> Equestria Ninja Girls: The Thievius Raccoonus > by RainbowRaptorDash1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Of Thieves and Ninjas > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the night of New York, Rarity, Karai and Adagio were patrolling, and the fashionista was reading a book about heroic outlaws. "Enjoying the Robin Hood book, Rarity?" Adagio asked. "Yes. They really help me gain more perspective on generosity." Rarity answered. "Ninjas of ancient history were master thieves. How do you think Shredder's Helmet was created?" Karai responded before the trio of kunoichi suddenly felt a chill in the air. "Wait a minute. Remember what Sonata told about how she felt when she, Pinkie and Mikey were taken into Crash’s world?" Adagio asked, only to be responded by the other two nodded their heads, before all three of them paled in fear. "Uh-oh." The trio dreaded, but before they could make a break for it, a portal opened up and pulled them in screaming. Meanwhile, in another world/dimension, in Paris, France, a certain anthro Raccoon was scouting the the French Police Station for an entry point. "Sly? Can you read me? Sly?" A voice asked from a device the raccoon, known as "Sly," was holding in front of his eyes. "Bentley, I hear you loud and… very loud." Sly answered. "Sorry, I’m nervous. Breaking into Interpol Police Headquarters does that." Bentley responded. "Quit worrying, Bentley. I’m the thief here, you and Murray are safe in the van. And besides, we’re still looking for a way in, so don’t worry." Sly assured. "Oh, right. Wait... That's odd." Bentley noticed. "What's wrong?" A different voice asked. "Murray, I’m picking up paranormal activities. And it’s… Right above Sly!" Bentley realized as Sly looked up, seeing three figure fall out a portal and crash right on top of him. "Oh... That had to hurt." Murray winced. "What happened?" Rarity asked with a groan. "Where are we?" Adagio added. "And what happened to our bodies?!" Karai gasped as the trio found themselves in anthro animal bodies, with Karai being similar to her mutant form, becoming more of a Black and White Spitting Cobra with female human upper torso, arms and neck, Adagio being a tiger, and Rarity being a snow leopard. "Hey, could you three get off of me please?" Sly asked. "Oh! I’m so sorry!" Rarity apologized as the trio got off Sly and helped him up. "Sorry for the dogpile. Anything broken?" Karai asked in concern. "Nah. I’ve had worse falls." Sly answered before he saw the Foot Clan insignias and grew cautious. "You girls new around here? I haven't seen you before." "Well, you see, me and my friends are actually from a different world, or dimension." Rarity explained. "Well, you can tell me and my friends the whole story at our hideout." Sly said as the girls followed him to the Cooper Gang Hideout where Bentley and Murray were waiting. "Sly, did you find what that anomaly was about?" Bentley asked as Sly was rubbing his neck. "Yeah, them." Sly answered before Rarity, Karai and Adagio walked in. "Get comfortable while I grab some things." "Thank you. Oh, I'm Rarity and they're Karai and Adagio." Rarity introduced herself and her friends as Sly glared at Karai and Adagio. "What’s his problem?" Adagio asked Karai. "I think you and I have something to do with it, Adagio." Karai responded to her friend as Bentley noticed it. "Don't take it personal. Sly just hard a hard life. I'm Bentley and he's Murray." Bentley introduced himself and his friend as Sly grabbed his sais. "Hi." Murray greeted. "Maybe I could talk to him." Rarity suggested. "You can do it while we're scouting the police station. That is if you three don't mind helping a group of thieves." Sly responded, leaving the trio shocked. But Rarity had a feeling they could trust them. "Of course." Rarity agreed. "Huh?" Karai and Adagio asked in confusion. "Allow me to explain better. My name is Sly Cooper. I come from a long line of master thieves. The golden rule of my family is that we only steal from other thieves." Sly explained, leaving the trio surprised. "I see." Rarity understood. "Every generation of Coopers from all over the world wrote down their history and skills in a book we called the Thievius Raccoonus." Sly added. "So where's the book?" Adagio asked. "On the day I was supposed to inherit it from my father, five thieves broke into our house. I watched as my father fought to protect us, only to see him and mom die." Sly explained, leaving the trio heartbroken. "The book was torn apart and scattered between the five of them. I'm planning on finding them and reclaiming my family's legacy." "That's why we need to break into police headquarters to get the files on them." Bentley said. "And you three kinda ruined our scouting mission." Murray added. "Um, we never meant to ruin that. We were just there by chance when a portal appeared out of nowhere and sucked me and my friends in." Rarity explained. "It's okay. Rarity, why don't you come with me? Your friends can stay here." Sly said. "If you say so." Rarity responded. "Keep an eye on these two, Bentley." Sly said as the two of them left, before Karai asked Bentley the million-dollar question. "What is his problem with us?" "That’s what I said." Adagio pointed out. "Don't take it personally. There's something you should know about the Cooper Clan." Bentley said as he started explaining. Meanwhile with Rarity and Sly on the rooftops... "Why have you been so cold to my friends?" Rarity asked as Sly was taking recon photos. "Let’s just say me and my family aren’t exactly on friendly terms with the Foot Clan." Sly answered. "There’s a foot clan in this world?!" Rarity gasped in shock. "Yeah. And my ancestor, Rioichi Cooper, was a dedicated member of the Hamato Clan. All my ancestors since him have dedicated our lives to the Hamato Clan. I know you're a member of the Hamato Clan. So why are you with our Clan's sworn enemies?" Sly asked in suspicion. "It's a complicated story. But all I can say is that I trust them as my friends. If you were a Hamato Clan member, that should be enough until we can properly tell you." Rarity answered. “Alright. But I better get the full story when we get back.” Sly responded. “I promise. Out of curiosity, you're really the recent generation of the Hamato Clan?” Rarity asked. “Yeah, all my family members have been since... Duck!” Sly yelled as the duo dodged an electric blast, which exploded. “Sly Cooper, I know you're there. Come out before I shoot again.” A female voice ordered. “Who was that?!” Rarity asked. “That was from Inspector Carmelita Montoya Fox, a policewoman from Interpol who’s been chasing me for years. And she’s what made my career as a master thief fun.” Sly answered. “She didn't see me. I got a plan.” Rarity said before whispering it to Sly, and after that, Sly revealed himself to Carmelita. “Evening, Inspector Fox.” Sly greeted. “Who were you talking to? I know you have an accomplice!” Carmelita ordered. “I'm just showing some new friends around town. See the sights, have a good meal... Nothing fancy.” Sly simply answered. “Shut it, Ringtail! Where is your accomplice?” Carmelita asked. “Come on, Carmelita. We're not breaking the law. Can't you just let us off with a warning?” Sly responded while Rarity was sneaking into place. “Not as long as you’re a criminal, and I’m an officer of Interpol.” Carmelita answered. “A shame, I promised them I would take them to the Eiffel Tower.” Sly replied, leaving Rarity curious with a smirk on her face as she got into position. “Pity you'll have to cancel it while you're in jail.” Carmelita said. “Alright, I'll come quietly. But before I do, would you mind humoring me and let me tell you about my ancestor, Rioichi Cooper?” Sly asked. “Fine. But make it quick.” Carmelita responded. “My ancestor wasn't just a ninja and inventor of sushi, he was a member of the Honorable Hamato Clan. And that Clan is well-known for working together. Now!” Sly shouted as Rarity threw a smoke bomb right at Carmelita. “What the?! Cooper!” Carmelita roared in anger, but by the time the smoke cleared, Sly and Rarity were long gone and Carmelita had a rose in her hand in place of her shock blaster. “Grr…! I’ll get you Cooper!” Back at the hideout, Sly was apologizing for his horrible behavior. “I'm really am sorry about how I acted earlier.” “It’s okay. We don’t blame you since Bentley explained to us why you don’t trust me and Adagio.” Karai responded. “My family have been enemies with Foot Clan members for years, it's just hard to swallow being friends with them.” Sly said. “Well, I’m actually a part of both the Hamato Clan, and the Foot Clan, because I was born in the Hamato clan, but when I was an infant, I was stolen and raised in the Foot Clan.” Karai explained. “Something is telling me this story gets worse before it gets better.” Sly noticed. “Well, you’re right about that, because the Shredder, who was the leader of the Foot Clan in my world, raised me and made me believe that he was my father, and my true father, Hamato Yoshi, who got mutated into a rat mutant, was the one who killed my mother, while the Shredder was the one truly responsible for it.” Karai continued. “Did you learn the truth?” Murray asked while he was eating some nachos. “Yes, I did.” Karai answered. “Me and my younger sisters joined the Foot Clan because we wanted to get back at Rarity and the rest of the Rainbooms for taking away our magic, but thanks to my youngest sister, Sonata, protecting me and Aria, we realized that revenge isn’t really worth it. So we decided to travel the world and make up for our mistakes from the past.” Adagio explained. “But after I joined forces with Leo and the others, and defeated the Shredder, he mutated himself into a monster and killed my father, even though they spent their childhoods together.” Karai added. “Wow, that's... Horrible.” Bentley awed in devastation. “Now I feel even more guilty.” Sly admitted. “It's okay. Like you said, it's hard to swallow an enemy being a friend.” Karai responded. “But we managed to stop the Shredder for good.” Rarity added. “Good, cause we're going to need all the strength we have to get my family book back.” Sly said. “We first need to see if you're any good with that cane and those sais.” Adagio declared as she drew her sword. “Heh, you wanna test out my fighting skills? Alright.” Sly responded. “Let's make it fair.” Karai suggested. “Before we start, Bentley where did we put the Firestone of India?” Sly asked. “Uh, why are you asking?” Bentley responded. “Firestone?!” Rarity gasped in excitement. “Rarity, are you good at making bracelets?” Sly asked. “Darling, when it comes to making fashion, I’m one of the elite.” Rarity answered. “Well, we have a gemstone just collecting dust. Think you can turn it into a bracelet for a Special Someone of mine?” Sly requested. “*Gasp!* Of course!” Rarity accepted without hesitation. “I'm going to go scout the police station.” Karai said. “Thanks.” Sly said in gratitude. “Enjoy.” Karai said as she handed Bentley the interchangeable weapon blueprints. “Whoa! This is amazing! How did you get this?” Bentley asked in amazement. "A gift from a friend." Karai answered as everyone went out to do the things they planned to do for now. > File Theft Recovery > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- At the Cooper Gang hideout, Sly and Adagio laid on the couch, completely exhausted from their sparring match. "Heh. You’re good." Sly noted. "You, too. Not just with your cane but your sais. Are they family heirlooms too?" Adagio asked. "Nah, just some additional gear I thought might come in handy. But I'd never use them to take a life." Sly answered before Karai showed up. "Then we should probably keep it that way." Karai responded. "Karai, you got us a way in?" Sly asked. "Yes, there's a ventilation system that's big enough for the four of us to go through." Karai answered as Rarity came back. "Perfect timing! I just finished the bracelet." Rarity said as she gave Sly a beautiful bracelet with the Firestone of India as a centerpiece. "Great work, Rarity." Sly replied. "Oh, I try my best." Rarity modestly said. "Me and Murray will go ahead and get into position with the van. But first... Sly, I made some alterations with your cane and sais you might like." Bentley informed. "Really? What is it?" Sly asked as Bentley handed him his cane with his sais attached to the bottom. "Karai gave me blueprints for interchangeable ninja weapons. I figured I'd modify your cane for it." Bentley explained. "Wow! This is cool!" Sly awed as he unintentionally twisted the release switch and his sais came out and separated. "I also have something useful. I used some fabric you had and made a sheath for your cane." Rarity added as she gave Sly a C-shaped hook sheath for his cane. "Wow. Thanks." Sly said in gratitude, and after he strapped the sheath on, the Cooper Gang and kunoichi trio headed for the police station. Suspiciously, there weren't any other cops around. "Anyone else getting the feeling of a trap?" Karai asked. "Yeah, if it's late. At best, there should be at least a skeleton crew." Adagio agreed. "Trap or not, we need the files." Rarity pointed out as she, Sly, and the other girls arrived at the vent and started prying it open, before the master thief saw something. "Wait! I see blue sparkles. I must be having vertigo or something." Sly noticed. "Wait, I’ve heard of this before. I heard that Master Raccoon Thieves have the ability to sense thieving opportunities as indescribable blue auras. You should be able to use that to your advantage." Bentley informed on the Binoc-u-com. "We can follow close behind." Karai said. "Murray, is the van in position?" Rarity asked. "You got it, Rarity! We’ll be waiting at the rendezvous point for extraction after you get the files." Murray answered on the Binoc-u-com. After they crawled through and jumped down the vent, they found a laser grid down bellow. "Bentley, are these the burn kind of lasers or the alarm kind?" Adagio asked in concern. "Both." Bentley answered. "Of course it is." Sly said as he and the trio were careful not to set them off and landed in a supply closet. "See anyone?" Rarity asked as Karai looked out. "No. At least not yet." Karai answered. "The files are in Carmelita’s office. You’ll know where that is by finding the red door." Bentley informed as everyone carefully made their way around to Carmelita's office and found the safe. "Just a second." Sly said as he brought out the bracelet and place it on Carmelita’s desk. "Sly, the safe is over here." Karai reminded. "Don’t worry. I was just leaving a little gift." Sly responded. "Way to go, guys. This is where Inspector Carmelita Fox stashes all her important files. I hacked into the police security mainframe and discovered this vault's combo. Try dialing in 9-3-7." Bentley suggested as Sly inputted the code and opened the safe. "Are those all the files?" Rarity asked as Sly grabbed the files. "Without a doubt." Sly confirmed. "Nice job, you got it! If you guys come down through the fire escape and head through the parking lot, we'll be waiting in the getaway van." Murray said as Sly left his calling card in the safe. But as they exited, someone fired a warning shot. "Look out!" Sly yelled as everyone took cover as a familiar fox arrived. "Criminals!" Carmelita shouted. "Inspector Fox, fancy meeting you out here." Sly noticed. "And it looks like I caught you and your accomplices red-handed." Carmelita said. "You're half right on the 'Accomplices' part, up until now they had no criminal records. Which means if you had taken them into custody earlier, you'd have arrested innocent civilians, so I saved you the paperwork." Sly pointed out. "And I can tell those two are with the Foot Clan." Carmelita noticed, catching everyone else off guard. "How do you know about the Foot Clan?" Karai asked. "Interpol has been after them for years. And to think I found two with the Cooper Gang." Carmelita answered. "The irony of it is that the Foot Clan are sworn enemies of my family, Carmelita." Sly said. "And one more thing, you need to return the Fire Stone of India to its rightful owners." Carmelita ordered. "And here I had my friend Rarity make it into a beautiful bracelet for you." Sly responded, catching the kunoichi trio completely off guard by that remark. "She’s the one I was making that bracelet for?!" Rarity gasped. "You're in love with a cop?!" Adagio asked in shock. "What can I say? I prefer ladies that chase me." Sly answered as Karai saw him secretly gesture her to sneak attack Carmelita while he was distracting her, allowing the snake kunoichi to slither into the shadows, then up behind Carmelita. "You know, that shock pistol really brings out the color in your eyes. Very fetching." "You think? This pistol packs a paralyzing punch. You ought to try it. Might snap you and your friends out of your crime spree." Carmelita said. "And give up our little rendezvous? Not a chance." Sly responded. "Not much a cop if you haven't noticed one of us is missing." Adagio noted. "Wait, what?!" Carmelita gasped. "No hard feelings." Karai said to Carmelita as before the policewoman could react as she turned around, the kunoichi spat her blinding venom onto Carmelita's eyes. "Gah! My eyes! Cooper!!!" Carmelita roared, holding onto the safety railing as Sly and the girls fled. "Punch it, Murray." Sly said. "You got it, chum!" Murray responded as Carmelita could only hear Sly and his friends escaping. "You got the files?" Bentley asked. "The ones labeled 'Fiendish Five?'" Sly answered with his own question as he showed Bentley the information files. "Alright! That means we’ll find the missing pages!" Bentley said. "I can't believe you're in love with a cop, Sly." Adagio noted in shock. "Don’t bother. Murray and I have tried before." Bentley advised. "What can I say? I like a girl who chases me." Sly said as Rarity just sighed. "Oh, great." Karai sighed in annoyance. "Here it comes." Adagio agreed. "Uh, is something wrong?" Murray asked in concern. "Get ready for an emotional episode in 3... 2... 1." Karai counted down just as Rarity simply fell backwards with the back of her paw on her forehead onto a fainting couch that came out of nowhere. "Here comes the dramatic dialogue about love." Adagio predicted. "It’s so lovely, yet so tragic." Rarity dramatically said. "Where did that-?!" Bentley started to asked in confusion. "Don’t ask." Karai and Adagio simply answered. "You must know her well." Murray noticed. "Thanks. And now the theatrical monologue." Karai added to the prediction. "A gentleman thief in love with a policewoman trying to arrest him, it's so romantic and dramatic. I mean I can only imagine..." Rarity started monologuing as a spotlight suddenly shined over her, while Karai and Adagio stuffed their ears with nearby cotton, leaving the boys the unlucky ones to get an earful about romance. Back at the Police Station, Carmelita was washing her eyes out. "When I get that raccoon and his friends, I'm going to..." Carmelita stopped as she found the bracelet Rarity made on her desk. "That Ringtail…" Carmelita uttered as she wanted to throw it into the evidence locker, but found herself putting it on instead. > A Stealthy Approach > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "So, who's our first target, Sly?" Rarity asked while she and everyone else were in the van on the road to the first member of the Fiendish Five. "Our first target is Raleigh, and we’re heading to the Isle of Wrath in the Welsh Triangle." Sly answered. "Sounds like the Bermuda Triangle." Adagio noticed. "What's the information on Raleigh?" Karai asked. "Long story short; Member of a wealthy family turned pirate and chief machinist of the Fiendish Five." Sly simplified. "It's a long ride, Sly. We might as well hear the whole story." Rarity replied. "Okay girls, while we're on our way to our first target, we'll need to study up on a member of the Fiendish Five, Sir Raleigh the Frog." Sly informed the beauty trio. "Our first target's an amphibian?" Karai asked in confusion. "Yeah. As a young man, this hot-tempered frog grew bored of his life of luxury and privilege." Sly started off. "Something's telling me that didn't make a good combination." Adagio noticed. "You're right about that. On a whim, he tried his hand at a bit of piracy and found it to his liking." Sly continued. "What?! A wealthy nobleman became a pirate?!" Rarity asked in shock. "It's true. And Raleigh, who quickly became addicted to crime, was brought into the Fiendish Five as chief machinist, where his evil tinkering genius rose to new heights." Sly said. "I just hope he's not like Stocker Baxtman." Adagio responded, while back in their world, Baxter Stockman sneezed. "Maybe you can describe him later. The last reported sighting of this mad machinist was off the southern coast of the Isle of Wrath, a small island uncomfortably situated in the middle of the perilous Welsh Triangle." Sly finished informing the information. "The Welsh Triangle? That's a really dangerous place, since ships that go there suddenly disappeared, not being seen again." Karai warned. "No doubt. And it's the perfect spot for one of the Fiendish Five to build a hideout." Sly added. "Well, I hope we can find out where he's hiding there." Rarity said as everyone weren't far from the perilous Welsh Triangle. And when the van arrived at a gate, Bentley handed the beauty trio special binoculars. "Here’s your Binoc-u-coms. They’ll help you spot important stuff from great distances, and we can communicate through it." Bentley explained. "Not bad workmanship." Karai noted as she examined her binoc-u-com. "Thank you. If you don't mind, I'd like to examine your cellphone." Bentley said. "Alright. A friend of ours made these. And now that I think about it, he’s just like you." Rarity remembered as she and the other two of the beauty trio let Bentley take a look in their Shellphones. "That's a scary thought." Sly joked, making Bentley annoyed while everyone else chuckled. "Rarity doesn’t mean it like that. He is taller than Bentley and doesn’t use glasses. He made tons of gadgets and vehicles from scrap though." Adagio explained. "Sounds like my kind of guy." Bentley said. "We're here." Murray called out, before Sly and the beauty trio exited out into the rain. "Oh, I should’ve brought a raincoat." Rarity whimpered. "Come on, Rare. A little rain never hurt anyone." Sly shrugged off when Adagio spotted something in one of the guard's back pocket. "Hey, what's that?" Adagio asked as everyone looked at the guard. "It's just a sheet of paper." Sly simply said. "I don't think so. My scanner is detecting a safe nearby. Might be something worth grabbing in there." Bentley noticed. "Better take that opportunity then." Karai said as the group jumped over the gate and followed the guard to a marooned ship. "Looks like a salvaging operation." Adagio noticed. "I think it’s more than that, because look up." Rarity added as she, Sly, Karai and Adagio looked up and saw a mechanical blimp with some kind of gas exhausted from the pump on top of it. "Bentley, you seeing this?" Sly asked. "Barely. Once you get closer, I'll have a better idea what it is." Bentley responded. "Right now, let's put a dent in Raleigh's salvaging." Rarity suggested. "You read my mind. I'm counting 12 guards, so we'll have to take them out quietly. It only takes one to sound the alarm." Sly informed. "Hold on, guys. See those searchlights? One careless step, and you'll all be subjected to acute combustion." Bentley warned. "I can take care of that." Rarity said as she used her geode to summon diamond discs and threw them at the searchlights, putting them out of commission. "What was that?!" The first guard asked in surprise. "Eh, probably just the storm. Those lightning strikes are getting closer and closer to us." The second guard shrugged off. "Whoa! Nice moves!" Sly awed, impressed by those skills. "What the?! How did you-?!" Bentley stuttered in shock. "Magical geode that I’m wearing right now. And it only works for me." Rarity explained. "Bentley, I thought magic wasn't real." Sly said. "It isn't... At least, not in this dimension." Bentley responded. "I wouldn’t be too sure. I think we’ll find magic from this world soon enough." Adagio said as Sly and the Beauty Trio snuck aboard the without the guards seeing them. Karai coiled around the sail beam as a guard walked by. "Gotcha!" Karai quietly shouted as she grabbed the guard and knocked him out, before grabbing the piece of paper in his pocket. Rarity snuck bellow and found three guards close to a cell as she brought her sickles. "Good night, boys." Rarity said as she slashed through the trio of guards, and when she put away her sickles, the guards fell unconscious. Four guards were cutting pieces of the ship off when their buzzsaws stopped working. "Hey, who cut the power?" A guard asked, before a cord wrapped around their bodies. "Lights out, boys." Adagio quipped as she knocked them all out cold. Sly snuck up to three guards who were loading up the salvage. "Time for a work out." Sly said as he drew his sais and pickpocketed some guards with his cane before knocking them out with his sais. One of the guards saw everything, but the thief and trio's speed and the lightning strikes made it look like he was seeing demons attacking. "Who's there?" A guard fearfully asked before Rarity stood behind the scared guard and karate-chopped his neck, making him fall unconscious as the others walked up. "You could've waited til he gave us directions." Sly suggested. "Sorry, Sly. But we couldn’t risk him sounding the alarm. And it seems we’re a bit closer now." Rarity responded before a radio was suddenly activated. "Is anyone there? Report!" The voice ordered. "Bentley, can you patch into the guard's radio frequency?" Adagio asked. "Can do." Bentley answered "If I don't hear a response in three seconds..." The voice started to threaten before... "Uh, everything is fine. Storm knocked out the light figures on our end." Adagio said in a modified voice. "I see. Well, what’s the situation?" The voice asked. "We're working on getting them fixed, but the salvaging is going to be running a little