> My Little Ball of Fire & Vengeance > by Scootaboom1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Ch 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Amber Wood Well being dead could be worse I guess. I opened my eyes and questioned if I still needed to blink when I was dead. But something caught my eye which caused me to pause and stare. A hoofed leg? The color of the fur was somewhere between golden brown and orange, but that is not what drew my attention. What really drew my attention was that I felt that leg like it were my own arm. Okay then either reincarnation is right, or we become animals in the afterlife, or even something else. Well there was no point in just laying here so I raised up on to my four legs. I did not seem to have any difficulty in controlling my new body. In fact it felt like I had been using it for my entire life. In fact the idea of walking around on my hind legs seemed wrong. Did I just think what I think I did. Okay this is getting weird. Taking in a few deep breaths I took in my surroundings. I appeared to be in some kind of forest with dense foliage all around me. Looks like I will have to go through the bushes. The bushes were dense and the occasional vine was not helping with wading through them but I was making progress. Then the roots or rather branches I was balancing on gave out. I started to roll down a slope that got steeper and steeper until levelling out just before a sheer cliff. It was an almost cartoonish chain of events. Unfortunately I did not reach the ground since I was now tangled in vines. The way I was tangled was preventing me from untying myself, but I was more worried about strangling myself with them. Hopefully there is nothing around here that wants to eat me. But... Off to the side I could see what was clearly a road or trail of some kind. Well I guess that I won't lose anything for trying, "HELP!!!" I heard a short yelp before a series of clanking and crashing and a slight grown of pain. From behind a bend in the path what looked like a blue unicorn wearing a wizard hat and cape. The unicorn called out, "Who dares to interrupt The Great and Powerful Trixie!" When our eyes met I could see the gears turning in her head. Trixie as she was calling began to question me, "What is a kirin doing here? How old are you? Where are your parents? Are you injured?" Well I guess I should be glad that at the very least a somewhat responsible. I sighed and asked for her help in getting down. Her horn started to glow as did parts of the vines. I felt as she tugged the vines in different directions. It definitely was not a comfortable experience. Why could she not just cut them or something? I even felt the vine around my neck tightening a little. As my temper raised I all but shouted, "Just cut them with a knife or something!" When I did though, multiple things happened. First, I heard flames and the unicorn named Trixie back up with a look of shock. Second, was that I hit the ground. Trixie pulled out a folded cloth from her hat and used it to smother the vines which were now on fire. Did I do that? After she put out the fire she asked, "I didn't know that kirin were able to turn into nirik? Is that just a you thing or...?" I looked any I thought about how to get out of this situation. Though to do that I will need to find out more about kirin, "How much do you know about kirin?" Fortunately it seems that she took the bait. Trixie was a stage magician that regular claimed to face off against dangerous monsters from somewhere called the Everfree Forest. As she lead me to her wagon I started to remember a show that one of my friends watched and often told me about. She never mentioned this Trixie but I guess that since it was still ultimately a children's show, so it is unlikely that they would focus on a monster hunter. She quickly looked at pocket watch of some kind and asked me to light the fire for her to cook lunch. Were I not most likely immune to fire I would call her irresponsible. Remembering that I caught on fire when I got angry I focused on the my parents and ignited my hoof on the fire wood. Trixie came out of her with some stew to heat up. As she began to prepare our lunch she handed me a book intended for children that depiction various magical creatures. She apparently used it for a reference for visual illusion for her performances. Despite being made for children it had everything ponies knew, including a depiction of the shield. Trixie asked me if I was from the Peaks of Peril since we were so far. When I said that I was not from there she asked me if I was in needed of help returning home. Since she probably won't believe me if I said that I was from another dimension so I could not actually lead her anywhere. Even if she could I really don't want to go back to my parents, "I don't want to go back to my own village." She finished pouring the stew into two bowls and sarcastically asked, "Let me guess, a poor relationship with your parents?" When I nodded her eyes when wide and she said that she was just making a joke. As we finished our stew Trixie asked me if I wanted to go to the Peaks of Peril. Though she commented that it was a bit farther than she was used to. I asked if there was anywhere closer she could take me. She got a little nervous and said that many ponies would scare easily at an unfamiliar creature like a kirin, so it may actually be best to avoid revealing myself. Given what I do know about the show at least early on that may actually be a good idea. I agreed and she suggested that I stay in the wagon for the time since she was planning to go into town. Trixie seemed to not want to press me for anymore details which was good for me. Looking into a mirror she had in the wagon I got a good look at myself. The color of the fur was somewhere between golden brown and orange. My scales were a yellowish orange. I had a dark brown... ...antler I think? The wagon shook a lot but it seemed like Trixie was going slow to not shake it for me to rest. I was not really that tired but Trixie didn't know that but the thought was nice. Looking in the mirror I noticed that I still had the scar which parted my left eye brow. I wonder if other things carried over. Looking at the skin under my chest fluff and saw old surgical scars. While I amused myself with the thought, it hit me... Unfortunately I was not flexible enough to check but hopefully no one gets the wrong idea. > Ch 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Trixie As the kirin calf tested in my wagon I considered how I could take them to the Peaks of Peril. It sounded dangerous, but I already told the calf I would. What to do? I already had hotels reserved for my current tour... ...maybe, she can help. Amber Wood As the day started to turn to night Trixie made noddle soup. Yawning from my new younger body, Trixie wrapped me in a blanket and set me in a small hammock for bed as she went into town for some supplies. The next town we would be stopping at had a hotel where Trixie had prepared a reservation. I asked if it would really be okay but Trixie said that it would only be a few who know I'm there, and I will have the whole hotel room to myself for the most part rather than a cramped wagon. As I thought about it the thought of a actual bed sounded nice. Though there was something nagging at me, "Why don't you just buy supplies in the town with your hotel reservation?" Trixie rolled her eyes, "The Great and Powerful Trixie needs to buy specific magical supplies from a merchant who owns a shop here." I suppose that is as good a reason as any I suppose. Since it was nearing sunset Trixie suggested getting some sleep while she went shopping. I had no complaints about that and curled up in my little hammock. Trixie As the calf's golden eyes closed to sleep a smile formed on my face. This was going to work out perfectly. Amber Wood I woke to the shaking wagon as I looked out the window Trixie was already pulling the wagon to the next town. Before I could call out to her I noticed that she was talking to another pony pulling their own wagon. Not wanting to alert them to my presence I kept quite and noticed a box of breakfast muffins with a note on it. The note said that the box had four muffins two for now and one for each of us later. It also mentioned to save the blue berry one for her. After about an hour or two the other wagon went in another direction went on another side path herself. We reached a clearing and Trixie said that I could come out. She pulled out a box with a note that said do not touch on it, was it the supplies she bought from the specialty shop last night. She pulled out a chain necklace of an unknown metal, probably magical in nature. The clasps on the necklace had both a blue and yellow gems. The front of necklace had a few chains which ended in different colored gems. Not sure of what I was looking at, so I asked. Pointing to the clasp gems she said that they held an anti theft enchantments for one. She then pointed at the first gem hanging from the necklace would let us talk from far away. Trixie then lifted her cloak/cape revealing a few gems that matched some of the gems on the necklace. Pointing to the second one that was hanging two gems and she said that it would tell her what direction I was in. The third one also had two gems could cast a silence spell since you never know when something like this will be useful. The fourth one was actually a fire suppression charm for emergencies. It also had a few others that she said didn't have anything of note. As she told me about these effects I couldn't only wonder how much it costed her to buy this for me, so I asked. Trixie chuckled told me that her uncle was actually the one who owned the shop. After she explained the situation to her uncle he was willing to set it up for us. Trixie Uncle was not entirely on board with the idea but when I told him how much extra money I would get he was more on board. Amber Wood Looking over the necklace I was not sure on how I would even be able to use the effects of the gems, "How do I turn them on or off?" Trixie had a look on her face that looked like someone who was trying to find a way to explain something before suggesting, "Maybe you should just put it on and I could activate one of the effects. This should give you a good idea of how to use it." Well even if it did not really work it was worth a shot. I extended my neck since it didn't look like it would fit around my head and let her clip it around my neck. The moment it clipped on my neck it seemed to tighten. Not to an uncomfortable degree but something still did not feel right. With a nervous voice I asked if it was supposed to feel like this. Trixie just shrugged it off and asked me to bark. This only caused my mind to crash as I processed what Trixie had just said. As an involuntary reaction my body barked and when I tried to ask what was going on but barked instead. Before I could react further a strange feeling washed over me. I turned nirik as I tried to rip the necklace off but for some reason I could not get a grip on it. I then tried to burn Trixie with my flames only for them to have no effect. Trixie When the calf tried to burn me with her fire I nearly cried out in fear, but the fire suppression charm worked as intended. Sighing in relief I noticed that the calf was on the verge of running away, "I should probably mention that if you try to run away from Trixie or the wagon you will suffer from terrible headaches!" The calf seemed to calm itself down and lower to her hunches. With an obvious edge to her voice she asked, "What do you want from me?" "You will be helping me with my tour around Equestria!" The calf looked like she would have been giving off heat if not for the fire suppression charm. Amber Wood As we made our way to the next town I would have tried calling out for help, but Trixie activated one of the charms which prevented me from speaking in anything other than a growl. Trixie seemed to be under the impression that I would play the part of a nirik during her shows, but I had other plans. I just won't go nirik. After all she can not just force me to be a nirik. > Ch 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Amber Wood Me and my metaphorical big mouth. Of course Trixie had a way to force me to be a nirik at all times. How was I supposed to know that she had a potion that was meant to spike food and drinks to make someone more irritable. Now I am some kind of road side carnival attraction. This would not be the worst thing in the world if she only brought me out for the audience to figuratively and sometimes literally poke me with a stick. But no, she had to use me like a trained circus animal. Not only was it degrading, but the whip was completely unnecessary. The whip leashed against my flesh as Trixie called out, "Mush!" I wanted to scream that she was using mush wrong, just as much as I wanted to rip her throat out. From my hand stand, or whatever they called it, I jumped through the hoop next to me and did another hand stand on a ball this time. As I balanced three eggs on the end of my muzzle I thought back to some of the worst performances What were they. Birthday parties. Just the other day I was used as basically a pinata by a snot nosed colt who's rich parents let him get away with anything. At least it was less degrading than the filly who made me play house as both the baby and maid. Tonight was apparently the start of something called the Summer Sun Celebration. Trixie said that she would normally spend it in a town but she was scheduled to show up to another birthday for a very rich client. Which brings me to why I am stuck prowling outside the wagon in the middle of the night. Well simple really. Since I was always on fire I gave off light which annoyed her, so I had to stand guard and sleep outside. Something about the name of the holiday felt familiar but I was not sure why. Looking to sky four stars moved around the Moon and the silhouette vanished. I may not have known what was going on but even a complete fool would realize that something was very wrong. Since this was a clear emergency I started to bang on the door to get her attention. When Trixie finally came out, "What is so important that you must interrupt The Great and Powerful Trixie's beauty sleep." I pointed at the Moon and Trixie said that it probably was not important. My jaw dropped. I mean sure what could she do about it, but really! The day after the next we were at the party. With a harness and bit gag on my face the rich twins argued over who got to ride me first by one of them pulling my ear and the other my foreleg. While I was stuck in this situation I over heard a conversation Trixie was having with one of the adults. Apparently that whole situation with the Moon was resolved by a group lead by the person student of Princess Celestia, Twilight Sparkle. Given the tone of voice coming from Trixie told me that was not happy. Since her tour around Equestria was over I had a feeling that we would be heading to this Ponyville. A couple of days later I was in a pet carrier covered by a tarp as Trixie did her routine. From the sound of it she embarrassed the ponies who tried to call her out on her claims. And now it was my cue. Applejack After I was untied and Twilight had run off for some reason Trixie began to announce a demonstration of her power. As her horn glowed a container covered by a tarp came into view. It shaked a little bit as the sound of growling. From just over her own height she dropped a flaming mass from it. It took me a second to realize that it had a vaguely pony shape, and had apparently landed on it's face. It had an expression that said it was already done with this. Amber Wood Trixie gave a quick summary of what Equestria knew about nirik but added a few things. For one she claimed that nirik were more like highly intelligent animals. This was how she explained my inability to talk in case anyone wanted to know why I could not speak. She also claimed that I was fully grown but shrunk as a result of the fire suppression charm. She then demonstrated her 'power' by having me perform different tricks. After the show Trixie retired to her wagon she let me rest out of my pet carrier. Going as far from the wagon as I could and curled up into a laid down. All the ponies in town kept a bit of distance from me. Part way through the day a ball rolled up to me. Looking up I saw a group of fillies and colts whispering among themselves. The pink one who appeared to be the defacto leader suggested that the fastest one gets it, but they were to scared so the leader suggested going with them. When they came up to get it I rolled the ball over. As the fast filly ran off my stomach growled, which the pink leader pony seemed to hear it, and before the group heads off. Applejack Walking through the market I explained to Fluttershy what happened with Trixie when Diamond Tiara and some other fillies and colts started to pass by. I greeted her and ask where they were all heading. Diamond Tiara said that after the ball accidently rolled next to the nirik. I asked if it tried to hurt her but when she explained what happened Fluttershy began to wonder if it was being feed right. Sending off Diamond Tiara and the others Fluttershy and I headed over to check on that nirik. We saw it curled up on the ground and when we walked up to it we heard the sound of a growling stomach. Fluttershy took a pair of apples and carrots out of her saddle bag and the nirik chowed down on them immediately. After it finished it began to nuzzle and made what I had thought was a growl but I think was really supposed to be a purr. I decided that I would give that Trixie a piece of my mind about this. Knocking on the door of Trixie's wagon I heard her call out from inside. When Trixie opened the door I immediately asked her how often she feeds the nirik. Slightly confused she said when she does. She then looks at her stopwatch and questioned, "Is it really that time already?" It did not seem like she was being disingenuous about that. "Well Fluttershy already gave it two carrots and two apples..." I was cut off by Trixie running passed me saying, "Oh no you don't! Drink up!" Looking back Fluttershy had been petting it's belly before Trixie began to try and force the nirik to drink from some kind of vial. The nirik didn't seem to want to drink it though. It almost reminded me of a foal who refused to take it's medicine, but more aggressive. I asked what that was all about and Trixie waved me off saying that it was a dietary supplement. According to Trixie it would shrink more without it but won't take it unless it was in it's food, and that it would get sick without it. Fluttershy gasped asked the nirik to take it's medicine, when it refused again she ended up using the stare on it. After it finished the vial we went on our way. As we were leaving town Fluttershy asked what Trixie meant by shrink. I explained that apparently the nirik was fully grown but shrank because of a fire suppression charm. She was lost in thought for a moment. When asked what was on her mind she said it was nothing and hurried on her way. Fluttershy That nirik... I don't think it was fully grown. > Ch 4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Trixie I cannot believe that I almost forgot about something like that. Not using the potion every day isn't a problem but I don't want to slip up when I am so close to being done already. I promised my uncle that I would take the calf to the Peaks of Peril and I will, eventually. Oh well, I still have a week in this dank little town to indulge in the praise of the towns ponies. Amber Wood As day turned into night I laid curled up in the middle of the road. Luckily it was not going to rain but I still would have preferred to sleep by a building but gave me an actually good reason not to. If a building that I was sleeping next to burned down then we would both likely get in a lot of trouble. As much as I wanted to get Trixie arrested I wanted no association with her when it happened. Though before I knew it my quiet contemplation was interrupted by a powerful roar. Looking in the direction of the forest I saw a massive beast, the Ursa Major. I immediately ran into an alley way and peeked out to see what happened. And much to my pleasure it looks like it was going to kill Trixie. I chuckled internally at that. The Ursa Major crushes the cart and I smile wickedly, but... Much to my surprise a purple unicorn who fit the description of that Twilight Sparkle I heard about was actually stopping the Ursa. This caused my jaw to drop. I was in complete awe at the impression display of magic. When Twilight Sparkle explained that it was actually an Ursa Minor rather than an Ursa Major. After Trixie ran off in shame I began to head to the fractured remains of the wagon. Twilight Sparkle After I gave Spike and the two colts of the many residents of Ponyville tapped me on the shoulder and then pointed me to the remains of Trixie's wagon. It took me a second to recognize that the flaming mass was some kind of creature. The girls explained that Trixie had showed off the nirik after I had run off. Looking back at the nirik I noticed that it was looking for something as it dug through the wreckage of the wagon. Using a broken plank of wood it began to drag something without touching it. Amber Wood Digging through what remained of the wagon I eventually found what I was looking for. It was a small wooden cylinder a few gems imbedded in it that acted like a leash keeping me bound to the wagon. When I tried to touch it directly I felt a splitting headache. Shaking off the dizziness I took a second to consider what to do. Pulling a loose plank of wood from the remains of the wagon that had a pair of nails sticking out of one end. With this I can drag it to that Twilight Sparkle pony. She should be able to figure