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The Avengers Protocol Part 2

From we left off, with the aid of Spellcaster and MODOK, Tony Stark was stripped of his Iron Man armor and Red Skull had taken it and became the Iron Skull. And now our heroes were topside of the base.

"Stay with me, Stark!" Cap said while carrying him.

"Is he going to be okay?" Fluttershy asked.

"How's a guy supposed to pass out peacefully with you yelling like that?" Tony asked.

"Yeah, he'll be okay," Rainbow assured her. "Falcon, how is he?"

"He's running on fumes, he needs medical and tents, now. Where's the Quinnjet?" Falcon asked.

"You're looking at it," Sunset said seeing the Quinnjet in pieces.

"It seems that our enemies met our arrival enthusiastically," Luna declared as Widow came down with her.

"I got my own ride, just try not to rip the leather."

Everyone but Thor, Celestia, and Luna got in and took off.

"Wear's the quickest base you find?" Rarity asked.

"A hospital won't cut it," Falcon came in. "Tony's armor was the only thing keeping him alive, more in detail the ARC reactor."

"Get me to the mansion."

"You sure? I don't know if that's possible."

"Welcome to the big leagues, Falcon. Impossible is what do best," Cap said then a hand signal Thor read.

"A wind tunnel? Aye, allow me."

Thor got in front of the Quinnjet and created a slipstream for the jet to follow.


Meanwhile in the oceans

"Stark's armor is an even greater prize than the Captian's body," Skull said. "Wearing it not only keep me alive, it made me beyond flesh and bone."

"Indeed, Iron Man is history," Cozy grinned.

"Iron Man? Have you learned nothing, Miss Glow? It isn't enough to beat one Avenger, especially with more ponies, no offense."

"None taken."

"Then how do we beat them?" Tirek asked.

"To fully triumph, we must destroy all they represent. While they licked their wounds, we shall strike the Avengers where they live," Skull said while pulling the details of the Mansion.

"It would be a shame if they made it home with time to plan, yes," MODOK agreed while smiling. "Then it's good that I sent some of them off with companions, isn't it?"

Back at the Mansion...

"Any idea what Stark is up to?" Hawkeye asked.

"Nothing I ever worked on, Which makes me totally jealous," Falcon replied.

"The Mark 50. Prototype modular system. New armor smell and everything. In theory more efficient, more powerful than any of my ARC Recaotr models."

He did he Unibeam and made a hole which everyone was surprised.


"In theory also means untested. Classic."

"Details, I'll work out. Soon as I do, I'll be smacking the red of the Red Skull."

"I thought he was called the Iron Skull?" Pinkie wondered.


"I can't he call of us, only break it up!" Rainbow exclaimed. "I really miss this."

"Other than, saving Equestria," Rarity implied.

"Yeah, but I like to do my own thing, but what with you and Widow?"

"Fury sent us to keep an eye on all of you. making sure you don't blow up Manhatten."

"Fair enough,"


With Hulk and Thor, Fluttershy, and The Royal Pony Sisters...

"We had some grand battles in this training room, you and I," Thor said.

"You kept thinking you could knock me down," Hulk replied.

"Did more thing, I think. What do you say? For old times?"

Then Celestia used her magic and turn on the lights then all three ponies got to a safe distance.

"Wouldn't mess up that pretty hairdo!"

Thor threw his hammer only for Hulk to dodge, then he was up the top of him.

"Mijlnor, to me!"

His hammer came back and took Hulk off of him, they started to brawl with each other.

"I never understand those two," Luna said noticing something as Hulk's and Thor's eyes went red.


"Okay Stark, might want to explain why you want to call it off?" Twilight asked. "And give me a straight answer or I can blast it out of you."

"I led the Avengers for a day, and I almost lost everyone."

"You're scared. All of us are scared. and we push through."

"I'm not afraid of what could happen to me. The Skull and his band of freaks almost got all of you. What if I led you somewhere, I can't bring you back?"

"That's our choice isn't it?" Falcon asked then the mansion started to shake.

"Move," Hawkeye said knowing what caused it as Hulk punches Thor to the top. "Guys, enough! He's strongest, you're the prettiest. Whatever!"

"No, something's wrong," Widow said.

"You dare touch the Son of Odin? I'll tear you apart, monster!"

"You are not better than me! Hulk smash stupid Avengers!"

Rainbow readied herself, Hawkeye and Widow armed their weapons and Rarity charged her horn.

"Hulk smash you all!"

"Please tell me you have Hulk-busting arrows?" Rainbow asked.