slower than usual." Adagio answered in the modified voice. "Hmm… Well, get a move on." The voice ordered. "Yes, sir." Adagio responded in the modified voice. "And don't lose the safe combination." The voice added as Karai looked at the paper she grabbed. "Understood, sir." Adagio replied in the modified voice, and when Sly and the beauty trio were sure the line was dead, Bentley called on the Binoc-u-com. "According to my Amphibio-Positioning System, that big blimp is where Raleigh is hiding out." Bentley said as Sly and the beauty trio looked up, seeing the blimp again. "Actually, that blimp looks more machine than hideout." Karai noticed. "You're right, Karai. That is a storm machine! It's the reason why it never stops raining around here." Bentley realized. "That certainly explains all the wrecked ships around here." Rarity said. "But why would Raleigh want bad weather at his own hideout, 24/7?" Bentley asked. "Beats me, but rain or shine, we're going to steal my family's book back. And if Raleigh gets in our way... it's on." Sly declared. "Adagio, I have something back at the van you might like." Bentley said. "What is it?" Adagio asked. "A voice modulator headset. Come back to the van and I'll give it to you." Bentley answered. "Already on my way." Adagio said as she started heading back to Bentley and Murray. "We'll go on ahead and scout." Sly said as he, Rarity, and Karai went ahead and found a vault safe. "The clue has led me to believe that the code for this vault is 7-9-2." Bentley informed as Sly inputted the code and opened the vault. "So what's the loot?" Karai asked. "One of the things I've been looking for." Sly answered. "Sly, you found a page from the Thievius Raccoonus! This page teaches old Drake Cooper’s Fast Attack Dive Move." Bentley informed. "That'll be useful. But more importantly, that's one page we got." Rarity happily said as Sly put a calling card in the vault. "All three of you, hands in the air or I shoot!" Carmelita's voice ordered, surprising Rarity and Sly, but Karai simply shook her head with a laugh. "Real funny, Adagio." Karai said in amusement as the other two found Adagio laughing while wearing the headset with a holographic eyepiece over her left eye. "I'm sorry. I couldn't resist." Adagio apologized in Carmelita's voice. "I expected this pranking behavior from Michelangelo, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, or even Sonata." Rarity said in surprise. "You can thank a certain scare king for me and my sisters having a liking of doing pranks from time to time." Adagio explained. "Bentley, did you have a hand in this prank?" Sly asked. "No, but you gotta admit, it was pretty funny." Bentley answered. "Bentley, I can hear Murray laughing in the background." Sly pointed out in an unconvinced tone. "Okay, not exactly involved." Bentley corrected himself. "I just asked him where was Carmelita's voice in the selection and paid him 5 bucks not to tell you I was coming back." Adagio explained. "Okay, I couldn't resist it either the second I figured out what she had in mind." Bentley admitted. "Tell me Carmelita's voice isn't the only one in there." Sly requested. "Of course it isn’t the only voice in there." Adagio answered. "Good." Sly responded in relief. "Let's get going." Karai said as the group headed down the path that leads further into Raleigh's hideout. > Into The Machine > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- In his hideout, Raleigh sat in his throne room, agitated over the delay. "Report. Has the light fixtures been repaired yet?" "We're still working on the repairs. Just out of curiosity, where were we supposed to haul this stuff?" A voice asked. "Right, I forgot to mention that. Take it to the engine room." Raleigh answered. "Yes, sir." The voice responded, when in truth, Adagio was on the other end with everyone else trying not to laugh. "One other thing, don't even think about touching my Treasure Key!" Raleigh added. "Understood, boss." Adagio responded in a modified voice before Raleigh disconnected. "Stupid frog." Karai said before Bentley came up on the Binoc-u-com. "That blimp looks like the most secured location on this boat. If Raleigh's really as smart as his police file suggests, then that's where we'll find him." Sly noticed. "Wonderful idea, but your plan is flawed." Bentley informed. "Pardon?" Rarity asked. "Because it is impossible to get near him." Bentley answered. "There's gotta be some way." Adagio said. "To access Raleigh's blimp, you guys would have to sneak through that high-voltage power tube." Bentley informed. "Hard to pull off with the power on." Karai noticed. "Yes, so to do that without getting electrocuted, you'd have to destroy that power generator. And to do that, you guys need two more of Raleigh's treasure keys, which are heavily guarded." Bentley explained. "Interesting. So when are you gonna get to the impossible part?" Sly asked, much to the Beauty Trio's surprise. "Fine! But I warned you guys! Try following some of Raleigh's goons." Bentley suggested. "Thanks." Sly responded. "Don't mention it, it's your funeral." Bentley said before he went off as Sly and the Beauty Trio went across and got on the ship, before following a group of thugs to what they assume was the engineering room. "Whoo, it is hot in here." Rarity panted, fanning herself. "You guys better close those furnace doors if you don’t wanna get roasted." Bentley suggested. "Understood. Gives me the chance to try my new move." Sly responded as he did his new attack he learned and slammed the door shut. "Bentley, are there any guards in this room?" Karai asked as she and the others traveled throughout the room. "There are definitely a few guards." Bentley answered. "Well, we'll have to risk a straight up." Karai said. "Oh, this’ll be fun." Sly added in excitement as he and the Beauty Trio rushed through the entrance, while two guards weren't paying attention to them. "Another boring day." A guard groaned as neither of them saw Adagio coming up till her boots were at their faces. "What airheads." Adagio scoffed as she knocked both of them out before another guard showed up. "Hey, what you doing-" The guard started to ask before Karai stopped him by coiling around him. "We'll take that." Karai said as she grabbed a paper from him while the guard was unaware that Sly had his cane in spear mode. "Hey, sound the-" That guard started to order before... "Good night." Sly quipped as the next thing the guards knew was Blackout City as another guard tried to pressed the alarm when a diamond shield covered it. "I don’t think so." Rarity denied as the guard tried to reach for his weapon, only to receive four strikes. "Guess Raleigh didn't think he'd have any trouble out here." Sly noted. "That's a safe assumption. These guys couldn't fight their way out of a paper bag." Karai agreed as they went through the room, sabotaged more machinery and beaten more guards before Adagio found something. "Guys, found the safe." Adagio said as Bentley came on the Binoc-u-com. "I can't believe I pieced this one together from the paper Karai grabbed. Try 2-2-7." Bentley said as Sly inputted the code and found another page. "Interesting! Old Sally Cooper’s Fast Getaway Raccoon Roll! Stories claim she could move faster rolling than anyone else could on the run." "Hey Sly, you still have the spine of the book, right?" Rarity asked as Sly left behind a calling card. "Yep." Sly answered. "Even though I advised against it." Bentley added. "I might be able to fix the book if Bentley can figure out the date of each page." Rarity said. "Oh, okay. I’ll try." Bentley said as the four went up and through the furnace after closing the doors. "There's the treasure key!" Karai said as Sly broke it and obtained it. "Two keys down, two to go." Sly said as he and the Beauty Trio exited the engineering room. > High Class Heist > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sly and the Beauty Trio followed another group of guards to what looked to be a treasury of some kind. "Jackpot, guys! Look at all this stuff! Must be worth millions! And you know what that means... tighter security tech." Bentley informed. "This'll definitely be tough." Karai noted. "What are we supposed to do now?" Rarity asked. "There's too many guards here." Sly agreed as Adagio saw the intercom speakers. "Bentley, hack into the intercom speakers in the treasury on my mark. I have an idea." Adagio said. "Alright." Bentley responded as Adagio started messing with her settings. "Okay... Now!" Adagio ordered before the speakers turned on. "Attention all forces in the treasury! Proceed to Engineering for an emergency repair job! This is not a drill!" Raleigh's voice said as that got all of the guards’ attention as they fled the area while Sly and the Beauty Trio hid as they ran by. "Yoink." Karai quipped as she grabbed a paper from a guards pocket before she and the others came out of their hiding spots. "I am so keeping this thing." Adagio said in Raleigh's voice. "Man, you are good." Sly noticed as he and the Beauty Trio went through a door. "You're going to have to be extra sneaky through those lasers and spotlights to get to the page and treasure key here." Bentley warned. "Bentley, relax. It's not like we're breaking into Fort Knox." Karai responded, much to the turtle's annoyance. "Just what I needed, another Sly. At least try to be careful." Bentley said before Sly and the Beauty Trio started dodging the lasers as they moved forward. "Hey Sly, why can't you swim?" Karai asked. "I never was able to learn. My dad was planning on signing me up for classes before..." Sly started before trailing off. "Oh dear! I’m sorry! We didn’t mean to bring back bad memories." Rarity apologized. "It's okay." Sly responded. "If you want to talk about it, we'll listen." Karai offered. "Girls, no. I don't want to let my emotions out on you three." Sly politely refused. "If you say so." Adagio responded. "Darling, we want to be your friends. You can trust us." Rarity said as Sly gave an uncertain look at Karai and Adagio. "I'm sorry if I'm guarded. I just... There's something I didn't mention about that night." Sly responded as he and the Beauty Trio dodged more traps. "You saw the insignia of the foot?" Karai guessed. "I saw... Something. All I remember was I caught a glimpse of something metal with the Foot Clan logo on it." Sly remembered. "A weapon?" Adagio asked. "I couldn't tell. Maybe. In any case, I'm sorry." Sly apologized. "It's not your fault, Sly." Adagio responded. "Boss, you called them over to Engineering, remember?" A voice asked, causing the thieves to see a huge guard holding an anchor. "I swear, I'm not joking." "Okay, Tiny is between us and the key and vault. Ideas?" Adagio asked. "We have numbers and speed. Seems like we have the advantage." Sly noted. "It’s best not to judge a book by its cover, he could give us trouble." Rarity warned. "So we fight smart." Adagio noted while the guard kept talking to Raleigh. "Hey, Tiny!" "Huh?" The guard wondered. "Catch me if you can loser." Adagio taunted as the guard chased after her, not knowing he was walking into a trap. "You won’t get away that easily!" The guard growled. "Who says I'm trying to escape? Attack!" Adagio ordered as Karai lunged herself at the guard and coiled around him. "What the?!" The guard gasped as he grabbed his anchor to attack, only for Rarity to slice it down with her diamond shield. "Huh?!" "Naughty naughty." Rarity quipped. "Sly, knock him out buddy!" Adagio said. "You got it!" Sly responded as he dropped down and slammed his cane down on the guard's head. "Gah!" The guard groaned as he went down, falling unconscious. "What do you know? He had a glass jaw." Sly noted. "Actually more like a glass head, but who’s keeping track." Karai added. "Bentley, we're at the safe. What's the combo?" Adagio asked as Karai brought out the piece of paper. "Whoever thought this code up knew what they were doing. Dial in 4-3-6." Bentley said as Adagio typed it in and the vault opened. "So what are these?" Adagio asked as she grabbed the blueprints. "These are the blueprints of Raleigh’s entire operation! I wonder… Yes! I can wire this info directly into your Binoc-u-coms!" Bentley answered as Sly left a calling card. "Bentley, you wired it to my headset." Adagio pointed out. "Well, you can never be too careful." Bentley responded. "Actually, can you modify my eyepiece to work like a single piece bino-u-com?" Adagio requested. "That’ll definitely work!" Bentley responded. "Best do it after we leave." Sly suggested as he took the Treasure Key. "Yeah, Sly’s right about that." Bentley agreed. "Let's go. Raleigh is waiting for us." Karai declared. "Getting to him still won’t be easy since you’ll need his treasure keys." Bentley warned as Sly and the Beauty Trio snuck back to the tube they had to enter. "So, what do these keys unlock?" Rarity asked. "Well, four of them unlocks the generator that powers the gate to that pipe that has electricity buzzing at the entrance." Bentley answered as Sly and the Beauty Trio went back to the team van. > A Cunning Disguise > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "You really think we should try to come up with some team attack?" Sly asked while he and the Beauty Trio went into a study. "Hmm… I don’t see why not." Rarity responded. "My sister couldn't stop sharing the combo attacks and strategies she and her friends came up with." Adagio remembered. "And we're a team, too." Karai added. "Okay. Next chance we get, we'll come up with something." Sly said before he and the Beauty Trio found an enormous supply of books. "Oh my! Twilight would’ve drooled at the sight of this room!" Rarity noted. "I've never seen this many books." Karai awed. "Bentley, give us some good news." Adagio requested before she and the others saw the globes open up and shoot some rats. "Whoa! Those rats got pegged!" Sly said. "This guys seriously likes his traps." Karai noted. "And it seems that Raleigh has booby-trapped the entire place." Bentley added as Sly and the Beauty Trio went forward till Rarity saw the carpet. "Wait, the carpet." Rarity noticed as Karai and Adagio facepalmed. "Oh boy." Karai groaned. "Here we go." Adagio agreed. "Bentley, analyze the floor for pressure pads." Rarity ordered. "Huh?" Karai and Adagio asked in confusion as Bentley did that, and saw that Rarity was up to something. "Wow, Rarity! You’re spot on, all of the rugs in the place are pressure plates." Bentley noticed as Sly tapped the rug with his cane, causing dart launchers to come out and fire. "I’m gonna enjoy this." Sly said in excitement. "Don’t you get it, Sly? If you step on that rug, forget about becoming a master thief. You’ll be a master dartboard." Bentley pointed out. "Remember Bentley, Rarity can make diamond shields." Sly reminded. "Oh, right. Sorry, forgot about that." Bentley apologized as Rarity blocked the darts as they continued moving forward. "Looks like we got a few guards here." Adagio noticed. "Bentley, tap into the Study's lighting." Karai ordered. "But how are you gonna fight in the dark?" Bentley asked. "Set them to go out every 20 seconds then back on every 30 seconds. That should help us." Karai explained. "If you say so." Bentley responded as Adagio started sniffing the air. "You smell that?" Adagio asked as she started picking up some scents. "I don't smell anything." Rarity responded as Karai and Sly agreed. "I smell enemies." Adagio said. "How many?" Sly asked. "Nine, and one of them is straight ahead." Adagio answered. "And he seems to be welding. Bentley, you ready?" Karai asked. "Yep." Bentley answered. "Then start the malfunction." Karai ordered. "Three… Two… One." Bentley counted down as the lights started flickering off and on. "Another lightning malfunction. Boss seriously needs to upgrade the moisture protection." A guard complained before the lights turned off. And when they came back on, Karai was behind him. "Lights out." Karai quipped as she knocked out the guard. "The next two guards are up ahead." Adagio informed. "Rarity, up the book cases. We strike from above." Sly ordered as the lights went off. "Alright." Rarity responded as when the lights came back on, the duo were hanging above the guards. Sly motioned that he and Rarity attack in a X, as the fashionista nodded before the pair dropped down when the lights went out and knocked out the guards. "Vault code?" Sly requested. "You’ll get nothing outta me." The first guard refused. "I’m not saying anything." The second guard agreed before Rarity bashed their heads together. "Here it is." Rarity said as she grabbed a piece of paper from one of the two guards. "I got the next three." Adagio volunteered as she climbed up behind the guards. "Boss, the lights are going screwy again." A guard said on the phone as Raleigh responded harshly. "We still haven't heard from the salvaging team." But little did the guards know, Adagio was right behind them and when the lights went out, the sound of a beatdown was heard. Soon, the lights went back on, with the guards out cold. "How many left, Adagio?" Karai asked as Adagio took a sniff. "Just three. One by the safe, two by the key." Adagio answered. "Karai, Adagio... You two get the key. Rarity, with me." Sly ordered. "Let’s be on our way, then." Rarity said. "Rarity, can you use your shield to get me above the guard?" Sly asked. "Of course." Rarity answered as she summoned a diamond platform, with Sly jumping onto it before she got him above the guard by moving it. "This is too much fun." Sly smiled as he drew his sais before the lights went out. *POW! WHACK! OUCH!* When the lights came back on, the guards laid unconscious at Sly's feet. "Alright Bentley, work your magic." "With the help of the paper Rarity swiped from the guard, the answer was simple. Dial in 2-4-2." Bentley informed before Sly typed it in as Rarity found a pocket watch. "Why hello." Rarity said as Sly brought out a piece of paper. "Outstanding! Another page from the Thievius Raccoonus! This one features Dev Cooperinda's Slow Motion Jumps. He used this to get by all kinds of airborne threats." Bentley informed. "I might be able to fix the book if we figure out how old the pages are." Rarity said as she pocketed the watch. "Like I said, it'll be easy for my to find out." Bentley responded as Sly put a calling card in the safe. "Cool it, you two." Sly said. "We weren't arguing." Rarity responded. Meanwhile with Karai and Adagio, the spitting cobra wrapped herself around a guard as the other guard went for the alarm, only for the tigress to grab him. "I don't think so." Adagio denied as the two guards struggled to get free, only their heads to be bashed together, falling unconscious "Pathetic." "You’re telling me." Karai agreed as she broke the case and grabbed the key. "That's the last Treasure Key." Bentley said as Karai and Adagio reunited with Sly and Rarity. "But I have a feeling that we’ll need more soon." Rarity pointed out. "We'll worry about that later. Right now, we got to move. And Bentley, you can stop with the lights now." Sly said. "I was hoping you’d say that." Bentley responded as the lights stayed on. "That was effective, but a strain on the eyes. Sorry, everyone." Karai apologized while rubbing her eyes. "Didn't bother me much." Adagio shrugged off. "I'm a raccoon." Sly added. "I didn’t have trouble seeing in the dark." Rarity added. "Come on, everyone. Let's get back to the tunnel." Sly said as he and the Beauty Trio hurried back. "Use the keys while we stand guard." Rarity ordered. "Alright, I’m trusting you guys." Sly responded. "Good. Maybe hurry before this rain makes us stink." Adagio said. "Oh, here-here." Rarity agreed as Sly opened and took off the locks. "Well, the locks are gone…" Sly started off before he whacked the electric generator with his cane, destroying it and shutting down electricity at the pipe entrance. "…And so is the generator." Unfortunately, the destruction of the generator activated the silent alarm. "That was easy." Karai noticed. "And the big boss finally knowing we’re here in three… two… one." Sly counted down before a voice came on the intercom. "Attention, attention. We have intruders in the vicinity!" Raleigh shouted. "Wha?! How did you know that would happen?!" Karai asked in shock. "With all the traps we've seen, only a matter of time we hit a silent alarm." Sly answered, leaving the Beauty Trio speechless. "Wow, you really are a master thief." Rarity awed in amazement. "Not until I get my family heirloom back." Sly pointed out. "Oh, right. My apologies." Rarity apologized. "I used to dream of doing this with my Hamato Brothers and Sisters. Never thought I would do it with two Foot Clan members... Or call them my friends." Sly explained, making Karai and Adagio smile. "Thanks, Sly." Karai said in gratitude. "Honestly, we really appreciate it." Adagio agreed. "You're welcome. Now, we going to continue this mushy stuff or are we going to take Raleigh down?" Sly asked. "I thought you'd never ask." Adagio answered with a smile. "Let’s do this." Karai agreed. "And off we go!" Rarity declared as they went into the pipe. > The Gunboat Graveyard > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After a minute, Sly and the Beauty Trio exited the pipe. "Okay, good news is you guys are closing on Raleigh." Bentley informed. "That's wonderful!" Rarity cheered. "And I found a way up to Raleigh's hide-out, but the bad news is that it's doomed to failure." Bentley added. "You're not gonna tell us that we'll have to shoot ourselves out of that cannon?" Sly assumed. "I'm afraid that's the only way." Bentley confirmed. "Bentley, we're ninjas, not circus performers. You sure there's no other way?" Karai asked. "I'm dead serious, guys." Bentley answered. "Now you're talking." Sly said in excitement. "Are there any Treasure Keys we need to find?" Rarity asked. "You guys are really scaring me. Anyway, to get inside that thing, you'll have to steal Raleigh's last three treasure keys ." Bentley responded. "Any in a creepy ship graveyard?" Adagio added. "I think so." Bentley answered. "I was hoping you'd say no." Adagio said in worry. "What? You got a thing against shipwrecks?" Sly asked. "It's just creepy." Adagio simply answered. "Well, the sooner we get through, the sooner we're out." Karai said. "Alright, but be careful." Bentley responded as Sly and the Beauty Trio snuck into the ship graveyard. "How many guards you smell, Adagio?" Sly asked as Adagio sniffed the air. "Fifteen." Adagio answered. "Now that’ll be a challenge." Sly said. "Actually, let's take out only 12." Karai suggested. "You have an idea?" Rarity assumed. "Adagio, can you get your headpiece to give you a ghost voice?" Karai asked. "I see where you’re going with this." Adagio answered, saying yes. "Rarity, see if you can create a spooky ghost outfit. You two catch up with Sly and me when you're done." Karai said as she and Sly left as Rarity and Adagio got to work. “Karai, you got any more blinding venom in you?” Sly asked. “Yeah.” Karai responded. “Blind the middle one after I take out the other two.” Sly ordered “Okay, you got it.” Karai responded as Sly got into postion. "Ready?" Sly asked with a hand gesture as Karai got into position as well. "Whenever you are." Karai answered with a nod as Sly pounced on one guard and used his cane to throw him at another. "Hey Ugly, Snake Attack!" Sly said as the guard turned around and Karai spat her venom into his eyes. "GAH! My eyes!" The guard yelled. "Hey, there goes the intruders!" Sly called out as the guard fell for Sly's trick and rushed at his fellow guards, attacking them. "I haven't had this much fun on a job since Murray was hopped up on coffee." "Not too late to join up with my Foot Clan." Karai offered. "Thanks, but my family has dedicated themselves to the Hamato Clan. It's not right to abandon them after generations of loyalty." Sly politely refused. "And I'm perfectly okay with that. You choose your own destiny." Karai responded, accepting Sly's decision as they checked the damage. "Six down, nine to go." Sly counted. "Up for a little battleship?" Karai asked, pointing at a cannon. "Like you needed to ask?" Sly responded with his own question. "Geez, what happened to this guy?" A guard asked. "No clue." Another guard shrugged as Karai loaded the cannon. "Locked and loaded, Sly." Karai informed. "You wanna do the honors?" Sly asked, aiming the cannon before Karai lit the fuse as he aimed at the ground at the guards. The cannon fired and the ball blasted the ground, knocking out the guards. "Strike!" "No vault code?" Karai asked in confusion. "Right here." Sly answered as he showed Karai a piece of paper that he pickpocketed from one of the guards. "What the heck was that?" A guard asked as he looked at Sly and Karai, but the lightning flash made them look like demons. "AAH!!! You're demons!" The guard screamed as he ran to warn the others. "That was unexpected." Sly noted. "Let's go see if Rarity and Adagio got the ghost ready." Karai suggested. "Okay." Sly agreed as he and Karai turned around, only to be met with spooky ghost carrying a scythe, causing them to scream in terror, before hearing laughter. "Looks our ghost actually works." Adagio said with a spooky voice. "Although it does seem a little too realistic." Rarity noted. "It doesn't matter since it works." Sly said as he and the Beauty Trio snuck up on the guards. "I'm telling you, I saw two demons." A guard panicked. "Hahahaha! Come on, you were seeing things." Another guard shrugged off. "Who dares defile my resting place?!" A ghostly voice roared as the guards looked up and saw the heroes' ghost. "GHOST!!!" The guards screamed. "I will swallow your souls!" The ghost declared, making the guards run for their lives. After the guards left the area, the heroes started laughing. "Jack would be so proud." Adagio said. "Who?" Karai, Rarity and Sly asked in confusion. "He's an old friend of me and my little sisters." Adagio answered. "Maybe you could go into details after this mission or after we get home." Rarity suggested. "Sure." Adagio responded as the others went down, before she brought out a Skeleton Key. "I miss you Jack, so much." "Hey Adagio, why