out what it was and have an idea of what was going on. Twilight Sparkle One of the ponies in the crowd asked what we should do about it. I looked questioning at Pinkie Pie before it clicked for her, "OhwellafteryouranoffTrixiebroughtoutsomekindofcreaturecalledanirikwhichsheclaimedtohavefoundfarfromthePeaksofPerilandafterdefeatingitsheputthatnecklaceonitwhichsuppressedit'sfirecausingittoshrinkovertimeuntilitbecameit'scurrentsize.Alsoitisreallygoodattricks." (Translation: Oh well after you ran off Trixie brought out some kind of creature called a nirik which she claimed to have found far from the Peaks of Peril and after defeating it she put that necklace on it which suppressed it's fire causing it to shrink over time until it became it's current size. Also it is really good at tricks.) Blinking at the wall of explanation that Pinkie Pie just said to me I look back to the nirik. Walking over to it I saw the piece of wood that it was dragging over and the necklace it was wearing, and suddenly it clicked. Telling every pony to step back for a second I pointed my horn at the necklace and charged up. The nirik remained still as I shattered the chain holding the necklace together. A large burst of heat and flames raised from where the nirik stood. I let out a small yalp as some of the hairs in my mane were slightly burned. Before anything else could be said the nirik spoke, and in a loud rage filled voice said, "THANK YOU MISS TWILIGHT SPARKLE!" The sheer force of the shout pushed me back onto my haunches and I know that I heard a few gasps from the crowd behind me. But before any pony could say anything else the nirik ran off at incredible speed in the direction of the Everfree Forest. It even left a trail of fire for a short distance. I look back at Spike who questions if we should be more worried for the nirik or the monsters of the Everfree Forest. Looking back and forth between Spike and direction that the nirik ran off in. After a moment of silence I said, "I have no idea." After another moment of silence Spike said, "Maybe we should have waited until we took her to the Peaks of Peril to break it?" Amber Wood I ran off and into the darkened forest. The Everfree Forest is what they had called it, right? When Twilight Sparkle was preparing her spell to break the necklace I saw their faces. Most of the ponies in that crowd looked about ready to run for the hills. Even if I revealed myself as a kirin they would only think of me as a bomb that could go off at any moment. Trixie may have lied about a lot of things but I could see it. The amount of non-ponies that I saw living here in Equestria... I could count them with my hooves. Excluding the minotaur who was more loud and proud rather than actively dangerous. So if I wanted to be accepted by them I would have to introduce myself as just a kirin. This means that the nirik they all knew must run off somewhere. > Ch 5 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Amber Wood As I ran through the dark forest I chose to avoid touching any and all plants I could. I had heard enough about the Everfree Forest to know that I should avoid touching anything that seemed at all magical. Eventually I came across a patch of blue flowers with an unnatural look to them that seemed to grow in a similar way to poison oak. I may not have been sure of what they were but they could not be good. For now though I just wanted to find a place to sleep. Finding what looked to be an abandoned burrow under a tree. I would likely be attacked if I went back to kirin form so I would have to remain angry in my sleep, since most creatures would probably avoid provoking a growling ball of fire. Yawning as dawn came I considered what to do before setting out. First thing first I need a source of clean water and food. I also wanted to avoid going too deep into the forest so I decided to stay near the edge. Looking to the sky I started to see a trail of dark smoke. Worried for the inhabitants of Ponyville I looked for a vantage point to get a view of the town. From the look of it their was nothing wrong with the town and the smoke seemed to be coming from the top of some nearby mountain. I noticed that it there was a cottage of some kind and that the owner of it was one of the two ponies who fed me the apples. It appears that she is in charge of caring for a multitude of different animals. Like a bear... A bear... She has a bear. And that rabbit seemed to have personality issues of it's own. Since even Trixie had noticed that my new body was that of a child I would need a legal guardian of some kind. In that case I would prefer someone who lives on the edge of town, so I can run off if I need too. But I would need a way to introduce myself. As the yellow pegasus headed towards town I began to imagine how I would introduce myself to her. *Fading ripple transition* Fluttershy I stretched as the Sun shined through my window and stood from my bed. I took a deep breath and made my way to the kitchen. After making a quick breakfast I washed up and took my rabbit out of it's cage to join the others as I feed them. Going into the front yard I had my little rabbit join the other veggie eaters as I gave them their food. After them I fed the nut eaters I started to feed the fish when I noticed that it had gotten strangely quiet. Looking back at the veggie eaters I saw it. Snacking on the veggies was something that looked like the nirik from before. Amber Wood Of course I will end up running the risk of getting mauled by a bear, but it is a bear. Seriously how can she just stand so close to a bear like that. Did she raise it from a cub or something? And that rabbit. If I choose to stay with her then I would have to deal with that rabbit which seems to have a problematic personality. It is not hard to imagine it causing trouble and blaming it on me. That seems like a very cartoon thing to happen. So I will avoid making that place my home for now unless I had too. Returning to the forest I took a look at what other parts of town were boarding the forest. And as it turns out I found that the only other property bordering the Everfree Forest was an apple farm of some kind. Well I guess that means that I won't starve. Especially since it looked like no one has been by this portion of the farm to recently. But I could not rely on my first impression only. What tipped me off that some pony comes by here is that the grass was not over grown at all and there was a lack of weeds. So for now I will have to continue finding safe places to sleep in the Everfree Forest. Nocking a few apples down from a tree at the edge of the tree line I ate my fill and headed back out. Investigating the areas near the edge of the Everfree Forest I came across what appeared to be some kind of swamp. As I investigated the swamp I began to notice signs of an absolutely massive serpent like creature. It did not seem to be completely serpentine though. Not wanting to get stuck in the mud I avoided the waters edge. There are plenty of other places I could get water from that were much cleaner. As I was finishing up my investigation of the first part of the swamp I noticed that the mound of some kind that was in the water disappeared. "Ya... No." I was not sure what was in the water but it was absolutely massive so I really did not want to know. As I continued to investigate the surrounding areas of the forest I started to hear growling. Looking to the source of the sound I saw three absolutely massive wolves. Though the biggest difference between them and normal wolves was that they were made of wood. This would scare me but... I am quite literally on fire. Ya that did not end well for them. When they had pounced at me I caused a burst of flames around myself. The first one had over half it's entire body covered in flames while the other two mostly had flames on only their faces and front paws. Fortunately for them we were near some water that they started running towards. As I saw that the day was beginning to end I headed towards the apple trees in order to have something for dinner. When I finished eating the sky had turned already turn dark. It always throw me off how fast the transition between day and night was in this world. Since it was now night I could probably investigate this farm at my leisure. Switching to my kirin form I snuck through the trees. The first structure I actually came across was a dilapidated treehouse. Definitely an idea of where I could potentially crash for a while if needed. > Ch 6 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Amber Wood The treehouse was far too old and fragile for me to use at the moment. But if I was really in need of it I could make use of it. Going further into the farm I came across the farm house, barn, and stable. I saw the lights on in the house and decided that it would be best to not look through the windows for now. Given that the farm was growing apples I could only assume that the orange earth pony lived here. I decided to investigate the barn first. Keeping to the shadows which was easier than it would have been if I had been covered in the cyan and magenta flames of my nirik form. Entering the front door of the barn I saw that it was a pretty normal barn as far as I knew. There were bails of hay scattered about the ground floor. There were also various crates storing who knows what. To the left there was a work station with all kinds of tools. The loft looked to have crates of different kinds but I couldn't find a way up there to get a good look in the dark but I had no intention of igniting my nirik form here. As I walked out of the barn I made sure to close the door behind me and looked to the house. There was still some light but it seemed to have mostly gone dark. Sneaking to the front porch I could see that the light was coming from a room further back in the house. Staying next to the wall and under the windows I snuck by the left side of the house to the window with the light on. The first sound that reached me was the sound of running water. Laying under the window I heard the familiar voice of the orange earth pony named Applejack who had also fed me. She must have been washing up after dinner. Hearing heavy steps coming down from what I could only guess was a stair way of some way. Applejack then spoke out, "Big Mac are Apple Bloom and Granny Smith in bed?" A deep male which I could only imagine came from the so called Big Mac let out a simple, "Eeyup." He seemed to be a stallion of few words and I could get behind something like that so I liked him already. I almost thought that they were husband and wife with a child and elderly parent living with them. Though I rememberer that my friend had mentioned that none of the main characters had romantic partners until the end of the series. Meaning that they were probably siblings instead. Applejack began to speak again and said, "Welp you can go on up to bed. I will finish washing up these before heading up to mine own." Big Mac let out a eeyup and a series of heavy steps left and from the sound was heading up a flight of stairs. Applejack hummed a small tune before the water was turned off and I heard light hoof steps before the light was turned off. The hoof steps faded much quicker than those of Big Mac and I waited a short time to make sure that she would not suddenly come back. While I did enter the barn without permission I was not about to do the same with their house. Though I was curious about what they were keeping in the stable. Walking up to the front door I heard snoring coming from inside. The snores sounded like they were coming from relatively large creatures. I tried to open the door gently but I could not open it. I tried to use a bit more force when I heard someone say, "Hum. What was that sound?" There was no way for the sound of the additional force to reach the house behind me. Did someone or something live in the stable? Were stables just another kind of house? Will they think that I was trying to break into their house? Regardless they were probably heading this way. Running to the right I turned around the corner and hid on the left side of the stable. After hearing what sounded like a cow bell I heard the distinct sound of a metal latch opening. Shortly after a voice called out, "Mouriel, do you see anything out there?" Given the mooing sound in the voice I could only assume that they were cows. The voice of who I could only guess to be Muriel or perhaps it is Mouriel soon responded, "Must have just been a stray gust of wind from the Everfree Forest." The idea seemed almost ridiculous to me but then I remembered that I was now in a magical world. Thus I really could not really blame them for it. Muriel closed the door and I heard the latch shut it up tight. I let out a breath that I not even realized that I was holding in. I looked towards the back end of the stable and noticed thin beams of light coming out of small gaps in the wood work. I decided to wait just in case they could see me through the gaps. I heard the sound of voices from inside the stable but could not hear everything they were saying, but from the sound of it they were saying their goodnights. Were the cows living in this stable farm hands because I remember milk being pretty common in my travels with Trixie. That minotaur Iron Will had two pet goats who were well trained. Could they be using goats milk for all of it? Maybe? Or perhaps cows sell their own milk as strange as that sounds? Regardless if the orange earth pony and her family could afford to hire farm hands then they could probably afford having an extra kirin calf around, I think. Though I would definitely be fine with helping out on the farm if they asked. I made my way to the edge of the orchard and turned to my nirik form before I realized that I had forgotten where I slept the night before. Sighing I asked myself, "Why do I do this to myself?" > Ch 7 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Amber Wood Well it is official. "I am completely lost." I sighed as I looked around the darkened forest lit only by the cyan and magenta flames of my nirik form. I had gone out in search of my little nook in the woods and now I can't even find my way of the forest. If I starve out here I am blaming Trixie. Eventually I heard a deep growling sound from the underbrush. "That does not sound like those wood wolves?" Looking to the source of the sound I saw something that concerned me. Crawling from the underbrush was some kind of alligator or maybe crocodile made of rock. With a nervous voice and smile I asked, "You wouldn't happen to be flamible, would you?" The rockodile as I have decided to call it was just big enough to barely fit me in it's mouth but still enough to take a good bite out of me. It let out a hiss and charged. I knew that I could not fight it off. I mean I literally did not know how to actually fight. The wood wolves ran off the moment they were caught on fire. The rockodile probably can not be set on fire and even if it could it probably would not care. I jumped out of the way to the left a started to run. I ran down the trail as the rockodile followed closely behind giving a loud hissing roar. As I ran I knew that I could not take it in a fight or keep running forever. Eventually the thick vegetation gave way to a more open area. To the right I saw my salvation... Or death. Either way I will not have to worry about the rockodile anymore. A very deep looking ravine with both sides connected by a natural narrow stone bridge. Running in the direction of the bridge I was actually worried that it may have been too narrow for me to cross, but I did not have enough time to change the plan. As I rushed across the narrow bridge I heard the rockodile hesitate for a second or two before it continued. I flicked my nirik tail against the leaves on the ground to create a small wall of fire in hopes of slowing it down even a little. It seemed to work for just long enough that I could get to the other side. Looking back I saw that the rockodile was struggling to cross the narrow bridge with it's much wider build. It was wobbling side to side just barely staying on. I need to find something to nock it off. Looking around there was no rock I could kick into it's eye so I will have to improvise. As the rockodile was off balance decided to huk a loggy at it. As the cyan and magenta colored flaming loggy flew through the air and directly into the rockodiles' eye. The sudden blaze in it's eye throw it off balance causing it to slip from the bridge. In an attempted to not fall from the stone bridge into the ravine below it tried to grab the bridge with a claw. Unfortunately for it the narrow bridge was just to fragile causing it to break apart. Finally safe from the rockodile my legs collapsed below me and I sighed in releaf. That is until I heard a growling hiss. This was not the same one that came from the rockodile, no. This one sounded bigger and there was something else to the sound. Standing again I looked towards the ravine only for a massive serpentine head to raise from below. The large red bump on it's head told me all I needed to know. "This could not possibly get any worse..." As if on cue three more massive heads raised from below as well. I let out a tired breath and said, "You know what, I had that coming, I really should not have said that." I heard a scratching crash as the serpentine heads approached. Was it climbing up a sheer rock face. Well what ever it was doing I do not plan to stay and find out. A random lecture hall somewhere in Equestria "Now remember what makes it difficult to escape from hydras are not the multiple head but that their powerful legs and claws allow them to scale even sheer rock faces in pursuit of prey." Amber Wood In an attempt to escape the serpentine creature I ran into a area with denser foliage. Unfortunately do to it's massive size it could push down smaller trees with ease. Fortunately some of the larger trees held their own slowing it down significantly but it was still not enough. I had to find a way to stop it from reaching me. As I continued to run from the serpentine creature when a large cave entrance came into view. If I was lucky it will be completely unable to fit through the entrance of the cave and if I get cornered then oh well. Running into the cave I was met by an unexpected sight. Laying atop a pill of gem stones was a massive green dragon. "Well then this is how I die. I never knew that I would go out in such a metal way." As the serpentine creature entered the cave the dragons' eyes opened and it shot a plum of fire at the ground in front of the serpentine creature. Due to my near proximity to the fire breath a stray ember flew over to me and burned my foreleg even though I was in my nirik form. Note to self; not fire proof. When faced with the dragons' fire the serpentine creature backed away from the cave entrance and ran off. The dragon then turned it's massive head to face me while making a low growl. Falling to my haunches I let out an annoyed sigh and presented my neck pointed to it and said with an irritated voice, "Just make it quick, would you." > Ch 8 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Amber Wood After what felt like a few minutes but was probably just a few seconds. I opened one of my eyes and looked towards the massive green dragon who was staring at me with a raised eyebrow. I looked side to side and with a nervous curiosity. Giving a nervous chuckle I asked, "Are you going to eat me?" There was then an awkward silence for a few seconds before the dragon said, "No..." I let out a sigh of relief and let out, "Finally!" Before I knew it I was out like a light. Most may say that it was a terrible idea to fall asleep in front of a massive dragon like that, but I would disagree. For one the dragons of this world can talk. That means that they likely have a society of some kind or at the very least can be negotiated with. While it may eat me in my sleep I really can't do anything about it. You know what the more I think about it in my head the worse it gets. But at this point there is not much I can do about that now. I am going to die. Though to be fair being eaten by a massive dragon is probably the most metal way to die that I could think of. If I awaken in some kind of after life I will probably have one of the best causes of death to speak of, probably. I wonder what I taste like? Regardless it will not matter soon enough... I was sore all over as I woke up. Is this what it felt like to be dead? Wait no. I am pretty sure that I am still alive some how. I raised my ear and heard the sound of a deep and resounding voice said, "So you are awake now." Laying where I had collapsed the night before I saw that the dragon had not moved from it's place atop a pile of gems. It seemed to be looking at me with an evaluating gaze. Maybe it will not eat me if I make a good enough impression. Giving myself a quick look over I saw a flaming puddle of cyan and magenta urine. Well then. I may not have my dignity but it probably made it so that the dragon would not eat me for the moment. The large green dragon pointed with a massive sharp clawed finger towards what I realized was a pile of rags. I looked back up at the large green dragon and blinked in confusion and the dragon said, "You made the mess in my home, you clean the mess you made in my home." Well that was fair. Grabbing one of the rags I soaked it in the rain outside the cave to smother the flames before wiping it up with a dry one. The dragon then told me to wash them off in the stream nearby. As I cleaned the rags in the stream I considered running off then and there but I was not sure how the dragon would react if it though I was stealing it's rags. Dragons are always portrayed as hating it when they were stolen from and even if they were just old rags the dragon may still hunt me down over them. As I brought the rags