• Published 16th Sep 2022
  • 345 Views, 21 Comments

America Rising - Nothing2007

When Humans, though to been wiped out from the Great War, return to finish their genocide of the pups, they must team up with the ponies of their new world to protect and save the world.

  • ...

Second contact

As Rainbow Dash finally exited the library, she said, "Twilight is going to lose her mind over this."

four hours later.

She never anticipated staying there for as long as she did, but she felt their books were excellent.

They have every possible sort of book. Everything, including graphic novels and historical fiction. As she made her way back to the mess hall for dinner, she observed, "They are certainly an artistic people."

"Hey, Rainbow." Brine was heading down the corridor when Rainbow turned around to see him. "I can see you've been active. I had gone to the gym.

"I was in your guy's library," Rainbow Dash remarked. Twilight would have a heart attack if she realized how many books you guys have.

Brine inquires, "Who's this Twilight of yours," as they enter the meal hall.

As they had their meals, Rainbow Dash said, "She's one of my friends from back home and the princess of friendship."

Brine asks, "The Princess of Friendship?" "You've got to be kidding me on that,"

"No, I'm not kidding. She's the Princess of Friendship," Rainbow Dash said as they took a seat.

Sincerely," Brine said. "Nothing's off the table now; this world is fucking crazy enough as it is."

As Rainbow Dash prepared to eat her meal, she remarked, "To be honest, I wonder what their doing."

Meanwhile, 150 miles away on a ship

The Main 6 aboard their ship heard the Captain say, "Yep, exactly what we thought it was."

One of the divers claimed, "The entire hull of the pirate ship was blown to bits." "It must have been sunk by something more powerful than I've ever seen."

Twilight gave the matter some thought. The planet was being circled by Rainbow Dash. Who sank the ship? Maybe she was captured by these pirates. Then, nothing was more potent...

Coldly, she stops. These strange devices. The ship must have been sunk. There was no alternate route.

Twilight urged the others, "Let's get some sleep for tonight, girls." The morning will be used to decide what to do.

Twilight, do you believe the aliens blew up the ship? Applejack asks as the girls make their way back to their cabin.

"I think so," Twilight said. "Nothing we have can rip the hull of a ship apart like that." "I believe she is currently with the aliens,"

"I believe so, too," Applejack responded. However, what they are doing to her concerns me. The answer is, "We have no idea."

Twilight remarked, "Well, let's not sleep too rough on it. She added as she got into bed, "We'll work this out in the morning.

They all had no idea that tomorrow would not be nice.


Around midnight, Rainbow Dash was unable to fall asleep.

She couldn't stop thinking about Brine and everything about him—his appearance, his character, his...

She finally decided to give up and walk to the deck to see Luna's stars. However, she was unaware that there was a second person present.

As she stepped outside, she sees Brine there as well. Brine wasn't expecting her to sit down next to him.

Brine stated while lying on his back, "Hello Rainbow Dash." I find it surprising that you are here.

Rainbow said the same as she did, "Couldn't sleep." I suppose you do, so why are you here?

"The stars, there my image, vast and, their our home," said Brine. We are a part of the stars.

She looks up. Brine pointed to a brilliant light that was glowing in the night sky and remarked, "See that star. We refer to that as Betelgeuse.

"Betelgeuse, huh," said Rainbow Dash. Since there are so many of them in the sky, our experts avoid naming them.

"We do," Brine said. We are passionate about it. to increase our knowledge.

She laughed, and Brine joined in. "You are a science people, we never have those," she said.

At that point, a strange event occurred. Something occurred that permanently altered both of their lives.

They both hunch closer together. Both of them were unable to describe it, but...

Both of them now understood the sensation they were experiencing as their lips touched.


That night was the happiest night of their lives for them both.

After that, Brine couldn't recall much at all. He vaguely recalled taking Rainbow Dash to his room before losing any further recollection.

The following morning: 150 miles distant, back on the ship

They first heard the screaming quite early in the morning. It woke up everyone of them.

Four pirates with crossbows barged into the chamber where the main six were resting, shouting, "Get down now!"

Fluttershy swiftly raised her hooves in the air and cried out, "Ahh!"

Twilight followed suit, saying, "Do as they say." The pirates tie them up and place them among the crew they have seized, and the others immediately follow suit.

"Man," Pinkie Pie exclaimed. I wish Rainbow Dash was here because she would destroy them in an instant.

Unbeknownst to them all, one drone was keeping an eye on everything and sending reports to the U.R.S. Enterprise.

The alarms and calls were placed back on the U.R.S. Enterprise.

"Sergeant Brine, please report to the Main Cabin at this time. The announcer roared, "This is not a drill," rousing them both.

Brine screamed, "Get moving!" as he hurriedly put on his outfit and sprinted down the corridor, Rainbow Dash following closely after.

