• Published 16th Sep 2022
  • 345 Views, 21 Comments

America Rising - Nothing2007

When Humans, though to been wiped out from the Great War, return to finish their genocide of the pups, they must team up with the ponies of their new world to protect and save the world.

  • ...

Getting some answers

Author's Note:

Why is this story keep getting dislikes. Tell me please.

Anyway, enjoy the chapter.

Rainbow Dash woke up.

She felt a little lightheaded. She stumbled onto her hooves, asking incoherently, "What happened?"

In a hospital room, she was. She takes in her own chest. Her chest was bound with a bandage. She was shot by whomever was using those weapons.

She asks herself, "Did they shoot me?" "No, he helped her and was kind to her. It was undoubtedly an accident.

Finding him was the only way to learn more.

In the meanwhile, the control room

So, the officer asked, "What are we going to do with this alien aboard the ship."

He was contemplating what to do with her together with Captain Zuma, Brine, and Brine.

Brine suddenly startled them both by smashing his fist into the table and yelling, "Enough!" Brine wasn't easily enraged around other people, so this undoubtedly shocked Zuma.

Brine stated, "I save her because she is like us," without realizing Rainbow Dash was standing just outside the door. She is a sentinel being, just like us. She is her own person, not yours or anybody else's; for these reasons and more, I save her.

In disbelief, Rainbow Dash listened from behind the door. He... showed her concern. Few others, save her friends and family, showed her any love. Even some other Pegasus in the Wonder Blots treated her like garbage, and those old bullies still aggravate her to no end.

She hastily ducked behind a corner after hearing Brine leave. She observed Brine stroll down the hallway after leaving the room. She made the decision to follow him after she saw he wasn't paying attention.

She followed him down the sub's corridor. She was mesmerized by the vessel's intricacy. In the end, she discovered that the hatch leading outside was open. She went after it.

When she climbed out of the submersible it was dark. Clear, quiet, and crisp. Brine was standing there when she discovered her.

She realizes as she gets closer to the alien who defended her. He was holding a picture while weeping. She turned to look more closely.

Before their first assignment, He and a few other people may be seen in the picture dressed in military gear.

She was seen by Brine. Jumping, he cried, "Jesus Christ!" "You scared the hell out of me."

Sorry, Rainbow Dash said. "Why are you crying?" I asked.

Brine remained still while gazing at the image. You have no clue the level of agony that Brine and his crew through. "The entire devastation. Every every mass murder...

He sobbed and fell on his knees. "I lost every friend I had ever known. I just have Verner and his pals left!" he wailed. "I recall the nightly clashes and the mayhem they caused. Remembering hurts!"

Rainbow remained still for a while.

She was at a loss for what to do. He simply started crying in front of her.

But she did have one thought.

She took a seat close to him. Brine was taken aback when Rainbow Dash told him, "You're not the only one whose life is misery to the one experiencing it.

You don't appear like soldiers or warriors to me, what do you mean," Brine said. Rainbow Dash chuckled, "You don't have to be a soldier to have your life like hell.

Then, how is your life?" Brine asks as he gazes at the starry sky.

She cried, Brine lifting an eyebrow, "I work with the Wonderblots, the best team in all of Equestria!"

Well, it's not all fun and games, remarked Rainbow Dash. The bullies pick on me whenever they can, and half the squad is envious of you since you are the quickest flyer ever.

"Jezz," Brine said. You're not the only one; some people dislike me because of you now because you're the President's son and such. But there was something I had discovered.

Rainbow enquires, "What is that?"

"I discovered that I never back down, despite whatever they observed. I destroy my path to success. Although I detest politics just as much as the next man, Brine praised his military prowess.

When he heard a snoring next to him, he was about to go counties. When he turned to look, he discovered Rainbow Dash dozing off on his shoulder.

Brine said, "Good Ritz," and took her to her chamber, putting her to bed. Brine murmured, "Sweet dreams," as he headed to his bed for the evening.

THE Next Morning:

Brine's room was filled with loud music as Rainbow Dash woke up. As the strange music faded, she reasoned that he must be playing music for an alarm clock.

She sprang out of bed. She didn't enter this room, therefore she wasn't sure how she got into the bed. She didn't give it much thought, though.

Her stomach, which had been ravenous for days without food, was what she cared about most at the moment.

Brine pushed open the door and said, "Hungry?" If you wish to eat, go down the hall to the mess hall.

Stretching her legs, Rainbow Dash said, "I am. She remarked, "I'll be down there in a second," as Brine walked away.

She stretched out fully before giving her wings a close inspection. The ropes used by the pirates were still hurting them.

She avers. The only thing she could do was stay with the aliens on their spacecraft because she wouldn't be able to fly for a while in her condition.

She gave it some thinking. It was fun to explore the ship because it was an original design. She questioned the capabilities of these advanced extraterrestrial puppies.

She entered the mess hall, where the rest of the crew was evidently present. Brine came over while carrying a chocolate ship muffin.

Brine handed Rainbow Dash his muffin, saying, "We have a lot of stuff to eat," and she accepted it with little hesitation. Since you guys probably don't eat meat, you might want to avoid the meat items.

A portion of Rainbow Dash's muffin was spat into the neighboring garbage can. She said, "You guys.. eat meat?"

"We grow the meat," Brine added. Since we need it and we couldn't bring any animals with us, our experts cultivate it in laboratories. We're not going to eat you, so don't be alarmed. Everyone won't.

"Good," said Rainbow Dash as she finished her muffin. Brine said, "I'm getting coffee," and he walked over to the table to make some.

A message was suddenly broadcast over the speaker. Mrs. Rainbow Dash, report to the cabin, Sergeant Brine.