back in cave and placed them in their designated drying location my stomach let out a hungry growl. Letting out a nervous chuckle I asked, "You wouldn't happen to have anything for a nirik calf like myself to eat, would you?" The massive green dragon let out a snort of smoke but I was not able to tell if it was an annoyed snort or an amused snort. The dragon reached behind a pile of gems next to the cave wall and pulled out a box of some kind. Prying it open with a claw a small pile of somewhat stail bread and some kind of grass fell out. The dragon put the box to the side and grabbed a claw full of gems before stuffing their own face and said, "Humor me and the pile of bread and grass is all yours." Well it beat starving or searching for my own food. Skipping the part where I was from another world and recounted my encounter with Trixie which caused the dragon to laugh saying, "Not bad for a pony, but a little tip. Don't accept magic items from strangers, it will serve you well." "That's fair." It really was a good life tip, like don't take candy from strangers. When I explained what happened with the Ursa Minor the dragon choked laughing on his gem stones before he shot a ploom of purple fire. The heat it gave off was actually painful even though heat has not bothered me since I became a kirin. The dragon coughed as it cleared it's throat. When it finished clearing it's throat I continued my story to the point where I ran into this cave. Definitely heard a few chuckles from the dragon when the hydra showed up though. When I finished the story the said that I was free to eat the bread and grass. After quickly checking through the pile I found the freshest pieces of bread and gave them a quick mold check and dug in. It may not have tasted very good but it was at least something to hold me over for now. The grass that had been in the box with the bread had a very rounded look to it and was actually in pretty good condition. The dragon then commented, "That kind of grass is popular for some I it wasn't really for me." Biting into the blade of grass I found that it was actually pretty good. There was not really all that much but it was a nice dessert. It was like all the aches and pain just disappeared. After some helpful instructions from the massive dragon I was able to find my way back to the edge of town without issue aside from the heat making me dizzy. That is until I miss judged the stability of a ledge and it collapsed. When I opened my eyes I noticed that I had landed in a patch of that same grass. The first thing I noticed about it was that it was coated in a sticky gel that smelled absolutely delicious. Having just a little bit couldn't hurt could it... ... Ponyville is right there after all... Applejack Ever since that nirik had run into the Everfree Forest Twilight had made sure every pony in town knew everything about nirik and kirin including differences between them. Though she did make sure to mention that the chances of encountering another nirik or kirin for that matter are next to nothing. *Cung* "What was that?" *Cung* Same direction? *Cung* I better check it out. *Cung* When I reached the source of sound what I saw left me speechless. *Cung* Right there with a bucket on their head was a kirin calf. *Cung* And they looked a little red? *Cung* And not like Big Macintosh red but I have a rash all over red. *Cung* I should probably stop them from running into the wall repeatedly before they hurt themselves. It put my foreleg out in front of them to catch them before they ran into the wall again. As they wobbled in my grip I pulled the bucket off their head. Their eyes had a crazy look in them and it seemed to take them a moment to realize what had happened. They then seemed to notice their own tail and after letting out a drunken laugh began chasing it like dog while meowing. Unlike most dogs she actually caught it. I was not sure what to do but when I saw blood start to drip from their tail I knew that they needed professional help. > Ch 9 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Amber Wood I awoke with a massive head ache. When I tried to rub my temple I noticed something. My forelimbs were restrain. "Bwu!" What? Oh wait I am wearing a muzzle? And a straitjacket? What happened? Why am I numb all over? And what is that smell? Please don't be me. It is probably me isn't it. I tried to call out for someone until I heard the door open. I heard three different voices entering the room. The oldest and most tired voice caught my attention, "Air Head, I know that you are on break and all but please stop acting that way with this patient." It feels like I am missing some very important context here and I don't like where this is going. The energetic young voice of who I could only imagine to be Air Head began to cuw in a baby voice, "But I can't help myself Nurse Red Heart. She is just sooo cute. I just want to give the little foal raspberries and play with her all day." The third voice also sounded young then said, "Don't waste your breath with Nurse Air Head. I have known her for years and she never learns. It does not matter how many times the calf's bite draws blood, she won't learn her lesson. And even though you drew the short straw I don't mind cleaning her." The tired older mare who was now in view then said, "Thank you Nurse Gentle Response." The older nurse stood next to the bed and began to take note of what was on the monitor. The nurse by the name of Gentle Response went to the foot of the bed. The magical glow told me that she was a unicorn and the sound of buckles being undone and clean diaper in her aura confirmed where the smell was coming from. How long was I unconscious?... Actually that Gentle Response nurse said something about me biting that Air Head mare. Does that have something to do with the straightjacket? How long have I been black out high, or whatever happened. If I was unconscious than the straightjacket would have been unnecessary. As I considered the new information I was receiving my thoughts were interrupted by Nurse Air Head. She was hovering just above my bed making all kinds of faces and babbling sounds as though she were entertaining a baby of some kind. Wait a second... Does she really think that I am some kind of foal? As her babbling became more coherent she confirmed it, "Who's a cute widdle foal? You are, yes you are!" I exhaled deeply and looked to the older nurse hoping that my pleading stare would convey my message to her. She was an earth pony with a white coat and salmon colored mane. Once she finished taking notes on her clipboard she turned in my direction and while I was not sure if my stare conveyed my message something caught her attention. With a slightly hesitant voice the older nurse asked, "Have either of you two noticed a change in her eyes today?" Nurse Gentle Response finished washing her hooves and asked, "No. Why, is something wrong Nurse Red Heart?" So the older nurse is named Red Heart. Nurse Gentle Response came by the bed to take a look for herself and with a raised eyebrow tilted her head, "I think I see something different... ...or maybe not?" Please just remove the muzzle. Nurse Red Heart shook her head and said, "Ya, your right maybe I was just tired." "OO KOO MUN!" Translation: Oh come on! Then much to all our surprise Nurse Air Head spoke up, "Oh, maybe she wants to say something the little cutie! Let's take that muzzle off you!" The other nurses were so surprised they didn't even try to stop her before she removed it. Too prevent them from just putting it back on I immediately spoke up, "Thank you Misses Nurse Air Head. Now could one of you please explain how I got here. Please." Nurse Red Heart and Nurse Gentle Response went quite after I spoke up though Nurse Air Head commented on how cute I was. Nurse Red Heart let out a tired breath and said, "I am too tired for all this. Nurse Gentle Response stay here and make sure that neither the patient or Nurse Air Head do anything stupid. I will go report this and clock out." I looked to Nurse Gentle Response and she stared back so I asked again about how I got here and put in a straightjacket. Nurse Gentle Response let out a sigh and began, "It all start about two months ago..." "TWO MONTHS AGO!!!" Ignoring my exclamation of surprise she continued, "... a mare by the name of Applejack found you near her home performing almost drunken behavior and covered in a severe rash. After performing a few test we found that you were high on Taunting Poison Nettle which is quite a powerful pain killer and anti inflammatory. Fortunately it is not really possible to overdose on it but it has another problem. The leaves are covered in a oily secretion the can severe rashes especially if allergic, which you are by the way. If you had not appeared to already have some in your system the inflammation would have sealed your throat before we could treat you. Normally some pony would have to wash off the oil before it could be used..." I couldn't help but ask, "Why go through all that trouble?" Nurse Gentle Response gave an amused chuckle and said, "Same reason you were out of it high for so long, the effects last a very long time, and apparently acts somewhat similarly to catnip." "I take it that I had a lot of it in my system." Gentle Response looked at me like I had grown a second head and said, "You had ingested twice your body weight in Taunting Poison Nettle. How your stomach didn't rupture is beyond any of us." Nurse Air Head cuwed about how cute I was some more while I processed the information. Nurse Gentle Response looked side to side nervously and I asked, "So can you please let me out of the straightjacket miss Nurse Gentle Response?" Nurse Gentle Response looked around the room quicker than before and with a nervous chuckle, "Unfortunately I would not be allowed to make that decision myself. If Nurse Red Heart were still present than she could approve it, but as you were here for... ..she left. Some pony with the authority should come by soon to decide what to do with you." I was not sure if that sounded promising or not but I don't think I will have much of a choice. > Ch 10 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Amber Wood I had managed to keep myself under control when the Head Nurse apply named Head Nurse decided that I was to stay restrained for a short time. Though I did agree with the reasoning somewhat. Apparently I had not experienced any form of muscle atrophy which was a trait normally only found in draconic species who often hibernated for decades or even centuries. They did not seem to know that kirin are part dragon and I planned to keep it that way for now. Though they were okay with me keeping the muzzle off. On the other hand or hoof I guess, they had some kind of discussion outside my room. They clearly did not want me to hear about it for now. I was fortunate when Nurse Air Head finally returned to work as her constant baby talk was getting annoying. But now I was bored of the silence. I took the time to look around the room and I noticed that the room seemed to have only the bare essentials if that. If I had to guess it was to prevent me from breaking something or hurting myself if and when I broke out of the straightjacket. From the what I could tell there had been more stuff in the room before. They had also appeared to have added padding to both the walls and floors, but the padding on the built in counter told me that this was not where they put the crazy ones. They probably didn't have those in this hospital. After another short wait a knock came from the door a voice that sounded like Head Nurse asked, "May we come in." Something about it did not sound like it was a question, and since I didn't have a choice in the matter. I called out, "Come in." Head Nurse came in by herself but I just barely heard a few voices just outside the door so I knew that there were others outside. Head Nurse was an older earth pony mare with an eggshell coat and teal mane. Her cutie mark was a stack of papers with a medical symbol on the first page. She cleared her throat and spoke, "Well sweet little kirin calf. We would like to ask you a few questions, is that ok?" Something about the way she said that did not sit well with me but I had to keep up appearances. "Sure thing Miss Head Nurse, what do you want to ask?" I gave her a big doughy smile and she responded with what looked like a pained smile but she awwed under her breath. For some reason I have a bad feeling about her smile. Entering the room was a unicorn mare with an off white coat and a dark grey mane with dull blue eyes wearing brown half rimmed glasses. In her matching dull blue aura was a clipboard and quill. She had a neutral but serious expression and something about her expression made me more concerned. Looking at her cutie mark I saw three hearts with smiley faces, one of which was smaller than the others. She then began to speak to me in a neutral tone, "Hello little calf my name is Loving Family and I will be asking you some questions today. First can you please tell me your name?" After she asked her question she made a friendly looking smile that almost made all my nerves melt away... Almost... I and not naive enough to fall for something like a kind looking face. I continued to smile and said, "Amber Wood." Loving Family scribbled my name down on the clip board before she spoke up again, "Thank you now I would like to ask where you are from?" Fortunately I had not forgotten the backstory I had come up with by working in elements from the story Trixie sold during our shows. "I am from a hidden village of kirin in the north west regions outside of Equestria." Loving Family hummed and ask, "Do you need help getting back?" I unintentionally looked downward and said, "I can not return now that I have left, it is a hidden village after all, and even then I don't really want to." Head Nurse and Loving Family were caught up in silent thought for a while before Loving Family spoke again, "I suppose that is why we had no knowledge of your village, are most like that? Also while you were under the effects of the Taunting Poison Nettle a mare by the name of Pinkie Pie came by to lift the spirits of the patients when you had gotten loose. She assisted in subduing you but noted that you had a parted eyebrow that matched a nirik calf that was in this town not to long before you appeared. Was that a coincidence or something else?" Well it was time to seal the deal, "For your first question I genuinely do not know the answer but I would assume so. For the second it is a bit more complicated. You see whenever a kirin is born a nirik is also born and vice versa. The pair will have a special connection to one another and will share certain experiences. Though we do not even live together we stay close to one another's homes. Though nirik prefer solitude they will tolerate other nirik, their counter parts, and others on occasion. I came to your town following my counter part." Loving Family started writing down the massive info dump that I had completely made up but from the look of it she completely believed me. She had a look of relief on her face but she still clearly had things that bothered her. Clearing her throat she asked, "Since you can not apparently return to your home village how would you feel about staying here in Equestria or more specifically, Ponyville?" Though I had already made my decision I acted like I was thinking about it before I told them that I would like that. > Ch 11 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Amber Wood Upon hearing my willingness to stay in Ponyville and a few more questions Loving Family gave me a smile and cleared her throat, "Well since you have decided to stay in Ponyville why don't we introduce you to the family you will be staying with here in Ponyville." Score. Acting surprised I asked, "You have already picked one?" Loving Family smiled and responded, "Well we knew that you would recover eventually so we took the time to pick one out in advance. You know, just in case." I nodded in affirmation before asking, "When can I meet them." Loving Family brightened up and said, "Well they are actually right outside that door right now. I'll let them in for you to meet them." Loving Family started to move towards the door but before she could reach the door I called out, "Can you let me out of the straightjacket first please!?" Both Loving Family and Head Nurse blush before both letting out embarrassed chuckles. After they undo the straps and remove the jacket I try to stand up on the bed only to fall over. My limbs are so numb that I could not balance on them at all. The two mares awwed at my little display before Loving suggested that I remain laying down. Since I didn't really have much choice in the matter, so I agreed. A female earth pony with pale gold coat and a carrot orange mane and green eyes walks into the room. My ears raised in an involuntary response to the unknown pony entering. I guess that I ended up with someone else. Well that is fair I suppose that I should have seen that coming. Following behind her was a grey pegasus with a blonde mane and gold eyes that were pointing in opposite directions. On the back of the pegasus was a small unicorn her eyes and mane matching the pegasus but with a light purple coat. The earth pony mare who led the treo began to give introductions, "Hello there, Amber Wood was it, my name is Golden Harvest but every pony just calls me Carrot Top, behind me is my cousin Derpy and her little one Dinky. It is a pleasure to meet you and I hope we can get along." Derpy waved enthusiastically and something about her reminded me of nurse Air Head. Dinky on the other hand or rather hoof just let out a quiet, "Hi!" She seemed to be shaking a little... ...was she scared of me? Raising my head a little I introduced myself, "Hi there. My name is Amber Wood nice to meet all of you." Since my memory from after I fell into the patch of Taunting Poison Nettle I was not entirely sure what I had done. I know that Applejack had been the one to find me but as nurse Gentle Response had said Applejack had found me doing drunken shenanigans which may have caused her to choose not to take me in. I hope that I didn't cause any serious damage to her property. Maybe I should ask Carrot Top about it later so I could apologize. Carrot Top began to continue their introductions, "I make my bits by growing and selling carrots but I do occasionally work other odd jobs when on an off season. Derpy works on the weather team and as a mail carrier. Dinky here will be in the class below you but since she is ahead in some subjects." Hum that actually sounds kinda impressive I guess but I don't know enough about their education system to say that. I looked to Dinky and smiled before saying, "I look forward to studying with you." When I began speaking to her she seemed to start shaking even more than before. When I finished I was worried that she would run right out the door but before I could ask Carrot Top if she was okay she couldn't hold it anymore, "YES YES YES I CAN'T WAIT TO LEARN MAGIC WITH YOU! WE ARE GOING TO HAVE SO MUCH FUN I CAN'T WAIT TO INTRODUCE YOU TO ALL MY FRIENDS!" She jumped on to the bed and then gave me a neck strangling hug, "Can't breath..." Fortunately that caused her to loosen her grip but she continued to hug me. At least she was not afraid of me but unfortunately she appears to be the overly clingy type and I am not sure which is worse. "So I take it that you have already registered me for school or something like that?" Carrot Top gave me an amused smirk, "We can if you want but we were planning on giving you a few days to settle in before sending you to class." To inner child cried out from within me, "No I am perfectly fine with spending a few days to adjust to my new living situation!" All of the adults in the room began to laugh at my small outburst as Dinky looked around with confusion as I blushed in embarrassment, but I still smiled finding it just as funny as the adults did. After the laughing had died down Head Nurse spoke up, "Well now that that has been sorted out why don't we finish up the sign out procedure so that you can bring this little one home." Dinky began to prance around the bed with excitement, "I can not wait for the welcome party Pinkie Pie is going to throw for you it will be so much fun!" I laughed and said, "So long as it is not today because I feel so tired and want to be able to enjoy my own party after all." Carrot Top looked nervous and chuckled before leaning over to Derpy and saying, "Abort mission, abort mission, pass it on." Derpy ran out of the room and after a second I heard a sound that reminded me of a bird flying into a window before I hear a window open and flapping wings faded into the distance. I raised my brow at Carrot Top as she gave me an embarrassed chuckle. "Can we pick when to reschedule it too?" > Ch 12 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Amber Wood Carrot Top lifted me on to her back while Dinky just jumped on before we left the hospital. On the way out of the hospital I noticed multiple staff members eyeing me like they were expecting something to go wrong. I guess that I caused more trouble than I thought or something? Though as Carrot Top walked out of the hospital I noticed similar looks from many of the ponies in town. Maybe I should do something to seem friendlier? I formed a friendly smile and waved at passersby. Some recuperated the greeting while others jumped behind cover. I guess that they don't really get many none pony visitors here in Ponyville. Taking in the appearance of the town I saw many similar looking buildings with white walls and brown roofs, but there did appear to be some different building around the center of town. Some buildings looked like they were in the process of being repaired but I doubted that I could have caused all