• Published 19th Sep 2012
  • 2,306 Views, 66 Comments

A Warrior's Calling - Valiant_Daybreak

A wounded pony collapses in front of Fluttershy's cottage, but what truly ails him?

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Chapter 9 - Home Springs Eternal

Chapter 9 – Home Springs Eternal

“Not to worry, he is merely exhausted. He should wake up in a matter of hours.”

“Oh... Are you sure doctor? Is he really alright?”

“For the fourth time, yes. He merely needs his rest...”

Valiant slowly opened his eyes. The last thing he remembered was dodging that strange bear thing's paw..... The Library! He sprang from the bed, knocking into the heart monitor next to his bed and causing it to topple over with a loud crash. At the sound two ponies quickly entered. The first was dressed in a white coat.... he didn't seem hostile, but...

Valiant's assessment of the strange pony was never finished as Fluttershy, the second pony, tackled him at high speed, sending him reeling backwards onto the bed.

“Valiant! Oh I'm so happy you're okay! I mean, you ran away, and... and then... the Ursa Major and....” Tears welled up in her eyes.... “I thought you were dead.....”

Valiant wrapped his wings around her in a warm embrace, warmth spreading through his body at the contact. “I know M'Lady.” he said soothingly, “I am truly sorry for the worry I have put you through... When Twilight accused me of destroying my own country, she came so near to my perception of the truth that I began to doubt my worth. I fled because I wanted to spare all of you from experiencing an inevitable future failure. I did not realize the depth of your friends' care for me... Nor did I realize the depth of your care...”

The doctor cleared his throat. “Excuse me, I hate to break up such a touching moment, but you need your rest... That battle must have taken a lot out of...”

Valiant shook his head. He appears to be a cleric or healer of some sort... Letting go of Fluttershy, he stood up, replying, “Thank you for your concern, kind sir, but I am perfectly fine. Alicorns such as I have extremely fast recovery rates... We require about half the rest of other ponies.”

The doctor blinked, processing this new information. “Hmm...” he said, scratching his chin with his hoof, “I've never read that, but I've never actually treated a pony like you before, so..... I suppose I'll allow you to leave, on one condition: No more fighting Ursa Majors until you are fully recovered! You gave everypony in town quite the scare!”

Chuckling, Valiant said, “Gladly done. I do not wish to repeat that fight anytime in the foreseeable future.” Shaking the doctors hoof, Valiant thanked him and walked through the door.

As he exited the hospital, cheers erupted from the crowd of ponies waiting outside. Valiant ducked his head, slightly embarrassed, as he was surrounded by ponies asking him various questions.

“Who are you?”

“Where do you come from?”

“Are you taken?”

“Would you like a muffin?”

Overwhelmed by all the questions, Valiant opened his mouth to attempt an answer before a familiar voice broke in above the din.

“Yeah yeah yeah, alright everypony, back it up, give the hero some space here!” Rainbow Dash landed on the ground in front of Valiant, shooing ponies out of the way with her hooves. “There'll be plenty of time for Q and A later, right now I've been given orders to escort him to the train station...”

“What for!?” Came a shout from the crowd.

Rainbow Dash quickly scanned the crowd to locate the interruptor. “For your information Stormy Weather, Princess Celestia herself has invited him to her castle.” Glancing at the crowd, she said challengingly, “Now, unless there are any further interruptions...”

Grumbling, the crowd gradually dispersed, going back to their business.

“Whew! Glad that's over... I mean, I'm all for ponies worshiping over other ponies, but that was ridiculous! Anyway, we'd better get going!” Taking to the air, Rainbow Dash yelled, “this way!” before rocketing in the direction of the train station.

Valiant glanced at Fluttershy. “I do not wish to keep the princess waiting... but I am still slightly tired. I would rather walk if that is alright... What do you say?”

Smiling, Fluttershy replied, “That sounds lovely.”

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“So... this is what you call a... Locomotive?” Valiant asked, glancing in curiosity out the window of the train as it sped away from the Ponyville station. After arriving at the train, Valiant and Fluttershy had been quickly ushered into a private car of the train, already occupied by an extremely impatient Rainbow Dash. As they took their seats, the rest of their friends began to arrive and the train was quickly on it's way.

Glancing at Applejack, who was seated next to him, Valiant continued, “It is extremely fast! Coralland had no forms of transportation this luxuriant.”