don't you go on back? We'll meet up with you." Rarity said. "Are you sure?" Adagio asked. "Yeah, you need some time alone. We can get the vault and the key." Sly answered. "It’s okay, Adagio." Karai assured her friend. "Thanks, guys." Adagio said in gratitude, leaving the area as the others came to the vault. "So what’s the code?" Sly asked. "With that paper you took from that guard Sly, figuring it out was cake. Input 7-1-9." Bentley answered as Sly imputed the code and opened the vault safe, grabbing another page. "Oh you’re lucky! This page features Harin Coopergiwa’s Coin Magnet Technique. All she had to do was stand near money and it would magically jump into her purse. From now on, you guys will automatically collect any coins that you come near." "That'll be very handy." Karai noted as Sly put a calling card in the page's place inside the safe. "The key is over here." Rarity noticed. "Easy, now. It could be booby trapped." Karai warned. "Doesn’t look like it." Sly noted. "All the same, let's grab it carefully now that Raleigh knows we're here." Rarity advised as Sly removed the glass case and used his cane to grab the key. "Sometimes, things just need a delicate touch." Sly said. Adagio was still looking at the key she had in her hands when her friends came back. "We’re back!" Rarity called out as Adagio hid her key. "Great, let's get going." Adagio urged. "Hey, you don't have to tell us about your friend if you don't want to." Karai said. "It's just... A sensitive subject." Adagio explained. "It's okay." Sly responded. "Thanks." Adagio said in gratitude. "So, onto the next area?" Rarity assumed. "You guys go ahead, I'll catch up." Adagio sadly said as everyone left, while she inserted the key into a door lock. "Please, work this time. I'm begging you." Adagio deeply pleaded as she turned the knob and opened the door, but nothing happened. "Why…?" Adagio sobbed with her voice breaking before she fell to her knees, starting to cry, not even noticing her Binco-u-com was sending the scene to Bentley. "A Skeleton Key?" Bentley wondered as he felt sorry for Adagio, but couldn't but feel curious of where that key led to. > The Fire Down Below > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sly and the others waited for Adagio as she sadly towards them. "You okay?" Sly asked in concern. "No…" Adagio answered, still upset. "Bentley said there's a Treasure Key down below. The sub can only carry one of us. Why don't you take it." Karai suggested. "Okay…" Adagio responded. "We'll go after the last treasure key. You get into trouble down there, get back up quickly. We'll think of something else." Sly informed. "I understand." Adagio said as she climbed in while the others went the other way. "Thanks for telling us Adagio was upset, Bentley." Sly thanked in gratitude. "I can tell she was taking it badly. So she might need to solo mission time to calm down." Bentley responded. "Those three get majorly upset every October 31st." Karai informed. "That’s oddly specific." Rarity noticed. "I know." Karai agreed. "Let's just get the next key and worry about Adagio later." Sly said. "Right." Rarity and Karai agreed as they and Sly entered what looked to be a sort of mineral deposit facility. "Bentley, where are we?" Sly asked. "The temperature reading is way off the charts here. This must be the power source for the storm machine." Bentley answered. "Any guards?" Rarity added. "Not sure. I can't get a decent heat signature." Bentley informed. "Well, we’ll find out as we go." Sly said. "Bentley, keep an eye on Adagio, please." Karai requested. "Already on it." Bentley responded. As the three of them went forward, Sly and Rarity were sweating bullets. "It's hot in here." Rarity groaned. "Whew! It’s like a million degrees in here!" Sly agreed. "What are you two talking about? I can't feel a thing." Karai shrugged. "That’s because you’re a reptile, which makes you really lucky, Karai." Rarity responded. After dodging the machinary, the group found only six guards. "Finally, we're in the inner workings." "Six guards... This should be easy." Sly said. "Let's get the key and vault and get out of here. I'm sweating my fur off. Huh, never thought I'd say that." Rarity noted. "Well if you’re sweating that much, maybe you should take off some of those layers." Karai teased. "Not funny." Sly retorted. "Just leave this to me. You two just watch and learn." Karai said as she dropped down. "Hey boys, mind helping a girl out?" Karai requested as the guards turned and saw her as a beautiful snake girl. "I seem to be a little lost." The guards instantly became smitten with the kunoichi. "Well allow me to escort you out of here, ma'am." A guard gladly said. "Thanks, but here's some advice: Never trust a snake." Karai responded with a smile as she spat her blinding venom at him. "GAH!!! my eyes!" A guard screamed as Karai lunged at him and cut him with her sword. "1..." Karai counted as the guard fell before she sped for the others. "Stop her!" Another guard ordered as Karai dodged his attacks and wrapped her tail around his neck. "I don’t think so!" Karai quipped as she hit a pressure point on the neck and the guard blacked out. "2..." Karai counted as she jumped onto another and wrapped around his eyes. "Hey! Where is everyone?" The guard asked as Karai directed her mount to attack two guards and knock them out. "3... 4..." Karai counted as she jumped off the guard and unleashed a series of punches on him, knocking him out. "5..." Karai continued as the last guard tried to make a break for it, only for her to rocket pass him. "6." Karai finished as she knocked him out. "And that’s how it’s done." "You sure you want to stick with the Foot and not come back to your Birth Clan, Karai?" Sly asked. "As much as I want to, I also want to help reform the Foot Clan so that we can help protect the world alongside the Hamato Clan." Karai answered as Rarity and Sly climbed down. "Alright, no harm offering. Got the vault code?" Sly added. "Well, while I had that guard head over heels for me, I pickpocketed a paper that had the code." Karai responded as she brought out said paper. "As repulsive as that was, good work all the same." Rarity said. "Like I haven’t seen you doing it, Rarity." Karai retorted. "Touché, Karai." Rarity admitted. "What's the vault code, Bentley?" Sly asked. "Thanks to the paper that Karai got from using her skills, it’s got to be 5-7-9." Bentley answered as Sly typed it in and the safe opened. "Interesting! Chris Cooper’s Dive Collection Technique. This move is an extension of the dive move you guys already know. From now on, you can use that dive attack on breakable objects for fast-breaking and fast-collecting action." "Sweet. Is Adagio feeling better, Bentley?" Sly added another question. "Not sure, but she did get the treasure key." Bentley answered as Sly putted his calling card in the vault. "Let's get the treasure key and head back." Karai suggested as Rarity returned to her and Sly with the treasure key in hand. "Already got it." Rarity responded before she, Karai and Sly rushed back and found Adagio deep in thought. "Oh, hey guys. What took ya so long?" Adagio quipped with a small laugh. "You feeling better, Adagio?" Sly responded with his own question. "Yep." Adagio answered with a genuine smile. "That's good to hear. You had us very worried, darling." Rarity responded in relief. "Yeah, and I’m really sorry about that." Adagio apologized. "It's okay." Karai said "Let's get going, Raleigh is waiting for us." Sly declared. "Let’s be off." Rarity agreed as she, Sly, Adagio and Karai started going to the cannon. > The Eye of the Storm > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sly unlocked the cannon as the Beauty Trio readied themselves for what they were gonna do. "This isn't exactly a safe idea." Rarity worried. "That may be, but that just makes it more interesting." Sly responded "Might as well get it over with." Adagio said as she and everyone else climbed in. "Everyone ready?" Karai asked. "Ready." Sly, Rarity and Adagio answered. "Then let's hope we make it outta this alive." Karai said as the cannon fired, launching four of them right into the mechanical blimp, finding a disgusting-looking frog as they landed inside the hideout. "How delightful, we have guests. The only thing is... I HATE UNEXPECTED GUESTS!" Raleigh yelled. "Listen Raleigh, you wipe out my family and take what's mine, you'd better expect company." Sly responded. "Especially those from other worlds." Rarity said. "Including ones where the Foot Clan has been reformed and allied themselves with the Hamato Clan." Karai added. "You'll be giving us that page now, Raleigh." Adagio quipped. "Oh, I am ever so sorry. How sloppy of me not to expect that or finish the job. Obviously Sly Cooper, we should have snuffed you out as well. So without further ado, let me make amends by what... BLOATING TO GARGANTUAN SIZE AND SQUASHING YOU ALL LIKE THE INSIGNIFICANT BUGS AS YOU ARE!" Raleigh declared as he jumped and prepared to slam them. "Scatter!" Sly ordered as he and the Beauty Trio jumped out of the way as Raleigh landed. "Hit him on all sides. Keep him off balance." "Alright, daring!" Rarity responded before Raleigh shot out his tongue at her as an attack. "That's disgusting." Rarity gagged as she dodged the attack while Karai readied her venom. "Hey Raleigh, you got something in your eyes." Karai quipped, making Raleigh turn around as she fired her venom, only to get it in one of his eyes. "My eye!" Raleigh yelled. "Sly, Adagio, I only nailed one eye. Hold him still so I get the other one." Karai informed. "A spitting cobra, of course. Fortunately, I have a cure." Raleigh said as he jumped into the water. "Well, that didn't work." Adagio deadpanned before Raleigh's tongue wrapped around her leg. "Uh-oh!" Adagio dreaded before Sly and Rarity grabbed her as she was being pulled. "Don’t let go!" Adagio yelled as Karai threw kunai at Raleigh's tongue, making him recoil in pain and let go of her. "Thanks, Karai." "No problem." Karai responded before Raleigh bursted out of the water. "You'll pay for that!" Raleigh growled as he grabbed a fly with his tongue before swallowing it, puffing himself up. "Adagio, Karai... X-Strike!" Sly ordered, with Adagio and Karai nodding in agreement as Raleigh started bouncing on and off the platforms. "Raleigh, you know what it pays to have?" "What?" Raleigh asked. "Friends." Sly answered as Karai and Adagio attacked Raleigh in a X-shaped cross slash. "Gah!" Raleigh yelled. "This is for my dad!" Sly declared as he was about to swing his cane down, only for it to be block by Raleigh’s own cane. "You really think I haven't read the pages I got?!" Raleigh asked. "Those techniques belong to my family!" Sly responded. "Well then it’s time that they should be shared!" Raleigh declared. "Not with heartless people like you!" Rarity replied as she struck Raleigh with he sickles. "The Coopers were thieves! How are they any different than I am or any other criminal?" Raleigh questioned as he struck back with a tongue whiplash and a cane spin. "They were part of the Hamato Ninja Clan. They had honor." Rarity answered. "Honor, ha! That's a laugh." Raleighed laughed. "Like you know what Honor is." Karai hissed as she struck Raleigh, sending him flying into the water. "Blast it all! You've beaten me!" Raleigh groaned. "Bentley, cops on their way?" Rarity asked. "Yes! We need to hurry!" Bentley urged. "Come on, let's-" Sly started to say before Raleigh interrupted. "Well, gloat all you want, for none of you are a match for Muggshot, my villainous cohort in Utah. You'll see, Mesa City is so well-guarded, a snake couldn't slither in without setting off alarms. Gwahahahaha..." Raleigh laughed before falling unconscious. "Let's scram before the cops show up." Karai said. "First things first, the section of my ancestor, Rioichi Cooper." Sly responded as he grabbed the pages from Raleigh's personal vault, revealing the symbol of the Hamato clan. "The First Hamato Cooper." Rarity realized as Sly put his calling card in the vault safe. "That’s right, and he first developed the Ninja Spire Jump, a technique used to sneak into the thickly fortified castles of feudal Japan." Sly informed before he and the Beauty Trio escaped, even though it proved harder due to the untimely arrival of Inspector Carmelita Fox. Later, when Raleigh came to, he was pulled out of the water with Carmelita aiming her pistol at him. "Get up." Carmelita ordered as Raleigh was then grabbed from his legs by an officer. "Inspector, let's be reasonable. There's no reason to throw me in jail." Raleigh said. "There’s plenty of reasons after finding out that you were responsible for the ship and plane disappearances." Carmelita responded. "Okay, maybe there is. But I do have a deal for you. One that should give me a light sentence." Raleigh suggested. "I don’t make deals with criminals." Carmelita refused. "Not even to know where a certain Raccoon and his friends is heading?" Raleigh asked, catching the inspector's attention. Meanwhile in England on a beach not far, Rarity was sunbathing, Adagio was sitting in a chair under an umbrella and Karai was resting laying on her front on top of a towel. "Aw, relaxation." Rarity sighed in relief. "Yep, we could definitely use some R & R after a job like this." Adagio agreed. "You know girls, since we’re staying in England for a while, Sly said that he, Bentley and Murray were gonna go after the queen’s Crown Jewels." Karai informed. "Well, better enjoy the quiet while we have it. I'm going shopping. Anyone want something special?" Adagio asked as she got up from her chair. "Maybe a new necklace." Rarity noted. "What about you, Karai?" Adagio added. "I'm good." Karai answered as she looked at Rioichi Cooper's picture, before spotting something in the picture. "An owl?" > A Rocky Start > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As the van drove through the streets, Rarity woke up from her nap. "Good morning, everyone." Rarity greeted after a yawn. "Morning Rarity." Murray greeted back. "I got to admit. This van is surprisingly spacious." Karai noted. "Well Bentley did need more room if he needed to do some hacking work." Sly answered. "So, who's next for us to beat up?" Adagio asked. "You know, it's been a while I've been back in the US. Next up, our second target, the notorious Muggshot, ruthless muscle of the Fiendish Five. What he lacked in brains, he made up for in brawn." Sly told the Beauty Trio. "So we're up against a musclehead next?" Rarity assumed. "That's right, but it turns out he wasn't always that way." Sly added. "He wasn't?" The Beauty Trio asked in confusion. "Yeah, as a kid he grew up as the runt of the litter, the neighborhood weakling." Sly explained. "But why'd he turn out to be like this now?" Adagio wondered. "Because the only friends he could turn to were usually found on the big screen. It was there that he spotted his first gangster, and he knew instantly that's what he wanted to be." Sly responded. "Yeesh, he turned out as a gangster because of a movie?" Karai asked. "Unfortunately, yeah. He spent the rest of his youth working real hard to get there, fueled on his dreams of great power and respect. With enough perspiration, he realized that dream. He'd become a hard-boiled, street brawling, tough-as-nails gangster, ensuring that he'd never be picked on or pushed around again." Sly answered. "I just hope my sister and her friends never turn out like that." Rarity dreaded. "If they're friends with each other, that won't happen. So Muggshot's holed up in Mesa City, huh? I've always wanted to go to that thriving American boomtown." Sly noted. "I think Sonata said something about wanting to go there too." Adagio remembered. "Then I guess that Sonata's gonna be jealous after hearing our latest adventure." Karai said as the van was only a few minutes away from Mesa. "Okay, I modified your headset to work like a binco-u-com, Adagio. I even added a flashlight feature." Bentley informed. "Thanks." Adagio said in gratitude. "I also finished the Grappling Hook Launcher Bracelets for Rarity." Bentley added. "Functional and fashionable?! I LOVE IT!!!" Rarity squealed in excitement as she strapped them onto her wrists. "You'll have to learn on the fly. We're here." Sly said as he and the Beauty Trio went outside the van and onto "Hey, Sly! I thought you said Mesa City was going to be loud and busy. This looks more like a ghost town!" Bentley pointed out. "The only people I'm seeing are Muggshot's men." Adagio informed as she used her headgear's new upgrade. "Man, this place is starting to give me the creeps! What do you guys say we take off?" Bentley asked. "And miss all the fun? Besides Bentley, we need to get the pages and take down Muggshot. Give us the quick version of Rarity's gauntlets." Sly responded. "The gauntlets can latch onto edges and enemies, but I haven't had time to test them." Bentley informed. "And it looks like we’ll need to use my ancestor, Rioichi Cooper’s Ninja Spire Jump." Sly added. "Just means it's natural for us." Adagio said as she, Sly, Rarity and Karai headed down the path as they kept out of sight from the guards. "So much for his security system." Karai scoffed as Adagio started sniffing the air. "I’m not sure. Look at the floor." Adagio pointed out as Sly saw the lasers go on and off. "Bentley, What's with those flashing lights?" Sly asked. "What are they hooked up to?" Rarity added. "I don’t know, but they’re the latest in high-tech security, electronic floor sensors. Step onto them, and you’re a goner." Bentley answered. "Nice touch." Sly quipped. "They're safe to walk on while flashing, but it also means they're about to switch to a different sector. And I don't think we have time." Bentley informed. "Then let's try my gauntlets out." Rarity suggested. "Rarity, wait. I forgot to mention you only have ten shots before you need a new cartridge. I'm still working on new ones." Bentley pointed out. "Oh, thanks for the warning then." Rarity said in gratitude as she fired a line across with her right gauntlet and heard the mechanics change. "Now I have four lines on my right gauntlet." After Sly and the Beauty Trio got across, they found 9 guards at the gate. "Alright, ladies: Pick them off or straight at them?" Sly asked. "Honestly, I’d go with picking them off." Adagio answered. "A lot more fun that way." Karai agreed. "We'll need someway to draw then away." Sly noted before he, Karai and Adagio immediately looked at Rarity. "Oh, I see. Some charm is needed." Rarity realized as she gained an intrigued smile, while the thugs at the gate were bored out of their minds. "Oh, boys." A female voice sang, calling out to the thugs. "Huh?" A thug asked as he and his friends saw a beautiful young lady snow leopard in a pretty dress. "I'm afraid that I'm a bit lost. Can any of you gentlemen help me?" The woman, revealed to be Rarity asked as the thugs went head over heels for Rarity’s beauty. "I just need some help changing the tire on my car. Can any of you help me." "I’ll help you doll." A thug answered, while that name made Rarity a bit angry on the inside. “Doll?!” Rarity thought in anger while all of the thugs started trying to top each other. "Boys, this a big job. More hands means faster work." Rarity suggested as the thugs followed her into her team's trap. "Time for this snake to strike her prey." Karai quipped as she wrapped her tail around a thug and pulled him away. "Huh?" That grabbed thug wondered before the next thing he knew was Karai beating him up. "Hey, where'd the beauty go?" Another thug asked. "Could two of you come over here? I think I twisted my ankle." Rarity's voice called out. "On our way, doll!" The thug said while the real Rarity seethe with anger as the he and his friend got beat up by Adagio "Hey, what's going on?" Another thug asked, not noticing Sly holding his cane up behind the thug's neck. "Heh, lights out big guy." Sly quipped as he pulled the thug back and beat him up. "Hey, somebody here?!" A thug shouted. "Boys, over here." Rarity called out. "Doll?" The thug asked as he went to Rarity’s spot and received a savage beating before being hung upside down. "Okay, I'm calling the boss." The leader thug declared before Rarity walked up to the him. "Now why would you want to do that?" Rarity asked as the thugs were unaware she held a bomb full of Karai's venom. "There is no reason to do that." "B-But..." The leader thug stammered before Rarity started to caress the thug's cheek, making his tail wag. "Okay..." He goofily gave in as Rarity pulled the pin, then covered her eyes as it exploded, hitting all of the thugs' eyes. "Don't... Ever... Call... Me... Doll!" Rarity roared as she beat up all of the conscious thugs without hesitation or restraint, leaving them all in a pile, knocked out cold, before Adagio, Karai and Sly showed up. "Trust me Rarity, I understand." Adagio said in empathy before a radio came on. "Hey, what was that noise?" A voice asked, presumably Muggshot. "I got this one." Adagio assured as she activated her voice modulator. "Someone better respond before I get really mad." Muggshot growled before something came through the radio. "Uh, everything is fine. Thought we saw someone trying to get in." A voice answered. "A false alarm?" Muggshot asked. "Yeah, turns out to be a rat. Everything going good on your end, Boss?" Adagio responded in a disguised voice as Sly entered the code into the fault. "Yeah. Yeah, you can say that." Muggshot answered. "We'll contact you when we actually have something." Adagio said in a disguised voice as Karai got a treasure key. "Good." Muggshot responded as Adagio hung up. "Idiot. What's the loot this time?" Adagio asked as Sly brought out the page. "Outstanding! After inputting 3-1-4, you guys uncovered Rob McCooper’s patented Explosive Hat Technique! Now Sly can toss his cap and detonate it. Don’t worry, he has more of those, and that technique can be modified to other fashion choices. But if you’re using it, better back off to a safe distance first!" Bentley informed as Sly put his calling card into the vault. "Save that one for emergencies." Rarity agreed as her left gauntlet switched. "And I got a treasure key." Karai said. "Let's move, everyone." Sly declared as he and the Beauty Trio kept on going forward after Karai opened a small gate, going into the circular tunnel. > Boneyard Casino > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After Sly and the Beauty Trio exited the tunnel, they walked up to a huge casino. "This Muggshot certainly isn’t shy." Bentley noted. "Sheesh, ego much?" Adagio asked. "At least Rainbow Dash knows when to be humble." Rarity agreed. "Okay, so we know he’s here somewhere, but how are we supposed to find him? Mesa City is a big place." Bentley asked. "Given that he’s a bulldog, it seems only reasonable to assume he’d choose to live in the giant fire hydrant." Sly pointed out. "That’s some sound logic, Sly." Bentley noted. "Slight problem. The door is lock and we don't have a key." Adagio said as she used her headset. "Yeah, you guys will need a way to break into the building’s base." Bentley agreed. "Oh, I’m sure we’ll think of something." Sly responded while he was eyeing a car with three locks. "Uh guys, I could use a little help. Please." Murray requested. "I’ll go." Adagio volunteered. "Be careful." Sly advised. "Don’t worry, I'll be fine." Adagio responded. "Let's find a treasure key in a place... Cleaner." Rarity whimpered. "Why not there? The sign’s practically screaming that there’s a treasure key there. But I don’t think that it’ll be easy." Karai suggested. "A casino." Rarity noted. "Exactly." Karai agreed as she, Rarity and Sly walked into the Boneyard Casino and saw the place. "Something’s telling me that we won’t be able to get through with that gate closed and those lights on." Rarity noticed. "Just means we go the fun way." Sly said in excitement as he drew his sais, before the lights went off, followed by the gates opening. "Huh?" Sly, Rarity and Karai wondered in confusion. "You can thank me later." Bentley said as the trio walked in and found the building filled with gambling games, slot machines and roulettes. "No chance we sneak through here." Karai noted. "Yeah, look out for those guards. Muggshot‘s got those machine-gun toting dogs hunting like a pack." Bentley warned. "Bentley, relax. What were ninjas used for in ancient Japan?" Karai responded. "Sorry, tight security makes me nervous." Bentley explained. "Just relax, Bentley. This'll be easy for us." Rarity said. "My thoughts exactly, ladies." Sly agreed as he and the girls snuck around the machines and counted the guards. "9 guards, one is closest to the alarm." Karai counted. "Should we take care of that one first?" Rarity asked. "Yes, have anymore Venom Grenades?" Sly responded as Rarity checked. "Two." Rarity answered. "Let's try my ancestor's exploding hat trick." Sly suggested. "Okay. But be careful." Karai responded as Sly his hat at the guard and the venom exploded in his eyes, while Sly put on another hat on his head. "My eyes!" A guard yelled as Sly brought his cane out and knocked the guard unconscious. "Hey, you're not supposed to be here." Another guard said. "Lights out." Rarity quipped as she struck the Guard's pressure points. "What was that supposed to..." The guard started to ask before he fell to the ground, completely stunned. "Rarity, behind you!" Karai shouted as Rarity jumped with a backflip before knocking out the guard sneaking up on her. Rarity fired a grappling hook at his feet and strung him upside down. "Okay, you three feeling lucky with me?" Karai asked as three guards lunged at Karai but she jumped up. "Wrong choice." Karai said as she slammed down on the ground and knocked them out. "Little help." Rarity requested while defending herself with her diamond shield. "On my way!" Sly responded as he drew his sais and tackled the guard. "Nice knives. I could use a new toothpick." The guard quipped. "These are going to pick more than your teeth." Sly responded as he cut up the guard. "Like I said, I'll never use my sais to take a life." Sly said before he knocked the guard out while the