that damage. Unfortunately we were not passing through the center on the way to Carrot Tops' home. She seemed to live quite close to that mare Applejack which was fine by me since it would make apologizing for whatever damage I may have caused. Dinky had been excitedly hugging me since we had left the hospital and as we approached my new home she excitedly told me, "I can't wait to introduce you to my big sister! Well she is not really my big sister but she is still just like one! We can learn magic from her together!" Learning magic... ...that may actually be a good idea. Standing just outside the house was the the one and only Derpy who was waving at us happily from in front of the house. Carrot Top sped up to meet up with her in front of the house and when she reached the fence gate she asked, "Hey Dinky why don't you show Amber around the yard while your mother and I discusse preparations for dinner?" I guess that she was making sure that Derpy actually made sure to move the party to another time. Though I could actually stand and walk my limbs still felt like lead so when Carrot Top put I fell forward a little but managed to catch myself. Dinky on the other hand or hoof as they say here simply jumped down. With the excitement that reminded me of a puppy trotted in as if she had to go to the bathroom, "There is so much to show you that I can't wait! Follow me!" I gave a tired smile and nodded as Dinky started to run off in the direction of a patch of carrots that started in the front yard and then snaked around the left side of the house to the back. The shed with all the gardening appeared to be built into the side of the house and according to Dinky could be entered from both inside and outside the house. The back yard was larger than the front yard but was mostly just different carrot patches, but the right side of the house had a play set consisting of a pair of swings, a slide, and a sand box with a plastic pal and shovel. This seemed to be what she wanted to show me most as she literally dragged me to them before she all but shouted, "LET'S PLAY ON THE SWINGS!!!" Without even needing to respond we heard Carrot call out, "Go easy on her Dinky!" Dinky blushed as she gave an embarrassed smile that made me chuckle. The crook of a frog drew my attention but what I saw was not any frog I knew of... Nervously looking at Dinky I asked, "Is that a orange with frog legs?" For a moment Dinky looked really scared for a having a look of realization and relief, "Oh wait it can't be from Discord, his chaos was undone when he was turned back to stone." I blinked at her reaction I raised an eye brow and said, "I have several questions..." Dinky had a neutral expression for a few seconds letting out a sigh, "Well you were unconscious so I guess that you would not know but a while back something named Discord, the spirit of chaos and disharmony, broke free from its' prison and used its' power to alter reality as he pleased. Even if it was only for a few hours it felt like logic and reason stopped mattering years ago... ...it was complete chaos... ... ..." Dinky seemed to go quiet for a while. I may not know what this Discord thing did but I know how terrifying reality warpers could be so I should give her a moment. Seeing Dinky shake from what had happened when this Discord guy had gotten free. I had only ever seen Dinky as an over excited ball of joy but right now she is like a different pony entirely. I walked up next to her and leaned against her in order to do a sort of side nuzzle. It did seem to cheer her up a bit. We leaned against each other for a while longer before Dinky spoke up, "There are so many things that I need to bring you up to date on." "I saw some recked buildings in town. Did those had later?" "Ya," Dinky let out quietly. We sat there quietly for a short time. As we sat there in silence until Carrot Top called out, "Dinner's ready you two." We walked to the front door where Carrot Top was waiting. When she saw the state Dinky was in she said, "I know what will cheer you up. Guess who is over for dinner." Dinky looked confused for before excitedly shouting, "Ame!" With slight confusion I asked, "Ame?" "She means Amethyst Star who has been teaching her magic and I know would be willing to teach you to if you ask." My previous encounter with a magic caster did not end well but hopefully this one will end better. > Ch 13 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Amber Wood "So what's for dinner?" Carrot Top smiled and said, "We decided to go with a simple shred bowl for tonight since they can be really tasty and easy to prepare." I raised a brow and ask to no one in particular, "What's a shred bowl?" Amethyst Star who was finishing up the table preparations before sitting down explained, "A shred bowl is basically a salad were everything has been shredded in today's case lettuce, cabbage, carrots, reddish, colly flower, apple, celery, and a little garlic and onion with a hint of pepper. The you put the salt and lemon juice, in that order unless you're a hieratic and mix it all together." I stayed quiet for a moment before speaking up, "Does the order you put the salt and lemon juice matter if you just mix it all together?" I could see the gears spinning in her head as she began to stare off into space. Dinky waved her hoof in front of Amethyst Star before saying, "I think you broke her." Carrot Top, Derpy and Dinky did not seem to be worried and continued to serve dinner. "Does that happen often?" Carrot Top shrugged and said, "Often enough that we are not worried." Shrugging I said, "Fair enough." As we ate dinner I found that it was actually really good but the simplicity spoke volumes. "So I guess that after you rescheduled the party you had to make something for dinner quickly?" Carrot Top choked a little but before Derpy said, "I just don't know what went wrong..." .... ..... ...... ....... ........ .......... I love her already. Dinky finished up her shred bowl and asked, "What's for dessert." Then as if on que a knock came from the door and Carrot Top said, "I'll get it!" As Carrot Top left to answer the door Dinky levitated a marker and started to draw on Amethyst's face. After she drew a go-tee and thick eyebrows I suggested she add a monacal which really pulled it all together. As Carrot Top returned from answering the door she saw what Dinky drew on Amethyst's face and all but burst out into laughter. Resting on her back was a freshly baked apple pie that smelled absolutely delicious. Carrot Top noticed me eyeing the pie and chuckled, "Applejack brought over the pie as a house warming and welcome gift for Amber." I nervously lowered my ears and asked, "Is she mad or upset with me in some way?" Carrot Top looked confused for a moment before responding, "Why would she be upset with you?" I rubbed the back of my head and said, "With how everypony reacted to me I assumed that I caused a lot of trouble. And I was worried that I caused her some kind of problem for her?" Carrot Top gave me a sympathetic smile and said, "Don't worry you caused more damage to your own tail than any of her property." Looking at my tail I noticed two small nicks near the tip. "How di......" "I GOT IT!" shouted Amethyst slamming the table with her hoof. Amethyst continued, "Though we mixed it after we added the salt and lemon juice had we mixed the shred before adding them. In other words it is still good to stay in practice." Her gaze shifted between each of us as she wagged her tail like a dog. With the drawings Dinky put on her face it was hard the keep a straight face myself. The only thing keeping me from breaking out in laughter was... Noticing the pie for the first time Amethyst excitedly asked, "Ohh is that dessert?" She then let her tongue hang free and I finally lost it. Though it appeared that I was not the only one as both Carrot Top and Dinky lost it as well. Derpy seemed to be just as confused as Amethyst but that only made it even funnier. Confused Amethyst asked, "What's so funny?" She looked to Derpy who shrugged in confusion and say, "I don't know either?" After Carrot Top served the rest of us a slice of pie each Amethyst Star reached for a slice of her own before Carrot Top slapped it away saying, "Don't spoil your appetite and finish your dinner first sweetie." Amethyst pouted, "If I wanted to get scalded by some pony I would have had dinner with my mother." Amethyst then rolled her eyes and said, "Plus I'm two years older than you." After we finish up are dessert Carrot Top asked Dinky to help me wash up before showing me my new room. According to Dinky my new bed room was on the second floor right across from her own. When we started to make our way up the stairs Dinky was shaking with excitement, "Your going to love your new bedroom. It does not have much yet but I will help you decorate it." I smiled and responded, "Sure thing since I'm not sure of how I would even decorate it." Reaching the top of the staircase a door just to the right in the hallway had Dinky's name on it. Turning to Dinky, "I assume that that is your room." Happily hopping passed me Dinky said, "Eeyup!" Dinky's room had a single bed with a green sheet with a few different stuffed animals on top. There was also a small book shelf next to a desk where I can only assume Dinky does her homework. There was also a chest with the word 'toys' with the could only assume contained other toys. Dinky then cheerfully asked, "So what do you think?" "It's nice. A very homely feel to it." Running passed me to the door across the hall she pointed at the door of my room with stary eyes. As I opened the door Dinky scheed in delight. The bed had a salmon colored blanket and the shelf was vacant of books, but overall it was no different from Dinky's. From the first floor I could hear Amethyst exclaim, "When did these drawings appear on my face!?" > Ch 14 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Amber Wood Waking up from a restful nights sleep my first thought was to stretch. During my time with Trixie I had actually developed a few good habits. While cat stretching is still a good one to use I learn a variety of stretches and tricks from that second rate stage performer. My legs no longer felt numb from my stay in the hospital. After some quick stretches I back flipped into a one handed hand stand on the bed post...... ......I am suddenly realizing just how good at gymnastics I am now. ... .... ..... ...... Even if I have Trixie to thank for that I will still have my revenge for all she did to me. The door suddenly swung open and in a sing songy voice Dinky called out, "GOOD MORNING!" Dinky looked at my underbelly and said, "You have good balance." Backflipping off the bedpost I landed behind Dinky who was looking at me with stary eyed adoration. With aww Dinky asked, "Are you a ninja?" I chuckled and decided to humer her childish wonder, "I'll never tell. So I take it that breakfast is ready." She nodded in confirmation while still gaping in awe. Rather than being led down to breakfast by Dinky I headed down with her following close behind me. "So I take it that we should wash up in the bathroom downstairs before going to the dining room to eat?" Regaining her voice Dinky hastily replied, "Ya. Yes. I mean sure." I laughed quietly to myself and told her, "Don't worry I'm okay." With curiosity she asked, "You were nowhere near this ummm, I don't know, you get it?" "I do. Simply put I had been out of it for about two months but I had only just woke up yesterday so I was quite lethargic. But over night I was able to recover and I can now move around freely." Dinky excitedly asked, "Can you teach me to do stuff like that?" "Sure, but some other time maybe." As we entered the dining room the smell of fresh waffles filled the air. As Carrot Top finished placing the final stack of delicious waffles on the table see noticed us entering, "Well now you look like a million bits. Now I know that you would probably want to have more time to settle in but I was thinking that we should go sign you up for school." "Ya that sounds great." The waffles were just as delicious as they smelled. As we made our way into the school house all of the foals waiting in the school yard looked on with a mix of different emotions. Miss Cheerilee was the friendly school teacher one would expect to find in a small town like Ponyville. She gave me a short test which I believe was about middle school level. Aside from history and a few other small differences between worlds I did well enough to not be considered behind in any particular way. In fact I would be joining them tomorrow for class. As we left the school house I noticed the pink earth pony with a tiara and a few others who stood out to me. Getting my attention Carrot Top spoke, "I need to shop for groceries and though that it would be a good opportunity to show you around town. Do you want to join me?" Well I do need to actually learn layout of Ponyville. "Sure I don't see why not." Nodding Carrot Top said, "Great!" Out of all the shops in this town 'Quills and Sofas' running out of quills is not something I would have expected. And while I had been informed that the flower sisters had a tendency to over react I had clearly underestimated just how much they over react to things. As we returned home from the market I noticed that the inside of the house was unusually dark. Carrot Top did not seem to mind so perhaps it nothing unusual. When we entered the house the darkness started to concern me, "Why is it so dar........." "SURPRISE!!!" A wall of sound crashed into me with confetti and streamers. The earth pony I recognized as Pinkie Pie shouted, "WELCOME TO YOUR SURPRISE WELCOME TO PONYVILLE PARTY!!!" Even more confetti shot out of her mane as she shouted her greeting. As my hearing recovered Pinkie Pie offered me a cupcake, "Cupcake?" "Sure." She then rolled her tongue out of her mouth and a cupcake was sitting on top of it. The pink frosting was covered in rainbow colored sprinkles. I raised an eyebrow and suggested, "You know I think that I will pass on a cupcake that was in your mouth." I then pointed to the snack table which was absolutely covered in treats. Pinkie Pie happily said, "Makes sense to me." She then tossed it up in the air eating it in a single bite. As I finished my food three fillies approached me. The one leading them was a yellow earth pony filly. At her sides were a white unicorn filly and a orange pegasus filly. Something about their smiles told me that they were excited about something but I didn't know what. When they reached me the yellow one spoke for the group, "Hi eyu, Amber I'm Apple Bloom and these are my friends Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo. Together we are..." Together they shouted, "THE CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS!!!" The amount of times these ponies were shouting louder than I thought possible directly in my face concerned me that I would lose my hearing. Seemingly unconcerned about my potential hearing loss Apple Bloom continued, "Our mission is to work together to find our cutie marks. So we know that kirin don't get cutie marks but we wanted to welcome you to Ponyville and invite you to our clubhouse." Cutie marks had previously been explained to me but I thought that they came in their own time. A vaguely familiar voice called out with a strong hint of pride and humer, "Well well well if it isn't the blank flanks. Kirins may not get cutie marks but you shouldn't act like Amber is equally unspecial just because kirins don't get cutie marks. She can figure life out even without a cutie mark." Figure life out? Do they think that adults all have l life figured out or something? "I'm not sure if I really understand what you're talking about but from my understanding there is no magical moment where one suddenly has life figured out." All the foals in the room suddenly when quite though the adults continued to enjoy the party. With a confused voice Scootaloo asked, "Isn't that exactly what a cutie mark is?" Before anymore could be said a voice cried out, "MY BROTHER'S GETTING MARRIED!" > Ch 15 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Amber Wood "So let me get this straight. About a week after the changelings attacked a place known as the Crystal Empire reappeared in The Frozen Wastes up north after a thousand years along with the evil king who caused that situation. So your sister and her friends had to save it." After placing a collected herb in her bag Apple Bloom nodded and said, "Eeyup. Hey do you think we will see that nirik again?" I had been sure to set up a few nirik sightings so that they would all think that the nirik had settled in somewhere around the edge of the Everfree. The smoke bombs Zecora taught me how to make really helped me with that. "Well... ...maybe. I don't think they will be up for much conversation. You think we have enough herbs?" Apple Bloom examined each of our bag and nodded, "Ya that should be enough. Let's drop them off at Zecoras' place and head back to Ponyville." As we walked out the Everfree Forest the silence was broken when Apple Bloom asked, "So why do you avoid spending time with the crusaders as a group?" Memories of the various cutie mark crusaders shenanigans flashed through my mind. "While I do enjoy spending time with each of you, but your crusader shenanigans are a bit to much for my taste." Apple Bloom looked genuinely confused and asked, "Like what?" "Just this week you three have set the spa on fire, set a bakery on fire, set the fire station on fire, and somehow set the lake on fire which was more impressive than anything. How did you even do that?" Apple Bloom looked embarrassed and said, "We were trying to fight the kraken." "I'm not sure if I want to know or not." We continued in silence until I asked, "Do you ever feel bad for those Pinkie clones or is it just me?" Apple Bloom gave me a dead pan look and see, "It's only you... ...but knowing Pinkie then I'm sure that a few of them are still wondering Equestria. So you think you could teach me an the girls all your cool tricks?" "Maybe another time." When returning home through Ponyville I saw a familiar face. Diamond Tiara was out with her friend Silver Spoon. While my interaction with her as a nirik was short I noticed that there was a bit of a personality shift in her. Given the magical nature of the world I now found myself in I was worried that she may have been replaced with a shape shifting monster. With the attack on Canterlot by the changelings I became suspicious. So I began to spy on her, but I found something else. Her mother had been the one to cause her to change. While her father was a decent guy but when it came to his wife he was a complete push over. It appears that while she left a majority of raising Diamond Tiara to her husband that is until... ...she got her cutie mark. In Spoileds own words, "If she had the cutie mark of a business pony than her father could continue to take charge in raising her, but her cutie mark is that of a socialite so it is my responsibility to ensure that she lives up to her potential." Honestly I get the idea of forming and using social connections to get ahead in life, but Spoiled was going about it all wrong. I mean really having Diamond Tiara bully the younger sisters of national heros is the exact opposite of what she should be doing. Spoiled should be ordering Diamond Tiara to literally kiss the ground they walk on it would help her get close to Princesses Celestia and Luna. Then again what do I know about high society. Actually what do the nobility even do? When I was traveling with Trixie I encountered a few nobles but none of them appeared to actually be in charge of anything. Rather towns and cities all appeared to be lead by elected officials. If the nobility were not actually in charge of anything then what did they actually do? Do they just have a lot of money or something? Well I can't get anywhere without asking. As Apple Bloom and I went our separate ways I noticed Pinkie Pie hopping by saying fun over and over, so normal Pinkie Pie. Then I started to notice more of them and I realized that this was not going to be a normal day even by Ponyville standards. I walked into the Sweet Treats' Ice Cream and Soda Bar. Sweet Treat looked towards me as the bell rang and asked, "Hi yu Amber, what can I do you for?" I slouched into one of the bar stools and with a sigh, "Slide me a float and keep them coming I want to forget what's about to happen today." Sweet raised an eyebrow at me and said, "That's not how it works?... What is even going on?" After looking out the window Sweet returns and says, "Forget the tab it's on me, I'll join you." And as it turns out, it does work that way... ...funfunfunfunfunfunfunfunfunfunfun > Ch 16 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Amber Wood "CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS NINJAS!!! YAY!!!" Dinky and I rolled our eyes and I repeated, "I am not teaching you three to be ninjas. I am teaching you related skills but not how to be actual ninja. Besides your guardians would skin me alive if I taught you anything involving actual weapons." Scootaloo asked with buzzing wings, "Hey Amber can you teach us some rope tricks too!?" Sighing I responded, "If we have time than maybe but remember that we are on a schedule." As I was about to begin my lecture when Rumble came flying by and shouted, "Hey cutie mark crusaders something is going on in the town center. Trixie is back!" He immediately flew back to the town center where he came from as I started to see red. Fortunately I managed to contain my nirik form as Dinky asked, "Should we check it out?" I didn't think that I was going nirik just yet but I would soon regardless if I didn't release some heat. "Why don't you four go on ahead to see what's up while I clean up a bit so we can reschedule." Dinky and the crusaders looked