Brine sipped his coffee and added, "Looks like my Uncle wants us." Come on, let's see him.

The two stroll over to the Cabin. They entered and saw Captain Zuma waiting for him.

Brine asks, "What's up Uncle?" In the form of a hologram of the U.R.S. Missouri, Zuma remarked, "I brought you here for a significant purpose.

In a few hours, she will be landing, according to Captain Zuma. Your father requests that you two return to the Enterprise in the rocket so that they may speak.

This will be fantastic," Brine muttered. Rainbow Dash giggled.

Then okay," responded Zuma. The U.R.S. Missouri is getting close, so get your stuff ready.


Brine and Rainbow Dash were waiting for the U.R.S. Missouri to arrive while they were on the surface. Fortunately, they didn't have to wait long since a large steel cruiser crashed into the ocean just next to them a few minutes later.

Rainbow Dash was... dumbfounded.

As Brine took her to the enormous Battleship, she reminded herself that they have more of their metal warships and that this one is bigger.

The captain of the U.R.S. Missouri greeted Sergeant Brine, saying, "Hello." "I see you brought a guest with you as well," he said, glancing at Rainbow Dash.

"We have to go to the Enterprise," Brine remarked in a professional tone. Rainbow Dash is usually surprised by this.

Right, the Captain said. "Follow me; the rocket is over here."

The two were soon inside the Rocket and prepared to lock.

Rainbow Dash said, "Um, Brine?" Are you certain this is secure?

Brine responded, checking off the last-minute details, "Definitely. "It's completely safe. We've built thousands of rockets."

"Ready for Latch in 5... 4.... 3.... 2..... 1..... Lift off!"

As it launched into orbit, the rocket let out a scream. Rainbow Dash exclaimed "Whoa!" as the rocket launched into orbit.

Soon enough, the rocket crossed the edge of space, and Rainbow Dash was able to see them. they are all.

They had a sizable fleet of metal warships that were all floating over her planet. She turned to face her window. She has no idea how her world seems. She now did.

It closely resembles the Earth that the alien puppies depicted in their holograms. Green landscapes and crystal-clear waters. a conflict-free planet.

When she looked around, she noticed that the rocket had touched down on a huge, flat deck of a ship. She was amazed that they could construct such enormous ships.

The Rocket quickly stopped when it touched down on the Carrier. Brine asked as he strapped on his helmet, "Ready?" As she took hers, Rainbow Dash remarked, "I guess." She laughed and said, "Are you though?"

The medics performed some tests to make sure she wasn't carrying anything hazardous as the two left the spaceship as a group of puppies watched in utter awe.

When it was over (and the two had managed to get past the enormous group of news reporters), everyone in the cabin stopped what they were doing and turned to look at them. Chase soon walked into the cabin.

Chase turned to gaze at Rainbow Dash and said, "Hello son," with a smile. And as I requested, I notice that you brought your friend up here.

Rainbow Dash was on the verge of panic. He and Brine were around the same height. But she was aware that he had battle experience from a horrific conflict. He didn't require security. He was more than capable of caring for himself.

Chase instructed the two, "Follow me, you two," as he led them to his office. He sat down and shut the door before beginning to talk.

Chase enquired, "How is the exploration going Brine?" Apparently, you had to save her from pirates.

Yes, Brine replied. "Father, we are not in danger from these pirates. They had wooden vessels, crossbows, and swords. One RPG shot was all it needed to sink it.

So tell me, how do you feel about Mrs. Rainbow Dash over here. Brine trembled a little. Rainbow Dash and him weren't very close.

"Just friends," Brine said. She has truly been impacted by our technological advancements.

Mrs. Rainbow, I'm sorry," said Chase. "Would you just wait outside the door for a while. I need to chat to my son in privacy.

She agreed despite not understanding what he was talking about and exited the room.

Brine said, as per usual, incredulously, "What was that about?!" Chase smiled and continued, "Don't be stupid. You obviously have a thing for the Pegasus, don't you?

When he heard it, Brine's eyes practically flew out of his head. He screamed, "No!" as Chase giggled.

Come on, I know when my kid is in a relationship. You exhibit the same qualities I did for your mother, Chase remarked.

"I don't know," Brine replied. Simply said, "I just don't know." Chase gave ear.

Okay, let's go on, remarked Chase. What's it like down there?

The answer was "plenty," Brine said. No air pollution of any type, no air pollution. Although this environment is ideal for us, there is a small issue.

"The inhabits," inquires Chase.

Yes, there are existing nations in this area, so we could have trouble finding land.

As Tech entered, a well-known voice greeted him with, "Not for long." The hologram was placed on the desk.

Chase said, "What are we looking at?" Tech remarked as it moved to the north, "We are looking towards what they call the frozen north."

Okay, so what makes this place unique? Brine queries. Tech showed them a section that contained the ideal location for crop growth and said, "Because not only does it genuinely covertly have the most precious farmland anyplace on our globe.

Tech exclaimed as it revealed its subsurface location, "But it also has the greatest mineral and energy resources ever. The massive, untapped quantities of uranium, iron, oil, and natural gas that they discovered beneath the surface shocked them.

It's the ideal location, Tech added. "Since they never made it that far north, the people fear the area too much. We are, though.

Then it's resolved, Chase said. Through a loud speaker, he declared, "We are calling the north our new home."

The puppies rejoiced and howled in victory as they celebrated across the fleet that was still in orbit and the ships that were on the planet.

As the puppies howled, Rainbow Dash listened. She enquires. She pondered what was ahead for her and Equestria now that the puppies were settled in the north as the applause and howls dwindled within her head.