• Published 17th Aug 2022
  • 3,898 Views, 25 Comments

Torn - Starlight Fan

After Chrysalis causes Spike to be badly injured, he is sent to the hospital to hopefully recover. How will Spike’s friends cope during this time and more importantly, will he survive?

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Prologue: A Very Bad Injury and An Angry Alicorn

Chrysalis had enough of Twilight Sprakle and her friends constantly interfering in her plans.

First it was the wedding in Canterlot, Twilight had found her suspicious when she pretended to be Cadence and ultimately was the reason why Shining Armor and Cadence were able to defeat her.

Then there was her failed attempt of kidnapping Twilight and the other important figures of Equestria which led to her hive turning against her. Granted, that was more of Starlight Glimmer’s doing but given she was connected to Twilight, it was pretty much her fault too.

And currently she has been ruining her attempt to rule Equestria with Tirek and Cozy Glow by trying to distract them to take Grogar’s bell.

Those six were becoming too much of a problem, they needed to be dealt with already, she saw them all regroup together.

All but one.

Chrysalis looked at the little dragon known as Spike laying on the ground in pain, he was trying to pick himself up when Chrysalis used her telekinesis to pick him up, by the wings no less.

“Uh, Chrysalis. What are you gonna do to me?” Spike asked fearfully.

Chrysalis smirked, he feared her, as he should.

“Let’s just say you will be an excellent bargaining chip.” Chrysalis smirked as she flew back to her comrades, she had the perfect plan to win this battle and get revenge on Twilight Sparkle.

Twilight checked to see if all her friends were accounted for, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash we’re all accounted for and Rainbow Dash just caught Fluttershy.

Wait, where’s Spike?’ Twilight’s eyes widened in realization.

“ENOUGH!” Chrysalis’ voice boomed throughout the field, scaring Twilight to her core, especially once she saw what Chrysalis had in her magic grip.

“Surrender now or the dragon’s wings get plucked!” Chrysalis threatened with a villainous smirk as she tugged on Spike’s wings painfully, causing Twilight to worry, Chrysalis doesn’t fool around and if she said she was going to hurt Spike, she likely meant it.

“Please! Don’t hurt him!” Twilight begged, horrified at what Spike was going through.

“Don’t worry about me! Just save-“ Spike shouted before Chrysalis in fury, pulled Spike’s wings even more, causing blood to start flowing from the sides.

“Shut up you insolent dragon!” Chrysalis spoke venomously.

The sight just made Twilight even more scared, “Chrysalis stop! He’s bleeding!”

“Yeah. Even you can’t be that evil.” Rainbow Dash protested angrily.

“Let’s also add that he has not crossed you in any way.” Rarity said with a sharp glare.

“Hmm, let me think about that.” Chrysalis said in mock thought, “No!”

Chrysalis tugged on Spike’s wings more painfully, causing him to bleed even more and for him to scream again, which was starting to infuriate Twilight, even Tirek and Cozy Glow were starting to look a little grossed out.

“Uh… Chrysalis, are you sure we should be tugging his wings too much?” Cozy Glow questioned. She may have not liked Spike, but out of all the enemies she made, Cozy Glow found him the least annoying, plus this was just gross.

“I agree. If you pull too hard, he will likely die, plus you will waste our bargaining chip.” Tirek told the former Queen of the Changelings. He shared similar sentiments with Cozy Glow, the dragon hardly posed as a threat to him, plus he wouldn’t wish a slow and painful death on any creature.

“Oh please, can’t I let our enemies suffer a little?” Chrysalis smirked villainously.

“Twilight! Chrysalis is gonna kill us if we surrender, I’m doomed either way, just don’t give in!” Spike shouted in a panic.

“I thought I told you to pipe down!” Chrysalis hissed in Spike’s ear as she once again, tugged his wings.

Twilight began to grit her teeth angrily, she was at her wits end with Chrysalis. She had already caused enough trouble in Twilight’s life, especially when she messed with Shining Armor and Cadence. Now she was hurting Twilight’s friend, no, Spike was practically her brother. She couldn’t stand for this.

“Chrysalis! Let him go!” Twilight commanded furiously.

“Like you could make me. Until you agree to surrender, I guess I’ll just have to keep pulling on those wings of his.” Chrysalis said with a haughty smirk before she began to pull more and more on Spike’s wings, each time more painful than the last.

Twilight began to see red, each time Chrysalis tugged on Spike’s wings, she got more and more angry, her horn began flaring, but unlike the magenta aura it usually had, it was turning more and more red.

“Uh… what’s happening?” Pinkie Pie began asking with concern and a bit of fear.

“I don’t know but something tells me Chrysalis won’t be coming out of this unscathed.” Applejack whispered to the party planner.

Twilight soon spread her wings and fired a fiery blast near Chrysalis’s hooves, being careful not to hit Spike in the process, she, Tirek, and Cozy Glow were soon caught by the blast and fell unconscious, with Grogar’s bell and Spike falling near Twilight.

Twilight looked concerned seeing Spike’s weakened state and reached out to him, “Spike, can you hear me?” She asked, her voice wavering at seeing him, blood was dripping from the corners of his wings, and there was pool of his blood near him, it was clear Spike was really hurt.

