• Published 24th Sep 2022
  • 696 Views, 5 Comments

Friendship Through the Worlds - ThomasZoey3000

A young man is drawn into a world of chaos when the ponies of his favourite show visit his world.

  • ...

Plan of Action

Chapter 3: Plan of Action

News soon reached the ponies and Matthew. They were relieved that, again, there were no injuries to the people nearby, but now they were getting worried. Even with the lack of energy she had, Starlight Glimmer was still dangerous, and to make matters worse, tracking her down was going to be impossible.

"My maps will do you no good," sighed Matthew. "There is a lot of land between here and Stouffville, so looking for her would be like trying to find a needle in a haystack."

Applejack nodded with that statement, "it is harder than most of you might think."

Rainbow Dash slammed her hoof on a nearby chair, making Bridget the Cat cry out and run out of the room. "Come on! We had a good plan to go after her, and now we're back at square one."

"And we still have no way of getting home," added Applejack. "Too bad Spike isn't with us, we could send a message to Princess Celestia and Princess Luna."

Suddenly, Twilight's eyes lit up, "that's it! We do have a way home!"

She ran over to her saddlebag, which had been sitting on the floor since their impromptu entry into Matthew's home. She looked through it for a few seconds and moments later, her magic pulled out a book.

"A book? That's how we can get home?" Rainbow Dash asked, sounding like she couldn't believe Twilight.

"It's not just any book," Matthew said as he got a closer look at the book, "that's the journal she uses to talk with Sunset Shimmer."

"Of course!" exclaimed Rarity, "if anypony can get a message to the princesses, then it's going to be her."

"Exactly, and once she gets this message, she'll just go through the-" Twilight's cheerful expression changed to a frown as she realized something important. "She won't be able to go through the portal if I got the journal with me."

The journal was the key that turned on Twilight's portal back in the Castle of Friendship, but unless it was there, the portal couldn't be turned on.

Rarity sighed unhappily, "we're never going home!"

"Well I'll still write to Sunset," said Twilight. "She's a very smart pony, er girl, so I'm sure she'll be able to get herself back to Equestria."

The other ponies and one human looked doubtful, but Twilight still went ahead with the message:

"Sunset, we're in need of your help. We were sent on a friendship mission to help a village, only when we got there, we ran into Starlight Glimmer, and after a short chase, she teleported us to a different human dimension. I know I have the journal, but if you can find a way to Equestria, you can send a message to Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, and let them know where we are."

She put the pen down and waited for the response.

In the other human world, Sunset Shimmer was drying her hair after having a shower, then change into some nice clean clothes.

"There's nothing better than having a good shower," she thought to herself. "I'm glad that's something Equestria and this world have in common."

With her hair now dry, she started walking to the washroom to brush her hair, but it was then that she saw something glowing on her desk. It was her journal. She picked it up and read the message. She couldn't believe what she was reading.

"Another human world? Well that's a surprise. Still, how can I help?"

She grabbed a nearby pen and wrote down, "I'll try my best to help you Twilight, that's a promise."

The response given was a quick 'thank you'.

Before going to brush her hair, Sunset grabbed her phone and texted her five best friends. She asked them to meet her by the statue in front of Canterlot High.

When she arrived, she found them all waiting for her.

"Alright Sugarcube, we're all here," said Applejack, "what did you need to see us for?"

Sunset quickly explained the situation to her friends. They were shocked to hear this, but quickly promised to help her. Of course, saying it can be done, and doing it are two different things. It was proven as Rainbow Dash tried running to the portal, only to bang off the statue and fell flat on her back.

"Did you really think that would work?" Rarity asked firmly.

"Perhaps," Rainbow Dash said meekly.

"Well, we can't wait for the thirtieth moon, and Spike doesn't have the journal with him," Sunset pointed out. "We're gonna need some magical source to open up the portal. But we have to try, so are you all with me?"

"Of course we are," the girls exclaimed in unison.

And with that, they began with their important mission.

Back in Equestria, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna had arrived at the village the mane 6 had been sent to. They looked around, and apart from a burnt down cottage, they wouldn't have known there had been any problems. All the ponies had their cutie marks and were talking amongst themselves happily.

"Greetings citizens," said Princess Luna, "Sorry to interrupt you, but we're currently on the look out for Princess Twilight Sparkle and her friends."

The villages looked to the Princesses, "you mean, they didn't return home?"

"No they haven't," Princess Celestia answered. "We were told that she and her friends came here for a friendship mission, and haven't been seen since."

"Friendship mission?! Please!" grumbled an elderly stallion. "It was more of a rescue mission. We had our cutie marks stolen by a power hungry pony, and she had us be her slaves. Those six saved us, and gave us back our cutie marks."

