• Published 11th Aug 2022
  • 449 Views, 4 Comments

Scootaloo is a Highly Evolved Parasite - Scootaboom1

Sweetie Belle learns to truth behind Scootaloo.

  • ...

Oh no.

Sweetie Belle

I yawned as I made my way to the school yard.

It was far to early in the morning for this.

When I made it to the school yard I saw the gray mail mare had her head stuck in the fence.

I asked the other fillies and colts why they were not helping her.

They said that she said she could do it herself.

Fair enough I suppose.

I asked Apple Bloom where Scootaloo was and she shrugged.

It was not to strange for her to be late for what seemed to be no particular reason sometimes.

Though now that I thought about it, why was that?

The more I thought about it the more I realized that I had never asked Scootaloo about her living situation.

Even though I had known her for about a year before we met Apple Bloom but, I had never asked about her living situation.

Well I guess that I can just ask Miss Cheerilee?

Since it would still be a few minutes before class starts I decided to ask.

Walking into the school house I saw Miss Cheerilee node in affirmation having just completed her last minute preparations.

When Miss Cheerilee noticed me she asked if there was anything I needed.

I know she will probably refuse to tell me but I still had to ask.

After hearing my question Cheerilee looked slightly embarrassed and said, "To be honest, I have no idea. She just started attending class one day and I simply never bothered her about it.

I felt that any and all young minds seeking for knowledge, deserve the chance to do it."

I blinked in surprise.

She had literally known nothing about Scootaloo and her living situation?

I thought that adults were supposed to be responsible.

I asked if it was actually okay for her to handle the situation with Scootaloo like this.

She gave a nervous laugh and shrugged saying that she never thought that there would be a problem from it.

I guess that I will have to ask Scootaloo after all.

Before Scootaloo could arrive for me to ask after school when we gathered at the tree house to try and get our cutie marks.

About thirty minutes after class began the door opened to Scootaloo who had entered with another pegasus filly.

What was strange about it is that she looked exactly like Scootaloo, but with a blue coat and mane.

Noticing this new filly Miss Cheerilee asked what her name was.

Scootaloo looked unsure about how to answer and said that they had not thought of one.

Before any of us could ask what she meant Scootaloo started to make a gaging sound.

A large mass expanded from the bottom of her throat and she two gooey or maybe hairy balls that were about her size.

There were sounds of disgust from Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, but before anyone could respond in any meaningful way they started to move.

They stood up to reveal that they were identical to Scootaloo but different colors.

I think Apple Bloom said what we were all thinking best, "WHAT THE HAY!?"

Scootaloo looked confused for a second before having a look of understanding, "Oh, I'm just going through my reproduction cycle.

I never expected to reach it when I was living in the Everfree Forest, but life has become so easy since I moved to Ponyville.

Now that I am five I will spawn a few hundred thousand more of my own.

Sure a few thousand will immediately die but the rest should make it."


Everyone was just too shocked to say anything after that.

Scootaloo then barfed up five more but only four got up only to begin eating the one who remained still.

From somewhere in the back of the class I heard some one say parasprites.

When I heard that I remembered the time a parasprite had been brought into Ponyville.

Those little things caused so much devastation when they were brought to Ponyville, what could Scootaloo sized ones do?

No more than that, what will happen to Scootaloo?

Will she be banished to the Everfree Forest?

I don't want my friend to be banished!

What will be done to the ones she barfs out?

Will she be okay with them being banished to the Everfree Forest?

Scootaloo continued to barf up more and more of the balls.

They spread out around the school house and went after anything that was edible, and some things that I would not have thought were edible.

As Miss Cheerilee tried to get the situation under control I noticed that some were leaving the building.

I could see them heading throughout Ponyville through the window.

I saw Scootaloo leaving the school house as she continued to barf up more hairy balls.

Scootaloo please don't be banished to the Everfree Forest, please.

I managed to make my way out of the school house myself and I tried to make my way to Scootaloo.

Unfortunately due to the slime that she left no matter how fast I ran.

I called out to her but my voice could not reach her no matter how loud I yelled.

Eventually she disappeared from my view and I could only hope everything would turn out okay.


I shook my head as I woke from my sleep.

Covering one of my nostrils I exhaled sharply. This caused several 'z's to be shot out of my other nostril.

I guess that it was one of those days, hum.


What a dream?

I have not had a dream where I was Sweetie Belle for a while.

Though Scootaloo on the other hand, I have met her aunts and heard about the incident with her parents.

Then why did I have such a weird dream about her being some kind of highly evolved parasite or something like that?

Maybe I have been reading to many old fan stories about her origins or something?

Comments ( 4 )

How does Apple Bloom fit in on all of this?

Is this going to be like 'Feeding Problems' or just based on the same comic? Nevermind. I see it's listed complete now and quickly read it.

Yup. That’s random.

She is just a side character with no particular focus in this story.

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