• Published 10th Aug 2022
  • 436 Views, 0 Comments

Applejack One Shots - kleec13

Applejack one shots from fanfiction.net that I had to compile here because they were too short.

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Everyone Should Have Friends Like You

“You’ve improved so much throughout our soccer unit, Rarity!” Rainbow Dash complimented her friend as they entered the locker room to change.

“Thanks. Who would have guessed I’d come to actually like phy ed,” Rarity responded. She then looked around. “Was Applejack with you? She was on your team, right?”

“No, she said she’s still been busy at the farm, so she had to get home quickly.”

“She’s said that to me, too,” Rarity noted with increasing concern. “I’ve hardly seen her before phy ed, either. She always just comes in, gets her clothes, and goes to the stalls, and goes out. And she’s been acting differently outside of PE, too. Do you think…?”

“Let’s change quickly,” Rainbow said. “Maybe we can still catch her before school ends.”

After changing, Rarity and Rainbow saw Applejack sitting on the school steps.

“Oh, AJ. You’re still here,” Rainbow Dash called out as she and Rarity sat down next to Applejack.

“Uh, yeah,” Applejack said. “Big Mac said he could pick me up in a couple minutes.”

“We just wanted to check up on you,” Rarity said.

“What do you mean?” AJ asked.

“You’ve seemed off the past couple weeks,” Rainbow Dash said. “Especially during PE and changing clothes for it. Is som…”

“I don’t like using the girl’s locker room anymore,” Applejack blurted. She was shocked by the sudden confrontation, but she understood her friends were just worried. And now she needed to be blunt right back. “I’m lucky to have phy ed last period,” she continued. “I haven’t found time or courage to talk to anyone about a solution yet.”

Rarity and Rainbow looked at each other as they put two and two together.

“Wait. Are you saying you’re… not a girl?” Rainbow Dash asked.
AJ sighed as she prepared to say something she never said out loud.

“Yeah, I guess I am saying that. I’m still kinda figuring things out.”

“So, you’re not a girl. Does that mean… well, what does that mean, exactly?” Rarity wondered. "If you don’t mind me asking, darling,” she added, realizing how insensitive her previous statement might have sounded. “I know you said you’re figuring things out.”

“Well, it doesn’t mean I’m a boy,” Applejack started. “And I like my name, so likely no changes there. I don’t even mind she/her pronouns sometimes. She/they I think are what I’ll try for now. But when I realized I might be nonbinary, I’ve grown to dislike gendered areas like locker rooms and bathrooms even more. It just don’t feel right and I feel so… weirdly vulnerable in those places. Always have. And now I finally know why.”

“You’re still the same awesome Applejack you were a minute ago,” Rainbow Dash said, putting an arm out to comfort her friend.

“And we will see you become even more awesome as you get to know yourself and be yourself more,” Rarity assured.

“Thanks. I had no worries you’d be supportive. And I hope I can be myself more, too. But I guess that’s just it. I know I’m not a girl or a boy. But now what?”

“We don’t know what it’s like to be nonbinary,” Rarity started.

“But we know we’re your friends,” Rainbow said. “We’ll be there for you every step of the way.”

Big Mac’s car then started to appear in the distance. Applejack stood up and turned towards her friends.

“I’ll see you tomorrow. Thanks again. I wish everyone had friends like you,” they said. Rainbow and Rarity waved goodbye and smiled in response.

“Oh and one final thing,” Rarity called out. “I’m sorry if we pressured you somehow into coming out to us.”

Applejack shrugged and gave a soft smile.

“In a way, I’m glad you did. I didn’t have to awkwardly bring it up myself. And as I said, I knew you’d be supportive. So I was going to tell you soon. Just let me tell our other friends in my own time, okay?”
“Deal!” Rarity and Rainbow said in unison.
They watched proudly as their friend, who had a huge weight off their shoulders, got into Big Mac’s car and drove away.

Author's Note:

Wrote this for pride month on fanfiction.net. I saw some MLP stickers based on LGBT flags. AJ was used for the nonbinary one and thus, this was born. Disclaimer also: I'm not trans. Obviously, if this were more than a fanfic, a real nonbinary person should be involved. That said, I thought maybe some of you, nonbinary or not, could relate and feel seen by this. Thanks for reading!

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