last two guards tried to flee. "Ladies, X-Strike." Rarity and Karai rushed at them and struck them in a x-shape, knocking the guards out. "You two sure you're not sisters? You two fight together like you've done it for years." Sly laughed. "Well, it has been a year or two since we first fought alongside each other." Rarity answered. "You guys have been the best friends I've ever had." Karai agreed. "Hey, I know you had Shredder's brain worm in your head, but I thought we were friends then." Adagio responded on the Binoc-U-Com. "Thanks, Adagio." Karai said in gratitude. "Anytime. We got the treasure key and Murray's okay. Sorry Sly, we didn't find any vaults." Adagio apologized on the Binoc-U-Com. "No biggie, because I just found one." Sly responded. "And I have the vault code." Rarity added. "Sly, I'm going to go get a hot dog. Anyone want anything?" Murray asked on the Binoc-U-Com. "Nah, buddy. We're good." Sly answered. "I'll be staying with him. Mainly cause I'm hungry for a Chilli Dog." Adagio said. "Try not to draw too much attention to yourself, Adagio. Overall, you two enjoy your lunch." Rarity responded. "Got it." Adagio replied as she went off the Binoc-U-Com's line. "Bentley, what's the combo?" Sly asked. "Man, I’m getting swift with deciphering these codes. Dial 3-3-8." Bentley answered as Sly typed it in and opened the vault before grabbing the page. "Okay, this page is from your hyperactive ancestor B.F. Cooper. He discovered a way to speed up the clock, perfect for those long stake-outs." "Really?" Karai asked. "Without a doubt." Bentley answered as Sly put in a calling card in the vault. "Definitely." Sly agreed. "That's handy." Rarity noted. "Let's get that treasure key. Bentley, keep an eye on Adagio and Murray as a precaution." Sly said. "Alright, but what out for that roulette wheel with the treasure key on top, because it’ll be spinning too fast to jump counterclockwise." Bentley advised. "Doesn't matter. Rarity, shoot us a line." Karai said. "With pleasure." Rarity responded as she fired a line, leaving her with six shots left, followed by Karai and Sly going into the line, before the serpent kunoichi stopped right above the case with the key inside it. "To the victor, goes the spoils." Karai quipped as she sliced up the case and grabbed the key while she hanged from the line with her tail. "Okay, pull her up." Sly said as he and Rarity pulled Karai up. "Got it." Karai replied. "Good." Sly responded. "Murray and Adagio already dropped the key off, so it should be waiting for you." Bentley informed as Sly, Rarity and Karai left the casino. Meanwhile... "You better be right about this, Raleigh. Or you can kiss your light sentence goodbye." Carmelita growled on the phone. “I assure you, Inspector. My information is accurate.” Raleigh responded on the phone before hanging up and called Muggshot. “Muggshot, you’re about to have company.” Raleigh warned as things were about to get harder for the four thieves. > Two to Tango > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- At the chili dog place, Murray and Adagio were enjoying their lunch. "I love Chili Dogs." Adagio said in pleasure, enjoying the food. "Wait, didn’t you say that your sister, Sonata, loves tacos?" Murray asked. "Yeah, and my sister Aria loves Nachos. Me, I love Chili Dogs." Adagio answered. "You know, that’s actually kinda funny. But if you were a blue hedgehog, that would be more funny." Murray noted as Adagio couldn't help but chuckle at that. "Attention, Attention! I have just been informed there's a cop in the vicinity. Keep your eyes open for anyone suspicious." Muggshot ordered on the intercom. "Carmelita must be close by." Murray realized. "Yeah, we better skedaddle." Adagio agreed before a gang of dogs surrounded her and Murray. "Uh-oh." The two of them dreaded as the dogs started closing in. Meanwhile, Sly and the Beauty Trio had located another treasure key. "Alright, that makes three." Sly counted as he unlocked the car and its carjack. "And now for a break in." Sly said as he took away the carjack, causing the car to drive right into the wooden barrier, destroying it. "Crude, but effective." Rarity noted. "Let’s go." Karai said as she, Rarity and Sly went into the casino lobby, finding a giant face of Muggshot on a wall. "Would you look at that ugly mug?" Sly mocked. "Not even a mother would love that face." Rarity agreed. "I am looking at it, and I find it infinitely fascinating." Bentley noted. "Huh?" Sly, Rarity and Karai asked in confusion. "My x-ray detection devices reveal that a secret elevator to Muggshot’s penthouse is contained within that giant head." Bentley explained. "That's just disturbing." Karai groaned in disgust. "So how do we get in?" Sly asked. "Behind this locked wall, there’s a lever that summons the elevator. But you need all seven keys to open it up." Bentley answered. "No problem. How's Murray and Adagio enjoying their lunch?" Sly asked before Adagio came on the Binoc-U-Com. "We got trouble!" Adagio informed. "We heard the announcement too." Rarity noted. "Yeah, but we got challenged to a race by gangster dogs. Three laps around the hot dog stand for a treasure key." Murray explained. "You two think you can handle it?" Sly asked. "Yep." Adagio answered. "Alright, but if things get too hairy, we'll come and help." Sly said as he and his companions went to retrieve another key, while Carmelita was following them. "I finally found you, Ringtail." Carmelita growled as of later, Sly, Rarity and Karai came to a roof top with the Treasure Key completely unguarded. "Something feels wrong. This is too easy." Rarity noticed. "No alarm, no guards... This does feel like a trap." Karai agreed. "Got anything, Bentley?" Sly asked. "Um… Remember that announcement about Interpol showing up?" Bentley responded. "Yeah, but what about the key?" Sly added. "Look behind you!" Bentley shouted as Sly, Rarity and Karai dodged a shot from Carmelita's shock pistol. "Well, well, well… Look who just walked into my crosshairs… Sly Cooper and his friends!" Carmelita said. "Inspector Fox... Fancy meeting you here, and you're wearing the bracelet. I'm touched." Sly responded. "I thought you took a wrong turn back in Paris." Rarity noted. "The only ones making wrong turns are you three. I suggest you surrender before I paralyze you with my good friend, the shock pistol." Carmelita quipped. "Now see, a girl whose best friend’s a firearm’s got issues. A little dinner, a little dancing and I think I can help you out." Sly advised. "And I think maybe some shopping and makeovers would help, too. I know I beautiful sapphire necklace that would be perfect with your bracelet." Rarity added as Karai snuck up behind Carmelita. "Hmm. Sounds romantic. As long as you, Sly and your friend behind me don’t mind doing that… in jail!" Carmelita responded. "Nah, I heard the service is lousy. Karai, now!" Sly shouted as Karai spat her venom at Carmelita, only for her to dodge it. "I won’t fall for that trick again, but when I capture you three, you’ll see for yourselves." Carmelita quipped as she kept firing at the group who bolted away. "Sheesh Sly, couldn't you pick a girl who's a thief and not a cop?" Karai asked. "Come on, I like a girl who chases me." Sly answered with a smile. "We can't fight Muggshot's thugs and dodge her shots." Rarity pointed out. "Then why don’t we split up? It’s obvious that Carmelita’s after me." Sly suggested. "Or we use Carmelita to our advantage." Karai added. "But I have a feeling that there’s a vault around here." Rarity said. "True, but if Carmelita keeps shooting, she's got to hit something." Karai added as Carmelita lined up the snake kunoichi in her crosshairs. "Nighty-night, Foot Clan Swine." Carmelita said as she fired at Karai, who dodged it. "You’re really judging the book by its cover, Carmelita." Karai noted as she led Carmelita to one of Muggshot's thug. "I can't believe you can't hit a target that doesn't even have legs." "Why you!" Carmelita growled as she fired, but Karai dodged and the projectile hit the thug. "I get it. Hey Carmelita, up for some laser tag?" Sly taunted as he and the girls kept tricking Carmelita into firing at Muggshot's thugs. "Hold still, you dirty weasels!" Carmelita hissed. "Now where’s the fun in that?" Sly taunted. "Also, I am a snake, she's a snow leopard, and he's a raccoon." Karai pointed out. "And we're all pretty clean." Rarity added as that only made Carmelita’s anger reach the edge. "I got the vault code from one of the guards that Carmelita shot." Karai whispered to Sly and Rarity. "Darling, I'll be generous and give you a free shot." Rarity offered. "You’ll regret that!" Carmelita growled as she shot Rarity, only for it to bounce off her and hit Carmelita. "What the?!" "Oopsie. Now how did that happen? Oh yes, the diamond shield I summoned thanks to my geode." Rarity said in fake-shock as a diamond shield revealed itself in front of Rarity while Carmelita twitched until she fell unconscious. "You girls know you probably won't have made her Christmas Card list, right?" Sly laughed. "Like she would've done it anyway. Here's the code." Karai responded. "Good thing I know Navajo code talk. Try 5-3-2." Bentley informed as Sly typed it in while Rarity checked Carmelita's pulse. "She's still alive." Rarity said. "That's good." Karai responded in relief as Sly opened the vault and got the page. "Who is it this time?" "Oh yeah, this will come in handy. It’s Suzanne Cooper’s notes pertaining to water safety. With this knowledge under your belts, you guys will be able to swim across water without a problem." Bentley explained. "Great, now the treasure key. But first..." Sly started off as he left a rose with Carmelita. "Are you sure you’re not secretly a fox, Sly Cooper? Because you’re as sly as a fox." Rarity asked as she and Karai gave intrigued smirks. "I'm all raccoon." Sly responded with his own smirk as they left Carmelita, but they didn't see a Hamato Medallion fall out of her pocket, before Sly dropped a dangling car on the treasure key case and the it opened. "One more treasure key down." Rarity counted. "Make that two." Adagio added. "So you and Murray won the race." Karai assumed. "And a lifetime supply of free chili dogs. Booyahkasha!" Adagio added, much to the others' confusion. "Pardon?" Rarity said. "What?" Karai asked. "Huh?" Sly wondered. "Me and Murray doubled the wager and won us a lifetime supply of free chili dogs. Toppings and cheese included." Adagio added. "That sounds just like Murray." Sly noted. "But why were you in on that?" Rarity asked. "Please don’t tell me that you still have that obsession with chili dogs, Adagio." Karai dreaded. "Hey, you don't complain with Aria on nachos or Sonata with Tacos. Besides, we just scored us lunch." Adagio retorted. "Okay, but don’t go overboard if you wanna stay like you are now." Karai warned as she poked Adagio's belly. "Relax, I just scored us a card for it. I can even get those Veggie Chili Dogs Rarity likes." Adagio shrugged as Rarity’s stomach started growling, making the fashionista blush a bit. "Low blow, Adagio." Karai said. "Hey, I’m a kunoichi, remember?" Adagio reminded. "Okay, ladies. The sooner Muggshot goes down, the sooner we eat." Sly responded. "Good thing I got a little snack for the road." Adagio said as she tossed a drink to Rarity, allowing the snow leopard to drink it up while they kept going. > Back Alley Heist > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- In Mesa City, Sly and the Beauty Trio went to another location that has a treasure key, out of reach only by a window. "Well, looks like we have to continue here by a break in." Sly said as he broke the window with a swing from his cane, allowing he and his friends to continue. "Crude method, don't you think?" Rarity asked. "Yeah, but it’s a classic." Sly answered as Adagio sniffed the area. "How many you smell?" Karai asked. "9. Two up ahead." Adagio informed. "Alright, ladies. Stealth and Strike. Pick them off from the shadows." Sly ordered. "But this area doesn’t leave us much room." Rarity pointed out. "So, we improvise." Sly said as Adagio snuck up behind the duo of thugs. "Oh, boys." Adagio called out. "Huh?" The two thugs asked as Adagio ducked and Karai and Sly knocked them out. They fell into the alley, freaking the other seven out. "We got intruders!" The thug leader shouted before Rarity threw diamond shield disks from the magic of her geode and broke the lights. "I can't see anything!" He said before Rarity aimed a grappling hook at the leader's leg. "Something’s got my leg!" The thug leader panicked before Rarity hoisted him up high. "Wait for them to get underneath." Rarity said as a thug came under his upside colleague. "Lights out." Adagio quipped as she drew a kunai and cut the line, making the thug fell onto the other hard. "They fall down and go BOOM!!!" Sly moved his cane hook to wrap around a thug's neck. "Good night, big guy." Sly quipped as he pulled the thug into the shadows and beat him up before Karai coiled around another thug. "Heh. You might find yourself in a tight squeeze." Karai said as she tighted her grip with the remaining thugs watched in terror while Karai dragged the thug into the shadows and the sound of a beating followed. "Time for a sting operation." Sly declared as he threw the last Venom Grenade while the trio of thugs looked at the grenade as it exploded and the venom got into their eyes. "My eyes!" The thugs screamed in pain. "Triangulate Decimate!" Sly shouted as he and the Beauty Trio struck the thugs in the pattern of a triangle, making the three of them fall to the ground, covered in bruises and cuts unconscious. "Nice job, everyone." "Another treasure key for us." Rarity said. "I got the code for the vault here." Adagio added. "Alright, let's see what we get." Sly said as he and the Beauty Trio arrived at the vault safe. "I could’ve broken this code in my sleep. The combination is 5-6-5." Bentley informed. "Smart aleck." Adagio scoffed as Sly typed the code in. "Well Bentley is a master at hacking." Sly defended his friend as he opened the vault and got the page. "A-ha, it’s Sir Andrew Cooper’s Thief Replica Technique. He used to make fake stand-ups of himself to confuse guards into attacking the wrong thing. Now you can make fake copies of yourselves." Bentley informed. "Haha, Christmas came early!" Karai laughed with a smile. "This is going to be fun!" Adagio agreed. "Any luck on making me more grappling hooks?" Rarity asked. "I think so." Bentley answered. "Good. I'm down to only five left." Rarity said. "Sorry, Rarity. You'll have to make do until you get back." Bentley responded. "Makes sense." Rarity admitted. "How many keys are left?" Sly asked. "Just one." Bentley answered. "Then Muggshot goes down." Karai said. "Indeed." Rarity agreed. "And then we eat." Karai added. "Alright!" Adagio cheered. "Assuming Carmelita doesn't stop us." Sly reminded. "She’ll be out for a while." Rarity said while she and the others didn't know that Carmelita was already waking up. "Ugh… What happened?" Carmelita asked before she found a rose in her hand and immediately remembered what happened. "Those dirty little-!" Carmelita growled before she saw her medallion and panicked as she picked it up. "Please let there be no scratch!" Carmelita whimpered as she inspected her medallion thoroughly and completely, before giving out a huge sigh of relief. "Nothing happened to it." Carmelita said as she put back in her pocket. "If those thieves even think about laying their hands on it…!" Carmelita start off before she heard something. "ENOUGH!" A male voice ordered before Carmelita turned around and pointed her pistol at a large rat. "Who are you? And are you with that raccoon, snow leopard and those Foot clan scum?" Carmelita asked in suspicion while she didn't know why, but she was starting to sweat at the sight of him. "My name is Hamato Yoshi." He answered, as he revealed his face and form to Carmelita. "W-What?" Carmelita asked, started to become nervous as her arm was shaking. "Leader of the Hamato Clan of my dimension." Splinter answered before Carmelita fell to knees and kneeled, sweating bullets as she was fearing off what could happen. > Straight to the Top > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As Carmelita spoke with the spirit, Sly and the Beauty Trio were tracking the last Treasure Key. "Alright, here we go!" Sly said. "Let’s do this!" Rarity agreed as she, Sly, Karai and Adagio went into the next around and steered clear of the guard dog, before making it to a window that had a treasure key in it. "The key’s under there!" Karai informed as Rarity tried to use her Diamond Shields like buzzsaws to cut through, only to not even make a scratch. "Not good." Rarity noticed. "Forget it guys. You’ll need something super-heavy, like that big wrecking ball up there." Bentley informed. "That can work. And we get a bit of workout along the way. Right, Adagio?" Karai asked as she poked Adagio's belly. "Still on about me and the chili dogs?" Adagio responded. "No, you look fine, Dagi. Like a watermelon." Sly teased as Adagio was unfazed by that. "Watermelon? Ha! That’s nothing." Adagio quipped with a laugh, catching Sly, Rarity and Karai completely off guard before the three snapped themselves out of it as Sly spotted the specific amount of guards with his Binoc-U-com. "Twelve guards, no way to sneak around, and no venom grenades. Like this will be hard." Sly informed. The guards were minding their own business when Karai wrapped around one. "Gotcha!" Karai quipped as two thugs rushed to help, only for Rarity and Adagio to perform the X-Strike move. "Hey boys, care to guess who's who?" Sly asked. "Huh?" Another thug asked as he looked and saw two Sly Coopers, before smashing the wrong one. "You lose... consciousness." Sly quipped as he swung the spear end his cane hard, knocking the thug out cold. "Come on, lose consciousness!" Karai hissed as the thug coiled up by he lost consciousness and Karai lunged at another. "And you’re next!" "Hey, what's going on over there?!" A thug asked. "HELP!" Another thug yelled before he lost consciousness as two thugs went to investigate and found seven Karais. "Can you find out who’s me?" The Karais mocked as the thugs remained confused until Karai spat her venom at their eyes. "My eyes!" The thugs screamed as Karai drew her sword and went to town on them, leaving them knocked out. "That's seven." Karai counted. "Who wants to play?" Sly asked as he drew his sais before a thug charged at Sly, but he didn't even flinch. "What the?!" The thug asked before he fell unconscious as the real Sly stood behind him after doing a neck chop. "I am seriously good looking."Sly quipped as thug number 9 charged at him, but Rarity intercepted. "I don’t think so." Rarity tsked before she gave a kick right between the thug's legs. "Momma…" The thug whimpered in a high-pitched tone before he fell down with his hands and tail between his legs. "What are you idiots doing?!" Muggshot's voice roared. "Boss, we got..." The thug started to say, but was interrupted. "Never mind that! The cop is in the casino." Muggshot shouted. "Yes, sir!" The thug responded as he and the last two conscious thugs ran off, not knowing Adagio tricked them. "The bigger the muscles, the smaller the brain." Adagio quipped in Muggshot's voice. "Now THAT is golden!" Sly agreed. "Got the code?" Adagio asked in Muggshot's voice. "Yep." Sly answered. "You’d need an IQ of at least 140 to figure this one out. Dial in 4-6-8." Bentley informed as Sly inputted the code and opened the vault before grabbing the page in it. "Who's the next ancestor?" Karai asked. "Actually, you found the blueprints for Muggshot’s additions to Mesa City. With these files, I’ll be able to help you find all of his goods, in case you wanna steal them." Bentley explained. "No book pages?" Karai added. "I’m afraid not." Bentley answered. "That would've been nice to have an hour ago." Adagio responded in Muggshot's voice. "At least we’ll do some looting after lunch." Sly said. "And we're getting close to Muggshot." Rarity noted. "Yeah. Because this is the last treasure key." Karai agreed as the group broke the glass with the wrecking ball and grabbed the key. "Next stop, Muggshot." Adagio declared. "Which means our next stop is the elevator." Sly agreed. "Let's get going." Karai said. "Here here." Rarity agreed as she, Sly, Karai and Adagio started heading back to unlock the lever to open the elevator. > Last Call > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- In Muggshot's casino, Sly and the girls ran back to the elevator. "In those keys go!" Sly quipped as he threw the treasure keys into the locks, opening them and unlocking the lever. "How is it going to open?" Karai asked. "Like this." Sly answered as he whacked the lever down with his cane, causing the face of Muggshot to open as a staircase came out of it, leading to an open elevator. "Not one word of this to the others. Agreed?" Rarity asked. "Agreed." Karai and Adagio responded in agreement as they and Sly went into the elevator before it closed, then went in and climbed up to Muggshot's pad. Sly and the Beauty Trio went out of the elevator and confronted Muggshot. "What? My boys have been yapping about some big shots, running around, cracking skulls, and… And this is it? You’re the monkey wrenches in my operation? Three little dolls and a scrawny rat with a stick. Hey… Wait a sec… I’ve seen that stick before." Muggshot noticed. "Maybe when my father was knocking your block off. And the symbol of the Foot Clan on the family dartboard." Sly responded as Rarity was seething from what she was called. "Your father? Wow, you’re a Cooper? You know, that Thingus Raccamagoocus had a lotta nice pictures, but WAY too many big words." Muggshot noted. "That's just sad." Adagio sighed. "So you’ll just hand it over?" Karai asked. "What are you kidding? You break into my place, steal my stuff, trash the joint, I feel transgressed and violated. Let’s rock!" Muggshot declared as he got up and pulled out two guns. "Whoops!" Sly slipped as Muggshot fired, only for the bullets to be deflected by Rarity’s diamond shields. "Nice trick. But let's see how strong it is!" Muggshot quipped as he kept firing while Sly spotted crystals, mirrors and light. "Divide and Conquer!" Sly ordered as Karai and Adagio saw what he meant. "On it!" Karai and Adagio responded as the three of them started to turn the mirrors towards the crystals while Sly threw a smoke bomb down as cover. "Oh, you think you’re ninjas?" Muggshot asked. "We are ninjas." Sly answered as he and Rarity started tag teaming Muggshot as a distraction. "You think you can fight me physically? Ha!" Muggshot laughed. "Maybe not, but we can mentally." Rarity responded as she set up a tripwire. "Huh?" Muggshot wondered in confusion before Sly threw an exploding hat, making him stumble back and accidentally throw his guns, making them land right behind Muggshot and the tripwire, which was where the reflected lights were shining at. "What the?!" Muggshot gasped as he tripped over the tripwire and fell on his guns, breaking them. "Alright!" Karai cheered. "Those reflected beams weakened those guns enough for Muggshot to break them!" Adagio added. "My beautiful guns are destroyed! Good thing I have a pair upstairs." Muggshot said as he went onto a platform, which took him to a higher level. "Rarity, wanna go Itsy-Bitsy Spider?" Sly asked, answered by Rarity going higher as he went to back up Karai. "There’s gotta be more mirrors and crystals up there!" Karai noted. "We gotta stall Rarity time." Sly informed. "I'm right behind you." Karai agreed as Adagio started working on turning the mirrors onto the crystals again on the next floor they were on. Muggshot was so busy, he didn't noticed Rarity spinning her cables like a spider web. "Can't you runts hold still?" "What? Can’t keep up?" Sly taunted. "Guess you're not the fastest of the Fiendish Five." Karai provoked. "Why you!!!" Muggshot growled as he Muggshot fired at Karai, who dodged it. "Or the smartest if you can't tell a mirror reflection from the real thing." Sly added as Muggshot kept firing, not able to tell the fakes from the real deals while the reflected sunbeams weakened the guns' durability. "How much longer?" Sly asked as Rarity answered by doing the Little Bit hand gesture, before Karai snuck up to Muggshot and sliced his guns to pieces. "Come on! Now I have one more pair on the chandelier!" Muggshot growled as he went onto the platform again, lifting him to a large chandelier, which is where Rarity was doing her part of the plan while Sly rushed up to join Adagio, who got up there after helping them on the second floor. "We have a plan?" Adagio asked as Sly pointed to Rarity's web. "Stall for time, got it." "Let’s go!" Karai said before Muggshot started firing at the trio, unable to nail them because they were too fast. "Hold still, you rats!" Muggshot shouted. "Hey, leave my dad out of this!" Karai hissed. "Huh?" Muggshot asked in confusion. "Long and complicated story." Adagio answered as Muggshot was so confused, he didn't notice Rarity coming down like a spider. "Don't call me Doll." Rarity quipped. "What the?!" Muggshot gasped as his leg wrapped around in coil and hoisted him up. "Everyone! Time for an All-Out Attack!" Rarity shouted, "You got it!" Sly agreed. "Here we go!" Karai added. "Let’s end this!" Adagio declared as Sly and the Beauty Trio performed a storm of attacks on Muggshot, beating him, sending the bulldog into the web, causing the coils to wrap around his arms and legs tightly. "Dis is impossible! Four little pipsqueaks like you, beating a big strong bruiser like me? It ain’t right!" Muggshot whined as Karai slithered up to his face. "This is for bringing my dad into the fight." Karai hissed as she spat her venom into Muggshot's eyes. "Gah! Fine, you want all of that stupid picture book? You gonna have to go down Haiti and cross paths with Mz. Ruby, and then believe me, you don’t wanna be you." Muggshot said as Rarity found the section on Tennessee Kid Cooper. "Huh?" Rarity wondered. "Looks like you found Muggshot’s section of the Thievius Raccoonus. And it contains