• Published 17th Jul 2022
  • 2,999 Views, 376 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls: The Thievius Raccoonus - RainbowRaptorDash1

Sometimes, stealing from criminals, is considered being generous.

  • ...

Of Thieves and Ninjas

In the night of New York, Rarity, Karai and Adagio were patrolling, and the fashionista was reading a book about heroic outlaws.

"Enjoying the Robin Hood book, Rarity?" Adagio asked.

"Yes. They really help me gain more perspective on generosity." Rarity answered.

"Ninjas of ancient history were master thieves. How do you think Shredder's Helmet was created?" Karai responded before the trio of kunoichi suddenly felt a chill in the air.

"Wait a minute. Remember what Sonata told about how she felt when she, Pinkie and Mikey were taken into Crash’s world?" Adagio asked, only to be responded by the other two nodded their heads, before all three of them paled in fear.

"Uh-oh." The trio dreaded, but before they could make a break for it, a portal opened up and pulled them in screaming.

Meanwhile, in another world/dimension, in Paris, France, a certain anthro Raccoon was scouting the the French Police Station for an entry point.

"Sly? Can you read me? Sly?" A voice asked from a device the raccoon, known as "Sly," was holding in front of his eyes.

"Bentley, I hear you loud and… very loud." Sly answered.

"Sorry, I’m nervous. Breaking into Interpol Police Headquarters does that." Bentley responded.

"Quit worrying, Bentley. I’m the thief here, you and Murray are safe in the van. And besides, we’re still looking for a way in, so don’t worry." Sly assured.

"Oh, right. Wait... That's odd." Bentley noticed.

"What's wrong?" A different voice asked.

"Murray, I’m picking up paranormal activities. And it’s… Right above Sly!" Bentley realized as Sly looked up, seeing three figure fall out a portal and crash right on top of him.

"Oh... That had to hurt." Murray winced.

"What happened?" Rarity asked with a groan.

"Where are we?" Adagio added.

"And what happened to our bodies?!" Karai gasped as the trio found themselves in anthro animal bodies, with Karai being similar to her mutant form, becoming more of a Black and White Spitting Cobra with female human upper torso, arms and neck, Adagio being a tiger, and Rarity being a snow leopard.

"Hey, could you three get off of me please?" Sly asked.

"Oh! I’m so sorry!" Rarity apologized as the trio got off Sly and helped him up.

"Sorry for the dogpile. Anything broken?" Karai asked in concern.

"Nah. I’ve had worse falls." Sly answered before he saw the Foot Clan insignias and grew cautious. "You girls new around here? I haven't seen you before."

"Well, you see, me and my friends are actually from a different world, or dimension." Rarity explained.

"Well, you can tell me and my friends the whole story at our hideout." Sly said as the girls followed him to the Cooper Gang Hideout where Bentley and Murray were waiting.

"Sly, did you find what that anomaly was about?" Bentley asked as Sly was rubbing his neck.

"Yeah, them." Sly answered before Rarity, Karai and Adagio walked in. "Get comfortable while I grab some things."

"Thank you. Oh, I'm Rarity and they're Karai and Adagio." Rarity introduced herself and her friends as Sly glared at Karai and Adagio.

"What’s his problem?" Adagio asked Karai.

"I think you and I have something to do with it, Adagio." Karai responded to her friend as Bentley noticed it.

"Don't take it personal. Sly just hard a hard life. I'm Bentley and he's Murray." Bentley introduced himself and his friend as Sly grabbed his sais.

"Hi." Murray greeted.

"Maybe I could talk to him." Rarity suggested.

"You can do it while we're scouting the police station. That is if you three don't mind helping a group of thieves." Sly responded, leaving the trio shocked. But Rarity had a feeling they could trust them.

"Of course." Rarity agreed.

"Huh?" Karai and Adagio asked in confusion.

"Allow me to explain better. My name is Sly Cooper. I come from a long line of master thieves. The golden rule of my family is that we only steal from other thieves." Sly explained, leaving the trio surprised.

"I see." Rarity understood.

"Every generation of Coopers from all over the world wrote down their history and skills in a book we called the Thievius Raccoonus." Sly added.

"So where's the book?" Adagio asked.

"On the day I was supposed to inherit it from my father, five thieves broke into our house. I watched as my father fought to protect us, only to see him and mom die." Sly explained, leaving the trio heartbroken. "The book was torn apart and scattered between the five of them. I'm planning on finding them and reclaiming my family's legacy."

"That's why we need to break into police headquarters to get the files on them." Bentley said.

"And you three kinda ruined our scouting mission." Murray added.

"Um, we never meant to ruin that. We were just there by chance when a portal appeared out of nowhere and sucked me and my friends in." Rarity explained.

"It's okay. Rarity, why don't you come with me? Your friends can stay here." Sly said.

"If you say so." Rarity responded.

"Keep an eye on these two, Bentley." Sly said as the two of them left, before Karai asked Bentley the million-dollar question. "What is his problem with us?"

"That’s what I said." Adagio pointed out.

"Don't take it personally. There's something you should know about the Cooper Clan." Bentley said as he started explaining.

Meanwhile with Rarity and Sly on the rooftops...

"Why have you been so cold to my friends?" Rarity asked as Sly was taking recon photos.

"Let’s just say me and my family aren’t exactly on friendly terms with the Foot Clan." Sly answered.

"There’s a foot clan in this world?!" Rarity gasped in shock.

