• Published 24th Sep 2022
  • 696 Views, 5 Comments

Friendship Through the Worlds - ThomasZoey3000

A young man is drawn into a world of chaos when the ponies of his favourite show visit his world.

  • ...

The Fight Continues

Chapter 9: The Fight Continues

Twilight's energy was running low, but it seemed no matter what she did, Starlight Glimmer seemed to stand tall, proud and menacingly.

"I would compliment you on your fighting, but fighting for those lower life forms is a poor pony's foolish choice," Starlight sneered. "Really, you should've run when you had the chance. And yet, here we are."

Twilight stumbled a bit before saying, "you don't...abandon friends." She tried to stand, but instead fell back down to the ground.

Starlight Glimmer shook her head, "pathetic. Maybe they should've made somepony else an alicorn. You are so useless." Her horn lit up and she prepared to strike, but instead, she got hit by a magical beam, which sent her flying into the mud again.

"Who dares?!"

"I dare!" snapped a voice.

Twilight looked up and saw the unmistakable manestyle of the one of only; Sunset Shimmer. Sunset looked down to Twilight, "told you we would make it." Her attention went back to Starlight, "so you think Twilight isn't good enough to be an alicorn huh? Who do you think deserves the role more? You? Don't make me laugh, you'd make a terrible leader."

Starlight groaned as she got back up, "so I get to face you again. This time, I won't lose."

Sunset smirked, "you may have grown up, but you're still the same little brat I fought before. Now, show me what you got."

Starlight's horn lit up, as did Sunset's. There was a short pause, then both unleashed their attacks at one another. Lightning shot out from the middle of the attacks, thunder crashed from all around, but Sunset wasn't afraid. Her magic was fresh for this fight, so she could hold her ground.

Back with the others, Princess Celestia was looking over the injured Matthew.

"Oh my dear child, this will not do," she said kindly.

Her horn lit up, and in an instant, Matthew was engulfed in a bright beam of light. Everyone had to shield their eyes.

"What are you doing to him?" Patrick asked.

"Just wait my friend," smiled Princess Celestia.

It was only thirty seconds, but it felt like forever before the light disappeared. Everyone looked to see Matthew in the same spot. Only now, he wasn't groaning as he started to get up.

"What did you do to him?" asked Moondancer.

"I healed him," the princess answered. "It's one of the many spells one can learn from ruling over a thousand years."

Everyone seemed to hold their breath as Matthew twisted and turned, and even bent back a bit.

"You okay buddy?" Ryan asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine. In fact, better than fine, I'm better than I ever was before." He turned to the Princess of the day and bowed before her, "thank you your highness. I will forever be in your debt."

A loud explosion caught their attention.

"Oh right," groaned Rainbow Dash. "Starlight Glimmer."

A determined look came to Matthew's face as he picked up his weapons, "it's time to teach her an important lesson; nothing can stop us, as long as we have our friends with us. What do you say guys? Want to give it one more shot?"

"Heck yeah!" cheered the humans.

"Sweet Celestia yes!" cheered the ponies.

Princess Celestia raised her eyebrow hearing this, but before anything could be said, the group of friends were charging back into the fight. This time, with one more addition as Moondancer was running with them.

Spike was going to follow them too, but Princess Celestia stopped him, "maybe it's best you let them take care of this problem."

Starlight fired everything she had, but all her attacks were redirected in different directions by Sunset's magic.

"Just as I thought, you're still too sloppy," she smirked.

"Careful Sunset," warned Twilight as she lay in the mud. "She doesn't-"

"I WILL END YOU!" shouted Starlight and fired off at Sunset.

Once again, their magic clashed. Only this time, Starlight's magic was beating Sunset's. Starlight smirked, when suddenly, she heard a shout, "hey Bumlight! Leave my pals alone!"

She turned and saw Matthew standing his ground with his weapons in both hands.

"Didn't I just...never mind, I can still beat you."

Matthew raised his gun, "go on. Make OUR Day!"


"Yeah, OUR DAY!"

She looked around and saw the others all standing their ground. Bruised, sore and a little tired, but determined none the less.

"You'll never understand Glimmer," Matthew said firmly. "You'll never win, cause we have the one thing you don't!"

"Let me guess, 'magic of friendship'. Is that what you were going to say?"

"Okay, make that one of two things."

Starlight fired off at Matthew, but the attack was blocked. The magic as it turned out came from Twilight. She wobbled as she got to her hooves, "the other thing is that you have nothing to fight for. We do!"

"Darn right we do!" cheered Sunset.

Moondancer trotted over beside Twilight while Patrick, Ryan and Emily stood beside Matthew.

"Last chance Glimmer, stand down or we'll kick your flank back to the dark ages!"

Starlight's horn lit up and she fired at the humans again. They dodged and instantly fired back. Many of the shots hit their target, some of which were from Patrick's gun.

"Nice shot bud," smiled Matthew.

"Thanks Matt! Told you all I was a little rusty before!" he smirked.

And the fight started again. Starlight fired, but couldn't take on the entire group all at once. First she was smacked by Rainbow Dash, followed by Ryan's attack. Twilgiht, Sunset and Moondancer shot off, which distracted her so Applejack could hit her, which sent her flying to Patrick, who smacked her with a two by four. Fluttershy distracted her, allowing Rarity to smack her with her magic, and allowing Matthew to fire more paintballs at Starlight. Finally, Pinkie Pie brought out a party cannon out of her mane, don't ask how, and fired hard objects at her.