"They didn't," Hawkeye fired one and Hulk caught then it flash a white light. "Hulk-blinding. It's something. Oh please!"

Widow fired her blasters at him.

"You make me sick. You're a washout, Undisclpined."

"Better than being Fury's watchdog."

The four fought each other, and MODOK, Skull, and Cozy came in.

"What did you do?" Cozy asked MODOK

"Puppeteer Microtech. I control the machines. The machines control the Avengers." He explained.

"What's next Skull?"

"First, we took Stark's heart. Next we take his country apart," Skull said. "The Avengers will be our weapons.

"We have to contain this. Falcon, Rainbow, you're with me and AJ. Stay close."

Cap, Falcon, Applejack, and Rainbow headed outside to the help the others.

"What's going on?" Twilight said.

Unusallly high levels of aggression amongst the team, Miss Sparkle.

"That's it! Mircobots!" Iron Stark exclaimed. "Taken in through the respiratory system, sending signals to the brian."

"Falcon, neither you or others have a face mask. Get out of there. MODOK's work."

"The nerd's doing it," Rainbow said as she and Applejack ran back in there.

Meanwhile, Skull and Cozy made to the reactor.

"Pefect. For it is enough to destroy the Avengers," Skull said.

"I still don't get it."

"You must destroy everything they stand for.

Back outside Widow had strangle Hawkeye.

"You ran from SHIELD. We can't count on you."

"Me? You're the two-timeing traitor!"

"If MODOK wanted to cause desrctuion wouldn't we have Hulk and Thor leveled the manison?" Sunset asked.

"Unless, he wants them outside. Jarivs scan for any sign of MODOK, the Skull, or freakshow gallery.

Scanning... Nothing.

"Of course not, he cloaked himself. Search for missing or distorted information."

Got three bodsy scans, sir.

"Time to do something stupid."


"Oh this is a lot of fun. I wish I'd invented this technology sooner," MODOK admitted.

Then Iron Man approached him from behind.

"Hey MO-DOrk."

He blasted him and send flying outside.

"Get off my lawn."

Then he scans his teammates.

"Concentrated EMP ought to do the trick," Iron Man blasted an electrical blast at their heads returning them to normal.

"What just happened?"

"You guys just mind control by MODOK," Applejack explained. "And where's that big head?"

"He's right behind you," Iron Man said then jet boosted out of there.

Once MODOK came around, Hulk smashed him.

"Keep you're comms up guys. We're gonna need a team effort here."


"Ooh, what Stark left some secrets," Cozy said.

"Aren't you two done stealing my toys," Iron Man said.

"I'll see back at the base, Skul!" Cozy screamed then teleported herself out of there.

Once she was gone, Skull fired an energy blast that Iron Man dodged and fired and send him into the hallway. Before Skull had a chance Cap threw his shield which knock him off balance.

"Worked out the kinks?"

"Actually no. That repulsor was about all I had until I can recharge. Of course, now that you're here..."

"You lead, I'll follow."

"With each maneuver, I'm gathering more intel on his tweaks to hijacked tech. Hawkeye, short his armor."

Hawkeye fired a taser arrow and it shorted out the armor not before he fired an energy blast that was blocked by Cap's shield.

"Nice on, Widow, Rarity your turn."

"For someone who sent us packing, you're awfully liberal with the orders."

Widow threw rolled three mines at Skull which exploded then Rarity flash her horn and blinded him.

"Who else was gonna save you from yourselves? Sunset, Celestia he's wide open, blast him."

Both of them fired their magic blasts and he was sent straight into the wall.

"Falcon, these are Skull's armor specs. Show him what rookie can do."

Falcon fired his flechettes at him then he fell on his knees.

"Careful, keep leading like and we might stick together."

"Yes, let Stark lead you through the final moments. The game was over before it has begun. I took your armor. I will take your lives. And take your honor by leaving a scar on this nation that forever be blamed on the Avengers."

Skull teleported himself out of the mansion.

"What did he mean by that?" Rainbow asked then the explosion went off.

"What was that?" Luna asked.

"That was the mansion's reactor. Not a good boom."

The mansion started to collapse on itself.

"The Skull, MODOK, and Cozy Glow disabled all of the reactor's safety systems. Energy discharges have escaped the shields. Muti-phase generators are falling out of synchronicity."

"In English, please?" Rainbow for a simple explanation.

"In 90 seconds, the reactor blows. The Big Apple becomes the world's biggest skate bowl and we have a serious PR problem."