between each other before Apple Bloom asked, "You sure?" After I gave a quick nod Scootaloo said, "Okay then..." Going into the bushes I quickly went nirik and back before heading over to the town center to check out what was going on. Keeping out of sight to hide from Trixie I decided to observe events unfold from the bushes, and the first thing I noticed was Trixie using magic to terrorizing the town ponies. But something was wrong... Even if Trixie was a blowhard there is something different about her, but I can't figure out what. When the small puddle I was standing in started to evaporate I decided to change hiding places. After changing bushes I noticed that Twilight had arrived to confront Trixie. As they began their magic dual I was shocked by what I saw! "An age spell!?" Okay now I know for sure that something is wrong. If I was not worried about her seeing me and revealing my secret I could get a closer look at Trixie. Twilight was unable to match the age spell Trixie cast. Trixie then began to laugh maniacally rather than her normal haughty one. She used her magic to launch Twilight out of town before teleporting away. There was no sign of trouble from Trixie until a giant glass dome formed over and around Ponyville. "Well... That can't be good." Trixie teleported back to the town center somehow laughing even more evilly than before. This time I got a much better look at her and I noticed an odd gleam in her eyes. In fact now that I could get a look at her front I noticed an identical gleam of light from a piece of jewelry around her neck. I guess that now is the time to visit the library... ... ... after Trixie finished shouting out demands of course. I didn't want to get caught by her for now. When the coast is clear I will have to make my way to the library. Somewhere in the Everfree Forest Twilight looked around and asked, "Since we are speaking of Trixie at the moment, do you know where that nirik lives." Zecora responded, "Despite having tried my best I'm still not sure where it is she nest." Amber Wood "WHY IS THIS LIBRARY SO COMPLICATED!?" "There are entire volumes about magical artifacts but none of them are near each other!? Are age spells transfiguration or alteration!? What's the difference between transformation and transmogrification!? And why are they all different sections that are not anywhere near each other!?" I felt like I was boarding on going nirik but doing that in a wooden house that also doubled as a library, or was it a library that doubled as a house. Regardless starting a fire here sounded like a bad idea. As I continued to search for a book that could answer my question Spike and the other friends of Twilight Sparkle entered the library. Rainbow Dash spotted me immediately and with an accusatory voice asked, "What are you doing here!?" Rarity rolled her eyes and said, "Rainbow Dash honestly she could be here too hide from Trixie. Oh, Amber before I forget Carrot Top is looking for you dear." "Thank you miss Rarity but I'm not here to hide. Something about that piece of jewelry Trixie was wearing around her neck rubbed me the wrong way. So I thought to check the library for answers but the organization of this library is completely insane!" Spike let out an exasperated sigh and said, "Tell me about it... If I hadn't lived with her for my whole entire life and the fact that she makes me I wouldn't be able to wrap my head around it." Applejack came up and rest a hoof on my back before saying, "Well thank you kindly Amber for your tip, but Carrot Top is getting a mite worry for you. We'll take it from here but you hurry along and make sure Carrot Top knows that you're okay." "Okay then... Oh, by the way the books in that stack are the ones that I already looked through but the ones on that table are the ones that I was about to search right now." As I was about to leave the library I remembered that I had left a bag of smoke bombs on the table, "Oh! I'm not sure if you can make use of them but my bag has a bunch of smoke bombs that I was going to use they with the crusaders. Just bring it back to Carrot Tops' house later on." Fluttershy nodded as Pinkie Pie waved and cheerfully said, "We will!" After I returned home Carrot Top ran up and hugged me. With tear filled eyes Carrot Top asked, "Where were you and why did you not say anything!?" "Sorry but I was just checking the library for answers to what was going on?" Carrot Top sighted and said, "Next time tell some pony." I nodded in affirmations and joined the others in hiding. > Ch 17 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Amber Wood Dinky and I were practicing levitation in Amethysts' living room as she was preparing lunch. Dinky was still struggling with with levitation but according to Amethyst that was moreso due to her age. I myself was able to do so without much problems but I still needed practice with the fine control. I had originally started to practice a little while I was traveling with Trixie but now I can practice with a teacher who knew what they were doing. Amethyst called us from the other room, "Lunch is ready, I made a lovely daffodil and cucumber salad with baby carrots." Dinky cheerfully said, "Yummy it sounds delicious!" I chuckled and said, "I know what you mean I am famished." As we started to chow down on our lunch we heard banging coming from the front door. We heard a voice calling out from the front that sounded familiar, "Hey is any pony in there? It's me Rumble." Amethyst lit up her horn and I heard the door open and Rumble flew in before landing on the table but before he could say anything Amethyst said, "Stay off the table." As Rubble got down from the table I jokingly asked, "Gee Rumble what are you, the town crier or something?" A look of confusion spread across his before he clarified, "What? No that's my uncle..." Dinky tilted her head to the side and asked, "What is the big news then?" A look of existential dread came over his face as he remembered what he came over for. With a sudden panic he shouted, "DISCORD GOT FREE AGAIN!!!" He then calmly added, "Ohh, and there's flooding at Sweet Apple Acres." Dinky froze after the part about Discord getting free. Amethyst checked on Dinky with concern as Rumble said that he needed to tell more ponies about what was going on. I quickly scarfed down my sandwich and said, "I'm going to go take a look outside at what's going on." Amethyst was apparently not expecting that statement at all because she shouted, "WHAT!? NO! You are going into the safety basement with me and Dinky and that's final!" I looked at her with a raised eyebrow and said, "Given how powerful Discord apparently is I don't think hiding in the basement will be enough to escape him. Besides from what I heard I don't think that the element bearers will take long to beat him so I want to actually see what he is capable of." Either fortunately or unfortunately Amethyst only heard that first part as she froze in thought after I pointed out the pointlessness of hiding in a basement from Discord. I hoped that the two of them would be okay before I remembered that there had been no reports that Discord had inflicted any permanent harm when he first escaped so they would probably be okay. Though I didn't know where Discord would be I had one clue. And that clue was the flooding at Sweet Apple Acres. As I started to run over to the the orchard I noticed that Ponyville appeared to be on high alert in response to the news that Discord was on the loose. Many were hiding in their homes but many others were in the process of preparing to move away and leave almost everything behind. If Discord is loose then no matter how far they run it will probably not matter. Though if the element bearers fail then I will probably do the same, but I would have to convince those four to come with me. Though I have only known them for a short time they were kind to me and I would not feel right leaving without trying to take them with me. Carrot Top would be at either in the market or on her way too Amethysts' house right now. Derpy on the other hoof is would be harder since her job as a mail pony meant that she may not even be in Ponyville. I don't think that Dinky will want to leave without knowing that her mom will be okay. Now that I think of it I should have asked Rumble to pass on a message to Carrot Top and Derpy too meet up at Amethysts' house. As I continued on my way to Sweet Apple Acres I saw Feather Weight and thought that he was going to have to be my next pick. I called out to him, "Hey! Feather Weight!" He then turned to me with a questioning expression, "Yes?" Reaching him I stopped and asked him, "Can you look for Carrot Top and Derpy and tell them that I will meet up with them at Amethysts' house in about two? I plan to check out Sweet Apple Acres and see if there is anything I can do to help." Feather Weight gave me a salute with an affirmative, "Yes ma'am!" As he ran off in the direction of market I made my way to the Sweet Apple Acres. When I reached the boarder of the orchard I saw the element bearers glaring at a creature who matched the description of Discord. I saw Fluttershy talking to him but I couldn't hear what she was saying. Though I heard Discords' reply, "Oh, yes, very well, I will fix it. I only ask one thing in return." This could not end well. I was prepared to bolt off into the distance when I heard the request, "I ask that you never use your Element of Harmony against me. As a sign of our friendship." What!? How!? Why!? If they had the elements why didn't they just blast him and undo the damage like last time? Wait things like Discord tend to be smart about how they handle things, did Discord find some kind of loop hole? I returned my focus to the now frozen orchard and conversation as Discord laughed, "Hahah! You see? She wants to have fun with me because we're friends. She can't use the elements against me because we're friends. I'm free forever!" I feel like I missed an important part of the conversation. Fluttershy let out a growled shout, "Not. Your. Friend!" Discord responded in frustration, "Who cares? I can do whatever I want, whenever I want. I'm Discord, the master of chaos! You think you can boss Discord around? You think I'm just going to turn all this back because you say so? Because if I don't, I'll lose the one friend I ever had?" ... "Oh. Oh. Well played, Fluttershy. Well played." So that's what was going on. My body became less tense as a despondent Discord released a pulse of magic which reverted everything to normal. Discord then said with melancholy, "I liked it better my way, but... I guess when you're friends, you can't always have things exactly your way all the time, eh?" I guess that I better get back to Amethysts 'house to meet up with the others. As I entered the house I heard Carrot Top call my name, "AMBER WOOD!!!" "What have I told you about wondering about with a dangerous magic user of great power running around!" I nervously chuckled my answer, "Also bring a responsible adult?" Before Carrot Top could call me out Amethyst called out, "Okay so Dinky and I finished packing my stuff. We should leave a note for Amber to head to your place so we can skip town... ...Oh! Hi Amber, Derpy is preparing the wagon why are you back so soon." I smirked and said, "The element bearers actually reformed Discord so we don't actually need to skip town, which means you can unpack now." Dinky was the one to call out a reply, "Amethyst froze up again." > Ch 18 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Amber Wood I put a scoop of cereal into my mouth. I don't know why but I felt like today was going to be a good day. The Crystal Empire was chosen for the Equestria Games which are basically the Equestria version of the Olympics. I had never gotten into sports before but even so I was looking forward to watching the games. Maybe I can actually join some kind of sports team or something. I wonder if the Ponyville School House has an sports teams of it's own? Carrot Top got our attention and said, "Before you both leave for today don't forget to put your lunches in your saddle bags. I'm running late for an appointment so I'll be heading out now. Love you, bye." Carrot Top then gave both me and Dinky each a kiss on the top of our heads before leaving on her way. I looked to Dinky and asked, "Since there's no school today so we even have other plans?" Dinky tapped her chin in thought, "Well Mom is making a long distance delivery to Baltimare but should be back this afternoon and Amethyst has grocery shopping to do so I guess that we could just wander around town and see if anything interesting is happening." Finishing up my cereal in silence I replied, "Let's wash the dishes from breakfast first and then head out. Hopefully nothing to crazy is going to happen today but unfortunately it is Tuesday meaning we have a chance of being caught up with some crazy situation." Dinky rolled her eyes and said, "It's not like something crazy happens every Tuesday." I smiled, "How about a bet then? Ten bits?" With a confident smile Dinky said, "Deal!" As Dinky and I started to head out and the first thing we noticed was the weather, "You can pay me later..." Looking over the town I saw something that got my attention, "Does Rarity have Rainbow Dashs' cutie mark or am I hallucinating?" With a defeated voice Dinky suggested, "At least no pony exploded or something like that..." "I wouldn't bet on it just yet, but let's actually head into town and see if we can figure out what is going on." Walking by the fountain I saw that the librarian Twilight Sparkle still had her correct cutie mark, "If Rarity has Rainbow Dashs' cutie mark than does that mean that Rainbow Dash is making dresses in the Carousel Boutique?" Dinky shrugged. "Well we may as well head over and see what we can find." Trotting over to the front of the boutique I took a deep breath to prepare myself for whatever I was about to find. Seeing the open sign I decided to walk right in and while I didn't see Rainbow Dash who I did see was almost worse. "Applejack?" Applejack while tangled in fabric for what I think was a dress replied, "Oh howdy sorry I can't attend to you both at the moment, but I appear to be a little too tied up to show you both proper hospitality." "Hey can you remind me where Rarity lives I seem to have forgotten?" Dinky looked at me with a raised eyebrow as Applejack replied, "She lives in the cloud manor above the meadow, remember?" "Ahh now I do, thank you." I motion to Dinky for her to follow me out of the boutique. As I closed the door behind us Dinky asked, "If we were to go to Sugar Cube Corner would Pinkie Pie still work there or would we find some pony else?" Looking around at the disgruntled towns ponies and the lack of Rainbow Dash boosting I suggested, "Probably Fluttershy since Rainbow Dash when be a lot more noticable." Getting my attention Dinky points to the hot air balloon that Twilight and Fluttershy were standing in front of. "I guess that it won't take much longer... Want to have lunch by the fountain?" As we snack on daffodil sandwiches Rainbow Dash begins to clean up the sky and weather. Dinky comments, "I guess Rainbow Dash thought she was Fluttershy." I replied with, "Makes sense I guess." As the element bearers made their way into the boutique Dinky asked, "Did Discord have something to do with this or something?" I thought about it for a while and as the element bearers left the boutique I responded, "No I don't think so, it does not seem to be his style." When the element bearers returned with Pinkie Pie and she began to cheer up the towns ponies a familiar pony walked up to us. Derpy She asked about how I was adapting to my new life. As we spoke the element bearers started to head into the library. I asked Derpy if I could check in with them to ask what was even going on. Derpy looked confused for a moment and asked, "Was something going on? Ohh wait, today's Tuesday. Sure go on ahead." As Dinky began to explain what we saw today to Derpy I walked up to the library. When I opened the door I saw something I had not expected. Twilight Sparkle the personal student of Princess Celestia died by spontaneously exploding. Okay then... Now is probably not the best time. I closed the door slowly and walked back to Derpy. Confused Dinky asked, "That was quick, did something happen?" "Now was probably not the best time. Hey Derpy do you know where the parents of Twilight Sparkle live?" Derpy looked confused but said, "Yes...?" Pulling a quill and parchment I explained, "Some pony or in this some kirin has to break the news to them that their daughter is dead, so it may as well be me." Both their faces paled but Derpy nodded and said, "Eat the left over potato salad for dinner. I'll be back by bedtime." > Ch 19 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight Velvet Today had been a pleasant day. Sure there had been strange weather patterns over Ponyville this morning, but I doubt that it is anything that Twily can't handle. As I finished washing the last of the dishes Night Light wiggled his eyebrows and sweetly offered me, "Want me to top off your coco with cream my dear." I chuckled as he put a foreleg around me. We both smirked but before I could ask if he would like to continue here in the kitchen a knock sounded from the front door... ...well that ruined the mood... Night sighed and exclaimed, "Coming!" Putting the dish towel away and fixing up the kitchen I walked out into the living room and saw Night reading a scroll. That's odd, "Hey Nighty, I thought that the mail had already arrived this morning? What's it say?" Night gulped which was not a good sign, "Acc... ...According to this letter... ...Twilight... ...our daughter... ...is dead..." Had I been holding any glass wear it would have fallen and shattered. I yanked the scroll with my magic and read through it. Then I teleported to Ponyville. Night Light After Velvet disappeared in a flash of light I said to no pony in particular, "I guess I'm walking to Ponyville." I hope that we can again avoid having to bury a body. Though if worst comes to worst the Apple family probably won't mind us borrowing a shovel. Amber Wood As the sun began to set Carrot Top finally returned home from her appointment, "Hey girls, anything interesting happen today?" Dinky remained quiet while staring out of the window. I took a deep breath and sighed, "The personal student of Princess Celestia, Twilight Sparkle... ...has passed away." Carrot Tops' face paled and she grimaced, "Well that explains the slightly older mare who resembled her that appeared in a flash of teleportation just outside the train station. She then grabbed me and asked for directions to the Golden Oaks Library." Wait don't Twilight Sparkles' parents live in Canterlot? Did her mother really just teleport to Ponyville from Canterlot? In the distance a cry of complete anguish from a mare who I could only assume was the mother of Twilight Sparkle. Then her cries of anguish then turned into rage and anger as fire erupted from the direction of the Golden Oaks Library. My eyes went wide at the sight of the blaze, "Do you see that or is it just me?" Carrot Top blinked in surprise and confirmed, "I once heard that when Twilight Sparkle got angry enough her mane turns into fire. I guess that means she got it from her mother?" Then just as suddenly as they appeared the flames from Twilight Sparkles' mother disappeared. Mere seconds later a orb of light descended from the sky over the source of the flames. I looked between Dinky and Carrot Top and asked, "Can I go check out what that glowing orb was all about?" Carrot Top seemed to recoil in shock to this statement, "Absolutely not! I may not know what is going on but I don't want you to be anywhere near that!" I sighed, "Fair enough I suppose, but we will still need to learn about what happened eventually. Since there is no school tomorrow either we should go to the Golden Oaks Library if only to check on Twilight Sparkles' mother." Carrot Top sighted herself, "I suppose you're right about that too some degree at least." Night light When I saw the eruption of fire from Ponyville I was concerned that some pony was actually about to be killed, but then the flame died down suddenly. An orb of light descended from the sky above Ponyville. I really hope Velvet didn't use necromancy or something, because an outbreak of undead will be much harder to cover up. Amber Wood The next day I woke up with a yawn. It appears that I had slept in a little as Carrot Top was calling Dinky and I for breakfast. When we made it to the table I noticed that Carrot Top and Derpy were both smiling. I raised an eyebrow at them and asked, "Was there some development in relation to the death of Twilight Sparkle?" Derpy then started to bounce up and down with excitement. Carrot Top chuckled, "Well after you fell asleep, I received news from Derpy here that Twilight Sparkle was still alive!" I did a spit take into my juice glass because I'm not a barbarian. That earned me a 'thank you' from Carrot Top. Taking a sip from my juice I asked, "So how did Miss Twilight survive exploding?" Carrot Top smiled, "When Derpy was flying back to Ponyville she noticed that orb of light which apparently had Twilight Sparkles' cutie mark. She had decided to check it out and found that Twilight had turned into an alicorn!" Unfortunately Derpy was taking a sip from her juice. Her spit take then caused Carrot Top to be soaked in juice. Carrot Top gave Derpy the stink eye as Derpy exclaimed, "Really!?" Carrot Tops' face and voice said, "You already knew that..." Realization flashed across Derpys' face, "Sorry..." Carrot Top cleared her throat, "Well since we had already agreed that you could visit the Golden Oaks Library to check up on Twilight Sparkles' situation and there is no school school today. You can head out after breakfast to check on the situation." Walking