an entry for my gunslinging ancestor, Tennessee Kid Cooper. His specialty was the Rail Walk and Rail Slide, moves perfected through a lifetime of theft in the old west." Sly informed. "He reminds me of a law enforcement friend of mine." Rarity noted, "And that would be?" Sly asked. "You probably don't know him." Rarity responded. "Guys, we better am-scray. The cops will be here any second." Adagio advised. "Alright. And we’ll loot some of Muggshot’s money and pick up some free chili dogs to go." Sly informed as he, the Beauty Trio and the rest of the Cooper Gang fled with the spoils of their victory. By the time Muggshot could see again, Carmelita and her officers were cutting him down. "Sly, I'll admit your creativity is admirable." Carmelita noted. "What’s goin’ on?!" Muggshot asked before Carmelita put her left foot on his head as an officer took on of his guns. "Quiet, you. You're going to see your buddy, Raleigh, again in jail." Carmelita responded. "Really? Don’t you know that Sly Cooper and those three girls are going to see an alligator in a swamp?" Muggshot offered, catching Carmelita's attention. "Alligator in a swamp?" Carmelita asked. "They'll probably be dead when you get there. Mz. Ruby will have new corpses to play with." Muggshot informed as Carmelita remembered some important words. *Flashback* "I understand you are chasing my Snake Daughter and her friends." Splinter said. "They're Foot Clan. Enemies of the Hamato Clan. If I can't catch them here, then..." Carmelita started to growl. "NO! Where they go next, you are not to pursue." Splinter ordered. "But they’re criminals! I can’t ignore that as long as I’m an officer of Interpol!" Carmelita argued before Splinter grabbed her medallion. "Are you not a loyal member of the Hamato Clan?!" Splinter asked. "Y-Yes, but-" Carmelita hesitantly started to answer. "Then you will follow my orders to the letter. Once they go after the fourth member, you may continue pursuit. Am I understood?" Splinter ordered. "…Fine." Carmelita gave in as she looked up and saw that he was gone. *End Flashback* "I'm not interested. You're going to jail." Carmelita refused. "What?!" Muggshot asked in shock as he was cuffed. Meanwhile, in California, Karai inspected Rioichi and Tennessee's pictures. "Something’s bugging me." Karai noted as Adagio handed her a Chili Cheese Dog. "You keep looking at those pictures, you'll get a headache." Adagio warned. "Sorry, it’s just, ever since looking at Tennessee’s picture, I sensed something similar with Riochi’s picture." Karai informed. "Probably nothing." Adagio shrugged off as she was eating. "You really want me to eat one of those?" Karai asked. "Darling, we hardly ever seen you eat anything that isn't Japanese food. That's not a good habit." Rarity answered. "Alright. Might as well keep my strength." Karai admitted as she started eating. "Not bad. A little spicy." "Sly told me that he, Bentley and Murray were gonna steal the cemented names of Hollywood stars, that are actually stars." Rarity informed. "We are so going to be banned from Hollywood." Adagio said. "Not if we weren’t there." Rarity retorted before the Cooper Gang ran by with said items. "Never mind." "Let’s get back to Paris!" Karai urged as she and the other girls fled with Sly and the rest of the Cooper Gang. > The Dread Swamp Path > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the Cooper Gang Van, Rarity waited as Bentley refilled her gauntlets. "So Sly, where are we going now?" "We're going after Mz. Ruby, Chief Mystic of the Fiendish Five, a Voodoo Priestess." Sly answered. "So what’s her backstory?" Karai asked. "Well, it’s complicated." Sly responded "Meaning, it's not good." Adagio simplified. "The third member of the Fiendish Five was the infamous voodoo priestess, Mz. Ruby. Born into a family of mystics, other children found her... scary." Sly informed. "That must've been a tough start." Karai noted, as Rarity and Adagio nodded in agreement. "Sure sounds like it, since teaching herself to summon the undead, provided what few friends she had." Sly added. "Oh dear. She must be very lonely." Rarity noted in sympathy. "And that only made it worse, when a career in crime allowed an adult Mz. Ruby to punish the world for fearing her as a child. Chief mystic for the Fiendish Five, her powers allowed them to break both the laws of man and nature at the same time." Sly explained, much to the Beauty Trio's shock. "Okay, that's bad." Adagio realized. "You bet it is. Yet, despite the whirlwind success of her youth, she'd managed to slip into obscurity. Last known sightings claimed she headed out of civilization and deep into the Haitian jungle." Sly agreed. "Jungle?!" Rarity dreaded. "It's not worse than the sewers." Karai reminded. "She's right about that, Rarity." Adagio agreed. "Okay, you do have a point. But we should at least try to be careful this time around." Rarity suggested as the Cooper Gang Van arrived at the destination. "Sorry, Karai. I'm still working on your new piece of equipment." Bentley apologized as he gave Rarity her refilled gauntlets. "It’s okay, I can wait." Karai responded. 'I can't believe we're going into a swamp." Rarity grimaced. "Earplugs?" Adagio offered to Sly. "Thanks." Sly said in gratitude as he put the earplugs into his ears. "Could me and Murray have some? Just in case." Bentley asked as Adagio tossed to him and Murray a pair. "Thanks, pal." Murray said in gratitude as he and Bentley put the earplugs in their ears. "Much appreciated." Bentley agreed in thanks while Rarity's griping was muffled as everyone waited. "Does this last long?" Sly asked. "Half an hour max." Adagio answered. "Oh brother." The Cooper Gang groaned before Rarity stopped a few minutes later. "She's done." Karai informed as she, Adagio and the boys took their earplugs out of their ears. "Phew!" The Cooper Gang sighed in relief before Sly and the Beauty Trio walked in, suspicious of the lack of guards. "Strange." Sly noted. "No guards." Rarity agreed. "She doesn't need them, we're probably the first people ever to come here." Karai guessed. "Sorry guys, but this is one mission you’ll have to accomplish without me." Bentley said. "Bentley, you really don't like germs, huh?" Rarity asked. "No." Bentley answered. "You don’t believe in ghosts, do you?" Sly assumed. "Sure I do. My scanners have picked up verifiable paranormal activity. But that’s not the problem, and I’m gonna say this for your health. This swamp is oozing with disgusting mold and bacteria, so stay out of the swamp waters." Bentley informed. "Top of my list." Rarity agreed. "Suck it up, you two. We’ve got work to do." Sly pointed out. "I'm still not seeing any guards." Adagio reminded. "Well, alright then. Don’t forget to use the new move you guys learned from Muggshot’s section of the Thievius Raccoonus." Bentley responded. "You mean the Rail Walk?" Sly guessed. "The roots and vines around here are perfect for that. Especially where you see the bark has been worn away. And where it’s super slick from icky slime and moss, you guys will tail slide like a skater grinding pipe." Bentley informed. "A lot good that does me." Karai groaned. "Still, Karai should be able to move along rails just fine, it’s just a little harder." Bentley said as the four stealthy fighters tried it out before noticing some shamans. "Who’re those guys?" Adagio asked. "Trouble." Sly simply answered "Guys, I’m seeing a double door with a lock." Karai informed. "They haven't seen us." Rarity noticed in relief. "Sneak and Strike. Karai, the swamp is your turf. How you want to do it?" Sly asked. "Depends on the situation. Bentley?" Karai responded. "That door leads to Mz. Ruby’s lair. To get in, you’ll need that key on top of the tiki pedestal in the guard compound. There’s a bad mojo force field protecting it, so you guys will have to destroy all five of the purple candles surrounding it." Bentley informed. "No problem." Sly said with confidence. "Don’t get cocky or you guys will end up with your heads shrunk to the size of a pea. You’ll have to beat those voodoo guards, and I’m warning you, they’re mean and they work like a team." Bentley added. "So do we, buddy." Sly responded. "I always wondered how they do that?" Adagio noted. "I’d rather not find out." Rarity replied as Karai noticed the lack of sunlight and got an idea. "Rarity, can you make Adagio look like a giant spider?" Karai asked. "Yes, why are you asking?" Rarity responded. "We're going to give them a good scare." Karai answered. "They'll give us the chance to pick them off one at a time." Sly noticed, "I don’t know guys. I have a feeling they’ve seen plenty of scary things and not be frightened once." Bentley pointed. "Well, any scary spider legends?" Karai asked. "Just Arachne." Bentley answered, much to Rarity's excitement. "Ooh! I’m in! Arachne is one of my favorite myths!" Rarity said with a smile. "Alright, you two get to work. Me and Karai will thin their numbers." Sly ordered. "Sure you don't have a problem working with a Foot Clan member?" Karai asked in concern. "I don't see that. Only a good friend in front of me." Sly answered with a smile. "Thanks, Sly." Karai said in gratitude as the shamans were bored out of their mind, not noticing the snake kunoichi wrapping her tail around one. "Ugh… It’s the same thing everyday. Guard the candles, guard the key. It’s so boring. Why would anyone come here anyway?" The first shaman asked in boredom before Karai tighten her grip and pulled him up. "What the?!" The shaman gasped as Sly knocked him out before he could call for help, but they still noticed his absence. "Something’s wrong here." The second shaman noticed as Sly quietly hooked his cane on his vest. "Express elevator. Going up." Sly quipped. "Wait a minute…" The shaman started to realize before he was pulled away and received the same beating as the other five grew worried. "Okay, this cannot be good." The third shaman said in concern as Rarity and Adagio got into position, but signaled for more time. "Karai, put out the candles." Sly ordered "On it." Karai responded as she dashed passed all five candles, slicing them to bits. "You've done it! The mojo force field is down and you guys can now steal the key!" Bentley informed as the shamans started to get scared. "The lights! What happened to the lights?!" The shaman asked in fear. "Yoink." Karai softly said as she swiped the vault code and slithered away. "Alright, ladies. Showtime." Sly ordered as the shamans looked up when a light shone and saw a giant spider creature, drooling down in hunger. "No! That’s…" The third shaman dreaded. "Arachne!!!" The rest of the shamans finished in horror. "I smell Athena's blood among you." Arachne hissed with a smile as the shamans panicked "Which means to me... DINNER!" Arachne roared as the shamans screamed as they fled. When he was sure the coast was clear, Sly lit a match, revealing himself and Karai. "A+ performance, ladies." Sly said as Adagio was revealed to be wearing a pretty good and realistic spider costume. "We get the code?" Adagio asked as she took off and packed up the costume. "Yep." Karai answered. "I wonder how far they're going to run." Rarity noted. "Who knows." Adagio responded with a shrug. "Bentley, the vault code?" Sly asked. "If I didn’t do my math right, and I ALWAYS my math right, then the combination has got to be 5-8-8." Bentley answered as Sly typed it in and opened the safe before grabbing the page. "Electrifying! Kelle McCooper’s notes on how to harness the electromagnetic field created by a rolling raccoon! Now your Raccoon Roll move will really pack a punch! Plus, it should give you a nice tingling sensation." Bentley informed as Sly pocketed the page and put his calling card into the vault. "Come on, Sparky. Let's roll." Karai quipped while unknown to her nor anyone else, there was a familiar creature that did a comedy rimshot. "What was that?" Karai asked in confusion as Sly grabbed the key. "Probably just the wind." Adagio shrugged as Sly used the key to unlock the door. Meanwhile in Mz. Ruby's lair, the priestess was trying to control Sly and the Beauty Trio but something was blocking her powers. "Somethin’s awfully strange here." "So you're the one who is trying to control them." A familiar voice said. "A departed spirit… I see, so you’re the only one protecting them." Mz. Ruby noticed. "Don't try your voodoo on me. Your powers have no effect on Ninjas." The spirit responded as Mz. Ruby attempted to take control, only for her guest to swat it away. "This happened before, hasn’t it? With a Demodragon?" Mz. Ruby assumed. "One warning. Do not attempt to control my daughter and her friends again." The spirit warned as Mz. Ruby knew that he was living-dead serious about that. "Well, if it’s a fight they want, a fight they’ll get. So Ah’ll be waiting for them." Mz. Ruby declared. "At the cost of proving everyone else right." The spirit added, making Mz. Ruby freeze at that. "So you know." Mz. Ruby said as she turned around, only to find that she was alone. "Hmm…" Mz. Ruby wondered as she started to have doubts, but shook those thoughts out of her head as she went back to her chambers in order to wait for Sly and the Beauty Trio's arrival. > The Lair of the Beast > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As the group pressed forward, they still noticed the lack of guards. "Again?" Sly asked, unimpressed. "Like you said, we're probably the first people to come here." Karai remembered. "Sheesh! Look at that giant skull!" Rarity noticed as everyone else looked at what she was talking about. "An alligator skull?" Adagio asked. "Nobody tell Pinkie, Mikey, or Leatherhead about this." Karai said. "Agreed." Rarity and Adagio responded in agreement. "Guys! My paranormal scanner is maxing out on that structure!" Bentley informed. "A reading like that could only be coming off of Mz. Ruby herself." Sly noted. "I'm seriously glad Voodoo doesn't exist in Equestria... I think." Adagio said in relief. "Well, if you guys want a crack at Mz. Ruby you’re going to have to find a way inside that skull temple." Bentley advised. "What's the deal with that gate?" Karai noticed as everyone else saw what she was talking about, seeing a gate with three locks. "Why don’t we take a look on the other side of the gate?" Sly suggested. "I tracked a key to a lake full of Piranhas. Any volunteers?" Bentley asked. "I think you three could go on a girls trip in there while I head over that wall." Sly offered. "Not a chance. This place is too dangerous for solo missions." Rarity responded. "She's right. Teams of two are safer." Karai agreed. "Alright, but be careful. I want to get you three home safely." Sly responded. "I'll go with Sly." Adagio volunteered before the two duos split up as she and Sly arrived at a large gate. "What's with the large gate?" Adagio asked. "It’s an industrial-strength voodoo gate. Mz. Ruby must really be trying to keep something out." Bentley noticed. "Or maybe… she’s trying to keep something in!" Sly corrected. "I really don't like the sound of that." Adagio dreaded as she found the vault code nailed to the gate. "Seriously? Talk about pathetic." "There's writing on the back." Sly noticed as Adagio found the words 'Your Funeral' on the back. "What's that supposed to mean?" Adagio asked. "Remember what I said about keeping something in?" Sly remembered. "I'm a Lieutenant of the Foot Clan and you're a Hamato Clan member skilled with Sais... We can take whatever it is easily." Adagio responded. "I don’t doubt that." Sly agreed as he and Adagio climbed in with their weapons ready, before giant spiders suddenly ambushed them as the duo easily sliced them up. "That's what they were afraid?" Adagio asked with a chuckle. "Nah, I don’t think that’s it." Sly noticed as he and Adagio moved from branch-to-branch and vine-to-vine, taking out other spiders that ambushed them along the way while neither of them noticed something staring at them with hungry eyes before they started fighting mosquitoes now. "Got any bug spray?" Sly quipped. "No, unfortunately." Adagio answered as she and Sly started jumping from branch-to-branch right above the water. "These walls are making me claustrophobic. Whoa! Did you see those reeds move? There's something huge under there. You better get going." Bentley advised as the two got onto higher ground before the bugs all started to flee in terror of something. "Was it something I said?" Sly asked. "Beats me." Adagio shrugged before she and Sly sensed something disturbing behind them. "I'm think we found the answer." Sly noticed. "Don't move. It can't see us if we're standing still." Adagio said before something roared as its way of saying it sees them. "Really?" Sly sarcastically asked. "Never mind." Adagio responded as she and Sly slowly turned and saw a Kaiju-sized snake staring hungrily at them. "RUN!" Sly screamed. "NO NEED TO TELL ME TWICE!" Adagio responded as the snake chased the duo throughout the cage until Sly spotted the vault. "Adagio, think you can distract it?" Sly asked. "You owe me big time." Adagio responded as she led the snake away while Sly got to work on the vault. "I had to overcome some personal demons to help you with the answer to this one. Try 4-4-4." Bentley advised as Sly was confused by his remark, but typed it in. "Ah! A more modern entry, Bruce O’Coop’s Computer Hacking Technique! Using the data on this page, I should be able to tap the duty roster in each hideout and project guard information into your Binoc-u-coms!" "Well, a lot of good it does me." Sly said. "Don't worry, Sly. We all have our strengths and weaknesses." Bentley responded. "True." Sly agreed. "I mean I can’t walk on tightropes or ledges on walls." Bentley admitted. "Really touching but... HELP!" Adagio screamed. "On it!" Sly responded as he hooked his cane Adagio's shirt and pulled her up while the two of them managed to get to where the key was, before the giant snake monster submerged into the swamp while Adagio grabbed the key as she and Sly ran by. "Over the cage!" Sly said while he and Adagio scrambled over as they got over the wall before they became snake food, unfortunately Adagio started throwing up after they escaped. "Sheesh! So that’s what was being kept in." Sly noted while Adagio kept throwing up. "This could take a while to recover from. Besides, I don’t think this should be mentioned to Karai." "Agreed." Adagio said in agreement. "That was quick." Sly noted. "Watch it!" Adagio growled. "Just saying." Sly explained as he and Adagio met back with the others who were riddled with piranha bites, while some still had a piranha or two on them. "What happened to you girls?" "Don't ask. You?" Karai asked as she and Rarity pried off the piranhas on them. "You don’t wanna know." Adagio answered. "We got a key. You?" Sly responded. "We got the key on our area. Which means we got enough to unlock that gate." Rarity answered. "…Okay." Sly hesitantly said as he threw the keys into the locks, making them fall off as the gate opened, only to reveal the giant snake monster from before as it roared. "NOT AGAIN!!!" Sly and Adagio shouted as Rarity screamed. "What in the world?!" Karai gasped as the monster jumped many times from the swamp waters, destroying a gate before roaring again as it went back to where it came from before the gates closed. "I think I just wet myself." Sly admitted as Bentley snickered on the Binoc-u-com. "Not... Funny, Bentley" "Your fur’s starting to look wet, but you didn’t go into the swamp." Bentley pointed out as Rarity handed him some cleaning supplies while Adagio threw up again. "That’s twice now that you did that, Adagio." Sly noted. "I’m guessing that’s what happened in there?" Karai assumed as Adagio just nodded, since her stomach was upset. "I hate Voodoo." "But we can't hate Mz. Ruby." Rarity pointed out as Mz. Ruby heard this from her lair. "She did wrong, but it's not with justification." "She killed my dad... But you're right." Sly admitted as Mz. Ruby was shocked. "The world feared her for something that was natural for her. That hatred is understandable." Adagio added. "I hope we can settle this without a fight." Karai said. "You really wish for that?" Sly asked. "It's the right thing to do." Rarity answered as Mz. Ruby was beyond shocked at hearing that. "Alright, but if she attacks we defend ourselves." Sly responded. "Alright. Let's just get moving." Rarity said while back at Mz. Ruby’s hideout, she fell onto her butt, completely and utterly speechless at what the Beauty Trio said. "Mz. Ruby..." A strange figure said on-screen as Mz. Ruby had hoped to never hear that mechanical voice again. "Yes, sir?" Mz. Ruby asked. "I understand some vermin are reeking havoc with my operation. I expect you to deal with them. It would be ashame if the one person who ever cared about you were to... Disappear." The voice threatened as that made Mz. Ruby freeze in horror. "The traitors and the raccoon are mine. You can have the white one." "Y-Yes." Mz. Ruby scarcely responded. "Good." The mysterious figure said as the screen went dark, before Mz. Ruby lost all hope. > A Grave Undertaking > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- With Sly and the Beauty Trio at the broken gate, they were still recovering from that experience. "I still can’t believe you survived an encounter with that!" Rarity said in shock. "Kinda wish we hadn't." Sly responded. "Why don’t I go with Sly in the next area?" Karai offered. "Okay, just let me do the leg work." Sly quipped. "Very funny, Sly." Karai sarcastically said. "I thought so." Sly responded. "You know I was being sarcastic." Karai pointed out. "I do." Sly said with a smile. "Don't bother, Karai. You'll just end up aggravated like Carmelita." Bentley advised. "Thanks for the tip." Karai said in gratitude. "Adagio, Rarity... I've got a job to keep you busy." Bentley informed. "Okay." Adagio responded. "What’s the worst that could happen?" Rarity asked. "Famous last words." Bentley sighed. "Why do I have a bad feeling about this?" Adagio dreaded. "Uh, we're dealing with a Voodoo Priestess. I don't think we can have a good feeling here." Sly pointed out. "I know, but about what Rarity said." Adagio corrected. "Come on, Chili Lover." Rarity teased. "Don’t push me, Rarity. I’m coming." Adagio growled as she and Rarity went off. "How are you three friends?" Sly asked as he was walking with Karai. "It’s complicated, but we get along well." Karai answered before she and Sly entered a trap filled area. "What is this? A obstacle course?" "Guys, you both had better be on your guard here. My paranormal scanners show this place is really haunted!" Bentley warned. "Bentley, calm down." Sly advised before he whispered to him. "Have you found out if Mz. Ruby has the you know what?" "Sorry, Sly. I haven't had any luck. You sure that scroll wasn't destroyed?" Bentley whispered back. "I know that it isn’t gone, and we can’t let it stay intact!" Sly declared in whispers. "But why did your family have the..." Bentley started to ask. "Shh! Quiet!" Sly shushed. "What are you hiding?" Karai asked. "Whaddya mean? Hiding?" Sly tried to deny it. "Sly, I'm not going to pressure you to tell me. But promise me that you'll tell us whatever your secret is when you're ready." Karai said. "Karai’s right, Sly. You’ll have to tell the girls soon." Bentley agreed. "Alright, but I don't want you three to get the wrong idea. All I'll say is the Hamato Clan here were entrusted to guard something dangerous. When the Fiendish Five took the Thievius Raccoonus pages, they took the object, too." Sly explained. "And I have a feeling that it’s really bad." Karai responded. "Luckily, I know they never used it. Otherwise, we'd be in a world of pain. Raleigh and Muggshot didn't have it, that just leaves the last three." Sly added while neither he nor Karai noticed something coming towards them underground. "No one in your family tried to destroy it?" Karai asked. "We tried hundreds of times for generations. None of us made so much as a scratch." Sly answered. "Why does that sound so familiar?" Karai noticed. "All I'll say right now is if we're lucky, they just just sold it to a collector and it's collecting..." Sly started to say before a skeletal hand grabbed his leg. "What the?!" Sly gasped as he sliced it off before a reanimated skeleton climbed out. "I warned you!" Bentley said as Sly swung his cane and destroyed the skeleton. "Sly, it has friends!" Karai informed. "Oh boy…" Sly groaned as the duo held them off well until Karai spotted a stone transmitting energy. "Sly!" Karai shouted. "I see it! Smash it, I'll cover you." Sly informed. "Thanks!" Karai responded in gratitude as Sly switched his cane to spear mode and charged at them while Karai sped and smashed skeletons until she got to the stone. "Go back to the underworld, boneheads!" Karai quipped as she smashed the stone and got the code from it, with the skeletons found themselves being pulled back into the earth. "I thought you said one-liners were your brothers' thing." Sly panted. "I can try to be funny too." Karai pointed out before ghosts and tree creatures showed up. "Okay, now we run." Sly said as he and Karai ran off and found the Treasure Key and vault. "Did you get the code?" "Right here. Hurry!" Karai urged as she gave Sly the code. "Okay, okay, this is kind of a guess try 1-2-8." Bentley informed as Sly typed it in quickly before opening the vault and grabbing the page while Karai grabbed the key. "These are the blueprints to Mz. Ruby’s production facility! I’ll pipe this information into your Binoc-u-coms." "Whatever!" Karai said. "There’s gotta be other tombstones!" Bentley notified. "Over there!" Sly shouted as he and Karai rushed and broke another tombstone, with the Ghosts disappearing, but the tree creatures were still here. "Karai, look for the Tombstone. I have an idea." Sly said as he started to try and start a fire, before swinging his torch. "BACK! BACK, I SAY!" "A little cliche, don't you think?!" Karai asked. "Just find the stone!" Sly responded. "Okay!" Karai said as she spotted the final stone below them. "Sly, last one is below us!" "Really?" Sly asked. "You smash it, I got the torch." Karai answered. "Okay." Sly