• Published 4th Oct 2022
  • 551 Views, 4 Comments

The Million Mare Silence - Lamasioux

It's the eve of the referendum Luna has promised to give in regards to the thestral situation.

  • ...

The Eternal Night Memorial

Outside of the doctors, Celestia would be the first to know.

Celestia didn’t hesitate to announce it. She didn’t argue with anycreature, debate it, nor did she send any message to the elements of harmony to ask their thoughts or get their help with the matter. The moment she learned of the news, she made the announcement for the whole world to hear.

Princess Luna had died.

There was nothing anycreature could do.

The coming and going of life was nothing magic could prevent.

Nor was it something the alicorns were immune to.

Princess Luna, along with the rest of the the alicorns had to realize that the world was becoming a no safer place for them among the advancements of technology.

The more time passed, the more things changed.

The bombs that had been placed under the stage had been put there by ‘loyal’ followers of Nightmare Moon. Only a few of these followers were captured in the following day after they announced the coming of their old Empresses.

They gave up resisting upon learning about the death of Princess Luna though, not in her turn back to Nightmare Moon, but in the death of the only one who they believed in.

The whole of Equestria was silent.

News had spread about the explosion, but it was quickly dwarfed by the news of her death.

Nocreature knew what to do.

The banishment of Nightmare Moon over 1000 years ago wasn’t the same as this.

Luna herself would never come back.

There was no second chance for her.

She was dead.

The only thing anycreature wanted to do was nothing, but Celestia had other plans.

There would be a funeral procession that went from Manehattan to Canterlot, where Luna would finally be laid to rest.

It was at the announcement of the procession that everypony dropped what they were doing, halting the country to a stop and left to go wait along the roads and cities that Luna would go through.

Celestia couldn’t stop the country, nor could she stop the mass influx of foreigners who came in to view it as well.

Country leaders came to even the poorest of ponies from the Riverlands.

The death of a alicorn had never been heard of, not even by the princesses.

Celestia couldn’t do anything but have the funeral start, and so it did.

In Manehattan, Luna’s body was prepared and sent off with her guards protecting it.

The journey was slow.

They took their time to allow everycreature along the way to watch in silence.

Nocreature had anything to say when they saw the convoy of vehicles drive by, and ultimately the car that carried Luna.

It couldn’t be missed.

It stood out.

It could be heard.

The silence that came from everycreature that stood at the sides of roads was noticeable. It was like a wave.

As the car came and went, the silence started and ended.

The mood as this happened was unforgettable.

It would be melancholy before, then nothing as creatures absorbed what they saw, and then the realization set in.

Mares and stallions alike began to break. Colts and fillies panicked as the adults around them broke that secure and authority figure they always held.

The thestrals were numb.

They didn’t know how to react.

Every bat pony had heard of Luna and the campaign she was doing in the prior months and sprung up quickly to take what action they could.

Some of them were ready to follow Luna if she turned to Nightmare Moon, but-

They were now without their princess all together.

They didn’t have to hide though.

Nopony dared to bother them, whether by fear of them getting angry, or from having sympathy for them losing their princess, or just not caring about their presence due to the circumstance.

It didn’t matter. It would be later after the funeral that the thestrals came out from hiding and joined the public.

None of the thestrals cared at this point though.

What was there to work towards?

The memorial.

The morning that Luna was announced dead, was the moment the thestrals got to work.

They cleared the entire area that the stage was at. They dismantled it and cleaned up the mess that had been left behind.

There was investigation into the incident but it was halted immediately upon the arrival of the thestrals that came in.

They weren’t stopped.

They worked tirelessly for days on end at the area, turning it into a large garden, with a stone statue being built and brought in and placed at the center, where the stage had been.

It was a statue of Luna’s cutie mark. A crescent moon.

No plaques were placed anywhere, just the garden and the statue.

Many ponies and thestrals throughout the world began to erect their own memorials as well. From new buildings being built and dedicated to her and to small statues being made and sold for ponies to keep at home.

Luna had become engraved into the minds of everypony, once again as she once was 1000 years ago.

Celestia was devastated with the whole thing.

Upon Luna’s arrival to Canterlot, Celestia would announce the dissolvement of the diarchy and her retirement from ruling, hooving the position over to Twilight Sparkle.

Celestia also announced that she would solely take over the role of raising and lowering both the sun and moon from there on forward, just as she had done for a thousand years prior.

Nopony dared question her, not even Twilight as she took over, they all just accepted it.

To everycreature in the world, the death of Princess Luna marked the end of an era, which was how Celestia had decided to embrace it.

The only things that would remain of their rule would be country they had built up together and the memorials that would spring up in memory of Luna.

The ever changing world would require new faces to rule it, even if by other alicorns like Twilight now ruling Equestria or Cadance ruling the Crystal Empire.

Comments ( 2 )

What? I don’t even know what this comment is referencing in relation to this story.

MY LUNA....MY LUNA !!!!!!!

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