As she struggled to her hooves, Starlight noticed two very tall ponies and one lone dragon. One of the ponies disappeared through a portal.

"I'm done with you freaks! You'll never get home now!"

She got up and charged at the princesses and Spike. She would've made it, had it not been for Matthew tackling her from behind, and before getting her bearings, was thrown, quite surprisingly, to the front yard where the attacks continued.

People on the other side of the street couldn't believe what they were seeing.

"Ponies and humans fighting one pony? What is all this about?"

Of course, the crowds were of no concern for the heroic group as they focused more of their energy on Starlight. She tried her hardest, but the earlier attacks were finally beginning to take their toll. Now she was missing her targets and getting attacked more and more.

"Like those ones Glimmer?" shouted Rainbow Dash.

"You wanted a fight-" Fluttershy began.

"And you got one!" finished Emily as she smacked Starlight.

Starlight groaned once more as she tried to get back up. Through her squinted eyes, she could see the friends standing together. Moondancer was even using this time to tend to some of Twilight's injuries.

Matthew aimed his paintball gun once more, "had enough?"

"Not even a bit," snarled Starlight. She wobbled and collapsed again.

"I say she's done," smirked Applejack.

But before anypony could do anything, Starlight's body began to glow.

"I'd hold off on those celebrations just yet darlings," advised Rarity. "Looks like she's getting a second wind."

"Oh no she doesn't! Patrick, Ryan, Emily, with me now! Open fire!"

The paintball guns were raised and they took aim. The paintballs fired out and smacked Starlight hard, making her groan. So much so that when the light died away, she was still wobbling.

Matthew turned to Twilight, "I'd say it's your turn now."

Twilight nodded, "just like with Tirek girls."

They all nodded and focusing together, they started glowing. Starlight tried to strike back, but this time, Sunset and Moondancer blocked the attack. Sunset smirked and using her magic, brought out the last of Matthew's paintballs from inside the house.


"We do this together," she answered. "You guys started this, and now we'll finish this."

He nodded and the humans accepted their paintballs. They finished loading as the mane 6 reappeared in their rainbow forms.

"Oh come on! Fine! I'll kick you all down, even with those powers!" shouted Starlight.

She fired once more, but it was still blocked by magic. Only now it was coming from the mane 6. Sunset and Moondancer stood back, but still lent their magic to the group.

"On three Twi?" Rainbow asked.

Twilight shook her head, and shouted, "NOW!"

Their magic aimed and fired, now clashing at Starlight's magic. Matthew and his human friends took aim too and without another word, they fired everything they had.

"Now that's true Friendship in action," smiled Spike.

Princess Celestia could only nod.

To her credit, Starlight did put up a fight, but no amount of unicorn magic could beat eight ponies powering their magic together, and four humans firing paintballs at her. With one final groan, her magic failed and the magical energy sent her flying once more into a nearby field.

"Did we...over do it?" asked Fluttershy.

Starlight groaned as she once again tried to get up. She snarled as she lay eyes on Matthew, but she said nothing as she collapsed.

Finally, all the heroes could fall, worn out from their fight.

"Now I know why we don't go into psychical fights," groaned Rarity, "it's too tiring."

"I don't know, I thought it was cool," smiled Pinkie Pie. "And hey, we got to use our pony powers, right?"

"We sure did," smiled Fluttershy. "We were amazing! Well, I think we were."

Matthew rolled his eyes, "some things will never change."

Their conversation was suddenly cut short by the sounds of cheering. They looked and saw all the people who were stopped, or had come to see what was going on.

Twilight smirked as she looked to Matthew, "I'd say there's still room in your world for heroes after all."

"Yeah I guess-"

Matthew was cut off as magic engulfed him and he was taken away, into the same field as Starlight Glimmer. She groaned as she wobbled on her hooves, "no more friends, no more weapons, just a hairless ape and a pony."

She stumbled a bit as she charged, somewhat, at Matthew. He stood, ready to fight once more. Her horn lit up and she fired once more at him.

"NO!" cried Rainbow as the magical beam hit him.

"Good riddance," smirked Starlight.

But when the smoke cleared, Matthew was okay. He was being protected by a magical force field.

"Twilight?" asked everyone, but she shook her head. None of the unicorns were responsible for the force field. Even Princess Celestia was curious by this.

"Okay pony tail, my turn now!" shouted Matthew. "You've screwed around with my world for the last time!"

Starlight fired, but Matthew was quick now and dodged all her attacks, then he punched her hard in the face. She tried again to fire, but she missed again and he hit her once more, this time by kicking her in the front legs. He raised his fist angerly.

"Give up yet?"

"Not even clo-" she didn't finish as she collapsed for the last time. She was still breathing, but for sure, her energy was really gone.

"Okay, now we can rest."

The others ran to him, "how did you do that?" they asked. "That was amazing."

"Honestly, I don't know how I did it, but there was no way I was going to let her get away with attacking again." He looked to Applejack, "you better get the ropes from my garage, we're going to need it for this troublemaker."

"No need," came another voice.

They all looked and saw Princess Luna, and several royal guards. One had hoof cuffs.

"Oh horseapples," groaned Starlight.

Author's Note:

To be honest, I was watching the final fight scene of the Super Mario Brothers Movie when I was writing up this chapter. Great inspiration there. Anyways, final chapter is coming up real soon.