• Published 31st Jul 2022
  • 349 Views, 6 Comments

Blue InkXSunset Shimmer - The Series - ThomasZoey3000

Blue Ink makes a big decision that could change his and Sunset's lives forever.

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Moonlight Beams (2021)

Author's Note:

Time to Build on the lore of this series. This time we're putting the spotlight on two other characters, or rather three in this case. Also, I'm finally revealing the names of Blue Ink's children from his previous marriage.

Blue InkXSunset Shimmer
Written by: ThomasZoey3000

Moonlight Beams (2021)

Twilight sat in her chair, rubbing her nine month baby belly while the other girls all cooed and awed as they too felt the baby bump. Even Rainbow Dash was making baby sounds, which only made Applejack laugh.

"I always thought you were too much of a tough gal to make those kinds of noises," she joked.

"I am!" snapped Rainbow Dash. "But even tough gals can make sounds like that, especially when a new baby is on the way."

From another corner of the room, Blue Ink and Timber Spruce were watching the girls while drinking root beer, "so, any day now?" Blue Ink asked.

"Yep, at least that's what the doctor said," Timber nodded.

"Just out of curiosity, do you know if your child is going to be a boy or girl?"

Timber shook his head, "no we don't, and we want it to stay that way until the baby is born. Both Twilight and I agreed to that when we discovered she was pregnant. Though it's not to say we don't have a few names in mind."

"I bet you do," Blue Ink smirked.

"You are so lucky Twilight," Sunset smiled. "Out of the two of us who are married, you're the one with a baby on the way. I wish Blue Ink and I could have a child."

"You already have three kids, isn't that enough?" asked Rainbow Dash.

"Perhaps, but they're from Blue Ink's previous marriage. This one would be from us."

"One day Sunset!" Blue Ink called out to her, "one day!"

Twilight suddenly jolted, causing Timber to run to her side. Before he could say anything though, Twilight gave him a reassuring smile, "it's okay Tim, the baby just kicked, that's all. It's not time yet."

Timber Spruce looked both relieved and a little annoyed. Secretly, he wanted to meet their new child, and he wasn't alone.

"At least it'll be worth it for you guys," Sunset commented as she walked over to rejoin her husband. "After all, you guys have had nothing but trouble since your relationship started. The fight to save Camp Everfree, arguments with Timber's family over dating Twilight, the global pandemic that stopped your wedding multiple times and-"

"I think they get the point Honey," Blue Ink interrupted.

"Oh sorry, my bad."

"Besides, that's my job to do stuff like that," said Pinkie Pie as she narrowed her eyes at Sunset Shimmer.

"Sorry Pinks, I'll make sure to leave that to you, okay?"

"Deal!" she smiled, and the attention went back to Twilight's baby belly.

At the house, Blue Ink was cooking up supper, but as he was, he noticed that Sunset was looking out the window while not saying a word.

"Okay, I'll bite, why are you quiet this time? You usually talk up a storm when I cook, honey."

Sunset looked back to Blue, "I want to have a baby."

"Well so would I, but it's not like ordering your favorite ice cream." He walked over towards her and placed his hand on her shoulder, "but even if we don't get a child of our own, you're still a great mother. Blue Streak, Pink Bow and Lemon Crest love you to pieces."

"I know that," she sighed.

"Plus, considering they never really had a mother figure before they met you, thanks to that no good rotten ex of mine, you could say that they are indeed your children too."

"I guess."

He showed a sympathetic look to her, "one day, we will have our fourth child. But it's like they always say-"

"All good things come to those who wait."

Blue Ink nodded and went back to his cooking.

He was soon finished, and was just bringing the food over when Sunset got a call on her phone. It was from Twilight. She answered and was met with a loud scream.

"Twilight?! Is everything okay?" she asked, causing Blue Ink to look in her direction.

"No, everything is not okay. Timber went out shopping an hour ago, Spike is barking at me, asking for food and..." she paused, leaving Sunset to wonder what was coming next. She soon got her answer, "my water just broke."

"Your water broke!" Sunset cried, getting to her feet. "Hang on Twilight, we're coming!"

She looked to Blue Ink, "food will have to wait. Start up the Jeep, I'll grab the masks and I'll explain on the way."

Blue Ink didn't need telling twice, and after informing the kids of what was going on, they hurried out, leaving their food on the table and to be eaten by their little orange cat.

They found Twilight in her chair, breathing heavily while groaning in pain.

"I called Timber, but I couldn't get through to him as my phone's battery died before I could say anything," she said.

"We'll have to get you to the hospital," said Blue Ink. "Can you get up Twilight?"

She tried to, but it was no good, she fell back into her seat, shaking her head.

"Sunny, call the doctors and ask them to come here, I'll try getting through with Timber."

Sunset nodded and wasted no time calling emergency services. Blue Ink meanwhile used the landline to call Timber Spruce, "Blue Ink, what are you doing in my house? Where's Twilight?"

"She's in her chair, and she's having the baby right now!"

"She's...she...oh..." then there was a thud, followed by the sounds of other shoppers.

Blue Ink smacked his forehead, "should've have guessed he would do that. Uh, if anyone is listening to this call, please try and wake Mr Spruce up! His wife is having a baby right now, and she needs him!"