Everywhere they turned as they hurried down the corridor, they saw anarchy. Running down the hallways, dogs and cats were shouting that they needed to get to their combat stations.

The officers were racing about like crazy when the two finally made it into the cabin.

As Chase approaches the two, Rainbow Dash inquires, "What's going on?"

As the camera footage appeared, Chase announced, "We have a significant problem occurring 150 miles to the north of us and it's your friends."

Chase responded, "Your pals were aboard an exploring vessel that was captured an hour ago by a sizable band of pirates. "We must save them, and doing so will advance our diplomatic relations with Equestria."

Rainbow Dash shouted, "So let's go!" Brine, though, intervenes and prevents her from closing the door.

Brine led her to the armory and suggested that she get dressed.

Brine raced Rainbow Dash to the armory, where she was met with rockets, explosives, and a ton of firearms upon entry.

"Pick out your gear," Brine said. "We'll be gone by five,"

Unsure of which to take, Rainbow Dash settled on taking simply an Uzi, a handgun, and some of their body armor, while Brine obtained one of their more recent helmets for her and him.

Just as Brine and Rainbow stepped onto the deck and the men were boarding the helicopters, the Captain ordered, "Move out now!"

The wings of Rainbow Dash flap. They still have some soreness, but they can fly.

As the Black Hawk lifted flight, Brine and Rainbow were put on board as the fleet's sirens began to sound in preparation for conflict.

Destroyer: U.R.S. Dauntless

The captain of the U.R.S. Dauntless, a destroyer in the fleet, exclaimed, "Get those guns ready, boys, lock and load NOW!"

The crew exclaimed "Yes sir!" as the ship's two guns were loaded and missile launch preparations were made.

The Captain roared as the Massive Destroyer made a leisurely turn toward the Pirate, "Steady, turned 50 meters!"

The captain roared over the radio, "Ready!"


Chase said as the cabin finished getting ready, "Are all ships and the fighter ready to go?" They shouted "Yes sir," in response.

Chase cried, "Operation Titan Down is on for latch!"

As the F-22s, F-35s, F-15s, and other fighter planes flew into the skies prepared to deliver their lethal payloads to their opponents, the orders were radioed across the fleet.


Rustboard, the captain, repeated himself. He screamed, "We need to find Rainbow Dash so we can punish her for killing Blackbeard!"

"I said," Twilight said. She was beginning to fear the Captain, and he said, "We don't know, we are also hunting for her.

The Captain screamed "Lies!" as he kicked a barrel. There was an abruptly loud sound.

The Captain said as huge explosions shook the ship, "What was that?" One of the pirates cried, "Captain." "You've got to come see this!"

When the captain went outside, he discovered his flagship on fire.

The ship was shattered, split in two, and sank in the seas. The Captain shouted, "Who sank my ship!" as two more ships were completely demolished by a single explosion after being struck by further light blips.

The captain yelled, "Who's destroying my beautiful ships!" as an earth pony pirate yelled and pointed above.

The Captain began to scream, "Why is it...." but stopped as he saw the F-15s coming in and dropping their missiles and bombs, each of which destroyed three ships.

When the Eurocopter Tiger and Black Hawk helicopters arrived, preparing to remove the main six, the crew exclaimed, "Why are those things!"

The Captain raced back to the restrained group and said, "You called for help, you little rats," before slicing Fluttershy in half. He did swing, but something was struck.

A recognizable voice yelled, "Not her, you little bitch." When the main six opened their eyes, Rainbow Dash was wearing some strange armor, but she was missing her wing.

As she shoved the Captain and drew out her gun, Rainbow glared at him and threatened to make him pay.

The Captain laid the weapon down and was struck in the head by one bullet as she slumped to the deck, dead.

While stumbling and feeling faint, she heard her name being shouted but was unable to hear it.

Brine roared at the Main Six as he and the Marines unexpectedly descended into the ship, "We need to get her back now!"

The primary six were in a state of shock after initially encountering the aliens up close. They resembled dogs and cats, but they were larger and equipped with the same weird weaponry as Rainbow was.

Brine shouted, ripping off his shirt to staunch the blood, "You get the others off this ship!" I must eject Rainbow from this place.

As the Marines released the group's ties, Brine jumped to the air and flew off with Rainbow Dash. The other Marines followed their orders.

Who are you, Rarity shouted. The question "And what are you doing with Rainbow Dash"

One of the Marines proclaimed, "We are the Marines of the United Republic." And Mrs. Rainbow Dash urgently needs medical attention. Move it! She and you are both being escorted back to the Enterprise.

As the ship starts to take on water and forces them into the helicopter, the main six and the rest of the crew agree.

The Captain said, "Take off now!" "The package is safe," The ship eventually sank beneath the waters, and the Black Hawk flew off.

Twilight gasped as she peered out. All of the pirate ships were ablaze and scudding beneath the seas. She comes to a realization.

If they attack us, we're screwed, she warned herself.