responded as Karai grabbed the torch and kept the tree monsters at bay. "Go back to where you belong!" Sly shouted as he smashed the tombstone, making the tree creatures start to stiffen before they stopped completely. "*Shaken* Let's get back to the others." "Okay." Karai shakily agreed as she and Sly tried to walk, but the experience left them a bit rattled. "Press your weight against mine. Shoulder to shoulder." Sly advised. "Gonna be hard without me having legs. And why do I suddenly feel like a llama?" Karai noticed as she and Sly leaned on each other for support as the duo made their way back with the key, then they collapsed. "I don't care if more monsters come, I just want to lay here for a bit." Sly said. "Normally I’d disagree, but I’m tired too." Karai agreed as the both of them laid on the ground until Adagio and Rarity came back, covered in soot. "Oh dear! What happened to you two?!" Rarity asked. "Look in a mirror lately?" Sly quipped "Not funny, Sly." Rarity hissed as Adagio helped the duo get up and gave them water to drink. "Phew! Thanks! We were totally exhausted from that haunting experience!" Karai said. "Anyone else noticing these ghouls seem to be ignoring us right now?" Adagio noticed. "Don’t! Just don’t." Karai responded. "We'll rest here, find the last two keys, then take down Mz. Ruby." Sly said. "Sly, what is it that your family has been guarding?" Adagio asked as Karai told her and Rarity about it. "Girls... A scroll." Sly answered. "That's it? A scroll?" Adagio noted in confusion. "That's all I can say." Sly confirmed. "Well, you can tell us the whole story when you're ready." Rarity said. "Thanks." Sly responded in gratitude before mentally thinking, "I really hope the scroll is here." > Descent Into Danger > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After resting a bit, Sly and the Beauty Trio went ahead past the broken gate. "You ran into skeletons, ghosts and tree monsters?" Rarity asked. "Yeah." Sly answered as Adagio just sighed at that. "It was like a horror movie." Karai said. "I can only imagine what truly happened in there!" Rarity shivered in fear. "They were generated by some kind of tombstone or something." Sly explained as that just made Adagio sigh again. "Let's find those last two keys." Adagio said as she, Sly and the other two girls arrived at the next area. "What is that thing?!" Rarity gasped as she, Karai, Adagio and Sly saw a giant machine mixing the swamp water. "Bentley, any ideas?" Sly asked. "Looks like some kind of giant voodoo egg beater to stir up that unsanitary mess." Bentley answered. "Still no guards." Adagio noticed. "You might wanna look again." Bentley pointed out as Sly and the Beauty Trio looked down and saw two shamans under the device, keeping an eye out for anything odd. "Strange." Adagio said. "There’s seven keyholes on that thing." Karai noticed. "If we could unlock the cauldron’s lid, we might be able to thrash their production and build up enough steam pressure to get launched up to Ruby’s skull temple." Sly explained. "What about the shamans?" Rarity asked. "Sounds like we’ve got a plan. To get around that thing without getting caught, try moving in the shadows made by the masks so that the guards won’t see you." Bentley answered "Good idea." Karai agreed. "I’ll go with Sly this time." Rarity volunteered as the group split up into two and stayed quiet. Meanwhile with Sly and Rarity... "Spotlight!" Sly pointed out as he and Rarity braced against the wall as it passed. Soon, the duo found themselves in a huge swamp. "I see the vault." Rarity noticed. "Looks like we’ll have to get to higher ground and knock out the guards." Sly noted as Rarity fired a grappling hook and the two climbed across it. "Oh my!" Rarity gasped as she and Sly saw machinery and spotlights at their destination. "Look at all the security. This must be the source of all the disgusting green soup!" Bentley informed. "Hold me steady, Rarity." Sly said before Rarity lowered him down as the master thief pickpocketed the code from a nearby guard, before something fiery whooshed past the snow leopard, making Rarity panic and flail Sly around. "Rarity! What happened?!" Bentley asked. "Something on fire just sped right past me!" Rarity shouted. "Whoa! I guess the source has its own defense system! Look!" Bentley noticed as Rarity looked and saw the source summoning flaming skulls before they flew at Rarity. "Unlock the vault!" Rarity panicked. "Bentley!" Sly yelled. "These codes are nothing before my righteous analytical ability! The combination has to be 5-7-1." Bentley informed as Sly inputted the code, before opening the vault and grabbing the page. "Mind-bending! It’s Matthew de la Coopeur’s Perpetual Slow Motion Technique. With this move you and the girls can slow down time whenever you want, not just while jumping." "Cool, now to pull you up." Rarity said as she was pulling Sly up, unaware a Shaman was readying to attack her, but then time suddenly started slowing down expect for Rarity and Sly. "Huh?" "Wait, that must’ve been the technique on the page!" Sly noticed as Rarity turned around and saw her attacker. "Good thing you did it." Rarity said in relief. "We got to meet up with the others." Sly said as he and Rarity destroyed the machine. "What about the key?" Rarity asked. "They'll probably need help getting it." Sly answered before the duo heard something opening. "Get ready." Sly said as he and Rarity went back down from the destroyed machine, only to find that a secret passageway has opened. "What is it?" Rarity requested as Sly looked inside and saw something. "Hey Rare, there’s a key in here." Sly answered. "Then what are the others doing?" Rarity asked as Sly went in and grabbed the key. "Let’s head back and find out." Sly responded. "It's not hard to knock down those skeletons." Karai's voice said as Rarity and Sly looked behind and saw her and Adagio, looking a little singed. "The trick is getting them to stay down." "Did you use some kind of high-energy cannon?" Sly asked. "Sort of." Adagio answered. "I tried to explain it to them." Bentley said. "Guys, can we hurry? This place is starting to scare me." Murray timidly asked. "Don't worry, Murray. We're almost done." Sly answered. "Yes, we have all seven keys." Karai agreed. "Be careful, you’re probably walking into a trap." Bentley warned. "I think we know that." Rarity responded. "And we've survived worst." Adagio added. "Like hearing Sly in stereo?" Bentley quipped as the girls stifled a snicker at that. "Let's go." Sly said as he and the Beauty Trio went off to unlock the cauldron. > A Deadly Dance > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Bentley, any luck analyzing that strange vehicle?" Adagio asked as she, Karai, Rarity and Sly were walking back to the cauldron. "I'm doing my best. I've never seen a vehicle like that thing." Bentley answered. "Guys, we’re here." Sly pointed out as he and the Beauty Trio made it back to the cauldron. "Sly, I get that she helped kill your father, but she suffered enough with the world fearing her." Karai said. "I know, but that doesn’t mean we don’t need her segment of the Thievius Raccoonus." Sly replied. "Just remember you promise we'd try talking first." Rarity reminded. "Alright." Sly responded. "Sometimes, negotiation is better than confrontation." Bentley agreed as everyone used the keys to unlock the gate, causing the machine to fall apart as the lid fell onto the small pool, building up pressure. "Now get on the lid of the cauldron before it blows off!" Bentley informed while the four they climbed aboard, with Sly helping Karai up. "Thanks." Karai said in gratitude as the lid built up more pressure. "No problem. Just helping a friend." Sly replied as the cauldron launched the group high into the air. "Jump!" Bentley shouted as Sly and the Beauty Trio all jumped off into Mz. Ruby's lair, landing on some giant teeth. "Well, well, well... I did sense the energies of the two ninja clans. Most distastefully bad juju." Mz. Ruby said. "Yeah well, we've been having such a day lady." Sly retorted. "Mz. Ruby please, we don't want to fight you." Adagio added. "So why don’t you just give us the page?" Sly asked. "Hahahahaha. Oh, Sly… I can see your mouth a-movin’, but all I hear is ‘blah-blah-blah.’" Mz. Ruby taunted. "We get it. You're angry at the world. But don't give them the proof that you are a monster." Karai sympathized. "Grr…!!! Why don’t you fight me and find out?" Mz. Ruby growled "Please don't make us." Rarity begged. "It’s not like any of us have a choice here! Well, if jaws need to flap, then let them flap!" Mz. Ruby declared as sharp fangs in the tunnel started going up and down in a rhythm, colliding with each other. "Sorry, girls. We tried." Sly said. "It seems negotiations have broken down." Bentley noted as the Beauty Trio's hearts sank, before they and Sly followed Mz. Ruby as she conjured up a spell. "I know you don't want to fight, so how about a contest?" Mz. Ruby offered before she teleported to another spot as a turtle surfaced from the water. "What contest? You can’t run forever." Sly quipped. "Quite true. Quite true. How about I have my servant, Chumley, escort y’all over here?" Mz. Ruby asked. "We win, you turn over to the authorities quietly?" Karai assumed. "Fine, but y’all have to get to me four times, and that was already one." Mz. Ruby explained. "Alright, but to be fair. What do you want if you win?" Adagio asked. "How's about whatever magic is protecting the Snow Leopard?" Mz. Ruby requested. "Deal." Rarity agreed without hesitation, much to Karai and Adagio's shock of her taking such a big risk willingly. "Rarity!" Adagio gasped. "What’re you thinking?!" Karai asked in disbelief. "Let the game begin." Mz. Ruby declared. "Alright, but what?" Sly asked. "Oh, nothin’. Just a little something I like to play with my guests. If you repeat what I do, you’ll dodge it just fine. If not, you’ll get zapped! Haha!" Mz. Ruby laughed. "So, a little Voodoo Simon Says, huh? Sounds easy enough." Sly noted. "Your father had that same confidence... I liked it." Mz. Ruby admitted, having left Sly smiling as she preformed the spell. Sly and the Beauty Trio boarded Chumley as he started swimming forward before Mz. Ruby fired circle, triangle and square-shaped energy blasts in a rhythm-like manner, as Sly and the Beauty Trio dodged in the same rhythm, avoiding the blasts, dodging them and doing well until they reached the end. "That makes two." Mz. Ruby counted as she teleported to higher ground with spires leading up there. "Let's put your techniques to the test." Mz. Ruby quipped as she formed an X-shaped energy blast. "Scatter!" Sly shouted as Mz. Ruby threw the energy blast at the spire, blowing it up, but he and the Beauty Trio dodged them perfectly and soon enough, they got to Mz. Ruby again. "One more." Mz. Ruby counted before she teleported again, far this time, as Sly and the Beauty Trio boarded a mosquito. "Hope this mosquito is male." Sly quipped as Mz. Ruby sent her attacks to the heroes. But while he and the Beauty Trio dodged, the tempo started going faster, dodging the energy blasts at a faster pace before getting close to land. "Game over, Mz. Ruby." Sly declared as he and the Beauty Trio leapt off the mosquito, catching up to Mz. Ruby one last time. "Y’all certainly got some rhythm there. Alright, you win. I’ll turn myself in, and you can have my page of your book. But it won't you any good if you go toe-to-toe with the Panda King. He’s tough, with a capital T! If you go around poking his stronghold in China, you’re likely to get poked back!" Mz. Ruby warmed. “We can handle ourselves. And we're sorry.” Rarity apologized. “For what?” Mz. Ruby asked. “For what the world put you through.” Rarity answered. “Why?” Mz. Ruby added. “It's never right to fear what you don't understand.” Karai responded as Sly got the page from the vault. “Who's the ancestor this time?” Adagio asked. “This section holds notes from my pioneering ancestor, Slytunkhamen Cooper. His invisibility technique allowed him to steal from from corrupt pharaohs and greedy noblemen.” Sly explained. "Wow." Rarity awed in amazement, before she, Karai, Adagio and Sly left as Mz. Ruby stooped the master thief. "Did Raleigh or Muggshot have the scroll?!" Mz. Ruby asked in complete concern. "No, they didn’t. How did you know about that thing anyway?" Sly responded. "I'm a Voodoo Priestess. You do the math." Mz. Ruby answered. "Right." Sly noted. "I don't know where it is, but you have to find it before someone is stupid enough to use the spell." Mz. Ruby informed. "At least we can agree on that." Sly said with a smile as he and the Beauty Trio left. Later at a different location, Karai was inspecting the photos once more. "Again, Karai?" Adagio asked as she came back while Rarity was sunbathing. The three girls had swimsuits on and the location they were at was a tropical beach. "It's the silhouette." Karai answered. "Well, listen to this. The papers say that Mz. Ruby isn't going to be getting a life prison sentence." Adagio informed. "Really?" Karai asked. "It’s true." Rarity confirmed. "That’s a relief." Karai said, glad that things turned out well. "According to the papers, she's still going to jail. But the court showed mercy since she was more a victim most of her life." Adagio added. "That’s good to hear." Karai sighed in relief. "Did Sly just really fish in someone’s wallet?" Rarity noticed as the Cooper Gang rushed by. "Get ready to run." > A Perilous Ascent > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After some relaxation, the group went after the next member. "So who’s next on the list?" Rarity asked. "It looks like the Fiendish Five's Demolition Expert: The Panda King." Sly answered. "A bit on the nail, don’t you think?" Karai noted. "According to these files, he's actually close friends with Mz. Ruby." Adagio informed. "That does make sense." Rarity agreed. "Nice to know she does have someone who cares about her." Murray said in relief. "And I heard that she was considered an aunt to his only daughter." Bentley added. "So how did he become a criminal?" Rarity asked. "Well, the road trip gave me the time I needed to study up on the Panda King." Sly said. "So what did you find out?" Karai asked. "Here’s what I found out about him; Born penniless, Panda King was fascinated by the fireworks rich noblemen set off every New Years." Sly informed. "Wow! That sounds fantastic!" Rarity awed in amazement, before she grew concerned. "He spent a decade learning the art, but when he tried to offer his fireworks to the noblemen, they couldn't see past his shabby clothes and chased him away." Sly answered. much to the girls' shock. "Man... They really judged the book by its cover." Adagio groaned. "Yeah, and that only made things worse. Humiliated, the Panda King took revenge on those who shunned him by using the very tools of his art for crime. The Fiendish Five recruited him as their demolitions expert, and from then on, his explosive touch became feared worldwide." Sly explained. "Oh dear! I just hope we can reason with him." Rarity said as Karai and Adagio agreed with her. "Well, he's rumored to be perfecting some new firework technique high in the unstable Kunlun Mountains of western China." Sly informed. "Unstable?" Adagio asked. "Yeah, lots of potential avalanches there." Sly confirmed. "Well let's try to keep this one at low volume." Karai advised as the Cooper Van closed in on their destination. Unfortunately, Karai's lack of Warm Blood started catching up "Brrr! You got any warm jackets?" "Yeah, but you can stay with the van if you want, Karai." Sly offered. "I’ll take the j-j-j-j-jacket." Karai shivered before she yawned. "Why don't I help out on this mission?" Murray asked. "Okay. Karai, go with Murray and scout ahead." Sly ordered. "If you say so." Karai responded as she wrapped her tail around Murray and hopped onto him before Sly and the duo continued through a different path. Soon enough, they saw a statue that looked like the Panda King, before they saw a firework fly from it. "Would you look at that? A fireworks show!" Bentley awed before the firework exploded on a nearby mountaintop, causing an avalanche on the village below it. "Oh my gosh, that’s awful! That poor village just got buried in freezing snow!" "Any survivors, Bentley?" Rarity asked. "For some reason, no one was there. So all of them survived." Bentley answered "That's a relief. Still, call emergency services as a precaution." Sly added. "Already on it." Bentley responded. "Let's get going, ladies." Sly said. "That firework came from that statue, so I bet that’s where we’ll find the Panda King." Adagio noted. "Murray and I spotted guards there, so expect trouble." Karai informed on the Binoc-u-com. "Unfortunately, the only treasure key to the gate is heavily guarded." Bentley added as the trio saw a lot of guards, knowing that their sneak and strike might not work this time. "Guess we'll have to do this the hard way." Sly noted. "Wait… Remember Mz. Ruby’s segment of the Thievius Raccoonus?" Rarity remembered. "I like where you're going, Rarity." Sly said with a smile. "Guess it’s time to make like a ghost and disappear." Adagio quipped as Sly tried the technique out first, becoming invisible. "Well, ladies?" Sly asked as Rarity and Adagio tried out the technique as well, pulling the trick off. "I should warn you guys, the invisibility only lasts if you stay still." Bentley advised. "Alright Bentley, thanks for the warning." Adagio said in gratitude as everyone deactivated the technique but then notice they still can't see Rarity too well. "Guess all that whiteness will come in handy for Rarity." "Oh! But I still like to keep my decency!" Rarity pointed out. "Okay, here's the plan..." Sly started to inform. Later, the guards did their usual routes, unaware they were walking into an ambush as a pair of eyes came out of the snow, but no one noticed. One of the seven guards walked by when a pair of arms grabbed him. "Huh?! What the?!" The guard gasped but he wasn't able to sound the alarm when he got pulled in and beaten up. Sly waited for the guard to pass by to swipe the vault code. "Yoink!" Sly quietly quipped as he pickpocketed the vault code. "Huh?" The second guard wondered as he turned around, but didn't see anyone. "Must’ve been just me." He shrugged before Adagio sprung out of the bushes and knocked him out. "Nah, it wasn’t." Adagio corrected. Two guards were standing together, unaware Rarity was lining up her gauntlets. "Perfect." Rarity said as she nailed their heads with her grappling hooks and slammed them into each other, knocking them out. Sly jumped above the remaining three and pulled out his sais. "Alright." Sly noted as he jumped down and the guards received a one-way ticket to Knock Out City. "A shame ninjas are Japanese and not Chinese. I could've used a workout." "Speak for yourself, Sly." Adagio responded. "Heehee! What about those chili dogs you ate? You look like you could use some exercise as well." Rarity teased, poking Adagio's belly. "Don't we have a vault to open?" Adagio asked, feeling agitated as Rarity giggled before the tiger smirked. "And what about all that ice cream you’ve been depress-eating, Rarity?" Adagio retorted, poking Rarity's belly back. "Oh you did not just go there!" Rarity angrily growled. "Yeah I did. So?" Adagio mocked as the two female felines butted heads against each other while Sly went to the fault, with Murray and Karai snickering as they overheard the duo. "Ladies, let's open the vault before I'm tempted to let this cat fight happen." Sly pointed out as Rarity and Adagio hissed before they decided to let it go for now. "We’ll settle this later." Rarity said. "Yeah, definitely later." Adagio agreed. "Okay, a few of us should move these unconscious bodies to shelter so they don't freeze to death. I'm going to open the vault." Sly informed as Rarity and Adagio got the Treasure Key. "We’ll take care of them." Rarity responded. "Got the code, Bentley?" Sly asked. "I got a real headache figuring this one out. Input 5-7-8." Bentley informed as Sly put the code in and the vault opened, before he grabbed the page in it. "This just gets better and better. I’d always heard that one of your Southern ancestors, Huckleberry Cooper developed a technique to move while staying invisible!" "Ladies, we scored big time!" Sly said excitement as the duo came back from sheltering the unconscious guards. High up the mountain, the Panda King sat in a meditative state. "Mz. Ruby, my dear friend. You have been defeated, haven't you?" The Panda King realized as he then sensed a spiritual presence. "I am still grateful the police showed you mercy. And I know a departed spirit is here." "I am impressed you have sensed me." A familiar spirit noticed. "What business does the dead have with the living?" The Panda King asked. "I have come to offer you one chance: Turn over the book pages and submit to the police." The spirit responded. "You speak on behalf of your approaching disciples, do you not?" The Panda King assumed. "So you know." The spirit said in confirmation. "I cannot comply with your order. But I will not hold back on them. Such an act would be dishonorable." The Panda King answered. "I understand." The spirit sympathized as the Panda King found himself alone before he prepared for his guests. > The Unseen Foe > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- While Karai and Murray were scouting, the hippo noticed something. "Hey, a snow cone stand." "Uh… is this a good time to get a snack?" Karai asked in concern. "Come on, Karai. A quick snack won't hurt." Murray answered. "Okay…" Karai responded as she walked over with Murray, before some of Panda King's guards had an idea. Meanwhile, Sly and the girls were continuing forward. "Nice job getting into the Panda King’s compound. I think I’ve figured out a way to get to the top of that giant statue, but unfortunately it’s obstructed by this reinforced ceiling hatch." Bentley informed as Sly saw a bundle of five fireworks with three locks. "No problem. They seem to have plenty of firepower around here. We’ll just have to find a few more treasure keys to get at it." Sly said. "I wonder how Murray and Karai are doing?" Adagio noted. "We got a problem!" Karai shouted on the Binoc-u-com. "I had to open my mouth." Adagio groaned. "We were just gonna get a quick ice cream snack, and the next thing we knew, monkeys are everywhere, bugging us to race them three times around this track for a key!" Murray informed. "Wow, Deja Vu." Rarity noticed. "You’re telling me." Adagio agreed. "You two think you can handle it?" Sly asked. "Sure thing." Karai answered. "Good luck. We'll get the other keys." Sly responded. "Bentley, are there any keys we can split up on?" Rarity asked. "There’s one that has a vehicle identical to what Adagio and Karai found in Mz. Ruby's lair. Someone with some serious high-tech skills must be providing these guys with hardware... the fifth member of the Fiendish Five, perhaps?" Bentley informed. "I'll handle that one." Adagio volunteered. "Alright. Just be careful." Sly said before Adagio rushed off as he and Rarity went a different direction, then the fashionista giggled all of a sudden. "What's so funny?" "Oh, just thinking about Rainbow Dash. She’ll be so jealous of all the places me and the girls have been, especially China since she loves Kung-Fu." Rarity responded. "Friend of yours?" Sly assumed. "One of my best friends." Rarity confirmed. "It's nice to have friends." Sly noted. "Indeed." Rarity agreed as she and Sly came across a temple and ten guards. "This looks like a good place to try out that addition of your new invisibility move." Bentley noticed. "Read my mind, Bentley." Sly responded. "Itsy Bitsy Spider?" Rarity asked. "Sure. You go spin your webs, I'll pick off my share." Sly said while some strange spirit shimmered behind Rarity as she went above to lay her trap. "Huh?" Rarity wondered as she turned around, but saw nothing. Sly turned invisible and snuck up to a couple of guards and slapped one in the back of the head. "Hey, why'd you hit me?!" "What’re you talking about?" The second guard asked in confusion. "You just slapped me!" The first guard responded as Sly then kneed the other one. "Gah! You just kicked me!" A guard shouted as Sly slipped away before the guards started fighting each other. Rarity weaved Five's webs and lowered herself down to a guard. "Boo." Rarity quipped. "Huh?" A guard wondered as he turned around to see a terrifying spider monster, causing him to turn white and freeze in terror, before Rarity tied him up and pulled him up to the web. "Oh my! It worked better than last time." Rarity gasped in surprise as Sly snuck up to another guard and threw him to the ground with his cane. "Hey, who are..." The guard started to ask when Rarity grabbed him before he could sound the alarm. "I'm really starting to like that move." Sly said with a smile. "You’re not the only one." Rarity agreed as she wrapped up another guard, while Sly rushed at another with his sais. "Surprise!" Sly quipped as he cut the guard up before kicking him into Rarity's web. "This is actually fun!" Rarity cheered. "Do what you love..." Sly started off. "And love what you do!" Rarity finished as Sly threw some exploding hats at the remaining guards. "Huh? What’s this?" A guard wondered as Sly pressed the detonator. "Gah!" The guards screamed as they were knocked out by the explosions while Rarity swung over and trapped in her web. "That's the last of them." Rarity said as she grabbed the vault code from one of the trapped guards. "So, they're going to be okay up there, right?" Sly asked. "Yes. And I got the vault code." Rarity answered. "Perfect. Bentley, give me an update on the others." Sly requested. "Murray and Karai won the race, and Adagio got her treasure key." Bentley answered. "Pays to have a good team, huh Sly?" Rarity asked with a smile. "You bet!" Sly agreed. "So, what's the vault code?" Rarity requested. "It was a challenge, but this vault’s combination has got to be 6-6-7." Bentley informed as Sly inputted the code, causing the vault to open as he grabbed the page. "Incredible! I