“Th-The bell… take it… now.” Spike begged weakly.

Twilight turned to the bell, Spike was right, she needed to focus on that before the villains woke up.

Twilight enveloped the bell with her magic, which was now back to it’s magenta color and hovered over the three unconscious villains, she had seen a book on how Grogar’s bell worked, and even memorized the spell to learn about it’s magic. She used her magic on the bell, and soon it blasted the trio of villains with it’s magic, draining the villains of the magic they formerly had. Now they were not much of a threat.

Twilight then turned to where Spike was and saw that Rainbow Dash was carrying him in her hooves as she hovered with her wings with the rest of her friends nearby, all looking very concerned for Spike. Rainbow Dash was cringing, though that was understandable due to Spike’s state.

“So… what do we do now?” Rainbow Dash asked awkwardly.

“Get Spike to a hospital. Obviously!” Twilight rolled her eyes in annoyance, “What else would we do?”

“Well there’s unifying the Earth Ponies, Unicorns, and Pegasi again, freeing the Princesses, Pillars, Starlight, and maybe Discord, and dealing with the villains, though I don’t know where to start.” Applejack pointed out, feeling just as awkward as Rainbow Dash was. She couldn’t blame Twilight for her annoyance, she just witnessed her first and closest friend get tortured by a sadistic Changeling. Naturally she’d be angry.

“Hey girls, I don’t think we have to worry about unifying the other ponies. Look!” Pinkie Pie said with a hint of happiness, the rest of her friends looked to see a bunch of ponies, dragons, changelings, yaks, griffons, and hippogriffs at the nearby hill.

Thorax was currently flying above the mountain with the other flying creatures, any creature that wasn’t flying was on top of the mountain themselves.

He was shocked to see the villains were already unconscious, though given they were facing the Elements Of Harmony, that was probably to be expected.

Thorax was confused on what the six ponies were doing down there, it was pretty far, he couldn’t see what was going on very well, though it appeared Rainbow Dash was holding something.

Wait a minute, isn’t Spike usually with them?’ Thorax thought curiously.

Thorax knew Twilight and Spike well enough to know that Spike almost never left Twilight’s side, especially in this type of crisis and he couldn’t see Spike anywhere, but Rainbow Dash appeared to be holding something small.

No. They didn’t.’ Thorax thought in horror.

Apparently Ember shared his sentiments and spoke up to him, “I can’t find Spike but the cyan pegasus is holding something small, and I have a bad feeling I know what or who it is.” Ember told the Changeling King.

Thorax nodded fearfully before turning to the group, “Me and Ember are gonna go down to Twilight and see what’s going on. Stay up here. It’ll be too much chaos if all of us go down.” Thorax told the rest of the Equestrian citizens.

“Of course. It’s probably the best idea.” Chancellor Neighsay nodded in understanding before Thorax and Ember flew downwards to the heroes and their fears turned out to be true as Rainbow Dash had an injured Spike in her hooves, though thankfully, he wasn’t bleeding as much.

“Wh-What happened to him?” Thorax said in horror.

“H-He was taken by Chrysalis during the battle.” Fluttershy stammered, “She kept pulling and tugging his wings so we’d surrender.”

“All of us were afraid to do anything at first, out of fear she would outright rip his wings off.” Rarity continued with a regretful glance towards Spike.

“But then Twilight’s horn suddenly got all red and she got all angry looking and blasted Chrysalis, Tirek, and Cozy Glow to the ground and took their magic away with the bell that belonged to some old goat, I think his name was Gregory.” Pinkie Pie finished.

“I still don’t get how you were able to do that. We’ve never seen you do that before.” Applejack turned to Twilight who seemed to be in thought after what she heard, ultimately she had an explanation.

“It’s probably due to the rage I was feeling from how Chrysalis was treating Spike. Starlight told me she had a similar experience with Trixie, except Starlight didn’t attack her. Starlight got so angry with Trixie, her magic formed a big red cloud. It’s probably different with me since I’m an Alicorn.” Twilight explained.

“I can’t blame her. I think I’d have breathed a humongous breath of fire on those villains with my fire breath if I saw what she was doing.” Ember admitted before checking Spike’s heartbeat, it was faint but he was still alive.

“He’s alive, thank goodness, but Spike needs to get medical assistance immediately.” Ember told the ponies sternly.

“I know. I’m taking him to a hospital nearby right now. You all need to deal with the villains and free the prisoners that they captured, it should be easy since we have enough creatures assisting.” Twilight told the group as she took Spike from Rainbow Dash.

“What do you mean you should take him to the hospital? I’m the fastest flyer here!” Rainbow Dash said angrily, she cared about Spike as much as the rest of her friends, and figured she would get him to medical care faster.

“Yes, but you are also reckless, and Spike is in critical condition. I only trust myself to fly him to get medical assistance fast and effectively.” Twilight said sternly before flying away from her friends with Spike in her hooves.

Twilight didn’t know what to expect next but her top priority now was making sure Spike was safe.

Author's Note:

I rewrote this because I felt it deserved some tweaks. I know you all liked the original so I hope to bring this to it’s former glory.