"Really? Now?"

"Joking in face of certain death is one of my charms."

"So being a super genius. Think Einstein, 80 seconds."

"Falcon, we need a coil gun that can fire a small sun. You, Rainbow-hair, and the lighting rod are the barrel. Lots of speed and electricity."

"Try to keep and get ready to bring the thunder," Falcon said then he and Rainbow took off.

"He has your spark, I like him!" Thor took off as well.

"Anyone not who's not an alicorn, or has on armor or even has gamma-fused skin. should clear the area of civilians."

Cap, Widow, Hawkeye, Starlight, Sunset, Pinkie, Fluttershy, Applejack, and Rarity, headed out.

"Ladies, have your horns ready and Hulk it's time to get angry."

"My favorite time of day," Hulk said as the five head down to the reactor.


"Alright, can someone explain does Iron Man wants us to do?" Rainbow asked as she, Thor, and Falcon started to fly around the mansion.

"It's physics, crazy physics. Tony's betting we can contain the force of the explosion and direct it into space like a bullet from a gun at 3,000 miles per minute," Falcon explained. "Does that sounds crazy?"

"Yes, And also great fun."

"Then what are we waiting for, Let's do it!" Rainbow exclaimed.

All three of them circled around the mansion at top speed creating a wind tunnel.


"Good and angry?" Iron Man asked and he and Hulk lifted the reactor.

"I'm always angry!" Hulk exclaimed.

"Hard as you can throw it right into the vortex, green guy."

Hulk threw the reactor straight up.


He, Twilight, Celestia, and Luna fired their beams and send the reactor to space.

"Saving New York with science is... cool!" Falcon said before freefalling.

"Having songs sung about your bravery is even cooler," Thor said then catch him

"That was amazing!"

Inside Hydra's Ocean Base...

"What are we waiting for," Tirek said. "We should act now!"

"I agree," MODOK agreed. "We gather more data, know more of their weakness. We should strike while the iron is hot."

"No!" Spellcaster shouted and fired a magic blast at them.

"And why shouldn't we?" Cozy Glow asked. "We should attack before the Avengers have the chance to regroup."

"No, Spellcaster is right," Everyone turned to Dusk Claw. "Even so, Stark stands with giants, I must do the same if I am to succeed."

Skull sends out five drones... one to Attuma. Dracula, Doctor Doom, Savage Sparkle, and Black Knight.

If receiving this signal, consider this a sign of my respect and a call to arms. Time and again, we have been kept from our rightful place by these so-called Avengers, because we are unable to put aside petty differences. If you want your fates to change, if want the world to tremble before you? Stand at my side. Join my Cabal and we will destroy the Avengers together.

At Avengers Tower...

"The Skull almost took us out by teaming up MODOK, the Terrible Trio, and Spellcaster, which he's gonna try again, but with bigger and badder allies.

"Your Robo-butler tell you this?" Rainbow asked.

"No, Skull did," Stark showed everyone Skull's message.

"SHEILD got a hold of one of these and passed along the message. Skull's building a cabal of equals to do what he can't do alone."

"Just like you guys... us guys," Pinkie chimed. "Only, you know evil. Hmm."

"Thanks for clarifying Pinkie."

"So what does it mean?" Twilight asked.

"It means if the who's who of bad guys R.S.V.P to the Skull's revenge party, the world will be facing threats of a whole new magnitude. Threats that only we can face. The Avengers.

"And your way to keep us together is a superhero sleepover boot camp?" Hawkeye asked.

"In the army, we worked together, trained together, lived together."

"Right *Chuckle* Only this isn't the army."


"This our new home. Courtesy of Stark Industries."

"I was thinking of something a bit more old-schooled," Applejack said.

"Most of us, live in Equestria and you would confine to this... shack?" Luna asked.

"Guys, big picture moment, we literally saved New York... the only I have you will take care of leading us into battle?" Twilight asked.

"You have my word. No backies."

"As anyone seen Hulk?" Sunset asked.

"I'm here," Hulk enters the room while eating a turkey. "And sorry for the fridge."

Then the TV showed a dragon attacking China.

"Avengers Assemble!"

"Jarivs, encage Avenjet Prime."

"What's an 'Avenjet Prime?".

"You're standing in," Iron Man said then landing came down as Avenjet was prepared for takeoff.

"This is the best day of my life! Whoo!"

"Show off."

"What you're house doesn't do this?" Iron Man asked then the jet took off.

Comments ( 1 )

In your short description you say they "untie". IMO you mean "unite".


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