never would’ve thought this was possible! Sir Augustine of Cooper’s technique to briefly defy gravity! From now on, you guys should be able to get across bottomless pits no problem!" "All the same, let's not test it out." Rarity suggested as she grabbed the treasure key of the area. "I’m sure we could use it at other times." Sly pointed out. "Guys, you coming?" Adagio asked as she showed up with a Treasure key in a hand while eating a chili dog in the other one. "Guys! The pagoda you’re at is some kind of huge gun powder production plant. Judging by the scale, the Panda King must be making tons of explosives!" Bentley said. "Better inform the police about this, Bentley." Sly informed. "Already on it, buddy." Bentley responded. Meanwhile, Carmelita had arrived at the mountain tracking Sly and his friends. "How am I supposed to find them?" Carmelita asked. "Maybe I could help." A mysterious voice offered. "Back again?" Carmelita assumed as she turned around, only to be surprised. "I don’t know who you’re talking about. But if I could help you protect my home, it’d be great." The mysterious voice responded as Carmelita thought about it. > Flaming Temple of Flame > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- At a restaurant, Adagio was having a hot meal when Sly and Rarity caught up with her. "Seriously, Adagio?" Rarity deadpanned. "It's freezing up here. We heard you complaining about the swamp." Adagio answered. "Well I’m certainly not complaining about this place since I’m a snow leopard." Rarity responded. "Here's the key." Adagio said as she tossed the treasure key to Sly, who caught it. "What about Karai's?" Sly asked. "She gave it to me." Adagio responded as she brought out another treasure key. "She and Murray okay?" Rarity checked. "Yep. And they went to the next area." Adagio answered. "We'll catch up with them later." Sly added. "We can unlock those fireworks so we can destroy that hatch now." Rarity informed. "Wanna do the honors, Rarity?" Sly offered. "Thank you." Rarity responded in gratitude as she threw three keys, unlocking the three locks on the bundle of fireworks. "Fire in the hole!" Adagio shouted, lighting the fireworks as they flew in the air before crashing into the hatch, destroying it. "That's one way to make a door." Sly quipped. "Let’s get going." Rarity said as she, Adagio and Sly jumped down the open hatch. "Guys, me and Karai spotted Inspector Fox over an hour ago." Murray informed on the Binoc-u-com. "That’s kind of Carmelita." Sly said with a smile. "But we also saw someone with her." Karai added. "Who?" Rarity asked. "We didn’t hear the person’s name, but it looked like an Asian Golden Cat with a bo-staff." Karai answered as Sly thought that sounded familiar. "Asian Golden Cat? Why does that ring a bell?" Sly wondered. "Me and Karai found another key." Murray said. "I’ll help cover Murray from here." Karai added. "Good luck, you two." Sly said. "Thanks, pal." Murray responded in gratitude. "No problem. Bentley, give us the layout." Sly requested. "Despite its temple-like facade, this place is really some sort of training ground. Stay on your toes." Bentley advised. "Can do. Have Emergency Services arrived?" Sly added. "They're already searching the area. So far, they've come up with a few people who managed to find safety within the avalanche." Bentley answered. "Good." Sly said in relief. "I see a temple ahead. Come on." Adagio urged. "Very well." Rarity responded in agreement as she and the other went into the area. Soon, the trio found too many guards for them to fight at the temple, noticing a lot of flaming obstacles as well. "Too many for us to fight." Sly realized. "What are we gonna do?" Rarity asked. "Stick to the shadows. Pick them off when you see an opportunity." Sly suggested. "Got it." Adagio responded. "Doesn't matter which way, split up and get to the key." Sly said. "Understood." Rarity replied as the trio snuck around, collecting evidence for the police, before the fashionista spotted a guard with the vault code. "Jackpot." Rarity smiled as she shadowed the guard till she was close enough to grab the vault code, before finding herself grabbed at the neck. "Nice try." The guard grinned as Rarity tried to free herself, but failed while Sly snuck up to help her, before Rarity opened her eyes, with her irises being golden-yellow before she broke free and trapped the guard in her grappling hooks that strangely became webbing-like material. "Wait, the only person I knew who could do that was... Master Taciaso?" Sly realized. "Sly, my protege. You've grown so much. A spitting image of your father at your age." Taciaso spoke through Rarity as Sly kneeled at his departed master's spirit. "Your friend is perfectly fine. I have been watching you and your friends progress." "Master, I'm sorry. I've allied with two Foot Clan members. But I can explain!" Sly begged. "Don’t worry, I heard what happened with the foot clan from your friend’s world. I am surprised, I’ll admit." Taciaso noted from Rarity. "Master, I need to know. Was the person who killed you the same who killed my father?" Sly asked. "You would be correct, because he is the leader and founder of the Foot Clan." Taciaso confirmed. "And the cause our Clan's destruction!" Sly added. "Destruction, no. Gone into hiding, yes." Taciaso corrected through Rarity. "W-What?" Sly gasped in shock. "We'll speak later. Something or someone is forcing me out of your friend." Taciaso strained as he spoke through Rarity. "How?" Sly asked as he watched his departed master's spirit shoot out of Rarity's body like a fired torpedo. "And one final word! There is a rebel inside of your friend’s heart!" Taciaso shouted as he vanished. "Ugh, that was disturbing." Rarity noted as she saw Sly looking frozen. "Sly? Are you alright?" "I... Don't know." Sly answered. "I was fully aware of my guest's actions." Rarity replied before she held her head in a bit of pain. "But I feel a little strange, like something’s masking my heart." "We'll worry about that later. Right now, let's get moving." Sly urged. "Guys, I snagged the key." Adagio said as Rarity and Sly saw her with said key. "That’s great! But there’s still the vault that I swiped from that guard." Rarity pointed out. "Well, come on. Let's get it." Adagio urged before Sly carried Rarity as they quietly walked to the vault. "I heard everything. I'm sorry, buddy." "I… It’s alright." Sly said. "At least you know the clan is still alive." Bentley pointed out, looking on the bright side. "But who?" Sly wondered. "We'll figure it out later, buddy. I got the code for you." Bentley replied. "So what is it?" Rarity asked. "Lucky for you I’m versed in chaos theory, otherwise this code would have been unsolvable. Input 9-3-2." Bentley informed. "Bentley is a bit of a show off, don't you think?" Adagio asked as Sly inputted the code. "Yes. He’s definitely like Donnie." Rarity agreed. "You two know I can hear everything, right?" Bentley pointed out. "Sorry." The two felines apologized. "I got it open." Sly said as he grabbed the page. "You've found the blueprints for the Panda King's lair. I'll upload the data straight into your Binoc-u-com." Bentley explained. "At least we got evidence against the Panda King now." Adagio noted. Meanwhile, Taciaso crashed into a mountain side. "I do not take kindly to trespassers in my students." Splinter growled. "My apologies for that." Taciaso apologized. "At least you apologized. I am Hamato Yoshi." Splinter introduced himself. "Omicro Taciaso, teacher of Sly Cooper." Taciaso replied. "I see." Splinter noted as the two spirit got to talking after they calmed down. > Duel by the Dragon > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the mountains, Sly and the girls made their way to the last key. "So remind me exactly what we're unlocking with these keys this time." Rarity requested. "Another bundle of fireworks, one that will take you straight to that statue." Bentley answered. "Just making sure how exactly I'm going to end up smelling like burnt hair." Rarity said. "Very funny." Bentley sarcastically said as none of them noticed Carmelita lining up her crosshair with the group. "Alright, in position?" Carmelita asked an ally of hers. "You bet, Inspector Fox." The ally responded. "Now!" Carmelita shouted as she took aim, but before she could fire, Karai lunged at her and made Carmelita miss her shot. "I had a feeling you would be here!" Karai said as Carmelita pried the snake kunoichi off her and threw Karai to her friends. "Karai!" Sly, Rarity and Adagio gasped. "We got trouble!" Karai warned before she and the others dodged a sudden Bo-staff attack. "What?!" Sly yelped in surprise. "That’s the person Murray and I saw with Carmelita earlier!" Karai informed as the attacker was revealed to be a female Asian Golden Cat wielding a Bo-staff. "I have friends too, Ringtail." Carmelita taunted. "The name is Mei Ling, and I won’t let you hurt my home!" The Asian Golden Cat introduced herself. "You two really must be blind to the situation here." Sly noted. "All we see are pathetic thieves who’s escaped justice for far too long." Carmelita responded. "I’m proud to be a thief, especially when I’m stealing from a vicious extortionist like the Panda King." Sly quipped. "It doesn't matter. You call yourself a member of our clan, but you allied yourself with our sworn enemies." Mei Ling growled. "Wait! You don’t understand!" Adagio tried to explain before everyone heard a new voice join the fray. "Heh. It’s been quite some time, Sly." The voice said as everyone looked around and saw a male Samar Cobra with a scimitar in hand. "Visamo. Long time no see." Sly greeted, but before anyone could react, Carmelita opened fired. "I’ll hold off Mei Ling!" Rarity said as everyone scattered before she pounced onto Mei Ling. "What are you doing?!" Mei Ling asked in shock. "Helping my friends." Rarity answered. "What do you mean ‘friends?!’ Two of them are Foot Clan ninja!" Mei Ling growled. "They're not of the old Foot Clan." Rarity explained. As the two felines fought, Sly and the others kept luring Carmelita into nailing Panda King's guards. "So what have you been doing this whole time, Visamo?" Sly asked. "Heh. The usual; robbing the corrupted rich to feed the poor." Visamo simply answered "Robin Hood buddy of yours, Sly?" Karai assumed. "He travels worldwide like me and the others do. Visamo helps us from time to time, and sometimes he keeps a bit of the stolen goods for himself as a bit of a reward." Sly informed. "It’s true. The Cooper Gang and I get along quite well." Visamo confirmed as Adagio spotted something around his neck. "Nice Hamato Medallion." Adagio complimented. "Heh. Thanks." Visamo responded in gratitude. "Passed the trials, buddy?" Sly asked as he swiped the vault code. "Of course I did." Visamo answered with confidence. "Bentley bring you up to speed on the two of us?" Adagio assumed. "Yep, and I can’t say I’m surprised." Visamo replied in honesty as he, Sly and the two foot kunoichi found the vault and decent amount of cover from Carmelita's shots. "Unfortunately, this vault code appears to have been written in owl dialect. I won’t be able to crack the code until we meet and defeat the bird who created it." Bentley lamented. "Maybe I can help translate this." Karai offered as she looked at the code. "It's the code of the Foot Clan, I can read it." Karai noticed as she translated the code. "The code’s 2-3-1." Sly inputted the code after hearing that. "Got it!" Sly said as he opened the vault and grabbed the page. "Amazing! Colonel Reid Cooper’s Time Stopper Technique! Now you guys can execute a flash bang that will stun all guards in the world for a few seconds! I can see how this might be useful… and entertaining too!" Bentley informed. "Let's test it out." Sly declared as Carmelita took aim at him and the others. "Got you in my sights, Ringtail." Carmelita said. "Hope you’ve heard of the Big Bang theory." Sly quipped as he used the Time Stopper technique. When Carmelita opened her eyes and found a rose in her hand. "COOPER!!!" Earlier with Rarity and Mei Ling… "Taciaso was your grandfather, wasn’t he?" Rarity realized, making Mei Ling freeze in her tracks. "I've dedicated my life to the Hamato Clan. All who wears the symbol of the Foot are my enemies!" Mei Ling declared as she struck Rarity, but the snow leopard blocked it with her sickles. "Everything isn’t black and white, because the Foot Clan of my world has changed for the better and allied themselves with me and the Hamato Clan of my world." Rarity explained. "Even if that's true, you're still criminals and I am police officer." Mei Ling responded before Rarity pushed her back. "There is a difference between stealing, and taking back what was wrongfully stolen." Rarity informed. "To me, there is no difference." Mei Ling refused before Karai rushed toward her and spat her venom into Mei Ling's eyes. "GAH!!!" "Sorry, Mei. But you just don’t understand." Karai apologized. "Let's cheese it!" Sly ordered. "Got the key!" Visamo shouted while Mei Ling struggled to see as he and the others escaped. "NO!!!" Mei Ling cried out as Carmelita arrived and helped clean her eyes up. "Trust me, that’s happened to me before." Carmelita empathized before she turned towards Sly and the others. "Watch your backs, especially you Cooper! When you all least expect it, I’ll be there!" "I will have more opportunities to fight them." Mei Ling noted. "But you’ve never been outside of China." Carmelita reminded. "Two Hamato Kunoichis are better than one." Mei Ling retorted. "Fine, but after this, you’ll be heading home to rest." Carmelita said. "Deal." Mei Ling responded, agreeing to the terms. "Glad we can agree on that." Carmelita smiled as Mei Ling looked towards the sky, thinking of a certain friend from a certain academy. > Flame Fu! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- At the mountains, Sly and company returned to the locked fireworks. "I’ve calculated the trajectory of these rockets and I’m 99% sure you guys will be able to ride them all the way to the top of that statue before they explode." Bentley informed as Visamo, Sly and the Beauty Trio unlocked the fireworks. “What about that other 1%?” Sly asked. “Well, in that case, Sly, you and the others will be blown to bits, but the experience will no doubt be spectacular.” Bentley answered. “Very funny.” Sly sarcastically said. “I’m just being honest here.” Bentley responded. “Brutally honest is more like it.” Karai pointed out. “Sounded a lot like Sugarcoat for a moment.” Rarity agreed. "Hey Sly, I gotta head back to the van. Just in case some thugs get any bright ideas." Visamo said. "Thanks, Visamo. Really appreciate it." Sly responded in gratitude. "Yeah, definitely a good call." Bentley agreed while Visamo left as Sly and the girls got ready. "This is extremely dangerous." Adagio noted. "Nothing we can't handle." Sly shrugged off. "I hope so." Rarity said as Sly lit the fuse and the four of them were propelled towards the temple. "This is so intense! We're coming in fast!" Karai shouted. "Now!" Sly ordered as he and the Beauty Trio jumped off and came face to face with the Panda King. "I see you all are ninja, that Sly carries the cane of the notorious Cooper Thief Clan and that three of you are from another realm. Have you come here for revenge? To steal back the Thievius Raccoonus?" The Panda King assumed. "We're here to stop you from hurting people, not to kill you." Karai responded. "Taking the page back was our plan at first, but now we’re more interested in stopping your avalanche scheme." Sly agreed. "Why should you all care if I bury a few worthless villages in the snow? You are thieves, just like me." The Panda King responded. "That's where you're wrong." Rarity disagreed. "I am a thief, from a long line of master thieves, and me and my friends being from a secret ninja clan. But you… You’re just an upset-turned-homicidal pyromaniac!" Sly declared. "Insolent children! You shall pay dearly for your disrespect! Still… To honor your ancestries, I shall send you to your doom with the beauty of my new firework technique, Flame Fu!" The Panda King said as Adagio rushed at him, before the Panda King did a side flip as he threw a fireball at Adagio, who dodged it. "You're more than a demolition expert, aren't you?" Adagio asked as she arrived to the Panda King's location. "Fiery Wheel!" The Panda King shouted as he spun on his back as the Panda King did a flaming hand-chop sweep before everyone jumped back. "You will all pay for disrespecting me and my dear friend, Mz. Ruby." "Oh dear! I don’t think we can reason with him!" Rarity dreaded. "Just take him down." Sly said as Karai lunged at the Panda King as she swerved to the right, before the he raised his hands. "Palms of Thunder!" The Panda King shouted as he brought down his flaming hands in an attack before Karai dodged and tried to spit her venom at him as the Panda King leaned back, narrowly dodging the venom, before he rebounded, pushing Karai back as Rarity rushed at the Panda King, but he saw her coming. "Booming Chop!" The Panda King shouted as he attacked with a burning kung-fu karate chop, before Rarity brought up a diamond shield, blocking it. "So you have techniques of your own!" "And I have friends. Sly, now!" Rarity ordered as Sly skidded underneath Panda King and hooked his left leg. "Gotcha!" Sly quipped as the Panda King was about to strike him when Karai wrapped around his arm. "I don’t think so!" Karai denied. "You fight one of us, you fight all of us!" Adagio added as she kicked the Panda King's other leg. "Gah!" The Panda King shouted as Sly pulled the Panda King down and grabbed his sais like he was going to end his life. "Sly, no!" Rarity dreaded as Sly was about to strike, but stopped before the Panda King opened his eyes. "You would show an enemy like me mercy?" The Panda King asked. "I don’t kill." Sly answered as he sheathed his weapons. "My father taught me Mercy is never a mistake. I believe that with all my heart. Does your honor see that, Panda King?" "Indeed. The skills of you and your friends are unparalleled." The Panda King answered as he got up and bowed. "I submit defeat." "You have honor, Panda King." Karai admitted. "Guys! I did a cross analysis of the metal used in that high tech blasting vehicle and it turns out it can only be found in one place, the Hrack-Harov Volcano in Russia. That’s got to be where we’ll find the fifth member of the Fiendish Five. So get what you guys came for and let’s get out of here!" Bentley said. "I will submit myself to the police. Be warned, he doesn't take kindly to traitors." The Panda King informed. "Good thing we're not members of this dimension's Foot Clan." Karai responded. "I know that. But he will not care." The Panda King replied as Sly grabbed his section of the Thievius Raccoonus. "Who is this one?" Adagio asked. "Well, this one is about my technically-minded ancestor, Otto van Cooper. Not known for his physical dexterity, Otto relied on vehicles to aid him in his criminal endeavors. And now, armed with his designs, I’m sure Murray will be able to add some cool modifications to the team van." Sly answered. "Let's scram!" Adagio ordered as she, Sly, Karai and Rarity bolted as the police came. Meanwhile in Hong Kong, Karai stared at the silhouette in all four photos. "You seriously think that something’s wrong, don’t you?" Rarity assumed. "Now I have proof. Look at the silhouette." Karai informed. "Hmm?" Rarity wondered. "Huh?" Adagio asked as she and Rarity looked and saw an owl silhouette, before seeing the same owl in the previous three pictures. "We’ll need to discuss this with Sly." Rarity declared. "Incoming!" Adagio shouted as the girls dodged a wheelbarrow pulled by Murray, with Sly, Bentley and Visamo on that wheelbarrow. "Hop on!" Sly ordered. "Here we go again." Rarity sighed. "You’re telling me." Karai agreed as the Beauty Trio went onto the wheelbarrow as they and the others headed back to Paris. > A Hazardous Path > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the Cooper Van, Karai showed Bentley the shadow in the pictures. "That is definitely odd." Bentley noted. "Are there any records of the Foot Clan in this dimension?" Karai asked. "There definitely is, but the appearances of the leader of the Foot look very similar to the shadow in the pictures." Bentley answered. "We’ll definitely need to talk to Sly about this." Rarity said. "Agreed." Adagio replied in agreement. "Sly, while we're on our way to the Hrack-Harov Volcano in Russia, there's something the girls and I have to tell you." Karai said, catching the master thief's attention. "What is it?" Sly asked. "We all know that there's very little information on the final member of the Fiendish Five." Adagio pointed out. "Yeah. You saying you found something about that member?" Sly assumed. "Indeed, in fact, Karai was the one who noticed it in the first place." Rarity answered as Karai showed Sly the picture of his ancestors in the pages they recovered. "In these four specific pages, we found a shadowy owl-like figure." Karai informed "Not to mention they look very similar to the police images of Clockwerk." Rarity added. "Which means that something is definitely not right here." Adagio finished. "But then that only leaves one question..." Sly noted. "What?" The Beauty Trio asked. "Is this a strange coincidence, or is there something we're missing?" Sly responded as the Cooper Van closed in on the final destination of the journey. "Be cautious, everyone." A familiar voice warned as everyone saw Master Splinter. "Father." Karai noticed. "Master Splinter." Rarity said as Sly fell to his hands and knees. "Master Hamato Yoshi, leader of your Hamato Clan, I beg for forgiveness. For the disrespect and spite I showed your daughter and her Lieutenant." Sly apologized. "You have been a good and loyal friend to my daughter throughout your adventure. I accept your apology." Splinter responded. "Thank you, Master." Sly said in gratitude. "Father, why are you here?" Karai asked. "Because I have come to warn you." Splinter answered. "About the leader?" Adagio assumed. "Yes." Splinter confirmed. "I don't like where this is going." Murray worried. "The leader you seek has a hatred I haven't felt since Shredder himself." Splinter informed. "I’m seriously agreeing with that." Rarity said in complete agreement. "Be careful, everyone." Splinter advised as he left, while everyone grew cautious. "Anyone wanna back out now, it's okay. You've all earned my respect. So if anyone wants to leave, I won't think less of you." Sly offered. "No can do, Sly. We’ve always been together, and that’s not gonna stop now." Bentley responded. "Bentley’s right, Sly. You can’t fight that thing alone." Murray agreed. "Thanks, guys. Girls, your call." Sly said. "We’re staying as well." Rarity replied. "No way we're bailing on you." Adagio agreed. "We’re putting an end to the Foot Clan’s leader." Karai added. "Thank you everyone." Sly responded in gratitude. "Hey, guys, the road to Clockwerk's fortress is blocked. Do me a favor and shoot out that lock for us with the new turret upgrade, would ya?" Murray asked. "Sure." Sly answered as the satellite of the Cooper Van went down, with Sly gunning a turret re-emerging from that spot, before shooting the locks on the gate, opening it. "We got company!" Karai informed. "Whoa! That’s not the only problem! Check out all those mines! Think you four can beat those guys and blow those bombs away to clear a safe path for us?" Murray added. "Not a problem." Adagio responded as fin-like wings appeared on Adagio’s back before she took flight. "Guess some good came from Uka Uka after all." Adagio noted as Rarity used her magic to conjure diamond platforms for Karai and Visamo to stand on. "Come on, boys. We're right here!" Karai taunted. "Come on, you rust buckets! I’ve seen vending machines faster than that!" Visamo mocked as from high above, bat creatures swarmed at the group with small metallic birds joining the fray. "I got these guys." Sly said as he shot the metallic birds down and aimed at the land mines, making them explode as he fired at them. "Come on, boys! Is that all you got?" Adagio taunted as she attacked the bats, knocking them out as she sliced up the mechanical birds. "I regret nothing!" Rarity shouted as she threw more diamond disks, splitting the robot birds in half. "Yee-haw!" Karai whooped as she jumped onto one of the robot birds and made destroy some other robot birds before she destroyed the one she was riding on as she landed back on the diamond platform. "These girls are nut. I love it!" Bentley cheered. "Yeah! They sure know how to make a party like this fun!" Visamo agreed as he ducked as two bats crashed into each other. "It's more my youngest sister's influence." Adagio remembered. "Besides, parties are Pinkie and Mikey’s expertise." Rarity agreed.. "But we know how to get creative." Karai added as the van kept moving forward. "Bingo! My scanners indicate that Clockwerk is holed up in that owl-shaped tower!" Bentley informed. "First things first! We’ve got hostile robo-falcons at twelve o’clock, guys!" Murray added. "Leave it to us!" Rarity said as she threw shield after shield. "Everyone hang on!" Murray said as he drove the van, ramming through the stone gate hard, destroying it. "Way to make an entrance, Murray!" Sly complimented. "Yeah, but we lost the turret." Bentley added before he paled after scanning the tower. "Wait! That’s no tower, it’s a giant Death Ray!" "Well, we’re in the clear!" Murray said. "No turning back now." Sly added. "Indeed! We’re going to see through this until the end!" Rarity agreed as she and everyone else went back into the van as it went into a tunnel. > Burning Rubber > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- At the volcanoes, the Cooper van exited the tunnel as Bentley spotted something. "We made it!" Rarity cheered. "Not so fast. We’ve got to get through that security door on the far side of the cavern. The only way to unlock it; is to analyze at least sixty of those hanging computers." Bentley informed. "Would’ve been easy to get at them if the our new turret wasn’t trashed." Sly