• Published 17th Aug 2022
  • 3,899 Views, 25 Comments

Torn - Starlight Fan

After Chrysalis causes Spike to be badly injured, he is sent to the hospital to hopefully recover. How will Spike’s friends cope during this time and more importantly, will he survive?

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Discord’s Reaction

Discord kept biting on his eagle claw and lion paw as he and the other prisoners waited for any creature to return.

He needed to know that all of his friends were safe from harm, though if he were being honest, he was pretty much the closest with Fluttershy and Spike, maybe Twilight too on her good days.

Either way, he cared about all of them, and didn’t want anything bad to happen to them.

“You think they’re okay out there?” Discord asked his fellow prisoners.

Starswirl then turned to glare at the Draconequus from his goo cage, “Well Discord. Tirek, Cozy Glow, and Chrysalis have been beefed up by Grogar’s bell so there’s no guarantee Twilight and her friends will get out of this unscathed.”

Starlight looked downtrodden before turning to Discord with a sad look, “I have to agree here Discord. I’m nervous myself. Twilight and our friends are experienced with saving the world but without the Elements Of Harmony and with the amount of magic the three villains have, I…I don’t know if I’ll ever see Twilight again, or Spike, or Trixie, or Sunburst, or Maud, or…”

“Starlight!” Luna shouted in the unicorn’s ear, causing Starlight to jolt and stop speaking.

“I’m terribly sorry Starlight Glimmer but you were spiraling. I needed to make sure we didn’t lose you there.” Luna said softly.

Starlight took a deep breath and spoke, “No. I get it Luna. Thank you, I needed that.”

Discord sighed in sadness, he didn’t mean for everything to be such a mess, now his friends were all mad at him, the ponies were divided, and now Starlight was starting to get panic attacks. He really hoped Twilight would get here soon.

Soon Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and Fluttershy all showed up at the prison area with two white pegasi Royal Guards members.

Discord felt a strange mixture of relief and worry, if they were here that meant things were likely back to normal but he didn’t see Twilight or Spike anywhere.

“I’m guessing Equestria has been saved?” Starswirl asked carefully.

“Yep. The ponies and all the other creatures pitched in and turned in those villains to the Royal Guard, they’re heading to the Canterlot dungeons where they’ll have some magic restraints on.” Applejack explained with a sigh.

“Wait. Where’s Twilight and Spike?” Celestia asked in concern.

“Are they alright?” Starlight asked with equal amount of worry.

Fluttershy soon began tearing up and then burst out sobbing, Discord knew that meant nothing but bad things.

“W-What happened? Are Twilight and Spike okay? Please, I’ll try to help in any way I can.” Discord asked with his voice wavering, he wanted to know what was happening, he also wanted Fluttershy to stop crying, but he knew he could only get one of these things to happen.

As the Royal Guard members destroyed the throne pieces blocking the prisoner’s magic so they could escape, Rainbow Dash gritted her teeth and glared venomously at Discord, this was all his fault, he caused this to happen.

“You’ve helped quite enough you prick! If the word help is even in your vocabulary!” Rainbow Dash shouted furiously.

“Rainbow! Calm down!” Applejack commanded sternly, she was mad at Discord as much as Rainbow Dash was, but fighting was not going to help matters.

“Oh I’m sorry! I was just concerned about my friends’ well being! Celestia forbid I ask such valuable questions!” Discord said furiously.

“You just make everything worse! All you do is cause chaos, and not the good kind like Pinkie does!” Rainbow Dash argued angrily.

“Oh and I suppose you’re a radiant angel, I’m sure we all remember your so-called harmless pranks or the time you nobly tried to stop winter from happening because you couldn’t handle that your pet was going to hibernate!” Discord snapped back, he was upset at himself for what he did too, but Rainbow Dash was treating him like Equestrian scum even though he just wanted to know how his friends were doing, so he felt his rage at her was justified.

“You’re the one who literally let three villains on the loose and thanks to you, Spike is injured!” Rainbow Dash yelled with a piercing glare.

Discord’s eyeballs became the size of pinpricks, Spike had gotten injured?

“Wh-What?” Discord asked in horror as the now freed Celestia, Luna, Starlight, and Pillars gasped at this new knowledge.

“You heard me! Chrysalis tried to use Spike as a bargaining chip to get us to stop fighting, she kept tugging his wings, threatening to break them off, he lost a lot of blood and now Twilight’s getting him to a hospital and it’s all because of you!” Rainbow Dash said full with fury at the Lord Of Chaos.

“No. You-You’re lying. You’re just trying to make me feel like crap because you need an outlet for your anger.” Discord denied with an angered look, although tears were threatening to pour out his eyes.

“Well I’m not lying. Ask the others, they’ll tell you.” Rainbow Dash gestured to Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and the still weeping Fluttershy.

“Pinkie Pie. Spike’s not injured is he?” Discord asked with a hopeful smile.

“Uh… I don’t think I can answer that.” Pinkie Pie said awkwardly.

“Fluttershy?” Discord asked, fear starting to show in his eyes.

“I…I…” Fluttershy couldn’t answer, she was still crying.

“Rarity?” Discord asked, desperate to hear that his friend was okay.

“I’m not going to lie to you Discord. Spike is indeed injured, he was bleeding pretty badly, and he’s unconscious.” Rarity looked away, still hurt from what has transpired.

“We don’t know if he’ll be okay Discord. I’m sorry to say it, but Spike’s in bad condition.” Applejack told him, she knew Discord screwed up but she’d be lying if she said she didn’t feel sympathy for what was going through his head.

“Surely there might be a healing spell for this?” Starlight asked desperately to Celestia and Luna, Spike was one of Starlight’s good friends, if she could heal him with a spell, she would willingly do so.

“I’m afraid of the injury is as severe as Rarity and Rainbow Dash have said they are, then a healing spell will not be so effective.” Celestia sighed somberly.

“Oh no.” Starlight squeaked out with widened eyes.

Discord couldn’t believe it, Chrysalis had actually done it. She actually put Spike in critical condition, she nearly tore his wings off, and the worst part is that he caused this.

He looked to see the faces of all the other ponies in the room, the Pillars looked downtrodden, Rarity was just barely keeping it together, Pinkie Pie looked depressed, Applejack looked forlorn, Celestia and Luna were devastated, Starlight looked like she was going to panic, and Fluttershy was still crying.

“What have I done?” Discord whispered to himself, “It’s all my fault.” He covered his eyes as he began to cry.