towards the human.

“(breathing heavily) I’m all right don’t worry I’m fine.”

While Celestia was helping Atlas out of the water, the PA system turned on, and said.

“The winner of the red dragon race is Atlas Yukon beating Celestia platinum Faust by 3.1 seconds.”

“I don’t remember this many excited ponies in this area.” Celestia said has she looked at the cheering crowd.

“You don’t remember all the crowded areas we walk through just to get here. Heck I’m surprise that the paparazzi didn’t teleport here.”

“You got a point there.”

After the crowd disbursed a little bit, Celestia thought it would be a good idea to sit down and rest for a little while. Atlas agreed.

So they decided to sit down on a nearby bench.



“I just want to say, I’m sorry”

Atlas looked at Celestia with confusion.

“What are you apologizing for?”

“For making you go on the red dragon. At first I thought you was just like Luna preferring to have a “relaxing” vacation instead of a fun and exciting one. Then, when we waved at each other, I noticed the fear in your eyes.” Celestia said.

“Damn, I’m knew trying to hide behind a smile wouldn’t work.” Atlas said while chuckling to himself.

“That’s beside the point Atlas. I didn’t consider that you might’ve have a genuine fear of heights or something. I should just ask that instead of making you come with me.”

“Celestia don’t worry about it I forgive you besides I knew you was having fun when I heard you laughing and cheering as you was going down. It’s just I wish the first ride you chose didn’t have a vertical drop in it’s design.”

“So do you forgive me?” Celestia ask with pleading eyes.

“Of course. I’m just glad you had fun. But you do owe me for this.” Atlas said while giving Celestia a hug. While the princess reciprocated.

After ending the hug, Atlas stand up and said.

“Anyway, since the red dragon is the only one in its class here, the rest of the park should be smooth sailing. Do you want to join me in the wave pool next?”

Celestia gave Atlas a smile.

“Sure, why not.”

(The Aquadome WavePool)

Walking to the wave pool wasn’t as hard as walking towards the red dragon since it was smack dab in the middle of the park.

When Atlas saw the massive wave pool in front of him, it looked identical to the one in Typhoon Lagoon. So, Atlas knew to bring his a game, since that park taught him how powerful water can be.

While they waited for the pool to start making giant waves again. Celestia and Atlas were just doing nothing but floating in the water.

“Do you have a plan for beating the waves?”
Celestia ask.

“Not really, but I’m going to make sure I’m not in any area of the pool that’s lower than 4 feet deep.” Atlas responded.

“Let me guess, you don’t want to intimidate a little children.” Celestia sarcastically said.

“Ha ha very funny. It’s not because of that. The reason why is because this wave pool is almost identical to the one in Typhoon Lagoon, where I learned a life lesson about how powerful water could be. So, I’m just going to simply float over the waves like an ocean buoy.” Atlas said while floating on his back like a starfish.

It was at this moment when the speaker system that surrounded the pool played a sound similar to a ship’s horn. And the water was getting a little bit choppy.

“Well this is it, I hope you’re ready Celestia.”

The sun princess rolled her eyes.

“Atlas, you’re talking to a mare that likes to surf in the tropics I think I’m going to be fine I don’t know about you though.”

“You’re willing to bet on that.”

Celestia looked at Atlas with a competitive smile.

“10 bits. Winner takes all.”


They only had to wait 10 seconds for the first wave to form.

And it was a big one. Like 16 feet high type of big.

Despite looking at a wave almost three times his height, Atlas was determined not to get swept away.

Then he noticed Celestia forming a magical shield right in front of her.

“You know that’s not going to work, right?”

“If it can work against the strong ocean waves, it could definitely work he- “

She was unable to finish her sentence since she was instantly swept away by the massive wave.

For Atlas on the other hand, used his swimming skills to ride the wave all the way to the artificial beach where he found Celestia soaked head to toe with her hair covering her face. And her magical shield fading away. She pretty much looks like a beached mermaid.

The human walk over to helped her up and said.

“Are you OK?”

“Yeah, I’m ok. It looks like I owe you 10 bits.”


“What?” Celestia ask.

“Since you use magic, you technically broke the rules. Since I don’t have any magic of my own. So, you owe me 11 bits.”

“OK fair enough. So where are we going next?”

“The rainbow river!” Atlas declared.


Celestia and Atlas spend the entire afternoon at the Aquadome. Having fun on every waterslide and pool the park had to offer.

After they left the waterpark, they decided to watch the sunset on a decently size cloud that was floating above the city, giving them a nice view of Canterlot and Ponyville. The site was so spectacular that Atlas took a bunch of photos on his phone and on the film camera that he bought for the trip.

After they got down from their nice viewing spot, Celestia suggested to Atlas that he should try a hay burger. At first the human didn’t think he would like it since the burger “patty” looks like something he would see in a vegan restaurant. But after he took the first bite, he was surprised that the burger tasted just like beef.

Now he likes them now.

And before they went back to the hotel, they decided to take a nice boat ride through one of the many rainbow rivers that went through Cloudsdale. And best part about the ride, the water glow in the dark.

(10:45 PM)

While Celestia was getting ready for bed, Atlas was enjoying wonderful surprise that he found by complete accident.

A few minutes ago, Atlas was looking for his iPhone charger when he opened up his nightstand drawer and found another TV remote. When he presses the on button, a massive flat screen TV appeared from a hidden door that was on the other side of the room.

After he made the discovery, Atlas made himself comfortable in the comfy queen size bed with his iPhone charging right next to him.

A few minutes later, Celestia exited the bathroom wearing a sports bra and red pajama pants.

She walks to the right side of the bed and fall face first into the pillow.

Taking this as a sign to get some sleep, Atlas turns off the TV and got out of bed to take off the lights. That when he looked at a button that had the words “starry night” underneath it.

‘I wondered what this button do. Well, this is the perfect opportunity to find out. ‘

So, he turned off the lights and proceed to press the button and all the sudden small white lights started to appear on the walls, the roof, and the floor. And after all the white lights finish appearing some of them started to change into different colors forming a beautiful imitation of stars and planets.

After admiring the beautiful site for a good three minutes, Atlas got into bed and started to cuddle Celestia.

Atlas gave a sweet kiss on the back of her neck and said.
“Good night, Tia.”

“Good night, Atlas.”

After that, both of them drifted off into the dream realm.

To be continued.