“It's pulled by some of the fastest ponies in Equestria!” Applejack said. “They have to work at it for years before they learn to work as a team the way they do.”

“Pffff...” Rainbow Dash said, waving her hoof dissmisively. “I could easily outrun 'em.”

Applejack chuckled. “Yeah, like you outran all those other ponies at the runnin' of the leaves?”

The pegasus glared at her friend, turning slightly red. “Hey, that's not fair! If you hadn't cheated...”

“Ha! Me cheated? You were cheatin' right along with me!”

“Girls, please!” Rarity yelled, seated next to Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie clear on the other side of the car. “All your yelling inside this confined space is bad for my skin... And I simply must look perfect for our audience with the Princess...”

“Are you kiddin'?” Applejack fired back. “Yer' skin's not gonna change enough ta matter durin' this short train ride!”

Rarity gave a slight, “Humph!” before returning her attention to her magazine.

I suddenly understand the proverb, 'too many hens make a loud coup...' Valiant thought. Chuckling at the thought, he was suddenly aware of somepony watching him. Looking across the room, he spotted Twilight staring at him above the top of the book she was reading. As he looked at her, she quickly looked down, pretending to be lost in her book.

More than likely she is still angry about my harsh words at the party, he thought. Well... no time like the present to make amends.

“Would you excuse me please ladies?”

“Yeah yeah, sure. Now, what did you just say Applejack!?” Rainbow Dash challenged as Valiant left. Rising from his seat, he crossed over to the empty one next to Twilight, who continued to read her book, pretending to be oblivious to his presence.

Clearing his throat, Valiant softly said, “I lost my temper when we last spoke. For that, I am truly sorry." Checking himself, he continued, "Well, that and for abandoning you all afterward. A true knight does not let his his problems arouse his anger... neither does he run from them. May I ask your forgiveness?”

Twilight was momentarily stunned, incredulous that he should be the one apologizing. “I don't understand.” She said quietly.

Confused, Valiant asked, “You do not understand... what?”

Putting down the book, Twilight replied, “I don't understand why you're the one apologizing... I mean, I'm the one who was in the wrong! I offended you, I yelled at you, I even accused you of destroying your own country... and you're sorry?”

Without hesitation, Valiant replied, “With all of my heart.”

Tears welled up in the unicorn's eyes. “I'm so sorry!” she said suddenly. “If I had known what kind of pony you were... All the terrible things you had gone through... I never would have said any of those things... And even after that, you saved my life!” She looked away, softly adding, “I don't deserve you as a friend...”

It was Valiant's turn to be surprised. “Twilight... My father taught me something before he died. He told me that friends protect each other, no matter what happens. By telling me to leave, you were merely trying to protect your friends. As for my coming to your rescue,” Valiant chuckled again. “M'lady, that's what a knight does: He comes to the aid of those who need it.”

Blinking away her tears, Twilight asked, “Is there any chance we can just... start over? Like none of this ever happened?”

Smiling, Valiant replied, “I would like that very much.”

“Thank you,” she said, giving him a quick hug.

After returning the friendly gesture, Valiant got up and returned to his seat.

“Nuh uh! I would totally kick your butt in a Karate competition!” Rainbow Dash was saying.

Applejack laughed. “Oh yeah right. What would ya do, create a breeze and try to knock me over?”

“No!” Rainbow Dash said, “I've got some serious moves, right Valiant?”

Somewhat startled at being pulled into the conversation, Valiant replied, “Wait a moment, please! I... I wish for no part in this!”

“Just tell us which one a' us would win in a fight? Come on, ya' know both of us!”

“Uh... Err... Umm....” Valiant said, searching the cabin for an escape. “I do not... Fluttershy! Please, help!”

The entire cabin erupted into giggles at Valiant's flustered plea. Finally realizing the humor, Valiant laughed as well, before relaxing back into his seat. Utterly relaxed, he sighed with contentment. So... This is what home feels like... I had almost forgotten...

Author's Comments

Sorry again for the late post guys... My church has been having an outreach for Halloween from 5-10 every day this week since Sunday... I've been so tired at the end of each day that I've just been coming home and crashing. Thanks for your patience! It means a lot!

On the bright side... nothing this Monday! This means you only have to wait 4 days until the next chapter! Yay! Thanks again for reading and commenting. Hope you guys enjoyed it!