"Yeah. And my ancestor, Rioichi Cooper, was a dedicated member of the Hamato Clan. All my ancestors since him have dedicated our lives to the Hamato Clan. I know you're a member of the Hamato Clan. So why are you with our Clan's sworn enemies?" Sly asked in suspicion.

"It's a complicated story. But all I can say is that I trust them as my friends. If you were a Hamato Clan member, that should be enough until we can properly tell you." Rarity answered.

“Alright. But I better get the full story when we get back.” Sly responded.

“I promise. Out of curiosity, you're really the recent generation of the Hamato Clan?” Rarity asked.

“Yeah, all my family members have been since... Duck!” Sly yelled as the duo dodged an electric blast, which exploded.

“Sly Cooper, I know you're there. Come out before I shoot again.” A female voice ordered.

“Who was that?!” Rarity asked.

“That was from Inspector Carmelita Montoya Fox, a policewoman from Interpol who’s been chasing me for years. And she’s what made my career as a master thief fun.” Sly answered.

“She didn't see me. I got a plan.” Rarity said before whispering it to Sly, and after that, Sly revealed himself to Carmelita.

“Evening, Inspector Fox.” Sly greeted.

“Who were you talking to? I know you have an accomplice!” Carmelita ordered.

“I'm just showing some new friends around town. See the sights, have a good meal... Nothing fancy.” Sly simply answered.

“Shut it, Ringtail! Where is your accomplice?” Carmelita asked.

“Come on, Carmelita. We're not breaking the law. Can't you just let us off with a warning?” Sly responded while Rarity was sneaking into place.

“Not as long as you’re a criminal, and I’m an officer of Interpol.” Carmelita answered.

“A shame, I promised them I would take them to the Eiffel Tower.” Sly replied, leaving Rarity curious with a smirk on her face as she got into position.

“Pity you'll have to cancel it while you're in jail.” Carmelita said.

“Alright, I'll come quietly. But before I do, would you mind humoring me and let me tell you about my ancestor, Rioichi Cooper?” Sly asked.

“Fine. But make it quick.” Carmelita responded.

“My ancestor wasn't just a ninja and inventor of sushi, he was a member of the Honorable Hamato Clan. And that Clan is well-known for working together. Now!” Sly shouted as Rarity threw a smoke bomb right at Carmelita.

“What the?! Cooper!” Carmelita roared in anger, but by the time the smoke cleared, Sly and Rarity were long gone and Carmelita had a rose in her hand in place of her shock blaster. “Grr…! I’ll get you Cooper!”

Back at the hideout, Sly was apologizing for his horrible behavior. “I'm really am sorry about how I acted earlier.”

“It’s okay. We don’t blame you since Bentley explained to us why you don’t trust me and Adagio.” Karai responded.

“My family have been enemies with Foot Clan members for years, it's just hard to swallow being friends with them.” Sly said.

“Well, I’m actually a part of both the Hamato Clan, and the Foot Clan, because I was born in the Hamato clan, but when I was an infant, I was stolen and raised in the Foot Clan.” Karai explained.

“Something is telling me this story gets worse before it gets better.” Sly noticed.

“Well, you’re right about that, because the Shredder, who was the leader of the Foot Clan in my world, raised me and made me believe that he was my father, and my true father, Hamato Yoshi, who got mutated into a rat mutant, was the one who killed my mother, while the Shredder was the one truly responsible for it.” Karai continued.

“Did you learn the truth?” Murray asked while he was eating some nachos.

“Yes, I did.” Karai answered.

“Me and my younger sisters joined the Foot Clan because we wanted to get back at Rarity and the rest of the Rainbooms for taking away our magic, but thanks to my youngest sister, Sonata, protecting me and Aria, we realized that revenge isn’t really worth it. So we decided to travel the world and make up for our mistakes from the past.” Adagio explained.

“But after I joined forces with Leo and the others, and defeated the Shredder, he mutated himself into a monster and killed my father, even though they spent their childhoods together.” Karai added.

“Wow, that's... Horrible.” Bentley awed in devastation.

“Now I feel even more guilty.” Sly admitted.

“It's okay. Like you said, it's hard to swallow an enemy being a friend.” Karai responded.

“But we managed to stop the Shredder for good.” Rarity added.

“Good, cause we're going to need all the strength we have to get my family book back.” Sly said.

“We first need to see if you're any good with that cane and those sais.” Adagio declared as she drew her sword.

“Heh, you wanna test out my fighting skills? Alright.” Sly responded.

“Let's make it fair.” Karai suggested.

“Before we start, Bentley where did we put the Firestone of India?” Sly asked.

“Uh, why are you asking?” Bentley responded.

“Firestone?!” Rarity gasped in excitement.

“Rarity, are you good at making bracelets?” Sly asked.

“Darling, when it comes to making fashion, I’m one of the elite.” Rarity answered.

“Well, we have a gemstone just collecting dust. Think you can turn it into a bracelet for a Special Someone of mine?” Sly requested.

“*Gasp!* Of course!” Rarity accepted without hesitation.

“I'm going to go scout the police station.” Karai said.

“Thanks.” Sly said in gratitude.

“Enjoy.” Karai said as she handed Bentley the interchangeable weapon blueprints.

“Whoa! This is amazing! How did you get this?” Bentley asked in amazement.

"A gift from a friend." Karai answered as everyone went out to do the things they planned to do for now.