"What happened after that?" asked Princess Celestia.

"Well," continued the elderly stallion, "once those six discovered who was behind this, they chased her into the forest." His attitude changed a bit to a concerned tone, "we just assumed they had taken her off to jail, we never thought maybe they disappeared."

Princess Celestia sighed, "well thank you for your help, you can carry on with your lives."

The stallion smiled and leaned back in his rocking chair, "I intend to."

The princesses took off towards the forest. They searched along the path, off the path and into areas that looked like they were hiding something. But of course, they didn't find the six ponies.

"All I was able to find was a burnt patch of grass," sighed Princess Luna.

"Burnt patch of grass?" Princess Celestia asked.

"Yes, like a fire had set the ground ablaze. Careless campers, you know how they are."

It was then a thought came to Celestia's head, "can you show me this spot?"

Princess Luna, unsure what to make of this, lead Celestia back to where she spotted the burnt out area. Once there, Celestia took a look at it and used her own magic on it. After a minute, she spoke again.

"It wasn't campers, it was magic, very powerful magic."

Luna raised an eyebrow, "and how do you know that?"

Celestia smirked, "you don't end up being Twilight's teacher without picking up a few tricks from her. Like for example, scanning the spot to see if magic was used, and it was."

"Maybe Twilight fired it."

"Maybe, but that's all I've been able to find out. Apart from this, I'm not sure where they would've gone."

Getting nowhere from their search, the two princesses took off to find some kind of evidence as to where the ponies had gone.

Back in Sunset's world, the girls had tried playing music and ponying up to open the portal, but it would only open a little bit before closing just as one of the girls tried to go through.

"Oh Applerot!" snapped Applejack. "At this rate, we'll never be able to get through."

Sunset rubbed her left shoulder, which was a little sore from her own attempt to get through, "no I didn't think so. Guess we're going to need to try something different."

"And what would that be?" Rainbow Dash asked. "Playing music is the only way we can use magic."

Sunset sighed and leaned against the statue, "I really don't know girls. If only I could get a message to Spike, then he might be able to find a way to open the portal."

Then, much to everyone's surprise, Pinkie Pie spoke up, "But we can send a message to Spike!"

"How? Twilight has the journal," grumbled Rainbow Dash.

"Well, we did open the portal a little bit, maybe that could-"

"Of course!" exclaimed Sunset as she got the idea. "All we need to do is open the portal a little bit, send the message through and Spike can use the magic of Equestria to open the portal!"

"That is assuming it goes through," grumbled Applejack.

"It's worth a shot," said Sunset.

The other girls all agreed, and after writing up a message, they started playing again. Some people saw them and cheered them on. As the song reached the second verse, Sunset saw their magic opening the portal. Giving a nod to Pinkie, the pink haired girl pulled out the note and tossed it in before the portal shut.

"I really hope that works," thought Sunset.

The message flew through the dimension between dimensions, going at speeds no one had or ever would see. Finally, with magic surrounding it, it appeared in a room, but it wasn't just any room. It was the library where Twilight kept the portal to Sunset's world. The message floated about for a minute, then landed on the nearby desk.

There was only one problem though, no creature was in the library.

Night arrived, and most of the mane 6 were asleep, except for Twilight. She was sitting on the back porch of the house. She wasn't alone though as Matthew was with her.

"Still no new response from Sunset?" Matthew asked.

Using her magic, Twilight brought the journal towards her and looked through the pages. The only message to read was Sunset's response to help them.

"Nope, nothing," she sighed.

"Well like you said, she is a smart girl, I'm sure she'll come up with something," he pointed out. "Though now I'm curious, I wonder where Starlight Glimmer is. Surely she doesn't have a place to rest her head, and if you're right about all the magic she's used, I'm sure she's having to walk more than usual, so her hooves are bound to be sore."

"Probably, but who knows. Although," she paused.


"Well, if I was Starlight Glimmer and I had been defeated for a second time, I would want get even with the ones who defeated me."

"Good thing she doesn't know that you're here then," he smirked before taking a sip of the chocolate milk he had brought out with him, "she'll slip up sooner or later, and once that happens, you'll take her back and all will be well once more. Except for me," but he muttered the last part to himself.

The two went back to being quiet, that was until they heard loud banging in the distance. Matthew groaned as he got up, "oh darn it, it's those stupid hunters again! They've been told many times not to hunt around here. Guess they'll need to be taught a lesson. Get inside the house Twilight!"

"Why? What are you going to do?"

"Don't you worry, I got something that'll scare the living daylights out of them."