pointed out. "True." Karai admitted. "Yeah." Visamo agreed. "It won’t be a problem. I can hack the computer’s connection couplings so that’ll fall to the ground. Then Murray will have to run over them with the van while the others destroy them." Bentley explained. "Good. And Murray, you can use that new battering ram function to push away anything tries to keep you from those computers." Adagio added. "We got company!" Sly shouted as Murray drove the van into the area as strange slugs showed up. "Guys, there are only a hundred and nineteen computers up there and these Fire Slugs seem intent on getting to them before us. We need to get sixty computers before they do!" Bentley informed. "Everybody hang on!" Murray yelled as he put the pedal to the medal, ramming multiple fire slugs and started destroying the computers. "Rarity, can you give Murray a hand?" Sly asked. "Of course!" Rarity responded as she summoned her diamond shields and flipped some fire slugs away while destroying some computers. "I should be a racer." Murray said. "Try demolition first, big guy." Karai responded. "Really? Why?" Murray asked. "Call it a hunch." Karai answered. "How's it look, Bentley?" Adagio asked. "We’re halfway there!" Bentley informed. "These things are everywhere!" Rarity shouted. "Need some help?" Adagio offered. "Sure." Rarity responded as Adagio jumped out and started fighting. "Almost got it. Just need one more." Bentley said. "I see it!" Murray shouted as he rammed into it just in time. "That’s sixty computers! Nice driving, Murray! Now we have enough to data to open the security doors. Just past them is the control room for Clockwerk’s death ray tower… I think it’s time for some Cooper, Hamato and Foot thieving and sabotage, doncha think, guys?" Bentley assumed. "You know us well." Sly noted. "Of course I do, Sly." Bentley replied. "You guys get yourselves somewhere safe." Karai said to Bentley and Murray. "Good luck." Murray responded as Sly and the girls continued forward while he and Bentley left. "I’m coming along too, ya know." Visamo said as he followed Sly and the Beauty Trio. "Thanks, pal." Sly replied in gratitude. "No prob. No way I wouldn’t help a friend." Visamo responded with a smile. None of them knew it, but a pair of Law Enforcers were sitting in a cell. "Comfortable?" A voice asked. "No." The officers answered. "Too bad." The voice scoffed. "When I get out of here, you're going to wish I was going to take you to jail!" Carmelita growled. "Hmph. That would’ve been impossible anyway." The voice mocked. "You will die, Foot Clan Swine!" Mei Ling hissed. "That would also prove impossible." The voice added as the figure looked on his monitors. "My guests have arrived." "Clockwerk!" Carmelita roared as the figure laughed darkly. > A Daring Rescue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sly, Visamo, Karai, Adagio and Rarity arrived at their next destination at the volcano, only to find it incredibly guarded. "Okay, I'm starting to sweat from this heat." Rarity panted. "Makes sense since we’re at a volcano." Adagio noted. "Careful, guys! Those tiles are boobytrapped. You better get outta there!" Bentley said before Sly noticed something. "Hold on! That’s Carmelita and Mei Ling! They looked trapped." Sly responded. "They're persistent, I'll say that." Karai admitted. "Serves those cops right. They’ve been dogging us from the start." Bentley scoffed. "It’s just a misunderstanding. We’ve gotta free them." Sly declared. "You're really in love with her." Adagio smiled. "Hehe! Why am I not surprised?" Visamo laughed. "Are you crazy, Sly? Clockwerk probably stuck them there to trap you and the others!" Bentley pointed out. "It's still the right thing to do. Besides, stealing just won’t be any fun without her." Sly responded. "Sly, your ridiculous raccoon logic sends shivers up my shell, but if you and the others are determined to go through with this, Rarity’s shields will undoubtedly help, though I have no idea how it would last long enough against all that security." Bentley said. "Won't know till we try." Rarity pointed out. "Come on, Bentley. You know we can get this done." Sly said as he, Visamo and the Beauty Trio rushed at the traps. "This feels like a test to anyone else?" Rarity noticed. "It does feel like a standard Foot Clan obstacle course." Karai answered. "You’re kidding, right?" Adagio asked. "Ha! Talk about deja vu." Visamo added as Rarity redirected the lasers. "That means the leader of the Fiendish Five is the leader of the Foot Clan." Sly noted. "Definitely." Karai agreed. "We're almost there." Adagio pointed out before she and the others arrived. "This wasn’t even a challenge!" Visamo said. "You ladies were waiting for us?" Sly asked. "Sly Cooper! I should’ve known you and your friends were behind this." Carmelita growled. "You got us wrong, Ms. Fox… We’re here to rescue you." Sly explained. "Why should I trust a traitor and the Foot?!" Mei Ling hissed. "Black and white much?" Adagio asked. "You’re really dense." Rarity noted as Mei Ling banged on the cage in anger. "Come on, you two. A raccoon and a fox aren't that different, same with a Snow Leopard, a Tiger and an Asian Golden Cat." Visamo pointed out. "We're on the same side here." Sly added before some strange gas started leaking into the room. "Not good." Rarity dreaded as a silhouette appeared on the screens around them. "Hehehehehe. You sentimental fools. Empathy has always been the downfall of the Cooper and Hamato clans." The silhouette laughed. "You're wrong!" Karai retorted. "Still, to think that a Foot Clan from another realm have allied themselves with the Hamato Clan and changed their ways. I admit that it’s… irksome." The silhouette admitted. "If that makes us traitors to you, then that's a bonus!" Adagio mocked, angering the silhouette. "That anger you made me feel will only strengthen me." The silhouette said as the five thieves started falling unconscious. "I knew this was a trap! Looks like I’m going to have to do some fast and furious hacking to shut down that gas before Sly and the others’ brains are turned to cheese." Bentley declared. "Can you do it?" Murray asked. "I have a feeling that there are four levels of security in this with thirteen data keys, so I’ll have to give this hack all I got!" Bentley answered as he hacked as hard and fast as he could to say his friends. "Level 2! That’s one data key!" "Please, hurry!" Murray shouted. "Level 3! 3 data keys!" Bentley informed. "Last one?" Murray worried. "Level 4! 7 data keys! Almost there!" Bentley answered. "I'm stressing out!" Murray panicked. "All 13 data keys! The gas chamber is shut down! I’m the best! No code can stand before me!" Bentley boasted after deactivating the gas chamber while Murray threw up outside from the suspense. Back in the gas chamber, the gas went away and the five thieves regained consciousness. "Is everyone okay?" Carmelita asked. "Yeah." Sly answered as his friends agreed. "Now, I'm mad." Karai hissed. "Sly, we were wrong about you and your friends. Break us out of this force field by smashing its base and we’ll make it up to you somehow." Carmelita said. "Honestly, some help would be appreciated." Mei Ling admitted. "Give us a second to catch our breath." Adagio responded, but Sly smashed the base, destroying the force field and freeing the officers. "Still wanna shoot me and Adagio?" Karai asked as Carmelita shot the door behind her, blasting it open. "Guess that's a no." Adagio noted. "Come on, just follow us." Mei Ling responded as she and Carmelita walked out of the hole the fox blasted. "Guess they're starting to open up." Rarity said with a smile as she and the other thieves followed the two officers out of the room. > A Temporary Truce > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sly, Visamo and the Beauty Trio came out of a tunnel, meeting up with Carmelita and Mei Ling. "I don’t get it, Cooper. I’ve hunted you for years, tried to throw you behind bars, but when you get a chance to leave me in a cage, you set me free. Why?" Carmelita asked. "Yeah, why did you thieves break us outta there?" Mei Ling added. "Because it's the right thing to do." Karai answered. "It’s true. Besides, we may be on opposite sides of the law, but you and Mei Ling aren’t our enemies. Now the homicidal robotic owl that built this Death Ray and nearly gassed us to death, that guy’s on our list!" Sly explained. "We’re all after Clockwerk here." Visamo added. "So... Truce?" Rarity offered. "I see your point. Alright, until Clockwerk and is evil schemes are destroyed, I suggest we work together." Carmelita responded in agreement. "Together at last!" Sly said in joy. "Save it, Lover Boy." Adagio quipped before a mechanical bird flew in and swiped Sly’s cane as Carmelita shot it down. "Huh… What? I need that cane! It’s been in my family for generations!" Sly pointed out. "Don’t worry, Ringtail. I’ll cover you and your friends while you all get it back. Mei Ling will help you fight off anyone else. If you can, make your way to the top of the Death Ray. Mei Ling and I stashed our jet-packs there before Clockwerk nabbed us." Carmelita informed. "Finally playing nice." Adagio smiled. "Now that we’re a team and all, I hate to leave your side." Sly admitted. "Hold on, this truce is only temporary. Once we beat Clockwerk, I’m coming after you, Cooper." Carmelita explained. "Really?" Sly asked. "Well… maybe I’ll give you a ten second head start." Carmelita added. "You're too kind." Rarity responded. "Come on you guys, no time to waste." Mei Ling pointed out as Sly and the Beauty Trio ran for the cane, with Visamo and Mei Ling following as Carmelita shot down incoming robo-birds. "Sly, 6 o'clock!" Adagio shouted as Sly drew his sais, slicing the robot bird to pieces. "Rarity, 7 o'clock!" Sly yelled as Rarity sliced a robot bird up before Mei Ling whacked away another one behind the snow leopard with her bo-staff. "I thought I was a traitor." Rarity noted. "Listen, after this is over, I’m heading back home in China to think about things." Mei Long said. "Hey, we were insulted. Things just aren't black and white." Karai pointed out. "Yeah. Guess I didn’t have as much confidence as he did back at the academy." Mei Ling remembered. "Who?" Adagio asked. "A friend." Mei Ling answered as Rarity smirked while Carmelita kept playing electric sniper as they made the run. "Cooper owes me big time for this." Carmelita growled. "Is he someone you hold dear, Mei?" Rarity asked Mei Ling, making the golden cat blush. "Save it for later, girls." Karai responded as she sliced up some robot birds. "She’s got a point." Mei Ling agreed with Karai while none of them noticed the damage they were doing to Clockwerk's device. "Watch out!" Sly shouted while device started collapsing into the lava. "I got it!" Sly said as he grabbed his cane. "Nice job, raccoon." Carmelita smiled as the five thieves kept moving forward to Clockwerk's collapsing Death Ray. > Sinking Peril > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- At the center of the volcano, Sly, the Beauty Trio and Visamo arrived at the death ray. "There are the jetpacks right where Carmelita and Mei Ling said they would be!" Bentley informed. "Could've picked a better spot, you two." Adagio pointed out. "It was the only stable place at the time." Mei Ling responded on the Binoc-U-Com. "It’s not stable anymore since the magnatronic support field for the Death Ray got destroyed as you guys were making a run for Sly’s cane. You’d better hurry, this whole thing is about to fall apart!" Bentley urged. "We’re on it!" Sly replied. "You got incoming, Ringtail!" Carmelita pointed out as more of Clockwerk's robot birds came swarming in. "This just got fun." Sly said. "Well, we should still move fast!" Rarity reminded as she and the other four thieves started climbing up the sinking weapon as they fought off the robot birds. "Really wishing I had legs right now." Karai hissed. "You’re not the only one here!" Visamo agreed. "Work with what you got." Sly responded. "You two know snakes can climb, right?" Adagio reminded. "Yeah." Karai answered. "Then you can climb those loose pipes." Sly informed as Karai and Visamo latched on. "Well then, let’s get slithering!" Visamo declared as he and everyone else fought their way through to the jetpack. "Hey Sly." Rarity called out. "Yeah?" Sly asked. "I think Clockwerk failed in his goal of robbing you of your thief status." Rarity noted. "Yeah, but something feels off about that." Sly agreed. "What do you mean?" Adagio asked. "I have a feeling that when Clockwerk attacked my family and stole the Thievius Raccoonus, he let me live on purpose." Sly realized. "You sure he didn't see you that night?" Karai checked as she sliced up some robo-birds. "Think about it, if he’s an enemy of the Cooper and Hamato Clan for so long, he must’ve known about me." Sly explained. "It's possible." Rarity admitted. "He might not have noticed you, buddy." Visamo said as he kept climbing. "Like I said, he probably knew I was there, but left me be." Sly reminded. "We'll get that answer, buddy." Adagio said as she was slicing some robo-birds. "We’re close!" Karai pointed out. "I'll lead them away. You guys take Clockwerk down!" Visamo said. "Will do, buddy." Sly responded. "Hey you glorified windup toys, your mothers are broken toasters!" Visamo taunted as he drew the attention of the robo-bird minions away. "I like him." Adagio noted. "I think Rarity and I like him too." Karai added. "Yes. He certainly is noble." Rarity agreed. "Told you he’s a good friend to have around." Sly said as he and the Beauty Trio arrived at the jetpacks. > A Strange Reunion > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- On the death ray, Sly and the Beauty Trio got to the jetpacks as Karai and the Cooper put them on. "You ready to avenge your dad?" Karai asked. "You bet." Sly answered as Rarity and Adagio started glowing. "We have our own way to fly."Adagio said. "Indeed." Rarity agreed as she and Adagio got their ponytails before the snow leopard got a horn into her forehead and the tiger got her siren fin-like wings before the two started floating in the air. "Guys! Behind you!" Bentley shouted as from the very sky, a giant silver metal owl came down to them. "Sly Cooper, you and your allies have escaped my gas chamber and destroyed my death ray. Remarkable, you Coopers and Hamato shinobi always find a way to beat me." The owl noted, revealing his identity as Clockwerk. "Always?! So that was you in the back of all those photos! How old are you?" Sly realized. "Perfection has no age." Clockwerk simply answered. "You're not perfect!" Karai hissed. "Watch your tone to your master, child!" Clockwerk growled. "Hmph! You don’t even realize that Karai has Hamato blood in her!" Rarity pointed out. "The Foot Clan of our world has changed for the better and allied themselves with the Hamato Clan of that world." Adagio added. "No matter. None of you will leave here alive!" Clockwerk scoffed. "What? You’re immortal?" Sly asked. "Revenge is the prime ingredient in the fountain of youth. I’ve kept myself alive for hundreds of years with a steady diet of jealousy and hate, awaiting the day when I and the Foot Clan would finally eclipse your family and clan’s thieving reputation." Clockwerk explained. "Guys! My missiles don’t hurt him but seem to create holes in his armor. Shoot into the gaps I make!" Carmelita said on the Binoc-U-Com. "You want to do that, let's fight with honor!" Sly declared as he and the Beauty Trio flew towards Clockwerk. "Let's see how tough that armor really is!" Rarity growled as she jumped onto Clockwerk and started cutting through. "Take this, you rusty old bird!" "My intellect is refined, my experience is greater. You cannot hope to be rid of me." Clockwerk mocked as he threw Rarity off, ignoring the damage she did, before Rarity stopped herself and flew back up. "You won’t stop us so easily!" Rarity shouted. "You're gonna pay for what you did to Sly!" Adagio added as she sliced up Clockwerk's talons. "Defeating me is impossible. My skills are superior." Clockwerk provoked as Adagio stabbed him. "You underestimate the skills we have and our friendship!" Adagio hissed. "You cannot escape me, Cooper, Hamato and traitorous vermin." Clockwerk declared. "Adagio, grab on!" Sly shouted. "On it!" Adagio responded before she hopped onto Sly as he fired missiles. "Thanks." "No problem." Sly said. "You're a monster!" Karai hissed at Clockwerk. "You can’t dodge me forever." Clockwerk taunted before Carmelita nailed his head. "Here's a major headache for you!" Karai quipped as she fired into the hole in Clockwerk’s head. "You’re the weakest warriors I’ve yet encountered." Clockwerk said. "I'd be weak and have friends than be strong and alone." Karai retorted as that shot in Clockwerk's head caused him to go down into the magma. "Nice fighting, guys! You got him!" Bentley said before Clockwerk flew into the air from the magma. "Wow, that is one tough owl." Sly decided to get answers. "I don’t get it. You’re so familiar with my family and clan, you must have known my father had a son. If you hated the Coopers and Hamato Clan so much, why did you let me live when you stole the Thievius Raccoonus?" "Because I wanted to show the world that without your precious book, the Cooper line and Hamato Clan were nothing." Clockwerk answered. "Ah, well, there’s where you’re wrong. The Thievius Racoonus doesn’t create great thieves… it takes great thieves to create the Thievius Raccoonus!" Sly corrected. "And Mei Ling's grandfather, Sly's teacher... Why kill him?!" Rarity asked in anger. "Because he was a great threat to my plan, so I eliminated him myself." Clockwerk responded. "You murdered innocent people!" Adagio hissed in rage. "Enough, it ends here! I’ll finish you all like I finished Sly Cooper’s father. Then the Cooper line and Hamato Clan will be erased, and the only master thief will be Clockwerk!" Clockwerk declared. "Not while we're here to help." Karai retorted as she and the others launched an all-out attack on the Foot Clan leader. As much as Clockwerk tried, he couldn't defend himself, so his body started falling apart. Clockwerk fell down into the lava once more, before surfacing again. "What are you?" "Now’s your only chance, guys! You’ve got to get to his head on foot and destroy it before his auto-reconstruct circuitry kicks in!" Bentley informed while Clockwerk attempted to defend himself as they rushed at him. "Cooper! You and your allies will never be rid of me! Clockwerk is superior!" Clockwerk declared. "This is for my dad!" Sly roared as he stabbed his cane right into Clockwerk, who started twitching violently, then stopped. "Is it over?" Rarity asked as Clockwerk’s head then fell off his body and floated in the lava, lifelessly. "Girls, he's gone." Sly answered. "Good riddance." Adagio said. "You’re telling me." Karai agreed. "Any pages, Sly?" Rarity checked. "We have all of the pages." Sly informed. "Sweet. Let's get out of here." Adagio declared. "Not so fast." Carmelita said as the four thieves looked back, seeing Carmelita with her shock pistol out and holding handcuffs. "Carmelita, come on! We're exhausted and hungry." Karai pointed out. "Sorry, but I’m an officer, so I’ll have to arrest you four." Carmelita responded. "Darling, can't you just turn a blind eye this one time?" Rarity asked. "No." Carmelita answered, making the four thieves worry that this was the end of their adventure. "But… I’ll give you all that ten-second head start." "Okay, just give us a minute to breath." Adagio requested. "Ten…" Carmelita started counting down as Sly smirked. "You're harsh." Rarity noted. "Nine…" Carmelita continued. "Don’t worry girls, I can handle this." Sly said. "This should be good." Adagio smiled. "Eight…?" Carmelita noticed as Sly lifted his cap with his thumb. "Ten bucks says she pops a blood vein." Karai betted. "Twenty says she shocks herself." Adagio added. "Fifty says Sly kisses her." Rarity said as she whispered the last two words. "Seven." Sly counted as the Beauty Trio sorely move into comfortable positions. "Six. Five. Four. Three. Two…" Sly continued while there was silence as Carmelita had a bead of sweat on her head while Sly winked as he was right in front of the officer. "One!" Carmelita finished as she was about to fire when Sly stopped her before kissing her on the lips, much to the two Foot Kunoichi’s surprise and Rarity’s excitement. "I'm going to need to borrow fifty bucks, Karai." Adagio requested. "Uh…" Karai tried to explain before the Cooper Van then showed up, as the back door opened. "Over here, girls!" Visamo shouted from the back door. "Come on, lover boy!" Adagio called out. "Don’t worry." Sly said before he and the Beauty trio slipped away as Carmelita touched her lips with a blushing face, feeling fireworks explode in her head with joy and bliss, but then snapped out of it to realize that she was tricked, finding herself handcuffed to the railing. "COOPER!!!!!" Carmelita roared as the Cooper Van left the volcanoes. "Pretty sneaky, Sly." Karai smiled. "Yep. Especially this." Sly added in agreement as he opened his right palm, revealing a key to a pair of handcuffs that was used on Carmelita. "Mean!" Adagio said. "I admit, I do feel bad for leaving her cuffed to that railing like that. But I know that it won’t be long before we meet again." Sly responded "So, how's the repairs to the book coming?" Murray asked. "Just finishing the last page." Bentley answered, "I’m glad we could help." Rarity said. "Now we can figure out how to get you three home." Sly added. "With our share of the loot?" Adagio asked. "Sure." Sly answered. "Well, we got time to figure something out." Bentley responded before out of nowhere, a Utrom portal opened. "Huh?" The Cooper Gang and Visamo asked in confusion. "Rarity, are you here?" Bishop called out. "Yes we are!" Rarity replied as a male African Hornbill wearing a well-dressed suit exited the portal. "Glad we've finally you and your companions. And among the famous Cooper Gang. Impressive." Bishop noted. "How do you know about us?!" Bentley asked in shock. "Your reputation as thieves is impressive. Your father was actually a friend of mine. My deepest condolences, Sly." Bishop responded. "You-You know my dad?" Sly gasped in surprise. "I did. I'm sorry." Bishop answered with an apology. "Hey Bishop, you gave Donnie this dimension's coordinates, right?" Adagio asked. "Yes, indeed I did." Bishop replied. "Good. See ya later, Sly." Karai bid farewell before heading through the portal. "Until we meet again." Sly agreed as Adagio tied up the bag of their loot and left. "Here's your phone back, Rarity. I hope the dimension alert work." Bentley said. "Thank you, Bentley." Rarity responded in gratitude as she left through the portal. "Are you going to be okay, Sly?" Bishop asked. "Yeah. I think I am." Sly answered. "Wait! I almost forgot something!" Bentley realized. "What?" Sly asked as Bentley ran and came back with a book that had the Hamato Symbol on it. "I made this for the girls to say thanks for helping us." Bentley responded. "I'll give it to them." Bishop accepted. "Thanks." Bentley said in gratitude as with that, Bishop left and the portal sealed shut "You made it like the Thievius Raccoonus, didn’t you?" Sly assumed. "You bet, Sly." Bentley answered. "Thanks." Sly said in gratitude. "No problem, partner." Bentley responded. "Well, this was certainly a magical adventure." Visamo noted. "One I won't forget." Sly agreed with a smile as Murray drove them back to Paris. > This is Gonna Be Fun > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Back in New York, the others were waiting for the Beauty Trio, before an Ultrom Portal opened, followed by them exiting it with their cargo. "Where did you three go off to?" Leo asked. "And what’s with the giant bag?" Donnie added as Karai looked down to see if she had legs again, finding herself back in her human form. "Finally I’m on two legs again instead of a tail." Karai sighed in relief. "Guys, dinner is on me tonight." Adagio declared. "Huh?" The turtles and other ninjas asked in confusion while Aria, Raph and Applejack smirked. "Is that loot in your bag, Dagi?" Aria asked as Adagio poured out her share, leaving the other turtles and ninjas, except her, Applejack and Raph completely surprised while Leo noticed the book with a feather pen between the pages in Rarity's hands. "Nice book, Rarity." Leo noted. "Thank you. A friend of ours made it like an inheritable book of a family clan." Rarity informed as she handed the book to Leo, who saw the symbol. "Wait… Did you find a Hamato Clan there?" Leo asked. "Yes, and a Foot Clan." Karai answered. "But the leader we beat was an immortal and mechanical owl version of Shredder that was around for hundreds of years, fueling himself with his own hatred and jealousy of that family clan." Adagio added as everyone else other than Rarity and Karai were stunned. "Okay. That sounds more intense than Raph, Aria and Ah went through." Applejack noticed. "And so much more awesome than the adventure that me, Leatherhead and Leo had." Rainbow Dash admitted. "And I think I gained a new hobby for when I’m on night patrol." Rarity added. "Just don't get caught." Donnie responded. "Oh? You already caught on?" Rarity noted. "Call it a hunch." Donnie answered. "While I’m at it, I’m going to chronicle my own adventures." Rarity said as she took the book back. "We can help, too." Leo offered. "Are you sure about that?" Rarity asked with a mischievous giggle. Secretly with Aria and Adagio... "You tried the key again?" Aria checked. "Yeah…" Adagio sadly responded. "Face it, Adagio. We're never going back." Aria sighed before Sonata then showed up. "Come on, girls! Maybe we didn’t try it at the right time! Let’s wait until Halloween to try again." Sonata suggested. "Worth a shot." Adagio admitted. "Let’s just hope it works." Aria said. "So what happened, Dagi?" Sonata asked. "And your breath smells like Chili Dogs again." Aria pointed out. "Hehehe! Well, let’s just say that I became a thief stealing from other thieves." Adagio responded as nobody knew that their next adventure was going to be a nightmare.