up to the door of the Golden Oaks Library I heard two voices that I did not recognize. Deciding that I should knock I heard Twilight Sparkle say, "We're open!" Walking into the library I saw three ponies in the front room and one of them was an alicorn, "So you really didn't die when I saw you explode yesterday?" A look of realization flashed across her face as who I could only assume was Twilight Sparkles' mother spoke up, "Oh? Are you the one who sent us the letter little calf? Oh you can just call me Velvet, and that's my husband Night Light." Unlike Velvet and Twilight who were sitting or standing Night Light was laying on a comforter in a way that seemed like his legs were killing him. "What's wrong with your legs?" Without missing a beat Night Light responded, "Oh I have to walk a lot for work. Then after Twilight returned to the physical world Spike sent me a letter to ask where I was so Twilight could pick me up." I nodded and looked to Twilight and asked, "So... Does being an alicorn make you a princess, because all the other alicorns are apparently princesses?" Twilight let out a sigh and said reluctantly, "I guess so but I'm still waiting to hear back from Celestia about specific details." Spike called out from the kitchen, "Oat meal's ready!" Velvet then teleported a bib onto the princess and in a cheerfully tone one would use on a foal exclaimed, "Oh don't worry sweetie I'll feed you." Night Light rolled his eyes at this. Then my eyes met Twilights' and I saw a silent message from her, "I'm not upset with you, but please just leave." I did not need more than that and headed on my way. > Ch 20 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Amber Wood I yawned and stretched as I heard a tapping sound and looked to the window but didn't see anything. I did hear a commotion from below and went to check it out. Looking down the staircase I saw Carrot Top sitting on the coffee table with a broom fighting off a thorned black vine coming from the front door surrounding her. Dinky and Derpy were watching while eating bowls of oats. There was a untouched bowl of oats next to them. Dinky noticing me at the top of the stairs tapped the ground next to her as if asking me to sit next to her. I raised an eyebrow and shot a questioning glance. Swallowing a mouthful of oats Dinky spoke up, "We asked if she wanted help but she said she could handle it." I nodded in confirmation and sat down next to Dinky and began to eat my oats as we watched Carrot Top fight. I looked to Dinky and asked, "Hey, do you think school is cancelled for today?" Dinky hummed in thought before responding, "I guess that would depend on whether or not the school house is overrun or not?" "True..." Eating the last of her oats Dinky challenged, "Ten bits Rumble comes by to give us an update!" I squinted my eyes at her and sighed, "No, I am not making that bet. We both know that Rumble will probably fly in through that door any second." As if on que a grey pegasus flew in from the open door and I smugly said, "Told you." Rumble shouted out, "Ponyville is being overrun by vines!!!" I motioned to Carrot Top and with a dead pan expression and said, "Tell use something we don't know..." Rumble began to basically flail his limbs while sputtering nonsense before spouting out, "THE VINES ARE COMING FROM THE EVERFREE FOREST!!!" Carrot Top froze up for a second or two. Derpy spit out her juice. Dinky shouted out in a high pitched voice, "WHAT!" With an irritated expression I yelled in response, "Start with that next time dumbass!!!" Still holding the broom in her mouth Carrot Top said, "Language!" My ear flopped down against my head and with a down cast expression said, "Sorry..." During that exchange the vines wrapped around Rumble in a way that was probably not appropriate for children, but nudity was not a problem here. Rumble blushed about his spread eagle position and nervously asked for help, "Can some pony please get me out?" Carrot Top sighed, "Derpy get him free. Dinky start the emergency packing. Amber your a good runner, go make sure Amethyst knows what is going on and packing. We need to be ready to skip town!" It looks like Carrot Top is following my advice about having an emergency evacuation plan. I could not help but smile at that as I made my way out of the house. The first thing I noticed was that both the Sun and Moon in the sky at the same time. What really caused me to pause was that the sky was split in half. It honestly looked amazing, but I did now was not the time to focus on that. On my way to Amethysts' house I saw the element bearers summon Discord and accuse him of abducting Celestia and Luna. Naturally he denied any involvement when a battle axe came down where he was floating. Narrowly avoiding the axe blade now in the ground he hide behind Fluttershy looking to the one who was controlling the axe. Standing there with a hockey mask was Twilight Velvet stomping at the ground. Velvet then said in an intense voice, "If you harm a single hair on her mane or tail I will make you wish to be turned back to stone!" Discord then commented, "All she needs is a chainsaw to complete the look." Hurrying on to Amethysts' house I didn't see any vines overrunning it. I entered her home without knocking and saw Amethyst looking out the window at the sky. Well I guess that means I will have to pack for her of I can not get her to move. Walking up to her I waved my foreleg in front of her face, "Hey Amethyst! Amethyst? Hey Amethyst? You in there?" Amethyst shook herself out of her shock and asked, "Amber? Is that you? Something is going on with the sky! Should we be worried?" "Maybe? Regardless Carrot Top sent me to help you pack your emergency evacuation supplies! The Everfree Forest is invading!" Amethyst looked nauseous after hearing this and asked me to give her a second before barfing up her breakfast. I sighed in exasperation and looked outside. Velvet was running around shouting her head off with a chainsaw fighting the vines. Discord must have given it to her because it was hard to tell if the denizens of Ponyville were more afraid of her or the vines. I clapped my forehooves together and said, "Well it's time to get packing or hunker down." Amethyst raised an eyebrow and questioned, "What do you mean by 'or'?" Looking out the window, "Discord clearly knows what is going on and if that's the case he probably knows that everything is going to be okay. Even if he didn't, Lord of Chaos training wheels is a nice safety net." Amethyst looked out of the window with a conflicted look, "I think that we should still pack up just to be on the safe side." "Fair enough." *Later* Discord had just left after cleaning up the house and now we were considering what to do for dinner. Make it? Or go out? "You know... All the good places to eat are probably still a mess or not going to open again until tomorrow." Carrot Top sighed, "Ya your probably right." "We planning to go to the official coronation?" Carrot Top slouched even deeper into the couch, "No." "Cereal it is then." > Ch 21 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Amber Wood "The Equestria Games... I don't really think that I will try to be a flag bearer." In complete shock Dinky gasped, "WHAT!? Why!?" I sighed in response to this question. Honestly the main reason is that my time with Trixie has left a bad in my mouth for stage performing. Unfortunately I can not really tell her that. Fortunately there is more to it. "Well truth be told I'm not really sure what Ponyville means to me..." Dinky froze up like Amethyst often did. Honestly this could be a good thing... ...or a bad thing. Perhaps I should run now so that I avoid having some kind of misadventure. As I stealthily snuck away I felt a hoof press down on the end of my tail. Dinky had neutral expression, "Explain..." There is something about a neutral tone and expression that just makes it intimidating. I glanced side to side in hopes of finding a way out of this situation, "LOOK!!! Something in the air to distract you!!!" I pointed out into the clear sky knowing that this could never work. Confused Dinky looked raising her hoof asked in the most innocent voice, "Where?" I immediately began running and thought to myself, 'I can not believe that worked.' After a moment Dinky called out, "HEY! Wait for me!" I shouted back, "You will never catch me alive!" Honestly if Ponyville had a track team them would be begging me to join. Eventually I lost Dinky. Finding myself in the middle of the park I let out a breath and sat down on a bench, "Phew, I lost her." Dinkys' then head jetted out of the bushes next to the bench, "I DON'T THINK SO!!!" I jumped in shock and if I had not already went to the restroom I would have wet myself. "Who are you! Pinkie Pie?" As my heart beat out of my chest Pinkie Pie stuck her head out of another bush and said, "No she's not. I am!" Two heart attacks in a row, what do you know. Pinkie retracted her head back into the bush as I asked Dinky, "How did you do that!?" Dinky looked slightly confused before relying, "Miss Pinkie Pie has been teaching me how to use short cuts all over Ponyville... Like this!" With a smile she dived back into the bush before appearing under a nearby rock, lifting it up from below. Struggling she gasped out, "See?" She then buckled under the weight and was crushed by the rock with her forelegs sticking out. My momentary spike of shock and concern were then cut short. From behind me I heard Dinky say, "A little help please..." I suddenly felt a lot better as I saw Dinkys' flank sticking out of a hole in a tree. Just before I ran off I called out to Dinky, "See you later!" As I made my way towards town I heard Dinky shout, "You will!" Well that sounds somewhat ominous. Running through Ponyville I passed the fountain in the town center before deciding to sneak into an alley way. As I made my way into the alley way I hid behind a barrel of water next to a window sill with a potted flower. I exhaled and decided to catch my breath until I heard Dinky shout out, "WHERE ARE YOU!?" Standing quickly I started to make a exclamation of surprise before I banged my head on the window sill. Dinky yalped in surprise before I heard a splash. Rubbing my head I looked to the window sill and noticed that the flower pot was missing. I heard something emerge from water but it sounded to far away to be from the water barrel. Looking back at the town center I saw Dinky in the fountain coughing up water with a flower on her head. Well that should buy me an extra couple of minutes to use the restroom or something. Quietly I made my way into one of the shops that had an open restroom. I closed the stall door and was getting up on the seat Dinky shoot out of the bowl, "I GOT YOU THIS TIME!!!" "WHAT THE FUCK DINKY!?!?!?" Either fortunately or unfortunately, I have yet to decide, I then lost my balance and ended up pulling on the handle when try to catch my balance. *Later...* Dinky sat down in the bath tub as Carrot Top gave her the scrubbing of a lifetime. Without looking back at me Carrot Top asked, "So this whole thing was caused like that?" Half heartedly I said, "Yes." Carrot Top seemed to think for a short time, "So then. When you think of home do you imagine your old village, or somewhere else?" This made me pause. I never really thought of where I lived in my old life to be a home. What do I consider my home? I thought and thought. Is it Ponyville? Close... I enjoy living here in Ponyville but... ...it feels to broad. When I think of what I would consider my home... ...I think of... ...I think of... ...well, "Here, I guess." Confused Dinky asked, "The bathroom?" This caused Carrot Top to chuckle, "I think she is referring to the whole building, Dinky." With a smile Dinky asked, "Does this mea...?" "No! I still, do not want to tryout for being a flag bearer!" Pouting Dinky relented, "Fine." > Ch 22 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Amber Wood Dinky moped and grumbled on the coach. "You still upset about not being able to go to Rainbow Falls to watch the qualifiers?" Dinky huffed, "I still can't believe that we had to go to school that day!" Okay I have to find out how to cheer Dinky up. I tapped my chin in thought, "Maybe we can go look for a gift to give Rainbow Dash since her birthday is coming up soon?" With an exasperated sigh Dinky asked, "Why? There's no point. We hardly know her. Not to mention we have to go to school that day." I smiled and gave a light chuckle, "Well since it is pretty obvious that Pinkie Pie plans to make it a big event, so Cheerilee is likely to let classes out early. Plus Rainbow Dash is an old friend of your mom so it would be nice to get her a present." I gave Dinky the biggest and most cheerful smile I could muster. After about a second or two it finally clicks for her. Though shortly after her expression becomes somber. Confused I asked, "What's with that look on your face?" With a serious expression Dinky asked, "What can we possibly get her as a gift?" I breathed a sigh of relief and said, "That's easy. Scootaloo is in my class and is obsessed with Rainbow Dash, because of this I know that Rainbow Dash is obsessed with two things. Those are Daring Doo, and the Wonderbolts. So all we need to do is buy some memorabilia for one of those." Dinky sighed, "You'll see..." *Later* I shouted out in shock, "What do you mean you are out of Daring Doo memorabilia and Wonderbolts memorabilia? The Barnyard Bargains counter attendant sighed, "The birthday of Rainbow Dash is just around so every pony else already bought us out. In fact, I'm pretty sure that all the stores in Ponyville are sold out on them. I'm sorry but I don't think I can do anything to help you two." I sighed in defeat, "No it's okay. Thank you." I walked away from the the counter as Dinky asked, "What's the plan now?" I sat down on the floor and considered what to do. Dinky sighed and asked, "Are you going to give up or do you have another idea?" Well I am going to take her challenge, "Yes. Yes I do. We are going to go ask Scootaloo for help!" The clerk cleared her throat and asked, "So are either of you going to buy anything or not?" I blushed and said, "We'll be going now. Sorry." *Later...* In the bedroom of Scootaloo. Scootaloo hummed in thought, "So you decided to come to me..." From behind me Dinky said, "That's right." Clearing my throat I asked, "So what did you get as a birthday gift for Rainbow Dash?" Scootaloo smiled smugly, "I got a secret headshot that I know she'll love." Scootaloo then pulled out a framed photograph of Rainbow Dash sleeping. How did she even get that if she can't fly. There are many things wrong with that but I don't think I should let her near Dinky. I looked back to Dinky she had a confused look on her face, "Okay then. Come on Dinky we're leaving. We won't tell Rainbow Dash about your stalker tendencies. We'll think of something else." Pulling Dinky away she asked, "Why did Scootaloo take a picture of Rainbow Dash sleeping?" I hurriedly said, "I'll explain when you're older." Scootaloo Shortly after Amber and Dinky left I heard Rainbow Dash begin laughing, "Did you see the look on her face! That was hilarious!" Rainbow Dash is so cool. After Rainbow Dash caught her breath she said, "Well I have to go now, the clouds aren't going to bust themselves. Be sure to keep pulling off this prank on ponies who ask you for present ideas." I waved as Rainbow Dash flew off, "Bye Rainbow Dash, see you later!" Looking outside I saw no pony approaching my home. Pulling out my secret Rainbow Dash shrine I opened my container of tail and mane clippings before taking a deep sniff, "Ohh ya... That's the stuff." Amber Wood As I sighed in defeat Dinky tried to comfort me, "Well you tried your best but I guess it just was not enough. Though it doesn't matter. Like you said we will still be able to go to the party." I sighed again and said, "I know. I just got caught up in wanting to get Rainbow Dash a present she would enjoy that I wish we had at least something..." Walking through the Ponyville center my mood was noticed by on of the spa pony sisters, Aloe Vera. With a look of concern Aloe questioned me, "Is everything alright little kirin calf? Are you okay?" I guess I have to answer, "Well Dinky and I wanted to get Rainbow Dash a present for her birthday but we were not able to find something." Aloe nodded and said, "Ohh, I completely understand. Many ponies I know start to bring it up around this time of year... Ohh! I know, how about I give you each a half price coupon so both of you have a gift for Rainbow Dash." She winked at us for that last part. I guess that she means that she knows that it will go over well. *After the Party* Dinky and I were playing a board game in her room. Dinky rolled the dice and said, "You know we could have asked Pinkie Pie for advice on what to give Rainbow Dash as a gift." I can't believe it. I genuinely forgot we could have asked Pinkie Pie. I shouted out, "Ohh, come on!" > Ch 23 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Amber Wood I will admit when I heard about the Crystal Empire I did not think that it would actually be made of crystal. I mean seriously!? How do you build houses out of crystal!? Sure you can use spells to fuse certain things together, but most crystal ponies are neither unicorns or pegasus so they don't have enough spell casters for that on a large scale. Looking to Carrot Top I asked, "Do they use some kind of magical bonding agent in construction for crystal structures or did they find crystals that large?" Carrot Top hesitated for a moment before saying, "Umm, well I'm not actually sure... How about we see if I can find some pony who can answer your questions." I smiled and said, "Thank you! Hey Dinky what events do you want to watch?" *Later* As we left the area Dinky shouted out, "THAT! WAS! AMAZING! Did you see how Spike jumped into the air and melt the ice cloud with his fire breath!" I chuckled and pointed out, "Yes yes, I was in the stands right next to you, I saw it all." Dinky didn't seem to notice my comment but that was alright. She was happy and having fun. I wonder if Spike is going to get a big head over this? Carrot Top got my attention and asked, "So Amber what did you think of the games?" Turning my head towards her and responded with a smile, "Yes I had fun. The events always seem to surprise me in some way. Take the ice archery event. They could just shot normal arrows at targets but instead they used ice arrows which caused the contestants to have a few different strategies." Carrot Top seemed to smile filled with pride, "I also found some pony who could answer your question from when we arrived." Ohh... Right I did have some questions about construction in the Crystal Empire. Curious I asked, "Really? Who did you find?" Smiling Carrot Top said, "A librarian named Amethyst Maresbury." Well to be fair a librarian would have access to the information, but I was expecting a pony who worked in construction. Though I suppose a librarian would be able to answer other kinds of questions too. *On the train to Ponyville* Sitting next to me Dinky questioned, "So if they use a potion to fuse two crystals together?" I smiled and said, "Eeyup. Plus they have crystal farms, like the one Pinkie Pie comes from." With a confused expression Dinky asked, "How do you even farm rocks and gem stones?" Smiling I was happy to answer, "Well it is actually a combination of things. For one it requires a plot of land that meets very specific conditions. Second different rocks and gems will grow depending on top soil. This process is sped up with the addition of magic." Dinky was in awe of my recently obtained knowledge. *A later day in Ponyville* It has been about two weeks since the Equestrian Games. The hype has since died down but and unsettling sense of foreboding had blown over Ponyville. For the last few days travel from outside Ponyville had seemingly stopped almost entirely. Dinky would get worried but I normally wouldn't have a problem getting her mind off it, but unfortunately an issue with that has come up. Two days ago Derpy had gone out on a delivery to Cloudsdale but has yet to return. That on it's own was not a problem. Since it was actually pretty common for Derpy to get lost or go the wrong way, but this was different. The ominous cloud which hung over Ponyville was causing her to be extra worried. Looking out the window Dinky said with a concerned voice, "I hope Mom is okay." Carrot Top put on a brave face and tried to comfort her, "Don't you worry now... Your mother is one tough pegasus and I can assure you she is going to be safe... Hey! Why don't we all get some ice cream? You'd like that, right?" In a disheartened voice Dinky replied in a simple, "Okay..." Thinking about what to say I had a flash of realization, "Hey, the crusaders mentioned their sisters going to the Castle of the Two Sisters in the Everfree Forest yesterday... Maybe I can ask them if something is up!" Dinky raised her ears in response as if I had caught her interest. Carrot Top was a bit more on edge, "I know that you have traveled through the Everfree Forest before, but with the current events I don't want you to go in there." I rolled my eyes and said, "I didn't plan too. So don't worry I'll stay out of it. So do I meet up with you both at Sweet Treats' Ice Cream and Soda Bar?" Carrot Top nodded and I was on my way. *After a short walk* Seeing Princess Twilight fly off in the direction of the Everfree Forest I could only hope that the other element bearers were where she took off from. Fortunately they were. And Discord was with them. Unfortunately he betrayed them to some centaur named Tirek. Who proceeded to betray Discord and steal his magic. I ran of in the direction of the ice cream parlor arriving as Dinky and Carrot Top were about to enter. I called out, "We have a problem! A big!" They both stopped to look at me and their expressions changed into ones of fear. I suddenly felt a shadow coming over me. Then I saw the familiar silhouette of the centaur Tirek. Though it felt like hours it was probably only a brief few moments. If I turned nirik I may be able to buy them a few seconds... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Unfortunately I didn't have the time. I felt the strength leave my body and a terrible ringing filled my ears. I didn't even realize that I had even hit the ground either. Every breath burned like fire and I felt like puking but my stomach was empty. Every part of my body felt numb. I tried to stand but my body refused to even move. Am I dead? No... This is different... He stole my magic... ... ... ... Dinky... ... ... ... Carrot Top... ... ... ... I'm sorry... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Tirek "Argh~! Spicy." Oh well I cool my throat with the magic from those two before take the last of the magic from the ponies in this village. > Ch 24 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Amber Wood As I regained conscious my attention was drawn to a glare at the top of a hill just outside of Ponyville. By the time my mind proceeds that it was coming from some kind of crystal structure. The structure seemed to resemble a human hand giving the middle finger. ... ... ... ... ... ... Who built it, and who are they flipping off? Remembering what happened looked to where Carrot Top and Dinky had been standing as Dinky shouted out, "WHAT IS THAT!!!" Carrot Top replied, "I'm not sure." Looking around I saw other ponies heading for the hill. With a questioning voice I asked, "So... Should we head over there too?" Remembering my presence Carrot Tops' eyes went wide and her head turned in my direction she called out, "AMBER!!!" Suddenly I felt the crushing force of an earth pony hug. Fortunately my throat was not completely crushed and I managed to choke out, "Can't... breath..." She loosened her grip around my neck and looked at me with a stern look, "What were you thinking, squaring up with that centaur! And don't you pretend you didn't. I saw you take on a fighting stance before your magic got drained. Even if no fight came of it you could still have been hurt badly." Looking to the ground I pawed at the dirt with my hooves knowing that I really was planning to fight him. With an exasperated shout Dinky exclaimed, "Lecture later! I want to see the thing on the top of the hill with every pony else!" Carrot Top looked around and saw ponies heading in the direction of the hill and sighed, "Sure... But remember that this is not over." I shrugged and chuckled as I my way next to Dinky and changed the subject, "Soo... Dinky what do you think the crystal thing on the hill is?" Dinky skipped happily, "OHH! Maybe it's a new playground for the school!" I smiled, "Humm, probably not. Though maybe it's a new tree house castle for Princess Twilight Sparkle or something." Chuckling I smiled and thought to myself that there was no way that was true. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... *At the base of the hill* ... ... It really is a castle tree house. A bit tacky but it does look somewhat impressive. The crowd was gathered in front of the doorway of the castle. They were in various states of awe and intrigue of the castle. Blinking at it I said, "I should have bet on it being a castle tree house..." Dinky hummed in reply, "It's really more of a tree shaped castle if anything." I rolled my eyes and said, "Not the point." As more ponies began to gather the front door of the castle opened to reveal the four alicorn princesses, element bearers, and Discord. The crowd of ponies started to go quite as Princess Celestia cleared her throat, "Attention all my little ponies..." Princess Celestias' gaze paused on me for a second before she continued, "... Princess Twilight Sparkle has defeated Tirek and returned him to Tartarus. Not only that but all the magic stolen by Tirek has been returned to where it belongs." The cheers were as loud as the stadium during the Equestria Games. With that the three senior princesses began to fly off into the distance. As the crowd began to chat away again Dinky asked me, "Hey do you think Princess Twilight is going to move into this castle?" I thought for a moment before replying, "Probably not, the Golden Oaks Library is a rather nice place to live. Though I suppose she can use it for her princess business." Dinky hummed, "Ya, your probably right." Walking up to the front door of the castle I looked to Princess Twilight and asked, "Hey princess, can we look around the inside of your new castle?" Slightly flustered from the sudden question Princess Twilight responded, "Oh umm, sure." I smiled and looked back to Dinky and said, "Come on Dinky, let's go check out what the view is like from the top of the castle!" Dinky reared up in excitement and said, "Ohh! That sounds like it would be fun!" The first thing I noticed about the castle was that it was much bigger on the inside. The main entrance hall alone was already larger than the base of the tree castle itself. Which now that I think of it this kind of magic is fitting for magical world like this. Next to me I heard Dinky, "Wow......... Oh, an echo! Echo!" As we made our way up the stairs I noticed other ponies entering the castle to look around the new castle themselves. As we made our way through the castle I was in awe of the massive hallways with such high ceilings. Before we even knew it we were at the at the top of the castle. Confused I commented, "Humm, that's strange I don't even feel winded at all. Yet here we are, already at the top." Dinky enthusiastically suggested, "Maybe the inside of the castle changes to help those inside." Thinking about it for a moment I replied, "that makes sense I guess, but that sounds like pretty crazy magic." Dinky who had run up to the window was in awe, but her expression soon changed to a more muted one, "Hey Amber what used to be where that burned crater is?" Looking out over Ponyville I saw multiple such craters but one near the town center caught my eyes, "Eeyup. That is where Princess Twilight lived when she moved to Ponyville, the Golden Oaks Library... I guess that means she will be moving into the castle." As Dinky looked down upon Ponyville I noticed something in the distance. As it approached I recognized a familiar silhouette and face. Nudging Dinky in the side I pointed her gaze in that direction and her face brightened with a massive smile, "MOMMY!!!" Landing on the ledge Derpy said, "Sorry I'm late. I just don't know what went wrong." As the two hugged I smiled and suggested, "Hey why don't we all get ice cream to celebrate." Together they both began chanting, "ICE CREAM ICE CREAM ICE CREAM ICE CREAM ICE CREAM ICE CREAM ICE CREAM ICE CREAM ICE CREAM ICE CREAM ICE CREAM ICE CREAM ICE CREAM ICE CREAM ICE CREAM ICE CREAM ICE CREAM ICE CREAM ICE CREAM ICE CREAM ICE CREAM ICE CREAM ICE CREAM ICE CREAM ICE CREAM ICE CREAM ICE CREAM!" I could almost hear Carrot Top rolling her eyes and sighing. > Ch 25 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bugbear This scent... Yes... I have finally found her... The one who put me in Tartarus... This town is her home... Amber Wood The day of Cranky and Matildas' wedding had arrived. Standing beside the Cutie Mark Crusaders and other towns ponies watched as Princess Twilight and her friends seemed to discuss an important matter with serious facial expressions. The towns ponies questioned what the problem was and Sweetie Belle suggested, "Maybe it's just a friendship problem and it will all be over in twenty minutes or so?" A grey earth pony mare who I believe was named Octavia Melody commented that she hoped it was not a monster. But then as if on cue a massive bear wasp thing. Though Sweetie Belle helpfully identifies it, "I think I read about that kind of creature in a book Twilight lent me. It was call a Bugbear but this one is very far away from where they would normally live." Watching the fight I commented on Sweetie Belles' statement, "I wonder if it got displaced somehow? Regardless we have to go too the school to finish up the class card for Cranky and Matilda." The eyes of Scootaloo went and moving her scooter and wagon in front of us and said, "Hop on or else we'll be late!" Jumping into the scooter with the other Crusaders and Scootaloo began to propel us forward with her buzzing wings. Together we made it to the school house where the other foals were already signing the card for Cranky and Matilda. As we entered Apple Bloom commented, "It really is crazy how it seems like the entire town was invited to the wedding, y'know?" Giving a quick snort of laughter I pointed out, "Probably way more than we even realize. Cranky searched all over Equestria for Matilda and probably has friends all over who would want to be there for the actual wedding. In fact think I saw a sea monster of some kind making it's way into Ponyville, and that was only one of the guest from out of town." Scootaloo nodded and added, "My aunts sent over a gift with a card saying that they couldn't make it to the wedding. When I took it to the venue in order to not forget it later Bon Bon told me to leave it on the table with all the other gifts from other out of towners who couldn't make it to the wedding and the table was stacked with gifts already! I saw cards from places like the Dragon Lands and Griffin Stone just to name two off the top of my head!" Raising a brow I asked, "What was the dragons' gift?" Without missing a beat Scootaloo replied, "A gem stone bigger than me." Impressed I whistled, "Well that sounds like a dragon wedding gift alright." After signing the card Miss Cheerilee gave us all one last run down of what kind of behavior was expected of us while attending the wedding. As a class we made out way to the wedding venue. We already knew where our class was supposed to sit but something caught all our eyes. In the same row as us all was a real live changeling. The foals who were in Canterlot during the changeling invasion were frozen in fear. Then as if sensing their fear the changeling turned towards us and said pointing to the catering, "I'm just here for the food." Now we knew from the start that the extra seat in our row was supposed to be for a creature not normally seen in Equestria. Cheerilee even asked that we be polite but after seeing the changeling she decided to say nothing about us all pilling up on the other end of the row. The changeling in question didn't seem to mind either. Eyeing him from the pile with the other foals I noticed him occasionally seem to take a bite or nibble out of the air. He was being subtle about about it but I managed to notice. Kevin Love was in the air, and it was delicious. I truly am glad Cranky finally found his Cricket, Matilda. Thankfully my deep cover mission let me attend. *Two Years Ago* No... No... No... No... No!!! "Hang in there Cricket! Please don't leave me!!!" I had dug her out from under the boulders that's nowhere near enough. Most of her right hind leg was missing, and the rest were twisted in ways they shouldn't. Worst of all were the cracks all over her body. Cricket spoke in a strained voice, "It... It's... It's okay, Kevin... Please... ... ... Take care of Flea." "CRICKET!!!" ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Damnit!!! Why didn't I take the time to learn to first aid. Sealing her in a cocoon wouldn't help if I don't stop the bleeding. I then began hyperventilating when suddenly a grouchy voice caught my attention, "This is why you carry a first aid kit-" Looking to the sound of the voice I saw a rather grumpy looking donkey. The donkey continued to say, "-So stop panicking and follow my directions." The donkey who I learned was named Cranky then helped me though the steps of stopping the bleeding and ensuring that the injured limbs were secured as to not cause further injury. As we finished up the first aid I asked, "Why are you helping me?" Without a single change in expression Cranky explained how he had begun his search for Matilda, and how regardless of Cricket and myself being changelings the loss of a true love was something he wished on no creature. It was only at about that time that I noticed the love he gave off for this, Matilda. While I should have ripped it from him and brought it to the hive I did not wish to repay kindness with malice. *Present* While Cricket would have wanted to attend, ever since her injury she was worked as a nymph instructor and desk worker at the hive. Both these jobs require her to remain in the hive. And while Flea as a builder could leave the hive for a variety of reasons she had no interest in attending the wedding. Still I know both of them wish you and Matilda the best, Cranky. > Ch 26 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dinky This is a wonderful dream. All my friends are here having a party and we are playing a game of tag right now. Then out of the corner of my eye I noticed some kind of purple cloud. Unfortunately it was gone before I could even get a good look at it. Shrugging it off I continued to play, chasing Scootaloo in front of me when she suddenly stops. Reaching her I go, "Tag, your-" "-HISS!!!" As Scootaloo turned around she hissed and turned into a changeling! In panic I backed away and looked around only to see the other guests all turned into changelings and were closing in, "AAAHHHHH!!!!!!!" Amethyst Star Dancing to some of the music in my living room I heard a knock come from the door. Turning down the music and went to open the door only to see Stubborn Bureaucrat. Spoiled may have been the president of the school board here in Ponyville but it was really Stubborn who did all of the real leg work. Fortunately we had been friends for a long time so happily I invited her inside but she refused, "So what can I help you with Stubborn?" Adjusting her glasses Stubborn spoke, "It is actually Miss Bureaucrat to you. I was looking through the records young missy and came to a shocking discovery. You are not qualified to be a tutor, in fact your records show that you never even passed preschool! Thus I am here to inform you that you are late for class!" "WHAT!?" That could not be possible I know for a fact that can't possibly be right. Suddenly a familiar voice cleared their throat. Looking around I noticed that I was in the preschool class room sitting at a desk in the middle and worst of all, the teacher. Miss Strict Discipline from highschool. The preschoolers around the room began to laugh as I looked around only to notice that Carrot Top and a few other of my friends were looking at me with disappointment in their eyes. Cheerilee The classroom was now quiet and the foals were playing outside happily. The sound of beeping from my timer told me that it was time to bring them back in. Opening the door I could already tell that something was wrong. There was a filly sized Spoiled Rich sitting on a throne with Diamond Tiaras' cutie mark and tiara. Seeing me she spoke, "Ahh, maid come feed me grapes." I was confused until I saw my reflection in the mirror and realized that I was wearing a maids uniform. Involuntarily my body spoke, "Yes miss Spoiled Brat." My body then began to move on it's own and I was terrified of where this nightmare would lead. Diamond Tiara I love the wind in my hair as Scootaloo zoomed along on her scooter. Sitting in front of me was Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle. To my left Silver Spoon who despite having a cutie mark would join us on our adventures. As for my flank, it was blank. Then suddenly it all changed before I even knew it. No longer were we in a wagon. I was now sitting in a luxurious carriage being pulled by a disheveled Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo. Suddenly they were wiped by Silver Spoon who was still to my left. I tried to protest but different words came out of my mouth, "Yes Servant Spoon, show those blank flanks who's in charge." NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO! Apple Bloom look back with a tear filled eyes and I saw my reflection in them... ... ...an exact copy of my mother smiling a cruel grin. Scootaloo The wind rushed through my mane as I flew through the air with the Wonderbolts. I called out in excitement, "WHOO WHO! This is awesome!" Suddenly something felt off, like very off. Opening my eyes I saw that I was laying on an immobile cloud. Confused I asked aloud, "What? But, how?" Suddenly the familiar voice of my favorite pony in the world, idol, and honorary big sister Rainbow Dash spoke up, "Oh hey there squirt, what are you doing here? Ohh and before I forget I am no longer going to be your honorary big sister, I found the shrine of got creeped out. Plus as an earth pony you can't even fly so I'm taking Diamond Tiara under my wing as my honorary sister." In shock and surprise I shouted out in a questioning voice, "WHAT!?" The condescending voice of Diamond Tiara then spoke up, "That's right!" With a smug grin Diamond Tiara flew off with Rainbow Dash as I called out, "WHAT!? NO! ... ... ... ... What was that you said about me being an earth pony?" Looking towards my back I noticed that I did not have my wings... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...and so I began to fall. Tantabus Entering into another dream I saw a grey pegasus who was massive in size riding a spring rider in an empty white void. Floating up to her she looked at me and meowed. But before I could do anything to alter her dream... ...something happened. Amber Wood Suddenly I found myself in the town center of Ponyville at night. Though a few things caught my eyes. Lyra and Bonbon were attached at the hip. Big Mac had a unicorn horn. Derpy was a giant who meowed. And Princess Luna was doing something in a glowing bubble. So far everything was pretty normal... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...that should probably be a red flag of some kind. > Ch 27 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Amber Wood Well it looks like Silver Spoon has finally gotten fed up with Diamond Tiaras' behavior and now I will be able to talk to her alone. And now she was down in the dumps about pretty much everything. But I still may not be able to approach her just yet as the Cutie Mark Crusaders appear to be tailing her for the moment. Giving a solo in the park about her feeding the Crusaders decide to go make plans for tomorrow and I had my opportunity. Walking up to her as she stared sorrowfully into the lake I called out, "Yo, DT you need some pony or rather some kirin to talk too." Diamond Tiara gave me a confused look and asked aggressively, "What do you, want!?" Sitting next to her I looked out over the lake and without looking at her gave my answer, "You know, before I actually came to Ponyville I met my nirik counter part out in the Everfree Forest. She told me about the ponies she knew about here in Ponyville and I got to see her memories of them by looking in her eyes. From my perspective it seemed like you had gotten replaced by a changeling or something and I was even planning to capture you for interrogation. But I soon realized that the change that had occurred was from you getting your cutie mark. So I'll ask again, wanna talk?" I could see Diamond Tiaras' reflection in water out of the corner of my eye and saw that she had a showl on her face. With an annoyed tone Diamond said, "We saw each other once! That nirik doesn't know a thing about me!" After a few moments I responded in a neutral tone, "Your probably right... No, you are right. The only knew a little bit about you, but I have kept an eye on you myself. After you got your cutie mark your mother took steps to make you act like her." Diamond Tiaras' showl turned to anger and she snapped at me, "Don't act like you know me or my family! I remember that conversation you had with the cutie mark crybabies during your welcome to Ponyville party! You said that there was no such thing as some magical moment where some pony knows their destiny well guess what, I literally have that on my flank! I don't need some creature who can't even get a cutie mark telling me about my destiny!" Looks like it's about time for me to end this conversation. I let out a sigh and spoke, "Is it truly your destiny or is it the destiny that some pony else picked for you?" Without giving Diamond Tiara time to respond I began to walk away. Since she didn't make any comments I hoped it was a good sign but after I was out of sight from Diamond Tiara Dinkys' voice called out to me, "You know that she will just disregard what you said, right?" Shrugging I responded, "Probably... But someone had to say it to her." Dinky remained quiet as she walked beside me before speaking up, "You know, your right about her personality seemingly changing after she got her cutie mark. What was that actually all about?" I sighed and hoped Dinky would not think that what I did was acceptable, "Well her mother decided that since Diamond Tiara had a socialite cutie mark that she should follow in her hoof steps. Thing is that I don't think that Spoiled Rich is even good at being a socialite to begin with. She essentially forced Diamond Tiara to be a complete jerk to every pony especially the Crusaders to the point that no pony even wants to be around her. Socialites have no real power of their own. The only power they do have is the power given to them by those around them. I mean seriously why did she convince Diamond Tiara to bully the Cutie Mark Crusaders of all ponies, their sisters are national heros for cry out loud!" I quietly began grumbling to myself and after a moment passed Dinky asked, "So, what do you plan for use to do about it?" I considered what little I knew about the show and made my decision, "You know what the Crusaders are already planning something on their own for tomorrow. Let's wait