He hung up and went to check on the two women, but Sunset had more bad news.

"All available paramedics are busy, they won't be here for twenty minutes."

"You got to be kidding me," groaned Blue Ink while Twilight let out a loud scream. From the sounds of it, she didn't have twenty minutes. The baby was coming, and it was coming now.

"I NEED HELP!" she cried.

"I can help you," Blue Ink said calmly. Both Twilight and Sunset looked to him in surprise, "oh don't look shocked, I was there when the three kids were born, so I know what to do. Sunset, grab some towels and pillows."

"Right," she nodded and ran to the nearest closet.

"Now Twilight, I'll need you to work with me okay?"

Twilight nodded even with gritted teeth.

"Don't worry, you and the baby will be fine. You can trust us."

"I trust you," she said with tears coming down from her eyes.

Timber finally came to with several people surrounding him, "where am I?" he asked. Then he remembered, "my wife is having a baby, I need to get to her."

"Do you need anyone to drive you to the hospital?"

Timber was about to say yes, when he remembered what Blue Ink said on the phone, "she's not at the hospital, she's having the baby at home. I'll manage, thank you."

With that, he left the stuff he was going to get and hurried off to get back to the house. Luck however was not on his side as he soon found himself being blocked by grid-locked traffic.

"For pine's sake!" he cried.

Sadly there was nothing he could do but wait.

Meanwhile, paramedics were having better luck. One had finished a call and with lights and sirens blaring, they were able to get through and on to the house. They soon arrived and were greeted by Sunset Shimmer.

"She's in the living room, my husband is helping her," she said.

They ran in and heard the loudest shout ever, followed by...a baby crying.

"Good job Twilight, good job," smiled Blue Ink.

Twilight couldn't say anything, so she just flashed a quick thumbs up to him.

Blue Ink looked to the paramedics, "you guys here to relief me of my duty?"

They nodded, "thank you for your help, but we can take it from here. Now, where's the father?"

It was another fifteen minutes before Timber finally rolled into the driveway. He groaned as he walked in, and saw that Twilight was holding the baby in her arms.

"I screwed up, I really screwed up," he said out loud.

Sunset heard that as she was feeding Spike, and went to speak with him, "you did nothing of the sort, you can't help getting held up at...wherever you were."

"Gridlock," he muttered.

"Well regardless, you're here now, and what's more important? Seeing the birth of your child, or being there with them as they grow up?"

Timber looked away to wipe a small tear that had formed in his eye, but he did show a smile, "you make a good point there Sunset."

"Timber? Are you there?" called the tired voice of Twilight.

"Yeah I'm here Hon! I'm coming!"

He walked into the living room, while Blue Ink walked out of the room, "nine years have passed since the birth of our kids, yet I still remember how to help. Got to say, I'm surprised with myself."

"Me too. Is there anything you can't do?"

"Oh I'm sure we'll find the answer one day."

A short while later, Blue Ink and Sunset Shimmer returned to the living room to find Twilight breathing normally, Timber sitting next to her and in his arms was the newest addition to the family.

"Would you guys like to see the baby?" he asked.

Both nodded. Timber moved the blanket, revealing the newborn face of the baby girl. Sunset swore she would've melted from the cuteness. Blue Ink could only smile, "she's beautiful," he commented.

"Does she have a name?" Sunset finally asked the question all had.

Twilight nodded, "she does indeed. After a bit of discussion, we have decided to call her 'Moonlight Beams'." Timber leaned down and gave the baby back to Twilight, who held her close, "welcome to the world our little girl."

Timber sat down next to her and embraced her in a hug. In her own way, Moonlight reached out to snuggle up with her loving parents, making a cooing sound as she did.

Comments ( 1 )

"I am!" snapped Rainbow Dash. "But even tough gals can make sounds like that, especially when a new baby is on the way."

Uh huh... :ajsmug:

"One day Sunset!" Blue Ink called out to her, "one day!"

At least he admits it. :applejackunsure:

"At least it'll be worth it for you guys," Sunset commented as she walked over to rejoin her husband. "After all, you guys have had nothing but trouble since your relationship started. The fight to save Camp Everfree, arguments with Timber's family over dating Twilight, the global pandemic that stopped your wedding multiple times and-"

Tmi Sunset, tmi. :ajbemused:

"All good things come to those who wait."

Now that's something similar I often tall my dad on a near daily basis. :twilightsmile:

Blue Ink didn't need telling twice, and after informing the kids of what was going on, they hurried out, leaving their food on the table and to be eaten by their little orange cat.

Wait, Blue's kids were with them during that conversation on the fourth child!?!? :applejackconfused:

"She's...she...oh..." then there was a thud, followed by the sounds of other shoppers.

Welp, they're situation just got worse! :raritydespair:

With that, he left the stuff he was going to get and hurried off to get back to the house. Luck however was not on his side as he soon found himself being blocked by grid-locked traffic.

Don't you just hate it when it happens. :pinkiecrazy:

Timber sat down next to her and embraced her in a hug. In her own way, Moonlight reached out to snuggle up with her loving parents, making a cooing sound as she did.

Awww. :twilightsmile:

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