• Published 9th Oct 2022
  • 3,142 Views, 144 Comments

My Little Ball of Fire & Vengeance - Scootaboom1

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Derpy Intermission

Author's Note:

Hello readers just wanted to write a certain scene but didn't think that it would fit in under any normal chapter so I made it an Intermission.

Amber Wood

Sitting down with Dinky and Carrot Top for breakfast I noticed that Derpy was not present despite us having muffins.

Curious I asked, "Where's Derpy? Did she leave early or something?"

Carrot Top sighed and responded, "No... When I asked her what we should have for breakfast today she smiled and said muffins.

So I asked her to get them from the pantry but I noticed her already going out the front door and before I could stop her she had disappeared."


Meanwhile deep deep underground was a place known as the underworld long forgotten by time.

Divided into nine sections each increasing deeper below the ground there was a door from an even older more forgotten era of history located in the deepest and darkest of it's pits.

This door opened to a passage way that led even deeper into the dark realm which stretched even further down below.

Within the deepest darkest depths of the dark realm was a pit which all avoided. At the bottom of that pit was a corridor which lead to the under realm.

In the deepest pit of the under realm was the fortress of it's ruler Foraðsforað.



Resting atop my throne I heard an unusual sound.

Looking down to the I saw speck on the ground too small to be a nat.

Was that a surface realm creature?

A pegasus I believe.

A grey coat and blonde mane.

I began too speak and as I did my entire realm shook with the power of my voice, "Surface realm pegasus I Foraðsforað allow you to speak so you may inform me on why you are here for you stand before me.

For I am Foraðsforað: Trampler of Epochs, Defiler of Spirits, Abater of Life, Perisher of Dominions, Dissolver of Souls, Swallower of Essences, The Realm Vanquisher, The Wicked Life Scorcher, Razer of Worlds, The Great Era Shatterer, Exhauster of Existence, The Wretched Carver, The Ancient Queller, The Epoch Trampler, Destroyer of Eras, Eradicator of Life, Eraser of Civilization, and Harbinger of the End Times.

Now answer me before I end your puny existence for insulting me.

The little pegasus pony tilted her head and responded in her tiny and almost inaudibly shout, "I was heading to the kitchen to get the muffins from the pantry!"

I raised a brow and looked at the creature before me and asked, "You ended up in the home and realm of Foraðsforað: Trampler of Epochs, Defiler of Spirits, Abater of Life, Perisher of Dominions, Dissolver of Souls, Swallower of Essences, The Realm Vanquisher, The Wicked Life Scorcher, Razer of Worlds, The Great Era Shatterer, Exhauster of Existence, The Wretched Carver, The Ancient Queller, The Epoch Trampler, Destroyer of Eras, Eradicator of Life, Eraser of Civilization, and Harbinger of the End Times on your way to the kitchen to receive muffins?"

The puny little pony mare responded with another shout, "I am not a clever mare."

Amber Wood

As I walk to school a crack began to open in the ground erupting dark flames and the tortured wailing souls of the damned.

From the hole walked out Derpy who happily stated, "I brought muffins."

Baffled I asked, "You brought muffins from the firey pits of the underworld?"

Derpy chose not to answer my question and walked away.