and see what happens first." *The next day* The day was over before I even knew it and on schedule the Cutie Mark Crusaders invited Diamond Tiara to their club house. I knew that I could probably watch but decided that I would wait outside the front of the school with many other foals who were waiting for the news from Pip. Even foals from other classes were present including Dinky who asked, "So did the Crusaders approach Diamond Tiara yet?" "They invented her to their club house and for now I think we should wait. In the time let's wait to hear the news about the playground." Soon Pip and a few different adults including Spoiled Rich all entered into the school house. Sitting next to me Dinky asked, "What do you think will be the decision of the meeting?" I quickly took a look around and noticed that no pony was paying attention before answering, "To be honest I don't think it will work out. Diamond Tiaras' mother Spoiled Rich was upset with her over not getting elected and already used the school budget to pay for that statue of Diamond. So the budget would likely be limited which she will likely use as an excuse to deny his proposal for new playground equipment." Suddenly Pip ran out of the school house and looked around before coming up to me. Before he could even ask I said, "If you are looking for the Cutie Mark Crusaders then you should head over to the club house they use." Without saying a word he ran off in the direction of Sweet Apple Acres. Silver Spoon soon walked up to us and asked, "So, what do you think will happen?" Seeing a certain group of fillies in the distance I smiled and said, "I think Diamond Tiara might just have the solution to our little problem." Silver Spoon scoffed at my comment and looked away. Though I could not see her face I could tell that she was still somewhat conflicted about her fight with Diamond Tiara. So when Diamond Tiara stood up to her mother and solved the budget problem she had a releaved smile on her face. Leaning in towards her I whispered, "Happy that your old friend is back to normal?" Almost inaudibly Silver Spoon whispered, "Yes..." As the new playground equipment was being installed Diamond Tiara walked up to us and apologized to both me and Silver Spoon when a bright light came from behind us. Seeing the original of the light I couldn't help but smile with pride. > Derpy Intermission > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Amber Wood Sitting down with Dinky and Carrot Top for breakfast I noticed that Derpy was not present despite us having muffins. Curious I asked, "Where's Derpy? Did she leave early or something?" Carrot Top sighed and responded, "No... When I asked her what we should have for breakfast today she smiled and said muffins. So I asked her to get them from the pantry but I noticed her already going out the front door and before I could stop her she had disappeared." Narration Meanwhile deep deep underground was a place known as the underworld long forgotten by time. Divided into nine sections each increasing deeper below the ground there was a door from an even older more forgotten era of history located in the deepest and darkest of it's pits. This door opened to a passage way that led even deeper into the dark realm which stretched even further down below. Within the deepest darkest depths of the dark realm was a pit which all avoided. At the bottom of that pit was a corridor which lead to the under realm. In the deepest pit of the under realm was the fortress of it's ruler Foraðsforað. Foraðsforað Achoo! Resting atop my throne I heard an unusual sound. Looking down to the I saw speck on the ground too small to be a nat. Was that a surface realm creature? A pegasus I believe. A grey coat and blonde mane. I began too speak and as I did my entire realm shook with the power of my voice, "Surface realm pegasus I Foraðsforað allow you to speak so you may inform me on why you are here for you stand before me. For I am Foraðsforað: Trampler of Epochs, Defiler of Spirits, Abater of Life, Perisher of Dominions, Dissolver of Souls, Swallower of Essences, The Realm Vanquisher, The Wicked Life Scorcher, Razer of Worlds, The Great Era Shatterer, Exhauster of Existence, The Wretched Carver, The Ancient Queller, The Epoch Trampler, Destroyer of Eras, Eradicator of Life, Eraser of Civilization, and Harbinger of the End Times. Now answer me before I end your puny existence for insulting me. The little pegasus pony tilted her head and responded in her tiny and almost inaudibly shout, "I was heading to the kitchen to get the muffins from the pantry!" I raised a brow and looked at the creature before me and asked, "You ended up in the home and realm of Foraðsforað: Trampler of Epochs, Defiler of Spirits, Abater of Life, Perisher of Dominions, Dissolver of Souls, Swallower of Essences, The Realm Vanquisher, The Wicked Life Scorcher, Razer of Worlds, The Great Era Shatterer, Exhauster of Existence, The Wretched Carver, The Ancient Queller, The Epoch Trampler, Destroyer of Eras, Eradicator of Life, Eraser of Civilization, and Harbinger of the End Times on your way to the kitchen to receive muffins?" The puny little pony mare responded with another shout, "I am not a clever mare." Amber Wood As I walk to school a crack began to open in the ground erupting dark flames and the tortured wailing souls of the damned. From the hole walked out Derpy who happily stated, "I brought muffins." Baffled I asked, "You brought muffins from the firey pits of the underworld?" Derpy chose not to answer my question and walked away. > Ch 28 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Amber Wood As we were eating our lunch in the school yard Diamond Tiara commented, "Did any of you hear that Princess Candace and Shining Armor asked to put a clue to a scavenger hunt in the foal free press?" Curious Dinky asked, "What kind of scavenger hunt is it? And why in the foal free press of all places?" Diamond Tiara shrugged and replied, "All I know is that the clues all have some kind of over arching theme for Princess Twilight to figure out or something like that for a surprise of some kind. The first clue sends them here and the our clue sends them to find Applejacks' birth certificate." Raising my brow I questioned, "Is that even legal or is Applejack in on it?" Every pony at the table shrugged when Scootaloo asked, "So what do you think the surprise even is?" I started to think an suggested, "Well the two have been married for a while now so maybe they are expecting?" Confused Scootaloo asked, "Expecting what?" Sweetie Belle chimed in and filled in, "It means expecting a foal." Scootaloo rolled her eyes and said, "That's not possible the stork own delivers foals when it is unexpected remember!" Every pony at the table just looked at Scootaloo and I thought to myself, are we going to have to give Scootaloo the talk? Are we going to have to give Rainbow Dash the talk? If so hopefully some pony will think of an adult to pawn her off too. Rainbow Dash *sneeze* Waking up from my quick power nap I suddenly remembered when I jokingly told Scootaloo that foals came from the stork and chuckled to myself... ... ... ... ... ...did I ever actually correct her? Ohh well that's a problem for future me. Returns to sleep. Amber Wood After a few seconds Dinky asked, "You still think that foals come from the stork..?" Scootaloo smiled and responded, "I used to think that we came from cabbage patches but Rainbow Dash corrected me!" We all looked at each other and wondered what to do when Amethyst came by to tell us that Pinkie Pie had arrived to make balloon animals for us. And without hesitation Silver Spoon asked Amethyst, "HeycanyougiveScootaloothetalkRainbowDashgaveherthestorkstory!Thankyou!Bye!" She then ran off in the direction of Pinkie Pie and to others followed suite as Amethyst stood there frozen. Scootaloo stayed back for a minute before coming to join us saying that Amethyst was broken or something before Dinky explained what happened to her. Scootaloo rolled her eyes and said, "It's okay that none of you know where foals come from. We can all go ask Rainbow Dash later and she can tell you all about it. I'll even bet you on it, but I don't any extra bits from my allowance so loser has to do a punishment instead." Shaking on it I said she had a deal but we need to pick another pony to give the answer since Rainbow Dash would be biased and agreed on a punishment. Still unsure if Rainbow Dash actually knew what she was talking about I suggested, "Hey why don't we ask Pinkie Pie since she is right here?" Raising one of her eyebrows Apple Bloom asked, "You sure that's a good idea?" Shrugging I responded, "She's as good a pony as any of you ask me?" Reaching Pinkie Pie I asked if she could explain where foals came from to Scootaloo but her response was... ...unexpected to say the least. With fear I her eyes and a nervous smile she said, "Oh! Me! How should I know- Ohh! Hey, look it's Princess Luna ask her instead!" Sure enough to bed of The Princess of the Night was right there in the middle of the road. Looking back to where Pinkie Pie was standing was now a hyper realistic balloon animal Pinkie Pie with many other balloon animals behind it... ...and a foal bottle...? Scootaloo suggested that we just asked Princess Luna since she was right there, "Hey Princess Luna confirm for us where foals come from we were apparently told different things?" Groggily Luna raised from her pillow and asked, "How did you enter our room? Ahh wait, the pink one... Unfortunately while we would normally be more than happy to answer your inquiry, our sister specifically forbad us from performing such lessons with children for some reason. Apparently the teaching method for such has changed drastically in the last thousand years. For whatever reason would one of you require such a thing." My heart rate began to increase and I felt like I was about to sweat bullets. Slightly concerned for all our well being and less so for Rainbow Dash who caused this mess, "Rainbow Dash told Scootaloo that foals came from storks!" Luna nodded in acknowledgement and said, "Very well than, I'll be off." Princess Luna then teleported away and I suggested that we go to Sugar Cube Corner later since Pinkie Pie clearly knows what is going on with the scavenger hunt. *Later at Sugar Cube Corner* As I guessed Princess Candace and Shining Armor made the announcement to the element bearers at Sugar Cube Corner. Walking with Scootaloo up to Applejack who was also standing next to Rainbow Dash and I began to explain the situation. Applejack glared at Rainbow Dash who started laughing whole heartedly be it diminished to a nervous chuckle, "Ya... Scootaloo about that. I actually said it as a joke thinking that some pony else would correct you about it. Since AJ will probably not stop bothering me if I don't actually explain it to you I guess I have too, so follow me to another room and we can talk." Rainbow Dash *That Evening* Leaving Sugar Cube Corner I was a bit wobbly on my hooves from having to much cider. Suddenly a familiar royal voice came from behind me, "Ahh dame Rainbow Dash, just the mare we had been searching for. We were informed that you were in need of some academic assistance for which we can provide. So off we go!" And before I knew it we were teleported away. *The Next Morning* Celestia "What do you mean, 'Rainbow Dash is curled up in the shower and refuses to come out'!" Amber Wood The next morning at Sugar Cube Corner I along with the others were dressing up Scootaloo for a photo shoot. With permission we had her double diapered and with a pacifier in her mouth. Sweetie Belle was using ribbons to tie her mane into pigtails. Diamond Tiara had provided a frilly pink dress that was to small for her and did nothing to hide Scootaloos' padded rear. As Scootaloo waddled from each of the photo sites around the playroom some pony tapped my shoulder. As I turned around Apple Bloom grabbed me and with help from the others put me in a similar outfit to Scootaloo to join the remaining photo shoots. > Ch 29 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Amber Wood Nightmare Night had come again and now only one question remained, "So what costumes do you plan to wear for Nightmare Night?" Sitting with me at the table was Dinky, Silver Spoon, and Diamond Tiara. They all looked at me and I continued, "The crusaders already had their costumes prepared for a while, but I still don't have an idea that I'm satisfied with. I also know that Dinky has no idea of what she wants to be either. So what about the two of you?" They both growned in frustration and Silver Spoon spoke up, "No we haven't been able to think of anything at all!" Diamond Tiara looked deep in thought for a moment before shouting out, "That's it!" Diamond Tiara continued, "We can wear a set of costumes! Like... Like.. Like something." Well I had no better ideas and the others seemed to like it and Dinky suggested, "In that case way don't we dress up as dogs. Diamond Tiara can be a poodle, and I can be something, and Silver Spoon can be something else, and Amber can be another something." Diamond Tiara looked between Dinky and myself with a raised eyebrow before Silver Spoon spoke up, "How about we put that on the maybe pile for now. Say Diamond since you thought of the group set idea why don't you make a suggestion." Diamond Tiara tapped her chin in though and decided on an idea, "I overheard on of the servants mention that their sister was going to some kind of special party with her special some pony, and that she was planning on wearing a maid outfit... But the weird thing is that the servant specifically said that she usually wears one but I don't remember seeing any pony wearing one on previous Nightmare Nights? So, what do you think about us all dressing up as maids?" While I blushed a the story Dinky and Silver Spoon looked to be considering it so I mentioned, "I think special party was probably code for birds and bees." The three of them looked confused for a moment before blushing, "Still through, I don't think that it was that bad an idea. But I feel like we are definitely getting closer to a winning idea." Dinky suddenly gasped and raised her foreleg as if trying to get called on by a teacher, "Oh! Oh! Oh! Pick me!" Sliver Spoon rolled her eyes with a smile at Dinkys' antics and said, "You can just say your suggestion Dinky." Dinky gave an embarrassed smile and chuckled before giving her suggestion, "What if we went as a bowl of fruit. One of us can be an apple, another can be grapes, another can be a banana, and the last one can be a peach!" After she finished her second suggestion Dinky looked around the table smiling like an excited puppy. Silver Spoon smiled and responded, "I like it. You know recently I have been joining Sweetie Belle in her appreciation of show tunes, and not to long ago we saw something called a barber shop quartet performing. Maybe we can do that?" Raising from my seat I said, "I am so in for that if we go all out with it!" Diamond Tiara and Dinky unfortunately did not look all that interested in it. Dinky asked confused, "Why are you so interested in barber shop quartets?" Lying I said, "It's not so much that I am interested in barber shop quartets but that they were a popular joke back in my kirin village." Back to thinking I decided to give my own suggestion, "What if we each dressed up as one of the princesses?" From the door way we heard Derpy call out, "Really! We can be matchers!" Standing at the door in a Twilight Sparkle costume was Derpy. Carrot Top called out to Derpy from the other room, "Derpy, Nightmare Night is not for another few days why are you already wearing your costume?" Derpy looked confused for a few seconds before replying, "I just don't know what went wrong." Derpy then walked off too her room likely to change out of her costume. Looking back at the others I noticed that they did not look super thrilled with the idea. Curious I asked, "What's wrong with dressing up as the princesses?" Silver Spoon rolls her eyes at me and says, "There are usually tons of ponies in those kinds of costumes. Plus how weird would it be if your neighbor dressed up as you for Nightmare Night, Princess Twilight lives like right down the street." "I suppose that's fair, then how about dressing up as Chrysalis, Sombra, Tirek, and Discord? I think that I could really pull off a Discord costume." Suddenly Discords head popped out of a potted plant, "I will sue you for copyright infringement." He then popped into confetti that fell up to the ceiling. Raising a brow I said, "Ohh-kay..." Diamond Tiara chose to lighten the mood suggesting, "Maybe he would be okay with it if he grouped with costumes of other reformed villains? You know like humm... That one guy... What was the name of his brother? Tireks' I mean... Also Nightmare Moon... Not really sure of who else..." "Well that's a bust. I really think that I could have pulled off a good Discord costume." *Nightmare Night* Cup Cake *Knock knock knock* Opening the door I saw four familiar faces, "Well, what have we? Are you four wearing some kind of fruit suits?" Amber Wood Chuckling I replied, "Nope. Dinky is a fruit basket. Silver Spoon is a fruit bowl. Diamond Tiara is a fruit platter. And me, I'm a fruit salad." > Ch 30 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Amber Woods Together with Dinky, I was enjoying a cucumber sandwich at the house of Amethyst Star when suddenly... ...bang! Rumble burst in through the front door in a panic before stopping to catch his breath. Amethyst walked to him and asked him why he had burst through her door, "Hey! What's the big idea I just had that repainted! Can you please tell me why you burst into my living room!?" Panting Rumble began to speak, "Oh... Sorry... But... Give me a sec... There is a giant gaping vortex in the sky!" Amethyst suddenly began freeze up as her eye twitch. Calmly taking one more bite from my sandwich I ask, "Are we in immediate danger? Is it growing? Can we see the other side? Is there any immediate actions we need to take? What are the princesses and element bearers doing?" As Dinky and I continued to eat our sandwiches Rumble answered having finally caught his breath, "Well there doesn't seem to be any immediate danger for us. If anything the creatures on the other side of the vortex seem to be in more danger as their world seems to be cracking apart... So yes I think it's growing or well their world is cracking apart... Honestly the biggest danger is probably those creatures fall from the sky so you should probably move to the basement for a while." "What about the creatures on the other side of the vortex? Are they going to be okay? What's the plan for them if they fall? Like if the vortex closes while they are on this side do they get refuge status or something? Where would they live?" Rumble hummed thoughtfully before coming up with an answer, "Well the emergency response pegasi are already on the move in order to catch any of the creatures who fall....... .....but for your other questions, I am not sure. You will have to ask some pony else." Dinky stood up from the table and said, "I'll go get a pair of binoculars from upstairs so we can check it out before we go into the basement... ... okay?" "Got it." As Dinky made her way upstairs I heard a growling noise coming from Rumble who rubbed the back of his head and said, "Sorry. Did not have lunch yet." "Amethyst did had a sandwich for herself prepared but has not yet touched it. I don't think she would mind if you had it." Rumble sat down at the table and began to chow down, "Thanks, I flew off before my parents or Thunderlane could make anything for lunch. This was supposed to be my last stop this time so my parents want me to stay here in case something happens, so I think that we should take turns keeping watch for changes." "Good idea. After Dinky comes back down with the binoculars she and I will take a quick trip outside to see what kind of creatures are on the other side of the vortex. Then the three of us will get Amethyst down into the bunker." Rumble nodded in affirmation as we started to hear the pattering of Dinkys' hooves as she made her way back down the stairs, "I found the binoculars so that we can see the creatures from the other side of the vortex." Dinky nodded and said, "Okay but let's be quick, and get back inside before Amethyst wakes up." Stepping out side Dinky got to use the binoculars first which was okay because I was distracted by the castle belonging to princess Twilight. It had turned a color that reminded me of red velvet cake and had dark clouds swirling ominously over it, "Well you don't see that everyday. Should we be worried about that or is that something we are just going to ignore?" Completely ignoring my question Dinky exclaimed in excitement, "WOW! I don't think I have seen any creature who looked like that before!" Rumble replied, "I know right. The closest that I could think of would be minotaurs but even they look nothing like them." "Are we just going to ignore what is going on with Princess Twilights' castle or am I the only one who is worried about that? Ohh no wait I see the element bearers doing something about that." Rainbow Dash attempted to bust in through a window by performing one of her sonic rainbooms only for the castle to shoot a red bolt of lightning blasting her away. "Well that looks like it hurt..." Feeling a hoof on my shoulder I looked back and saw Dinky offering me the binoculars, "You ready to take a look with the binoculars?" "Ohh? Sure I'll take a quick look right now." Looking up towards the vortex I saw a familiar creature... ...humans? No they were way too colorful for the humans that I knew of but they were clearly a similar creature. Looking closer I saw some kind of black winged angel and decided, "We should probably head into the basement before something else crazy happens."